Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 27, 1918, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Briefs From
All Over the
KfTACADA, Sept 26. A, patriotic
meeting wan held in the rlgh school
auditorium Saturday night at which
Goo. C. P.rownell gove a fine talk.
The purpose of the meeting was to
holp raise Kstacada's quota for tho
Fourth. Liberty Ixan.
Mr. Owen Smith left Friday of last
welt, to Join kr husband at Tacoma,
Mrs. Lady and daughter, Virginia,
visited friends here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ewing returned
home from a visit to California last
Mr. and Mm. Gorge DeShields vis
ited tho Gresham fair last week.
Mrs. Neil Bronson went to Portland
for a short visit Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arquette, formerly of
this place but now of Portland, Visit
ed her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Barker
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Morrison, one of our hish
school teachers, spent the week-end
at her home in Portland.
S. E. Woster, who was in an auto
accld.nt last week, is still suffering
from a broken rib and several bruises.
MEADOWBROOK, Sept. 26. Thi
Meadowbrook Literary club will hold
their first meeting of the season on
Friday, October 4th, at the Bchool
House. Everybody welcome.
Ha Larkins went to Marquam
Monday to stay with her uncle, I. D.
Larking, for a time.
P. o. Chlndgren and A. L. Larkins
had hteir s,los Billed this week.
Meadowbrook has gone over the top j 0ff for two davs from
In the Fourth Liberty Loan drie.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Horner visited
Mrs. Homers parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Folsom at Viola Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gust Yllnen and son,
Elmer, returned home Tuesday. They
have been visiting In Portland a few
days, also looking at the country near
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holmen spent
last week with Mrs. Holman's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Blair of Hubbard.
Herman and Ruth Chlndgren, Myr
"e and Haxel Lark-'ns spent Sunday
evening at Fred Homers.
Bernard Reynolds, of Oak Crow.
Mrs. Smith, of California, is vis
iting her daughter, Mrs. Cederson, al
so her two sons at Camp Lewis.
Mrs. Iva Rauw, of Gresham, spent
several do'8 here this, wek visiting
her aunts, Mrs. Sehaffer, Mrs. Seward
of Ic'aho, and Mrs. E. Reynolds; also
her sisters the Misses Wileys. In Port
land. Tin infant daughter of Mr. aud Mrs.
.tarry Worthington passed away Fri
day nisht at the home of 11. Hardest?.
The uneral was held Monday after
noon at the Flnley undertaking par
lors In Portland, and interment in the
River View cemetery
Mrs. Edward Olund and children
have moved to th Massman property
on Courtney road. j
While je:ikin .others Ford truck
was standing in Sellwcod Sunday
evening at 8 o'clock, three boys stole :
it and drove out to Oak Grove. On'
coining up the Island hill they signal-;
ed to pass a car while driving ot 30 j
miles an hour. The car they passed i
belonged to Deputy John Julir.u. He
chased them and they speeded up to i
40 miles whea he signaled for them to
stop. They turned o:i Courtney re. i ,
and when they got to the Ootfield
road they stalled their engine and de
serted the car. When Mr. Julian got
there the boys had fled, lie notified
the police la Portland and Mr. Jenkins
had just phoned his loss. Ue arrived :
h re at 11:20, hunted up the deputy!
ond left for home at 12 o'clock much!
relieved aud glad he found his car.!
The boys have not been located yet. j
Kr. Julian says as they passed hej
thought they looked like young mem
near 20 years old.
tViile working, Saturday, John Jul
ian was onrned. causing him to lay
his work at
Paul Filings, Mr, anad Mrs. It. L.
Scheer and sous, John and Louie; Pete
Willard, Elsie and Ethel Nash. .
S. Nash and family and Mr. Swlck
took a trip to the Cascade Locks Sun
day. The Twilight school has began the
fall term with Miss Evans as teacher,
Mrs. F, E. Swlck made a business
trip to Vancouver Saturday.
A flag pole has been raised tu Twi
light with the stars and stripes and a
service flag with 16 stars, In honor ot
the boys from this community who
have answered their country's call.
