Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 16, 1918, Page Page 2, Image 2

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1. -v 1
Briefs From
All Over the
Wilsonvtlle public school will open
on Monday September 16th.
The Corral Creek auxiliary of the
Red Cross is planning to give an en
tertainment In the near future to raise
money tor the Red Cross.
couple ot weeka enjoying the tea Arthur Graham and Mr, and Mm. G.
Robert Ssrtln, who was operated
upon at the GoodSamarltan hospital
in Portland two woeks ago for stomach
trouble, Is Improving nicety, and It Is
exported that he will be aide to be
brought to ht home In Gladstone next
gTow in profusion near here, have all
been purchased by the canneries at a
good figure.
Mrs. Dwtght Seely was a Portland
visitor, on Saturday afternoon.
Menga Batalgla spent the wek-end
at her home nar hr, rturnlng Monday
to Portland.
Eagle Creek
MACKSBURG, Aug. X5.-More fav
orable weather for harvesting was
never known than has been in the
reaping time of WIS.
Everywhere in answer to the news
paper correspondents query, "How is
the grata turning out?" comeathe re
ply, "Better than we expected." This
of course Is not very hearty praise,
but when the thought goes back to
sunny June when the green aphis and
the drouth seemed likely to work com
plete destruction ot the crops and
those given to evil apprehension, were
predicting a famine added to the hor
ror of war the existing conditions ap
pear bright indeed.
The Red Cross Auxiliary held its
usual session on Wednesday, August
7. All the garment that had been re
ceived tor machine making had been
taken to Oregon City. The work for
the day consisted ot knitting and pre
paring cleaners for the guns.
AJarge quantity of material tor
army socks and sweaters was given
out and the auxiliary adjourned to
meet after receiving a new supply ot
garments for making up. his may
give a vacation of several weeks.
The Mother's Clpb is to meet at the
home ot Mrs. G. N. Baldwin this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwarschaak had the
receiving a visit from their son. Will,
who came from Camp Lewis for a
short stay. The same pleasure came
into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fran
Schultz. Their son, Elmer, came from
the same camp to spend Sunday at
home. Both young men. by their arf
pearance as well as by verbal accounts
gave evidence of the generous provi
sion made by the U. S. Government
tor the recruited men.
The Gibson brothers, Patrick and
Will, have written and have also sent
good health and spirits.
Louis Gibson, who is anxious to en
list but being too young tor draft la
working on his mother's ranch. i Mrs. McMahan has returned from a
Mrs Simon Miller who has been month's visit with relatives in Seattle.
making f n extended tour of the mid- She came home by the way ot Tacoma j
die-west returned to her home last where she spent a tew days withj
Saturday. Her daughter. Miss Elnora friends. j
Miller accompanied her mother home , Mr. and Mrs. George Espen are the
from Anderson, Indiana, where she guests at the home of their uncle, Mr. i
spent the past year. 1 Henry Duncan. They recently came!
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Struchake. with' from North Dakota to make their
their children visited their former j home in Portland.
tie In tftli plaoe last Sunday. j An ice cream and cake social at
The ript n time for the Evergreen j which a quilt and auto robe will be
blackberry is here and the vines are! sold will be given Saturday night,
MEADOWBROOK. Aug. 15.-rP. O.
Chindgren and family, M. D. Chtnd
gron and family, Ralph Ilolman and
The Evergreen blackberries which! J? ln. nd son. Harlan.
Mabel Keller, of Estacada, who is at
tending summer school in Oregon
City, spent the week-end with her sla
ter, Mrs. Fred Homer.
Joe Tolinle, ot Nebraska spent a
tew days with P.,0. Chindgren last
John Hoetetter Is spending the
i summer at Metollus working in the
i harvest field.
i Myrtle, Nettie and Glenn Larklna
EAGLE CREEK. Aug. 15. Miss j spent the week-end at Marquam vis
Nettie Woodle who Is working in : Hl"8 relatives and frleda.
Salem, spent a few days with her par- Mr. Millard, Edgar Horner's partner,
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle, last! who is stationed at Seattle spent a
week. few dayswtth the Horner Bros. Inst
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle were Esta-1 week,
cada visitors one day last week. P. O. Chindgren and sons have pur-
Mlsses Alt and Pauline Brash were j chased a separator and expect to
the guests of Portland relatives last j start thrashing this week, using their
week. j tractor to run It.
