Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 06, 1918, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Page 2
G ID AS TONE, Sept. 3 Mr. and Mrs
If. B. Cross entertained at their
home in Gladstone, informally Sunday
afternoon for Mrs. Edgar H. Heech-Jj,
ley and her mother Mrs. Tigart, who
will leave Wednesday for Oakland,
Calif., where they will spend some
time, Mrs, Tigart remaining for the
winter and Mrs. Beechley will join
her husband In Panama City, Fla., !
where he has charge of one of the
largest shipyards In the United StaU's.j
Mr. . Beechley was Junior U. S. en
gineer for Oregon and has Just com-1
pleted the work so successfully done
on the government locks at Oregon
City. During their tima Mr. and Mrs.
Beechley have made their home In
Gladstone and have a host of friends
there and In Oregon City. Among those
who we?e at ths Cross Love In the
atVrnoon were Mr. and Mrs. Headen
Mrs. Tercy Cross, of Portland; Mrs.
Moss, Mrs. Tingle, Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Burke, Mrs. Edward Eby. Miss
Stella Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Hani
mond. Rev. and Mrs. Collins and Miss
Georgia Cross.
, Miss Gladys Davis returned to her
horn in Seattle to attend high school
af'xr spending three weeks with her
sisur Mrs. Fred CJcsc.
H. B. Miller and Fred Steiner are
spending 'a few days on Wild Cat
mountain gathering huckleberries
This is their second trip. TUey brought
back some fine large berries before.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kent of P.irk
place, and daughter Mrs. Fred Stein
er and childrea are guests of relather.
and friends ot Woodburn.
Mr. and Mrs. V. E. O'Donnefl and
s ns Percy and Harold, of Oregon
City, were guests at the home of their
s;ster Mrs. E. W. Eby.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Legler and
daughter Miss Mildred. Mrs. H 11.
Miller and chieldren. Mr. and Mrs.
Woolrich and family, formed a river
beach party Sunday and enjoyed f sh
iuf and rowing.
TWILIGHT. Sept 5. H. L. Scheer
and family took a trip to Mt Hood
Mrs. N. M. Myers is visiting with her
.daughter, Mrs. Hooper, at Central
. oint.
S. Nash and family spent Sunday
evening with Mr. O. P. Bailey and fam
ily at Macksburg.
We are sorry to hear of the death
of Mrs. Speiger. She died at her home
here Tuesday morning and was buried
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
PARKPLACE, Sept. 3. Fred Himler
suffered a painful accident last Thurs
day, while picking pears at his home.
He fell out of the tree breaking both
bones of his right arm.
Miss Iva Witzic, of Parkplace, spent
her vacation at the seashore, where she
enjoyed a fine outing.
Mrs. M. Rivers, who sprained her
ankle 'three weeks ago. is greatly im
proved. Mrs. E. H. Vonderahe, who has been
quite 111 at the Oregon. City hospital,
has Improved greatly and expects to
return home this week.
Miss Elma and Norma Smith went
to Milwaukie last Saturday to see their
mother, who Is taking treatments at
the Open Air Sanitorium. Mrs. Smith's
health is improving.
CLACKAMAS, Sept 5, Walter Fos
ter has returned from Gillman county,
where he has been .spending his va
cation by doing his bit helping his
brother harvest his grain crops.
Mr. Romain, Mrs. Cella Lanbenberg
and her daughter, Opal, went to Doug
las county on the 2nd, to help Miss
Bess Clough harvest her prune crop.
The Clough prune orchards are among
the largest in the state.
Mrs. Emma Schaller, Mr. J. Minnie,
Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Kennedy of Kali
spell, Montana, were the week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Carr. They
came to Portland with a party of forty
from Kalispell vicinity to attend the
G. A. R. encampment They were all
well pleased with Oregon. Mrs. Schal
ler, Mrs. Can's, sister will return Oc
tober 1, and after attending the Re
bekah assembly of Montana, to which
she is a delegate, she and Mr. Schaller
will come to Clackamas to spend the
School commences September 16th.