H. Scheer and family, C. E. Swlck, S.
Nash and family, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Swlck, spent Thursday at the state fair
In Salem.
On with the drive
Let money be unconflned.
When collcitor and patriots meet
For funds t hetlun to beat.
Hats off to the man who bought a"
Liberty Bond for his wife as well as
one for himself. There's several such
mon 1 nour town.
Mrs. W. F. Haberlach, accompanied
by her mother. Mrs. Charles Street, re
turned, from Lady Smith, B. C. on Sun
day. Mrs. Haberlach Is slowly recov
ering after a serious
' Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Butcher of Hood
River were Sunday guests at the Otis
Veleh home.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Coung of St. Johns
LOGAN, Sept, U. School corn;
menced last week In Lower Logan.
Miss Duncan ot Oswego, principal and
Miss Julia Bunch, primary teacher.
Prune picking is the prevailing pas
time at present. Prunes while ot good
quality are not as large as usual this
Misses Alma and Bertha Boss, and
Fred Rosa, visited their brother, John,
at Camp Lewis Sunday. They report a
fine trip and say their brother likes
it very much there.
It begins to look as Ifbutter and
cream would reach the same altitude
the old cow ot Mother Goose tame did.
Clear Creek creamery reports the high
est price last month ever paid for but
terfat since It started. Fifty-seven
cents a pound to patrons and still
climbing. Every effort Is being made
to secure feed tor winter, but it's a
hard proposition.
Wednesday, October 9th, Clackamas
County Pomona grange will meet with
Harding No. 123 at Logan.
Mrs. Erma Fortler, of San Francisco,
California, la expected home on a visit
tVa week.
Carll Klrcrem, writing trom Camp
Morrison, Va., said the Balloon com
panics wer assembling there and at
the time of writing six were stationed
there. Said they were having a flue
time, and spent all spare tlmev.'sitlng
places of historic Interest.
Two companies chartered a boat for
n excursion and sure had It. Went in
into trucks from Camp to Newport
News, got aboard boat 1 Oo'clock a. m.,
went down Cheaspeake Bay through
Hampton Roads, past tho naval base
then back and up the James river
about twenty miles to Smlthfield. One
operation for Saturday afternoon went to Langley
field and stayed all night with Cousin
Sam, (S. E. Gerbcr.) and Sunday went
swimming at Buckroe beach, near
Fortress Monroe. Owing to train con
lections could not make the trip to
during honor week. $2750 was auW
scribed during honor week with more
In sight before the drive Is over,
Robert Jousrud has bought a tractor
which ho will use In clearing his
burnedover land.
Mrs. J, F. Thlclcke has daughter
vtalttng her whom she had not seen
for U years.
Mrs. Minnie Maronay has moved to
Portland for the winter.
The Mtsaea Elisabeth and Angola
Canning who are teaching the Lynch
school visited the home folks durlub
the two dnya they had oft tor tanlr
The following Kelso people attended
the Gresham talr Saturday: R. Jou
srud, Ben Kllgol, C. Tlmmorman, F.
Rathke and Dolan families, also Mrs.
Docker and Fred Docker, Mrs. Slndall
and David Jarl.
Mrs. Joel Jarl and R. E, Jarl were
busy last week soliciting subscriptions
for the Fourth Liberty Loan
Remember every Wednesday the
Red Cross auxiliary meets. There is
lots ot work to be done making clothes
for Belgian children. It la every
woman's duty to help In this work, and
should be considered a sacred privi
lege to work for our country and allies
In anyway, oper here, that the sacrifice
our boys are making, over there, may
not be In vain.
Hammond and Hadley Children Do War
Work In Earnest.
.aaaan awai HaStM Htn aMUSa aSSWBj HHUH astasia ISSSS S S""S W a""! fl a CI CfV 1!! . IC'JflTS fTTI Pff f
child has been troubled with asthma,
mill was grviilly heiio'lled lust winter
by making the change.
Another young patriot Is I'rshol
There ere many young tun! true
Am rlenn patriots In Clackamas coun
ty, some of these being mere tots.
Among these are Billy, Phillip and
Jack Hammond, sons of Mr. and Mrs.
