Paw 8 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 2. 1918. FISHERMEN TO FIGHT , CLOSING OF RIVER BILL SALEM, Or., July 30. (Special to the Enterprise) Excoriating the Rod and Gun Club aa an organization that cures for "nothing but their own pleasure," and declaring that passage of the act closing the Willamette to commercial fishing south of Oswego will throw 200 men out of employ ment at Oregon City and keep $45, 000 out of circulation each year, the Clackamas County Fisherman's Union, make a strong plea against passage of the act tn the negative argument fil ed for the voters' pamphlet for the -pneral election. The argument Is submitted by Charles H. Gates, presl dent and Andrew J. Naterlin, secre tary of the union. Senate Bill No. 96 being Chapter 223 of the Iaws of Oregon for 1917. proposes to close that part of the Will amette River In Clackamas County from the Suspension Bridge at Ore gon City to a point approximately four and one-half miles below the bridge to commercial fishing for salmon. The river ts already closed above the bridge. By this act all of the river where salmon can be caught will be closed, says the argument "In ordinary years about 200 tons of salmon are taken In this part of the stream and the passage of the bill means that two hundred men will be deprived of their spring employment and $45,000 kept out of circulation each year, and the fish will die and add to the waste which all are trying to avoid, except the Rod and Gun Club, who are responsible for this Act, and who care for nothing but their own pleasure. So many of the fish die below the falls that persons have to be hired to remove them be fore the hot weather comes to protect the health of the community. "During July, 1918, at least seventy- five tons of salmon perished below the falls by reason of the river being closed between the suspension brldse and the falls, and this, in these war times, is an absolute crime. To add to this crime the destruction of an additional 200 tons should not be tol erated by the people of the state. "The City of Portland has now equipped and sends out for deep sea fishing ashlp for the purpose of getting fish to sell at a reasonable price to Its people, and yet. its sportsmen are attempting by this Act to cut off a sup ply from Portland's very door equal - to more than can be caught by this boat in a whole season's fishing. "All the salmon canght in the Col ambla river are controlled by the Salmon Trust and the Willamette River Is the only Stream open to in dependent fishermen. With this Bill in force those who wish to eat salmon can whistle for them or buy them of the Trust 'The hatcheries on the upper Will amette river have always had more salmon than they could spawn, and this measure has not come from any demand by the authorities in charge Of