Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 30, 1918, Page Page 7, Image 7

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Oregon City Roys Write Home of Their
Life on Fighting Front
Scripture Visits tyn Flnnucan
Albert 11. Hrrli'turo. of tlui 612 Aero
HijiiuUrim, write to his futlinr, 8. F.
Hcrlpturo, (if tbl city, the lottor hav
TniC boon wrlilim July 30.
Soinowhere lit Franco,
July 30, 1018.
1 Ih-ur Dad:
"After such a long niull ot quia
u.m, 1 will try uiul drop lh deur
Old Dud a lino.
"Wo lmvo boott IiuvIiik lotH of (old
uiul rainy day, here this mouth, but
tli wuathor hit turned a grout dual
windier during tho put fow day.
About a woi'k ago we bud u sort of a
cyelono, tornado or something of that
naturti. (in iit, heavy ( load appoared
In tlm south, and they kept rolllnK
along, when In about ouo-half hour
li"y borj down on tbu ii tup. I got in
Hld ami looked out of Out window
uhi'ti I bosun to duo about a dozen
roofs flying around through the ulr.
I thotiKiit tho wholo camp who koIiik
t ho aaiuo pltico, but thu slorm noon
luiHxcd over, and miuido of a llttl
b or '
uuiuiigo ilia not amount to muni, wi i
course. It whs aJuiut tho worst I verj
saw, iiiki you know wo aon t ntive
Much 'tensers' n Hint on tb 'duoil
Old Piielllo slope.'
"Too bud about young Roosevelt
mmlng down' behind tho enemy's
lino. I let wrnt miro a good m hcoui.'
1 know htm wull, a ln was tho C. O.
of olio of llitt outfit I was attuehod to
hint winter for a couple of montlni.
'"Dun .Fliutmiiiio I here In tho lum
iiil ut ilili camp, lie was gassed
In tho Alsace Lorraine territory. I
Ilt him ijullo oftyn, and ha has ask -
ed inn about Oils, ami speaks of iho ;
- . i. i ,i. i
Moou nines mey ,.cu tu ..,. , u ,
no win fcoi over ii. u. iv. .,!
1 was io a cilieniH iiero in. uni i
hiKt night, and saw a llltlo water- j
nieinii party on iiiu acreon. uoe, i sum
o.ild lmvo liked to have been there.
Still, even at that I urn able, to get
somewhat of a kick out of It. I
"I heard a little 'Yauk Joko a few !
diiy ago.. There wa u Yank dough
boy bringing a prisoner back, aftfr 1 I ergunon Is stationed, and ho has no
a little ovor the top scrlmage. Tho I doubt moved from where ho was ala
KrlU wua wounded, but not so badly j tinned when writing a letter to bin
ho could not navigate, especially wlih j father I,. Ferguson, of New Era, rn
a Yunk trailing along behind, when I reived (ho latter part or August. The
he said: 'Maybo you Americans think j letter Is dated August 2, und post
yon aro going to win this wr, but marked August 7, In his lottor the
you're not. The doughboy replied: I young man suld:
Maybo you think you're going to the , -i received your most welcome letter
hospital, but yoa're not.' I rather think j mid money. It certainly camo In bandy,
that Frlulo Is now pushing up daisies j as I have been traveling so much in
iienr where ho pulled oil his "brag- Uio bint four months that my service
Kiidaelo stuff.' They had not bettor get ! record Is hard to keep track of, and
rresh with the Yank.
"I received a letter from Carl Hodg
son a few day bko. lie Is In Knglmid.
present, and trusting all are well at
"Your loving son
!l Pi Pi
Lloutonnnt Write of Hone' Suffer
ing Mrs. O. F, Anderson received Iho
following letter from her son, Men-
tenant Ken h. Jlobtclaw, who Is wltlijfrom ga8 burns. Ho is with llattery
Hie u:t)th Field Artillery, In France. d, First Anll-Alrcraft Huttallon. He
"France, July 29, 1918. ono of the young men in the service
"Dear Mother; j in France, who has boen remembered
"Just a lino. I am well and In good by a letter from the Women's rat
spirits. No time now but to light, undjrlotlc Kdition, enclosing a greenback
lliere Is plenty of that .
