OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1918. Fasc6 EDITORS SUPPORT WAR PROGRAM State Association Denounces Single-Tax Propaganda of U b. Jackson The following resolutions were adopted at the recent session ot the Oregon State Editorial Association at Coos Bay, Aug. 9, 10, U. 1918. The association fitly denounced the two 'Jackson bills relating to the country press, and exposed the motives behind these two Initiative measures: Resolved: That a copy of this res olution be spread on the minutes ot this convention, and copies certified to by the Secretary ot this Associa tion, be sent to all such members ot Congress and to the Priorities Hoard. Whereas, the National Editorial As- I soctmion has offered to admit to mem- Resolved, that the members of thlsbership for fifty cents per annum an association pledge their continued and memoers of the Oregon Mate Lditor- undivlded support to the government m, Association, proviumg me uieiu in all Its activities designed for the bers of the Oregon State Editorial successful prosecution of the war, Association join the National Editor that we fully realise that the win- lai Association as a unit, and ning of the present great conflict Is Whereas, the regulcr annual dues paramount to all other issues now be- j of vhe National Editorial Association tore the people of the United States, ! are Two Dollars per annum, and fend with this end in view theStatej Whereas, the National Editorial As Editorial Association pledges its un-1 sociatiou is endeavoring to render divided support to the government In j substantial assistance to the country tits prosecution of the world conflict I newspaper business and has its rep that we may have a lasting peace , resentatlves in Washington, 1). C, only on those terras dlctcted and j and elsewhere for the furtherance ot promulgated by the allied forces. tne newspaper interests, therefore be "without the earmarks of having been it made in Germany. i Resolved, that the secretary of the j Oregon State Editorial Association Is Resolved, that we are not In sym-j hereby directed to remit to the sec pi. thy with the caripaign being wag-! is.tary of the National Editorial Aa d by the magazines to do away with j sociation on May first of each year an the plan of paying postage under the ; amount equalling fifty cents for each one system; and that we believe that ' member of the Oregon State Editor the government should make a distinc- ial Association who has paid annual tlon between these papers whose j dues to said state association during primary purpose Is that of a news ' me proceeding year ending May 1, and Wdium and those publications de voted more exclusively to entertain ment and special features; and that we recommend that Congress sim plify the xone system of paying postage ty abolishing the present method of snaking a different charge for the news sections than tor the advertis ings sections. Resolved, that we recognize the -wisdom of Congress in recognizing the value of newspaper advertising as a means ot floating the govern ment's bonds, and that we express our thanUs to it for the million dollar appropriation it made for that pur pose even tho none ot the money was fever spent for newspaper advertising, and that we recommend to the Con gress, that should it again decide to place these bonds before the public in this manner and make an appropria tion therefore that it make its use comDu'.sory upon the treasury de partment. Resolved, that we deprecate the dishonest practice existing throuout the state of members of one political party registering as members of an other political party for the purpose of nominating (he latter's candidates for office, and we ur-e upon the legis lature the desirability ot taking the necessary steps to abolish such spec ies of political corruption. 4th. That It seeks to foist upon the people of Oregon radical chances iu our system ot Government at a time when all our energies should be de voted to the single purpose of win ning the war. Therefor He It Resolved by the State Editorial Association in conven tion assembled that we heartily con gratulate the National and Oregon State Grange on their outspoken op position to the Farmers' Non-Partisan League and do hereby urco every newspaper In the State to warn Its readers against the alms, methods and records ot said league. Whereas, The Priorities Board, un der date of April 16, 1918, issued what in known as "Preference List No. 1, "referring to the distribution of coal tnd coke. This lists various indu stries