Mrs. Geo. Preister was the Sunday! Mrs, Selma lAurtlla and daughter,
guest of her sister, Mrs. Roy Douglass. Eva, of Montana, is vteltinj; at John
Several of the young friends of j Potto's.
Master Tommy May gathered at hisj Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Larklna attend
ing the evening with him In honor ot ed the funeral ot Joe Foust at Mullno.
his birthday. All had an enjoyable j Saturday,
time. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Jim DeShaier and Mr.
dinner-guests of Mrs. Viola Douglass
on Sunday.
James Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Hal
Gibson and Sam Wilson were up to the
old home place Sunday after fruit and
Grandma Paddison was a guest re
cently at the homo ot her son, C. H.
Dick Gibson sold three hogs to Wal
ter Givens last Friday.
E. Naylor sold a hog to Walter
Givens last Friday.
TWILIGHT, Aug. 15. Mr. and Mrs
GEORGE, Aug. 15. Mrs. II. Joyner
who has been visiting In Portland for
the past few days, returned homo
Mr. and Mrs. E. McCltntook. ot Port
land, visited Mrs. Mcl'llntock's mother,
Mrs. E. Harriers, ot George, Inst Sat
urda night and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C, Johnson and son,
Victor, and Mr. and Mrs. If. Smyth
and son, Richard, were F.staeada vlsl-
'ors lust Sunday evening.
ter Rath wits visiting relatives
in Portland last Saturday.
Mrs. A. Wetderhold and daughter ot
Portland, visited relatives In George
last Sunday.
.BARLOW, Aug. 15.-Olyde BindUk
and Hey Sletager passed through here
enroute to Camp Fremont, Cal.,
Miss Olga Howe spent several days
In Oregon City and Portland last week
While setting off a blast at New
Era Thursday. Enoch Grlndeland and
the boss had their faces and eyes, til
lei with dirt and rocks the blast explo
ded unexpectedly. Enoch Buffered
with his eyes, but the accident ntlKbt
have been much worse and they were
fortunate in not losing their eye
C. N. Giddings Is building a new-
The young people here gave Henry
Zimmerman, ot Marks Prairie, a sur-
W, White left Wednesday for Rainier
Park. They exHot to be gone abo.it
ten days.
Miss Luetle Duncan, of Portland, Is
visiting relatives In Canity this weak. I
Mrs. Ernest Ho Haven, of Boise,
Idaho, Is a guost of hor sister, Mr..
George Bntes.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beck, of Au
rora, were the guests of Mrs. J, Lee
Eckerson this week.
W. !. Hair and Ora Slyter left
Wednesday for the mountains where
they will spend a few days hunting,
Miss Frelda Sehmld, of Portland,
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Schmld, of Cnnby.
Mrs. Mable Hnlr and son, Gerald,
and Mrs. Hlla Knight and daughter,
Rita Belle left Monday for a two
weeks vacation at Newport.
Mrs. Avon Jesse, ot Orlbble Prairie,
was a Canby shopper Monday.
Mrs. Horace Pntch, of Portland,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs
Frank Patch.
Mr, and Mrs. R, C. Knight, of Port
land, were week-end guests of Mayor
and Mrs. W. H. Hnlr,
Miss Mary Cox, ofPortmnd, Is a
guest of Miss Lorralue Lee this week.
Miss Marsha Hetn, who Is attend
Ing business college In Portland, spent
the week-end with her parents, Mr
and Mrs. 1 loin. ,
Miss Loretta Isancon, of Portland
spent the week with Mlsa Vlolelte
Evans, of Canby.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bullock Mr
and Mrs. Charles Cllnkenbeard and
Mrs. Henry Yates, of Oswego, wow
the v.iests ot Mr. and .Mrs. II. II.
rcclos Sunday.
Mr. andMrs. Leon Jackson, of Ad-
kins Mill, were "guests ot Mr. and Mrs.