"Wo sleep under tho star with but
a blanket to cover us. We eat when
wo can. Wo usually get somothlng
hot onco a day, and our hard tack und
cold beef once each day,
"Our horses suiter tremendously,
and cauiio our hearts to break for
them. Tho roads are lined with their
"Ilopo yo-j aro both well at home.
"Don't worry.
"Lovingly your ron,
Pi Pa P-3
Montgomery Proud to Have Service
Mrs. Montgomery has received a let
ter from her aon, Richard Montgom
ery, who la with the First United
State Knjjlneers, Headquarters Dept.,
In Franco. The lotter was written
Where 1 Clyde Green stationed?
"Am fooling fine and cot ting good
eat; even getting hot cake for
broakfaat, two or three time a week.
They aro real good, but of course aro
not 'like Mother nsed to make' you
know. Some ot the boy, nickname
thorn 'rubberolda,' due to their
stretching propensities, I guess.
"Well, I must say goodbye for the
June 29.
"In Active -Service, France, Juno
29. 1918.
"Dear Mother:
"1 will drop you a lino to let you
know I am still alive, and Uust this
letter finds you all well.
"I have received a letter from WU
litru and also one from Johnnie, and
from the letter of Johnnie's I guess
there are lots of boys from Clackamas
county la tho service, and -especially
In tho navy.
"I wish I could have stayed on tho
ships, but what Is to bo will be. We
cannot all be lucky, but still I cannot
"Well, Mother, everything over here
Is coming along O.K. They are hold
ing tho Cermans all over the lines.
The Americans are sure showing them
how to battle, and when we get plenty
of soldiors over here, we w.111 sure
allow thorn something.
"Well, Mother, I have heard that
family haB a right to a service flag
containing stnrs to represent the
members of tho family In service, so
I suppose you have a flag with four
stars In It to represent your four
sons, and this Is hanging on our front
"Well, Mother dear, I must close for
this time, with love to you and all, I
am ,
"Your loving son,
Pa P3 Pa ..
Tells of Fourth of July
Mrs. Jv Fv Montgomery,, of West
j Jnn, Ib In receipt of a letter from her
non, l'rlvuto Wlllurd M. Monlgomory,
who la office biiHo censor of tho Am
erican Expeditionary Force, France,
The lottor road In part a follow:
"Sunday, July 14, 1918.
"Dear Mother and nil at Home:
"Received you lottor of Juno 20
yesterday, and was sure ghtd to get It,
u n (I iniiro than pleased to hoar that
you were all wall, I received two from
Dick last week; two In one week
Now, what do you know about that?
"We hud soma Hum here on the
Fourth, Just ubout the siime as If we
were In New York, ft made one think
he wa In an American city, Every'
thing wa thrown wide open for tho
Americans, and Old dory was flying
everywhere. On of tho largest par
udc I lmvo even soon took place. Am
erlcun soldier led, and followed by
French cavalry and -French Infantry
In the evening we hud a 1lg show at
one of tho largest theater In the
oily. I sent a 'Blur and Stripe' homo
hint week giving an aceount of tho
event, so you cud nee what kind of a
1'"u' w
"Ho Clyde has made a trip overseas
I wImIi ho could coiihi and sue nio, us
there are soma very Interesting sights
to see where I sin stationed, and somo
tluit ho would never forget.
"Tho Germans have ;iturted another
drive, hut I think this one will be their
Waterloo. They also started shelllti?
I'ltrls ugnln will) their Ms Bertha but
ho does but little damage.
"Today Is the French cetebrallon of
Uberty, and there U to be big doliiKN
Ilka we hud on our Fourth, but as It
M rutiitu: now, I am afraid
pH everything.