connected with the war, and also those of exceptional importance. Among the items are newspapers and periodicals, plants printing and pub lishing exclusively newspapers and periodicals. Nowhere on the list, how ever, aonears any classification of the machinery and other goods neces sary to maintain the newspapers and periodicals-, but unquestionably they should be put on the same preference list. The recent actio of the govern ment, In curtailing the use of raw ma terial, particularity iron and steel, has been .drastic. And r.s r.ll manufactur ers must look to the newspapers for co-operation In this matter, that we may render prompt service In the fu ture. Be it Resolved: That the attention of the members of Congress fron this dis trict be called to this very Important matter, and such immediate steps be it farther Resolved, that the annual dues ot the Oregon State Editorial Associa tion on and after the passage of this resolution be fixed at Two Dollars and fifty cents per annum. Whereas, the National Editorial As sociation is to hold its 1919 session in the Pacific Northwest, and Whereas, the members of the Ore gon State Editorial Association should be afforded the best opportunity to attend the sessions of the National Editorial Association while that As sociation is meeting in Portland, Ore gon, therefore be it , Resolved, that the selection of the time for holding the 1919 session ot the State Editorial Association be re ferred to the executive committee of this association, with instructions to schedule the 1919 meeting of this as sociation at the same time and at the same place as the 1919 meeting of the National Editorial Association while in Oregon. Whereas, the 1919 session of the Na tional Editorial Association will be held in the Pacific Northwest, and Whereas, this organization will visit Oregon, where sessions will be held and where it will be entertained, and Whereas, the Oregon State Editorial Associi'.tion desires to give the del- iesates to the National Editorial As sociation a cordial welcome and an enjoyable visit therefore be it Resolved, that the President of the Oregon State Editorial Association be ,and he hereby is authorized to ap point a committee consisting of mem bers of this association and citizens of Oregon to arrange for the enter tainment of the National Editorial As sociation while that organization is within this state on the occasion of its annual meeting in 1919. Whereas, a bill has been Initiated by C. S. Jackson and his attorney, R. W. Hagood, ot Portland, which said measure comes before the legal voters ot the state ot Oregon at the Novem ber election, 191S, the purpose ot the bill being to limit the charge tor news paper publication ot all legal notices, And, whereas, such rate proposed, vis: 30 cents per column Inch of nine lines of solid brevier type the luen Is only 3 1-3 cents per line tor each in sertion which is 25 per cent less than the prevailing commertcal rate, against 5 cents per line, the present prevail ing price for the publication of all legal notices, Is unjust and unfair In every particular to the newspaper publishers of the state. Therefore, be It resolved, that it Is the sense ot the members of the State Editorial Association, flow In regular session, that the newspapers ot the slate launch a publicity campaign that the taxpayers may be apprised of the true intent ot the Impending law, that It is nothing more or less than the mailed fist of the Portlrnd Journal which under the disguise of alleged economy, is attempting to carry out a pet measure and punish the country press because they have not. In the past, and will not In the future, bow to the will of the self-styled cznr of newspaperdom. and which would en deavor to crush the count p press In to submitting to a most unreasonable unfair and unjust compensation for a f: ir price for performing. Whereas the National Non-Partisan League has announced its intention to invade the State of Oregon in be- j half of its propaganda and organiza tion and Whereas, the aavent ofaid League into this state is inimical to its well fare for the following reasons: 1st. That its leaders have failed to support the Government In the prose cution of the war and have made se ditious utterances. 2nd. That it is Boss controlled and holds its causases and meetings be hind closed doors. 