Pace 2 OREGON CITY ENTEUPRISK, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1918, Newsy Briefs From Meadowbrook MEADOWBROOK, Aug. 8. Merle and Pearl linker of The Dalles spent a few days at A,. I" larkins. Ruth Chlndgren is spending her vacation clerking for Mr. Nelson of Colton. George Hopstetter , Jr., who was sent to Camp Lewis a few days ago was sent back home again. Mr. Welgle is improving the looks of his house with a coat of paint. A farewell party was Riven Glenn 1-arklns who leaves the 14th for Spo kane at his home Friday evening. The evening was spent playing games. Those presentt were: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horner and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Horner and son. Herman, Ruth Chindgren, Mrs. Hen Larson, lxinis, Ella and Albert Larson, Aman da Olsen, of Marquani, Oraf, Edith and Ann Parker, of Oregon City. Alice Holman, of Portland, has been spending a tew days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holman. The Horner Bros., have their mill running now and expect to have a car load of ties out this week. Hazelia HAZEHA, Ore. Aug. 8. A few friends gathered at the J. P. Cook home Friday evening for a farewell visit with Will, who left Saturday for Eugene, Oregon, where he is to take military training. Mr. and Mrs. J .H. Eastman and sons, Robert and Carton,, and Misses Marion Eastman and Blanche Duncan motored to Tualatin, Sunday, where they enjoyed a picnic dinner in the woods. The Haxelia Sewing Circle held a special all-day meeting with Mrs. C. C. Borland, last week. There was a .large attendance and the ladies fin ished a woolen quilt which will be sold in the near future for the benefit of the Hazelia soldiers. Mrs. Borland proved herself an ideal hostess by furnishing a fine chicken dinner. Miss Evangeline Christianson spent the week-end with relatives in Port land. Mrs. Alice Goddard, from Centralla, Wash., visited several days last week with Mrs. Henry Duncan who was her former teacher in the East and whom she had not seen for many years. Mrs. Lynette Chllds has been ilL Mr. and Mrs. Milton Shipley, of Oswego, and Miss Loren'a Dale and Gorge Dale, from Scotts Mills spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chllds. Eagle Creek EAGLE CREEK, Aug. 8. Mrs. Jim DeShazer was a guest.of her mother, Mrs. Viola Douglass, the past week. Mrs. Geo. White, of Portland, was recently the guest of her daughter, Mrs. T. M. Clester. C. H. Paddison, son, Fred, and Perry Murphey, who went to Eastern Oregon to work during harvest, re turned hme last Sunday having failed to find work. E. E." Elliott, of Portland, was out this way last Friday and on his re turn home was accompanied by Mrs. Reed and Mrs. H. S. Jones, the guests of Mrs. Viola Douglass. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle spent Sunday afternon at Fern Camp. Mrs. Woodle met an old friend, one whom she hadn't seen for 42 years. Garus CARUS Aug. 8 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Casto, of Clackamas, spent last Sun day at their home at this place. Miss Beth Brown returned to Port land with her cousin, Marjorle Brown, who had been making her a short visit. John Calverley, Jr., of Lower Bridge Oregon, has been visiting his folks Call., where he is to go into training. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilbanks, of Vancouver, Wash., visited at the Mc Carthy home last week. Threshing is well under way In this vicinity, every one is anxious to have their grain threshed before another rain. At the last meeting of the local American Loyalty League, C. Shue bel, C. E. Spence, master of State Grange, and R. W. Scott, county agri cultural agent were present asspeak ers. Music was furnished by Miss Arm strong, of Oregon City, and a short program was furnished by people of the community. Mr. Jamison has been in the hospital in Portland for some time suffering from a bad case of hlood-polalonlng. At last reports he was no better. Clarkes CLARKE8, August 8. