OREOON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1918. Pa?c 2 ,3 T 1 Newsy Briefs From All Over the County Macksburg j MACKSBURG, August 29. The Red Cross auxiliary held iU usual meeting on August 21st and Is to meet again on : Wednesday, August 28th. ! The Mothers' Club 1s to meet In the present week at the home ot Mrs. Simon Miller. j The Little Girls' Sewing circle is to have its regular session on September 7th at Mrs. G. M. Baldwin's home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lantt, ot Port land, hare been visiting Mrs. LanU's parent, Mr. and Mrs. Chrlstner, ot this place. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lantt have moved to Portland, where Mr. Lanti to employed in the government ship yards. The thresher's work, in our vicinity, is nearly done. The grain harvest ot 1918 la about ended with sufficient tor our own needs and some to spr-re tor our government demands. With the great potato crop looking as promising as it ever does and with abundance ot fruit, we may be comfortable and sure ly we should be greatful, especially if we think how dark the prospect was in Clackamas Hazelia CLACKAMAS, August 29. Under j HAZELIA. August 29. Mr. and Mrs. date ot July 23d from a base hospital g, r. whitten and children, Norma and Sergeant Hans Wyttenberg writes his ijoyd, and Miss Iva Whitten, are parents that on July 19th bursting (pending a weeks' vacation at the No shrapnel gave him his wounds, two in (arts beach. the back of his head. j Miss Irene Duncan has returned Hans was mess sergeant in the Na- home at Redwood. She spent the sum tlonal guards and went to Mexico with mT with her sister, Mrs. Ralph Potter, the colors. J in Nickkalo, Oregon. Private Albert Johnston, who's ad-! a party composed of Mr. and Mrs. J. dress is First Co. Motor Bn. First Dlv. h. Eastman. Uarton, Robert and Miss Ann. Frain, American E, F. France, Marion Eastman, Mr. and Mrs. John writes hia parents, "I am having a fine Wanker, Elva, Walter and Miss Wanda time. Of course there Is lots of work Wanker, motored to Pacific View, Sun to do but we have some time to rest day. They expect to return this week, and bum around. Ituu feeling fine and Mrs. Florence Eecles, Misses Janet getting as tough as a boiled egg. I and Ireue Raicy, Frauk Ralcy and can tramp around all day and hardly Harry Armstrong visited at the John feel tired so you see we are well taken Ralcy home Sunday, care ot over here. I saw Homer Kraus- Harry Elligsen, from Stafford, and haar short time ago, also Howard Herbert Duncan are spending a short Wilsonville Green." John T. Snodgrass, who has made his home at the hotel Clackamas for several years and employed at the fish- hatchery on the Clackamas river, was j advised of the death ot bis son, while In discharge of his duties as a military ; nMWt..nA. t V. TTn It.J c- . ......... the early summer while the enemies i""6"' u"cu OM" iuo r rriicu utuuo iruuu .u uvuuia of our crops seemed to be holding un disputed sway, and we were fearing that the war was to take all of our young farmers away, so that even it we did get our reaping done, it would he Impossible to muster a concerning the death of Engineer Snod grass. of Princeton, New Jersey, were given by the wa r department. He leaves a wife and two children, a sis- threshing ! ,er' Miss Virginia Snodgrass, who is truipiuveu iu oue ui lue suveriuueui ue- partments at Washington D. C. Mrs. M. Bradley of Forest, Idaho, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. James Johnson. crew. All this worry is over and past now, and surely the news ot continued success to our armies must Justify the hnriA that tha ot-aa rAnfltpt i nanrincr Its end. Already, the 0 She wUl spend the winter with her son world Is planning post-war activities and we may look forward to the "Age of Gold, when peace shall over all the vacation at o, Tillamook beach. The social given by the Red Cross ladies Saturday night was well attend ed. After a splendid program, the quilt was disposed of for $73.50. Mrs. Walsh held the winning number. The auto robe was auctioned to the highest bid der and ice