William Hammond, ot Gladstone,
These ttmv. youngsters have been
anxious to do their bit to end the war.
They have two uncles In the army,
1. In. it. mint Phillip Hammond, and
Ward Hammond who Is lit France,
Millie Is Is; Phlillp.elnht, and Jack
la seven years of awe.
By planning how to luuke their
money to purchase war slumps th'
youngsters hit upon an Idea, This
was to hoe the garden, keep the weeds
from overtaking tho vegetables, ami
putting away the winter's wood. Each
have eurned $10, and Invested every
cent in w'ar savings stumps, besides
adding to the $;!( from tlwlr saving
bunks thev highly pratned, and they
are now delighted to know they have
assisted I'miu Hum by loaning their
moiK-y to him. .Ully left a few days
uko for Ashland, where he will spend
the winter with his gritmlptirenta,
Rev, and Mrs. P, K, Hammond. Tin.
Hadley, aged 13 years, The llttlo fel
low visited the Owswn City library
a few clays ago, and stepping up to
the librarian, Mr. Bertha Adams, he
"Mrs. Adams, 1 want to do some
thing for the bullies in Belgium."
Mrs, Adams, believing that he de
sired to drop a few pennies In Iho bot
tle that had been placed on her desk
fur tlw coins for theso pour, unfor
tunate children, exclaimed:
"Ye, whet la It you wish ts do,"
and wn iluiufoundml when the young,
iter handed her a war stamp, valued
at $5
Tin. girt was greatly appreciated
ond Is given the best of care, and Uie
librarian will see that It will be fclvcn
to the proper person. Young Iludl.y
resides at IIU Division street.
These itiv only a few sample of
tth Young Americans In Ctnckttma
county unit they are to coiiltntto to
do their lilt until the iio of tho war,
Died of Wounds.
est relation. Mrs. S. Clnusner, 1012
West Fifth St., Spokune, Wash.
nearest relutlon, Mrs. Elmer Erlckson
3231 Princeton St., Spokane, Wash,
nearest relation, Mrs. Sophia J Sand-
Mrs. Blanche R. Bhellsy Representative.
the Pacific Iron workers outfitting
Mrs. Ahault and-her son, William
P.iTins, jjr, aluj jIrs Owen ParnUt,
have returned home from Cannon
Beach, where they spent the summer
h The. party motored hom taking two
days to make the trip. They report
the roul between here and Astoria a
little rough.
CANBY, Sept. 26 Mr .and Mrs.
Solon Kinzer and Chas. Spagle, of
Neery. were Canby visitors Tuesday.
W. H. Bair was a Hubbard visitor
Mrs. H. H. Eccles and Mrs. Con
HAZELIA, Sept 2S. Mr. and Mrs. J.
P. Cook are leaving Hazelia for Tilla-;
mook county. Their home will be oc- Bowlsby were regon City visitors Mon
cupied by Mr. and Mrs. A. Dimbat, and day.
the farm land has been rented by F. E. Canby schools are again is session
Davidson, of Oswego. Wjlliam Cook after the county fair. The high school
will remain with the assessor's office. faculty sonsilsts of Mrs. H. B. Cart
Miss Lnlu Wanker has returned ! Udge, principal; Miss Helen Gleason,
Upon the Foundation
of, ,
7 if
No Greater
V The Champion
has :'
been making
for users
for years
V ;v V w
' THIS ILLUSTSATIpN tit Cm lwk -", l ra k kn.f kaj
Mn ntriiM. TW Ul 4 h mm MfMclM ml ,lMl Wvri l tb ,nm, l Ih
piiaM onmmcmm mi knj t me & imlmd ,p-
L-very fart 1
: wen buut
" ' ' and H'k
'tl rightly designed.
V I 1 ThU i for your 'f
t '- protection .. j
from several weeks' visit with triends
and relatives In Baker county.
Mr .and Mrs. Milton Shipley and El
mer Shipley, of Oswego, George Dale,
ot Scotts Mills and Mrs. Lynette
CWlds spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Lehman.