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Josl, Jr., were to the campmeet lng at Jennings Lodge last Sunday. Mr. Wm. and George Clarke are stacking their grain. Walter Lee, from Oregon City, vis ited some of his friends last Sunday. W. H. Wettlaufer and family were to the camp meeting at Jennings Lodge last Sunday, David Moehnke and family were to Portland last Saturday. B. Sullivan was to Oregon City last week. Mrs. W. Cogar and children came home from Gervals, Oregon, last week. Miss Eva Lee, from Oregon City, visited some friends in Clarkes last Sunday afternoon. Arthur Hornschuh and family were to Oregon City last Saturday. Carl Stromgreen was to Oregon City last week. Mrs. Edna Runyon went to Kentucky tn rttifr wtth htr hnshsnrl. who mi All Over the -r - -- -tmm i. irr iniiin i n - alW.s1ujiTWtW'-sllWeP'asMs listed, while he has a furlough now. Apss Florence Stromgreeu is at tending summer school at Oregon City for three weeks. John liuol and Mr. Elmer Klein smith were called to the colors and went to rsmp Lewis July 24. Elk Prairie - ELK PRAIRIE. August 8.-U is 1 ported that between one and two hun-i dred ewes and lambs were poisoned ! recently on the range above this place. Mr. Geer was ranging the sheep at ' that point but has since moved them to Coal Creek bottoms. The sheep had passed over the same point but a ' tavtr rinva HafYtrA u-lthnnf tmfnir tt. ! fected. The frothing at the mouth I was said to be indications of poison. Charlie Swope has now returned to help Mr. Geer with the sheep. Twilight TWILIGHT, August 8. The farmers here are getting ready for the thresh ers. Mrs. Swlck has been sick with the measles. Mr. H. I Scheer purchased a "1918" Chevrolet Miss Maggie Scheer, daughter of H. F. Scheer, formerly of this city, died j at her home In Wyoming. July 13th. brie was 19 years, 9 months, 26 days of age. She is survived by her father, one brother. Clarence, two sisters, j Agnes and Mrs. Tillle Swick. and many j relatives and friends. j Mrs. Nash has been on the sick list Elvin Myers is visiting with his j aunt Mrs. Swlck. - Mrs. L. E. Bcntley is sick in the , Oregon City hospital. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Scheer entertain- j ed at their home Mr. and Mrs. Seip, j their old neighbors from Nebraska, j They made" the trip here in their; "Davis" car. ! Albert Schunk, one of the boys from i i this vicinity, that went to Camp ' Lewis, but was rejected has been sent to the Spruce camp. j Mrs. Ruth Cox, of Estacada .spent! a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Nash. , Echo Dell ECHO DELL, Aug. 8. Nearly every j one Is preparing for harvest and the grain is nearly all stacked. Some , early potatoes are being harvested. Despite the dry weather, crops look ! very welL J The Loyalty League meeting of i Sunday was postponed until the first j Sunday in September. The ladies of the district are busy, j working on the Red Cross quilt to he ! raffled off befre long. They met to! work on it August 7. : Miss Laura Brenner is attending i summer school in Oregon City. ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Freeman j and daughters, Blanche. Dorothy, and Mildred, of Colton, visited with Ward j Clark and family Sunday. Mrs. Free-1 man and Mrs. Clark are sisters. While visiting they were also trying out their1 new flivver. j Oscar and Clarence Ahlberg went i to Oregon City Monday. I Oswego I OSWEGO, Aug. 8 Mrs. Albert Walling, of Rockaway, has been visit-! ing her daughter,! Mrs. Leonard Hal linan, who has been ill the last week. Pete Eramott has gone to the log ging camp to work near Astoria. , The Ladies Aid met at the home of ' Mrs. Al Brant Thursday. The after-1 noon was spent in sewing and light j lunch was served by the hostess. j Mrs. A. Waldorf and son, Glen, i Mrs. Yales, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Clin kenbeard motored on the highway Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Waldorf, of Mulino, were visitors at the Waldorf home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Emmott have been visiting Mr. Emmott's sister at Estacada. ' Miss Edna Elston, the telephone operator. Is having her vacation at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Vernic, of Oregon City, were Oswego visitors Saturday evening. Mrs. P. H. Jarisch