cream and cake were ser ved. The net receipts for the enter tainment were $18.50 which will be used for the benefit ot the Hazelia boys now in the service. Echo Dell ECHO DELL, August 29. Carl Bar ney departed for Bremerton last Sat- WILSONVILLE, Aug. 29 A change of schedule on the OroRtm Kloetrlc rail way, took place Sunday, and as there are no printed schedule, and some ot the trains taken off, we will have to make Inquiry from our Mutton agent, Mr. Stone, with regards to trains. A very enjoyable surprise party was given to Paul Jaeger, who will be leaving for Camp Lewis soon, by bis slstqr, Bartha, Friday evening, August 23rd. Games were played and dainty refreshments were served by the young hostess, Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Flynn and a par ty ot guests took a trip up the Colum bia highway Friday. Milton Seely and Oeorge Batalgla have both left for Bremerton navy yard. Mr. Gimsel, Raymond Seely and George Stangel all purchased Lexing ton cars, during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baker and son, tier aid. started on a trip to Southern Ore gon, Tuesday. Several ot the schools near Wilson ville, are stltl without teachers. Misses Rosetta and Josephine Gra ham entertained the Corral Creek Thrift club, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. M. C. Young spout lust week In Portland, attending the G. A. R. con vention. Mrs. Howard la visiting Mrs. J. W. Graham, this week. Claire Say returned on Saturday, 6rom Oregon City, whore, aha ihaa beeu attending the teachers training school W. Stnngel and Jack Angus spent the first of the week, ou a short hunt ing trip. Captain and Mrs. Gllt and Capt. and Mrs. Short, of 1'ortlund, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Graham, during the week end. Quite a number of the members ot I. O. O. F.. attended lodge at Tlgard. Saturday evening. Elk Prairie ELK PRAIRIE, August 29. It Is re ported a colt belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Shlltt was drowned. Mr. and Mra. Shltti went to Black Rock, where he la working In the logging woods. As the colt was old enough to care for Itself, It was left with other stock, in a pas ture where feed and water were plenty, tor the summer mouths. Mrs. F. Duvles has been Buffering from solatia rheumatism. Mr, Davis plans to move elsowhere this fall for the sake ot his wife's halth. Mr. Swope made a luminous visit to Scotta Mills. L. Galloutluo accompan ied him. The latest homesteader heard of, Is said to have won a piece ot land ad joining the Coral Creek school house, which Is being erected, As County Agent Scott seem later ested In walnuts, he might see a thrifty young tree of the English variety, up on the Leltiel property, which It above the Recalled snow line. Frank Hilton has a number of older and much linger trees of another variety at the foot of the mountain. There Is a garden at the Badger homestead, which the owner la Justly proud, not because of Us alaa or com mercial value, but as a mlnlitlure ex periment atutlon. The garden Is loca ted upon a sleep hillside. The rotten Iors and chips were cleared Juttt In time for plowing on the 17th and 18th. ot May. There Is a general belief that garden cannot be successfully reared the first year after clearing. A sample of this soil was sent to the Corvallls experiment station, where It was pre dicted that as much as six tons of lime per acre might be needed, but to exper iment, thus far there hits not been any encouragement for using lime, all the garden consists of nearly twenty five varieties ot beans, both known and un known varieties, turnips, rutabagas, radishes, both summer end winter squashes, pumpkins, nmskmelon, casa- Oswego James Bradley, 160 Morse street, Port land. Mrs. A. M. Spurgeon has returned OSWEGO, August 2!), Mrs, Grunt White and Mrs. 11. It. Koclos wa Os wego visitor the past week. Mis Maxlne Worthlngtou la visiting her grandparent, Mr. and Mr. J, K. Worthington. Willie Monk, another oun ot our Os wego boy ha been went to Camp Lewis, Mr, Cllnkenlieard and Mi. Cromby, from Portland, were visiting at the Yale home