The Hazelia school was represented
100 per cent at the county fair at
Canby, on juvenile day. The machines
of Dave Long, Bill Cook. George Wil
son, Fred Lehman, Frank Whitten and
N. Hinatsu were donated tor the use
of the school on that day. Several
Hazellans are going to attend the state
fair at Salem next Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eastman spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Helms
in Portland.
Wenzel H Zlvney has gone on a hunt
ing trip in the mountains.
Oak Grove
OAK GROVE, Sept. 24. Mrs. L. E.
Armstrong left Mondry morning for
her home in Wheeler. j
Mr. and Mrs. Schafer and daughter, j
who li.ve occupkd the E. D. Smith
place for the past two months, will
leave Wednesday morning for their
home at Richfield, Idaho.
Mrs. W, Seward, of Shoshone, Idaho,
left Wednesday morning for her home
after spending several weeks with
Mrs. Reynolds.
The Ladies Aid held a sale Satur
doy afternoon in the confectionery
store, and realized $7.00, which will
be used for wor kthls year.
Miss Francis Martin, a nurse in the
St Vincent hospital, Portland, spent
Tuesday with her parents here.
Mrs. J. Z. Thompson, of Omaha,
Neb., whose husband has gone in of
ficers troining for the army, will ar
rive here the last of the week and
make her heome with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Reynolds.
Mr. and Mrs. W CedVrson and two
daughters and Mrs. Cederson's moth
er, Mrs. Smth, motored to Camp Lew
is Saturday, and spent the week end
with Mrs. Cederson's two brothers
returning home Monday. One brother
accompanied them. While at Camp
Lewis they visited C. D. Smith and
Miss Maud Gallogly and Miss Annabel
Sparkman. The grammar school fac
ulty consists of H. IL Eccles, princi
pal; John Houston, Miss Edith Burns,
Miss Florence Davis, Mary Miller and
Myrtle Bertchet
Mrs. Grant White and Mrs. H. H.
Eccles were Salem visitors Saturday.
Oscar Sannes, Frank Dodge, and Ed
Shall, of Portland, spent Sunday in
Mrs. Misi and son, Donald, of Forest
Grove visited relatives In Canby this
Prunes drying is In full progress in
the Canby prune yards and all the
yield. The prunes this year are of
excellent quality and size.
George Hendricksen and daughter,
Mildred, of Needy, were Canby visitors
Quite a number of Canbyites are at
tending the state talr at Salem this
Frank Kendall, of Portland, was vis
iting old friends in Canby this week.
, Wwmpion J 1 I i
. i- . .',
' the J 'f .
Aeencv i - je . k -i 4
fsAVE boll
Driving Mechan:s:n ,
Intern! geaj wKlch giveitnAjiy tmh to
k mesh. P: events wear.
fhow'n t fhe
Extra Wlda
im ih.h moiring 1 .nJltuteeaat
I teJ)r mouon of ,,t out i! tins ow-
v a"1 airnnt . 4 m( Is the wiillh
r ike fftilk (ball . ,J auenalnot thu
pinion. 'a j jnl.. ,
v, N'
The $
b A
built 'I
better. 4
Are Extra Long,
Extra Large and
Case Hardened.
Strong '-
TKey are securely
fastened tn llteyoke
tnaaring th peffect
aUfflunent bar.
i i . , .
. j' , . c i one- rzlTTrr'
i I Champion? 5 ftcce
r'i Has Extra Long k t , .. ,
iWf u j ' ' f nl
l" ra HarrianaH s,
'!? Removable
i V r s
ft ff f 1.
! A son was born to Mr. and Mrs, W.
Winters, at i-ftklosoti't milt. Monday
J morning, but lived only an hour. The
; sympathy ot the community is with
the sorrowing parents, Mr, Winters
j Is head sawyer at the mill.
; One of the llttlo Netssl girls was
taken to the Good Samaritan hospital
j Monday.
j It S. SmlVh and Dr, Williams were
among the Gresham fair v!sltors last
j Miss Beatrice Boors returned borne j
i Friday after several duy's visit in ,
! Portland.
Mm. J. Scales returned to Sandy
Tuesday from St. Johns, where she
! spent several days assisting Mr. Scales
In the store at that plaee.
