Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 27, 1918, Page Page 8, Image 8

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M i
.JZ" I.:
a-r,w m
The Latest ropuiar
Patriotic Songs
Here are seven of the latest
numbers, that have struck a
popular chord:
"A Tale of the Fireside"
"Battle Song cf Liberty"
I'd Like to See the Kilter With
Lilly In Hit Hand"
"The right Is On"
"We Are All Going Calling On the
"We Want Our Daddy Dear Back
We Will Win It Bye and Bye"
We are also offering two used
, pianos that are exceptional
values at lLb and $Z03. ?
Two used organs good value 2
at $25 and $35 each. p ;
fall line of stringed Instruments and J
Theroux Music House
Main Street, corner Ninth .
IT 8. Flnuoan 60
Betty Forbes M
Clara Elvira France 60
Sarah K. Corbet 50
Klla Grant 60
Henry Hansen . 60
Edward E. Hansen 60
tra Hart
Henry Hoffman and Wife 60
George IV Hollmann 60
Henry Hollmann
Rorwell L. Holmnn 100
Frank Hops &0
E. O. Hughes
John and Sarah Hushes
Ellen Joivrs
Martha J. Kelly .......
May Kelly
Edward E. Knlekrehni 60
Mrs. Augusta Ktrchem 100
John L. Kline
Nelta Harlow Lawrence 60
Marian Lewthwatte 60
Samuel Linton ; 60
Jns. W. McAuulty 60
Lord Bryon Lott 100
Thomas McClatehle 60
Mrs. Clara Martin 60
William D. Martin 100
C. E. Meldrum 60
H. Moodeiihaugh
Rose A. Muller 60
I- --r -'V t i t , i mi .
It . J
m COSTS FDR 1813
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. Horrified
by the bloody reign of terror in Russia,
the United States today called on all
allied and neutral nations to consider
what they may do to impress upon the
Bolshevik! the aversion with which
the civilized world regards their wan
ton crimes.
By direction of President Wilson,
Secretary Lansing dispatched instruc
tions to all American diplomatic repre
sentatives in the foreign capitals,
both allied and neutral.
The action aligns the United States
with that of Great Britain and France
in declaring the Bolshevik! responsible
for the murders, crime and excesses
which have shocked the world, out
laws and public enemies.
Whatever action may be decided on
by the nations, separately, or in con
cert, it Is made clear will be quite
apart from the prosecution of the war
against Germany.
The reported action of the Bolshe
viki in effecting an alliance with Ger
many for offensive and defense is an
added cause for the step.
Official reports from Russia, many
coming through neutral countries, have
recited revolting acts that have
astounded and shocked the world.
The reign of terror has already
greatly hindered the efforts of the
United States to alleviate an impend
ing famine in Russia, as it is impossi
ble to furnish much-needed supplies to
that part of the country under Bolshe
vik control without actually feeding
the German army and the German
It Is conceded that there is enough
food in Southeastern Russia and West
ern Siberia to teed all the Russian peo
ple if a means of distribution could be
effected to keep the supplies from
falling into German hands.
The alliance between the Bolshevik
ists and Germany presents a danger
ous situation to the allies in that it
may afford Germany an opportunity
greatly to increase her waning manpower.
WASHINGTON, Sept- 19. Congress
. . .i ilnnartmAtlt tO
was assea oy ie
day to provide $7,347.0OO,0f)0 in addi
tion to previous estimates for carry
ing out the enlarged American mili
tary program for the coming year.
The new eiimate is based upon
clans for having nearly 4,000.000
American soldiers in France next
summer and another million In train
ing at home. It brings the money
sought for the army In the fiscal year
1919 up to more than ?24,000 ooo.uou
Increases asked for today Indicate
the possibility of a change in the
pending war revenue bill when it
reaches the senate. Consumption
taxes, according to the congressional
leaders, seem the most likely to
inserted for raising additional reve
Lawrence Casper Nath 60
C. W. Nell 60
Frank NeUlon 60
Mrs. Ida M. Nelson 60
Udlslav J. Novotney 60
Margaret Jane rattllo 60
Mrs. Payne 60
Mrs. M. D. Phillips 60
M. D. Phillips 60
Charlotte A. Pratt 60
F. Milton Price 60
Conrad Prlester "0
L. B. Purklser 60
Ewald Ouade 60
Mrs. V. E. Rauch 50
Julian Rvboul 50
Anua Rlnearson 50
Geo. A. Roberts 60
Henry O. Rosebraugh 100
D. V. Sanetsson 50
Jos. M. Schaub 50
Georgia Pope Meldrum 50
Charles Merlwlu 50
Augusta Mever 50
Laerenoe Setera . . .