thi week. Vent Bark ley, Leoita Jnrlsoh and Mr. and Mr, t'lias. Bickner and their itloce, Gertrude Hai'hen, motored to Newberg Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Worthlngton and their son, Wallace, attended a farewell party at Bolton In honor ot their nephew, Georgia Dotey, who ha been called to Camp Lewi, Mr. Mary Wliiemun received a great surprise from her sister, Mra. Waterbouse, who urrlved from Minna sotta tho past week. Mis Sadie 1 1 til I homo again from the hospital, where she underwent an operation tor appendicitis, Mrs. William Worthlngton gave a farewell dinner, for her Ron, Olllner Worthlngton, Sunday, who hu been sunt to Camp Lewi. Those present were Mr. and Mr. Arvhle Worthlngton, Mr. aud Mr. Eugene Worthlngton and son, Wallace, Mr. and Mr, G. Bullock, Mr. and Mr. Olluer Worthlngton and son, Claud. Mr. Pete Kimuott and daughter, Marlon, Mis Bertha Worth lngton, Earl Worthlngton, Lula Worth Ington, Orcluudo Worthlngton aud tho hostosH, Mr. Wm, Worthlngton. Mr. McDonald hu returned from me nospuai wnere sne underwent an operation. Mr. Carl Bethko hn returned from a trip to Rockaway, where she has been having her vacation, Mr. and Mr, Harry Farmer are tho proud parent of a baby girl, who hu Just arrived at their home. Mr. Earl Mosler, of Portland, wa a visitor at Oswego this week. earth her gracious mantle fling and all jnd wlU make her home w ithMrs. Anna j the world give back the song that now j "cc- neul,u ur 8emn uer norae j the angels sing," and hope that when erf; t ainu uturuuB iiargreaves anu Airs. thftaA hlpeaod fnlria ftnat Avr AmaflM thA ma tntenn a wi&r mil a KoOtvr i frank Street were ntinn hn w wr hfnr th wo- I American Loyalty delegates to the ; league convention ! held in Oregon City on Saturday. George They will report in full at the next j meeting of the Clackamas Loyalty ; league, September 4th held in school) I building. GEORGE, August 29.v-Miss Pauline j Mrs. Jerome Hollingsworth, who has Ochs, who has been visiting her par-1 been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank! ents for the past few days, returned to Street returned to her home in Palto I CHAMPION iWIiGVED' ililOWER CANT FALL DOWN No Greater Value Stands Upon the Foundation ji 'jam ' , i. . . jr i'"n ... . . '- Corrector Constructor.. her work in Portland last Saturday. Mrs. Henry Smyth and son, Richard, and Mrs. T. Harders, visited friends and relatives in Estacada Wednesday. Joseph Wiederhold purchased a Ford car last week. Alto California. Sunday. Being a member of the Ladies Relief Corps of McKinley Post she attended the G. A. R. Encampment in Portland. j At six o'clock sharp on Tuesday p. m. "Star Spangled Banner" was sung by 0 C. A. Johnson spent the week-end in the town folks and for more than an! the huckleberry patch. hour the grove resounded with patriot- Otto Stuke, ot Bolton, and Mr. and I ic songs, after saluting our flag we all Mrs. Horger, of Eagle Creek, visited i repaired to our several homes. relatives and friends at George last j Mr. Elick Robinson and family have Thursday. j returned from their motor trip in Mr .and Mrs. T. Harders were Ore-1 Washington and report that no Dlace yThe Champion has :r been making a. money ? i f iii for users i ! tmli - nan in T if W x gig , Every Part is this ajx-ynuTip ,w &, ' kaita brad i wink ncall, uk My mw m Am kmj itw Im hjula iMai h W.r,M mtti k Uf T bl ai iba pimam cmmmcimn, aid ajal kwral J tba aaaa.f ! umi kaila aaaJ aavj aa4 p,taa awWM,Mally laaaa ttp l(a Wa m. pna,,a bawnarftiai aa kjttaa , ,i by warn at a aanlai tp, a(. gon visitors last Sunday. W. Terwilllger was transacting busi ness in Estacada Friday. Mrs. A. Croner and children, of Port land, are visiting at the home ot her mother, Mrs. Llns, of George. looks better to them than Clackamas. Cams CARUS, August 29. E. Lewis went to Canby last week after a load of peaches. The "M. E. Sunday school gave a picnic .a nusseus grove r nuaj. , were Sunday guestg of j,rs y,0,a Eyery one reported having a good nnniriana Upper Eagle Creek UPPER EAGLE CREEK, August 29. M,r. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle, who have been attending campmeetlng for the past ten days, near Troutdale, return ed home on Monday. j Carl Clark, of Vancouver, was the j guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, !S. Clark. Sunday. j E. L. Palfrey and family, of Molalla- V' See the Champion at the Champion f Agency It , , i) ' Driving Mechanism b !memi yew which give many teeth ta j' .. meih. prevents wear. '"l'"l Ion besmnn X i i-fi iach end of bevel . .... wLwmr" well built ' 1 , , and tor, .(';' - , '''it rightly deaigned. , i ' This Is for your 'fit,.-,'. protection ,i S Showing the ( Ejclra Wide Substantial Yoke, fear ehoi't irmrmg steady motion of bevel (tvar driving th crank shaft pmion. I! D I l. - f t' v, uar ana nnr uaa ( 1r A out of Um ow. k ing to the width -ff and atrenginoi trus yoke. cjzenz yoke piNsfjii' f K I i Richard Davis has been spending a tew days at WUhoit Springs. Miss Floy Stewart, accompanied by Mrs. Edgar Stewart, spent a few days at the home ot her parents. Miss Oils Jackson and sister, of Clairmont passed through Carus, Sun day, on their way to Wilhoit Springs. Lake Casto has been taking fruit for the neighbors to the public market in Portland. Tom Davies and friends have re turned from an outing, spent near the foot of Mt Hood. John and Wm. Davies and Glen Irish have crossed over sea. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Casto visited their home here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith, of Port land, have been visiting the Ed How ard home. Jennings Loge JENNINGS LODGE, August 29. Mrs. L. Brackett, accompanied by her niece, Myrtle Berry and her nephews, Max and Edgar Downing, left Tuesday for a week's visit with relatives in Ta coma. Mrs. Wicks is making a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Holloway, of this place. Mrs. Pierce and son, Teddy, leave thia week for Belllngham, Washington, where Mrs. Pierce will visit her daugh ter, Mrs. Fleming. Mrs. Harry Panton and family visit ed Oregon City and Jennings Lodge friends Saturday. Mrs. Henry Smith and baby son, Deane, have arrived home from the Oregon City hospital. Master Holmer Roberts Is spending a week at Vancouver. Little Augustus Meyers had an a'o cess on his toot, but is recovering nice ly. The G. Barnes place has been pur chased by C. R. Brldenberg. Their daughter Mrs. Silas Rhodes and son are visiting them. Little Mary Robertson has been quite sick for several days. The Crobert family are new neigh bors on Hull avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Max Sanford w ere Sun day visitors at the Lucas home. Their son, C. A. Lncas was also a visitor. The Geo. F. Thompson place has been purchased by R. Cook. With the passing away of Mr. Hob son of Hull avenue, our community loses a very able member. Mr. Hob- son died Tuesday afternoon at his home here, after suffering from dropsy for some time. Mr. Hobson has lived at Jennings Lodge for several years. Chas. Krebs, with his threshing crew is in the neighborhood, he crops are very light out this way this year. Glenn Douglass and Tommy McKay were Oregon City and Portland visitors Saturday. Henry Helple and his threshing crew are down in the Eagle Creek country, threshing out the grain. 71 ' ', 7, . l3 pfi ID . jfOne- Champion f lptoc. Are Extra Long, Extra Large and : Caw Hardened. J f Mower Tk ... . I. V, Haat Parta-aa t s.aa.1 " ( f,n.J ilwwJ,. lAW. . . - md will lal a kiuia and pitman. Wearing Plates 1 Champion Construction. '"i Frame ',1 till fully br Twilight TWILIGHT, August 29. Mrs. H. L. Scheer, Mrs. Swick and Ethel Nash made a business trip to Portland last week. Mr. nad Mrs .Ed Elligs are visiting here with their parents. S. Nash and son, Arthur, and How ard Osborn took a trip to Look Out mountains Wednesday, returning Sun day with twenty gallons of huckleber ries. Mrs. Chas. Holmes and family have gone to the hop yards at Salem. W. E. Myers and family of Estacada, spent Sunday evening with his sisters, Mrs. Nash and Mrs. Swick. They went to Oregon City to bid their son, Floyd Davis, "goodbye" one of the boys who left Monday morning for some