3rd. That in its attempt to further taken by them as may be necessary its propaganda it has sought to in to correct same. And be it further timidate public officials and the press. IXIBS for efreater crops km A HVIIfl SAMSON &Km&KR TRACTORS Vfj FOR SALE BY J. J. WURFEL, Barlow, Oregon Exclusive Agent for Clackamas County Whereas, the Oregon Journal has submitted to the voters of the state a measure providing for the repeal of the statute relating to the publication ot the delinquent tax list, has com ducted a campaign ot misrepresents tion in behalf of said measure, has vilified the newspaper publishers of the Btate and placed them in a false position before the people ot the state. Therefore, be It resolved by the State Editorial Association that the newspapers of the state make plain to the readers the following facts: First The uniform practice of the states of the Union is to notify own ers of delinquent property of such de linquency through publication notice. I Second That because ot the failure of county assessors, past or present to j correct assessment rolls so as to con form to the deed record. Sheriffs are not in possession ot the names and tddress of owners of delinquent prop erty and a written notice is therefore impractical. Third That under the system of mailed notices the mortgagee of in cumbered property is not. notified of tax delinquency. Fourth That the- entire cost of the puolication notice is paid for by the owner of the delinquent property and not by the general taxpeyers. Fifth That the owner of delin quent property is not the unfortunate toiler, but the boom real estate opera tor or the careless person. The form er should receive publicity for the protection of poor persons who are purchasing from him on Installment j contracts and have no other means j of learning of tax delinquency. The latter needs the published notices to direct his atteniion to his delinquen cy. Sixth That the discontinuance of the published notice will result in far more property becoming delinquent thereby reducing available revenue to the date and Its political subdivisions, and receiving the opportunity for the operations of the delinquent tax shark. Seventh That by increasing the amount of unpaid taxes the general taxpayer Is compelled to raise addi tional revenue. Therefore the reten tion of the present publication law is for the protection of the general tax pry er. Eighiu That if the end sought is to reduce the cost of permitting taxes to become delinquent then the sub ject should be approached in a ra tional and scientific manner. A meas ure should be framed providing for re duction In penalties or interest, but in such manner as will not endanger delinquency. We, your committee appointed to suggest to the state Liberty Loan committee a method for raising funds for the purchase of space in the news papers of the state, beg leave to re port as follows: Appreciating the past hearty co operation extended the press of the stato by the State Publicity Com mittee, we wish to pledge to the State Committee our earnest cooper ation with our news and editorial columns and we trust that the com mittee will call upon us and give us the opportunity to serve to any reas onable extent. We agree with the State Commit tee that the desired results can not be achieved with news and editorials alono and we approve the proposal of the State Committee to make liberal use of the advertising columns of the papers of the state. We do not feel, however, that we should be called upon to solicit tunds for advertising in our own columns. .We do not wish to be placed In the position of soliciting funds for our own profit and thereby leaving our selves open to the accusation of profit ing upon tho patriotism of the people. We remain of the opinion, however, that the use of advertising space is necessary and also that the newspa pers have done their duty when they give full news and editorial support. That a committee of five be ap pointed from this association to meet next week with the county manager) that time the amounts desired for ad vertising In each county be appor tioned and that the method ot raining such fund he devised nt such time and that such Aunts, be expended as uggeeted by the state committee. We suggest that the committee ap pointed from this association to act with the Liberty Loan committee be given power to act for all the litem oers ot this association. This committee suggests that In cases where the funds tor Liberty Loan advertising must be raised by private subscriptions, that the com mittee having this matter la charge prepnre lists ot those who have pre viously subscribed to similar loons. ; a well as lists ot (hose who haven't so subscribed, but should, and that he state