CITY OVER TOP The following subscriptions wVe cleared through the Oregon City banks Thursday: 50 50 Alf, W. ft A, Bain. Mrs. Dwight D. Baara Henry ........ Davenport, Dvrtha .... Davis, Catherine Gerber, Mrs. Fred ... Gien, Wteeley ...50 ..100 ...50 ...50 ...50 Grose, Edward 50 Johnston, Mrs. Anne B 50 Johnston, Rauland D wight 50 Lunge, August 50 Iarson, Esther J 50 Lynch, Mrs. Sophia C 100 McKillican, Wm. J. 200 McAnulty, Jaw Levi 50 MftPshalL Rot E. 50 Halley, Etta M Lamb, Sarah Vesta Mace, Dorris Pauline Lelsman, Mrs. M&gdaWna . Shipley. Henry T Howard. Mrs. Jerome V. . Carpenter. Kdwin P. ...... Howard, Jerome V Romlg, Augusta E Hodge, Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Gregg, Herbert C Hawky, W. P Hawtey Pulp and Paper Co. Hawtoy, Wtllard P. Jr. 60 .......50 60 100 50 ...... 50 50 50 50 60 50 5,000 ....25 000 ......350 May, Oscar and Effle 50 Paddock. Mrs. Jennie 50 Miller, Jesse Oren 50 Paddock, Arthur D 50 Peterson, C. G. 50 Paterson, James B. 50 Priester, Go 50 Quinn, W. W 50 Rlnearson, Sarah 50 Snook, Nell M 50 Vrgltu9, John, 60 Vlahos, Jim 50 Wade, H. C. and wife 50 Webb, Harold 50 Webber, John Wm 50 White, Rebecca A 50 Zimmerman, Fred A. .50 Amrinej )Coral'.e '. 50 Baker, Frank J f 50 Barnes, Mamie 50 BaxUf, ttda A. 50 P'ttnet, John 50 Boardman Alma 50 Brown, Geo, A; S 100 Carter, Earl 50 Caufield, Percy P. 100 Clark, Thomas G 50 Cobb Mrs. A. Z. and Samuel .. Allen 500 Cota, A. J. .50 Dumell, Lester ...50 Edmonds, Emma 50 Erickson, Otto 100 Fredericl, Maggie 50 Freeman, Fred Lee 50 Fromong, Flornce 50 Fuge, Clark S 50 Fryrear, Archie 50 Grace, Mary Ellen 50 Gross. Guy 50 Harvey, Walter 50 hurley, Joseph 50 Heath, Victor Oliver 50 Hendrkkson, E 50 Janes, Charles T 50 King, Alfred E. 50 Kyler, Jacob N 50 Larson, Mabel Bessie 50 Laurs, C 50 Maon, Earl G 50 Mattley, J. H . 100 Miller, J. C 50 Misley, Joseph 50 Mitchell, Mary 50 Mitts, J. Franklin 50 Newman, Mrs. Carrie 50 Newman. Roy P 50 Oliver, Elizabeth 50 Paschal, "Walter I. 100 Peters, Wm 50 iQuimby, Carl C 100 Sauls uury, J. C 50 Sidor, Helen 50 Smith, W. A. 50 Thompson, Margaret Harriet ......50 Thompson, F. M. and Lula 50 Thompson, Kenneth R 50 Trafton, Alvin 50 Tuor, Aud.-ey A 50 Turner, John M 50 Waidorf, Walter .' 50 White, Wm. Donald 50 White Elizabeth Jessie 50 White, Jasper 50 Weisenbeck. Frank Marlon 50 Wood, Frank W 50 Woodward, Stella Odessa 50 Valliere, W. D 50 Taylor, Sam 501 Bowles, Tom 50 Freeman, Ralph 50 Curran, Lyle 50 Connor, Joe 50 Burroughs, F. 50 Huette, P. B 50 Brand, H. A. 50 Noack, Geo 50 Zeletel, An tone 50 Carstenson, Sage , 50 Wrtzler, Hery 50 Rucornlch, L 50 Kuhaczyk, James 50 Ingalls, Irene 50 Kemmett Lucy 50 McCormick, Adelalda 50 Meyers, J. H 50 Ryan, Edward J 50 Hoppe, Mrs. Ernest 50 Perrine, E. S , .250 Salomon, R. 50 Vonderahe, Marie 60 Jones, Mrs. Nellie 60 iSykes, Ada G. 50 McCord, Mrs. Minnie A. 50 Chandelon, Pearl 50 Champion, Rose 50 Poter, Louisa , 50 Francisco, Mrs. R. S 50 Donohue, Dorothy 50 Strohmeyer, Theo 200 Whitie, Chas 50 iayne, Albert 50 Murray, F. M 50 Cochran, Nan 60 Willis. J. R 100 Moultln, Geo. A 500 Rerglund, R. M 50 Moultln, Jesse 500 Dollar, I-aura Baker 60 Shipley, Frank 50 Wise, Ruth 50 Tracey, J. M. Jr 50 Fulter, Wm 50 Dillman, Daniel D 50 Farlkn, D. J 100 Christensen, Walter 50 Forward, Chas. H 50 Boyer, S 50 Mattoon. L. & C. G 50 Augustine, Frank 50 Pursiful, Louise 50 Brown, Archibald 100 Christiansen, Mrs. Ida F. 50 Tracey, J. M. Sr 500 Plant, J. B 50 Endres, Adam -, . 