The teachers are, Miss Flossie Perce,
principal; Miss Gertrude Hargreaves,
intermediate; Miss Florence Jennings,
primary. '
Mrs. R. M. Humphery, of Vale, Mal
heur county, is visiting her brother, L
L. Smith.
Under date ot July 14th, at sea,
Harry Hargreaves, whose address Is
Medical officer U. S. S. West Cohas, in
care of Postmaster, New York City, N.
T., writes his mother:
! "Tomorrow we cross the equator
coming hack north. I don't know
where we are going and no one else
does. We will go through the canal I
guess, on our way east. It has been so
hot the last two or three days that we
just sit under the awnings with noth
ing on but our lower section of under
wear and sweat About nine o'clock in
the evening it is almost cool enough to
sleep under the stars with no clothes
ton. It doesn't get below 80 though. 1
don't thing all night long. I kind of
dread to think of having to stand it
until we get around the coast of Flor
ida, but so far no one has been seri
ously sick from the heat; Two of the
Joys were poisoned from lead, and I
p nere vou. AOu u
Briefs From
All Over the
had quite a time with them. They are
about well now after looking liketae
"last rose ot summer" for two and a
halt w eeks".
"Sometime in the next three months,
I expect to land in England, but do not
ftny tor me
to leave the ship for more than ten or
twelve hours at a time. I never know
when some one is going to have an ac
cident 'Do not worry about me in the least
tor the boat I am on Is too valuable to
send across without a convoy and that
wm mean very mue cnance or oetng. Miss Irene Wurtel has returned to
lost even if the boat is sunk. I think Mount Angel, where she will resume
they will send a bunch of us all at her studies.
once under convoy. The part of Chili , Mr8. Myrtle Martin of Klamath Falls,
we were in is a regular desert. The visited at the Irwin home and called on
Sahara III bet hasn't anything on It, Id friends here Thursday. Mrs. Ir
for there wasn't a blade ot grass in win accompanied Mrs. Martin home for
thirty miles ot Majellones, where we a two-week's visit They left for Ktam
anehored and not a single tree in sight ath Falls Sunday.
Just big high red or yellowish white : Mr. and Mrs. Wood Voting left Sun
colored mountains. Majellones is ,iav for Siir.kii for n vm-ntlnn
about four years old and claims a
thousand inhabitants. Only about six
of whom are full blood white people.
There were only four or five people in
town who could speak Euglish and un
derstand it well.
"I haven't heard any war news since
I left but know all is going on well."
Oak Grove
OAK GROVE, Sept 5. Mr. and Mrs.
F. H. Harris, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. E.
C. Warren returned home Saturday
from an outing through Tillamook
county They visited several summer
resorts where they enjoyed the clams
and crabs. On their return they vis
ited at Wheeler and met all of the Oak
Groveites there Including J. L. and
Charles Vosburg and family, Mr. and
Mrs. L. E. Armstrong, Roy Blackerby
and family, A. L. GoeU and others.
Walter Viglea spent the week-end at
home with his parents.
George Bigham is home for a few
lays from Wheeler.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Thompson and
daughter, Jean, also Mr. and Mrs.
Moore spent a week at Rockaway
Mrs. Henry Schufler was a visitor at
Rockaway for a week.
Sir. and Mrs. C. B. Brown are on a
camping trif up the valley for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Riley are visiting
at the home of their daughter, Mrs.
Oiler at Castle Rock, Wash.
Hester Armstrong spent Labor day
at Wheeler, visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. E. Armstrong.
, Mrs. Theo. Kornbrodt of Southern
Oregon, is here visiting her daughter,
-vi rs. Moim.
J. H. Graham, of Portland, formerly
of Oak Grove, met with an accident in
the Crown Willamette spruce camp
near Astoria, where" he broke three
ribs. He is at his home and improving
Our school opened Tuesday morning
with 120 pupils enrolled. Many of the
families have not returned from the
summer vacation, yet When they do
there will be at least 140 pupils.
