Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 20, 1918, Page Page 6, Image 6

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NEW EASY PAYMENT ElJ w v "t S1"8---
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. r n,ioi nnvmenu oo Lib-
new plan ui '
erty Bonds tn tbe forthcoming Issue
has been adopted by the United
States treasury department, accord
ing to instructions from Washington
received here last night by James K.
Lynch, governor ot the federal re-
i i, ihs v.'th district.
serve uu "
These new partial payments, as
.,!-. i- ha Instructions. Will
OUiuueu t "
range from the initial payment of 10
thu aubseount pay-
per tcni - -
menu ot 20 per cent up to the final
9A TWir rant.
paynieuv ui ov
The bonds will be dated October
24. Following the imuai pajiu '
, a t iho BPrond navment ot 20
in h Ana Nnvember 21. 20
per cem "
nW 19 unit a similar
per crm i"""" - ,
payment January 16 and 38 per cent
January au.
BUTTE, Mont., Sept. 14. Follow
ing a threat to shut down the mines
ot the Butte district, circulated in a
dodger distributed by members ot
the Industrial Workers ot the World
in this city last night and this morn
ing, a few miners, mostly Finns, quit
work tttts morning. No demands hav
been made upon the companies ana
all tbe mines in the Anaconda Copper
Mining company are working as us
ual A number of arrests of agitators
who distributed dodgers were mad
by the police. These men are being
held In the jail subject to the orders
of the federal authorities who are In
quiring Into the situation.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 14. Post
ponment of the threatened strike of
puddlers employed tn steel mills in
Eastern Pennsylvania and New York
was announced today after the na
tional war labor board bad agreed
with officbls of the Amalgamated As
sociation of Iron, Tin and Steel Work
ers to hold a hearing on the mens'
grievances next Thursday at Phil
WASHINGTON. Sept. 14. Threat
ened labor difficulties at the Bethle
hem, Pa., steel works have been
averted by a promise from the som
pany to obey an order from the war
albor board to put into effect Im
mediately the board's award in
wage controversy.
"If another volley Is fired by you
people," said General De Rossey
Cabell. In command of American
troops at Nogales to the Mexicans
across the way, "I will take every
man I have and go over and got you
and everything you have. We are
through with thia nonsense."
So there will be some peace on his
part of the border. .
n.,rnn ha wautcd to spend too
much ot her money for nutomouiies
um. li.iltl.l'unl. the ureutest Ot
modern soprano, bit uii u'r '
hand. That I hor story, Bho ld
ho had tho Kuropoun Idea that tne
wife imiBt do In an uuhk
husband commanded. But sue
been in the United State long
enough to learn she cannot stand nis
forelM ways any longer.
WASHINGTON, HHt. 17,-rieten-
Hon by tu American NnipynruN i
ut h ainuloye ' cuintldemd
entliil to the production ot ship, w-
ptaeonwut of tho who will t taken
In lh new draft and provlwloii for oh-
tatnliiK 190,000 udtlitumai worner
now needed by tho Kinerncy Fleet
Corporation, were the subjects of a
confitem e today between I imirnmn
Hurley, of the Slilppl" H"rd; Dlrec-tor-deneriil
Schwab, of Urn Kmrg
ncy Fleet Corporation, and I'rovont
Muraltal (Jeneral Crowder. No mcw-
Ion was reittlied today, and firth-T
conference will be held.
Slilpplug board official ar under
tood to take th view that tho need
of th shipyard and tn nwrcimiii
marine are at present entitled to rmht
of way over the need of the Army, a
without continuation of th construe
tlon pnigrammn and without uninter
rupted op 'rat Ion of the exiting ves
sels, even the nriuy now nliroud can
not be supplied,
The view of the War Department
are believed to dirfiT in noiun meusure
thouuh admlttltiK Hint the construe
turn mul manning of merchant veol
In necessary to the operation of the
Exemption to shipbuilder a a
clas. It wns said. I not dnlr.i. a
such action probably would cause
many men trf evade the draft by flock-
log to the shipyards.
American Aviator Downed
Seven Planes in One Day
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The vtulti of the I). S. Treasury again need
refilling. Kver increasing expenditures necessary
to hasten the end of the War, the Keeping up and
Backing-up of "Our liovs," the Sustaining of the
Allied Nations and their Peoples, the Perpetua
tion of Democracy and Destruction r Autoc
racy reijuirr the unstinted sacrifice Iho DO
YOl'R BEST. NOT SIMPLY "LIT." l eveo O ne
The Lve of Hie 4th Liberty Loan l here.
FIRST in every patriotic endeavor, OREGON
cannot, uitl not. thnll not falter NOW. With more
to work for, more to give for. more to sacrifice
for even true Orrgonian will nuke it his duty
to see thai Oregon DOES REPEAT by going over
the top FIRST once again.
