Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 04, 1918, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Newsy Briefs From
MACKSBURG, Oct J. A most dis
tressing accident took place In our
neighborhood last week, owing to th
explosion of a can ot gasoline In
charge ot Elmer Whit. The burns in
flicted upon the young man by the
biasing fluid are so severe that there
is very little hop ot hia recovery.
The sympathies ot the entire neigh
borhood are awakened in boh all ot the
suffering patient and his afflicted
The tamily of Mr. Conshy had the
serious misfortune last Tuesday ot los
ing their dwelling by Are. Owing to
the high wind at the time the flames
were beyond control when discovered
and almost nothing was saved. The
origin of the Are is unknown. Mr,
Conchy carried no insurance and his
home was a total loss.
The Red Cross auxiliary is to hold
its regular session on Wednesday,
October 2 at its rooms in the Suther
land building to complete an allotment
of work tor the children of Belgium.
The Mothers' club had a very inter
esting session on Thursday last at the
home of Mrs. Ben Driur. The next
Conner and Mrs. Swain. There arei
"6 pupils enrolled. This is the larg
est class the school has had tor some
time. WILSONVILLE, Ovt. 2. Wilson-
On Friday the Concord Parent- yillo went "over the top" early in the
Teaiher association will meet at the woek. for the Fourth Liberty Loan,
school at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Gross, pm- xhe LoyaUy Uague mwjUng ,chod.
Went, will preside. ul(f(J (or jouy, September 26th,
Mildred Derry spent the week-end wfts ll08tponed until Tnunaay( octob-
at Canby with her cousin, Eva Whip- er ;ird -)f th, week
P,Mr. and Mrs. James Atherton have Miss, G1f Hlnes o8tINo1brka'
closed their house here and gone down w" ied teacher at Hood lew
on the Columbia at Blind Slouch to fch.ooL1nd ner sister Edna Haines,
work for the government. ta t0iUn,n Corral Creek-
' Mrs. Holbrook and two daughters Mr. and Mrs. Eichenberger. of Port
from Michigan are visiting her son, land, visited the Batalgia family last
Walter, and while the family are look- week.
ing for a bouse they are resiling at Inex Seely spent the week-end at
T. R. Worthinston's place. the home ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. andaMrs. A. Goeti returned home i Ira Seely.
from Wheeler Thursday. j Mrs. Cora Hasselbrnk has returned
Miss Hattie Williams, of Portland, 'to Eastern Oregon to resume her
was a visitor here Monday and Tues-' teaching there,
day. looking after official business, i Mrs. M. C. Young and family attend
Mrs. Charles Klsley and daughter !ej the Mothers' papade at Oregon
have returned from California and are City last week. ,
at their own home on the river road, j Milton Seely, who is stationed at
M. ami Mrs. Carl Richter, who have Seattle, spent a few clays at home re
lived in Portland for the past year. ' cently.
have moved back to their home on i Dr. Butler's many friends are pleas
Third avenue. I ed to learn that he has been promoted
l,,Hrn liii.ttima VS-i.1i,. mt:rl,t at Ilia flnnl.iln
mee ing of the club will be with its as3emblv- The charmers ; Mrs. Alison Baker was in Portland
president, Mrs. Jonn Hepier. anJ Staw Biologist3 plcture8 m bo last weelc and attended the funeral ot
' - - 'shown. Mrs. Edwards on Sunday.
GllirkcS ! The Ladies AiJ wiu meet Wednes-i Mrs. Howard has been visiting rela-
'day afternoon, a special meeting ha tives in this viclnty.
ing been called by the president. Mrs. i Qute a number of fires save the
E. Reynolds. I whole country side a bad scare, on
Regular church services Sunday j Wednesday and Thursday,
morning. Epworth League Sunday j Mrs. Eyman and Mrs. Nounie have
The Parent-Teacher association will i '
meet Friday 11th at 3 o'clock at the j
school house. Mrs. Kuks is president.'
Mrs. Will Snider and daughter, Kat-j
ie, of Portland, were visitors here i
CLARKES, Oct 2 D. F. Moenka
and family were at the State Fair at
Salem last Thursday.
The Timber Grove school started on
September 23.
Mrs. Earnest Berger. from Seattle,
is visiting her brother, Clyde Ringo,
and wlte and friends, for a 6hort time.
Miss Elizaoeth Marshall is attending
High school at Oregon City.