committee co-operate by writing to the persons given in such lists. Whereas, the Oregon State Editor ial Association, during tho 191$ ses sion of Its convention, has been roy ally entertained for three days by the open hearted hospitality ot the people of Coos Pay, and. Whereas, this as sociation has been brought tu touch with one ot the greatest sections ot our great state, and has witnessed the activities in lumbering and ship building, which within itself has been a liberal education to all the members ot the Association attending this ses sion, therefore, be it resolved that the thanks ot this association be ex tended to the North Heml Chamber ot Commerce, the Marglifleld Chamber ot Commerce and Hon. Louie J. Simp son; the commerleal organizations and Mr. Simpson co-operating to make our visit one ot continuous pleasure and profit. And we do especially thank Mr. Simpson and his wire for the kindly invitation to spend a part of its sessions at beautiful Shore Acres their mansltn by the sea, where we have enjoyed the most royal hospitality- Our thanks are also extended to the McDonald & Vaughn Logging Com patty for the courtesies extended this association at their spruce camp and for the luncheon served at the noon bour. That our thanks go to the American Type Founders Company and the Blake, McFull Company, of Portland, for the beautiful and appropriate badses furnished gratis to this sea sion of the Association. COUNTY COURT EXPENDITURES FOR MONTH OF AUGUST, 1918 DISTRICT NO. 1-John Deere Im plement Co., $10.60. DIST. NO. 4 Estacada Telephone & Telegraph Co.. $-'.05; P. R. L. & P. Co., $30.04; L. Hale, $0.00; C. R Lovell. $9.00; J. C. Kitching, $5.25. DIST. NO. 6 William Ncwland. $3.00; The A. B. Elliott Co., $1.20; M. H. Wheeler, $17.50; J. A Imel, $15.00; W. E. Wheeler, $30.00; Carl Paulsen, $3.00; C. A. Wheeler, $15.- 00. DIST. NO. 6 C. W. Schuld & Sons, $44.10. DIST. NO. Cedar Creek Cockelrease, 7 R. S. Smith, $1.75; Lumber Co, $12.29; J. $10.50; Fred Gibons, $12.00; Jas Fegles, $18.00; Homer , Moulton, $4.50; Robt. Schumway, $4.50; A. W; Shipley, $6.00; Hans Kock, $6.00. DIST. NO. 8 R. S. Smith $2.50; C. W.' Miller, $35.50; P. Averil, $12. 00; L. Ritzer, $27.00; J T. Mclntyre, $3.00; J. R. Muronay, $12.00; Gurzel Flinn, $9.00; W. Webber, $24.50. DIST. NO. 11 Chase & Linton Gravel Co., $30.88; J. R. Lovesay, $9.00; J. Murphy, $12.00; C. R. Love say, $16.25. DIST. NO. 12 Edwin C. Gerbcr, $8.00; John Snyder, $6.00; Larson, $12.00. DIST. NO. 13 Straight & Salis bury, $3.20; M. Wade & Co., $6.03; J. Fullen, $13.13; Scripture & May, $3.65; J. T. Fullam, $35.00; II. II. Coop, $18.00; H. Schneider, $9.00; A. Johnson, $4.50; Gus Lesch, $7.50; Ernest Koch, $9.00; W. Carlson, $'.). 00; Henry Babler, $15.00; H. Howel, $24.00; A. M. Kirchem, $4.50; John Fullam, $3.00; August Hubert, $9. 00; Lee Kirchem, $1.00; John Hattin, $3.00. DIST. NO. 15 B. J. Staats Hard ware Co., $2.95; Nelson & Davis, $3.50; C. W. Freidrich, $0.35. DIST. NO. 17 Canby Hardware & Implement Co., $15.60; Stefani Lum ber Co., $12.00. DIST. NO. 20 J. C. Miller, $5.25; M. Johnston, $6.00; H. F Gibson, $3.00; S. Miller, $3.00. DIST. NO. 21 Alvan Hageman, $8.25; C. A. Barndland, $37.00; L. L. Boyer, $56.25; Clyde Pendleton, $36. 00; Ged Boyer, $6.00; B. C. Palmer, $115.56; H. O. Newell, $3.00; Emil Petterson, $12.00; Chas. Boekman, $12.00; Victor Boeckman, $15.00; Aug, Johnson, $3.00. DIST. NO. 22 Oegon City Foun dry, $6.50; II. J. Rastall, $1.80; F. M. Hendrickson, $1.20; Robbins Bros., $6.15; Pacific Car & Foundry, $110.00. DIST. NO. 25 J. H. Gelbrkk, $25. 50; G. W. Scramlin, $26.55; Canby Concrete Works, $12.75; Mike Walch, $5.35; Fred Famore, $33.00; Adam Kalb, $22.50; J. W. Smith, $18.00; George Graves, $14.25; Frank Greb ble, $18.00; Rudolph Klause, $45.50; Ben Krause, $42.00; George Scheer, $9.00; P. J. Scheer, $7.50; Ed Graves, $16.50; Albert Gribble, $12.00; Chet Smith, $41.40; Ed Morris, $39.60; Luis Laurense, $26.10; Clarence Rupp, $35.25; Charts Kethlese. $66.- 00; W, J. Rice, $91.50; Con Bolby, $75.00; Cavaness & Bany, $126.00; C. O.-Coal, $94.50; Fritz Keeling $40.80; Jim Milum, $36.60; Ralph Koehler, $37.80; Wm. Beason, $34.50; O. F. Frentress, $37.'50; Isadore Bany, $43.20; John Etzel, $39.30; John Gilbrick, $45.00; Lee Robert, $54.00; Carl Roshe, $37.80; Rob Vor phal, $34.20; John Koehler, $37.80: E. Grannd, $14.40; Almon Johnson, uiaud Baty, $39.00. DIST. NO. 26 Chas. Callahan, $3.00; W. J. E, Vick, $1.75; L. L. Burghardt, $3.00; Andy Hayden $6.00. ' DIST.' NO. 27 W. C. Nelson, $4. 