While the campaign does not officially start
until September 28th, we will 10 voluntarily
pledge our subscriptions and anticipate our
ciuot.is that in this town, Ihii county and thit ttatt
Feevra Lnaart lua CoatKnrfaa
National Security League
Secretary Write Book
Edmund G. Chamberlain, the young ,
isited the British I
LONDON, Sept 12. The Daily Ex
press claims to have unquestionable
Information that the former Empress
ot Russia and her four daughters
have been murdered by Bolshivikl.
The paper prints the following:
"The Express understands from a
source which Is beyond doubt that
the Empress of Russia and her four
daughters have been murdered by
Rr,1chrilH Ttin ulinlo Immediate t American aviator, V
family of the late czar has thus been flying corps during his vacation to get
exterminated." imore experience. He was eui um
with British flyers, and in one uay ne
gent down five German planes and
then disabled two more. Landing
within the enemy lines he routed a
company of Huns with his machine
gun. Later he found a wounded
French officer whom he carried to
safety and took with him a German
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14. The ship
ping board advises that 10 ships,
about 30,000 tons, released for flour
loading to east coast. These to be
diverted between Portland and Puget
Sound points.
for gireater
War Time Work Needs Power
Economical and Easy to Operate. J Exclusive
Patented Feature Wire Enduring and Reliable
Service, Write for Tractor arming Magazine
and Lateit Catalogue. " "
Samson Sieve-Grip Tractor Co.
(Divialon, General Motor Company)
Stockton, California
., , ;
J. J. WURFEL, Barlow, Oregon
Exclusive Agent for Clackamas County
Our Sentiments
By C. W. VOLLINE3, Examiner,
U. 8. Employment Off ic, Norfolk, Vs.
Said the workman to the soldier, .
As the ship put oit to sea:
"While you're over there for freedom,
Yon can safely hank on me.
I'll he just as brave as you are, '
In a safer sort of way,
And I'll keej) production going,
Every minute of the day."
Said the soldier to the workman,
As the ship put out to sea:
"I'll be true to you, my brother,
If you'll just be true to me.
e cot to work together;
It's my job to bear a gun,
But it's yours to keep on toiling .
If we're going to lick the Hun."
Said the workman to the soldier:
"I will back you to the last.
I will stick here to my post
Until the danger time is past."
Said the soldier lo the workman:
"I'm for you and you're for me,
Now we understand each other;
Let the ship put out to sea."
Latest Photo of Britain'
Intellectual Giant
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Henry L"T"Vest7"executlvo secrelury
of tho National Security League, lorl?
a newspupeniutii In Washington, and
District ot Columhla comiulsslont-r
under Presents Roosevelt and Taft
bus written a book entitled, "Tho
Growth of Federal Power.' It bus
been pronounced a very able work by
lawyers and others familiar with tho
history of the politics of tho United
arraiiKo for the payment i $10,000 re
troactive wages due tho nnphiyns of
the liny shipyards, under Ihe Mary
wane scule agreement, Arthur V.
Jones, of the Shipping lUwrd, and ('.
W. SHncer, r- presonllng the Khli-
wrlKhiV'ulou' wr,veJ lu1 nlKnl M',
today were In loiifereine Willi the
heuds ot the Hay yards. Robert Hanks,
of the Kruno & Hanks yard at( North
Rend, and A. K. AdeUp.rgr, of the
Coos Hay, yard at Mumhftwld.
From the North Rend yard ap
proximately 112,000 Is due the em
ploy eg In back wages and S,l)00 from
tlu hx-al yard. No trouble I antici
pated by the laboring heads In let
ting tho employer lo UKrue to the
WASHINGTON. S.pl- I". All rail
roud oinployes In tho clusses de lured
by the railroud adinlnlstratioii es
avutlal to proper operations were In
utrut't.d today ly hire, lur-ti-meral
McAdoo to claim deferred draft clas
sification. i a patriotic duty, and to
furnlHh the district boards with tho
noi i-ssary Information In their answers
to the questionnaires to show the
bnsls for such classification.
WASHINGTON. S'Vt- 17. I'rovost
Marshal-General Crowder today an
nounced that concerns engaged In mo
tor truck transport service within the
cities or along the public highways
may claim deferred classification for
nectwmry employes.
- it K
Wounldn't You Get Sick
If She Would Nurse You?
In response to inqulrUs from paro
chial and private schools, rrea v.
Boalt, State Chairman of the Essay
Committee, announced that all pupils,
whether in public or private schools,
are eligible in this state-widei compe
tition of the Fourth Liberty Loan.
Inasmuch as there is no organiza
tion to take care oi tne coniesi m
such Institutions, he has decided to
Uave the matter in charge oi me
heads of such schools. In some cases
there are no grades, only classes cor
respond to the grades, and In division
of the public school in such cases, it
will be up to the head of the private
school, or such school to determine
in what relative position the essay of
a pupil can be entered.
Essays written In such schools I
should be stot directly to the Mate
Contest Committee, care ot Liberty
Loan Headquarters at Portland. The
names and grade of the writer must
be on the outside of wery paper.