It will
.AV, ?ro,)(,r M hfTf) , m)
more news to write, will bring this to
'-your loving aon
fta N
Money Come Handy 111 France
"Somewhere Klse In France" Is
'tho place where Mechanic Oliver
nattirully the result ot no service rec
ord no pay. A It la raining very
hurd where I am located, I should wor
ry, a I am quartered In an old mill
ami wher It la dry. During this kind
of weather those Hosihes do not fool
much with us. Among tho letters I
have received lately were from Dell
t'rlteser and Alkert Mend. They aro
doing (Inc."
From Indications Ferguson was In
a hospital for some time suffering
for the purchase of a few comforts.
DKTRIOT, Aug. 28. Henry Ford
won the Democratic nomination for
United States senator In yesterday'a
primaries by a good majority, figures
early today indicate, but lost the Re
publican nomination for the same of
uoe. Although Ford made no personal
campaign, ho was one of the leading
candidates on both Republican and
Democratic tickets.
Truman H. Newberry, who made tho
campaign on the ground that the Issue
between him and Ford was American
Ism versus pacifism, apparently has
won the Republican nomination by
an overwhelming majority.
COLUMBIA, S. C, Aug. 28. Former
Governor Cole L, Rlease has been de
feated for tho United States senate
by Nat D. Dial who has a majority of
12,000 over both his opponents. James
F. Rice ran a very poor third, secur
ing only a little over 2000 votes.
Hloaso's loyalty had been severely at
tacked. Dial Is pro-admlnlstratlon.
Robert A. Cooper Is leading, the tick
et for governor, tho latest returns in
dicated, however, than a second pri
mary may be necessary. John G. Rich
ards Is second In the governors' race.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 28. "Develop
ment battalions" have been establish
ed at Army training camja to bring
about the greatest possible utilization
of men physically disqualified for gen.
eral military service and thereby re
lieve for more active service the large
number of soldiers now engaged in
seml-clvlllan work.
The War Department announced to
day that about- 90,000 men already
have beoK transferred to the new or
ganization .
(Continued from Page 6) '
General Fund
BOUNTY J. F. Sherman,
Edward School, $6.00.
ELECTION Oregon City Enter-
prise, 5.50; C. F. Zinser, $3.00; J.
T. Kullam, $1,20.
SHERIFF Moiso-Klinker Co., $:$.
62; Western Union Telegraph Co.,
$2.80; W. J. Wilson, sheriff, $4.50;
II. M. Chltwood, $4.15; M. E. Dea-
ton, $8.00; L D Hubbard, $5.50; E.
W. Fowler, $2.50; Oregon City Enter
prise, $14.00; A. E. Joy nor, $00.65;
II, E. Mead, $155.00; Oregon City
Enterprise, $17.25; Bushong & Com
pany, $0117.80. ,
RECORDER R, L. Davis, 10.00;
Tho Courier Press, $:t.50; I). C.
Boyles, $11.00. ,
TREASURER Oregon City En
terprise, $0.40; J. R. Humphry,
agent, $16.00.
ASSESSOR W. W. Long, $30.00;
Wm. A. Morand, $78.00; Ii. N. Ever
hart, $21.00; L. M. Davis, $09.00;
W, W Everhart, stamp, $9.00;
Dushong & Co., $3.50.
Banner, $8.50; H. S. Anderson, $4.00;
The Courier Press, $7.80; Oregon
City Enterprise, $2.75; "W. A. Proc
tor. $113.00; A. H. Knight, $55.00.
COURT HOUSE Frank Busch,
$('.0.00; Home Telephone Co., $18.70;
Pacific Telephone, $42.25; Courier
Press, $8.75; Hog1 Bros., $21.30; A.
J. Bell, $12.00; W. G. Campbell,
$12.li0: J. W. Jones, $4.00.
Pros. $20.75; Julius P. Hult, $41.80;
W. T. Johnson, $3.20; E. P. Dedman,
$2.80; H. B Bickner, $4.20.
Joyner, $90.50; D. E. Frost, $78.00.
CORONER E. L. Johnson, $45.
75; J. C. Kitehlng, $1.20; A. R. Hand
kins, $1.20; N. E. Stinglcy, $2.20; J.
K Ely, $1.20; W. W. Bonner, $1.20;
Neil Taylor, $1.20; Dr. A. D. Adix,
professional services, $10.00; W.