salmon propagation. The natural spawn of the fish not taken care of pr the hatcheries cannot return to the ocean because of the dam at the falls which forces them through the watef wheels and are killed. The fish have been Increasing year by year which demonstrates that this meas ure is not needed for their protection. This Bill was Introduced by Sena tor Gill of Multnomah county, who especially looked after the interests of the Rod and Gun Club, and was passed at their behest. In addition to closing the river this Act provides that no fish caught by hook and line may be sold and thus makes of the Willamette river a playground only and necessarily limits the fishing to those who can afford to fish for pleas ure. "The passage of this Bill demon strates the hold the Rod and Gun Club has on the Legislature. A number of measures in regard to fish and game were before the Legislature, but none could pass or be amended except with the approval of the Club, and if mat ters continue to move along this line ts in the past, an ordinary person will not be permitted to carry a gun or -jse a fish pole without asking leave of these monarchs. 'This is an opportunity to voice a protest against the Rod and Gun Club controlling legislation." SALEM, Or-, uly 29. Earl Withy combe, son of Governor Withycombe, arrived in Salem last night from Washington, where for nearly six months he has been ill In a govern ment hospital. He suffered an attack of measles while in camp with a regi men of engineers in Virginia, and after going to the hospital pleurisy and then pneumonia developed. Sev eral surgical operations were neces sary to save his life. As soon as he has recuperated sufficiently, he ex pects to go to France. He was ac companied home by his sister, Miss Mabel Withycombe, who hag been with him for the past five months. GUSTAV KOBBE KILLED BABYLON, N. Y July 27. Gustav Kobbe, widely known author and a critic of music and the drama, was killed today when a naval seaplane, swooping down to the surface of the Great South Bay. struck a small boat In' which Mr. Kobbe was sitting, SISTERS MAY GO WASHINGTON, July 30. ? 4 Lack of women war workers at $ the front has led the War De- 4 5 partment to make a new ruling S . permitting Bisters of soldiers to serve tis workers In France under $ certain conditions. GOVERNOR'S SON RETURNS HOME TO RECOVER HEALTH ROLLOFIIONOR Killed In Action SERGEANT FRANK R, MADDOX. Marlboro. Mass. SERGEANT CLARENCE N. TUR NER, Van Buren, Ark. CORPORAL MAURICE BLAKE. Woodstock, 111. CORPORAL JAMES JOSEPH COCHRAN, Philedalphia. CORPORAL JOHN R. FINCH, Brad shaw, Neb. CORPORAL AIME GAGNE, Inver ness, Canada. CORPORAL CHARLIE M MULLEN. Spencer, W. Va. CORPORAL CHESTER MELTON, CORPORAL JAMES W. SHERMAN, Ravenna. Mich. CORPORAL HENRY P. SMITH, Rome, N. Y. COOK ELMER A. RUSSELL, Broughton, 