has been poorly the last week with rheumatism. i Mrs. McCune, who lives in the Davis house is recovering from an attack of ! rheumatism. ! Mr. and Mrs. A. J..Monk and son,' William, and daughter and her hus-j band, Mr. and Mrs. Roley, were visl-' ors at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bullock's j Sunday. Miss Juanlta Bullock, of Salem, has j been visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. I and Mrs. Geo. Bullock, the past week j Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Janisch were ! Hazelta visitors Sunday. Miss Eunice Jones, formerly of Oswego, Is seriously ill at her home in Gladstone. Sport, the Boy Scout Master, took a number of the lads to Larch mount ain Saturday. The boys all had a fine time. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure catarrhal teafneae, and that la by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness la caused by an In flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustnchian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Im perfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed. Deafness is the result. Unless tho Inflammation can be reduced and this tubn restored to Its normal condition, hearlnii will be destroyed forever. Many cases of' deafness are caused by catarrh, which lo an Inflamed condition of the mucous ur faces. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of tho system. We will give On Hundred Dollars fur any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Cir culars free. All Druggists. 7(0. ,. ..... F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O. Countm nMMfc jjj mate iHHiif hmWi '" n 4mvX 4?VW:iii Blrtie Dyre Is Improving after a long sick spell. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eccles, of Cnnby, were visiting Mrs. Eccles' brother Geo. Bullock, this week. Mr. A. J. Monk and son. William, have returned from a fishing trip at the coast They report having a fine time. Mr. Henry Gaus and Miss Mildred Noighbush were married last week. Mr. Gaus has been home the past few xcfH ma navy. Miss Nola Prevo, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Dnn Prevo, has been very 111 with an abcess of the throat. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Blckner are en Joying their vacation at the coast Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Florence, of Portland, were visiting their aunt M the past week Oak Grove OAK GROVE. Au. S. Mrs. George Brownell of Concord was a Portland visitor Monday afternoon. Mrs. Walter Hoi brook and sister, Ruth Worthtngton. left Monday even ing for Prindle, Wash. Frank Ott. of Sunnyyside, with his threshing crew is" at Mr. Hubers, and will go to Henry Thesslns next and to all the farms in this community b- fore returning home, pan DeFord has returned home from Mnre island, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. George Derry and family and Rev. Sherwood were din- CHAPPION IMPROVED MOWER CANT FALL DOWN Stands Upon the Foundation M - of . -r Correct Construction. The Champion been making money f . f '-l for users c , 'i ft sh for years ., ' Driving Seethe X ft Internal g ei whicK give m-ny teeth m t .. mrak. prevents wear. Champion. the I Champion f Agency it YOKE Are Extra Extra Large They are led in fastened in r J lust iff It, l!. I' theyoj insuring the alignment knife and , -TTs KAMCHIS I BY BUYING A LASTING M'- rAt tt MOWER fSfcf?' THAT COUPON j Si,, will bring you prices and j. mfc,'' SEE W. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY, OREGON ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ott Naef Sunday. The committee of the 'Concord school, in the eugenic contest weighed and measured 35 children last Friday. Regular services at the Community church Sunday, Aug. 11th by Rev. ! Sherwood of the University at Salem. 