Stubbs, $1.90; J. Marshbanks, $1.70;
II. B. Klinellno, $1.20.
SURVEYOR H. II. Johnson,
$102.07; Chas. Simmon, $6.00; J. C.
Sullivun, $12.00.
supt. of Schools Moiaiia
Electric Co., $3.50; Masonic Lodge,
$7.50; J. E. Calavan, $18.11; Oregon
City Enterprise, $17.50; Clackama
County Banner, $21.75.
Corner, $2.90; Dr. M. C. Strickland,
$18.00; Dr. M. C. Strickland, $24.00;
Dr. W I) Butler, $2.50; Dr. A. J
Rossiter. $1.75: W. B. Perry. $5.00:
Dr. H. V. Adix, $3.75; Geo. J. Case,
$7.00; Dr. H. A. Dedman, $5.25; Dr,
Alfred Williams, $2.00.
STOCK 1 N D E M N I T Y John Si-
grist, $02.50; Perry Barnes, $12.50.
INI). SOLDI ER Meade Post No.
2, $40.00.
COUNTY POOR Mrs. Leisman,
(groceries for Mr. Kollige, $4.63);
Electric Hotel (Dick Meyer), $21.
50; Dr. Norria Health Officer (Mary
Wilson), $40.00; Mrs. W. E. Boerner,
(E. C. Desbrow), $20.00; Wm. Dick
clman, $6.00; A. McConcll, $7.68;
Brady Merc. Co., $10.00; Dr. J. W
Norris, $10.90; W W. Pollock, $12.00;
Robins Bros., (Henry Russell), $14.-
76; C. E. Cross (Sarah Gibbons),
$5.00; Mr. Fred Schwartz, $10.00;
for Mrs. Trullinger's house rent;
Farr Bros. (Mrs. Piazo), $12.00; Mrs,
N. Dustin (J. G. Wake), $7.00;
Miss M. Andrew (Vernie Neff), $10.
00; Mrs. Trullinger (Mrs. Langford),
$50.00; Mrs. C. Stribling (Mrs. Allen)
$12.00; II. S. Anderson (Frank Fol
lett) $2.30; J. B. Sallee (care ot
county charges), $5.00; Mrs. N. B.
Stevens (Masterton), $12.00; II. P
Brightbill (groceries), $6.00; II. P,
Brightbill (groceries), $7.00; Wm
Danforth (self), $10.00; Boys' and
Girls' Aid Society, $30.00; Hoff Bros,
(Tom Jones), $19.00; Mrs. Bradtl
(J. McNamara), $10.00; Dock Mosier
(self), $14.00; Sarah Gibbons (self
and children), $20.00; Mrs. Jessie
Chalk (self), $14.00; Sarah Gibbons
(self and children), $20.00; Mrs. Jes
sie Chalk (self), $16.00; Mrs. G. W.
Thompson (self), $10.00; Ada Le
Baw (self and children), $8.00; Katie
Pluard (self), $8.00; Ella Tracy (Eu
nice Horner), $10.00; Ben Landes
(self), $22.00; S. E. Card (Michael
Boyl), $8.00; C H. Dybdahl (self),
$20.00; Mrs. N. E. Taylor (Mr. and
Mrs. S. Booher), $14.00; Wm. Dick-
Iman (self), $14.00; John and Wil
liam Beers (selves), $20.00; Mrs.
Elizabeth Saunders (self), $5.00;
Mary Lock (self), $10.00; Anna Wer
rerlin (self), $10.00; Chris Zinsli
(Cash McKarty), $10.00; Maud Wil-
Hams (child in care of), $15.00; (W.
T. Tinsley & Auk. Johnson) to J.
B. Salle, $40.00; Geo. H. Newsome
(self), $10.00; Mrs. Annie Langsford
(self), $20.00; A. McConnell (Davis),
$20.00; Mrs. Z. Murphy (self and
child), $15.00; Andrew Lund (self),
$6.00; Dennis Donovan (Jerome Ham
ilton), $18.00; J. A. Davids (Amanda
R. Ludden), $6.00; Mrs. Gage (self),
$10.00; D. Zalonis (Mrs. Youdeska),
$20.00; Mrs. N. B. Stevens (W. D.