50 Moore, Bernard 50 Wyttenberg. Warner 50 SAY MEASURE IS FULL OF JOKERS Report Persistent That Single Tax Tilea Lurks in Jaekson Rill. Hopp, Albert Hopp, Irvln Bart, e, Thos. A Gardner, Asa Augustus . Tracey, J. M. Jr Davis, Walter Cleveland Carney, John Rittenhouse, A : Russel. Gilbert F. Ellis, F. D Wyant, D. H Pusey. Henry F. Endres, Jake .... 50 .... 50 50 50 .... 50 50 .......50 .... 50 50 .'.....50 100 100 .... 50 1 A few years ago the people of the and hind owner. state of Oregon, in a anJrit of gentle and amused tolerance, listened to the Portland Journal's campaign for single tax. It was Mr. Jackson'! pet hobby, and his official mouthpiece shouted lonf and loudly. When the Tote were counted, however, the people breathed a sigh of relief, for single tax and Ore gon citUenship were found to have nothing in common. For a time Editor Jackson subsided. Unable to dictate the editorial policies of the newspapers of the state, and stung to the Quick at the decisive de teat of his pet scheme, he maintained an attitude of calm demeanor. Now Mr. Jackson steps up to bat gain, fostering and fathertng a new plan of unfathomable and inexplicable legislation. In on the scheme with Jackson is a Portland attorney, and the two have devised a plan that is unique to say the least. Just the in terest of the lawyer has not been di vulged. The proposed law bears the Jackson trademark, and those who have familiarized themselves with the measure, state It is as full of "Jokers" as some of Mr. Jackson's single tax measures in the days of old. Jackson's scheme Is to abolish the delinquent tax law as it now stands and substitute in its place an impracti cal, etherlal scheme, cleverly framed to lure the voters, but intended as a piece of radical and vicious lefilslatlon that will beneflt the lawyers, the title grabbers, and others of their ilk, at the expense of the struggling home V c c 52SSSKJS2525K2S2S2S2SKI Thompson, David 50 Symes, Walt ,' 50 Entner, August .." ,.. 60 Davis, Gus 50 Hodsson, Robert J. 100 The following bond subscriptions were announced Friday. Adrian, Andrew , 50 Allphin, E. R 50 Andrus, Chas. A. 50 Armstrong. Naomi 50 Baars, Mrs. Philip 50 Bailey. James S 100 Barnett. Robt. Archibald 50 Barry, Mr. and Mrs. L A 100 Beaton. Alexander 50 Bell, Charley and Margureita 100 Bethlee, Herman 50 Bluhm. A. E 50 Bohlander, Valentine 30 Bradley, John C Bruner, Clarance A Buckles, Albert B Buse, M Butts, Ida Can-other. F. B Chapman, Joseph Craft, Wynnsor C. Davidson, Frank E Delker, Adolph H De Neui. Rint Dodge Epiram Paul Elligson, Harry G Elliot. M. A Engebrecht, Anna M Estes, Wm. E. Etters, Wm Such i the Jnckaon delinquent tax bill. There are those who intimate that Jackson's energy in working tor the bill Is due to the tact that his Portland Journal hits been overlooked tn the publication ot Mult nomah lists tn days gone by, and that his spleen against the present statute la Inspired through petty Jealously In the Portland newspaper