Karl Shoenheinx . . .
E. Schwab
Mrs. Kate Shannon
Oscar Singer
Alfred A. Spangler
Henry Stall
Charlie H. Steiner .
Ada Stevens
Mary Story
Mrs May B. Terry
R. H. Thullinger 50
Mrs. H. F. Tschlrgi 100
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Tschirigi... 1.000
isul Glen Uptegrove 50
Wm. Welsmandel 60
Mrs. Martha L. White 50
Florence G. White 50
Carl Walter Wievesiek 50
Charles A. Williams 100
C. B. Willson 50
Millie M. A. Wilson 50
Lorenza T. Wilson 50
Harry Woolrich 300
James H. Yamamoto 100
Mrs. Alice Wievesiek 50
Joseph W. Alldredge 50
Cornwell B. Wilcox 60
W. A. Williams 100
C. 11. Wilson 60
R. O. Young 60
R. Blunchard 60
J. R. Gtlmore 60
Goo. A. Harding 100
J. C. Penney A Co 800
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hay 100
M. McGoohnn 100
Thus. J. Myers 50
W. W. Myers 60
K. G. and Cora E. Smith 60
Mrs. Clema Martin 60
Mrs. J. E. .Jonter 60
Earle C. Latourotto 100
Edgar H. Dempster 60
Elolse J. Rigger &0
T. J. H. William 100
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Farr 60
Mabel Howard 50
Edith 1), Hogg 60
O. Frank Kernes 60
F. H. McAnulty 60
It. J, Slants & Co 100
Julias Goldsmith 100
W W. Pollock 60
John F, Satera
Mary A. Van Hoy
Mary E. Mulligan ....
M. O. Rose
A. M. Ktrchem
Mrs. A. I Harris and
Anna Conklln
Rosa Rivers
May Straight 60
W. Ikwson .
Jake Mroslk
Mrs. A. J. Soesbe ...
Grace Wolcott Welsh
Levi Pierce
Hugh E. Hendry 200
John J. Cooke 60
S. F. Scripture 100
Sylvester Granlch
Mosh Waltkevics
J. F. Gor-efsky ,
Florence Ollphont
Carl M. Brandstetter
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Carlson
Frank C. Schcll
Ora V. Roll
Carl W. Joehnke
Ceo. V. Ely
A F. Jack
J. E. Jack
A t t
Ortlolb, Henry
Orth, E.VM.
Parish, Robert U
Pnultn, Jw
Pottw. Alva M.
Purstfttl, Uansom
Uaiiiey, Ralph ...
Randa, Ernest P.
1UmvVs, Forrest ,
Rohhlns. O. D. ..
Rutherford, Robert '....50
Rutherford, David W 50
t-chwnrts, Lester Lee 50
Sevier, James ..100
Shandy, Mrs. Ella 60Dlvor. J
Shandy H. A 60 Cannon, W. C
Marx, Wm
Hodr, It. ....
Wilson, (M. M. .
Wlthnm. W, 0. ..
Towry, J. P
Shitw, E. 1
HucbhoW. K, D. ,
Stephens", P. !
Iturko, W. t ..
Treppo, A ...,.60
UlltMo. C 50
Wnro, A. J 60
8tMi!ienon G 50
Shea. Kmiuttlt R 60
Smith, Arthur Roy ....
Shields, Charles
Shields, Emnwtt
Slnnott, Kathryu E.....
Spunsler, Chas
SpnU. D. M
Staehl, Wm. A
, 50
Trimble., J. M.
Anderson. C. V.
ItiiltcnUre, A. .
Allen, C'hih, T.
Holder. W . R. .
Kordmwt, tleo, II.
NUt. Clifford K. . .
Uin Genevieve ..
MeHiiln, Wm
MIIIit, Fvtd A
Gliinunn, Frank
fUiuiuelHter, I!. ....
HltnHtoiie. W, I
Hloni, A
olio, John
ChrlHtenHi'ti, Dorothy
Chrlstonson. Mulitd .
Hrtuty, Hlttiu'he E...
ChrlstomwH. P
DhvU'h, Llewelyn W.
Ftnnlgan, A. It
Fowler, Edward W.