Hodges), $25.00; J G. Wake (self),
JAIL W. J. Wilson, $42.80.
wick Hotel & Restaurant, $3.00;
Minda E. Church, $24.60; D. E. Frost,
$29.30; A. E. Joyner, $45.00; R. H.
Coshun, $19.35; Clackamas County
Banner, $1.65; Oregon City Enter
prise, $113.65; Tho Courier Press,
SEALER J. F. JONES, $41.09.
Alldredge, $25.00; W. J. Wilson,
sheriff, $20.00.
DAMAGES John Moser, $10.00;
Electric Hotel (insane), $1.05.
INSANE A. E. Joyner; $3.50.
CLERK Iva M. Harrington,
$10.00. .
Mrs. Emma Schneider, residing near
Redland, was in Oregon City on busi
ness Wednesday,
A BuIdm Dlmetorr of City.
Tow and VUlngo (m Oregon and
tva.mngioa, SivlDK a Dlwrlptiva
Skfltoh ot each, plaro.. Location.
Niluuln XWlitlM
v ana i iiinni.
B. I VOX.K CO, In,
Seattle, Wanh.
An Ice cream social will be given
by tho Carus Red Cross Society at
the Cariis church Saturday Evening
August 31. Theroux's orchestra will
furnish the program, and other, num
bers will bo given by some of Carus
talent, Ono of the feature of tho en
tertainment Is to be a parcel postof
flee, whore package are to be for
sale. Each package will contain a
prize for which a nominal sum will
be charged. Tho affair I to bo given
under the auspice of the Loyalty
League of Carus
Howard Mass, who went with hia,In
lister Miss Adah Mass, to Grand Is
land, Nebraska, early In the summer,
write to his parent, Mr. and Mr.
E. T. Mass, that, owing to scarcity of
help ho has taken a position as eleva
tor boy In a largd hotel, and say he
would like to "hold down the job"all
winter. Ho will return to Oregon City
In time to resume his studies at the
Oregon City high school. He is 13
years of age, and before leaving here
did bis bit in singing at many pat
riotic, meetings with the Junior Lib
erty Loan Quartet.
Miss Cella Goldsmith, after spend
ing the past two weeks in California,
returned to Oregon City Wednesday.
Miss Goldsmith has been in Sin Fran
cisco on business, and visited ber sis
ter, Mrs. Clarence Luckey, and with
relatives at Sacramento, Including her
niece, Mrs. Robert Asher, nee Almee
llollt.ck, and Miss Gohlmnlth's sister,
Mrs. Max liollack, of Portland, who
has been spending the past month at
Sacramento and San Francisco.
Percy Pollanz, Gerald Park and
Thomas Ivett left for Corvallls Wed
nesday morning, where they went to
register for the training camp. Thom
as Lovctt will register for the fresh
men year at the Oregon Agricultural
College. Percy Pollanz will com
mence his senior year. They made the
trip to Corvallls by automobile.
Miss Julia Baker, after being em
ployed as stenographer in the office
of Hammond & Hammond for a num
ber of years, has resigned her posi
tion. She has taken a position as as
sistant book-keeper and stenographer
of the Oregon City Manufacturing
Misses Luclle and Leota Perry,
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C. O.
Perry, will leave September 10 for
Laurel Wood Academy near Forest
Grove, where they will take a three
years' course. They completed "their
studies in the Oregon City schools In
George DeBok, recently Injured
when falling from his wagon at Wil
lamette, has recovered so that he is
able to be out.
Mrs. Homer Kruse, of Stafford, who
w; a operated upon at Oregon City hos
pital Tuesday for removal of tumor
and appendix, is Improving.
James Flaherty, prominent resident
of Broad Acres, near Woodburn, was
in Oregon City Wednesday.