Mrs. It. E. Esson received Iwo let
ters Monday from Mr. Esson dated
August 2'.Hh and 31st. Ho speaks of
writing a letter August 2Mb, but It
has not been received. On August
2!th, he put on his second service
stripe, Indicating that he has been In
foreign service for one year. She re-,
cetved two pictures ot him with an
ambulance train. Mr, Esson recently
took a four hundred mile trip In a new
i Dodge and saw some beauU'ful coun
! 'ry. Says the crops are good and the
army at his place Is able to buy much
i of Its food there. The French are new
making a white bread.
Mrs. J, Scales received two tele
grams Tuesday, . stating that her
brother, Itolund Blackball, who la a
blacksmith nt Camp Houston, Teams,
Is very low of pneumonia.
v,:. wearing Plate.
aiiu wt m
)fnturl lifetime, fifes. -!ss"
Champion Construction.
V .' V
From the latest available reports,
tho Handy Banking district Is well over
Us quota, Sandy with a quota of fltluO
has $3(100; Hull Itiitl quota $1000 pledg
ed $!500r Brlghtwood qnpta $900,
pledged $3200. The remainder of tho
nineteen districts comprising the
Handy district have not been heard
from but wo know where we will stand
when the finish comes.
A letter from John Allen Saturday
says he has gained two stripes since
enlisting. One won will rank him as a
first class seaman.
Word comes from Geo, lhtnnessy at
Fort Stevens, that ho has been quite
sick with nourullgta.
Mrs. Mlkleson, of Brlghtwood, was
a guest of Mrs. Wilson's Tuesday.
Miss Ethel Kyler spent the week
end with the home folks at Marmot.
Ijrueo Schminke, of Dover, was a
Sandy visitor Monday. Bruce will re
urn to O. A. C. soon, He spent a
month tli's summer, In the training
enmp In California.
The Sandy Ridge road Is being
Mrs, Shelley reurned home Sunday
from Hood Itlver, where she went to
attend the funeral ot Mrs. Thomas C,
Mrs. llathbone, whose husband Is
In France, was engaged In war work
In Washington, D, C. On the 12th of
August she was struck by a motor
truck and died the 11th of September.
She wllbbe remiMiibered as Miss Hope
dtm,, s- -
tt, will bring you prices ana Yj.S?f ORE.
: v Send me price and '
. t catalog of your CHAMPION ;
OSWEGO, Sept. 26. Mr, Kempin," an
old time resident of Oswego, passed
away Thursday evening at 9 o'clock.
The funeral was held at the Congrega
tional church, Sunday afternoon at 2
Mr. and Mrs. aJke Blckner and
daughter, Mary, and Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Blckner motored on the highway
Sunday to Eagle Creek.
Grandma Bagby, Mrs. Jarlsch's
mother, who has been visiting her the
past two weeks, has returned home to
Mr. and Mrs. Jarlsch and Leona.
their daughter, and Vera Barkley,
motored to Wllhoit Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bullock went to
Newberg Sunday, after Leola Campbell
Mr. Bullock's niece, who has been vis
iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Nelson.
Mrs. Edna Larson and her two sons.
erne and Wayne, returned to their
home at Astoria last Monday, Mrs. Lar
son has been visiting her mother, Mrs.
Lawn Waldorf.
Mrs. Mildred Roley is able to be up
and around again, after a long sick
The committees on the Fourth Liber
ty Loan met at the school house Sat-
, W. J. WILSON & CO.
Impaired eyesight Is often the
cause ot much physical misery
and physical ailments often
affect the vision.
Our expert examination will
make clear the eye trouble
that la bothering you. You
cannot purchase glasses of us
unless you need them.
m aT a
"The Eye My
sipent Sunday with their parents here.
Clackamas and Harmony schools
were represented at the county fair on
Thursday by the four teachers and
forty pupils. j
On Friday, September 20th Sham
rock Rebekah Lodge No. 113, obser
ved the sixty-seventh anniversary of
Rebekah Odd-Fellowship, with appro
priate exercises. Sixteen members of
Mflwaukle Rebekah ladge No. 150 were
hte guests ot the evening.