field. This may or may not be the case. The present tax publication law tor Oregon is the Ideal measure it public service may be considered the criter ion. It Is simple, practical ,nnd de vised to protect the taxpayer from the title grabbers and other vultures. Briefly .It provides that notice be sent by the tax collector. THROUGH THE MAIL to every delinquent taxpayer within 90 days from date ot delin quency. Then, and only then, to reach those whom the malls have tailed to reach, the law provides that publica tion shall be made in the newspapers. Could any plan be fairer? Could there be any "hotter scheme to protect the unfortunate delinquent from the maltq!ous cunning ot the tax title grabber who loves to work in the dark. Now cornea Mr. Jackson and the Portland attorney and Initiate a bill to abolish the publication. It requires no particular mental acumen to see the result, to note the splendid op portunity tor the title grabbers and thu'r legal friends to quietly "clean up" on those who have failed to re ceive notice. Theortlcally the scheme Telfor" Mrs. Elizabeth 50 Marvin, R. Eby 50 Baker, Andrew C 60 Gribble, Ralph 50 Johnson, H. H. ,. 50 Schuld, E. 60 Nellson, Anton 100 Cook, W. B 500 Dawson, Mrs. Jas. . . Cox, R. L Jones, Edith Blanch Yeske, Mrs. Oust ... Jeter, Leonard ... .. Weller, A. E Sievers, John N. ... Cramer, Clara M .... Cramer, Clara M. . . . 60 50 .50 50 60 60 50 .60 .60 Evans, Rosina Fouts 50 Evon, Philip 50 Ferguson, Frank 50 Fisher, Otto W 50 Foster, Walter W 50 Francis, Rev. L 100 Frasier, Clarence E 50 Gage, Missouri Ann 100 Gctz, Andrew C ' 50 Hanmacher, August t... 50 Harding, Geo. Orin 50 Hammerle, Frank A 100 Hartnell, Oscar Ray 100 Hartnell. Julia Ann 100 Hatten, Owen W 50 Hayes, Oscar M 50 Hays, Charles W 50 Herbert, linnie 50 Hegar, Frank 50 Himler, Geo 60 Holenberg, Mary Vernah 50 Holmes, Mrs. Cora Lucas 50 Holmes, Rita Marie 50 Holmes, Wm. Arthur 50 Imel, Harrison .' 50 Kessler, Louis A 50 Landes, Ray G 50 Larson, Olaf 50 Lau, JakeJ 50 Longcoy, Herman 100 Lenenberger, John ' 50 Leuenberger. Marie L 50 Lundin, Nels 50 McNeil. D. E 50 Maddox, Homer ' 50 Mr 'oon, J. C 50 Maa, William 550 Michaels, Matilda A 50 Millet, Mrs. Herman 50 Monner, Wm 500 Moore, Geo. W 50 Mootry, A. B 50 Morey, Fred Parker 50 Moser, Fred 200 Morey, Josephine Yates 50 Oldham, Newton S 50 Oregon Iron and Steel Works . . . .3000 Ottman, Hazel 0 50 Pace, Cynthia 50 Pagenkopf, Gustav A 50 Powers. Joe 100 Peters. Paul 50 Phelps, Miss Ida A 50 Porter, Leslie L 100 Randall, Thos. P 100 Randolph, Ezra W 200 Rath, Louis 50 Ressenberger, August 50 Robblns, Nan D 50 Robblns, Herbert M 100 Robbins, Rose A. 60 Rozga, Chas 50 Schrader, Herman 50 Scheverln, &. J 1.... 50 Scott, R. B 100 Sinclair, L. T '. 50 Skillman, Chas. Henderson 50 Smith, Wm. Washington 60 Stafford. W. B. . . 60 Stillwell, Edwin E 50 Sullivan J. C 60 Swan. John Harper 50 Taft, Wallace W 50 Telford, M. D 60 Throme, Mrs. Lavlna 50 Thompson, Mllo 60 Ulsky, Felix ...... .60 Vartey, Jno. J 0 Walker. J. H 1000 Woodward. Roland Hill 50 Adcock. David Franklin 50 Allen. Ben F. and wire 50 Baillie, A. L. 200 Beatie, Alfred Lot 100 Burdon, Mrs. F. A 50 Burns, Agnes 50 Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. A. P 60 Carpenters and Joiners ot America, 13S8 50 Charman, Mrs. Sophia 50 Cook. Lilian 50 Davie, A. R . 