George Clarke is hauling his prunes
to Clarke brothers to dry them.
Mr. and Mrs. Tted Josi visited her
sister, Mrs. Howard Carlson, of Port
land ftst Siwday.
W. H. Wettlaufer and family wer
at the State Fair at Salem last Thurs
day. Arthur Horuschuh and family were
Portland visitors last Sunday. ,
Mrs B. Sullivan was an Oregon City
visitor last week.
Miss Pearl Stromsreen is attending
High school at Oregon City.
Baker's Bridge
BAKER S BRIDGE, Out. 3-Mrs. J.
R. Dallas has moved to Gladstone,
while her husband has been transfer
red to a camp in New Jersey.
Among the boys from this place to
begin training at the 0. A. C. were Nor
man Holcomb, Wtltord llutchins, Chas.
Itanktu and Guy Huttor., who loft this
morning for Corvallts.
A party consisting, ot Mr. and Mrs.
0. C. Dallas, W. R, Dallas, Chas. Ran
kin. and Miss Roake attended the stats
fair at Salem on Thursday.
The Loyalty league ot Stone school
district were most pleasantly end In
structively entertained at their meet
ing Friday evening by John W. Loder
and Superintendent Calnvan. We as a
community wish ta express our heart
test appreciation to them and to all
who from time to time have coma out
here from Oregon City to assist us la
our patriotic meetings.
Mrs. S. A. Davis, of Oregon City, has
been a guest ot Mr, and Mrs. Q. C. Dal
las the past week. ,
Mrs Chas, Hattan has purchased
new driving horse,
""Mr. and Mrs. John Holcomb and son,
Norman, have returned from an auto
trip to Wallowa county, whore they vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dallas. Mrs.
Dallas being a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Holcomb.
Chns. A. Harvey is building a resi
dence and carpenter shop on the Main
street of "Carver."
Win. Nolund has purchased a Ford
touring car, and now wears the broad
est of smiles, as he rides out with his
We are told that Stone district has
made Its quota In the Fourth Liberty
loan. Of course doesn't It always?
Lieutenant Elton Hattan mad a
short visit home last week and is now
off for a camp in Kentucky.
Next week the Clackamas County
hitters mother, Mrs. J. P. Woodlo, for
a short time.
Mr. amis Mrs. Frank Kwlng loft this
wjek .r Tneomit, Wash, whore they
wRl make their horn. Their removal
from Kstacada will Ih a loss to this
Mrs. Walter Given, accompanied
by Mrs. IV. O, Sarvcr, moved to Port
land Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. I M Park made a bus
iness trip to Portland last Monday.
Mr. S. E. Wooster had charge ot
their store during their absence.
Mrs. Blanch R. Shelley Rsprsssntatlv.
Curds are out announcing the wed
ding of Miss Eva Loufnmn Wtekllne,
ot Pittsburg, Penn., to Leo McCabo, ot
Marmot. They wor luarrtod In Port
laud, September 12th, and will be at
home to their frlonds at Marmot after
October 1st
Upper Eagle Creek
Last Wednesday tho Upper Fugle
Creek Red Cross auxiliary met at the
home ot tho chairman, Mrs. IL B. Gib
son, and made soma pinafore tor the
Fred Hoffmolstor and Carl and Roy
Douglass sawed some wood for the
Mrs. Chas. Murphy and Mrs. Buy
Woodlo wer Gresham visitors last
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmolstor and
son, Ernest, attended tho state fair
Miss Frances Degerstedt wont to
Portland and spent the week-end with
the homo oiks.
E. E. Elliott, of Portland, accompan
ied by Mrs. Tearl Reed and Mrs. H. 8.
Jones, motored out to tho homo of Uie
latter's mother, Mrs. Viola Dougluss.
M. Dhulst was a Portlund visitor on
Rev. C. W. Pogue and wlfo. of N- Hg run for his money on tho llrlt
halem, were recently tho guests of Mr. j frnl. t present. Tho allies have
On September 8, 1893, Gregory Al
rred Cox and Nulllo May Boegle wer
married. On September 3, 1918, they
celebrated their silver wedding anni
versary with a reception In tho Carl
son building, Grcshum. Mr. and Mrs.