GanoiiK, Cidena F. . .
Gay, H, A,
deer, Geo,
Chas. F. Gadke 100
Surfus, Edmoud ...50
Siirfus. Mr. and Mrs. Chas 50
Swift, Verne E 50
Torrance, Dale L 100
Troxal, C. A. 50
Volpp, Adolph G 60
Wallls, ... E 60
Wnrthen, R. H 60
White, W. A 50
Wlckham. Mrs. M 50
Wilson, Peter 100
Woodward. Mrs. R. E 50
Woodward. II. E 50
Woodward, Geo. G 60
Shauks, Duncan M. and Mary
J 3000
Barrett. Arthur M 50
Hrown, Geo. Washington 50
Ciunpocll. Mrs. AntiK C 50
Crow, Mrs. M. M 50
Davles, Thos. H 50
Davles, Bertha II 100-
Edwards, Allen 50
Ford, A. B 100
Gules. Chas. 11 60
.; 50
Graham, Andrew
Green, WiUter C.
Gibu, William ...
Glschol, Chas. G.
Glas. Llal
Gwllllm, G. R. ..
E. L. Walters
Ethel J. Younger ...
Lena Charman
Mrs. Gertrude Kruse
Mrs. E. R, Leek ....
E. R. Leek
Ida F. Helghton
5Q Sylvester Has8
rn E. A. Leek
Babeock, E. M ,50
Joseph Bancke 500
(Continued from Page 6)
H. I. Price 250
A. R. Price 250
A. A. Price 250
W. C. McDonald 50
Frank H. Cross 150
Veda Bancke
Richard Berndt
Harrl-t A. Bly
Henry Boss
Clarence E. Briiner
Giles Caldwell
S. B. Chipman
C. F. Christian
Mrs. C. F. Christian
Marie Christian
Mrs. M. J. Cockerllne
Thomas Warner Cook
John- Crawford
Theodore B. Davenport 100
De Hok Clifford 50
Matthew Doom y 50
V. M. Dustin 50
Chris Fisher 200
Albert Fisher 50
Ray E, Fisher 50
Madge H. Fortune 50
Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Francis 50
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fullam 200
Pearl T. Washburn 100
J. E. Bryant 60
Ines Mortensen 50
Gotlelb Amacher 50
Theo. E. Kraeft 50
J. W. Bryant 50!
Wm. Baldwin 50
Horace F. .Martin 200
W. M. Davis 60
John Ruskis 100
W. N. Saterlee 50
B. Huntley 60
G. G. MacKay 50
O. A. Van Hoy .' 50
The following subscriptions were
announced Monday.
Adamosky, Joe u
Adamson. A. W
Anderson Thos. Edward 50
Bachman, Geo. J 50
Dullard, S. P r0
Parlow. Mabel C 50
Ilateson, Edward T 50
Benton, Mrs. W. J 50
Bradley, J . C 50
Brown, Etna M 60 i
Bucl.les, Edw. Norton 50
Burson, James O "u
Dyers, Madge --SO
Ilyvrs, Olive 50
Carr, James Riley 100
Chinn, Ella M 60
Contreras, Joseph 60
Cooper, C. W 50
Crader, Timothy DavTd 50
Hanny, John R 50
HaKemann, II. W 100
Hofman. G. C 50
Howvll, Geo. H. s 100
Howell. Richard D 200
Howell. Ella E 50
Howell, W. II 200
Josl, Fred ; ...100
ILogus, Major and Mrs, Wm. R....500
Lone Fine Lodge No. 53 A. F.
and A. M 50
O'Lei ry. -uhn 50
Pasco, Rcnnle 1 50
Pttt,.ra,.n IIi-imfA Ijtntnn GO !
, ' t. ,nRyan, Thos. F.
Pope. Laura E 50 ' . . .