50 Davidson, Arlie 50 Daywalt, Go. F 100 Daywalt. Flora A 50 Deakins, Chas R 50 Dicken, Mrs. Ella 100 Dtcken, Mary Jane 400 ricken, Urania 50 Freyteg, Oscar E 50 Freyteg, Mary Agnes 50 50 Gerber, Mrs. Aureira C. 50 100 Hamilton. John 100 50 Hamilton, Christina 400 50 Hamilton John'R 30 50 Hamilton, Lula 50 50 Hanson, Kenneth 50 . 0 Haskell, Julie E 50 50 Heinrich. Marie 50 100 imp O. R. M. Wacheno Council ....50 50 Jones, Augusta 30 50 Kiemsen. Alfred John 50 . 50 Kroll. Carl M 50 j 50 La Croy, Joel E. 100 . 50 McCarthy. Mrs. Mary L 50 .100 Miller, R. M. and Oliva A 100 . 50 Niles. W. E 100 .aOiNbtz. Albert 50 Pollana Percy Edward 50 Pratt, Martin E 100 Randolph, J. A J00 Rooth, C 150 Scoutln, Mr. and Mrs 50 Shields, Mrs. Mary E 50 Slavens, Wllfcie C 50 Hornberger, Louis 100 Herrlngton, Mrs. Susie '....100 Mather, Ethel B 100 Brandos. Frltx H0 Stover. Harry 50 New,, Roy C 50 Hargreaves. Gertrude E. 50 Jennings, Florence J 50 Hockman. Wm. II 50 Kojlwora. Shlro 50 Webb, Charles F 50 Leothold, Casper 50 Carr, Timothy J . 50 Kauwaja, KaUskl 50 Bobbins. Albert J. 50 BronauKh. Earl C. ..." 100 Uronaugh. Mrs. Earl C 100 Huell. Wm. A 100 Meyers, Mrs. Sarah C 50 Schram. Chas 60 Williams, 11. M 60 Crago, Alferd A 50 Kaus, Jacob J 50 Foster. Rov L 60 looks fine on paper. 80 did single tax. So did other bits ot freak legislation that have beeu turned down cold by thinking voters. Jackson would have the tax collec tor send the notice through the mall AS HIS NOW DOES UNDER TUB) PRESENT LAW. The law makes the burdon obligatory on your part to keep him not I led of any and all changes In your address; otherwise you lose your defense In case ot foreclosure, and can- not plead lack ot notice. In other words you are left holding the sack. To add Insult to Injury Jackson would make the tax collector personally liable to keep properly posted on your address. Briefly stated, you MUST keep the tax collector posted at all times, or lose; it Uncle Sam falls to deliver the notice as often happens, well, you lose again; It the tax collec tor falls to do his part, you lose a third ttmo-and the poor collector loses, also. Can you beat It? Jackson'i scheme would end with the sending ot notice by the collector. The present law provides for exactly the same scheme as that ot Jackson, but goes a step further tn the direction ot common sense, and reqWrea the tax collector to publish the list which Is still delinquent after Jackson's method has been tried out, thus giving the es sential publicity to protect the delin quent from the wiles ot the tax title grabber and the tax lawyer. Ot course these latter gentlemen are working tooth and toe nail for the law and be lieve they can put H over this fall, under the much abused banner ot "economy" so-called. Certainly there could be no tulrer, more equitable scheme than the pres ent law. Let well enough alone and help the state ot Oregon protect the holdings of Its people from the tax vultures. Watch for the "Jackson" label at the coming e Wet ion and twat the measures hard. VKhos. John B'O Wolf. A. C "'0 Human, Harriet M W0 Niles, Jannlo l"1 Andrews, Letand 