Cox were well known resident of Ban
dy at one tlmo.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Mills received a let
ter Monday from their son, Alvln, writ-
: ten September 6th, in which he anys he
J has been working all the time and In
j the sumo old place No excitement ox-
I cepi when tho planes com over al
j night and tho anil aircraft guns get
) to shooting. He further says "No
i ImmiiIih us yet. The Ihm a sure Set-
and Mrs. J. P( Woodle.
Mr. and Mrs. H, F. Gibson, of Barton
will Palmater and Mr. and Mrs. Hal
Ely, of Morgan, were up this way Sun
day evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass were call
lug on Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gibson, ot
Barton Sunday.
certainly hit blm nn awful blow lti the
lust two mouths. The amount ot guns
and ammunition we have captured 1
a great factor. I am well ami feeling
fine and keeping ap In weight. If 1
stand everything us well as I have so
fur, I guess I will get through In pretty
good health. 1 expect It will bo pretty
roiiKh this winter."
thirtieth wedding anniversary. A de
licious supper was served at midnight
utter which tho guests departed wish
tug Mr. and Mrs. Beuske many long,
happy years.
Mrs. J, Scales received word that
her brother.Uoluml lllaukhall, who was
reported very low In our lust issue,
died at Fort Huston, Texus, September
20th, ot Spanish Influent. Tho body
Is cm its way to Portland, where t will
be given a military funeral.
ML' LINO. Oct. 2. Mr. Snipes, of
the spruce division, at Vancouver Bur
racks, was a caller in Muino last Sun
day. Mulino went over the top in the
Liberty .Loan drive. A Liberty jchxu
parade was given Saturday night
Everyone but two called upon to sub
scribe did so readily.
Mr. and Mrs. August Erickson who
have been visiting at Dallas, returned
home Saturday.
School is progressing nicely under
the able management of Miss Effie
Bradley, of Portland.
Misg Grace Sthuebel, who is teach-
Upon the Foundation
- of
"--4r Correct
No Greater
' Th Chammon
has ,
, f
I . P-S
Cndcr date of August 22nd, 25th and
t S.-t.i imu li,r Kth ninl 12th. Mrs. Khhoii re
ceived letters from Mr. Ksnon. Ho wus
out ot the hospital and feeling lino, He
will bo ill charge of a new hoapltul of
5ou beds and also the old one whore
he hus been evor since going across.
CEDARDALE. Oct 3. W. A. Bck
has bought Hugh Conner little place.
.iu6u io".6 " " 1 ! f.,l o, M, dj
I. O.'Orm U working at the Horner " -"TZZZ e'"i.. i
Herman Taylor, of Portland, was a
Mulino visitor Sunday.
r' been making
f 1 for users
. Every Part
L O. Orem and wife spent a few
days in Oregon CHy and Portland rec
ently. Frank Kinney has gone to work in
ship yards in Portland.
B. F. Noyer was a business caller In
Colton Tuesday.
Clifford Johnson and George Dooghie
attended state fair on Thursday.
Alfred and Everett Lannum have en
tered school after a months absence
on account of whooping cough.
Axel Johnson and family spent last
Saturday in Oregon City.
Part of Colton and Cedardale school
attended the fair at Canby last Thurs
day. Lawrence Dahlstrom took them
down in his truck.
OH tl
R aim iWi
for years
NEEDY, Sept 3. The farmers of
this vicinity have been quite busy the
past week filling their silos. Most all
have now completed this work.
Mr. Werner, who had some ot his
fine Holsteln cattle at the state fair,
carried away most of the blue ribbons.
Beatrice Rue has returned to Port
land, where she will remain for some
Grandpa Gahler has been quite ill at
his home for several days.
Our school is gradually increasing
in size, the number of pupils enrolled
at present is 34. Many more are ex
pected 8 oo a.
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrikson accompan
ied by Mr. and Mrs. Askins motored to
Salem to attend the fair on Thursday.
Quite a number of the people from
here attended the dance at Monitor
Saturday night
Pansy Rebekah lodge met in regular
session Saturday afternoon, quite a
number were present and all enjoyed
the meeting.
George Brackert's family accom
panied by Miss Lola Samson attended
the fair at Salem Wednesday.
A number of Mulino people visited
the State Fair last week.
Forest fires are raging around Mull,
no. Some tJres doing much good while
others did much damage.
Miss Effle Bradley was an Oregon
City visitor last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Helvey called
on Mrs. Joe Daniels last Tuesday.