Charley Thomas Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gunxcl former
residents of Canby, but now of Wilson-
vllle, were visiting friends In Canby
this week. ,
Mr. andMrs. J. R. Vlnyard and
Blanche R. Shelley Representative.
8erlous Auto Accident.
Friday afternoon, a cur earryluu a
Scales went to Government I'smp
Tuesday after huckleberries, They
Washlnglon license, driven by Dr. i pert to lio guno several tluys,
John B. Dye and occupied by himself,
wife- mid sister In law, turned over on
the I'henyvllls hilt and lujtnvd Mrs,
Dye severely, The nmclilmt skidded,
ran Into the bank and turned upside
down cuUiiluK the occupant under
mnuh. Mrs. Dye was brought to the
Sandy hotel In a passing machine and
later taken In an ambulance lo St.
Vincent's Hospital whom she Is re
ported on the way to recovery. The
car was pretty well damaged.
R. E. Eison Comes Thru With Letters
Mrs. H. K, Essou received five let
ters from Mr. F.siton last week dated
June 2MU, July 3d. Tth. I.'tth. undlTth,
Mr. Kssou Is still at the Aviation In
struction Camp Hospital, where he
has been ever since ho went ucross,
Under date ot July "th ho said there
would bo a train load of wounded In
the next morning. Said they were
busier than ovor on account of the
Americans being In the mix up. Under
date or July 17th. ho said (hat he
thought he would bo sent to the front
(lie next day. ,
More Sidy Boys Heard From.
Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Iloffuiun re
ceived a letter from their son, Ed
ward, who went across some time ago.
He reports things as being Interest
ing now. ,
Mr. snd Mrs l.tnhnrt, of "The
Burn", received a letter from their
son. Frank, last week, the first they
have hud since May.
Alvln Kllnger, of Bull Run, who Is
with the Coast Artillery, Is reported
now In France.
Upon the Foundation
' Construction.
,j "L... j-" lit M s- ewusr ' tl j; ' I Tfct
No Greater
" --t-"E
The ChamDion
'$ been making -!&;
money ft
'r 'rmJ-'- rS'ffi' Every Part
' 'fzfAl,l r WeH Hmlf
hanging full ot their fruit, not as for
merly, hoviever, free to passersby.
MULLNO, Aug. 16. George W.
Smith who underwent an operation at ,
the St. Vincent hospital in Portland,
was able to. return home last Wed
nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Taylor and son
Herman of Portland were week end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Long and daughter,
Elizabeth were the guests of Mrs.
Catherine Goucher last Sunday.
Mrs. Tom Fish was called to Gres
ham last Saturday on account ot her
nephew meeting with a painful acci
dent. He had his leg broken in three
places. At first it was thought an am-
utation would be necessary.
Miss Alice White who has been
seriously HI with typhoid fever Is
slowly recovering.
Mrs. Homer Nichols was the guest
ot Mrs. Carl Scheuk last Saturday.
Schuebel and Woodsides are thresh
ing around Mulino and Eldorado.
Mrs. Rose Dosier is spending a few
days in Mulino.
August 24. by the ladies ot the Sewing
Circle. The proceeds will go for yam
to be knitted for the Hazelia boys now
in the service. A committee is sell
ing chances at ten cents each, on the
Mra. Hill, daughter of Mrs. King,
and her son arrived Tuesday from
Michigan. Mrs. Hill will remain with
her mother during the remainder of
the war as her husband is an officer
In the service and is now in France.
!f for years -
MffK TV bmt f Am pmmum 1
fOt for users J ' ' l& '
k??l m I :" IV" fc" 4 mm, wmmt Uk mmi 4 mil ol pu
It' v.
rightly designed. .
fc t mw4m4 ami mm U-f , -7V, . J
mvm m tmm apam.mm m t. t I nil U IUT jrvur
, protection t,
'y' See the f
Champion J
rj the
Driving Mechanism 5 showtn the
, , t. Extra Wld
A f u m"h- " "' M Substantial
r . . viis " u,ib . www.
