Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 27, 1918, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Pago 3
- D
iamond Buying
There In a sense of absolute security In
buying a diamond hare. You know that you
are getting stone that li Jut what It U
represented to be, both in quality and value.
Before being passod Into stock every di
amond must pass our own critical examina
tion, and we take personal pride In the fact
tbat no jewel bearing our name contalna a
atone ot poor quality.
Whether you wish to buy a email diamond
or a large one you know that the quality la
Bight when purchased here.
Our Special Solitaire King at $25, $50
and 100.
' Oregon City Jeweler vV
tlgjjl Suspension Bridge Corner V
Phillip C, West, a Vancouver aoldlor
awoke to the fact that he hud two
wlv, a-few utornlnKN ago. He filed
bin complaint In the Clackamas clr-
alt court Wednesday, askln that
rlne Wont, he onnullod.
Went formerly wa married to
darle Dolores West, but on April let,
was granted a decree of divorce. He
states he wae advlavd that he could
marry ut any time thereafter, and
io on June of thin year. became the
buaband of U-a Catherine West.
When advlned that hi second mar
rlaiui was Illegal, he and bin second
wife Immediately separated. The
complaint sots forth that the action la
brought to adjust his status with the
war department, and It la the only
possible step that could be taken to
clear up the affair.
Six hundred and fifty-four moleskins
were mameieu uunug me iasi mi
Veeki, according to a report made at
Saturdays meeting of the county agri
cultural council.
A aurvey of we county snows a
shortage of nine farm laborers, and
800 acre Idle, owing to war conditions.
Two achoola mare been asked by the
fcounty agent, R. u. Bcott, and It waa
decided to bold these school at Eagle
Creek and Canby, the dates to be an
nounced later.
The program committee is composed
of O. B. Dimick, F. P, Coulter, If. O.
Starkweather, E. A. Wright, Mra. M.
C. Young, M. C. Glover, H. C. Stevens,
O. E, Dougherty and Frank Ewlng.
It was voted to change the name of
the Agricultural Council Jo the Cluck
amaa County Farm Bureau, to coin
cide with similar organization all
over the county.
SALEM, fti.pt. 23. Prank A
Moore, for 26 years a member of the
Oregon supreme court, died this morn
Ing from heart disease. He had ben
111 since June, although his trouble
dated from a severe attack of grip,
whlti, ho stiffend last winter. He
waa 74 years old and leaves a son and
two daughters. Mrs. Moore died
bout a yenr bkq. The son is Arthur
11. Moore of Salem, and the daughters
ar Mrs. Frank Mllea of Portland and
Miss Callsta Moore of Salem. He al
so leaves two brothers ana a sister
n roriland, Dr. A. W. Moore, Dr.
F. Moore and Mrs. Delia Inland.
JuiIkh Moore appearvd to be con
slderably better Tuesday, This mor
Ing about fi:3o o'clock he arose to go
to the bathroom awl dropped dead.
rar '
H'.-rbort Heft, 13 yi'wr old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heft, former re
sidents of Schubvl, died at the family
home In I'ciulloton, Monday A. M. nt
1 o'clock.
The remains huve Ik en broaght to
Oregon City for Interment.
Funeral services will he held from
the I'fheran church this afternoon
at 3:30 o'clock, Rev. Wm. It. Kra
berger officiating. Interment. In Moun
tain View cemetery,
The county board of equalizatian
Friday afternoon decided that the
assessments on the Waverly Golf Club
were fair and equitable and refused
the petition of Attorney Haygood,
representing the club, asking that
taxes be lowered.
The Waverly Club has 120.76 acres.
The 118 acre tract -upon which the
club house stands is assessed at $175,-
000, the club house being assessed fit
$25,000 and th lands represent the
balance. The total taxes thla year
amounted to $3,810.00 on the 118 acre
tract, and $165.17 on the balance. The
club's representative claimed . that
the assessments were not in keeping
with those of adjoining lands, but the
board felt otherwise and refused to
lower the schedules.
BVAN3YILLE, Ind., Sept. 20. "Cn
conditional surr.nder" Is demanded
of the Uormnn nation In a resolution
sent today by the War Mothers of
.America, holding their first national
convention bore, to President Wilson,
General Pershing and Uw American
expeditionary forces in France.
The resolution leads:
"Millions of War Mothers of Amer
ica, represented In war council at
Kvanavlll. Ind, stand loyally behind
you In your desire to make no peace
until Germany and her allies sur
render unconditionally."
Charging that Henry Kerbs and
wife, deeded him a 10 acre tract of
land in the Sulom country, of which
they had no title, James S. Hart has
brought civil uctlon against Mr. Kerbs
In the ram of $500. which Hart claims
he hits suffered by the transaction.