60 McNeil. Wesley C 50 Michaels, N. C Humilton, Wm. G 50 Baker, Marcus C 50 Vlsky, Nicholas 50 Johnson, P. T r'0 Wright. Eilitar O ') Doty, Frank T.. Sr 50 Porter, Mrs. A. M 60 Lyons. Dan 100 Crocker, Grace Price 100 Hadl-'y, Mr. and Mrs. C. U. f 50 llissell, Samuel 50 Martlnjack, Frank 50 Phil. Eric 50 Gadke, Theresa too Munden. Mrs. A. A 30 Elliot, L. P t''3 Elliot, Blanche P 100 Maire, Cecilia Mclntyre, Mary Peery, Claude C HayasUr, S Russell, Mrs. Anna E Lyon, Chester A Boyd, Mrs. Kathryn A. J Wllkprson. Garrett and Ora .... Uosentreter. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Davidson. Etta Mark Hays, James H Zellor, James H Mouk, Emily H. Worthington, Roila ...... Turnin?, Mrs. Francis S Vose, Irma Mary Hosenstrete, Albtrt Good, Ruth C 50 50 .100 . 50 j. 50 . 50 . 50 ..50 ..50 . 50 . 50 100 . 50 . 50 100 ..50 . 50 . 50 STARS AND STRIPES AT BERLIN Slate Press Firm In Support of Win-the- war Program. Oregon'! record In the Liberty Loan drives would have been Impossible without the splendid co-operation of the newspapers ot the slut'. This statement was made recently by one ot the state loan executives, It is a trioutft to the press of Oregon that Is deserved. The Red Cross drives, the Y. M. C. A. and Salvation Army campaigns and the Knights ot Columbus drives have all depended, In the last analysis upon tho wholehearted and voluntary sup port of the press of Oregon. This sup port has been freely given from the start, without any thought or expec tation of payment for the hundreds and hundreds of columns of advertis ing and publicity donated. "When honors are apportioned for the winning ot the world war." said a big man of the nation receiflly, "the newspapers of the country will receive deserved recognition." ' Perhaps the general public does not know that Congress has made no pro vision tor the paid use ot advertising tho loan drives. Nor have the news punen of the country asked for re muneration. Loyally they have re sponded In generous fashion ami fre ly given thotr news columns and edi torial pages to the propagation vf a great cause. and Stripes shall float In Hortln, tho press of Oregon will bo OH tbn Job for Uncle Sam, without a whimper. Operating a newi plant Is iipnslv procedure In these dnyi of high wages and expensive slock and mochanlsin. With the additional expense of handl ing government publicity, lb margin of profit U cut clear to the bone. Paper has doubled, In price, Ink boa trebled, printer! wages have soared to the clouds, and yet the country editor Is serving the people of bis community at the snma old price. Now comes Editor Ji ko of the Portland Journal with sn Initiative bill to readjust the legal rate schedule. This rate has been equitably fixed by the state legislature so thai the coun try publisher can charge no more than Are cents per line. Jackson, who baa tried for years to dictate to th press of Oregon, without results, now would hound the country editor out ot busi ness at the most crucial hoar In the history of the country time when, If ever, tho country needed U fulfil a most Important mission. A reduction In rates cannot be met ly any newspaper at this time and should not be asked. The present rule Is the average charge