t. v t .m cn end bcl
YOKE PINS&'Tha "s-s:Ip
f 'Sr&m. art. W-.i.-;
I Champion
OSWEGO, Aug. 15. Mrs. J. K. j
Worthington received an interesting j
letter from her son, Millie, who is with ;
the 3rd Oregon Band in France. He:
sent her a program of their 4th of July j
celebration, which consisted of music j
by the band and races. Prizes were
donated by the Y. M. C. A. with the ex- j
ception of the base ball trophies,
which were given by Chaplain Gilbert. (
Mrs. Mary Lowrenz of Camas, j
Wash.,visited her mother, Mrs. Wm.i
Worthington the latter part of the!
week. i
ii in ill
mi it c
fi I if
If i
m 1,
lmt AmH inwnnf , V Bu and knife ctn't
ttudr motion - ot J ,i ou of lux ow
brel fit dnnni ,3 V u( lo K widlh
um cruik inall .'I and atrcmikofuiu
pioioo. , M 'f oi
Are Extra Long.
Extra Large and;
Hadened. ,
They are tecurely I'M Has Extra Long
fartcKduttiieyolLC , Caw, Hardened '
inuring die prrfid '
al,(mert of bar. Removable y ,
knife and pimua K'S Wearing Plates
mm w yZ- Champion
tfPf C bui,t
XH better f
New Mill To Start Soon.
J. W. Dixon Is patting In a now saw
mill on the old Jop mill sll. on the
Mnrmot road, reports that they will
start sawing tlos next wh-k. ir.
Dixon hns about four million fcot of
tin timber to cut and will run a crew
of twenty-five num.
Mrs. Harvey Greenwood was the
guest of her mother, Mrs. Mitchell,
last week. Mrs. Greenwood was for
merly Miss Hiuel Mitchell.
Mrs. Wm. Davis, of Oregon City,
was the suest of her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. II. II. Mills last week. MUs
Florence Mills returned to Sandy with
her. after a short visit In Portland
and Oregon City. ,
Miss llernlre Dixon went to Port
land Tuesday for a visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Lanndro and Mrs.
W. A, Proctor ami family, of Cot-
troll, are nlnn out after hucklelmrrles.
Mr. Jennings, who bus been the
guest of his sister, Mrs. K llonvtte,
left for his home In llnmlmm lout
week. , N
K. F, llrunurt and wife motored to
Poi-ttiind hint Suluriluy.
Milton Nolsou snd Miss Agues
U.milerenu were murrli'd I mil wvtk,
They are both popular youiiK pHpla
of this community Our bent wishes
tiro with them for a Iohk and uaeful
life. . ,(
J. W, Dixon bus been on Ilia sick,
Goo. Glocktier writes from IUnd,
Ore,, that hi health Is belter, lie
tins seen Mr. and Mrs. Juration and
Vern lingers alt formerly of Handy.
A iliinoi was given ut Amboff's
Mouutnln Homo last Saturday even
ing. Mrs. Carrlw De Hlmiior has a hlter
from Miss Aiken, who taught In tho
Hunily IiIkIi school. She has a school
near home In a town attorn tho sl.e
of Greslinm, wtutre she will teach Eng
lish, v Her brother, who Is with the 4i
ml. Knlnliow Division, la now at the
fornt. They have had no word from
him since June 12th. Those r
truly anxious times for tho ones at
Coporal "Spike" lleniu'ssv, of Kurt
Stevens, spent tlm weok enil with hi
mother In Sandy,
Ernest Hart ha gone to Portland to
take position.
Last Siiturduy a (Irnngs day with
a fair attetulonoe, Dairying was tho
subjnet uncl.-r dlscmslon, with a good
speaker from Portland.
Don't forget the Committee Danes
the 17lh.
W. J. SoreiiHen, State Veternarlan,
was In Sundy Tuesday testing milk
cows Among those whose cows worn
tested were,. L. K, Hoffman, J. ( .
Lnundree, J. Scales, Mrs. Wilson. Mrs,
Dlttert and P .Tt. Melnlg. We will try
to give a r-umplote list next wrx'k ot
the cow that passed the test.
Mrs. Dave IHhikIiiss returned homo
th first of the week after a brief stay
In the Good Samaritan hospital. Her
friends will be glad to hear of her
comiiete recovery,
Fred IToctor went to Seusldo Sun
day and hro u Kill his wife and sniull
daughter, Arletha, home.