0 ,,, ; o yj LtiAn, G. W. Guthrie is in New York awaiting with a large number of Y. M. C. A. workers for their transports for France. Mrs. Anna Ahault and son, William Riggins, left for Cannon beach Mon day morning. Mrs. Chatters and children of Courtney have gone to Seaside for two weeks. R. C. Baldwin of Washington has been elected principal of our school ani w'th his family will locate here in time for the fall term, which will commence September 3d. John Waldron, Sr., will climb Mount Hood with the Mazamas Saturday, re turning home Sunday. The regular meeting of the Parents and Teachers will be held Friday at the school r.ssembly room at 3 P. M. all ladies are invited. A report on the eugenic contest will be given. Sev- POLK'S GAZETTEER A Baslaess ptreetorr tf eaK City. Tow. and Village U Oregoa and WasbUiiloa, suing a DesciiBlivt, gk.t4-h i etrh ptafe. location. Shipping FaclUtlwt Mi ClassU flM IllMWnW al -u.l. Iln.lnu. . ? . ' - wa, . wwi a. wKai ad 1'rofcssloiu . oeattm. Wash. 1W enty-one children weighed and meas ured by the committee In this district for the eugenic contest. Little Kenneth son of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Matton underwent a minor oper ation Monday at Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. John Oiler and little daughter of Portland were guests of their grand parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Riley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Rohlnotte moved Into their house on Third Ave. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Plcksley and family moved Into the Felix proHrty that they reoentley purchased, Thursday, Mrs. Richard Webb entertained at dinner for Jean Moore Thompson lust Friday. Those present wore Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Thompson. Mr, and Mrs, Moor, Mr. and Mrs. Webb and two children. Mrs, Richard Webb is expecting her mother from the east in a few days to spend the winter here . Mrs. Walter Holbrook of Prmdle, Wash., Is visiting at the home of her father. T. R. Worthtngton. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Tlmtns are the proud parents of a 9 pound son. born August 5th. Fred Harris moved the household effetcts of the Misses Williams to Portland Monday. C. D. Smith Is home from Camp Lewis for a few days. Nellie Hubbard will leave Friday with Mrs. Griffin and family of Ore gon City for a weeks outing near Mount Hood. Mrs. George Itlgham and two child ren. Georgia and Helen, will leave Friday for Wheeler to visit her hus band also her daughter Mrs. D. 0. Worthlngton. Mr. and Mrs. Clapool, of Portland. hav purchased the property of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Evans and will take potssession Aug. 12th. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Evans will move to apartments on ISth street Port land next week. Jf 1. i'l.V U.S' 1 "J this nxusTiurtpN ) it Jstmc wfeh inr ukM m ii 4-Ut Umsim Imh but k4 wWk m U44 9mmm ca-MctMM mmI mmU Umi by MM f mk4 mpn Mechanisrr ;j Showing th Extra Wide if ''and It ouumiaiiiutu Yoke. Long bearings ach end oi bevel gear Jt uuunng 41 Bar an. Imiletin'l steady m.on of M grl out of lux ow. bwl gear dnving M ,g , ,1,. ), the crank snail ..,! ,r,n.,Kcih,. PINS "X'J The strong Lorut. 'A: '1 fOne- and v( Champion f Piece I, (Frame Case Hardened. i s iVlOWCr ,, , 'i Has Extra Long fully braced id will last securely ' theyoke I'W, Case Hardened perfect of bar, pitman. V, o .w- "i f natural Champion PORTLAND ORE. FOR CHAMPION MOWERS BINDERS RAKES HEADERS TEDDERS REAPERS Canby CANBV, Aug.8. Mrs. Rita Knight has returned home after spending a few weeks with relatives in Roseburg. Mrs. G. W. White made a business trip to Aurora this week. Mrs. 15. E. Shull, of Portland, was a week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. Soper. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham motored to Oregon City and Portland Monday. M. J. Lee made a business trip to Oregon City Monday. Miss Maud Baty was ah Oregon City visitor Monday. Rev C. D. Carlos was a Portland vis itor Monday. Mr. Hov was a Portland visitor Monday. Mrs. George Meeks was a Portland visitor Saturday. P. E. Dodge of Portland spent Sun day in Canby. O. R. Mack and son, Earl, were Portland visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lucke and son, Richard spent Sunday with relatives in Portland. Mlsg Nellie Hampton is spending (he week with her brother Dr. Claude Hampton of Portland. Mrs. John Graham, of Bay