Mrs. Jpharles Noblltt and son, of
Needy, were In Oregon City Wednes
day. A
WARREN, Or.. Aug. 28. At last
Saturday's session of the grange, ac
tion was taken, looking toward secur
ing pure and germinating seeds fcr
the farmers. The class and quality of
seed now furnished the growers of
the state are neither guaranteed for
.germinating nor for quality, and
n.any Instances were cited where
seed houses furnished a different
kind from that ordered, sometimes
rape seed for clover and vice versa.
Not over 30 per cent of the garden
seeds of the last two years have ger
minated, and some kinds did not grow
nt all. The granges of the state are
preparing a bill to be introduced in
the legislature to compel the seed
houses to guarantee their output, both
ofvklnd and germination. Thousands
of dollars are spent for worthless
seeds, and the buyer has no recourse
against the seller, as is the case in
many other states.
farm tractor. $500.00. Address
route 6, box 119, Sherwood, Oregon.
$4500 to loan on farm. Interest 7
per cent. Grant E. Barney, 141 E.
69th N., Portland.
FOR SALE One 2-year-old registered
Guernsey bull, 6 grade Jersey cows,
registered Duroc-Jersey boar and
sow with litter. Four miles Clack
amas., one mile east Sunnyslde. U.
G. Longsworth, Clackamas, Oregon.
FOR SALE Mailable steel range;
good condition. Reasonable. Phone
steamer every day freight only
Portland to Oregon City, from Wash
ington Street Dock. '
Save Time. ' Save Money."
MONEY TO LOAN )n real estate,
six per cent C. Schuebel, Oregon
City. -
MEN WANTED who are not now en
. gaged in essential war work. Apply
West Linn mills, across Tlver from
Oregon City. Can use three men
every day, so come along. Strike on
but not bothering us. Wages 42c
an hour.
FOS SALE Eight Bheep, two-year-old.
Dennis Donovan, Oregon City,
Rt. 2, Colls Station.
for dead cows and down and out
hones. Will call anywhere. Phone
Mllwaukle 69 J.
"10 Clrcu,t Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas county,
Ella McMurry, Plaintiff,
F. B. McMurry, Defendant.
To F. B. Murry, above named de
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit, on or before
the 11th day of October, 1918, said date
being the expiration of six weeks from
the first publication ot this summons,
and it you fall to appear and answer
said complaint, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the
relief prayed for in her complaint, to-
For a decree dissolving the mar
riage contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant
This summons is published by order
ot Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
Circuit Court, which order was made
on the 28th day of August. 1918, and the
time prescribed for publishing there
of Is six weeks beginning with the
Issue dated Friday, Aug. 30, 1918, and
continuing each week thereafter to
and including Friday, October 11th
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Summon for Publication
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Clackamas County.
Winnie Leone Crawford, Plaintiff,
James Crawford, Defendant.
To James Crawford, above named de
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby directed to appear in
the above entitled court and cause, on
or before the 12th day of October, 1918,
and answer or otherwise plead to the
complaint filed against you herein, or
for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief prayed
for in the complaint, which is: For a
decree dissolving the marriage rela
tion now existing between plaintiff and
defendant, and for a decree awarding
to plaintiff the custody of the three
minor children, Gerald, Maxwell and
Marvin Crawford, and for such other
relief as to the court may seem equit
able and just.
This summons is served upon you by
publication by order ot the Honorable
J. U. Campbell, judge of the above en
titled court, which is dated and entered
August 28, 1918.
First published, August 30, 1918;
last published October 11, 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
613 Henry Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Notice is heheby given that the un
dersicned, Adminlstratiix of the es
tate of L. E. Armstrong, deceased, has
filed her final account herein with the
County Clerk of Clackamas County,
Oregon, and the County Judge has set
Monday, September 16th, 1918. at the
hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M., as the
time and place for hearing objections
to said final account and for the final
settlement of said fctate.
Dated August, 16th, 1918.