He claims that Kerbs represented he
had good titk to tho tract, and that
as a mutter or tact, the title, was at
the time in the name of one John
S. I'eznecker has brought a civil
suit- against F. A. Welch to recover
80 nll god due on an account be
tween the parties.
WASHINGTON-, K.pt. 21. Provost
Marshal General Crowder today Is
sued a statement for the guidance of
all men who registered September 12,
reiterating that If they expect or are
entitled to d. ferred classification on
the grounds ot dependency or occu
pation they should so state In their
4 Curugos and other gasoline and
4- distillate selling and distributing
agencies throughout the Pacific $
,v ('oast i.uve been requested to Urn- sN
It their sii les to the hours Ik- '
tween G A. M. and 6 P. M., to con-
serve manpower for the war, ?
Professor D. M. Folsom, Pacific $
Coast Fuel Oil Administration,
announced litre today, $
SALEM, Or., Sept. 23.-WlUIara E.
Paul ,of Salem, is charged with ob
structing the sale of Liberty bonds
and must answer to the charge before
federal authorities In Portland, where
he waa taken 'today, after " having
spent a day and two nights in the
county jail. Paul, who was employed
by the Salem Street Railway company,
is alleged to have made remarks in
tended to discourage others from
buying bonds, and when thla became
known he was discharged from the
service of the company.
Will War Time Work Needs Power ,lf
villi SAMS0N TRACT0RS " Ww I
wimmll Economical and Easy to Operate. Exclusive i f f I
lllf MM mil Patented Featurea Aature Enduring and Reliable jf"? &J 1 I
' rl Ills Ait Service, Write (or Tractor Farming Magaiine m I jff Jl It, I
it I fiWil Samon Sieve-Grip Tractor Co. M m
l I 1 MU (Mviaton, Canaral Motor Company) I v l
ABERDEEN, S. D., S; pt. 24. Mark
P. Dates, candidate for Governor on
the Non-Partisan League ticket, and
A. C. Townley. president of the Non
partisan League werfe driven from
Krltton, Marshall County, today by a
crowd of 330 men when they attemp
ted to make a campaign there, accord
ing tc reports received here.
The Non-Partisan members arri
ved In Britton In two automobiles.
They were mot by a crowd of farmers
and townspeople numbering between
200 and 300, who locked the town
hall and refused to permit them to
The Non-Partisans were then es
corted to the Day county line, accord
ing to reports here.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 19. Henry V.
Borst of Amsterdam, N. Y., was today
elevated to the office of grand sire of
the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the In
dependent Order of Odd Fellows. He
succeeds Frank C. Gowdy, of Denver.
This, the 94th annual session, will
continue until FriUav
Music Had No Charm
Artist Was Morose
In Jeopardy
BOISE, Idaho, Sept 24. Horace
Mann who, for about two months past
has operated as an organizer for the
Non-Partisan League in Gooding
county, is in jail at Gooding. He is
held pending action by tho United
States department of Justice on al
leged sedetlous statements and ac
tlons on his part.'
J. J. WURFEL, Barlow, Oregon
Exclusive Agent for Clackamas Count
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 23-Calllng
upon municipalities, corporations and
individuals to co-operate with it, the
district committee on capital issues
for the 12th federal reserve district
headed by John Perrin, has Issued
I warning that all industrial activity
must be governed by consideration ot
war necessity.
"Manufacturers," the committee
says, "who are earning substantial
profits should extinguish or reduce
their debts rather than increase their
capacity, unless the articles manu
factured are clearly essential to the
prosecution ot the war. Where the
products are not essential, a portion
at least ef the plant should be given
to the manufacture ot essential arti
cles. Merchants should eliminate
from their Inventories articles
fashion or luxury and substitute
plain and serviceable necessities.
Thcro was too much artistic tem
perament in Theodore H. Henkel s
family, according to Helen G. Henkel's
divorce complaint filed Friday. The
husband was a V musician, but his
morose and taciturn disposition re
sulted in much domestic unpleasant
ness according to the wife. Repeated
Complaints that his wife was seeking
to ruin his career, finally led to a
breach In their family life, and hr
nuslcal husband left and went to San.
Lake. On his return, the wife claims
he told her he was through with her
tor good, and the complaint filed to
day is the final act of the temper
mental drama. They were married in
1914 and. have a minor child. The wife
asks $75 per month alimony and the
custody of the child.
AUGUST, 1918
Samuel P. Stewart ana vera Glass
were granted a license to wed Saturday.