The Parent-Teacher association will
hold its regular meeting Friday, Sep
tember 13th at 3 o'clock in the school
assembly room. All members are re
quested to be present In the near fu
ture the association will give a recep
tion to the teachers.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, of Sea.
side, received a letter from their son,
vision, wno is in England. The
Moore's own property and formerly
lived here. They went to Seaside last
year for Mr. Moore's health, which is
much improved.
Regular services at the Community
church Sunday morning and Epwttrth
league Sunday evening.
Echo Dell
ECHO DELL, Sept. 5. There waa a
meeting ot the Echo Dell branch of the
Loyalty league Sunday. The meeting
was pretty well attended and plans
for the raffling of a Red Cross quilt
were discussed. The quilt will be
raffled some time in the near future.
The exact date will be announced In
the Enterprise later.
Chances on the quilt are for sale at
ten cents each, by the executive com
mittee of the Loyalty league, Mrs. 01
sen, Mrs. Clark, and Mrs. Hornshuh.
also by Miss Brenner, Mrs. Barney,
Elsie Clark and others.
J. C. Kulizman and W. N. Clark are
erecting flew silos.
Mrs. Barney, who has been staying
in Oregon City has returned to her
home here.
Word has been received of Carl Bar
ney's safe arrival in the Bremerton
navy yards.
Mrs. Henry Frickey of Mountain
View, accompanied by her sons, Cecil,
Conrad and Hirschel were here last
Friday, picking Evergreen blackberries
Mrs. L. T. Wilson also picked black
berries here last week.
Mr. Futter will leave September 4
to spend a lew days at the huckleberry
Ira and Elvin Clark went to Stafford
Monday and returned Tuesday.
Hugo Lindahl of Portland, visited
with friends here Sunday.
There Is more Catarrh In thla moftcn
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and for year it wa up.
posed to be Incurable. Doctors prescribed
local remedies, and by constantly failing
tt&Mi. 'carrVocdurst
greatly Influenced by constitutional con-
anions and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine, manufactured by F J. Cheney &
Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is a constitutional
remedy, is taken Internally and acts
thru the Blood on the Mucous Surface
of the System. One Hundred Dollar re
ward Is offered for any case that Hall's
Catarrh Medicine fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
F J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
JVJjfmliyJM tor constipation. r
BARLOW, Sept. 5. Miss Corrlnne
Burgeson has gone to Seaside tor a va
cation. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jesse are camp
ing on their ranch during prune dry
ing. The young people gave" Albert
Berg 'a pleasant surprise party the
night before his departure for Camp
Lewis, where he was called to loin the
muititude of young men to help win
,he war. A tdeasant time was en-
joyej Dv the young folks.
Mrs. Tull's niece and children are
visiting her. W. S. Tull attended the
Elks convention in Portland last week.
LOGAN, Sept. 6. If one doesn't
want what the flies get these days, do
not ask "is this hot enough for you" In
the way of a conversation starter.
Give 'era a "sizing up look" first
Cjjte by one the young men of our
community are leaving us. It leaves the
home folks lonely but, we are all proud
Upon the Foundation
, of
Correct JT-
'The Champion-
been making
f for users
iJj for years
kMttm ked
pHmuut csMUMcTb
' Driving
Internal nf wKtcK
r- the
j Champion j
f Agency I
Are Extra
" If V
7 m'm
is m m
W If
F (I !
(ft , I '
kmie and
'', THAT
will bring you price and
Case Hardened, y, fr Mow
of them and we will surely try to
"Keep the Home Fires Burning" for all
of them. Their lives are put on free
doms sacrificial altar, that the life
work of Washington and Lincoln, their
deeds and Ideals may remain immor
talized for all time to come to be the
inspiration of future posterity.
John Boss left Monday to don the
khaki and do his bit and he is glad to
do so. Our very best wishes for him,
and all the boys who are willing to
lend a hand In this "man's size" job.