camp. Miss Osha Tate, of Dallas, spent the week-end with cousins in this vicinity. H. Scheer and family spent Sunday with their niece and nephew In Port land. SAVE DOLLARS '1: - - 't BY BUYING A LASTING tM& tJlQ ''f- S, i THAT COUPON k'ir q, mvfr&ir fljll wmhn,youpHc...d 0M iZrrySrZ. Champion fn- Couldnt ; rfc bui,t Y.J VN better T q. i uxd Ill ' ' ei . RUNS TO RECORD THIS VALLEY AURORA. Or., Aug. 21 Thousands of pounds of Evergreen bluckborrlei bav been brutiKlit Into this illy Ui lunt few du)R aud the picking of the crop bus ua yet scarcely lieuun. Four different canneilcR have representtt' tlvcs here. Some of the berries are gal tiered tip by trucUs um! Jukcii to VVoodliunt where they ara shipped to Portland unit placed In cold stoma" until such time m the purchnieni need them lo be made Into Jiiiiir and other forms of canned fruit, much of which Is for the government. Other companies haul tho berrlni di rect to tho canneries, The berries Mont into cold storage lire placed In liarrclN Into which 25 pounds of b'u has first been placed. The bnrrtdR are filled, and closet, and shipped by freight to the cold Rtorage plants. Taken out a month or a half year hence they will be a fronh as the tiny they were picked, It Is asserted. With a rct.im to minimi times, It l not considered as at all Improbable that Oregon Every green tii:y be placed on tho New York market In n perfectly frcitlt condition. ' The devel opment of the berry Industry has been so rapid the hint two or three yearn thnt It Is ulso ctiUHldereil nlinost cer tain that the Loganberry and Ever- Kreeng will, within the next five years, take the place of the hop Inilinttry In Oregon. In fact. Quite a few of tho valley growers have al ready taken kindly to berry culture. MUST REFRAIN FROM MRS. II MTTNER OF WEST LINN FRACTURES LEG GENTLEMEN: ' v Send me prices and i catalog of your CHAMPION ; MOWER, . WASHINGTON, Aug. 2S.-The Fuel Ailmtnlxtrutti.il culled on the public In Btutes eiiHt of the MImsIhhIppI river to c.iini tho -.ihIhk of u II classeH of automobiles, with a few exceptions, motorcycles, and motor bouts on Sun days until further notice as a guso line coHKerviition measure. Only voluntary compliance with the letter nnd spirit of the request will prevent the IxKuanee ot a mandatory order prohibiting the uaa of gns on Sundays, It whs declared at the fuel atlinliilHtratlon, Automoblltm for hire are Included In the curtailment program. Motor vehicles to which tho restrlc- uoiis ao not appiy were announccu us follows: Tractors and motor tr.itks employ ed In actual transportation of freight. Vehicles of physicians, used in per fiirnmncc of profemilonal duties. Ambulances, fire apparatus, police patrol wiikiiiis, undertakers' wagons, and conveyances used for funerals. Hallway equipment uhIiik gasoline. Repair outfits employed by telephone nnd public norvlce companies. Motor vehicles on crramU of neces sity In rurul communities where trans portation by steam or electricity Is nut avullable. The action was taken by the fuel administration, It was said, to meet a threatened shortage of Kittiolino for shipment overseas, created by Increas ed domestic demands nnd extensive military operations In France. Mrs. Kit-hard llltiiier, one of the ac tive worker of the lied Croas So ciety of West l.lun, is suffering from a broken lec. huviiig met with an ao vhleut while making the trip with bur husband to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hlttner at Kl tvood. Mrs. Hlttner wits u! lulit In it from the automobile, when she ac cidentally slipped and fell. Dr. ('. 11. .MelitKtit-r was summoned, and Mrs. Hlttner was aWo to bo brought home by her husband Monday evening,. She will be confined to her room Roveral wevkn. piuTeXpflts" in orchard of tax collector v PAID SEE W. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY, OREGON FOR CHAMPION MOWERS BINDERS RAKES HEADERS TEDDERS REAPERS Clarkes CLARKES, Aug. 29 D. P. Moehnke and family were to the coast for a week, and returned home last week. Ed Grace baled straw and hay tor Ed Buol last Monday. W. H. Wettlaufer and family went to Portland last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moehnke from Oregon City visited David Moehnke family last Sunday. Arthur Hornschuh, while barking a log, let the ax slip cutting his foot, was rushed to Oregon City for treatment and is getting along nicely. Mrs. Elmer Kleinsmlth returned from Portland last week. Bill Itobbins is working at Moehnke's sawmill. Mrs. W. H. Bottemiller and daughter, Mary, and sons, Claudus and Kenneth, visited her daughter, Mrs. Charles Ralph, and family of Portland last Sunday, Mrs. Alva Gard is working in the ship yards at Portland. Mrs. George Clarke was an Oregon City visitor Monday. urday to begin his training for the navy. Walter Hornshuh, who left a week ago Saturday, has written from San Diego, telling of bis arrival there. Al though he is a little lonesome, he is enjoying himself. He has passed his examination and Is now under quaran tine. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hadly attended the G. A. R. encampment last week. Mrs. Laura Barney is staying with Mrs. Victor Barney and son In Oregon City. Mrs. Calla Oswald has a big boy. She lived here until last fall, when she moved to Seattle. Max Towne and family hare moved to Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Futter went toPortland Wednesday. Mrs. John Kunzman and son went to Portland Tuesday. Miss Margaret Ahlberg, who has been working In a Portland barrel fac tory, has returned home. Among the registrants of August 24, were Edward Meyrick and Floyd Kunz man, of Echo Dell. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local application!, as they cannot raach the dlaeaied portion of the ear. There la only one way to cure catarrhal 4eafnea, and that la by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafneaa la caused by an In flamed condition of the mucoVis llnlne; of the Eustachian Tubs. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Im perfect hearing, and when it Is entirely closed, Deafneas Is the result. Unless tho Inflammation nan be reduced and this tubfj restored to its normal condition, hearlnn will be destroyed forever. Many cases oil: deafness are caused by catarrh, which In an Inflamed condition of the mucous sur. faces. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of tfc system. We will give One Hundred Dollars fur any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Cir culars free. Alt Druggists, 76o. F, X CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O, Mr. and Mrs. Bauer, of Portland,' visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rldder on Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Blackburn and children, Jeft Thursday for Iowa, which is Mrs. Blackburns old home state. J. W. Graham and J, Lawler have been away on a week's hunting trip. Mrs. Morris Young is deserving of commendation and patronage for keep ing her garage going in good running order, while her husband is working for Uncle Sam, "over seas." Elmer Hasselbrink will attend a ban quet in the near future, to be given in honor of the championship, won by the Klrkpatrlck baseball team of Portland, of which he Is a member. Wilsonville public school will open on Monday, September 16th, with Mrs. Aubrey Wood, an experienced and cap able teacher In charge for the coming year. Carl F. Groth, of Newberg, has charge of a Jolly bunch of blackberry pickers, near Wilsonville. ba, watermelon and cucumber vines laden with blossoms and setting fruits, tomatoes, cabbage, celery, potatoes, millet, wheat, sage and roses In bud and blossom. Meadowbrook WED AT VANCOUVER VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 22. t-lcenses to marry were Issued today to Henry Ziellnskl, 32, Oregon City, and Mrs. Edith Pollock, 30, Indian apolis, Ind., and to Benjamin Blais dell, 20, of Eagle Creek, and Mies Grace Van Curen, 21, of Eabld Creek. QUAKE AT VICTORIA VICTORIA, B.i C, Aug. 22. A slight earth tremor which S shook tne entire city tor a tew S seconds was recorded on the seismograph at Gonzales obser- 3 vatory here at 8:21 A. M. today, $44 ..si. IN OWN COIN S LONDON, Aug. 23. Five lm- & portant towns