DISTRICT NO. 1 Oliver Chilled
Plow Works, S9.10; John Deere
Plow Co., $5.95; J. W. Hugill, $2.00,
DIST. NO. 4 J. D. Closner Tie
Co., $15.84; R. S. Coop. $1.50; J. C
Hitching, $3.50; H. S. Jones, $3.00.
DIST. NO. 5 Frank Fournier,
$3.15; R. E. Jarl, $8.13; M. H. Wheel
er, $42.00; W. E. Wheeler, $60.00;
A Imel, $33.00; C. A. Wheeler, $30.-
00; C. Paulson, $6.00; P. Schwietzer,
$3.00. . ,
DIST. NO. 7 Cedar Creek-Lum
ber Co., $61.66; Paul R. einij?,
$14.30; J. Cockelreas, $1.50; James
Fegles, $54.00; Julius Eisner, $30.'
00; Joseph Eisner, $30.00; Vincent
Eisner, $30.00; David Thomas, $6.00
DIST. NO. 8 Paul R. Meinig,
$25.40; H. H. Watkins. $33.80; A
W. Shipley, $180.00.
DIST. NO. 9 Fred Lins, $28.00
Carl Lins, $15.00; Roy Miller, $15
00; Ray Miller, $15.00; Edd Grafon
hain, $12.50; Gus Zwinman, $20.00;
W. Johnson, $32.00; C. Guber, $10.
00; Julius Paulsen, $5.00; A. H.
Miller, $24.00; C. A. Johnson, $32.
00; Peter Ruhl, $30.00; Leo Rath,
$18.00; Henry Schmidt, $32.00; E. C.
Cuber, $22.50; H. Tracy, $33.00; F.
A, Honert, $3.00; M. Grafenhain,
DIST, NO, 10 City of Estacada,
DIST. NO. 13 3. F. Fullam, $6.
00; J, F, Fullam, $5.25; A, Schneider,
DIST. NO. 17 Canby Hardware &
Implement Co., $2.20; George Koeb
ler, $12.00; D. R. Dimick, $22.00;
Wm. Gabert. $1.50; John Koehler, $9.-
00; Mr. Ralph, $12.00; Adam Bany,
$12.00; Chet Smith, $2.25; Charley
Kethler, $2.25.
' DIST. NO. 19 R. L. Orem, $4.50;'
O. V. Johnson, $9.00; Harold John
son. $14.25: Floyd Hauehton, iu..
50: Allen Larkln. $15.00; A. L. Lar-
kins. $28.50.
DIST. NO, 20 E. Nelson, $15.72;
J. C. Miller, $3.50; M. Johnson, $3.
DIST. NO. 21 A. Nelson, $49.01;
G. Murphey, $30.00; J, J. Jones,
$6.00; W. S. Gorbett, $40.00; Emile
Petterson, $12.00; Leanard Orem,
$2.25; J. D. Crawford, $3.00; Theo.
Fellows, $8.25; Victor Boeckman,
$00.00; Chas. Boeckman, $27.00.
DIST, NO. 22 H. S. Ramsby,
$47.50; C. A.' Browning, $3.75; Clay
Enirle. $10.50; Frank Moore, $0.75;
Peter Geres, $1X0; H. H. Rastall,
$12.00; J. M. Austen, $50.00; George
F. Ball. $3.00: Ixa L. Boyer, $15.00.
DIST. NO. 24 C. W, Carothers,
$3.00; H. L Spahr, $2.00; C. E. Mil
ler, $5.25. 1
DIST. NO. 27 N C. Nelson, ?4.qu;
Olaf Olson, $27X0; Jay Bentley,
83.75: A. Hubbard. $3.75; I. D. Lar-
kins. $33.25: Norman Oleson, $2.50;
John Coleman, $2.50; Leanard Jones,
$3.00: Ed Jackson, $2.50.
DIST. NO. 28 E. L. Palfrey, $14.
42; A. L. Brougher, $14.25; Hodson
Feenauehtv Co.. $237.60; J. I. Case
T. M. Co., $14.66; C. W. Herman,
$3.75; Standard Oil Co., $15.78; A.
M. Groshong, $12.25; G. M. Groshong
$9.00; J. M. Nichelson, $10.50; P.
Jali, $12.00; R. D. Groshong, $12.00;
Ernest Sowa, $4.50; Lue Sowa, $4.50;
Roy Nkhdson, $6.00; S. G. Nichel
son, $6.00; Ben Wade, $6.00; A. G.
Wyland. $7.50; C. D. Slaughter,
$4.50; Blain Bird, $3.00; D. M.
Groshong, $6.00; E. L. Palfrey, $24.-
50; Leslie Shank, $9.00; John Shep
herd, $15.00.