111. BUGLER ORA L. SNYDER. Mtsha waka, Ind. PRIVATE FERDINAND BRAN- STETTER. Howells. Neb. PRIVATE STEPHEN A. BUDZAK, Westfield. Mass. PRIVATE LUCIUS A. CUNNING HAM. Syracuse, N. Y. PRIVATE CLINTON G. DAVID, Allentown. Pa. PRIVATE LESTER B. DAYTON, Atlantic City, N. J. PRIVATE JOSEPH L. GALUFEAU. Avon, N. Y. PRIVATE ERMEN E. HALE, Altus Ark. PRIVATE ISRAEL P. HENRIES. North Woodstock. Conn. PRIVATE BRUNO KEECH. Pas sale N. J. PRIVATE JOHN O. LAWS. Hart ford. Ky. PRIVATE FRANK E. MARTINACK, Peabody, Mass. PRIVATE JOHN J. MULLEN. Lor ain. Ohio. PRIVATE THOMAS V. MURRAY. Roxbury, Mass. PRIVATE WACLAW OLSEZWSKI, Toledo, Ohio. PRIVATE VICTOR PASSET, New York. PRIVATE ALBERT POPP, Nor wood, Ohio. PRIVATE JOSEPH RESEK. New York. PRIVATE JULIUS SAND. Green field. Mass. PRIVATE STANLEY S. REBNY, Chicago. PRIVATE JOSEPH M. STODDARD, Brockton. Mass. Died of Wounds SERGEANT HOMER W. EARL. Trafford City, Pa. CORPORAL LYNN S. HOLCOMB. Mascot, Tenn. PRIVATE LEON A. MCUYTON, Puryear, Tenn. PRIVATE EDWARD N. THOMAS. Harvard. Mass. PRIVATE GASKIN P. WILLIAMS. Pawtucket, R. I. PRIVATE ANTHONY J. YOUST, Penn Yan, N. Y. Died of Disease CORPORAL CHARLES R. BREB NER. Milo, Iowa. PRIVATE ZOLLIE DAVENPORT, Pinehurst. Ga. PRIVATE ANDREW GRADLER, Perrysburg, N. Y. Died From Accident and Other Causes PRIVATE WILLIAM A. JONES, Klttyton, Tenn. PRIVATE ALBERT FREDERICK LIEDKE. Fond Du Lao. Wis. PRIVATE JOHN P. ZtEGLER, St Mathews, S. C. The Marine corps casualties were: Killed in Action SERGEANT GERALD R. FINNE GAN. Newark. N. J. CORPORAL WILLIAM J. FLA HERTY. 4241 De Soto avenue, St. Louis. CORPORAL FREDERICK H. FOX, Chicago. CORPORAL ARTHUR C. PUGH, Fort Smith. Ark. CORPORAL FRANCES E. WIL LIAMS. Alliance, Ohio. PRIVATE RAYMOND J. CASILL, Manayak, Pa. PRIVATE HOWARD W. KAHLER. South Williamsport. Pa. PRIVATE ERNEST '. H. BAIER, Sason county, W. Va. PRIVATE HAROLD J. CHRISTIE, Lansing, Mich. PRIVATE HENRY E. DENHAM, Cincinnati. Ohio. PRIVATE WILLIAM FANNING, New York. PRIVATE JAMES E. HEISEL, Indianapolis. PRIVATE HERBERT, W. JIMER F1ELD, Detroit. PRIVATE SAMUEL S. JONES, Knoxville, Tenn. PRIVATE HARRY FLYNN. St. Francis, Kan. PRIVATE JOE W. LIGOM, Loving, Texas. PRIVATE RAYMOND W. LIMB ERT North Tonawanda, N. Y. PRIVATE DOUGLAS G. MARSH, West Missoula. Mont. PRIVATE EVERETT L. NELSON, Bird City, Kan. PRIVATE EDWARD L. WINIECKI, Chicago. Died of Wounds PRIVATE HOWARD BLAIR, Jack son, Mich. PRIVATE HARRY E. CLAUSEN. Chicago. PRIVATE WILLIAM IRWIN, 848 Thirty-third street, Oakland, Cal. Killed in Action CORPORAL WALTER JORDAN, Danville, Vt. CORPORAL LOYAL A. OSBORNE, Irvington, N. J. CORPORAL EARL WARDELL. Bev erly, Mass. CORPORAL JOSEPH WORTHY, Lowell, Mass. MECHANIC SAMUEL J. WHIT TAKER, Fall River. Mass. PRIVATE LEON E. ABBOTT, Swampscott, Mass. PRIVATE ELMER L., BASINGER, Tuttle, Okla. PRIVATE CARL HAPANOVICH Carbin, Russia. PRIVATE FRANK A. HARRING TON, Methuen, Mass. PRIVATE CHARLES M'DANIEL, Bagnell, Mo. PRIVATE EARL O. M'GRATII, Lakeport, N. II. PRIVATE PETE MARCHEN, Russia. PRIVATE WILUAM J. METZEN. Howard. 