the country over, ami no attempt has been mad to In crease It lit spite of the fact that every where cost charge are going skyward. Tho present rale was fixed by the leg- True, It has been expensive business . uimure; It Is fair to the people of the to carry out the government'! wishes In advertising bond sales and other war actlvltlea. Like the soldier In the trenches, the Oregon editor has heed ed the command of his country, and "carried ou" In a manner that has turned the eyes of the nation upon this state. "Oregon First" has become a national slogan. Nor have the country editors finished state, and fair to the country editor who Is giving bis best effort to help the government at this time. Jack son's motive, under the circumstance. Is grossly selfish. Ills nefarious plan will throttle the press of the state at a crucial time when the press cannot carry further burdens. Let the voters register an emphatic "NO" to th measures bearing . the C. B. Jackson their work. There are othor drives trademark. coming, there are endless duties ahead, ! Tho press ot Oregon shoU be al and until the great day when the Stars ! lowed to live, This Is all It Mks. French Government Honors Famous American Lawyer Smith Walter W 50 O'ilrien, Jerry Borghorst. Henry E 100 Chitwood. Frank L 50 Dyer, D. W 100 Dyer, Wm 100 ru-fir Jessie 60 Zallar, Joe 50 Mass. E. T 50 Mass, Mrs. Nolu 50 Andrews, James B. and wife 50 Hopkins. C. E 50 Buker, Wm. D 50 Scbwock, Mrs. W. T 50 Schwock, W. A 50 l.andecn, Gustav M 50 Tlllotson, H. F. and wlto "00 Hock. Clinton I 50 Cooke, John J 50 Freeman, Chas. A 50 Freeman. Adolph S. ...50 Homlon. Annie 60 Welsh, Nettle I. 200 Smith, Sidney J 60 60 Straight. John , 50 Thatcher, Lillian B 50 Thompson, Sarah J 50 Tiedman, Chas. 0 50 Warnock, J. M 50 Watts, Daniel Henry 50 Wells, Mrs. Mary 50 White, D. G 50 Wilde, Richard 50 Wilde, Mary N 50 Woolfolk, Henry B 50 Baker, Charlotte 50 Baker, Harriet 50 Bedwell, Ada B 50 Brock, E. N. and wffe 50 Garden, Mr.s Zelma 50 Caufield. R. F. r.O Caufjeld, Vara no Chambers, Geo. F 50 Close, Mr. and Mrs. Jack 50 Cooper, E. H 50 Dunmire, Geo. W 50 Garrison, Annie 50 Henaerson, Edna C 100 Herman, Bernard 50 Johnson, James 50 Juranek, Josef '50 nexasn, wm Rush, W. R. b0 Smith, Peter H so oiraigni, jwr.g j. h 50 Wight, J. E 50 Blgham, J. W ; 50 Lewis, Francis 50 Straight. J 1 50 I Wickham, Cecil 50 Yeager, Howard 50 Arnold, R. E 50 Anest, John 50 Chergis, John 50 Brown, John R 100 Birdsall, E. A 50 Ekman, H. 50 Godfrey, Wm. H iq0 Johnson, Edinond 100 Klelnsmlth, Alvin S. 50 Klilnsmith, Mrs. Nellie ..' 50 Michaels, J 50 Nelson, Henning .... 100 Richards, R. C 50 60 50 .50 50 50 Schuld, Manuel Keen, Wm. H Courser, Don E Iniol, Annie L Casto. C. W. and L. II. Krannliaur, Homer ... Tutlle, Orlllle E ruttlc, James M. 50 , 50 , 50 . 50 400 ..50 . 50 Roe, Fred C .. Rogers G. 8. . Tabor, G. E. . . Wattawa, Matt Weber, Christ . 50 50 .50 50 50 The following subscriptions were reported near the close of the drive and others will be published Tuesday. Morse, caivm v . 100 Morse, LouiseD joO McHargue, Ella 50 uacobg, Wm 200 Morely, Geo. E 50 Gale, James A. 50 Deakins, Miles ' 50 Foster, Frank M. .'...60 Mather, Arthur ioo Mather, Isabel joq Clark, Herbert F. !'