Price, Elia 100
Roberts, Edwin G 50
Seedling. Ella Harriet 100
Mlratidu. Frank 50
I'utkett. W. A 60
Hoddaway, Carrie 50
Petty, Sam 60
iWhhoU, Oliver E. 60
Kruse, O. A 60
Wlldemnn. Robert K... .,..50
Furt'ilng. J. G. A 50
Ware, Joe h Franklin 60
Stehmau. Chas 50
Ml'ur. Oscar ...60
IIm iii. M. F. 60
Fit zpnt rick, II 60
Duiigey. E. 50
Stout, R 50
Ci'suw, Victor f0
Shannon, Jjalle J 50
P'.iveso, Joe 50
Jasperson, 8. 60
Etchlson. S 60
Montgomery, Part 60
llaybttll. Alfred 60
Rogers, J. E... 60
Mon:Ttr. F. V 50
Crntitree. Frank 50
Muutx. 1 50
Dum tngton, F. E 50
Mumpower, Wm. E 60
Wilson, 8w .h 1 100
Wilson, Frank P 100
Casio. Soih 1.. 50
Davis. Wm. and Mabel 300
Davis, Catherine and Wm 200
Davis, Richard F 600
t ook. Mae llelle and John W 6o
Praeger, Chester Paul ....... ....60
anting, -.eUlon 100
Duabar, Oron 1 60
(iroMsenbacher, Armen 50
Justin, Cyril G r0
Hlakeslv. E. U 60
Dunbar, Laura B 60
Uyan, Virginia M 100
Ryan. ElUabeth M 100
Ryan,' Donald J loo
Ryan, Marshall T 100
Ryan, Inei M 100
'addock, Jomile D 60
Clark. R. A 50
tUrtman. Christian "
Utatt, John W &
Kennedy, Mrs. Ella 100
Linton. Wllbwt W. and wife 60
Michaels, F, 11 "
Naegell, Christ and wife 50
Onbtirn, Howard iu
Ctnmn. Mrs, Anna ...60
O. K. 8 ' r,
0, E. 8 60
Pioneer Clmptcr No 2H ... ."
Battel. W. A 60
Shafor, Wm 60
Tate, Chas ,'
Th mu s, T. C RU
Warren. IC. C 60
McDonald. A. D 60
Owen, Walter 2
KocnlK. Fr. Pauline 60
Covert, Frank J 60
Crawford, Mrs, Lottie 60
tvh'lmon Vlrtnr 60
Helnrlch. A 60
Randall, Wilburn Grant tW
tfaml-rs, Mrs. Delia A 100
Sullivan, 160
Webster, Mrs. H. M 100
Halts. Alfred W 100
erg Jordan "
lllanthard. A, L 60
Bofcuslaskl, L. H 60
Boss. John 100
I kiss, Fred 60
Bowir. Narclsse A ....60
Brady. A. J 60
Caiiflcld, David 60
Chambers, C. A 60
("hriitner, Noah 100
Chandler. Harry 50
H V - n J 60 Klre a. Irene P. K.
Selbert. Mrs Mary D Barlow. Mrs. F. T 60 1 Howell, dmrnb-rs .
- , .......
j00j Harris. E. II ...50
r i ItoliliiKon, Albert 50
Tong. Earl
Tachopp, Henry .
Wachtman, Jno. F,
Dalles, Clarence 0 50 ' Meeker, Frank H.
Wachtman. Sophie 50
Webster, Ceo. II 300
Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley .. .50
Dlcken. Mrs. Chas 50
IMerson, John 100
risky. Nicholas 50
Ford. E. H 50
ltlakeslee. M. L 200
Crocker. Grace A 50
Adams. W. F 100
Herard. Fred 50
Crocker. Herbert C 100
Norris. E. Mary 50
Edelman, Carl 50
Uugg. A. E 50
Peckover. H JOO
Perkover, Fred 50
Scher.lnger, John 50
Pope, Mr. and Mrs. E. L 500
Mann. f M 100
Read, Mayrie 60
Read. Arlelgh 50
Read, Mrs. L. A 50
Boyd, J. T 60
May. Thos
Zimmerman, C
Menke, Ivan
Anderson, Gvo
Moris, Mrs. J, K
Boanllnii, Joe
Moore, E. L.
Murray, ('. E
IH'Btlo. R. B
Gill. Gvo. N
Allen, Glen
Shlbloy. Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Dunuilre, Jes '.
, 60
i.. $1000
liny wait, C.irIyne , 60
Kberty, Mr. and Mrs. Goo 50
t'ntfl'.iiiiim. Clarence 60
U ,.! lira Inula 11)0
a mi, ,.,. .. ..,..
Jlard. Mrs. Vera 60
Gorher. Edwin C 100
Coodfcllow, Elisabeth 60
(iiirr.ll, Genevieve 50
Gottberg, F 10O
Hammond. Geo. Dewey 60
Havlll, Marie Wilson 6(
llavlll. Marie Wilson 50
I Milieu Mm. Ida 6n
Hodgson, Robort .100
.. ..; 60
Klrchoin, I .aura I
1 1
nouncement of a revision of the uni
form wage scale of employes ia Pa
cific coast shipbuilding plants will be
made In all probability before October
1, according to a telegram from the
wage adjustment board of the United
States shipping board received here
last night by the Iron Trades council.