00; W V. S. R. Co., $1.18; Olaf Olsen, $15.00; Fred Hubbard, $7.50; Hi. Jackson. i7 Kft' Olaf Olaan 1K ot the Fourth Liberty loan; that at00; Haroy Ring, $5.25 j I. D. Larkins, $14.00; Fred Blair, $7.50; Olaf Ol-! sen. $22.50: llaroy Ring. $0.25; I. D. Larkins, $15.75; Edy Jackson, $5.00. DIST. NO. 28 Standard Oil Co., $15.68; M. E. Swope, $33.00; Hudson feenaughty Co., $3,80; A. M. Gro- shong, $35.00; John Niehelson, $18. 00; C. Thomas, $39.00; John Goldude, $30.00; Frank Broslg, $48.00; Chas. McConel, $48.00; Geo. Holvcy, $43.50; Oscar Vorheis, $28,60; Chas. Slaugh. ter, $29.00; A. G. Wyland, $31.00; Ernest Sows, $24.00; S. G. Nichol- son, $24.00; Roy Nicholson, $21.00; D. M. Groshong, $27.00; F, Thomas, $25.50; P. Jali, $28.50; Earl Gro shong, 64.00; Ben Wade, $24.00; John Miller, $31.50; Loo Potuett, $17.00; E. Sowa, $15.00; R. D. Groshong, $15.00; C. Nieuwboer, $10.50; How ard Thomas, $9.00; Wm. Bird, $3.00; E. L. Palfrey, $28.00. DIST. NO. 29 G. II. Gray, $05.00; fred Deutel, $21.00; Wm. Deutel. $124.87; A. B. Deutel, $75.75; Fred Shon, $16.50; Will Gooding, $54.18. DIST. NO. 30 Oregon City Found ry, $3.25; u. II, Miller, $1.00; Scrip ture & May, $6.20; B. J. Staats Ildwe. Co., $0.8(1; Chase Linton & Gravel Co., $91.00; F. Morey. $138.00; B. Fredrick. $6.00; J. Boylen. $6.00: F. Whitten, $6.00; C. Lawson, $6.00; D. Oldenstadt, $24.00; J. Moser, $27.- 00; K. Koellermeier, $79.50; R. Per- Hn, $6.00; A. Whitten, $3.00; R. Armstrong, $3.00; C. Hurgon, $3.00; S. Moser, $12.00; G. Moser $88.00; J. Dillow, $9.00; W. Kuiser, $104.00. DIST. NO. 32 Harry Jost, $19.50; A. F. Riser, $87.00; I. J. Toubfcst, $24.00; Bruce Case, $M0. DIST. NO. 33 Frunk Millurd. $51.00; Geo. Schulmerlch, $3.00; R. H. Millard. $8.00; W. D. Skinner, $18.00; Marion Tucker, $9.00. DIST. NO. 35 Moore Meagher Co, $3.50; K. S. Smith, $2.50; Jarl & Erl, $2.50; C. W. Schuld & Sons, $44.10; C. R, Livesay. $27.07: E C. Warren. $333.72. DIST. NO. 41 II. II. Udell, $7.00 DIST. NO. 42 L. G Wrolstad, $37.20; Geo. M. Christcnson, $23.00; N!s Kyllo, $3.00; Albert Carpenter, $3.00; Edwin Kyman, $6.00; M. T Jacobson. $12.00; T. H. Yoder, $12.. 00; Claude Yoder, $9.00; Jacobson, $6.00; L. H. Cochran, $9.00. DIST. NO. 43-P. R. L. & P. Co $107.62; W. C. Smith & Co., $18.50; W. H. Douglass, $27.00; R. W. Wood te, $12.00; Glenn Douglass, $9.00; Roy Douglass, $4.50; Fred Hoffmois- ter, $6.00; Oscar Judd, $3.00. DIST. NO. 44 J. Bnrlom, $3.75 F. F. Barlow, $9.00; C. Curlson, $9.00; II. Engle, $4.00. DIST. NO. 45 L. P Elliott. $3.45 DIST. NO. 4711. W. Stevens $16.00; E. C. Warren. $422.30; E. C Warren, $901.02. DIST. NO. 48 Concrete Pipe Works, $12.50; R. S. Smith. $4.35 Concrete Pipe Works, $60.00; Wil lard Bosholm, $9.50; W. Krebs, $6.- 00; Vern Alt, $6.00. DIST. NO. 49 G. C. Miller, $119. 50; Bert II. Finch, $11.30; Hodson- reenaughty Co., $1.10; B. O. Sarver, $..0.00; K. C. Hoggaard, $27.00; W, N. Glenn, $18.00; Robert Jk-Clintock, $61.50; Clarence Palmateer, $6.00; L. J. Palmateer, $3.50. DIST. NO. 53 J. D. Larkins, $8.00 DIST. NO. 55 E. W. Ficken, $12.- 00; Ben Baker, $6.00;; Chas. Uuder, $3.00; Bruce Rudolph, $3.00; Byron Randolph, $1.50; J. E. Lacroy, $1.50; I. A. McComl), $19.50. DIST. NO. 57 A. L. Yoder. $1148. 60; Geo. M. Christenson, $3.50; Pet er Kister, $6.00; Wesley Eby, $9.00. DIST. NO. 64 Paul R. Meinijr, $;.00; Concrete Pipe Works, $16.75; Concrete Pipe Works, $16.75; C. L Fink, $7.50. SPECIAL DIST. NO. 3 Herman Seibert, $39.50; Harold Norton, $15, 00; Christ Hemmerieh, $21.00; Will Richie, $12.00; II. F. Suger, $12.00; J. W. Frost, Jr., $6.00. SPEC. DIST. NO. 5 C. W. Schuld & Sons, $118.30; P. R. L. & P. Co., $132.48; M. H. Wheeler, $38.50; J. A. Imel, $22.50; W. E Wheeler, $60.00; C. Lekberg, $24.00; J II Llntlgren, $24.00; J. A. Hite, $30.00; C. A. Wheeler, $16.50; Carl Paubsen, $15.- 00. SPEC. DIST. NO. 6 P. R. L. & P. Co., $166.04; R. E. Jarl, $5.25; Dave Jarl, $30.00; Joe Jarl, $15.75; W. H. Bickford, $13.51); Geo. H. Bcikford, $24.00; J. A. Albel, $24.00; E. Albel, $18.00; Lauderbnck, $15.00; B. Nelson, $15.00; W. Miller, $17.50; J. S. Albel, $4.50. SPEC. DIST. NO. 9 Fred Linns, $6.75; Hillyard & Welch Lumber Co, $50.16; Fred Linns, $21.00; Carl Lins, $20.00; Roy Miller, $2.50; H. Tracy, $3.00; Leo Rath, $3.50; Carl Rath, $3.50; C. Guber, $7.50; Albert Lins, $5.00. SPEC. DIST. NO. 11 J. Murphy, $19.50; J. R. Lively, $9.75; C. R. Livesay, $23.75 SPEC. DIST. NO. 15 Tom Kil land, $28.50; Charles Wilhamson, $28.50; I. F. Barlow, $28.50; II. En gel, $12.00; E. James, $15.00; How ard Osburn, $15.00; A. C. Thomson, $32.00; W. G. Randall, $30.85; Rich ard Breaker, $6.00; E. R. Bancroft, $11.25; Charles Shockley, $22.50; Joe Barlow, $3.00; J. R. Carlton, $12.00; C. H. Rider, $3.00; John Ball, $6.00; C. H. Staggs, $15.00; John Scheer, $15.00; Wesley Knowles, $15.00; W. R. Snooks, $4.50; Charles Rettinger, $21.00; A. C. Warner $28.50; Henry Scheer, $28.50. SPEC. DIST. NO. 17 Wm. Gil bert, $6.70; Ralph Koehler, $26.40; John Koehler, $26.40; Rob Vorpahl, $12.00; Almon Johnson, $25.20; Wm. Beason, $31.20; O. F. Frentress, $26. 