Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 04, 1918, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    with friend here, The family will
leave by auto today fon California
where thny will spend tho winter.
Mm L. K. Baron and Utile daugh
ter, Nollto hiiiI Adollo, wlio have been
at Long Dearth, Wash,, vInUIiik Mrs.
Unroll' uncle uiul mint, Mr. and Mn.
(! K Cooper, returned to Oregon CHy
Sunday Wlilln tliure they assisted
la harvesting the crop of ernnl rrlos,
Mr, Coopur lining engaged in growing
tliln variety. Tliuro was mi unusually
large crop this year, unci picker were
tn'iino. Mm. Huron and hi.r UtUu
dnuglilor thoroughly tmjnyed their Mount
first attempt ut picking ttii'xe berrlo, I guest
Ni'lllo, who I eight yearrof aje, and
Ailk llii, ut; od nix, oni li Hindu $1X0,
Otto Shlndler, who wa formerly
connected with t!i 0, A, Harding
drug itom, and now In the inrvlco,
win la Oregon City Wednesday, Ho
ha biwu stationed for some tl mt at
Camp IawIm, Wush,, lind having Uwn
trnnnferred to Cump Grant, III. Afttir
vlHltlng kit parent, Mr. and Mr.
Rhlnrttor, of Mllwuuklo, he will Lave
Monday morning for IIIIiioIh.
Mr, and Mm, W. II.
I.lniilriiwit John Mutlioson, a former
student of the University of Oregon,
mid who hint recently boat glvoti tho
i'iiiihiiIiihIoii of Lieutenant ut un ill -ers'
training camp In California, ban
arrlvml horn for a brief furloimh at
the home oS hli grnndiiiollmr, Mm. J.
ft, Williams, Mr, iiml Mm Angus
Malheson, paivulH of l.lulnniiiit
Mulhosou of Powell ltlviir, II C, have
also arrived hnro nnd urn visiting
m"""..?'1 MrH' MlV',M,'"' m,,l,,,,r' tl. Or.-Kon Agricultural Collie. Miss
t'lin. iiiiHiun, uiiu mm. muuiumm 0
Pleasant have had an their
(luring tho week, Lieutenant
Vernon Jr. Klmhlo, of IMttman, N. J
Uoutoniint Klinbln In a cousin of Mm
Stafford, and In now with the ftumion
Polytechnic School in rortlimd. Mo
I much delighted with thu Went, thin
having brum hi flmt visit to thu
count cities.
Mlsso Mario mid Lylo Yexley, after
spending Ilm s.iiiunor vacation with
their parents, Mr. and Mm. (Jeorgw A.
Yexley, of Mount Plousatit, loft for
Corvi.lllt Saturday morning, where
they Hrti to ritHumo their Mtuillin at
of their cowi, Home of those cattle
are of the bout dairy breed.
C, Swanson, of Redland, was among
those to visit In Oregon City Thur-
day. He wui on his way to Astoria,
where be will nmuine his position as
superintendent of construction of the
railroad under Porter Brothers con
tract. Mr. and Mrs. William A. llakel, and
children who have been spending the
summer at Newport, where Mr, Itukel
. Mrs been employed In tho spruce
O' j .-.in.. 1. ., .... ...1 ..... .. A t -..,..... tu,.
ilium, iiuvu iluiiivu iu uiv;uu vn.
They are soon to take up their real
uv..ce on their farm.
sisters, MlnNm
Miircnrot mid lilnnor
Mm. I. A, Miller and diiushtem,
Miu Alice and Murguret, iiccompan
led by Mr. Miller's stiller, Mm. F. K.
tillHim, formerly of Heiuttle, left Men
i'ny fr I'oriliitid, wtior.i they will
iiutke their homn. Mrs. Miller hits
iiirclitiHi.i a home on rlitli street In
Itiipo City I'urk. MIms Alice Miller has
b'ii an active im-inhcr of the C.lrls'
Hum r (Suiird orKunly-Htlon mid Hie Ited
Cnws Society. Mm, Mi1lr bus been
an uctlre worker of the local brunch
of the lied Cross, mid has a son,
CbJiv, la Frame with the Hospital
Clmrlos Hltzer, u former resident of
Oretnm City, and a brotlier of Mm. W.