Wm. Hammond, of Oregon City,
was a Sandy caller Friday,
Now Is the high tlilo of (he hasvlnut
season and every hush Is loaded.
it lully braced
tand will lad
natural lifetime.
cavr nni i arc '
T g i i ii i i m BtVANCHCS
Champion Construction.
will bring you prices snd 'A
' 'T- Send me prices snd '
;4 catalog of your CHAMPION ;
Mrs. Tom Fox and Mrs. Faeis, her'
Mr. and Mrs. Dinnis Hyllon visited j niece, visited Mrs. Fox's daughter
Mrs. Katbburn of Portland a lew days
this week. j
Mr. Tom Whittier is visiting his'
grandparents, Mr .and Mrs. Fox. j
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Clinefelter and
'amlly visited Mr. Cllnefeltera' slsterj
Sunday. j
The members of the Congregational j
Church gave a farewell party for Mr. j
Mrs Elizabeth Adkins last
Funeral services were held at the
Methodist church for the late Mr.
Faust, on Saturday at 2 P. M. The re
mains were in terred in the Zion cem
etery at Canby.
Mr. Long who is working for the
government at St. Johns is home for
a short visit.
The quilt so kindly donated by Mr.
and Mrs. Stark for the Red Cross was
raffled off a short time ago and brought
r! w a, lvnTniM
WILSONVILLE, Aug. 15. Mrs. M.
C. Young returned on Monday, from a
trip to Wilholt Springs, and was ac
companied by her mother.
Mrs. Inya Wood and Claire Say went
to Oregon City Monday to attend the
teachers' institute.
Mr. and Mrs. Mallory and little son,
have returned to their home, atter vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. Jake Peters for
two weeks.
H. D. Aden went to Portland on
Monday, to buy new fall goods.
Mrs. Guthrie, arrived last Tuesday,
from Vancouver, to visit her friend,
Mrs. Robert Graham.
Mr. and Mrs. Baird and Miss Miller,
of Newberg, were the guests of the
Misses Angus, Sunday, coming by
Mrs. Ed. Baker has been ill with
All the threshing machines in this
vicinity have been going at full blast
Mrs. Nuerer, of Portland, has been
Baker, for a week.
A baby boy arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brobst, on Wed
nesday, July 31st.
Helen Graham entertained the
Thrift Club of Corral Creek, on Thurs
day afternoon very pleasantly.
Joe Thornton has been appointed
registrar for the Wllsonyllle district.
Mrs. Wm. Turner and children art
H. L. Seller motored to Pleasant
oodard, tho Boy Scout Master IastHome Sundaj.( and taUed on aome of
Saturday night. His friends presented their friends.
him with a wrist watch. Mr. Woodard
expects to leave soon for Camp Lewis
to be with the Y. M. C. A. j
Doretha Howell of Portland visited
her erandoarents. Mr. and Mrs. Tom I
vox Sunday ' worn nas Deen received mat ai-
Mrs. Clarence Skeel left last week!bert Scheer who was stationed in Cal-
for California to visit her sister, j Jorn.ia 18 now ln Lang l8land' New
Mr. Bernice Roley, Mr. and Mrs. A. or
.T. Monks' son-in-law has left to fieht' C. E. Swick has been on the sick
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bentley,
a son.
B. Staats and family have gone to
Seaside to spend the week.
for Uncle Sam.
Mr. Charles Dldson, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Matt Dldson has left for some
where across the sea.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ostenson are
visiting Mrs. Ostens' parents Mr. andi
Mrs. Ike Austin this week.
Mrs. F. B. Tomlin of Portland was
an Oswego visitor this week.
Miss Dena Prosser who has
visiting her sister, Mrs. Silver Dane
of California the past six months has
returned home.
Mr. Jack Hoeye, a former resident
of Oswego was a visitor at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Monk this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Worthington
visited his sister Mrs. Pete Emmott
last Sunday.
There will be a meeting of the
Lp.dies Aid at 2 o'clock Saturday after
noon at the hall. On Sunday after
noon, August 17, Sunday School wll be
held at 2 o'clock. Preaching in the
evening. Everyone is welcome.