Warren Beatty, of Meadowbpook, Is
working for the Hult Lumber com
pany. Miss Gladys Schuebel is going to the
Oregon City hospital to learn to be a
Charles Calverly, of Eldorado, was
a Mulino visitor last Tuesday.
A number ot Mulino people were
treated to a surprise party at A. L.
Jones' last Tuesday night Mr. Jones
is a resident of the Eldorado district.
See the
& at
hjf the I
I Champion i
4 3 ,.
Agency MfaW
if .i i
iWw, IM t.ir. U4 kh Kami wkvlt m cm itititmtt
MM TIM b. tf A pfcMM, I.WllMlBW WmI ,.m1 kl al
kiwi, brd Md btwM km) Im1 Mtf wm ml tkm
':'ra v -"i?!!---" --ir :-''-'-'-
Z-'v a-r7 - f,f. , - ' -..-V--? v- " X-.tf'l"
Driving Mechanism shwtng th
Internal gear whick five many teeth in . t tf . j
m"k- i Subalantial
w.iwr-j Lo,,, l,m8, at f t Yoke.
J '5iiiJi.ath end ol bevel
' leanKaft immnf M Bar aiwHtiJeeaal
Jv J "r IS .et out ot lino o
,v ; ing io u. wiorn
the crank ball mnd umtttiol Out
I,. r
YOKE PINS The 6 Strong
'i i
tk.Lui.ku ' jf : rightly designed.
m tk. kaj. Jf : rig
laa mmm4 mi lia 'i
mm mm la. waar mm ' -
unity "-
This is for your
i, , protection y
fl Tho
In a letter received Monday. Arllo
Mitchell, who Is oil the "Santiago"
writes tlmt he Is Just back at llrooklyn,
N'. Y from bis third trip across to
A letter from Hoy Mitchell, a brother
who Is with the marines in Franc
says ho is back ot the front line
trenches for a rest. Says "We've got
the 11. ins on tho run."
Alex Gray has written from over
there saying he had some trip across.
Ilulph Uauirr, who is with the ma
rines. Is In a hospital at Mare Island
; th the mumps.
Jim Illllyard, who Is with the hospi
tal corps, hus boon In France for over
: a year. Says ho Is getting so ho can
j chatter French first rate. Also says
'.Uncle Sam takes the best of care ot
i his boys over there.
Are Extra Long,
Extra Largo and
are ,.fc- i
Case Hardfiwdy tlv
Prtomnr. UraK: f 'S fj, J?4',
v.m...H.U1.,pi(lce .
They rc Mcurely
f Mtencd in the yoke
injuring the perfect
alignment of bar,
knife and pitman.
Has Extra Long f
Case Hardened 'A
Removable C
Wearing Plata y-
MEADOWBROOK, Oct 2. Several
from here attended the State Fair last
Arnold Hellbacka is attending the
Auto school in Portland.
First meeting of the Meadowbrook
Literary club Friday night. Expect
to have a good program.
Mr. Polo and son, Elmer, left for
Portland Tuesday, where they expect
to make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Chlndgren spent
Sunday at Colton.
Hazel, Nettie, Ruth and Allen Lar
kins visited at Mr. Elison's near Mon
itor Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mann left for
their home in Ridgefield, Wash., the
first of the week after spending a
few days with Mrs. Mann's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Hofstetter.
will hiring you prices and w,
RANCHIl .'"-m tt
i " I In
, tMA2
?'r 1 1 1 f a 'ruir
MM jMrr imT
U fully btKcd W
and trill laM t
natural lifetime.
Champion Construction. 'y,.
? -f-. Send m prlcss and
C-' catalog of your CHAMPION ;
? MOWER. i
Oak Grove
OAK GROVE, Oct. 2. Mr. and Mrs.
John Wines have purchased the Mrs.
Backus home on Rlsley avenue and
took possession the first of the month.
Mr. and Mrs. Wines are from Sho
shone, Idaho, and moved here to be
near the former's parents.
Charlie Koskl and wife are living in
the Hudson house on Oatfield road.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wortuington
have moved into the Rigging house in
the Oak Grove Park section.
Mrs. Little chaperoned the Camp
Fire Girls Friday night to the home ot
Mrs. James Hurt in Vancouver, Wash.