DIST. NO. 29 G. A. Ehlen, $3.76;
W. S. Maple, $9.00; G. H. Gray, $49.
25; Will Deutel, $56.25; Arb Deutel,
143.75: Will Gooding. $66.00; Otto
Knor, $1.50; Will Gooding, $54.65;
Stefani Lbr. Co., $118.21.
DIST. NO. 30 E. A. Hackett,
$195.02; W. F. Haberlach, $80.27; J.
Bickner & Sons, $4.90; Oregon City
Foundry, $0.65; G. H. Miller, $22.75;
Hogg Bros., $3.90; E. A. Hackett,
$166.20; B. J. Staats Hdwe. Co.,
$8.60; W. H. Lawry, $16.87; W.
Kaiser. 192.00: G. Moser, $12.00; F.
A. Zimmerman, $65.62; C. Zimmer
man, $22.00; W. Harrington, $11.25;
P. Ragelman, $10.50; R. Perrin, $48.
00: F. Doty, $99.00; E. E. Dhoogte,
$50.62; E. A. Harrington, $23.45;
F. Boesner, $56.25; W. Hargon, $50.-
62; C. Hargon, $17.81; F. Morey,
$85.00; D. Colson, $52.50; E. Gross,
$52.50; J. Turner, $11.25; J. Brady,
$3.75; C. Doty, $47.85.
DIST. NO. 32 Peters Hdwe. Co.,
$16.65; Bruno Struve. $34.50; Guy
McCulley, $36.00; Willie Lee, $36.00;
Robert Stahlenecker, $150.00; Rufus
Stahlnecker, $42.00; Frank Schint,
$6.00; Frank Riser, $57.00; C. H.
Pulsifer, $8.25; Harry Jost, $50.50;
Geo. Stahlnecker, $1.50; Jno. Herman
$1.50; Wm. Todd, $3.00; A. Todd
DIST. NO. 33 Frank Millard,
DIST. NO. 35 U S. Smith, $9.10;
J. Barnett, $63.40; V. E. Hengstler,
$45.75; Chas. Ruther, $39.00; S. Hall,
$9.00; Joe Johnson, $15.00; Charles
Hay worth, $15.0Q; J. Maronay, $14.
59; A. Browning, $12.00.
DIST. NO. 41 C. L. Shaw, $2.00;
Paul R. Meinig, $58.90; H. H. Udell,
$22.50; H N. Schminky, $15.00; H.
R. Devlin, $13.50; Bruce Schminky,
$10.50: Herbert Udell. $1.56; G. La-
very, sa.uu; jonn Anoiter, ti.ou.
DIST. NO. 49 J. W. Reed, $2.56;
F. O. Seaton, $12.55.
DIST. NO. 50 Rob. Rosenau,
$30.00; F. M. Townsend, $39.00.
DIST. NO. 53 N. C. Nelson, $8.-
00; J. A. Redings, $3.75; Geo. Web
ster, $6.25; L. H. Judd, $2.50; J.
Schnack, $5.00; I. D. Larkins, $5.25.
DIST. NO. 56 B. J. Staats Hdwe.
Co., $9.10.
DIST NO. 65 City of West Linn,
$500.00; City of West Linn, $500.00;
City of W., $500.00; C. of W., $500.-
00; C. of W., $500.00; C. of W.,
500.00; C. of W,, $500.00; C. of W.,
$500.00; C. of W., $500.00; C. of W..
DIST. NO. 5 C. W. Schuld &
Sons, -$134.40; M. H. Wheeler, $49.-
00; W. E. Wheeler, $84.00; J. A.
Imel, $39.00; C. Lekberg, $66.00; J.
A. Hite, $60.00; J. A. Lindgren,
$54.00; John Ancheg. $48.00; J. E.
Siefer, $39.00; C. A. Wheeler, $27.-
00; P. Schwietzer, $27.00; C. Paul
sen, $3.00.
DIST. NO. 11 Chase Linton &
Gravel Co., $134.55; J. Murphy, $78.-
00: J. R. Livesay, $39.00; C. R. Live-
say, $84.50; James Murphy, $60,00;
Heningway, $60.00.
DIST. NO. 17 George Koehler,
$30.00; Fred Jones, $18.75; Clarence
Rupp, $21.00; Wendell Olsen, $3
00; Roy Coveness, $7.50; Fred Bany,
$6.75; P. R. Pierce, $17.25; J. A.!
Larson, $9.00; D. R Dimick, $4.00;
Ralph Koehler, $9.00; Adam Bany,
$28.50; John Robins, $31.50; Q. M.