Holidays may be enjoyed by the
labor union people, but it's "tuff" to
have one glued on to Sunday and do
without the mail two whole days. Es
pecially when one is watching the bat
tle line "over there."
Carll A. Kirchem, who is in the 58th
Balloon Company Aviation branch
writes to the home folks that they are
at last out of Texas and are now sta
tioned at Camp Morrison, Va., which
,is hear Newport News. He writes he
likes Virginia much better than Texas
and they had a most delightful trip
from San Antonio, going through so
many of the Southern cities. Were
four days and nights crossing the
state of Texas, and enroute passed
thrnnerh Tnxarknnn. r.hnttannnrn Mom.
1 nhia Corinth FL Worth and Rnannnlrn
' ,pr onnm' worm ana Koanoane,
' Va- Saw many large cotton fields more
than he had ever seen before. San
iAntonio 19 a tovn 01 M h,8toric
terest with a population of 150,000
The stork paid his respects to Mr.
and Mrs. F, Riebhbff by leaving a
daughter, September 2. This makes
two girls to arrive in Logan homes
recently and some say Its a peace sign
Rigs are passing to and from moun
tains daily, people are after huckle
berries and seem to get them. They
tare cheap fruit takes some physical
exertion to get them, but do not re
quire much sugar and thata the kind
people need now.
A (lock of wild geese was seen going
south which old timers say portend
early winter. s
On a recent trip to Sherwood, the
land of onions, we saw acres ot them
pulled already. Onion growing there
in the past has been a very prolltabto
business, but they say they cannot
continue at it, owing to scarcity of
help, which makes if hard tor the
growers, for the land Is particularly
adapted to onion raising, more than
anything else.
ESTACADA, Sept 6. The Radclirfe
Chautauqua has been holding it's ses
sion in the Kstaeada Turk for three
days. The program for each llay was
greatly enjoyed by those present, but
on account ot so' many being in the
huckleberry patch there was not as
good a crowd as thoro'shouU have
been. ,
The Park & Closner store on the
comer ot Second and Broadway has
changed haivjjs, and will hereafter Iro
known as the Tark store. Jim Park
and Will Closner, who have owned the
store until recently will move next
week to Eugene, where they have a
saw mill.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Younce and son,
Virgil, spent the Week-end with friends
in Kstacada. Mrs. Younco had her ton
sils taken out Sunday and was immedi
ately taken to her homo In Oregon
Miss Katie Murphy of Tacoma,
Washington, spent a few days with her
grandmother, Mrs. Allen, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Park received
word last week from their son, Bert,
who at one time lived in Estacada but
now of Kansas, that he was on his way
back west again.
Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Hewitt and daugh-
0HU - -
lV I 1 t ' " . . . , . . . .
7 fyjEpffi
w W V 7 V Xf UaL
THIS ILLUSTRATION lUn it ink Wk MWMMiliv lake.
pttBMA (MUWCtMt, W WM lb Wm tlOlU fc4 wfcKfa CM
aad apc kshnsa lusto fcatj md smU mt p"n awhmncally mkm w
mud luhtf ImmI by Milt ot m mim4 aprta
Mechanism ; )!
Showing th
Extra Vviao
giv many teeth in ' i r',
mih. prewnta wear. ' d
Long bearing? az 2
!g5iach end ot bevel Jj J,
teady mcx.on ot j S . But at line ow.
bevel gear driving
"tl mtf to the width
the crank ihalt
and strenttKof thi
p.ruon. . OIt
PINS ',' The
Long, , 7.1 One f"5,
..j' fCnatnninn I i
til ' I
:. 'A n
.. . in
1 A ,. V- .'U ':. t. n.. 1
; ! Strong
They are purely ftft Has Extra Long "S'fc " 7" ,
f-enedintheyok. W Caae Hardened "f,""' '
inaunng the perfect AiJiFnoturol lifetime
Um i k., M;' Removable ?,!f.
pitman. Wearing Plates ' i c Champion
ter, Ruth, motored out from Portland,
last Saturday and spent a few days
with her sister, Mrs. S. E. Wooster.