Point, Calif., Is a guest of her sister Mrs. 0. R. Mack. Mrs. Joseph Baty and daughter, Miss Eva Baty are visiting relatives in California. . Mr. W. H. Balr was an Oregon City visitor Monday. Mrs. Carl Smith made a business trip to Portland Tuesday. E. G. Robinson and son, Edwin, were Portland visitors Monday. Harvey K. Toble was a Portland visitor Saturday. Mrs. Chester Jesse of Orlbble Parlrie was a Canby visitor Wednes day. Mrs. Chester Smith, of Macksburg, was a Canby shopper Tuesday. Mrs. W, ( Kendall was an Orewiii City visitor Monday. Mrs. J. Lre Kckorson and children l.avern and Blake, spent the week end with relatives In Portland. Mrs. Bertha Hurst whs an Oregon City visitor this week. ' C. V. Pronty, of Portland, spent the week-end In Canby. Barlow BARLOW. August 8,-Mrs. Merth sen was called to Portland Wednesday on account of tho death of her sister, who has been 111 several months. Miss Alonu Tretimyn la spending several weeks with relatives at Beaver Creek her former home. R. O. Vetlto and family left last w'k for Eastern Oregon where they will make their home, Miss Irene Wurfel left Monday for a trip with Mr. Unions' family of Port land going over the same route which Mr. and Mrs. Wurfel traveled on an outing trip to Taeoms, Camp Lewis and Seattle. They will make the trip In Mr. Wurfel's car. Mrs. Kirk. Mrs. Wurfel's mother and Miss Curtis of McMinnvllle accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Burgoyne, of New Era, Fred Burgoyne, of Idaho and Os car Burgoyne and wife, of Roseburg, spent tho day at the Jesse home Wed nesday. Mrs. Grlbble. of Macksburg, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse, one day last week. , Samp Vtckers left recently for Csmp Lewis and Ed Grlndolnnd left Tues day for a camp In California, where No Greater Value is ''''J iw4 ui lug U'f t , This is for your C r protection The $ Champion Couldn't be 4 built better ' a lifetime Construction. f, GENTLEMEN: -f Send me prices and ' II' , cntalotr of vour CHAMPION MOWER. fr. NSIWS -V r'a .rm'tL-" Jan': xmJSt they have gone to prepare to fight for Freedom. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin and daughter, went to Vancouver, Sunday to visit Norman Crowley and view the bur racks. Mrs. Hattle Crowley is visiting at the Will Bauer home at Molalla this week. Mr. and Mrs. Larson left Tuesday for their new home at Vader, Wash ington. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Larson, but wish them happiness In their new home. Mrs. Fred Grindeland of Oregon City, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Larsen several days before they left. Alvln Dietz left Monday for a train ing camp. Oley Sletager Is also on his way to a training camp in Califor nia. A Loyalty league meeting was held Tuesday evening with Wm. M. Stone of Oregon City present who gave us an interesting and Instructive talk on the war, going into details so simple that a child could understand the cruelty, barbarism and atrocities of the Hun, Mrs. Stone accompanied her husband. Jennings Lodge JENNINGS LODGE, Aug. 8. The Loyalty League will hold Us regular meeting August 12th. Mrs. Cushing enjoyed a pleasant automobile ride along the banks of the Clackamas Monday evening with her friends, Mr, and Mrs. Livingstone. Mrs. Crawford has gone to Seaside to spend a week. Mr. Beckner has returned from a month's trip to California. ; 'I 'Every Tart well built vw. . . and y , ... N . f Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Meyers and baby SANDY DEPARTMENT Mrs. Blanche R. Shelley ReprsitnUtlvs. SANDY BOY MEETS WITH PAIN FUL ACCIDENT. While pluylng with his comrndos Titt'Hiliiy evtnilug, Llutils Kdwtirtls, only sou of A. II. KilwiinU, of this placo, foil from a pt-itr tri'o uml tils ItK'tited his ilntit wrist and luctratttd his mouth. The limb upon which ho wits standing broke, piviipiitlng him to the itrtmnd. Dr. wllllitius whh cnllod mid ttttondod to his tnjurlos. At last nt'couttts he was doing rlcoly, but It will be some time until LpiiiiI tukes nn nctlve part In sports. SANDYITES FROLIC IN THE SAND A mituhor of our peoplo are taking ndvnntngo of the bountiful wonthor itnd mnkttig