II. Howell, who hits been clerk for the
Albany House ut Newuort. for the
past five years, Is In Oregon City
vlhltlng. Mr. Jlltxer has Just return
ed front Spokane and North Yuklimi.
Wlille In Norlh Yuklimi be nil. tided
Hie fair, but the fair y u' not ns It
has been bere-tofore, owlnu to wur
condltlotiM and the sbortiiKfl of crops.
Mr. HlUcr Is fotiieiiipliitltiK remain
Merle Yexley has bo-n doing steni
Kruphlc work for un ubstract firm of
this city.
MIns Myrtle Heiidemon, who has
been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mm, Wm, U, Henderson, with whom
sh'. has been spending her Hummer
vacation, bus rone to Wallowa, Ore
r.on. wncre siio lies the position as
teacher In tho school. Miss Hender
son IuiikIiI lu the I'owwutka school
near Wallowa last yetir.
Itay Ware, youngest son of Itev
and Mrs. Jucg Wure, who recently
entered the service, and who bus been
stationed ut Camp U-wls, Is now on
bis way to a camp In the south. A
leuer was received rrom tne young
tnnii by his parents Thursday saying
he wits on his way south, but did not
know bis destination
Mm. H H. Orcgory, of Greenwood
accompanied by her sister, Mm. Fay
Argo. of Cincinnati, were lu Oregon
City Tuesday. Mrs. Argo Is to remain
In Oregon during the winter, and will
spend a portion of tho lime lit tho (ire
gory farm near Oregon City, She
Mm. O. R. Mack, of Portland, for
merly of Cunby, was in this city Tues
day on her way to Cunby, where she
spent the day with friends. They are
making their home for the present In
Portland us Mr. Muck Is one of the
auropliine builders,
Mr. Btellu floyne Kd wards, teacher
In Hun lay school, received word that
her husband Is seriously sick with
Hpunlsh Intliicnzu at a hoBpltul In
Ilremerton, Mr. Kdwards Is an elec
trician In the U. H. navy.
MIms Kvans, who has been employ
ed In ono of the banks at (,'auby, was
In Oregon City Friday morning. Bbe
was on her way to ft. tittle, where she
will resume her studies at the Unlver
slty of Washington,
Miss Mildred Tschrlgl, who bus
been employed In the office of the
woolen mills, and recently resigning
bus accepted a position In the post
otllce. Miss Tmhrigl took up her du
ties a few days ago.
Mm. It. U Padger, of Heaver Creek
was in Oregon City Monday. Sl won
on her way to Vancouver Barracks,
where she visited her nephew, who
has been III for row rat weeks at the
post hospital.
Decreet were entered In the fol
lowing divorce actions Saturday:
Katherlne Collin vt. Wm. A. Collins;
Iva Cantril vs, Olon Cantrll.
A bench warrant was Issued Satur
day for the arrest of Louis Mutl-
ler, whose wife, Kthel L. Mueller sued
him for divorce Friday. Mueller wa
enjoined from Interfering in any way
with hit wife, who w sick, and affi
davits were made Saturday uhowlng
that he bad gone to his wife's bedside
In violation of the restraining order.
H was brought before Judge Camp
bell and given sound warning as to
what would happen In case of a teo
ond breach of the Injunction. .
The ouster suit brought by K. B.
Anderson, former confectionery man
of Oregon City, asalnst U. IL Hogg of
Murdrum, to obtain possession of his
property under lease to the defendent,
resulted in a verdict for the defen
dant In the J-istlce court Monday
afternoon. Mr. Hogg showed that, he
bad a year lease on the place, Ander
son claiming simply a month to month
tenure. The matter was threshed
out before a Jury,
The teacbers of the grade schools
of Willamette and the high school of
West Linn have gone 100 per cent in
the Liberty Loan drive during the
past few days. Not only bave these
teacbers, but the Janitor, II. T. Ship
ley, and manual training teacher, Ro
bert D. Rogers, invested in bonds. The
drive among the school teachers was
Cordon Taylor, editor of the Mol
alia Pioneer, was In Oregon City Mon
day afternoon on his way to New
York, and from that place will sail
for France. Mr. Taylor will enter
the service of the Y. M. C. A. and will
act as SKcretary at one of the Y. M
C. A huts He recently devoted much
time to lecturing tours.
Taylor entered the newspaper field
at Molalla In 1913, and If awe bis pa
per In charge of hit son, Walter F.