Jones, $36.00; Almen Johnson, $36.-
00; R. Vorphal, $33.00; W. J. Rice,
DIST. NO. 27 J. L Jones, $12.60;
W. P. Nicholson, $10.00; J. Oster,
$15.00; Fred Hubbard, $5.00; Olaf
Olsen, $2.60; John Barth, $4.50.
DIST. NO. 32 Neal Heater, $14.
00; Wm. Forester, $16.00; Wm. Dod
son, $2.00; Hugh Her, $12.00; Harry
Jost, $21.00.
DIST. NO. 38 E. C. Warren,
$150.15; O. P. Roethe, $47.50; E. E.
Roethe, $30.00; Ed Webb, $18.00; D.
J, Abby, $15.00j T. R. Worthington,
$24.00; Charles Moran, $12.00; F.
M. Smith, $12.00; John Roberts,
$3.00; Hugh Roberts. $8.00; R. Ta
bor, $9.00; Geo. Conway, $3.00; John
F. Risley, $4.00.
DIST. NO. 41 Paul R. Meinig,
$55.30; H. H. Udell, $57.25; H. N,
Schminky, $25.50; Bruce Schminky,
$16.50; H. R. Devlin, $49.50; G
Young, $27.00; Herbert Udell, $5.00;
G. Lavery, $20.25.
DIST. NO. 47 J. W. Hart, $4.10;
Thompson Hdwe. Co., : $7.75; E. C.
Warren, $190.57; Howard Cooper
Corp., $4.00; W. F. Haberlach, $5.66;
O. P, Roeth, $248.u0; E. E, Roethe,
$136.50; D J. Abby, $15.00; Charles
Moran, $55.50; F, M. Smith, $66.00;
John Roberts, $5.25; Hugh Roberts,
$74.00;, R. Tabor, $53.25 T. R.
Worthington, $18.00; Charley Dietz,
$6,00; L. I). Mumpower, $54.00;
Geo. Conway, $9.00; John F. Risley,
Bank of Oregon City, $8.66; B. J.
Staats Hdwe. Co., $3.00; Concrete
Pipe Works, $36.00; T. A. Roots,
$175.00; E. R. Kilgallon, $40.00;
Frank Millard, $6.00: Miller-Parker
Co., $29.20; Stewart Products Ser
vice Station, .$7X0: H. E. Meade,
$26.62; Excelsior Motorcycle Co,
$48.08: Paul R. Meinig, $3.50; W. S.
Maple, $4.00; Canby Hdwe. & Imp.
Co., $7.78; G. Hanson, $200.90; G. W.
White, $5.30; Canby Auto Garage,
$2.10; H. W. Sharp & Co., $17.92;
Morgan Garage, $1.10; Good Roads
Mach. Co., $18.00; California Tropan
Powder Co- $25.00; Phoenix Iron
Works. $22.25; B. J. Staats Hdwe,
tntO. Wil omntta Vol low finnth,
ern Ry. Co., $3.09; Coast Culvert &
Flume Co., $30.83; Miller-Parker Co.,
$66.00;' C. W, Schuld & Sons, $100.
10; R. E. Jarl, $41.12; Dave, Jarl,
$97.00; Joel Jarl, $21.66; Harry Bick-
ford, $14.00; B. Neleson, $48.00; A.
Lindholm, $48.00; E. V. Erickson,
$47.50; W. H. Bickford, $33.00; A,
I la worth, $36.00; F, Carlson, $24.
00: J. W. Lingren. $4.00; J. A. At-
bel. $9.50; C. Timmerman, $34.00
W. S. Gorbett, $16.00; G. Murphy,
$24.00: Axel Johnson, $12.00; Geo,
Dooehe. $15.00; Edward Johnson
$9.00; L. B. Frey, $5.94; C. G. Hoff
man, ?8.8o: . u. weison, i.vo
Paul Sowa. $4.25; Will Yoder. $19
50: C. W. Owings, $57.00; Bud
Thompson, $42.00; Roy Kropf, $96,
00: Chauncey Kropf, $60.00; Clar
ence Miller. $35.00; Truman Hostet-
ler. 133.00: Fred Yoder. $96.00; Geo,
O wines, $94.50; Amos Yoder, $94.
50: Lee Yoder, $39.00; Wm. Burkert,
$63.00: John Owines. $18.00; Noah
Yoder. $640; Roy Zimmerman,
$24.00; R. W. Zimmerman, $127.00
C. E. Miller. $8.00; Abe Jones, $9.00
Will Yoder, $84.00; Robert Brown,
$60.00: Benj. Stanton, $121.00; W
F. Haberlach, $18.00; A. N. Wills,
tll4.00: State Industrial Accident
Commission. $107.38; Union Oil Co,
of Calif.. $472.43: State Indus. Ac
Com.. $113.45: Bateman & Cordan
$200.00; J. W. Schuld. $157X0; B,
Lawrence, $7.87; Wm. Jance, $6.50
Crystal -Ice & Storage Co., $186.75
Frank Beers. $187.37; J. I. Case
M. Co., $9.97; C. W. Friedrich, $2,
40: Matt Greenslade, $7.50; F.