short trips to the inouii tain rosorts nenr by or the btwht'. The J. Stairs family anil Mrs. Kdna Ksson and tiilldren were ninong thost) who spent lust Sunday at Columbia beach. MORE SANDY BOYS ANSWER THE CALL TO COLORS. Ever has the henrt of youth re spndtHl to tho call of country, and never has It bmn more forcibly pre- entnd than during- the past few months. Nearly every week soos more of our young mmi lonvlng us. John Allon, eldtist son of Mr. and Mrs. Win Allen loft Monday for Bremerton where ho will entor the navy. Ix Si-htuits slso loft Monday for a Call tomtit training camp. LOYALTY LEAGUE MEETS. The Sandy branch of the American Loyalty IaRun mot In tho I. O. 0. F, hall last Krlday evening. F. W. Can ning was uloctod chairman to succeed M. A. Denton, who has removed to Portland. Blanche R. Shulloy was elected secretary to suocihmI John Rovonuo, reslgnnd. It was voted to moot the first Krlday of oach inuutli lustoad of the first and third. Ruth Ksson rurltod a cute little piece, and Judge Staplototi made a tutmt Inspir ing patriotic addross. Much credit is due the entertainment committee for Its efforts. 8ANDY LOCALS. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Allen and son, of Portland, spout Saturday and Hun day with C. L. 1 Ionium and family, nt Zig ag Uangor station. Mr. Allen In the forest service district telophono engineer. Mrs. Naomi Faublon of La Cssn Monttt Inn is the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. Brown, at Friend, Oregon, Mrs. Brown and children will return with Miss Faublon for a vlalt with the homo folks. Mrs. It. S. Smith and daughter, have gone to the const for a two weeks vacutlon. Mrs. Itoo ami daughter, Kutlirlnu are vitdtors at the J. Roberts home. Mrs. ICIIa Mtilurgun has returned hoiiitf from Olympiu, Wash., where she has ht'tm valuing ninth t and friends. Mr. mill Mrs. C. Redmond formerly of this place are camping at Odur Island on their vacation. Mr. und Mrs. (. Martin of Portland, spent Sunday vlslttlng Mr, Martin of this plucn. The Indies or this coininunltty sur prised Mrs. IIiikIi Roberts with n showiT hint week. The Parent-Teachers association will hold their regular meettlng at lllvervlew park Friday from 2lo-5 P. M. A speaker from Portland has been secured. A reception for the teachers of the coming school year Is planned. Ice Cream will bo Bold, Howard Truscottt who Is In training at Camp Lewis was homo on a visit Sunday. Ho hud tho misfortune of be ing In a train wreck from which he re ceived several painful bruises. Mr. and. Mrs. Scott of Sollwood drove out in their auto Tuesday even Inr; and viHlted their friends Mr. and Mrs. Marltln of this place. Mias Margaret Tucker Is spending the month at Seaside. Mr, and Mrs. Nixon and mother nnd Mrs. Ilosonberry and daughter were Iodgo visitors Sunday. Llttld George and Claytoin Card have boon confined to their beds sev eral days with the measles. Mr. Jackson who several years ago resided in this vicinity hut now living iiiK Portland was a visitor at the Lodge UiHt veok. Mr. and Mrs. Ludkey of Portland were Wednesday visitors hero. They own land on the East side, which they are improving. The Evangelical campmeeting at Rivervlew t'ark dosed August 8. The Christian Endeavor will meet at the Camp grounds vacated by those attending the Evangicat meetings. "Talcing Chances" may answer in buying shoes, but is not wise in eye care. "The Eye My Specialty" ..!U.;fr r' . CTffijssi r "'ill Itobortn, and mother, Mrs, Cross, art) Ktiosts of Mr. and Mi's, 0. I lleiisen, at Zlg Zag. It, F. Ulllort was a Portland visitor Tuosday, Mrs, Carl All and Hinull son are KUOHts nt 1 ho hiimti of tier slslor, Mrs. James Dixon In Sandy, Joo Wiiooxon was a Portland visitor Tuesday and Wednesday, Hugh I''hhiiii. wife anil small daugh ter, Mary F.IUahoth, woro gutwts at tho Khmoii homo Sunday. Mrs. C, I). Purcoll was tho guest of her fattier, Mr, I lull, and hor (tinier, Mrs, Jauios Hhoomakor, last Week, Tht Misses K:ilo and Mary Junker worn guoMts at tho Wirts home In Portland last week, A loiter from Win, Martin, who Is with the aviation corps In Kngland complains of no mall, Alex Cray writes from