In Germany and $ Ave hostile airdromes were hcav- II y bombarded by Hrltlnh aerial t ? squadrons on the night of An- $ gust 21-22, according to an of- ..clal statement. $44444t4 MARKET REPORT Deputy Tax Collector I. 1). Taylor bus some prize apples this year. I.nst year bo sprayed the trees, but this year did not do so and, the fruit la ex- elleiit this year, the apples being free from pent, Among the varletltm Mr. Taylor Is marketing are the Grav eimtulns, considered as some of Urn finest brought to the local market. Other varieties he bsxt In liirxo quantit ies on bis place enst of the city are the Baldwin, King, and Snow. He ex pects to have over ,10 boxes ot the Klnn, and about as many of the other varieties. LEAGUE CHAPTER WILL GATHER AT SUNSET SCHOOL The local chapter of tho American Loyalty League at West Linn wilt hold a patriotic meeting at the Sun set school house next Monday even ing. It will be addressed by Grant B. Dlralck. of this city, and a musical program has been prepared. Among the numbers will be a piano solo by Mrs. Vulentlne, and a vocal solo by Miss May Powell. Miss Carmen Schmldll Is chairman of the commit tee on arrangements. The West Linn chapter now has 130 members. MEADOWBROOK, Aug. 29. A five and one-half pound boy was born to the wife of Albert Peterson. Mother and child are In Portland. Several went to Oregon City Sun day afternoon to bid goodbye to three of the boys, Richard Orem, Robert Orem and John A. Johnson who left Monday morning, their destination be ing unknown. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wilts of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. McClure, of Oregon City, spent Sunday at A. L. Larklns. Hult Bros, have moved their donkey engine up to Meadowbrook from Union Mills, they expect to use it pulling the logs back In the creek the high water waHhed out, Albert Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Chlndgren and family went to Port land, Sunday to see Mrs. Albert Peter son and Infant Ron, also attended "Hearts of the World." Quite a few from around here have been to the mountains after huckle berries the luBt week, and report lots of berrleg and quite a tew pickers. WILL DEMONSTRATE TITAN TRACTOR Geo. Blatchford, of Molalla, who is handling the Titan farm tractor in his section has arranged for a field demon stration on the Oliver Robbing farm, one-half mile east of Molalla, Saturday, August 31st, to commence promptly at 1:30 o'clock. As given fay the Brady Mercantile company and Farr Brother. BUYINO Creamery butter 63c Potatoes ,new $2.50 Onions, per 100 lbs 3.00 Butter ( country) per roll .s 80c Eggs, per doz 48c 8ELLINQ. Potatoes, new 4c lb. Eggs per doz E0c nutter, per roll (country) 95c Creamery butter, per roll $1.10 , weeo. Oats, per 100 lbs $3.50 Mill run, 80s $1 70 Calf Meal $2.00 Salt, 50 lbs. Mgh grade 75c Hay, per ton $35.00 Chick food, per 100 lbs $5 00 Scratch food, per 100 lbs. $4.60 Bone, per 100 lba. $3.75 Beef scraps .... . $6.50 Berkshire $3.50 Holsteln dalrr food, per 80 lbs. $2.00 Oil meal $3.75 Blood meal poultry, li 1.0c Alberi masb food $$.50 Whole corn $4.00 Cracked corn $4.15 Cocoanut oil meal $3.00 Ground corn $4.15 Eastern oyster shell $2.00 Western Shell . $1.25 Grit, pr 100 lba 0c Oil meal, 100 lbs $3.75 Livestock Buying Veal 17c Live hogs 8-19c Dressed Hogs 25o Old roosters, 15c Springs, , 22-25c MARY SCHWARTZ FILES ACTION TO FORECLOSE Action was Instituted here Wednes day by Mary SchwarU against C. Guy Wukclleld and Maude E. Wakeduld to foreclose on a mortgago covering lots 5, 6, and 7, Dover Park. The In denture was given to socure a prom issory note executed In July of last yeur, Tho face of the paper waR for $150, with Interest at 8 per cent, the whole coming due within eighteen months. It 1b alleged that the defend ants have fulled to fulfill their part of the agreement, and have stated that they do not intend to liquidate the ob ligation. Attorney's fees In the sum of $60 are asked. SHEEP REGISTERED RAMS FORSALE Hampshire Downs Oxford Downs and Shropshires. Also good Coltswold Rami. GRANT. B. DIHICK OREGON CITY, OREGON ,