Taylor, who accompanied his father as
far as Portland.
lug In Oregon City, having resigned wl" v,l,lt U"r fHter' u' Misses
his position with the Albany House. M,rlTBr. ot Portland.
Among the active workers of the
local llruiich of the lied Cross, who
turned In some of their work Wednes
day morning are Mrs. Brown and her
daughter, Mm. M. K. llunii. of Sixth
and Center Street. Never a day have
theso women fulled during the sum
mer months to.;lve their assistance
to our soldier boys, and huve turned
in 33 pair tf socks. They sent In six
palm to the Red Cross rooms Wed
noitday morning, and are starting on
more, expecting to keep up their work
until the close of the wur.
Clark Story was In Oregon City
Wedi day blddlug relative and
friend farewell before leaving . for
tlm otHcem' training camp In Ken
tuckcy. While here ho was a guest
at tho home of Mr. nnd Mm. George"
Hiory, uncle and mint of the young
man. He Is a graduate of Willamette
t'nlwrslty nt Hnlem, having comple
ted his cosrse at that Institution in
May, and was also nt the training
camp at the Presidio. Story Is but
21 yearn of age, having attained IiIb
-iHt year la Juno,
Mm. Norrls Shlndler wife of
Lieutenant Shlndler, utid l.nliy, who
have been stationed nt Tucuma, dur
ing tlm time I.le.itenunt Shlndler was
stationed at Camp IawIs, and who
have been is Oregon City visiting,
left for Oakland and San Francisco
the firtit of thw week. While there
they .-ill visit relatives. During
their vlult it Oreson City, Mr. Shln
dler and ton were guests of Dr. and
Mm. J. yf. Norrls, grandparents of
l.letitnrmnt Shlndler.
Dr. M. C. Strickland lei', lust Thurs
day evmlns for San Fnclsoo, where
he will reuuln about a week. He ac
vtiinpsnles Dr Sternberg of Portland
who leave San Francisco for the ser
vice, having recontly e'Uered the ser
lce turnxin. He whl go to Fort
Piloy, Kanuas, for the present, and
expect to later go overseas Accom
panying these physicians to Sun
Born, at the muternlty homo -f Mrs
1). A. Dlllmnn on Tentb and Division
Streets. Thursday morinug at S Zo
o'clock, to ibe wife of C T Stephens
or t irclo Cltv, Alaska, i son. TIk.
little fellow If Hurry Oruston Ste.di
ens, and Yui tips the walo nt 7',
pound. Mr. Stephens is city marshal
or Circle City
Miss Shirley Swallow, who hug tak
en a three years' course at Heeil Col.
lege, Portland, has rcHumod her stud
ies ut the Institution. She wna accom
panied to tho college by her sister,
Miss .Myrtle Swallow, a graduate of
Oregon City high ( hool last year, and
who will commence her course nt
Keed College.
Miss Evnngellno Dye, who ha been
i spending her vacation with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Dye, and also
assisted In tho Oregon City hospital
during the shortage or nurse, has
returned to the Oregon Agricultural
College, Miss Dye bus another year
nt the College before completing her
Private Gayle McDowell, who has
been visiting his farm at Mount
t'l.asunt, hu returned to Cnmv
Lewis, where he Is stationed. He i
with the Signal Corps, Thirteenth
Itev. F. W. Snyder, of Molalla, was
In Oregon City Tuesday. While here
he visited Itev. K. IS. Glllwrt. Itev.
Snyder wus reappointed to Ihe pas
torship of tho Molulla Methodist
Thomas Anderson, secretary of the
Clour Creek Creamery, was among the
Oregon City visitors Wednesday.
While here he visited his parent.
Judge and Mm. H. S. Anderson.
Miss Isla Gilbert, who has been
spending a few days with her parent.
Rev. and Mr. E. E. Gilbert, has re
turned to her Rtudles at the state
university ut Eugene.
Miss Ilernlce Johnson, who recently
resigned her position as stenographer
In Portland, ha accepted a similar po
sition with the Willamette Valley
Southern Railway.
The little daughter of Mrs. Guy
Peterson, ot Twelfth und Monroe
streets, who hos been critically ill
I improved.