A. bountiful supper was served by the
hostesss and a pleasant evening spent
by all present. ' Those in the party
were, Mrs. Little and daughter, Mar-
jorie, Gladys Capln, Vrancis Griffith
and Emily Jones. The party returned
home about midnight.
Miss Mary Starkweather, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Starkweather,
has returned to California and enter
ed the hospital as a nurse.
Miss Ada Starkweather, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Starkweather, will
leave In a few dayB for Camp Lewis,
and go In the hospital to train as a
The Concord school opened laBt
The following boys from Camp Lew
Is spent the week-end with the home
folk In Sandy and vicinity: Allen
Helms, Henry VVever, and Carl Krlbs.
Goorge Ten Eyck of Benson Polytech
nic school and Goorge Ilonnessy, ot
Fort Stevens, wore also at home over
About twenty-five frlonds and rela
tives of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tonske,
gathered at their home at Bull Run Inst
Suturday evening in honor of their
Miss lluttt Hubbard, of Portland, I
tho teacher at the Wcstby Itldg
school, opening Monday.
Miss I-ena Thomas, of Hull Uun, will
open the school at Amino unit Mouday,
A nice little crowd wero at the com
mittee dunce Inst Saturday veiling.
Another ohm In three weeks.
Mrs. Edna Esson accompanied Dr.
Ott and wltu and Mr. and Mrs. Thron
of UroHlmm, to tho state fair last
H. 11. Smith spend several days at
tho fiilr.
The open season for birds is on and
our gunmen are out The Chlua pheas
ants seem fulrly plentiful,
Dr. Alfred Williams went to Vancou
ver Monday to tuke examination for
tho medical department Ilia creden
tials were sent to Washington. D ,C,
and it will bo somo tlmo Imforo ha
learns tho results. Tha doctor Is very
anxious to be doing his bit over there,
Gertrude Melnig entered Hood col
lege, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvlu Short, Craw
ford Short and somo friends, from
Washougal, attended the coiamltto
dunce Saturday evening.
W. W. Ward end. wife, of Portland
und MIh Mabel Wagner, of Cottrcll,
were Kuest at tho P. II. Molulg home
Suturduy and Sunday.
Carl Asdiotr uud wire, of Marmot
were Sandy visitors the weekend.
Walter Krebs Is making good use ot
tho Una weuther by hsullug wood.
Mis Kate Junker left tut IVrtland
Monday, where she will enter llenkhe
Wulkor lluslness college.
Mrs. C. D. Purcetl is spending a few
days In Portland with relatives.
Miss Hemblih was a week end visi
tor at home.
Mrs. Nelson, of Kelso, was In Sandy
Mrs. E. Ilonett Is In a sanltorlum in
Portland. Iter friends hop tor a
speedy recovery.
Don't forgot the Loyalty league
meeting this Friday evening.
L. McCabo and wife of Marmot, wer
In Sandy Monday.
James Allison jnd Mrs. Hennesay
attended the state fair last week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Sholley and
daughters. Hope and Joan, wor week
end guests nt tho Leaf ranch, accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Loaf, they
were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.
L, Hensen at Zlg Zug Sunday. They
were tho guests ot Mrs. Shelley Tues
day.' on tholr way to Eugene.
There seems to bo a hoodoo hover
ing over tho Sandy-Uorlng stage. Mon
day morning, a machine ru Into th
mall stage and smashod it up somo.
Tuesday morning, a horse nearly run
Into It, Jumping usida baroly in time.
As It was, a girl in the buggy was
thrown out but not hurt. ' Th dense
tog and smoke that settles in Ilorlng In
the morning Is responsible for tho mis
haps. Percy T. Shelley writes from Gulor,
Washington, that as soon as they finish
packing the lumber to th top ot ML
Adams, he will return to Sandy.
When completed, this will bo the high
est lookout station in the United
HAZELIA, Oct. 2. Miss Katherine
McVey is taking a four-months course
at Reed College.
Misses, Lulu Wanker, Wanda Wan
ker, Marlon Eastman and Blanche
Duncan, and Mr. David Long, spent
Saturday at the State Fair, at Salem.
Miss Mary Wilson was able to re
sume her school work Monday. Dur
ing her illness, M:sses Kate McVey
and Marion Eastman were the sub
stitute teachers.
Mrs. George Espen, of Portland, is
spending a week with her relatives at
Evangeline Christinson, Duncan
Christlanson and Kenneth Baker vis
ited at the Fiala home, Sunday.