Gadke. $6.78; Hogg Bros., $0.80;
Huntlev Drue Co.. $2.45: Howard-
Cooper Corp., $61.30; M. L. Klme,
$28.86; P. R. L. & P. Co., 5Z4.UU;
Portland Brazing & Machine Works,
$3.00; Silica King Mines Co., $891.
00; H. W. Sharp & Co., $1.50; Stan
dard Oil Co., $52.01; C. W. Schuld,
$28.00; C. W Schuld & Sons, $337.
40; Union Oil Co., of Calif., $6096.-
74; W. J. Wilson & Co., $1.40; A.
Wills. $913.87; J. W. Schuld, $157.-
50: H. E. Younff. $1.75; G. H. Buck-
man, $8.00; C. K. Humaker, $8.00;
H. Henrici, $13.47; C. Henrici, $10.
50; B. D. Rodgers, $10.50; Bruno
Friedrich. $269.88; F. P. Morey,
$179.92; F. P. Morey, $263.89; F. P.
Morey, $209.91; F. P. Morey, $155.93;
J. E. Mowrey, $269.88; E. A. Hackett,
$269.88; N. T. Andrews, $65.89; H.
Timmer, $47.88; H. Schmidt, $43.89;
W. Henrici, $43.89; J. Malady, $43.
89; F. J. Hinsen, $43.89; A. Spies,
$26.93; R. Hunter, $43.89; E. L.
Pope, $43.89; M. Schmeck, $43.89; C.
J. Miller, $35.88; E. Hunter, $32.89;
J. Wilson, $15.96; C. E. Carr, $61.-
12; A. Wetmore, $62.37; B. J. Law
rence. $56.12; S. S. Imel, $56.12;
Chas. Deakins, $50.51; J. Avery,
$44.88; C. McDonald, $45.88; Wm,
Jance, $41.14; E. R. Jones, $39.26;
L. Blakney, $39.26; J, Woods, $38.-
87; S. B. Cook, $32.89; M, E. Gaf
fney, $20.00; Jas. Erickson, $17.60;
C. Enghouse, $22.50; John Hoffman,
$17.50; W. S. Daywalt, $14.00; M.
E. Gaffney, $88.00; C. E. Battin,
$108.00; Jas. Erickson, $77.00; John
Davis, $185.50; T. W. Sellwood, $14.
00; T. W. Sellwood, $14.00; A. N.
Wills, $14.00; Dan Gaffney, $138.25;
G. H. Buckman, $40.00; C. K. Huma
ker, $20.00; H. Henrici, $44.90; C.
Enghouse, $7.00; B. D. Rodgers,
$28.00; E. Harrington, $38.50; C.
Henrici, $33.25; A. E. Arby, $91.00;
John Young, $91.00; S. C. Roake,
$10.50; A. A. Conklin, $133.00; Geo.
Stevens, $28.00; W. Smart, $16.00;
T. W. Sellwood, $381.50; A. N. Wills,
$91.00; John Winkar, $112.00; C.
Enghouse, $35.00; O. A. Battin,
$17.50; M. Deakin, $14.00; C. Rolley,
$1.75; A. Martin, $149.73; M. E
Gaffney, $28.00; C. E. Battin, $28.-
00; A. E. Arby, $21.00; James Erick
son, $24.50; John Young, $24.50; S.
C. Roake, $10.50; John Davis, $80.
50; A. A. Conklin, $28.00; Geo. Ste
vens, $28.00; W. Smart, $42.00; T.
W. Sellwood, $49.00; T W. Sellwood,
$49.00; T. W. Sellwood, $49.00; Dan
Gaffney, $75.26; G. H. Buckman,
$58.00; C. K. Humaker, $44.00; C.
Henrici, $19.25; H. Henrici, $20.20;
E. Hunter, $10.50; James Kepcha,
$149.73; N. T. Andrews, $95.84; H.
Timmer, $75.81; H. Schmidt, $61.84;
W. Henrici, $61.84; J. Malady, $61.-
84; F. J. Hinsen, $59.85; A. Spiess,
$57.85: R. Hunter, $61.84; E. L.