This is expected to add hundreds
more contributions for the Essay com
mute to judge.
Portland public schools are devoting
time and study to the subject of tlw
essays this week preparatory to, the
opening of the Fourth Liberty Loan
Campaign in Portland next week.
Throughout the state there Is a sen
districts where school has not been
resumed, County superintendents and
others have been asked details of the
Prizes have been announced as ten
gold medals for the state-wide win
ners in each of the ten grades of the
grammar school and high school, be
ginning with the third grade.
In such district where school has
resumed, teachers of the different
grades will judge the best essays In
their classer, and pass them on to the
nrlncioal. who will forward them to
the county superintendent. The win
ners in the County will be forwarded
to State Headq-jarters for main com
petition. Where school has not re
sumed, essays should be sent direct
ly to the county superintendent.
Deslde the gold medal for the state
winners there will be a silver medal
for the best essay In each grade In
each county. All essays must be In
the hands of the county superintend
ent on September 27th, and mailed im
mediately to Portland.
There U mon Catarrh In this ctlon
of the country than all other dlMues
. ... k 1 ... V. I . IWinM n,.k...,ll,,l 1
pUBCU IU Vv lulu uu,v. vmiuia ,......'.
local remedial, and by oon.tantly fulling
to cur with local treatment, pronounced
It Incurable. Catarrh U a local dlura,
greatly influenced by congtltutlunal con
ditions and therefore) require constitu
tional treatment. Hull's Catarrh Medi
cine, manufactured Ly V J. Chancy
Co., Toledo, Ohio, l a constitutional
remedy, Is taken Internally end acts
thru the lllooJ on the Mucoui Hurfacea
of tha flyitem. one Hundred Dollars ra
ward Is offered for any cane that Hall's
Catarrh Medicine falls to cura. Bend for
circulars and testimonials.
F. J. CHKNEY CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by L)ruKl(tt, 76c.
Hall's Family fills for constipation.
The local price fixing roinmlttoo on
food products announiMd Wednesday
tho following changes In tho prices
of four utilities:
Mutter retailer puys &7crKc; con
sumer pays 65c.
Sugnr Retailor pays $9.65 pnr 100
lbs.; consumer pays H'jC.
Rroakfast Itacon Retailer puys
45ijc; eonsuiiu.tr pays f0c,
Hour Rotnller pays $2.80; consum
er pays $.'1.05,
A BasloeM Directory ! mmm Otto
Towa and VUUe Ul Orecoai an
waaniiia-toa. giviosT a vsc"pw)
BkeUh of a, h DlaceV.Xoeatiaau
Hhlpplar Facilities) t9 '
fle4 Ilrwry !
a4 rtotessloa.
B. L. POLK OT, baV'
SeatUe, Wash.
yjw)iifYi'"m"m'm "" "W"T' "'Wi
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if v . L
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Administrator's Sale
Of the lata W. W. Cotton, at the "Island Farm" on Bachelor's Island
Peggy Hyland wants to be a Red
Cross nurse, and there la no reason
why she cannot fill the bill if the
photograph has told the truth about
her. Already two sisters are In war
work in England and her father, Dr
Cyril Hyland, Is engaged in similar
work In the Unltel Statee.
ifml'.t west of
FRIDAY, SEPT. 20, 1918 s
At 10:00 A. M. Sharp
75 COW8 25 of (them registered Holsteln. The balance are mostly
extra high grade Holsteln; a few Durham, Jerseys and Guornsoys.
54 HEAD YOUNQ CATTLE 20 of them are registered Holsteln.
Large Registered Holsteln Bull. Some Younger Bulls.' Eight 8ows,
one boar, two shotes, nine pigs. Six large work horses, four colts, one
pony. Two Iron wheel wagons, 2 gang plows, corn planter, old binder,
disc drill, gasoline engine, ensilage cuttor, side dollvery rake, hay
loader, 2 mowers, hay rake, 2 plows, 2 harrows, 3 cultivators, 3 set
double harness, blacksmith outfit, 2 drags, dohornlng clippers, food
chopper, roller, cream separator, lot milk cans and buckets, milk cooler,
Babcock tester, kettle stove, cider mill, platform scales, big lot house
hold goods and lots of other small articles.
Mr. Cotton was a memhor of the Dairymen's Association for years
and devoted a great part of his time and an immense amount of money
in developing this herd, purchasing and breeding Bitch strains as Sir
Hengerveld, Stanhope Netherland, Bonnie Laddie Hengerveld De Kol,
Olory of Eukhwysen, Sir Chlrnacum Ononis Cornucopia, and others,
buying from such breeders as David McKeown of Greshum, P. A, Frakos
of Scapoose, and Thomas Carmichael of Oaston. A CHANCE NOT
Boat will run to and from sale every half hour from Ridgeflald
Free of Charge.
COL W. S. WOOD, Auctioneer
t eral interest In the contest; even In