111. PRIVATE JOSEPH MESSINA, Kan kakee, 111. PRIVATE FOSTER U RIFFEN BXRG. North Adams, Mass. PRIVATE JOSEPH SCHUTZ, Detroit PRIVATE MEARIL SMITH, Fall l.eaf. Kan. PRIVATE FRANK E. SNYDER Holyoke, Mass. PRIVATE OTIS E. SOPER, West Somervllle, Mass. PRIVATE HARRY SPRITZ, Law rence, Mass. , FRIVATE SEAMON O. WILBUR, Rostlndale Mass. Died of Wounds SERGEANT JOHN A. PETERSON. Sundsvall. Sweden. CORPORAL LUDY C. TUMLIN, Fountain Inn. S. C. PRIVATE THOMAS CLAUDIO, Mo rong Rttal, Philippine Islands. PRIVATE JOSEPH A. URBANSKL Nilos. III. Died of Disease PRIVATE RICHARD C. BECKER. Cohasset. Minn. PRIVATE WILL BOWDIN, Magan. N. C. FRIVATE ENDS D. LEWIS, Wil liamsburg. Va, PRIVATE FORNEY S. RUPERT, Rradford. Pa, PRIVATE FRED TEACHENER. Shelbtna. Mo. PRIVATE JESSE WILLIAMS. I-ambkln, Ga. Killed In Action COLONEL HAMILTON A. SMITH. Fort Sam Houston, Texas, LIEUTENANT COLONEL CLARK R. ELLIOTT. Springfield, Mass. CAPTAIN ALFRED R. HAMEL, At lantic City, N. J. CAPTAIN JAMES H. HOLMES. Hendersonvllle, N. C. CAPTAIN JULIUS A. MOOD. JR., Summerton, S. C. CAPTAIN JAMES N. C. RICH ARDS. Sewanee, Tenn. LIUETEMANT JAMES C. LODER, Wilmington, N. C. Died of Wounds LIEUTENANT COLONEL RUS SELL C. HAND, Sioux City. Iowa. Died of Accidents and other Causes LIEUTENANT WARREN T. HOBBS Worcester. Mass. LAWRENCE C. LOVELL, Brook lyn. N. Y. LIEUTENANT VINCENT R. MAN NING, Rockaway, N. J. Killed in Action SERGEANT OSKAR ANDERSON. Chicago. SERGEANT WILLIAM HAROLD STARKEY, Bustleton. Pa. CORPORAL JOHN F. BRIGMANN. Pottsville, Pa. CORPORAL EDWARD J. FAR RELL. Mount Vernon. N. Y. VIOLET. ! CORPORAL EARL C Monience. 111. CORPORAL MECHANIC CARL A. CARLSON. Sweden. PRIVATE MARTIN BENNINK, Baltimore. Md. PRIVATE OREN CLARK BERLIN, Knox, Pa. PRIVATE CLARENCE FRANK BOYD, Marionville. Pa. PRIVATE NICOLE BRALATTA, Shawnee, On The Delewart, Pa. PRIVATE ALFRED I. CAMPBELL, Spring City. Pa. PRIVATE PRESTON H. CARD - WELL. Jamestown, Pa. ' PRIVATE EARL D. CHANSLOR, 1218 East Twenty-first street, Kansas City, Mo. PRIVATE LLOYD D. CLEGG, Jett Okla. PRIVATE FRANK C. COLLINS, Philadelphia Pa. .PRIVATE GEORGE B. CUMER FORD. Providence, R. I. PRIVATE EDWIN G. DANFIELD, Philadelphia, Pa. PRIVATE HOWARD A. DELENEY, Nadrow, N. Y. PRIVATE HENRY W. DE RUSH A Newton Heights, Mass. 