At a recent conference between rep
resentatives of the employers and
workers on the Pacific coast, lreld in
Philadelphia and Washington, It de
veloped there was a possibility of a
decision being rendered In the latter
part of this month.
McMlnn villa gets carload of trout
for Yamhill county atreams.'
Harry Porter b
Phil Bucklein '- 50
John Albert Roake, Jr 50
Bert J. Staats 50
W. I. Rowan 50
J. H. Frommeyer 50
Hogg Bros 200
Mrs. Gilbert Morris 60
A. G. Ammer 60
Roy Ringo 50
W. J. Wilson 50
Virgil Maddox 50
L. V. Roake 50
R. W. Griffith 50
Mrs. J. Lynch 60
Ella M. Krummel 50
Beulah M. Swigert 50
Anna Schmasse 50
E. A. H. Hughes 50
W. T. Hislop 50
Robert D. Rodgers 50
Wm. Schatz 50
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown 50
Jean Moffatt 50
C. V. Graves 60
J. T. Graves 60
Richard Griffiths 100
Raymond Barton 100
G. W. Alexander 50
R. L. & M. N. Badger 100
Myrtle E. Beard 50
Annie E. Beeson 50
John Bohlander 50
August E. Bhihm 100
Frances L. Bowland 50
Brady Mercantile Co 100
Edgar L. & Celena Brown .... 60
Joseph Brunner 1,000
Robert Bullard 60
Frank P. Burch 60
J. J. Calavan 100
Charles Henry Caufield 1,000
Mrs. Charles H. Caufield 1,000
Mary R. Caufield 50
Mrs. Nettie S. Charles 50
J. E. Cluette 100
John Collie 1,000
Frank H. Cross 250
Charles F. Darling 60
Francis Marion Darling 60
August Deslng 100
Frona V. Dlmlck , 100
Grant B. Dlmlck 200
Geo. R. Gardner
William Gardner
Earl Gerber
Mrs. Fred Gerber
Samis-l Gerber
Alexander Gill
Wm. H. Godfrey
Mrs. Gussle Goodpasture
Estelle F. Grady
R. L. and Fanny Greaves
Mrs. C. Guynes
Chas. Asa Gufiies
Geo. High Harrington ...
Maggie Harrington
Harold L. Heathman
. 50
. . 50
. 50
. 100
.. 100
,. 100
.. 50
.. 100
.. 50
Olaf F. Hegdale 500
A. S. Heilinger 60
Arloa B .Hempstead 500
Jack Hempstead -. ... 60
C. T. Howard 50
Mary S. Howard 60
Henry H. and Mary A. Hughes. . 50
Gertrude May Humphrey ...... 50
Jno. M. Jones 600
oottlleb Kinzy 60
Henry Krummel 50
Marilda Krummel 50
Krause Henry C 50
Hanna Llewelyn 100
Robert Lynch 100
David McArthur 100
Mrs. Elsie Minder 100
Leonard Moser 50
Grace Marlborough 50
Mrs. Blanche Mautz 60
Mr. and Mrs. Terry C. Miller... 50
Annie G, Myers 50
L. Mabel Myers 50
A. S. Newton 60
J. M. Parrlsh 200
Mary Parrlsh 100
Martin Perlman 100
John Rawnsley 60
Sarah A. Roberts 60
George Rosenboom 50
L. Ruconlck 50
Emma M. Salstrand 60
Louis Bervas 60
Mrs. Ella May Scouton 50
Mrs. Louisa E. Senn 50
Mrs. Levanchle- Sewell 100
Clyde Singleterry 60
Joseph Stuedeman 200
Rose Tomezwskle 100
Francis Welsh ., , 200
.Henry Wetzler 60
Davis, W. W Eu
Day. J. W 50
Donovrn, Matthew James 50
D:irifr, Jacob 50
Elledge, D. II 50
Fischer, Homer 300
Frederick, Adolph E 100
Gengler, Michael 100
Gray, J. W 50
Gibh, Frank' 50