Election of officers was held by the
Hazelia Literary club, which resulted
as follows: Preoldent, Blanche Dun
can; vice-president, Sidney Seedling;
secretary and treasurer, Vernon Dav
idson; sergeant-at-arma, Duncan E.
Christlanson. The program commit
tee consists of Miss Lulu Wanker,
chairman, and William Kroll and Mrs.
Christlanson. A committee was ap
pointed, of which Miss Marlon East
man is chairman, to draw up a new
constitution and by-laws, which will
tend to make the society more ex
clusive as well as financially benefit
ted. All charter members are request
ed to be present at the next meeting,
which will be In two weeks, October
been visiting relatives In this vic'nity.
James Say has enlisted in the S. A.
T. C. at the University of Oregon,
which makes the third member of
N. O. Say's family in the service of
Uncle Sam.
Louis Youne. Austin Youne. Emmet
BakerElmer Kruse, Lloyd Jones an 4
others went to O. A. C. this week to
enlist in the Students' Army Training
H. D. Aden, G. Peters, Andy Has-
selbrink and John Bartles have been
enjoying a ten days' outing at Pacific
Leah Wagner is attnding the Uni
versity oj Oregon.
Eleanor and Virginia Say are, at
tending the high school at Newberg.
Effie Wagner is attending the Lin
coln high school in Portland.
Mrs. Clyde Baker is visiting her hus
band's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alison
Baker, for the past week.
Joe Thornton has been busily en
gaged assisting with questionnaire!
this week.
Pomona grange meets with Harding
grange at Logan.
CoL W.S. Wood
Vancouver, Wash,
Farm Sales a specialty. Phone or
write for dates or make arrangements
at Enterprise office.
A BosIaeflS Directory of uih Cl(r,
Towa and VilUise U Oregua mi
Wsahlngtoa, g-ivin IeerIptWe
Hketeh of earn vitro. Location,
biiippln Facllitfas ! ClauU
fled iNrecturr cf each' Boviacu
Seattle, Waah.
TWILIGHT, Oct Mr. Axford has
moved to Mt Pleasant
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan spent Sunday
and Monday with Mrs. Jordan's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Swlck.
Mr. H. L. Scheer and tamily spent
Sunday with Mrs. Scheer's brother,
R C. Meier, ot Oregon City. . Y
Miss Florence Bentley is visiting
with relatives in Portland. '
Mr. Herman Meier hat returned
home from Salem, where he has been
ESTACADA, Oct 3. Mr, and Mrs.
S. E. Wooster and daughter, Helen,
accompanied by Milton Mattoon and
F.E. Boner, motored to Salem Thurs
day, where they enjoyed the State
While playing at school last Friday
Bessie Huxley had the misfortune to
fall and hurt her arm so that it was
necessary to have the doctor's atten
tion. Bob Marchbank and family, accom
panied by Ed Linn, spent a couple of
days last week at the State fair.
A very interesting foot ball game
took place between the Webstorian
and Adelpulc societies last Friday audi
although the Adelphics won with a
score of 13 to 7, the Webs played a
good game. .
Rev. Dunlop will b the pastor of
the M. E. church for the coming year.
Me ond Mn Pmrtio nrp vlnHIno- th
CLACKAMAS, Oct. 3. Ellis Jones,
Wm. Moore and Herman Tlmraer left
Sunday morning tor Corvallts military
training school.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Roots moved in
to Portland on Monday, George
Moore and, family now occupy the
Roots place, having leased it for a
Mr. and Mrs. Jameson, of Molalla,
have rented Mrs. A. M. Spurgeons
home and moved in on Wednesday.
Mrs. Bernlce Howell, of Belmount,
Washington, was visiting her brothers
here, F. C .and W. W. Foster on Fri
day. Loyalty league meets on first Wed
nesday evening of each month at the
school building.
Death of Mrs. Flanery.
Died at St. Vincent's hospital, Sat
urday, September 28, Mrs. J. W, Flan
ery. Rosetta Stakely was born October
27, 1869, In Lawrence county, Mo., mar
ried J. W." Flanery, September 27,
1887. Seven children blessed this un
ion. Three sons and three daughters
are left to mourn the loss of a loving
mother. The community loses an
earnest worker and Shamrock Re
bekah lodge a devoted sister.
Funeral services held in the Congre
gational church, Tuesday afternoon.