O. D. Eby, Attorney for Administra
trix. ,
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
Henry Perret and John Bickford
which business was carried on under
the name and style of'Sandy Garage,
Carriage & Shoeing S,hop"has been dis
solved by mutual consent of the part
ies, thereto, Henry Perret and John
W. Bickford. All persons indebted to
the said, ''Sandy Garage, Carriage and
Shoeing Shop," are requested to make
payment of said sums so indebted im
mediately to Henry Perret, Sandy, Ore
gon, or Harry Bickford. the duly auth
orized Attorney in Fact, of John W.
Bickford, Boring, Oregon, Rural Route
No. 2.
Dated at Sandy, Oregon, this 20th
day of July, 1918.
Sandy Garage, Carriage and Shoeing
Shop. ,
By Harry Bickford, Duly authorized
Attorney In Fact, of John W. Bickford.
First publication, Aug. 16th, 1918.
Last publication, Sept. 13th, 918.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for the County ot Clacka
mas. Wax Faertag, plaintiff
Rachel Faertag, defendant
To Rachel Faertag, the above named
In the name of the state ot Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit, on or be
fore the last day of the time prescrib
ed in tho order for service ot summons
by publication herein, to-wit: the 4th
day ot October, A. D. 1918, and if you
fail to so answer, then for want there
of, the plaintiff herein will apply to
the above named Court for the relief
sought in her complaint now on file
herein, a Buccinsct statement of which
Is as follows: dissolving the marri
age relation now and heretofore ex
isting between yourself and this plain
tiff, an dfor such other and further re
lief as may, to tho Court, appear just
and equitable in the premises.
This sunJmons is published in the
Oregon City Enterprise pursuant to
an order of the Honorable H. S. An
derson, County Judge, of Clackamas
, County, Oregon, made and entered on
the 19th day of August, 1918, and
wherein it is ordered that the date of
the first publication shall be on Fri
day, the 23rd day of August, 1918,
and that it shall be published for six
consecutive weeks, and that the date
of the last publication thereof shall
bo on Friday, the 4th day of October,
Attorney for Plaintiff, and
whose residence and post-
office address is Marshfleld,
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. The Scott Company,
Unlquo Brick and Tile Company, a j
corporation, v. e. jensen, luimona.tne County Court of Clackamas
Gurney, Jennie Erb Gurney. B. F.
Hoover, Martha A. Hoover, his wife,
Asa F. Hoover, Defendants.
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, ss.
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
of and under the seal of the above en-
tiled court, in the above entitled cause,
to mo duly directed and dated the 30th;
uu ui liua, upuu a juuBineiii ,
rendered and entered in said courti
on the 30th day of July, 1918, In favor;
of The 8cott Company, a corporation,
Plaintiff, and against Unique Brick ,
and Tile Company, a corporation, C.
E. Jensen, Edmond Gurnoy. Jennie
Erb Gurney, B. F. Hoover, Martha A.
Hoover, his wife, Asa F. Hoover, de
fendants, for the sum of $7000.00, with
interest thereon at the rate of eight
per cent per annum from the 21st day
of March, 1917, and the further sum
of $200.00 as attorney's fee, with In
terest at 6 per cent from March 21,
1917, and the costs of and up
on this writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following described real
property, with the appurtenances there-
Clackamas, State of Oregon, to wit:
All of the southwest quarter of sec
tion twenty-five In township one south,
range three east of the Willamette
meridian, except a one hundred foot
strip known as the right-of-way of the
Oregon Water Power & Railway Com
pany, which said right-of-way is more
particularly described In that certain
deed, recorded at page 120 In Book 86
of Records of Deeds of Clackamas
county, State of Oregon. Also the
following described parcel of real
property, with appurtenances there
unto belonging or in any wise apper
taining situated In the county of Clack
amas, State of Oregon, to-wit. Thei
land bounded by a line beginning at
the center of Section numbered twen-
ty-five in township one south, range
three east of tho Willamette Meridi
an; thence south on the quarter sec
tion line 1429.94 feet more or less to
the westerly line of the right-of-way
of the O. W. P. ft Ry. Co.'e Spring
field I ranch; thence north 18 degrees
28 minutes east and following the
westerly line of said right-of-way
409.22 feet to a point or curve; Jhence
on a 2 degree 16 minute curve to the
left on the line of said right-of-way
and following said right-of-way 1060
feet more or less, to the quarter sec
tion line between the north and south
lines of said section twenty-five; and
thence west 216.48 feet, more or less,
to the center of said section twenty
five and place of beginning, contain
ing 4.90 acres more or less.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution. Judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
ot said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
7th day of September, 1918, at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of
the County Court House In the City of
Oregon City, in said County and State
sell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder, for U.