Graves, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 100
Gross, Mike 50
Harvey. Augustus H 100
Hamln, Georg: . 50
Hattan, Guy 60
Hattan, Mary E 60
Hattan, Victorine 50
Hlcinbotham, W. C 100
Howell, Mrs. G. W 50
Huerth, Henry T. ...100
Junken, R. A 50
Kennedy, A. C 50
Klrchem. Paul M 50
Kltzmiller, Eldivdge P 50
Kruger, A. W 60
Lavlus, John 50
iennpn, A. R 50
Llllie, Alfred 100
Lillie, Sheridan 50
Lucas, Frank 50
McCubbln, James 50
McKllIlcan, N 50
McKlnley, Geo 50
McGuin, E. L 50
Magary, George 50 Hattan, Frank
Marrs, Rosetta 50
Troxel, O. A 50
Scherzinger, John 50
Krummel, Louis M 50
Draper, Lawrence 50
Tldd, Chas. N 50
Selby, Geo 60
Lagcson, L. J 60
Lageson, Mrs. L, J.... 50
I.ai?.Ron, Maude L 50
Mather, John 50
Hogan, Mrs. Siman E 60
Nason. Win. E 50
White. Chas W " 50
Nagl, George J 60
Frasier, .Harry 100
McCord, W. J. W 100
Well's, W. B 56
Kohl, Erie C 60
Kohl, Henry W 50
Hntchens, Mrs. F. S 100
Kohl, Geo. A :.t..50
Hutchlns. W. B 50
Burt, Wm. L 60
Effenberger, Earl D 50
Effenlwrger, Bessie , 50
McCoy. Owel 50
Naslund, Addle E 50
Naslund, Ivan 100
Norman, Abel 100
Swanson, Christ 50
Toyooka, Kalchi 100
Mendenhall, Cyrus J
Hemrlch, Henry L.
Link, Sylvester L 50
Kin-hem. W. P
Klottwyk. Anlone ...... ,i. . .
Laldlew. W. W
1 1mlmcUer, J. L
Little. Walter I
Londeruan, 8. P
Mayf'cld. Jennie 100
jfnrtla, Matin and Mtrgaret 5c
Molmll, Fred J. Adm 60
Morris. EllsaUth 60
Muender, II, R 60
Murphy, John P 60
Pedro, Margarot 60
Paterson, Thomas 60
Paterson. Alex 200
l'uterson, Guy 20i
liahner. Wm 100
Rlol.hoff, Fred Walter 60
Sovlnsky, Anton 100
fc'ovlnsky, Jacob G 10
ic..i,,ii, i.v.,,,i r.n
.,V(.I(.V,, ,.. i. .......
Scmlti, Win 50
Eelirelber, John 100
KnwlKrass, Robert II 60
Si nee, Mrs. Anna 50
Stabb. Charley 60
Stone, Chas. G 100
Swafford,. Ivy 60
Stur.negzcr. Gus and Ccira 100
Swallow, Charlie W 60
Thomas, Abut 60
Thompson, Richard 60
Tray lor, Lola 660
Traylor, Ed 100
Diinmirp, Honolla 60
Davis, F. 1 50
Jones, Ellen B 50
Smith, Otto 50
CohlHinlth. C and 11 100
Itorgea, Curl W 60 Bovlnsky, Druno
Krickaon, Chas. C 50
Field Thos 50
Johnson, 8. J 50
(ilarner, John 0
Rhodes, Walter L 50
Rhodes, Mrs. Walter L 60
Horges. F. II 100
Campbell, Eva A 50
Cr.mpbell Thos. P 50
Palln. Clarence E 60
Frost, John 50
Sauor. Harry F 50
Sturm, L. A 50
VwwlfYiril Mm nnd Mm. Herbert. .50
Hemingway. Jerry 5ojy" "Hsn . Joseph 60
French. Mrs. A. C 100
Tull. C. G
Wyrtck, T, J 50
Rayl, Mr. and Mrs. It. A 50
Hemingway, Edith 50
Scott, Eva , 60
Fallert, C. M 60
Smith, Junlce and Eugene 50
Johnson, Ralph S 100
The following subscriptions were
announced Wednesday:
Ganong, R. C. 60
Stokes, W.' B. and Martha 100
Snow, Blihn L 50
Swlcert, W. F 50
James, Elsworth 60
Roberts. Mrs. Wilbur E 60
Effenberger, Oscar A 60
Schmidt, Wm. . : .60 Goodman, A. J.