'RIVATE THOMAS R. ESPEY, Hillsdale, Md. PRIVATE NICHOLAS FUABZIO, Rome, Pa. PRIVATE BENNIE GOLDMAN New York. PRIVATE JOSEPH HALL, Ma honey City, Pa. PRIVATE MATHIAS J. North Vernon, Ind. PRIVATE EVERETT RARD, De Kalb, 111. PRIVATE WILLIAM P. ton, 111. PRIVATE SAMUEL HESTER, H. HUB- KOOI, Dol- McCUL- LOUGH Pittsburg, Pa. PRIVATE EDWARD J. McINTYRE, Philadalphia. PRIVATE ANDREW S. Mc CREADY, Mlnersville, Pa. , PRIVATE JOHN H. MILLER, Potts ville, Pa. PRIVATE EVERETT H. MININ- NAN, Lancaster, Mass. PRIVATE ELMER McKINLEY MURDOCK, Franklin, Pa PRIVATE CHARLES S. MYERS, Warren, R. I. PRIVATE ALBERT N. PYNE, Wal pole, N. H. PRIVATE CLARENCE C. RITTER, Macungie, Pa. PRIVATE EDD SCOTT, Jackson ville, Ala. PRIVATE MATTIO VACCHONO, Castona, Italy. PRIVATE HARRY FRANKLIN WALTZ, Enola, Pa. PRIVATE RAYMOND W. WYL ING, Clarendon, Pa. Died of Wounds SERGEANT GEORGE II. MEALY, Cohasset, Mass. SERGEANT WALTER WILLIAM WILLERT, Chicago. CORPORAL LEONARD LANGS DORF, Philadelphia. CORPORAL CHAUNCEY D. WALK ER, Belshertown, N. Y. MUSICIAN ALFRED V. ANDER SON, Holyoke, Mass. PRIVATE THOMAS J. BUCHAN AN, Wilson, Kan. PRIVATE LEWIS Iirooklandville, Md. PRIVATE HARRY R. EWING, E. "McALLIS- TER, HindHdalel, 111. PRIVATE MURLE' McNULTY, Roy, Mont. PRIVATE TOM NICK, Akron, O. PRIVATE STEPHEN POSHARIT ZKY, Detroit. Died of Wounds CHARLES CALEB CREWS, Gilroy, Cal. Commander of Cruiser Sunk Off Long bland I I ' m l IV , V I V V It , l - , - j it V " IMWrsMHUHk H l V ... -' . Captain II. II. Christy was the oe munder of th United States cruiser San Diego, which was sunk off Fire Island, Long Island. N. Y. He gave It aa his opinion in his report to the Navy Department that he had been sunk by the torpedo of a submarine. That opinion was to some extent confirmed by the later appearance of a German U-boat off the Massachusetts shore two days luter. Died of Disease JAMES H. ALLYN, Goldendale. Wsh. ALBERT L. CALDWELL, Couch, Mo. NOAH M. FOUST, Linn Creek, Mo. Died From Accident or Other Cautss GEORGE THIM, Astoria, Or. Marine corps list: Killed In Action RAY S. HALSTEAD. Blair. Neb, Died of Disease OSCAR SNOVER, Katy. Tex. Previously Reported Missing, Now Re ported to Have Been Killed Lieutenant Philip W. Davis, West Newton, Mass. PRIVATE EDWIN T. ARMSTRONG Clinton, Mass. PRIVATE RALPH A. COREY. Rox bury. Mass. PRIVATE ARTHUR E. GRANNE MAN, Buffalo. N. Y. PIVATE CHARLES HOOD, Nor beck. Md. PRIVATE ROY L. HOWE. Water bury, Conn. ! PRIVATE JOHN W. LAMBERT, Newman, Ga. , PRIVATE RAPHAEL MAONE, Mid- dletown. Conn. PRIVATE CLARENCE R. ROB- ERTS. Lowell. Mich. PRIVATE FLORY Jersey City, N. J. PRIVATE JEROME Scranton. Pa. ROCHEWICZ, SIMONSON, PRIVATE ADRAIN L. YELLE. Fttchbure. Mass. I Died of Dls 1 PRIVATE WILL ANDERSON, Greenville. S. C. i PRIVATE OTHO V. KNIGHTON. Sweetwater, Idaho. I PRIVATE WOODIN ROSS, Rad- 'cliffe. Texas. PRIVATE GRANT UNDERWOOD, Arcadia, La. Died From Accident and Other Causes CHAUFFEUR DAVID F. TIPTON, i IRiverton, Va. I Killed in Action i SERGEANT JOHN D. HUFFMAN, I Hickory, N. C. SERGEANT FRANK J SARLEY, ! Detroit. SERGEANT CURTIS E. SMITH. Rockwood, Tenn. CORPORAL PERCY J. BATES, Arlington, Vt. CORPORAL OBED H. FELGERO, Slater, Iowa. CORPORAL