George De Bok, who ha been at
Salem during the past we. k, ha had
15 of hi choice Duroc-Jersey swine
exhibited, and although there was
great competition In this department,
m succeded in getting two prizes. He
secured third on breeders' herd, bred
by exhibitor. He also received eighth
prlae on the Futurity. The prizes
were offered 'by the Duroc-Jersty
Record Association.
Mr. De Bok was also awarded
some of the best prizes at the Clacka
mas county fair. In the Futurity
prlae class there were 35 swine enter
ed, and only eight prizes, so Mr. De
Bok believes he has done well with
the strong competition.
The Delta Sigma Fraternity of Eu-
g-me ha instituted roreciosure pro
ceedings against William T. and Sop
hia M. Schooley, to foreclose a $300
mortgage on Lot 2 and 3 of Block
of Sandy on June 24, last year. The
plalntict salt $'0 for attorney's fees.
BY 10 IVES 10
of the high school, who 1 proud of
the record that little settlement "has
made. The drive In Willamette Is
In charge of Mr. C. F. Romlg and H.
L. Morrell.
Mr. Ethel L. Mueller Friday filed
divorce action against Louis F. Muel
ler, charging that ber husband hat
been guilty of gross cruelties. She
in charge of C. F. Romlg, principal clalm that when she wa beadfast and
desired to go to a hospital tor neces
sary treatment he told her It she had
to die she might as well dte at home
At other time the wife claimed, he
ha refused to apeak to her for days,
and has compelled her to work In the
earden when her health would not per
mlt her to do so.
Jessie D. Cranshaw married Cbaa.
L. Cranshaw In Vancouver on Aug
ust 12th of this year. She filed suit
Friday for dlvoro claiming that her
husband even objected to her speaking
to patron of their restaurant, and
that he ha cursed her repeatedly.
The Cranshaw are Orrgon City
Another Oregon City boy who has
been commissioned an officer in the
United State Army is Clark Story, a
nephew of Mr. and Mr. Gorge L.
aiory, of Oregon City. He wa recent
ly commissioned a first Lieutenant
of light artillery, after having served
in an officers' training camp at the
Presidio since May. Llentenant
Story will be assigned to a canton
ment in Kentucky.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hawley, Sr. ac
companied by their son, W. P. Haw
ley, Jr., and Mm. Havley'g slBter, Mm
3ajlus Barlow, who have been en
joying a motoring trip to California,
returned to Oregon City Wednesday
afternoon. The party found the roads
In excellent condition while making
the trip to and from. California. After
arriving in California they enjoyed
a numbejr of trips, among these was
visiting and inspecting the new paper
mill at Stockton, owned by the Zel
lerbach Paper Co.w This is one of the
largest plants manufacturing a heavy
pasteboard pLper. They also visited
Oakland, the home of Mrs. Barlow,
and other California cities. They
made the trip to California in four
days, and the same time wag made
in returning. They have been absent
about 12 days.
The home of A. A. Allen, on the old
North place, two mljes from the Low
er Logan scboolhousc, in the Rcdland
district, was distroyed late Friday
afternoon, together with practically
all its contents, while the members
of the family were out fighting a tim-
lxr fire a short distance away. It Is
supposed to have caught from ftyfng
ember. Nothing was saved except a
little bedding and some groceries.
The pupil and teachers of the
Clackamas county schools are to give
a linen shower for France, and letters
are geing sent out by County Superin
tendent J. E. Calavan to this effect,
through the ' efforts of Robert Max
Garrett, director of Junior Member
ship of the American Red Cross.
The linen shower for France will
begin September 30, and to continue
for a week.
The articles needed are bath towels,
19x38 inches; hand towels, 18x30 In
ches; napkins, 14x14 Inches; hand
kerchiefs; sheets, 64x102 inches.
"Strong, new or substantially new
articles are asked for, and fine linen
or worn articles are not desired, a
laundering is a problem "over theV
Napkins made of strong piece of
linen sheet. AH articles are to be
nice and clean.
Already children are becoming en
thusiastic over the collection of linen
and are to give their assistance. Dur
ing a recent dish towel rush for the
soldiers almost 5000 dish towvls were
collected and sent.
The funeral service over the re
mains of the infant son of Mr. and
Mr. Harry Sorenson, of Oak Grove,
were held from the funeral parlor of
Holman and Pace Saturday afternoon,
and the Interment wa In the Moun
tain View cemetery. Rev. W. T. Mll-
liken, pastor ol the Baptist church,
The child wa but a few hours old
wtoen he passed away at the Oregon
City Hospital.