- Mr. Scheer and family and Mrs,
Swick and little son, Virgil, took a
been VyUimuuit Hlu raj utn-
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bentley have
'moved to Monroe, Oregon.
We are sorry to hear that Mr. J. T.
Hooper a former resident of this
-place, but now of Central Point, is
suffering from fo-Jr cancers on hla
Hp. . n
A Business Directory ef eseB dtr
Town and VUluno la Oresoa and
Vtuniiluylua, giving lecriplit
Sketch of each Dlsce.- Location,
Shipping -FacUltl and at ClsaaU
tied Illrectory el Mcb JBotlBCfJ
sad I'rotewion.
B. L. FOLK ft las.
Seattle, Waah.
Gladstone,. Aug. 15. The DunmiM
grocery in this place has quit business,
a portion of the stock being sold to
'A. D. Paddock, who has opened a gro
cery in the vacant room adjoining his
pharmacy, while the remainder of the
stock has been removed to Oregon City
Mr. 'and Mrs, F. A. Burdon and
daughter, Miss Fayne, have gone to
Newport, where they will spend a
priae party Sat irday evening. It was
a complete surprise and a good time
vas enjoyed by all. Henry leave."
Thursday for the Polytechnic school
where he has registered and enlisted
for a war course.
Two stars have been added to the
service flag for Sam Vickers and
Herman Crowley, Ed, Grindeland re
questing there be no star added to the
flar? for him at the present time.
Mrs. Bishop, of Seattle, is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Landsrork.
Mrs. South, of Wlllamina, Is visiting
Mrs. Porter.
Miss Lcona Parmenter and Cora
Ausve are visiting their brother and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Parmen
ter at Buxton.
Mrs. Evans was v called to Molalla
last week by the Illness and death of
her sister's husband.
Mrs. Emery was a Woodburn visitor
last week.
CANBY, Aug. 15, Mr. and Mrs.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local application!, as they cannot reach
the dlaeaaed portion ot the ear. There la
only one way to cure catarrhal teafneaa,
and that la by a constitutional remedy.
Catarrhal Deafneaf la cauaed by an In
flamed condition of the mucoui lining of
the Euatnchlan Tube. When this tube la
Inflamed you have a rumbling lound or Im
perfect hearing, and when It It entirely
cloaed, Deafneea Is the reault. Unleaa the
Inflammation can be reduced and this tube
reatored to Ita normal condition, hearing
will be destroyed forever. Many caaea !
deafnm are cauaed by catarrh, which In
an Inflamed condition of the mucous sur.
facer Hall'e Catarrh Mediolne acta thru
the blood on the mucous surface! of tt
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any caae of Catarrhal Deafneea that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Cir
culars free. All Drugglata, 16c.
F, J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O.
daughter and Mrs. T. A. Phillips have
gone to Newport for a vacation.
Mr. Edward Haston, of Portland,
was a guest of hla parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Huston, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Sannes, of
Portland, spent Sunday with relatives
In Canby.
- Miss Henrietta Beck, of Portland,
was a week-end guest of her sister
Mrs. J. Lee Eckerson.
Clifford .Will, of Camp Lewis, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H
Otto Kreuger and Walter Krengor,
of Vancouver Barracks, spent Sunday
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs
Emll Kreuper.
L. A. Brandcs, of Portland, spent
Sunday at his farm near Canby.
of his a.int, Mrs. E. Konyolds.
Mr. and Mrs. Shnfor and sister and
liaby of Shoshone, Idaho huv rented
the C. I). Smith place for th balance
of the summer.
A pet dog belonglnK to Mra. OkI'S
vie was run over by the Intcrurbun
car Thursday and killed.
Mrs. J. S. Smith of Hubfr Station,
and form.-rly of Oak Grove, motored
here Suturduy, and on the roturu
home was accompanied by Mrs.
Helms Gillespie and children. Jack
Joan Ellen, who will spend a week at
the Smith home.
.Itobfrt MacKerrow, Elmer and
Charlie WorthlnKton returned home
from tho spruce camp Sat irday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holbrook
((Rachel Worthington) have moved
from Prlndle Wash., to Portland.