40; Isadore Bany, $25.20; George Koehler, $63.00; Elmer Gribble, $28. 00; D; R. Dimick, $78.00; G. M. Jones $18.00; Fred Jones, $7.50; Jim Pitts, $20.25; Charty Cavaness, $5.25. SPEC. DIST. NO. 19 Road Dist. No. 22, $500.00. SPEC. DIST. NO. 21 Road Dist. No. 22, $590.00; Emile Petterson, $52.50; Victor Boekman, $33.00; Chas. Boekman, $24.00; B. C. Palm er, $64.50; Ira Boyer, $16.50; Aug. Johnson, $19.50; Claud Winslow, $66. 00; E. F. Wallice, $12.00; C. Guy nup, $10.50; Theo. Fellows, $12.00; Axel Johnson, $6.00; John Lynden, $6.00; Geo. Doogle, $15.00; Lenard Orem, $3.00; W. S. Garlctt, $12.00; Chas. Johnson, $6.00; J. D. Crawford, $9.00; Alex Erickson, $12.00. SPEC. DIST. NO. 22 C. A. Browning, $6.00; B. Feyrer Bros., $16.00; Milton Trullinger, $64.00; Hershel Wilson, $20.00; O. R. Daugh erty, $24.00; R. H. Sawtell, $43.50; C. W. Lay, $63,00; Harold Tubbs, $78.00; Wayne Sawtell, $27.00; C. llendershot, $25.50; W. II. Engle, $9,00; J. R. P. Vkk, $24.00; Chas. Fisher, $12.00; Chas. Callahan, $12.- 00; Henry Dhl, $15.75; Andrew Hay den, $12.00; Otto Hofstetter, $12.75; A. T. Cutting, $6.00; Wm. Feyrer, $7.50; John Callahan, $33.00; C. Phelps, $12.00; 1). Englo, $36.00; G. A. Martin, $3.00; I. L. Buyer, $36.00; D. E. Pendleton, $33.00; Clyde Pendleton, $20.25 ( H. J. Ellis, $54.00; Chester AuiUm. $4.50; Ryan, $18.00; Allen Ellis, $27.00; A. L. Larkins, $39.00; Henry Fields, $6.00; Oren Cutting, $12.00; T. Shea, $6.00; It. 11. Chlndgren, $50.00; W. J. E. Vick, $31.00; F. E. Uy, $35.00; J. II. Ver non, $3.50; H. J. lUstall, $72.00; P. J. Kaylor, $61.12; W. L. Ellis, $54.00; Earl Kaylor, $10.50; Chas. IVnuglier- ty, $51.00; L, L. Ellis, $54.00; C. D. Dickerson, $33.00; Guy Dibble, $24.00. SPEC. DIST. NO. 25 Chet Smith, $30.00; Carl Hondo, $33.60; John Etyee, $31.20; Ed Morris, $24.00; John Gilbrick, $33.60; Ie Hubert, $21.00; Fred Keetlng, $14.40; Ed Graves, $90.60; Gilbert Gribble, $94. 20; Jo Gibson, $39.00; Wm. Cabert. $55.10. SPEC. DIST. NO. 32-Hurry Jost, $36.00; A A Woods, $30,00; Norn Ba ker, $18.00; Emmett Weston, $12.00; Elmer limes, $12.00; Lloyd Jones, $15.00; Geo. Stuhlnm-ker, $6.00; Al lison linker, $18.00; A. F. Kiscr, $18. 00; A. F. Kiser, $18.00; Bruce Case, $9.00; Wn. Baker, $12.00. SPEC. DIST. NO. 35-P. R. L. & Co., $38.90, and $80,10; Chas. Ha- worth, $30.00; Mr. Allen, $9.00; V. E. Hungstler, $24.00; Fred Radke, $3.00; Joe Hall, $3.00; Joe Johnson, $4.50; John Maronay, $17.22; S. Hall $12.00; Uuis Hall. $12.00; Chas. Ru ther, $19.60; J. Harnett, $36.75; J. Harnett. $14.25; Mr. Allen, $3.00; T. Milan, $6.00; V. E. HungHtler, $11. 25; Joe Johnson, $4,50; Carl ltiror. $10.50; Roy Pitts, $10.50; Lloyd Shinier, $10.50; J. C. Bettis, $12.00; L. L. Griflln, $21.00; Fred Wagner, $21.00; Wm. Booth, $22.75; William Booth, Jr., $21.00. SPEC. DIST. NO. 47- 0. P. Kothe $79.50; E. E. Rothe, $60.00; Hugh Roberts $39.00; R. Tabor, $33.00; F. M. Smith, $15.75; John F. Risley. $12.00. niTA,. ihm, m. 4ii iioiison-ree-naughty Co., $10.30; Stumlurd Oil Co. $7.51; S. P. Peeinecrker, $13.79; F. II. Davis, $66.00; II. 11. Anders, $24.. 00; E. Vann, $3.00; J P. Littlemun $24.00; A. W. Pinkley, $36.00; Clar ence Palmateer, $42.00; E. Donnelly, $21.00; W. H. Holder, $31.50; A. J. Duncan, $42.00; Richard Palmateer, $51.00; J. Murkwurt, $60.00; L. M. Yocum, $46.00; A. C. Anderson, $9. 00; Tone Esh. $33.00; Fred Davis, Jr., $10.00; Clyde Duvis, $10.00; Er nest Marshall, $3.00; Calvy Beebo, $12.00; Elvy Beebe, $12.00; E. L. Davis. $12.00; L. J. Palmuteer. $12.00. SPEC. DIST. NO. 51-C. W. Schuld & Sons, $44.10; P. R. L. & P. Co., $52.56; Millard Lumber Co., I18.U2; W. B. Rnmbo, $35.75; Dave Rutherford, $11.25; Willie Washburn, $2.50; Fred Bruner, $12.50; E. J. Swank, $2.50; Archie Ruth, $10.00; Herbert Vohs, $10.00; R. It. Mason, $5.00; Robert Rutherford, $2.50. SPEC. DIST. NO. 59 Wm. Ilea son, $2H.80; Rob. Vorpahl, $:l().00; John Koehler, $25.80; Ralph Koehler, $19.50; James Melum, $.14.10; Chris Kraubt. $13.80; Almon Johnson, $30. 