Mr. and M"S. Hcrby Huxley and
daughter, Bessie, have just returned
from a delightful trip to'Netarts Bay.
Howard Hayden, a mail carrier of
Portland, accompanied by his family
spent the week-end with hia uncle W.
T. Smith, of Sprlngwater.
Mr. Will Handle, a former resident
of this vicinity, but now of Cloverdale,
Oregon, is here looking after his farm.
The Estacada schools will open on
Monday, September 9.
OSWEGO, Sept, 5. Grant Waldorf,
of Salem, Is a visitor at the home of
Lawn Waldorf'B this week.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Jarisch and
daughter, Leona, spent Sunday In Van
couver, visiting relatives.
Otto Larson and son, Verne, of Al
toona, are visiting in Oswego this
Mr. and Mrs. John Blckner and
daughter, Edith, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Bickner an ddaughter, Anna, Mr, and
Mrs. Boyd, Mrs, L. Z. Harbin and
daughter, Gertrude, Mrs, Chas. Blck
ner, Miss Lillian Bickner, Miss Mary
Blckner, and Mr. Henry Bickner, mo
tored to Gordon Creek on Columbia
Highway Sunday and all enjoyed a
very nice lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Mian Violet
Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Outland and
Mr. and Mrs. Matson, from Vancouver,
Washington, were visiting Mr. and
Mrs. P. H. Jarisch the past week.
Floyd Harbin, of Portland, and Chaa.
Bickner, of Oswego, went to Eagle
Creek for a fishing trip Sunday and
Mrs. E. L. Butler, ot Seattle la at
the homo ot her sister, Mrs. L. ttaUlnatt
this week.
Mrs. Duune Pearslcy is visiting her
mother, Mrs. John Erlckson.
Jack Monk and son, Will, have gone
on a flxhtug (rip to the mouutulua.
Mrs. William Motsor and son, Clnr
once, of Irondalo, Wash., are here mov
ing their furniture to that place.
Mr. and Mrs. llerbort Nixon have
moved back to Obwcro. Mr. Nixon is
In the grocery business In Portland.
Mrs. L. Harbin and daughter, Ger
trude, uro week end visitors at her sis
ter's, Mrs. Chas. Jlieknor,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zimmerman will
.occupy the eottago that has boon rec
ently vacated by the Metier family.
Mr. and Mrs. ltenneth Davidson are
the proud parents ot a baby daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Walling, of
Rockaway are Oswego visitors this
week. Mr. Walling received word
from Wyoming of the death of his son
Mrs. Wm. Worthlngton, and Mr. and
Mrs. George Bullock were vjslting Mrs.
Worthlngton's son, Archie, at llasolln
Mrs. Milton Shipley is very 111 at the
home ot her daughter, Agnes Loamana,
nt Haiolln.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bullock and
daughter, Grace, uro visiting Mr. Bul
lock's brother, George, this week.
Jennings Lodge
, JKNNING SLODGE, Sept. 5,-Mr.
Utul Mrs. Lucas had as guests Sunday
and Monday, Miss Bertha Krnnter,
Mike Mater nnd Mr. and Mrs. Max San
ford. The party enjoyed n camping
trip over Sunday and Monday.
Miss Ester Campbell leaves this
week for The Dalles, where sho will
tench school the coming year. Miss
Campbell taught the primary grades
for two years at our school.
Mrs. Emmons had a party of friends
No Greater
- WW0"? -
. I ...
. Y
"-Every Part is
( well built t
and ';
rightly designed.
This it for your
r . protection
Um mw mm
Send me price and '
catalog of your CHAMPION ;
out Sunday, who enjoyed Mrs. Em
mons' lovely yard and bathing on tho
Clyde Newell and Edwin Newell and
wife were Sunday vlsitora at the P. D.