TJnder date of August 13th, Sergeant
Arthur Johnston, who's address is 801
Areo Squadron, American E. F. France,
writes his mother, "I was going to stay
home last Sunday and write letters,
but the day was so fine that I could
not stay In camp. Another soldier boy
and I went to a town by the name of
Chasast not so far away. I had a
dandy time, I had more fun than any
time since I have been in France. The
best thing in view now is that I am
going on a seven day leave, about the
Washington, D. C, and back on time.
nrday nght. All report doing their' ?m 7,,' vf Bln?e 1
best to go over the top left 106 Bod old U' S' A' 1 do not ex'
Oliver Worthington was home from 'fct tareLU?.,,ln,tllwtlle Bth ?
Camp Lewl8 a few days last week. His ,ber' ,So lf thls 1(!Uer reache,s you ln
wife returned to Camp LeLwLls with ,due "m? you WU know 1 amJjust com
him, where she expects to stay, while iing back from havlng a good tlm6'
he is there. "Gee, I am awful sore tonight. I
Mrs. Cates nephew, Louis Miller got ,n a r8al Dae,all game last njght,
and his friend, were visiting at the tor tne flrat tlme m tw0 nontns' A
Cates home Sunday. .fellow does not realize how awkward
Mr. Miller la stationed at Vancouver h0 can get until he drop8 out ot
barracks at the present time. I Eame Ior a wnU6-
a- . "I am sending you a little ring, that
TWTT Tr'TIT' I made last winter Have been intend-
NEEDF, Sept. 26 The Needy school
opened Monday, September 16, with
Miss Estella Crlswell, as teacher.
Everything seems to be progressing
nicely under her supervision. Miss
Crlswell spent the summer visiting
with her sister, Mrs. C. F. Jesse, of
Spokane, Washington, and later spent
some time with friends In Seattle.
While in the later city Miss Crlswell
spent one very Interesting day with
her cousin, C. A. Dickey at Camp
Lewis. 1
Mrs. Chas. Noblltt and son, Albert,
have lust returned after a three weeks'
Vjlslt at different points in Washington.
Clarence Miller has gone to Pendle
ton for a brief stay.
The dance in Mr, Frye's hall Satur
day night was a decided success, a
large crdwd being present.
Miss Helen Frye and her brother,
George, are attending high school at
Hubbard thlsyear. Miss Carotbers Is
Elma Hoffman expects to leave for
Salem soon, where she will enter high
A number ot the people from thjs
vicinity expect to attend the state fair
at Salem this week. '.
Walter Shrock had some very fine
exhibits of vegetables at the, Clacka.
mas county fair, he will no doubt win
a trip to the state fair at Salem.
Notice of Executor's Sale.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
In the matter ot the Estate
C. N. Lewis, Deceased.
In pursuance of a llconse to mo
granted by the County Court of Clack
amas county, Oregon, on the 25th day
of September ,1918, 1, Walter Boaghler,
Executor of the last will and testa
ment of C. N. Lewis, deceased, will
proceed to sell at private sale to the
highest bidder on and after Monday,
October 28th, 1918, at the hour of 2:00
Yclock P. M.t all the right title, Inter
est and estate of the said C. N. Lewis,
deceased, at the time of his death, and
of said estate, In and to the following
'escribed, real premises, to-wlt:
Commencing at a point at the N. E.
corner of Lot 1, Block 132, of Oregon
City, Oregon, according to the duly re
corded map and plat thereof; thence
westerly along the southerly line of
Bth street of si'i'd city 71.25 feet to a
point; thence southerly parallel to the
easterly line of Madison street of said
city, 124 feet to the northerly line of
the alley ln said block; thence easterly
long northerly line ot said alley 71.25
' feet to the 8. E. corner of Lot 2 said
l Block 132; thence northerly along wes
: terly line of Monroe street 124 feet to
the place of beginning.