..100 Rogers. Lottie A Rogers, Geo. M Platts, Schuyler Darr, Ernest I Boyd, Wm., Treas. I O O F, Oswego 100 D-.irward. B. Fox 50 Koenlg, Ben . 50 Fox, Thos. and Kate 5o Miller, Wilhelmina 50 Hess, Asa C ; 50 Scott, Arthur D 50 Wormstaf!, John W 50 Thomas, Mrs. Leona 60 Lewis, Arch R 100 Hill. Josephine 50 Thompson, Klla H 50 Thompson. Ethel L 50 Premvost, Arllne M 50 Premvost, Dora J 50 MitUtal, Henry 50 Foote, Leonach Amelia 50 Dhooshe, Mrs. Sadie E 50 Iiickner, John ; 200 i.ickner, Wm. F 200 Bickner, Chas ." 200 Miller, Joseph 60 Bruce, James 50 Emmett, Peter James 50 Erickson, Dolmer B 100 Erickson, John 100 Waldorf, Glen 50 Jarlsch, Leona 50 Jarlsch, Presley H 100 Bickner, Lillian 100 Bickner, Mary A 200 Bickner, H. B 100 Iiickner, Jos ... 100 Jarlsch, Flora E 50 Wvick, Bertha J 50 Prosser, S. E 50 Todd, Coretha E. 50 Relmers, Wm 50 Todd, Walter W .60 Cox, Samuel E 50 Nelson, David 60 Schaubel, Elizabeth 50 Nixon, Herbert F. 50 Iiickner, Mrs. J. W 100 Shipley, Elmer Leroy ' 100 Shipley, Milton T 100 Myers, Louie 50 Cox, Agnes E f 50 Hlunt, John and Bertha K. 100 Wilson, Dora E. 50 Schneller, Geo 300 Conway, Anna M 50 Shepard, H. L 60 Shepard, H. L 1000 Charman, T. L 50 Keiman, Carl 0 R'jrick, S. H 50 Ltonard, I. V. t..t. 60 Henderson, Barclay L 50 Rinsberger, Matthias ' 50 RIssberger, G , 60 Clark, John F. 60 Edelman, Isabella 50 Ingermanson, Willard . . . . , 50 50 , 60 . 50 ..50 . 50 100 . 60 Young, John N. Sr 100 Latham Mrs. Kate 0 50 Holcomtr. Roy B 50 llolcoml), Lillian F ....50 Kelloy, Ignatus 50, Haskin 60 Mather, Mary Amies , . . . 100 Susbaur, Mrs. P 200 Robertson. G. E. 100 Plfpke, F. II 0 Jos. A. Strowbrldge Co 50 Johnson, Leone 50 Tracy, Bess M "0 Huntley, Mrs. Clyde G 600 Thomas, Blodwen 60 Shortledge, Mrs. Geo 60 Crawford, C. P. and Nora H. ......50 lirenner, Laura 60 Burd, Wm. II 50 Tipton. Sarah E 60 Beatie, Margaret 100 Wing, Wong Stewart, Carl R Williams, E. J Williams, Mrs. E. J Drlskell, R. P De Witt, M. E Underwood, Ella C Shepherd, J. W 100 Kirk, R. W 100 Circle, Sola 50 Schumacher, W. J 50 Roake, Edith 50 Buckleln, P 50 Hendrichson. Mrs. Ada 50 (Lewtbwalte, John 600 Doris, Maud Sylver .100 Chapman, E. A 150 May, 'Henry 60 Johnson, ViAor 50 Bolle, Malva E 60 Cans, Henry 50 Cross, C. E , 50 Miller, O. R. H 250 Swales, Mary E 60 Davis, Maude 60 Harding, Mrs. Belle 100 Renner, Curl 50 Burk, F. C , 50 Thomas, Gertrude L '50 Edawards, Mrs. N. II 50 Willis. Emll 100 Mitchell, Hugh C. , Haberlach, E. Lily Haberlach, W. F. 100 Strite, John T ' 100 Fromong; Albert Morgan, Wm. Shadle, S. B. and Ada 50 Dt dnian, Mabel 100 Street, Frank Wm 50 Fromong, Chas. and Minnie 50 Comslock, Lida R 50 Smith, L. A , 50 Thomas, David H 50 Merritt, Ralph E 60 Portown, E. F. .....100 Harris, Lillian 100 Lawton.'Ward B 100 The French government has dec orated William Nelson Cromwell, a unions lawyer of New York, with the medal of "UeconnalsKanrH rrun miso" in recognition of his charity work for lhat country. Mr. Crom well organized the "Atelier des Blesses Frauco-Amerlcalii," which has Us headquarters tn tho Grand Palais, mil ffivi-s the convalescent aolillers work that enables them to earn living. He haa been Interested In the blind soldiers of France, and recently boenme a member of tho executive n.minlitee of the Permanent Blind War Relief Fund. 50 50 V: i.O 60 50 50 i. 50 .r ".0 60 50 61 .mi . 