30; O. F. Frentress, $28.20; Isndore Bany, $13.K0; S. Bnny, $19.20; John Gilbrkk, $16.80; Juhn Etzel, $21.60; Lee Hobert, $19.20; Wm. Rider, $64. 00; Wurren Freeec. $19.00; S. F. Fisher, $13.50; Antono Zeck, $22.50; T. F. Fullen, $9.00. GENERAL ROADS IIodson-Fee-naughty Co., $107.90; Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph Co., $4.45; Cres ton Blacksmith Shop, $5.00; Hogg Bros., $24.70; The Courier Press, $2.50; Concrete Pipe Works, $28.40; F. Zollncr, $4.50; R. Zimmerman, $7.93; Miller & Parker Co., $85.94; Mt. Tabor Garage, $40.00; T. A. Roots, $185.56; Concrete Pipe Works, $28.80; Ben Stanton, $3.10; S. L. Miller, $10.00; Howard Cooper Corp., $149.55; Good Rouds Much. Co., $29. 65; Chris Hartman, $2.59; P. R. L. & P. Co., $21.01; Raymond Critscr, $10.00; Joseph Bachmunn & wife, $25.00; L. P. Elliott, $30.00; Miller Parker Co., $21.25; II. E. Meads, $25.44; Excelsior Motorcycle Co., $17.56; Fletcher & James, $38.05; L P. Elliott, $131.16; J. A. Scott, $8.26; John Putz, $14.74; Concrete Pipe Works, $132.00; Joseph W. Gnnong, et al, $20.10; W. M. Kirchem, $20.00; Herman Koch, $12.75; Joe Barlow, $12.00; Wesley Knowles, $12.00; C. II. Staggs, $12.00; John Ball, $15.00; E. James, $12.00; Tom Killund, $21.- 00; I. F. Barlow, $21.00; W. G. Ran dall, $29.25; Howard Osburn, $12.00; A. C. Warner, $19.50; E. T. Ban croft, $9.00; Richard Breaker, $9.00; A. C. Thomson, $24.00; John Scheer, $3.00; Henry Scheer, $13.50; Charles Williamson, $18.00; Charles Rctting er, $18.00; Charles Shockley, $12.00; J. R. Cawthorn, $9.00; Wm. Beckman, $9.00; Charles Carlson, $12.00; II. Engel, $16.00; Hugh Roberts, $55.00; R. Tabor, $39.75; Chas. Moran, $13. 60; N. T. Andrews, $5.62;' W. J. Hen rici, $9.00; J. W. Smith, $19.50; O. P. Rothe, $31.25; E. E. Roethe, $45. 00; Adolph Spiess, $5.25; R. D. Rod gcrs, $7.50; J. Baumgartner, $24.00; John F. Risley, $4.00; Benj. Stanton, $143.62; R. D. Faye, $51.75; Lee Yo der, $65.25; L. D. Yoder, $40.50; Amos Yoder, $54.00; Noah Yoder, $126.00; Fred Yoder, $53.25; II. V. Skinner, $42.75; Dave Yoder, $103. 50; Truman Hostetler, $62.25; Clar ence Miller, $67.37; Lennard Askins, $53.25; Chauncey Kropf, $108.00; Geo. Owings, $97.50; Roy Kropf, $103.50; Bud Thompson, $91.50; Paul Yoder, $9.00; Ed Brsanz, $6.00; Wm. Burkert, $82,50; J. C. Brewer, $6.00; John Owings, $13.50; Forest Hostet ler, $6.00; Roy Zimmerman, $43.50; Abe Jones, $27.00; Will Yoder, $30. 00; Robert Brown, $18.00; J. M. Bachman, $1.50; G. W. Wolfe, $1.00; J. Scholl & Son, $21.56; R, W. Zim merman, $1.43; G. A. Ehlen, $1.75; Canby Concrete Works, $11.25; R. W. Zimmerman, $1.43; G. A. Ehlen, $1. 75; Canby Concrete Works, $11.25; R. W. Zimmerman, $151.50; W. B. Rambo , $22.00; Dave Rutherford, $10.00; John Schram, $17.50; Willie WaBhburn, $7.60; T. J. Wirtz, $7.50; Robert Rutherford, $5.00; J. D. Wal lace, $10.00; P. G. Johnson, $10.00; Earl Mason, $10.00; W. II. Bonney, $43.75; Carlton & Rosencrahg Co., $14.20; Stefani Lumber Co., $1.15; D. E. Trullinger, $589.72; Honeyman Hardware Co., $106.00; S. Muruknml, $7.00; Walter Waldorf, $21.45; Dud ley Woodward, $37.10; Dudley Wood ward, $42.70; Nottingham & Co., $15.30; Herman Solbert, $34.60; Harold Norton, $15.00; True James, $6.00; The Parkplnee Store, $4,34; Lumber & Ties, $8.00; F. Fergurson, $6.00; W. Mann, $6.00; J. It. Livesay, $12.00; C. It. Livesay, $15,00; II, Kn. gel, $12.00; E. Paine, $18.00; Emll Gelbrkk, $9.00; E. Geibrlch, $9.00; II, Eitgul, $6.00; John Slirelborg, $18. 96; Edward Johnson, $9.00; Axel Johnson, $9.00; G. Murphy, $12.00; Chas. Johnson, $3.00; Walfred John sou, $6.00; Clifford Johnson. $9.00; W. S. Gorbett, $12.00; W. Dutiher, $150.00; W. A. Wallace $100,00; C. Miller, $103,60; L White, $22.60; J. W. Akltm, $76,25; J. CulliorUon, $47. 25; R. Wright, $35.00; C. Fisher, $35.00; P. R. L. A P. Co., $0.56; Coast, Culvert & Flume Co., $109.00; Al Wills, $193.15; Hoditon-Feenaugh-ty Crf., $39.20; Phoenix Iron Works, $61,65; J. W. Shuld, $47.50; Avery & Co. I Ul we., $1.92; Randolph Spiers, $106.29; Alaska Junk Co., $11.60; Alaska Junk Co., $9,30; J. Avery, $3.35; Barker & Co., $15.00; Crystal Ice & Storage Co., $227.80; Henry fowcll Lime and Cement Co., $149. 60; J. I, Case T.'M. Co., $7.60; J. II. C Cook, $4.00; East Side Mill & Lumber Co., $50.35; E. T. Elmer. $2.65; A. N. CufTney, $19.75; M, E. GufTney, $2.05; W. F. llaberlnch, $0,30; J W. Hart. $12,45; Howard Cooper Corp., $250.00; Hogg Bros., $1.60; M. L. Kline, $45.27; Murshull Wells Co., $2.96; Milwuukle Building Material Co., $3,110; Miller Parker Co., $5.05; Phoenix Iron Works, $22. 