Camp Ker noy that ho was leaving for No York and ox poet h noon to go across. A card from Pan Allen, of the Hull Hun store announces his safe arrival on tho other side. Dan is with the electrical engineers, Tuesday's papers carried the marri age llceiiHe aniiount'omout of Miss May Ktlngor and Frod Gibbons, both popular young pooplo of Hull Run. Mrs. Junkers and tho MIhno Junker motored to (lrenliam Tuesday. Mario McCormack. of Portland, Is a guest nt the Mnttlngly homo. Another one of those committee dances August 17th. Miss Margaret Klein returned to Sandy Sunday after a brief stay In Washington. Miss Klein has accepted a position at AsfhoiTa mountain ' home. j Tho Misses Gertrude and Frances Molnlg motored to (own last Thurs jday. Miss Gertrude enlisted in Reed i college. MIhh Frances will entor 1 Ilonkho Wolkor Business ctdlege later 'on. I Mr. and Mrs. 11. II. Mills wore Port . land visitors Monday. The friends of Mrs. Pave Douglass 'are grieved to hear that hor condition i Is such It was necessary to take her to the Good Samaritan hospital last week. J. Scales has In his possession a valuable article found on the street In Siimly. Tho owner may have by calling and proving property. j Sandy Robokah lodge hold a special mooting last Friday evening. Kenneth Scales returned homo Hun day after a visit with relatives In fit. Johns. Mr. W. A. Proctor and family of Cottroll passed through Sandy Tues- I day on tholr wny to government camp ! nfter huckleberries. Frod Proctor spent Sunday with his wife and daughter at Seaside. Macksburg MACKSIIURO. Aug. 8. The thresh er is In full operation with the usual iiuottt of men. Tho grain, so fur, Is turning out bettor than was expected, giving reason to think that before Its llnlHh, the harvest of 191H will com pare well with those of other yeurs. The Mothers' club had a very pleas ant meeting lust Thursday at the home of It's - president, Mrs. John Helper. Mrs. Potrutz. Jr., and Mrs. Henry Welch, with their children, were visitors at the club. Tho next meeting will be an all day sexHlon at the home of Mrs. G. M. Buldwln, on Thursday, AugiiHt IS. Tho l.ltllo GlrlH' Sewing tlriio will meet on Saturday afternoon, August 10 th, at Mrs. Baldwin's home. Tho Rod Cross auxiliary held Its usual meeting Wednesday, July 31. At thin meeting a letter from the (iiuiriiian of the Council of Defense committee, was read, giving tho infor mation thatlho government had called for 25000 men and girls to volunteer as nurses, In order to roloase the pros out force of trained nurses for trans Atlantic service. Tho Council of De fense and the Red Cross are cooperat ing In this work. Oregon's tpiota Is 310. and It Is believed that when the matter is fully understood that num ber will bo easily mined, for It gives an opportunity to acquire the training necessary to procure a nurses diploma, nevor before offered. As is well known, many who have wished to become trained nurses have found tho exponse of fitting for tho service too groat for tholr means ,and for this reason have been obliged to give up a much wltihod for career. The U. S. government now remove this obstacle, by offoring to applicants, who meet the require ments, the essentials of board, uni forms and money to procure the nec essary books. A high school or bettor still a university diploma would bo an advantage, hut one Is not imperative, where all other requirements are met. These aro good health, character and sound common sense, The renulred age Is from 1!) to 3G. All who wish to Inquire into the matter: address Mrs. W. W. Irwin, Chairman of the Council of Dofonse, Aurora, Oregon. There was never a busier commun ity of women that the wives and daughtors of the ranchers at the pres ent time. Added to the tasks of fruit preserving and of catering to hungry threshers, besides getting tho chil dren's lcothes ready for the approach ing school term, is the Red Cross work. This takes at least a day a week for those who engage in It. Gresham Four acres yield over $5, 000 in seed crop, WANTED! CASCARA BARK We will pay you cash for your Cascara Bark, large or small quantities. See us before selling. Huntley Drug Co.