60 Lawtnn, Helen, W. -0 Swartz, Mrs. Joo ' Roman. Emma A -00 Williams, Mrs. L. D. Sr Hoff, Jos. R ' 50 Hoft, Mrs. Agnes 60 Cochran, Harriet 50 Bagby, Calvin W 60 Mount & Mount, Drs, jOO Braata, Wm 60 Berner. Arthur C 0 Beugen, Martin 50 Bryant, Mrs. J. E 50 Berg, John 100 Blatichard, Jasper H .....100 Baxter, Mrs. II. J 50 Conklln, Allen A 50 Clossner, Geo ...!!00 De Wolfe, Carrie F Duda, Paul F Derrick, Chas Durgan, Geo Gleason, M. J Glvens, Jno. W .., tilllett. J. M 5 Gage. Fred 50 Gibson, Alfred liuouther. ("also , 50 lluiiMon, Geo. II 60 llunsou, Mrs. Cora M 50 liluson, Henry P 6, Victor K 50 Hirst h. Ed 50 lltiiehins, F, B. 5t) llowatt, Ada P 50 llnberlttih, Frank ' 50 letke, Wm 5U Johnson, l.'lloy S 6" ! Jensen. Andrew Musatiki 50 Koch. Louis Lien, It. K Long, W, E Loiimls, G Mortoiiscn, James V Myers Lawrence G Melldelilllill, Veinu V. ....... Mendel, Eugene V Mlskooky, Julia Moore. Kdwnrd K Mueller. Otta A 5' Nelson, Andrew f i)lt, Donald 50 tilt, Frank r' f 1 Ott. Frank, Jr Ott. Charles r,n Oit, Louise 50 Ott, Louis Purcell. D. H l'ag". Annu E I'tgo Wm. J Paddock, Mrs. Georgia ItlnxhouHO, H Itosennu. Hubert Rldgeway, Mrs. Jennie 50 Hwrs, Samuel J Smith, Chas. 11 n Schleget, Joseph 50 Strunxe, Win. A 100 Sumner. Mrs. KaU " Schneider, Alfred It r, Htunilifer, Elsie 60 Slices, Joseph 60 Townsend, Francis M Thompson, IS 50 Thompson, Aaron ' Vlerbus, Ellen 11 Wallace Eva EHlelle 50 Ztrbel, A 50 Webb, Jackson 6t Weyerhaeuser Timber Co ", 5000 Erickson, Chua J 60 Egger, Mrs. Marie ," ....50 Ely. Chas. F 50 Coition, Charles A 50 Roberts, Violet L f O Wlllson, H. Ef I... 60 Oregon City Foundry 500 Tiedman, Goo. C. 50 Bucknor, Clarence Richard 0 Limnn, Otto 60 Pflstor, Joseph bO Jones, Hugh Wm 50 Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Itoy 50 Kahl, Geo. W 60 Evnnson Ernest Lionel ,. 60 Hoffman, Joseph , ,.Ut Stewart, C, E Oo Ketl, Mr. and Mrs. A. F 60 Raddutz, W. M 100 Randall, Geo. G 100 Randall, Kuthortne . .! 100 Kelland, Geo. W 100 Hltchmnn, Walter 100 Hedges, 'Jos. E 100 Harris, Lillian 100 Smith, W. T 50 (Continued on Page S) ' Summons all the forces and reiourcei of the Republic to the defenie of Freedom THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE which the Unifcd Sutet authorities have ranked as one of the fifteen distinguished institutions of the country for excellence in . military training, his responded to the call. The College is distinguished not only for its military instruction, but Distinguished also ro Its strong industrial courses for men and for womeat In Atricultun, Commtrct, Enfincertnf , FoiMtry Horn Economic!, Minisf , Pbarmtcy, M , Voutioail Educitioa. , Its wholesome, purposeful student life. Its democratic college spirit. Its successful graduates. Students enrolled Ust year, 453; itsrs ea its service flags, I28 over forty percent representing officers. College opens September 23, 1918 P (assist, Ilfcttsd Booklet, taa othsr laforaMtioa writ to tbt IUiMrtr,CovsUl4,0mo. an,i M..ti pnr,ln pr; "'ykUip tbiy' n-'mherpd 733 snd nVntha 277. Innd, 0.4-190 acre, being part of vaca- Pacific Const