East Twenty-seventh street. Portland, ! "ein8 a P" or lots two (2) and sev
0re. t en 7 of Dlock One Hundred Thirty-
PRIVATE WALEll J. COX, U. S. ' two 132 of Oregon CHy, Oregon, as
M. C. nearest relation, James L. Cox, ; Bhwn by the recorded maps and plats
547. Sumner street, Portland, Ore,
thirty-fifth St., Tacoma,
vlg, 1820
est relation, Mrs. Grace Kllnger, 56
i ing to send it all the time since. The
ring la made ot a twenty-five cent
TWILIGHT, Sept. 25. A surprise antine piece and the lnslgna Is made
party was given Sunday evening at the of the copper from a button. It is noth-
home ot Mrs. Jennisong ln honor of her lng great, but I thought you might like
birthday. Those present were Mr. and it. I wore it for the last three months
Mrs. Eldon Swlck and son, Virgil; Mrs, myself." '
BELSO, Sept 24. Kelso has again
gone over the top in th Fourth Liber
ty Loan, subscrlhjng twice its quota
S. M. C., nearest relation, Mrs. Mclln
da J. Hawk, Derby, Or.
S. M. C, nearest relative Minnie Per
kins, Pocatello, Ida.
est relation, D. H. Green,. Wilder, Utah
est relation, Charles Olsen, Spokane,
est relation, F. Rickson, Issaquah,
nearest relation, John W. Nelson, Bon
ner's Ferry, Idaho.
nearest relation, Mrs. Alonsa Smith,
Vancouver, Wash.
nearest relation, Miss Addle Calhoun,
Seattle, Wash.
LEONARD E. HILTON, nearest re
lation, Mrs, I. E. Hilton, Sumner,
nearest relation, 354 Broadway (Pat
ton Road?); Portland Ore.
, private prince zomatto.
ncthest relation, Frederick Zomatto,
1363 Glenn ave., North Portland!
f said block and running thence south
erly parallel to tho easterly line of
Madison street 60 foot to the northerly
line ot the alley In said block; thence
easterly following tho northerly line
if the said alley 60 feet to a point;
thence northerly parallel to the easter
ly line ot Madison street, 60 feet to a
point on the line between lots one (1)
and two (2) ot said block; thence west
erly following the Hue between said
lots one (1) and two (2), fiP feet to
the place of beginning.
Terms of sale cash, or halt cash,
balance to be secured by first mort
gage upon the real premises sold, to
be approved by Court.
Bids will be received by the undor-
slgned Executor at his residence at
Oregon City, Oregon, or at the office of
his attorney, O. D, Eby, Oregon City,
Dated September 26th, 1918.
Executor of the last will and testa
ment of C. N. Lewis, deceased.
O. D. EBY,
Attorney for Executor.
thereof of record ln the office of the
recorder of conveyances in said county
md state and more particularly de
scribed aa follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point In the line be
tween lots seven (7) and eight (8) of
said block 132 of Oregon City, Oregon,
wh,'ch point Is 78.75 feet easterly from
a point on the easterly line of Madison
Btreet, which point is the northwester
ly corner of lot seven (7) and the
southwesterly corner of lot eight (8)
Notice of Final Account of Andrew
Olson Estate.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as executor of the estate of
Andrew Olson, deceased, has filed his
Until account in the County Court of
Clackamas County, Oregon, and that
Monday, the 4th day of November,
1918, at the hour of 11 o'clock, a. m., ot
said day and at the court room of said
court, has been appointed by said court
as the time and place for the hearing
of objections thereto and the settle
ment thereof.
Dated and flrat published, Septem
ber 27th, 1918.
. Executor.
Attorney for Estate.
nearest relation, Mrs. Eugene Butler,
Spokane, Wash,
S. M. C, nearest relation, Carolina A,
Peterson, Dayton, Ida.
nearest relation, J. M. Prink, Assem
bly Hotel, Seattle.
nearest relation, Lorenzo D. Folson,
Gooding Idnho.
nearest relation, W. A. Beta, Strat
ford, Wash. .
Missing In Action.
nearest relation, J, , C, . Mlnton, Cor
vallls, Ore..
FOR RENT 17 acres, house and build
ings, cultivation, walking distance
from town. "F. S." care Enterprise.
Hampshire Downs
Oxford Downs and
; Shropshires. '
Also good Coltswold Ram.