60; Portland Brazing & Machine Works, $50.50; Rice Kinder Lumber Co., $17.28; Silica King Mines Co., , $522.00; W. T. Sheppard, $5.00; A. R. Mills, $7.28; Joe York, $5.72; A. Wills, $230.85; Stanley Fuel Co., $78.. 00; H. W. Sharp & Co., $60.29; Stan dard Oil Co., $44.71; Union Oil Co. of California, $562.96; Union Oil Co. $582.69; J. Keprhs, $149.74; N. T. Andrews. $131.78; H. Timmer. $107. 73; H. Schmidt, $H3.79; W. Henricl, $67.83; J. Malady, $83.79; F. J. Illn sen, $67.83; A. Spiers, $63.81; R. Hunter. $83.79; E. L. Pope. $75.81; M. Schneberh, $67.83; C. J. Miller, $80,73; P. D. Noal, $77.74; G. Wil liam, $2.99; II. D. Rodgers, $23.94; C. Moran, $15.96; F. W. Smith, $15. 96; A. A. Dorn, $15,96; Bruno Fried rich, $479.80; II. Hubler, $503.79; It. E. Inard, $119.95; F. P. Morey. $1481.34; F. C Hluckman, $95.96; A. Martin, $149.74; 11, Gulatto, $6,00; P. Roethe, $150.00; J. Baungadnor. $9.00; E. Roethe, $66.00; G. II. Book man, $98.00; C, II. Humn.ker, $76. 00; C. Moran, $18.00; F. W. Smith. $36,00; R. Tabor, $13.50; II. Spiers, $33.75; C. Henricl, $3.1.00; W. Hen rid. $33.00; W. Henricl, $12.00; H. Henricl, $76.33; B. D. Rodgers, $33. 00; A. A, Dorn, $16,60; E. Hunter. $12.00; II. Roberts, $10.50; A, C. Bushel, $174.70; II E. Young. $99.74; C. E. Carr. $129.74; A. Wetmore. $132.45; B. J, Uwrence, $119.53; S. Imel. $114.49; W. TibbetU. $124.02; J. Avery, $87.78; C. McDonald, $91. 77; Wm. Jancc, $80.02; E. R. Jones $73.29; L. Bliikney. $75.03; J. Woods, $80.73; S. B. Cooke, $80.73; Charles iVakens, $17.96; M. E. GatTney, $98.00; C. E. Battin, $102.00; John Young, $85.75; A. N. Wills, $91.00; T. W. Sellwood, No. 1 $168.00; T. W. Sellwood No. 2, $171.50; T. W. Sellwood No 3, $164.60; J. A.Davi, $154.00; John Hoffman, $14.00; W. Smurt, $70.00; A. E. Arby, $78.75; Dun GulTney, $84.00; M. Sears, $80.- 60; Jas. Erickson, $61.25; Albert Not, $73,50; Joe Sugiinaho. $3.50; A. A. Cimklin, $94.50; Goo. A. Ste vens, $77.00; Peter Erickson, $35.00; S. C. Ronke. $21.00; C K. Humaker, $22.00; C. Henricl, $31.50; C. Henri cl, $10.41; E. Hunter, $10.50; Bruno Freclrich, $71.97; II. Babler. $71.97; F. P. Morey, $287.88; N. T.'Andrews, $23.96; H. Timmer, $11.97; II. Schmidt, $11.97; W. Henricl, $11.97; J. Malady, $11.97; F. J. Ilinsen, $11.. 97; A. Spiess, $11.97; R. Hunter, $11.97; E. L. Pope. $11.97; M. Schmo berk, $11.97; C. J. Miller, $8.97; J. E Chandler, $897; C. E. Carr, $14.97; A. Wetmore, $23.02; B. J. Uwrencc, $24.14; S. Imel, $21.34; Chns. Deak ens, $21.34; C. McDonald, $11.97; Wm. Jatice, $11.22; E. R. Jones, $10.- 47; L. Blakncy, $12.22; J. Woods, $11.96; S. B. Cook, $11.96; Hunt Lumber Co., $29.30; E. A. IIacket. $17.50; Pacific Telephone & Tele phone & Telegraph Co., $5.85; Falls Transfer Co., $2.76; Marshall Wells Co., $17.29; Glenmorrie Quarrie Co., $808.84; Oregon Engineering & Con struction Co,,- $180.88; N. Wallace, $156.00; M. II. Long, $110.25; M. G. Christenson, $44.00; T Long, $76.50; S. Lowe, $38.50; J. Frost, $61.25; N. Cevels, $91.00; Joe Nuddock, $91.00; A. Klemscn, $15.75; W. Dan, $91.00; W. Pugh, $36.75; A. Roblek, $22.75; J. Muther, $82.25; R. Aldrich, $91.00; F. Quinn, $100.62; O. Osburn, $84.00; J. C. Petit, $85.75; C. Bnlcombe, $84. 00; P. Gallinger, $85.75; L. T. Wol son, $85.75; W. Rakel, $17.50; Falls Transfer Co., $31.50; Guy Richnrds. $72.00; W. Beckman, $24.50; E. How ell, $21.00; Belden Ganong, $35.00; Howard Cooper Corp., $32.50: Jones Drug Co., $9.90; Standard Oil Co., $10.75; Oliver Chilled Plow Works, $18.00; Warren Construction Co., $27.00; R. Criteser, $10.00; llermun Fisher, $153.45; J. W. Lowery. $38.. 39; L. Barnes, $55.84; C. Schreek, $34.90; H. L. Scheer, $79.51; W. Lar son, S34.no; J. Johnson. $44.49: G. II. Scheer, $27.92; V. Rycynski, $45.37; E. Andrews, $27.92; H. E .Young, $25.00; F. Zimmerman, $85.50; A. Runyon, $80.27; R. Styler, $87.25; F. Josi, $2.43; E. Fisher, $82.03; J. Turner, $99.75; R. Bartholomew, $10.47; G. Gross, $87.25; T. Rypcyn ski, $129.42; E. Bentley, $27.96; A. Fisher, $72.88; A. Gross, $139.80; E. Ellingson, $59.83; L. A. Mathers $6.98; L. L. Wing, $55.84; H. Tour, $6.98; F. Robs, $59.33; L. W. Brit ton, $48.86; II. Fisher, $111.72; H. W., Meier, $85.50; E. Gross, $87.25; S. Nash, $87.25; B. E. Berthold, $74.00; W. Lowery, $6.98; E. Ed wards, $52.59; A. Edwards, $04.20; E. Carter, $83.76; S. C. Ross, $73.29; E. P. Carpenter, $52.35; A. P. Tour. $13.96; W I. Kennedy, $87.25; R. Schroder, $48.86; J. Popham, $48,94; J. W. Johnson, $52.35; J. B. Meek, $24.43; J. S. Rodgers, $83.76; W. V. S. R. R. Co., $103.00; E. R. KUgal lon. $40.00. (Continued on Page 7)