Pope, $53.86; M. Schmeberk, $61.84;
C. J. Miller, $56.81; J. E. Chanler,
$5.98: E. Hunter, $47.84; Bruno
Friedrich, $338.85; H. Babler, $344.-
85; F. P. Morey, $1331.44; J. C.
Mowrey, $206.91; E. A. Hackett, $11.-
99; A. C. Bushel, $174.73; H. E.
Young, $99.73; C. E. Carr, $94.81;
A. Wetmore, 96.05; B. J. Lawrence,
$82.50; S. Imel, $76.33; Chas. Dea
kins, $67.35; J. Avery, $57.85; C. Mc
Donald, $53.86; Wm. Jantz, $65.44;
E. R. Jones, $55.84; L. Blakney,
$52.63; J. Woods, $56.81; S. B. Cook,
$56.81; J. M. Deakins, $55.86; W. H.
Bonney, $151.13; Oregon City Foun
dry, $26.69; Carlton & Rosencrans,
$15.05; J. S. Fischer, $10.08; Hill
yard & Welch Lbr. Co., $13.05; East
Side Mill & Lbr. Co., $12.43; A. J.
Lais, $47.41; F. A. Zimmerman, $18.
75; C. Zimmerman, $11.25; W. Kais
er, $20.00; W. Dutcher, $169.15; W.
A. Wallace, $34.00; R. Right, $17.
50; C. Fisher, $29.75; D. French,
$9.00; W. . Bittum, $3.50; A. F.
Schmale, $3.50; J. Hosey, $56.00; C.
Simmons, $3.50; H. Hosey, $42.00; J.
Henderson, $6.00; G. R. Hobbs, $22.-
75; J. Murphy, $3.50; J. K. Lively,
$3.50; C. R, Livesay, $3,50; Will
Gooding, $12.00; Will Deutel, $30.00;
Fred Deutel, $24.00; A. B. Deutel,
12.00; Fred Sohn, $4.50; D. R. Dim
ick, $44.00; Wm. Rider, $32.00;
Harry Gilmore, $32.00; Wm. Bar
ringer, $18.00; Ed Piper, $6.00; W.
Haberlach, $43.60; Pacific Tele
phone & Telegraph Co., $2,00; Ore
gon Engineering & Construction Co.,
$1949.24; Albert Fisher, $7.00; Her
man Fisher, $4.00; B. J. Staats'
Hdwe. Co., $0.85; State Industrie
Com., $558.49; Bank of Oregon City,
$26.33; Henry Cowell Lime & Ce
ment Co., $149.60; J. Avery, $3.49;
Mrs. Sarah A. Beckett, $100.00.
BOUNTY Wm. F. Douglas, $4.00.
ELECTION M. A. Deaton, $10.00.
SHERIFF Miller-Parker Co., $0.-
50; Western Union Telegraph Co.,
$3.58; Oregon City Enterprise, $4.
00; Huntley Drug Co., $0.50; A. E.
Joyner, $70.00; W. J. Wilson, $3.50;
B. J. Staats, $2X7; Jones Drug Co.,
$0.60; W, C. McNeil, $8.00.
CLERK Huntley Drug Co., $11.-
90; I. M. Harrington, $7.50; Oregon
City Enterprise, $13.60; Bushong &
Co., $76.35; The Courier Press,
$24.50; Jones Drug Co., $1X0.
RECORDER Unlerwool Type
writer Co., $0.70; Huntley Drug Co.,
$2.85; P. D. Cunningham Co., $3.70;
Cynthia Pace, $65.00.
TREASURER Huntley Drug Co.,
$3.65; Alberta L. Dunn, $5.00.
$36.00; W. A. Proctor, $16.00; Hunt
ley Drug Co., $3.70; Jones Drug Co.,
COURT HOUSE Pacific Tele
phone, $40.40; Home Telephone, $20.
55; Frank Busch, $60.00; The Cour
ier Press. $8.75; Bannon & Co.,
$1.60; Coast Chemical Co., $15.69;
Huntley Drug Co., $0.15; John Low-
ry, $23.50; Mr. Donovan, $9.10; C.
J. Hood, $1.00; Frank Busch, $1.85;
Hogg Bros., $18.67.
Western Union Telegraph, $1.92; A.
E. Joyner, $47XO; D. E. Frost,
$105.83; Clarence Mallatt, $4.30.
CORONER F. S. Hart, $5.90; M,
C. Strickland, $25.00; L. A. Spagle,
$1.00; John Owings, $9.40; A. L.
Weaver, $5X0; S. L. Miller, $5.90;
A. E. Joyner, $9.00.
SURVEYOR Francis Welch, $5.
50; Huntley Drug Co., $2.50; Paul
Dann, $13.00; John P. Steinman,
$5.00; Chas. Simmons, $12.00; D. T.