.Jewell home.
Mrs. W. H. Moore and Mrs. W. W.
Thompson are spending a vacation at
the beach.
The funeral of the late A. A. Hobson
of Hull avenue, was held last Friday
at Finley's undertaking parlors. In
terment was in Rose City cemetery.
The West family are now neighbors
on the East Side.
Misses Elsie and Carrie Birch, after
spending two months with their annt,
Mrs. Russel,! have returned to their
home in- Walla Walla, where they will
attend high school.
R. F. Butler is expecting to build a
large chicken house on his property on
the Oatfleld road.
H. P. Brownrlgg made a business
trip to Portland Tuesday.
A number of young folks from the
Jennings Lodge started to school on
Tuesday. Misses Dora and Minnie
Rothe are again attending Milwaukie
high school, Miss Ruth. A. Cook has
started her third year at Lincoln high
The Oregon City high school has not
opened, but will have quite a' few in
attendance from here.
Matlandi Shepherd, of Eastern Ore
gon ,is spending several weeks with his
grandmother, Mrs. Brownrlgg.
Mrs. H. P. Brownrlgg will leave soon
for California, where she will spend
the winter. Mrs. Brownrlgg will visit
her daughter, Mrs. Fendner, formerly
f this place, and now of Oakland and
Mrs. Houston of Berkeley,
AT ra Tlwnl.nlt Tf I If. il n .
- . uii-ftOLi, MiBB jviyruu oorry,
ana Max ana Edgar Downing have re
turned from their visit to Tacoma,
-fr't The $
J' J vX better
. ..,m,i.i,
Tliu vM proMom lit tlin IhikIih'xh
world Is iiKHitlnw t law groat dmuanil
for imm pownr to kmi our ImluHtrlw
going. We now xuoct to iiluoe 4,ot)i),
000 im In France by noxt Juno. Tito
i!w'P8 of tlii'ito iHoilmoia have tilt to
bo lllltnl. Wo have cot to t.irn out a
Ki'ont quantity of siilloii itiul muni,
ttoim to buck tliom up, In addition (0
ordinary inatorlal for mm In dully
homo life. TI10 gtiilloii tno miny oou
Huino will ronrtwni fur imim labor
and inutorlul tlmn thU nuinbor of nun
would U8 In ponce tlmo.
All Hourcos of aupply lo tilt (lie Itibsir
nUortHg'5 wilt be ratiHuckml, Hoya, wo
mini and glrln, non ntniUl worlmra,
each of Ihotto smuvo Ih ft prolilcm In
ltflf. Hut thofi lit ono grat aourca
of liurcaiiol prod ittlon, That Ih vn
tlmaluam not to lo overlooked.
enthuHlnatld. No ball gamo wm ever
won without euthiiHlaitm, I'ndoraforo-
man capable of arointing the aplrit ot
Hazel ia
HAZKt.lA. Sept. 8-Will Cook, who
htm been taking an luteiiHlve officers'
training coiimo at Kugene, returned to
his home In Uiuolln Saturtlay,
Mr. John Itiilcy unit on, Joe, vlalt
ed Sunday at the homo of Mm. H tlcy's
father. Joseph ilUHhhaum, of Tuala
tin Meadows.
Fred Lehman and daughter, U'nn,
visited friend and relative in (ire
ham Sunday. Mis Lena Ih now spend
ing a week's vacation, at that place.
Mr. nod Mr. Hugh Currln, of Port
land, and .MlHMeti Harriet and Lmllo
Duncan, ipnnt the week-end cainplng
In the mountains near St. Httlen, Ore-
Mr. John Wanker. Mm. (luy Simp
kin. MIkho Marlon Kaatinan and
Wanda Wanker and Klva ami Walter
Wanker attended the performance ot
Vancouver on Labor Day.
Those to take up their work In the
various hlKh school of Portland are
.Misses Marlon Kuittman. Jean Wllnon,
Leona Puyinhroock end Irene and
illaut he Duncan.