During a football practice Friday
afternoon at the grounds of the East-
ham school, Louis Vlerhus met with e
painful accident, when his leg was dis
located during a scrimmage. Medical
attention was summoned, and the in
jured boy conveyed to his home near
the south end road.
The boy were practising for a
game to be played between the local
school team and McMinnville high
school, which will be played next Sat
II. M. Robblns, manager of the gro
cery department of Fnrr Brothers,
has routed the Juhnke plree nenr Van
Buran street, nnd with his wife will
move from Robblns Station next week
to take up their resldense there. Mre.
J-.ihnke and daughter will go to St.
Johns, win, re Mr. Juhnke Is In busi
ness. Mr. and Mr. M. Amrine, of Seventh
and Vaughan Btreet, received word
Monday evening of the critical Illness
of their son, Alva, who Is in the East,
and recently commissioned a an In
structor at a training camp. Tuesday
word came that there was very little
change in the young man's condition.
Miss Cynthia Pace, who ha been
connected with nn abstract company
has resigned that position, nnd accept
ed a position in the office of County
Recorder Nbe. Miss Pace Is to be re-
Franchjco wa Dr Montgomery, who corder ot doeds, the position held by
will roturt with Dr. Strickland. Miss Louise Cochran, who Is now
chief deputy In the office.
The Knight nnd Udtos of Security
met in the Woodmen hull Tuesday Mr. and Mr. E. Frey have been ex
evening when arraignments were teriuinmg nt their home at Mount
made to purchase a Liberty Bond, and rienant IV.rs W, Wolvn and son
also to carry on the contest for mem- Walter, alsj Mr. and M- Honrv Web
bershlp. Organizer Mackoy was In at- ton, Henry Welton Is stationed at
tdance and gave an address as to Camp Lewla, nnd has been enjoying
tho membership contest. There were a few days' furlough In Portland, an.l
eleven name turned in as candidate at Mount Pleasnnt
for membership. A number of visitor
from. Portlund wore In attendance.
Mrs. R. Seller, one of the well
known residents of Oregon City, who
ha been very ill at her home, is Improving.
Mrs. Charles Rlsley and Mrs. W.
W . Woodbeck. of Rislev Station.
wore Oregon City visitors Wednesday.
W. W. Irvln, prominent resident of
Aurora, was among the Oregon City
Isltors Tuesday.
Mrs. A. Splinter, of Maple Lane,
wn8 among the Oregon City visitor
Fred Llns, of George, was among
the Oregon City visitor Wednesday.
J. M. Soars, who has been with the
Canadian troops Is among those kll
lvd In action this week, He Is the
Donald Slleox, who ha been visit
ing friends in Oregon City, left Wed
nesday evening for Berkeley, where
he resumes his studies in the TJnlver-
oltv rt fn 1 i ffr it Ua 1. - i
only brother of Mrs. H. B. Dixon, wife , Z T If "
of Can.aln Dixon, former resident of Bummer vacation with his par-
m.j.iM w f rwh.flei.r wt. . nnu Mrs- w. H. Silcox, of
consln. He was an instructor in a
bombing school in England. Captain
Dixon is now an instructor in military
science In a military school at Dola-field.
The Dalle.
Mrs. Clyde Llmbocker and, daugh
bev, Miss Ruth, nlao her infant daugh
tor, and her mothier, Mrs. J. M. Calavan
who heve been at Seaside, enjoying
a ten days' outing, have returned to
Oregon City. They took a number of
trips out from Seaside to secure crabs
und clams.
Mr. and Mrs. -Ora Howell and fam
ily, who have been residing at the
Howell farm on the Clackamas river,
have moved to Oregon City to allow
their children the privilege of the
schools. They have taken up their
residence near the - Barclay school
building. ,
Jama Nelson, of MuUno, was in
Oregon City on business Thursday
. j -n "- - t . . . , i , i , .s
became pastor of the church at Sea- uwins lo ' ,Mr Ul "BU ""r
i,i h mh,.h fmm im mtniHt.rv. tlie shortage oi pasiurage, wr wet-
With hla family he spent several day 'son say many farmers aro disposing one M. Anita Warren.