She was laid to rest beside her eldest
daughter In the Clackamas cemetery,
U More than 20,000 new cases of 4
Spanish influenza were reported $
at Army camps during the 48-
hour period. Pneumonia cases 4
m'mbnrfld 733 and dVnths 277.
H. G. and Alice M. Starkweather to
Harry C. and Rose A. Ilimtor, two
acres ot J. 8. Riley D. L C, town
ship 2 south, range 1 east; fl
'Eunice u. Sargent to Eva Springier,
lot 20 and east half lot 21, block 7,
White City Pork. $10.
Minnie O. and W, D. Heldclman to
W. J. Miller, lots 11, 12, 13 and 14,
block 46, Mlnthorn addition to city of
Portland; S270
N. W. and I.lllle Bowland to Anna
Bennett, tract of land In Oregon City,
on 14th and Van lturen streets; $10.
Oregon Iron & Steel company to
Una Riser, lot 12, block 25, the Ore.
son Iron & Steel company's first ad
dition to Oswego; $10.
Stanhope 8. and Elizabeth T. Pier
to W. H. Graves, lot 6, block 31, Mil
waukle heights; $10.
August and Elizabeth M. Kerapen to
Asa C. and Allce'IIess, lot 13, block
uu. Oregon Iron & Steel company c
first addition to Oswego; $500.
. J, M. McLennann to Christ Trost,
52 acres, section 30, township 4 south.
range 1 east; $1600.
Francis and Melissa Hoult to E. J
and Maude Williams, tract 46, Wil
lamette tracts; $1000.
F. P. and Emma R. Drinker to Her
man Relrwers, traclf of land In section
12, township 3 south, range 1 west, $1
llorm an and Louise Relmers to F.
P. Drinker, 25 acres, section 12, town
ship 3 south, rangel weBt; $1.
Emma and Fred Lankow to Hans
and Hannah Thompson, tract 6, Tuala
tin Meadows; $10.
John H. and Flora B, Zlegler to Gus
and IVrtha O. GabrlelHen, tract of
land In Issac Capps D, L. C, No, 52,
towntihlp 2 south, range 2 east, $10.
George H. and Mattle O. Grovwr, 16
acres In Charles Walker D. L. C, al
so five acres In Washington Williams
D. L. C; $10 '
M. L. Morris to Adam and Elva
Dapp, tract of land In Joseph T. Wing-
field D. L. C.;$1365. , ,
Andrew F. McCoy to Wm. McFar-
land, 0.4490 acre, being part of vaca
ted portion of Weslyn; $10.
Viola McCrossen to V. and William
McCrossiMi, los 2 and 3, Multnomnh
Acres; $10.
Joseph S. Haley to William S. Ha
ley, W. Vs of E. Vj of S. W. 4 of 8.
E. Vi section 2, township I south.
renge 4 east; $10.
Anna Backus to John E. and Mary
Wlnos, tract ot lund In Concord, $900.
Hugh and E. Comer to W. A. and
Inga Beck, 6 acres, section 1, town
ship 4 south, range 5 east, $10.
Ernest Conrad to David Bvtigll,
acres, section 15, townfihlp 5
south, range 1 east, $,'1600.
Thomas R. A. Sollwood vt t. to
James A. Rlgdnn, lots 17 and 20, block
2, Qulncy addition to Mllwaukle.
LONDON, Sept. 30. Tho allks and '
Bulgarians ceased hostilities at noon,
It was loarnod from an authorlaatlve
source here this afternoon. -
Tlio i'orblan legation confirms Bul
garia's surrender to the allies.
Dr.lgr rla has surrendorod -unconditionally,
according to an agoncy dis
patch received here today.
Bulgaria Is out of tho war. Having
nccerted all 'of tho military terms Im
posed by the allies, he hus ceased to
be an active participant
It Is learned authoritatively that at
Calonlkl, Bulgarian and allied repre
sentatives dlscuHsod only the condi
tions of Bulgaria's disarmament and
not political questions.
LONDON, Bop't. 30. Turkey Is ex:
pected to follow thw load of Bulgaria
in seeking an armlstlco with a view to
arranging for peace.
$ WASHINGTON, Oct 1. Draft S
& Blacker raids will be rosumed in
a few days by Department of S
Justice agents In about a dozen
places in the East and on the
Q Pacific Const. , 4