The first meeting of the fall session
of the Hazella Literary and Debating
society will ho held Saturday night,
AiiRUHt 7. at the school houao. Flec
tion of officer and appointing of com
mittees will tako place.
All the available. Ilajellan men were
employed fUlitlng a forest fire below
L. M. Davidson's place. The flro was
partially auhdued and at present two
soldier are guarding the lto.
Eajrlc Creek
EAGLE CHEEK, Sept. 5. Theodore
Held, ot Portland, was tho gtiet of hla
ulster, Mrs. Guy Wilcox recently.
Mr. and Mrs. O, Moehnko, of Shuobel
were the guest of their daughter, Mm.
Koy Douglass, last week.
Malcolm Wooillo and family, of
Troutdaln, were visiting ni the homo
of tho former's parents, Mr. und Mrs.
J. 1'. Woodle, Sunday.
D. M. Marshall and wife, of Ksta
cada, were over this way Sunday, at
tending church.
Kev Guy Porter, nn Advontlst min
ister, from the east, w:t recently an
Eagle Creek" visitor and preached at
tho Douglass school house on Sunday.
GEORGE, Sept. G.-Fred Litis wa
transacting business lu Oregon City
last Friday.
Mr.- and Mrs. Julius Puulaon were
Estacada visitors last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Horger, of Port
land, were weekend guoHts at the
homo of Mrs. Horgor's mother, Mrs.
Marie Klinker.
Elbert McCllutock, who has been
staying with his grandmother. Mrs.
Harder of George, for tho past few
months, went to Portland Inst Thurs
day to visit.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller and daugh
ters, Gladys and Irene, and Otto Paul
sen, motored up to the toll gate last
Mrs. Wlodorhold and son, Joseph and
Nick Rath, motored to Logan last Mon
day. August Paulson and daughters,
Francis and Armeta, of Portland, vis
ited the former's brother Julius Paul
ion, of George, for a couple ot days
t week.
A. Weldorhold, of Portland, visited
his family of George, laBt Sunday.
D. II. Joynor purchased an automo
bile last week.
Peter Rath made a business trip to
Oregon City last Saturday.
Mr. II. Paulsen, who has been visit
ing his son, Julius Paulson, for the past
month, returned to his home in Port
land last Wednesday.
Mrs. T. Hardors and Mrs. Peter Ruhl
visited Mrs. Doryland last Friday.
Harold Joyner was an Oregon City
visitor last Saturday.
Otto Jannsen, who is in the navy at
Bremerton, visited his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Jannsen, of George, last
! WILSONVILLE, Sept. B.-Dr. Butler
spent Saturday and Sunday at home,
coming from Camp Lewis.
Inez Seely and her friend, Roale St.
Clair, spent the week-end with Inez's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Soely.
Victor Thompson, who is atatloned
at Camp Lewis, surprised hia parents
pleasantly on Saturday evening, by
coming home for the week-end,
F. J. Tooze, of Oregon City, and R.
. Pcott, the Agricultural Agent, for
this county, were in Wllsonvllle Frldnv
on their way to Corral Creek Red Cross
Mr. and Mrs. Larkins, Mr. and Mrs.
Baird, Miss Jessie Britt, Miss Miller,
and other friends of the Misses Angus
from Newberg, attended tho Red Cros
' fl 0 P I H 1 Ojf Pnrrnl ri.n.l. Tl 1 ,
j jjimuy evening
- 1 ouu "eipea to swell the funds,
Mrs James Angus, of Portland, is
li Ih int'ii, a gung ot work omployoa will
do DO por tout more.
Now lot u a gut tlmt spirit into all
i'uoplo i nn do far mora If thy fool
our war work. Lot tin take hold of It
In thti way we would taUo hold to win
u Imltfuime oritiry an oloctloii, Iluro
uro our boy 011 the verge of victory..