Harold Dodmun, who has been do
ing hi bit during the Bummer months
by working for the United States Fish
Hatchery, at Claokamus, has gone to
Portland, where he la to enter the
training enmp at Rued College. He Is
one of the boy anxious to go over
sea and "get a hand in the fight" be
fore the close of' the war. Ho 1 the
son oi Mr. and Mrs, E. P. Dedman, of
Rev. R. C. Blackwell, formerly pas
tor of the Methodist church of this
city, luter superintendent of mission
of Alaska, until ono year ago, when he
Columbia. S. C, Sept. 28. An air
plane In a Liberty Loan flight fell near
the stabe capltol today, killing Lieut
Godman, of Oregon, and probably fat-J
ally wounding Lieutenant Thomas, a
passenger. As the machine fell the
doomed pilot guided it away Just In
time to prevent its crashing into th
crowd In the otreets.
Pearl T. Lathrop was granted a
decree of divorce Wednesday from
her husband, Charles Lathrop.
Thd house and barn of Bert Adams
south of Barlow on the Aurora road,
burned at 6 o'clock Thursday night.
Neighbor assisted In saving the fur
lture. The barn and winter's feed
for stock was burned. There was a
loa of several thousand dollars cov
ered by Insurance.
Tht young son of G. M. Caldwell, of
MeldruM Station, was run down Sat
urday evening on the Jilghway be
tween Oregon City and Parkplace. He
wo struck by a passing motorist
whllt he was riding his bicycle along
Una pavement. It 1 not believed his
injuries are serious.
Married Fifty Years
Suing For a Divorce
Maiden Name Wanted
One half a century ago TJioa. Mc-
Carter and Hulda E. Fields became
man and wife. Forty-nine years ago
the husband deserted his bride. Sat
urday Mrs. McCarter sued for divorce
In the circuit court of Clackamas
county, on grounds ot desertion. She
asks the restoration of her maiden
Bertha E. Warren has filed suit
against Frederick Warren, charging
that her husband at the time of their
marriage, in 1909 In Oregon City, had
another wife living, and undlvorced,
Among the births reported for the
month of September are as follow
Word has been received in Oregon
City from Bakersfield, California, of
the marriage of Heath Touell, former
ly night editor of the Enterprise, and
Miss Henriette Adams, a nurse, of
Bakersfield. The marriage was sol
emnized at Batersfield, September 15,
and Mr. and. Mrs. Youell are to make
their future home in Seattle.
Since taking up his residence in
California, Mr. Youell ha been follow
ing his profession as a lawyer, and
was connected with a law firm at
Chief of Police Cooke interrupted
James W. Staten and his best girl on
the river bank near the mouth of the
Clackamas river Sunday evening, and
arrested Staten, who is charged with
robbing the Willard hotel safe at
Portland. He was night clerk at the
hotel and is said to have stolen $65
from the safe Saturday night or Sun
day morning. The girl had known
him only two weeks. Staten had been
In the spruce division of the army
but obtained a discbarge for physical
WORTH $2,850
Born, September 12, to the wife of
Louis Mueller, of Mulino, Route 1, a
daughter. Mm. Mueller was formerly
Miss Henrici.
Bom, September 13, to the wife of
George Zlgler, of Hoff, Rt. 1, a son.
Born. SeDtember 22, to tb wife ot
Frank Pazlovic, of West Linn, a son
Born. Seutember 22, to the wife of
Adolph Gross, of Willamette, a daugh
Born. Sentember 24, to the wife of
William Rau, ofi Willamette, a daughter.
Born, September 14, to the wife of
H. E. Hoss, ot 1218 Sixth Street
daughter. . .
Born, September 18, to the wife of
A. E. Hamlin, of 1005 Main Street, a
Born, September 15, to the wife of
Henry William Kohl, of Logan, at the
Oregon City hospital, a son.
Born, September 15, to the wife of
Frederick Hosmer, of Mulino, Route
1, a son.
Born, September 24, to the wife
Fred Lamereaux, of Roosevelt Street,
a son. Mrs. Lamereaux was formerly
Miss Louva Randall.
The will of the late Frank Runge
was admitted to probate Saturday,
and Henry Strebig was appointed exe
cutor, under the provisions of the do
cument. The deceased left an estate
valued at $2850, the bulk of which Is
to go to Mrs. Wilhelmina Mielke, of
Gladstone, and the sum of $5 to each
of hi four children. The will recites
the main bequest Is given In consider
ation of kindnesses of Mrs. Mielke
during the life time of the deceased.