S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right
title and interest which the within
named defendants or either of them,
had on the date of the mortgage here
in or since had in or to the above dss
crlbed real property or any part there
of, to satisfy safll execution, judgment
order, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C. Hackett Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Aug. 9th,
First publication, August 9, 1918.
Last publication, September 5, 1918.
D. C Latourhtti, President F. J. Mbyik, Cashier
The Fifst National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
Phones Pacific 62 Home A-lll
All legal business promptly attended U
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice in First National Bank
Bldg, Oregon City, Oregon.
Office Phonee PacIOo Main 405;
Home A-270.
Beaver Bldg, Room 6
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estate
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Atietsort Notloa of Meeting of Board
of Equalization.
Notice Is hereby given that upon the
second Monday In September, to-wit:
September 9, 1918, the board of equal
ization will attend at the court house,
in Clackamas county, Oregon, and will
publicly examine the assessment rolls
and correct all errors on valuations,
descriptions, or qualities of lands, lota
or other properties assessed by the
county assessor.
Dated at my office this 10th day of
August, 1918.
County Assessor.
In the matter of the Estate ot William
Gutperlet, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that tho nn-
derslgned has been duly appointed by
county, Oregon, executor of the
Last Will and Estate of William
Gutperlet, Deceased, late of said
County and State. All persons hav
ing claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present the same
to me, duly verified according to
law, at tho office of my attorney, C.
n. Dye, corner 8th and Main Streets'
Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months from date of this notice
mary ptttpe-pi w
E.Pfn, . ,,',.,
Dated Aueust ft 191
C. H. DYE, Attorney for Estate S W
corner stn and Mala Sts., Oregon
City, Oregon.
First publication, August 9, 1918.
Last publication, September 13.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Minnie R. Holley, Plaintiff,
Alonzo W. Holley, Defendant
To Alonzo W. Holley, aboved named
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
before the 13th day of September,
1918, said date being the expiration of
six weeks from the first publication
of this summons, and if you fail to ap
pear and answer said complaint, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
in her complaint, to-wit:
For a decree dissolving tho mar
riage contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant and to be per
mitted to resume her former
name of Minnie R. RIe.n. Thi mm.
mons la published by order of Hon. J
u. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court, which order was made on the
31st day of July, 1918, and the time
prescribed tor publishing thereof is
six weeks, beginning with the iBsue
dated, Friday, August 2, 1918, and con
tinuing each week thereafter to and
Including Friday, September 13, 1918.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Resident Attorneys of Oregon.
Address, Oregon City, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. '
Cecil C. Holley, Plaintiff,
Edith Holley, Defendant
To Edith Holley, 916 Newell Street,
Bellingham, Washington, defendant: '
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit within six
weeks from the date of the first publi
cation of this summons, and if you fail
to so appear and answer, or other
wise plead to plaintiff's complaint for
want thereof, plaintiff will apply to
tho court for the relief prayed for In
his complaint towlt: that the marriage
contract existing between yourself and
plaintiff be dissolved, granting to plain
tiff an absolute divorce from you.
This summons is published pursuant
to an order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the above named
court, made and entered on the 17th
day of July, 1918.
Date of first publication, July 19,
Date of last publication, August 30.
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
Will practice In all courts, make coV
lections and settlements.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon CiU. Oregon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and the McKlllip School of Sur
gery of Chicago, it established
at Fashion Stable, between
Fourth and Fifth on Main Street
Both Telephones
Office Pacific 65; Home A-9
Ees. Pacific 184; Home B-S0
William Hajnmond '
Philip l Hammond
. Attorneye-at-Law
Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Iasur
: anca.
Pacific Phone 81 Home Phone A-27S