Mrs. Ernest Naef und children spent
a week at Wilholt springs returned
home lust Saturday.
Mrs. E. ItenyoldH met with a pain
ful accident last week while remov
ing a pan of hot water from the gas
stove. I lor apron caught and threw
the water over her body and burnt
her seriously before tne flowing
co.ild be removed, causing mm h pain
and Bufferlnn.
Mrs. E. C. Blanchiird and three sons
are sojourning at Long Bench, WbbI..
during the month ot August.
Mr. and Mrs. Perkins, who have
been living ln the Jesen house on
Cedar Avenue left the last of the week
Tor Seattle, Wash.
Rev. Sherwood of Salem, will
preach Sunday morning at 11:15 o'
clock. Epworth Lenguo Sunday even
ing at 8 o'clock.
School will open September 3d with
a full corps of teachers as follows:
Prof. Baldwin, Mrs, Mary Guthrie,
Miss Volma Colt, Miss Grace Colt and
Miss Schafner.
Arthur Schufler spent Sunday at
homo with his parents from Vancou
ver Barracks.
Mrs, Jack Sweeny and two sons, ot
Clackamas formerly of Oak Grove,
passed through here on their wny to
Portland to visit her brother.
Oak Grove
Kaisers M u g Posted
In Rogues Gallery
Objections Are M a 1 e
A rogues' gallery has been estab
lished In tho office of Sheriff Wilson
In tho court hoiine. Th lutest addi
tion Is tho likeness of the kaiser, as
well as llliidenbiirg. The illustrullons
lire the art work of Gilbert L, Hedges,
and have attracted much attention.
Tho kaiser is shown with a clenched
fist In the uutlonal colors Is "biffing"
him in the nose, und blood Is stream
ing from the ruler's nose, Ths Is In
colored crayon work, and looks some
whut natural. Stars-of tliu darkest
blue are shooting from the tyrunt's
eyes, and his helmet Is somuwhitt out
of place. The likeness ot HlndonburK
shows a largo, ruddy nose. Surround
ing these Illustrations lire the photos
of BDino of the escaped convicts und
men, who are being sought for by the
police. IL 10. Frost says be protests ut
having tliOHO convicts pictures placed
alongside the two Huns, Jasy snys
the convicts, including Bennett, are
gentlemen to those centering the
board. Others visiting In the offlco bo
lleve tho same ns Officer Frost.
OAK GROVE, Aug. 15. Mr. and
Mrs. McGovern are at home again,
after spending the winter months ln
Portland. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts have pur
chased the Davis property on the
river road from Mrs. George Dedrlck,
and will occupy the same after re
modeling. Mr. and Mrs. Riley were dinner
guests at the home of their grandson
John Oiler, ln Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnson
have rented the Blackerby house ln
the wood, and will move ln Wednes
' Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Thompson and
daughter. Jean; have gone to the
coast for a week.
Kenneth Apllngton, of the Quarter
Application has boon filed by tho
Portland Railway, Light & Power
company with the state public service
commlsslon.for an advance in light and
was filed yesterday with the city
auditor, for an advance ln light and
power rates in the Portland and Wil
lamette divisions of the company, over
the rates fixed by the commission In
May, 1917, which are now in effect.
N specific rise is mentioned, that be
ing a matter for the commission's de
cision. It Is set forth in the petition that
the Increased cost ot material and
supplies and the increase in wages
during the past year have been so
great that the present revenues of the
company from the sale of electricity
for light and power are not renumer
atlve, adequate or sufficient.
The rates now in existence were
based on conditions prevailing dur
ing the one and one-half years end-
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1.1. SpocliU
taxes of $10 a ycur on occupation or
profession, except war Industry
trades, furmers teachers and minis
ters of the gospel, ivere wrltton Into
the $8,000,000,000 war revenue bill to
day by the house ways und moans
committee. A similar tax was placed
upon any business with receipts of
$2000 ayoar or moro, with a levy of
$25 a year on wholosule houses with
recelts of $200,000or more.
Masters Department in San Francisco,
Cal., spent the weekend at, the home ing December 31, 1916
Hampshire Downs
Oxford Downs and
Also good Coltswold Rams.