It liemlH 11 lotu hard pull to put, thom
over, but wv are beginning to e
kIkihi of dm end, No limner can It be
Haiti that the (lormun line U linpreg
nuliln, it Iuih Ihu'h brokou again and
ugiiln. Our lioy are Junt the ouea who
can tlo it,
lint everyone who raining food
or nmlihitt munition or war auppllee,
or producing any vulmthlo eNHoutliil
material, munt ut IiIh heart Into It.
If we will nil jump to our tank with
the ili'tcrmlmitlon to ralne our ludim.
trlat cfriclmity to hlgheet pitch, the
ho.v "over there" will take care of the
rcxt. Come on thou with a Hurrah!
1 1 "., ,. )
spending a week with relative, near
Stanley Murray's many friend wore
sorry to loam ot hi accident on Fri
day morning, Almost 30th, while riding
on a wagon, some empty crates used
for hmckhcrrle fell over on him,
throwing blm eut, ami hi leg waa
broken for tho second time In the
same place, and ho wa rushed to the
Good Samaritan hospital lu Portland.
Mr. Mid Mrs. Knot. Graham and fam
ily, have gone to tho coast to camp for
ten day.
The Corral Creek social given for the
benefit of the Itetl Cross milled $.15.00
utter cxponsea were paid. An address
wa given by F. J .Tooxo, f Oregon
City, und It. (1. Scott spoke lu the In
terests of the Loyalty league. Mary
Anna Probst, Jessie llrltt, Mr. John
son uml Shorimm Hoely tendered Vocal
and Instrumental solos and Miss Miller,
of New-berg, assisted as a Gypsy for
tune teller. Jack Angu purchased the
iiullt, which wa auctioned off, after
falling to the lot of Mrs. Alison linker, ,
who kindly donated It to bo auctioned
off to the hlKhest bidder. Miss Jessltl
Annus also inatlu an angel culm to be
auctioned, which was purchased by
Aubrey Wood.
Messrs. J. Leo ICckerson and Fred M.
Rath, have returned from tho officers'
training school at Eugene whore they
have btftn for tho pat month.
Mr. George llendshndler, a former
resident of Cuuby, but now of Portland,
visited friend In Can by Saturday.
Mr. and Mr. Ivan Dlmlck, ot Port
land, spent tho weekend with Mr,
and Mm. I). It Dlmlck.
Mr. Arthur Knight, of Portland, vis
ited relative In Canby, Monday.
Mrs. Ralph Mtuidevllle was a Port
land visitor Tuesday.
Mr. P. L, Coleman and daughter,
Emma, were Oregon City Portland
visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. W. S. Maple underwent a ur
glcul operation at tho Oregon City hos
pital Tuesday. Her many friend wish
for a speedy recovery.
Mrs. G. W. Wblto made a business
trip to Portland Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Walker, of Port
land, were calling on friend In Canby
Mr. uml Mrs. C. N. Walt, returned
Sunday from a months vacation at
ROME. Aug. 30. Tho Epochu
s declares It has learned from a
- diplomatic source that Persia t
4- probably will declare war against
Turkey within a short time. 8
LONDON. Aug. 331. Nlckoll Lenlne,
houd of the Provisional government
of Russia, was shot and wounded by
an unknown assailant ut Moscow, no
cording to a Russian wireless dispatch
received bore. The nature of Lenlna'a
wound 1 not given.
i SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 2.
8 Ground will be broken Tuesday
for tlw erection of a group of 100 4
3 houses, eight three story apart- 8
3 in en t s and one 150-room hotol 4
'' for accommodation ot shlpbulld- t
to Ing workers.
Woody May Cough Up
Tax Bill Hits P r e x y
Salary Slice Stiff
WASHINGTON!, Sept. 4. Presi
dent Wilson will have to pay an In
como tux of about $24,59Gnbout one
third of bis salary of $75,000 it was
figured today, if the revenue bill is
made a law as reported by the house
ways and means committee,
Hampshire Downs
Oxford Downs and
Also good Coltswold Rami.