Born, September 26,
Charles Froming, oS
to the wife of
Mrs. Mary Wright died Wednesday
noon at the Sellwood hospital, follow
ing an operation, aged 69 years. She
was born In Clinton, Mo., and is sur
vived by four children in other states,
and one daughter, Mr. W. L. Permen-
ter. Ninth and Division street, Ore
gon City. Deceased wa a widow. The
remain will be Bent to Idaho for In
Portland, Oct 1. Mrs. M. J. Bethke
of Oswego, Or., was fined $50 today
byMunicipal Judge Rossman for reck
less driving. Mm. Bethke was arrest
ed by Sergeant Ervin after her auto
mobile had struck i. L. Gardner at
Macadam road and Iowa street - Gar
dner was not seriously Injured. Mrs.
Bethke's attorney announced an appeal
Irving T. Rau, manager oj the pur
chasing department, of the Hawley
Pulp & Paper Co., Is the proud father
of a new daughter, who Is probably
the youngest Liberty bond owner in
Clackamas county. ' The little girl was
born on Friday afternoon about 6
o'clock and before 9 o'clock Saturday
morning she was the possessor of a
Mr. Holstein died Wednesday at the
home of his son, living at the town-
site of Mulino. The remains will be
shipped to Wisconsin for burial.
Led Butterfly Life
No Wedded Harmony
Wife Wanted Noise
William H. Schultz has brought
suit against Iva L. Schultz, claiming
that his wife was altogether too fond
of the butterfly life to make their do
mestic carees one of peace and har
mony. The husband claims his wife
threatened to leave him and finally
did so, as things were altogether too
quiet about the house.
Decrees were entered Tuesday by
Judge Campbell in the following cas
es: Meryl Morton vs. E. R. Norton
Daniel E. McClure . vs. Jennie Mc-
Clure: Nettie Benson vs. Otis Ben
son. ,
Another chapter in the domestic
tragedies of Charles F. Cottrell and
wife was added Wednesday when the
wife brought suit for divorce on charge
of cruel and inhuman treatment. The
husband was placed under peace bonds
Monday, following an assault upon
his wife with a copy ot Pastor Rus
sel's "Unfinished Mystery."
The husband, according to the com
plaint has a $10,000 farm. They were
married in 1908. In a fit of anger
last Saturday the husband hurled a
book at his wife, striking her In the
eye, Inflicting a cut. She also Claims
he has repeatedly cursed and other
wise abused her.
Reta Harrington asks a divorce from
Ray Harrington, jcharging that her
husband was convicted of a felony in
the Washington courts in 1915, and
Is serving a sentence of from five to
twenty years at hard labor.
' "rm" -L'VVw k ''
Maeciaedmre If
. .1;
I . I
im means just as much, In i
Hall's Knilly Fill for constipation.
neasoname. Phone
r Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, October defendant The grounds upon which tember, 1918. The first publication oil
1 4, 1918. s"H 1" brought. Iswl1fi.iVdpaprtIo,.for J1'" " '"'jihajltbjn"
Tom Lovett, son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Lovett, of Washington St., Mar
vln Eby, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. D.
Eby, Floyd Eberly, son of Mr. and
Mr. Geo. Eberly, of 448 Logus street;
Gerard P.-wker, James McGehan of
Jackson street and Me'rritt Wilson
left the employ of the C. W. P. Co.,
Thursday to take the special military
course in 0. A. C, preparatory to
entering the army, and Eddy Edwards
also resigned his position with the
P. R, L. & P. Co., to do likewise.
v, utuu uum examined, siaii
settled, generkl law bustness.
means just as much, in
purchasing Jewelry a
in other things. Don't
buy things of doubtful
value or trade at ques
tionable places. You
can't afford to take the
chance. Avail yourself
of the facilities of this
Clackamas County's
leading Jewelry store
where our policy ot hon
esty and fairness is
more than ever guarded.
During these strenuous
time our 37 year old
reputation of fairness
stands out as a beacon
of light to those pur
chasing jewelry wheth
er your expenditure Is
just a few cents or
great many dollars.
We want you to visit
this unusual store.
Leading Jeweler for
nearly half a century.
& Andresen i
amma-flli siijhw '.a-": jj nil ir mmmi T
O" iyP A . t-- 1ha