Reddaway, Mrs. Geo. M 100 Roberts, Mrs. Eugene 100 Graves, D, W. ,
Carey, John 50 latty, Lenora O ' .50 Heater, H. A. and Florence
Hoomlssen, Kathleen 60
Werner, H. C 60
Young, Robrrt A 60
Andrews, N. T 60
Brock, Edgar R 6(1
l rown, Aaron Wilbur 100
Brown, Geo. A 60
Bullard, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 50
Carter, Irene 100
Cockerllne, Clark 60 '
Cox, Olive J and Frank D 100
Davis, AIvIb D 300
Daue, F. A 50
Davidson, P. C 50
Fellows, Stephen GO
Gentler, Michael 100
Give in, Harry Peubody 100
(londeck, Jacob ; 60
Goodmcn, Mary M 50
Crader, Ollie E 50,!edKes, Jos. E,
Watts, Geo. T 60!Beatie, Dr. A. L ,
Hearn, C. L 50 Meade Relief Corps No. 18 .
Nelson, Ernest 60 .Pemrock, Mr. and Mrs. D. D.
Hemrlch, Karl M. 50
Larsen, C. Astrup 100
Aral. Tom Tsunejl 100
Rowland, N. W 50
rMcDermott, R. P 50
Magone, Amos M 50
Tooze, Emma L 50
Quinn, Gus ,
Hamlin, Alfred ,
Srhomaker, Geo. Alfred
Dimick, G. B ,
Guenther, Frank
.veils, W. B ,
Hadley, K
Earp, Dan
Foley, Joseph R. ......
Andrews, J. S.
Hays, Wilbur 50
Hurley, M. F 50
Marrs, Georgia .50
Martin, Amelia 50
Martin, Joslah 60
Meldrum, D. Thompson 60
Meyer, Joseph 50
Miller, Jno. C. .80
Nicholas, Frank .69
Nuttall, Sydney and Margaret E....50
Pace, Bertha M 50
Shannon, James 100
Sancezewski, Allx 100
Cox, R. L 100
Pusey Geo. E. 150
Martin, Horace F. 200
Rogers, J. F. 60
Heap;ney, John 50
Erlckson, P. J 50
Post, John 100
Talent, J. T. ...60
Banherg , F. L 250
Youngchild, Wm. ,.'.50
Rottar, Frank,. Sr .50
Hoyt, J 60
Th following subscriptions were
announced Tuesday . , ,
Rerard,. Fred...... 60
McCausIand, L. ,..,60
Mroslk, Jack , 50
Maklnster, Dewey Jamie 50
Makinster, Mrs. Pear ..." 100
Griffiths, Griffith 50
Ramsey. S. E 60
Peckthorn, F. L 50
Seeman, 8. W: 50
Ovlatt, Claude M 60
Seeman, S. W ' 100
Mitchell, J. J CO
Van Water,. H 100
Kiern, Mr. and Mrs. II. N 60
Wllloughby, C. H 1 60
Kler, E 60
Totten, A. F. 60
Burley, M. F. '. 60
Jligholls, G. F ! 60
Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. Jas 50
Hlnes, Clyde O CO
Donley, Jerome 60
Martin, Jas. and son 60
Belford, John ., 60
Sager, Harry 8. , .60
Frost, John Wm. Sr 60
Palln, Clarence E. , .,60
Campbell, Thos. P. .......60
Roys, Lillian L. 100 Watts, Jack P.
Pepoon, Geo. .60 Wlckham. Alomto
Nllee, Clifford . .'6'fiajovic, Jack 80
Hellborg, Wm 50
Ilehn, John 100
Ho(lIni;sworth, Emma 50
Jaeger, Martin 60
Johnson, Frank 50
Koenlg, Frank Sr 60
Kraime, Gustav 100
Little, A. E 60
Moscr, John Qottfleld 50
Moser, Fred 8r. .., 60
NIzlch, Jerry .160
NlKich, Anton 60
Osburn, Arthur M 60
Parberry, Goo. M 60
Pattorson,' Alice E. 50
Petty James 60
Prlebe, Wm. Frederick 60
Ratoel, Herman C. ,.50
Reddlck, w". R 50
Selbert, Herman 100
Spence, C. E. ..60
Staehley, AuguBt 150
Taggart, Henry M 60
Story, Mr. arid Mrs. Geo. L 100
Swank, Ernest rJ. 60
Thomi,s, Mary Louise ,60.
Traylor, Minnie M. 100
Walker, Earl T. 40O
vvarner, A. u 60