Meldrum, $16.00; H. H. Johnson,
$15.30; J. C, Sullivan, $15.00.
INSANE A. E. Joyner, $14X0;
F. W, Snyder, $4.50.
Drug Co., $18.30; J. E. Calavan, '
$78.15; Remington Typewriter Co.,
Strickland, $10.00; Jones Drug Co.,
Post No. 2, $30.00.
POOR Wm. Danforth (self), $10.
00; Boys' & Girls' Aid Soc, $30.00;
Hoff Bros. (Tom Jones), $19.00;
Mrs. Bradtl (J. McNamara), $10.00;
Dock Mosier (self), $14.00; Mrs. Jes
sie Chalk (self), $16.00; Mrs. G. W.
Thompson (self), $10.00; Ada Le-
Baw (self and children), ?S.00; Ka
tie Pluard (self), $8.00; Ella Tracy
(Eunice Horner), $10.00; Ben Land-
es (self), a.uu; o. Hi, ara jiyiicn
ael Boyl), $8.00; C. H. Dybdahl
(self), $20.00; Mrs. N. E. Taylor
(Mr. and Mrs., S. Booher), $14.00;
Wm. Dickelman (self), $20.00; John
and Wm. Beers (self), $20.00; Mrs.
Elizabeth Saunders (self), $5.00;
Mary Lock (self) $10.00; Anna Weet
terlin (self), $10.00; Chris Zinsli
(Cash McCarty), $10.00; Maud Wil
liams (care of children), $15.00; J.
B. Sallee (W. T. Tinsley & August
Johnson), $45.00; Geo., Newsome
(self), $15.00; Mrs. Annie Langs
ford (self), $20.00; A. McConnell
(Davis), $20.00; Mrs. Z. Murphy
(self and child), $15.00; Andrew
Lund (self), $6.00; Dennis Donovan
(Jerome Hamilton), $18.00; J. A.
Davids (Amanda R. Ludden), $6.00;
Mrs. Gage (self), $10.00; D. Zalon-
is (Mrs. XouaesKa), u.uu; mrs.
B. Stevens (W. D. Hodges), $25.00;
J. G. Wake (self), $7.00; Wang &
Vineyard (L. Champ), $14.00; The
Estacada Pharmacy (Mrs. E. M.
Horner), $1,90; Dr. Norris (Mary I.
Wilson, Care of Edward Miller),
$40.00; Larsen & Co., (Mrs. Regan),,
$10.00; W. W. Pollock (Chas. Mc
Kinnis), $12.00; Huntley Drug Co,
(Mary Monag), $8.35; Mrs. W. E.
Boerner (E. C. Desbrow), $20.00;
Oregon City Hospital (Mary Monag),
$80X0; Fred Schwartz (Mrs. Trul
linger), $10.00; L. H. Doolittle
(self), $10.80; Mrs. Jackson (self
and child), $15.00; A. McConnell (H.
Sturdwont), $13.52; Jos. E. Hedges
(Anna Regan), $1.75; E. P. Carpen
ter (Koellis), $12.09; Mrs. Ben Eby
(Wallace Fisher), $12.00; Kobbins
Bros. (Henry Russell), $12.60; Mrs.
M. J. Trullinger (Mrs. Langford),
$50.00; Dr. Norris (County Drug
Bill), $14.24; Electric Hotel (Dick
Meyers), $23.00.
JAIL-i-W. J. Wilson, $9.99.
Strickland, $5.00; Mrs. C. K. Bevens,
$2.00; A. E. Joyner, $34.50; D. E.
Frost, $2930; W. C. McNeil, $17.00.
TAX REBATE Fred A. Lins,
PRINTING & ADV. The Courier
Press, $31.80; Oregon City Enter
prise, $34.20.
SEALER Mr. J. F. Jones, $39.12.
TAX DEPT. W. J. Wilson, $20.
00; Huntley Drug Co., $1.65.
Oregon Agricultural College, $750.00.
INSURANCE E. H. Cooper, Aght.
son, $76.uu.
There la mora Catarrh in this section
Ot the country than all other diseases
put together, and for years it was sup
posed to be Incurable. Doctors prescribed
local remedies, and by constantly failing
to cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Catarrh Is a local disease,
greatly influenced by constitutional con
ditions and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine, manufactured by F 1. Cheney
Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is a constitutional
remedy, is taken internally and acts
thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces
et the System. One Hundred Dollars re
ward is offered for any case that Hall's
Catarrh Medicine fails to cur. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
F. J. CiibNs.iT & CO., Toledo, Oiiio,
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
Hall's Family fills tor eeasUpatloa.