JOSEPH II. KRAUSS New York. CORPORAL WILLIAM STEP HENS, New York. MECHANIC FAISON HARRISON, Goldxboro, N. C. PRIVATE FRED B. ASHLEY, Seal Cove, Maine. PRIVATE DENNIS BUTLER. Stil- well, Okla. PRIVATE JIM E. CONRAD, Arlio, Texas. PRIVATE PHILIP CUNNINGHAM, Gloucester, Mass. PRIVATE M. JOSEPH DO ROAN. Glendale, Ohio. PRIVATE FRANK PALMER HAM MON, Huntington, Pa. PRIVATE MICHAEL E. HOWARD, Lawrence, Mass. PRIVATE RICHARD M'ISAAC. ! West Lynn, Mass. PRIVATE JAMES D. M'KEEVER, Brooklyn, N. Y. PRIVATE ANGELO MARTINI, Han cock, Mass. PRIVATE GEORGE L. O'NEIL. Colebrook, N. H. PRIVATE EDWARD T. PARSII, Smithfield, N. C. PRIVATE DANIEL W. PITTMAN, Powder Springs, Ga. PRIVATE WILLIAM A. PLATT, Towanda, Pa. PRIVATE HOWARD M. POLEN, Germano, Ohio. PRIVATE PHILIP J. PRYOR, Pitts burg, Pa. LIEUTENANT THURSTON E. WOOD Philadelphia, Pa. LIEUTENANT THOMAS N. YOUNG, Brooklyn, N. Y. Died of Wounds CAPTAIN JOHN B. OSSI, Arkansas City, Kansas. LIEUTENANT HAMON D. GRAY, Liiporte. Indiana. LIEUTENANT JOHN S. MORRI SON, Yonkers, N. Y, LIEUTENANT PAUL S, STRICK LAND, New Haven, Conn. Died From Airplane Accident LIEUTENANT PAUL L. CLIF FORD, Brooklyn. N. Y. Died From Auto Accident LIEUTENANT WARREN HAR RIES, Washington, D. O. Killed in Action " CAPTAIN SHELBY LKDFORD. Sault Ste Marie, Mich, LIKUTKNANT KUON F. BREW STER, CoMom Park. Oa. LIEUTENANT WILLIAM E, V 0. COOPER, Hlllslmro, Ind. LIEUTENANT JOHN W. HUS SELU Wlllltttnstown. N. 0. LIEUTENANT THOMAS HOP KINS. Wichita, Kansas. LIEUTENANT R I C H A R D W. MOODY, Newark, S. I), PRIVATE CLIFTON SMITH, Law rtnce, Muse. PRIVATE MILES A. SUAREZ, New York. PRIVATE THOMAS J, WILTON, Dererlet. N. Y. PRIVATE MIRE YKAGKR, Coal Ridge, Ohio. Died From Wounds SERGEANT PIERCE B. ATWOOD, Louisville, Ky, SERGEANT HARRY J. BICKIIART, Altootm, Pa, SERGEANT CARROLL D. HAR PLE. Everett, Muss, SERGEANT EDWARD MARTIN, New York. CORPORAL CHARLES M. BUSK EY. Springfield. Vt CORPORAL JOHN P. CRANNA, Lowell, Mass. CORPORAL MARTIN HOLLIO GREN. Chicago. CORPORAL HARRY R. MOORE, Greencnstlo' Ind. CORPORAL WALTER MOORE. Northhampton, Mass. CORPORAL GERALD SILK. Low ell. Mass. CORPORAL JOHN M. SNYDER, 790 South Alameda street Los Angeles, Cal. MECHANIC GEORGE GREEN, Ashland, Mast. WAGONER HAROLD O. ARMS, Springfield, Mass. PRIVATE JOSEPH AUKSTIKAL NIS. South Boston Mass. PRIVATE HOYARD BEAN. Turtle Lake. Wis. PRIVATE THOMAS J. BRADLEY. Boston. PRIVATE ANDREW OWEN CLIF FORD. Afton. N. Y. PRIVATE JAMES T. EVANS, Cic ero. Ind. PRIVATE ROY GARNER, Chick alah. Ark. PRIVATE RALPH HUDSON. Wllk esvllle. Pa. PRIVATE STANLEY J. LES NIOWSKI. Buffalo. N. Y. PRIVATE STEPHEN W. MAN CHESTER. Westbrook, Maine. PRIVATE JOHN J. MARX. Wilkes barre, Ta. PRIVATE WAILLIAM MARLEY, Anaconda, Mont PRIVATE JAMES B. NORRIS.Crab Orchard. Tenn. PRIVATE EIM B. PALM. Eph rata, Pa. PRIVATE DOMENICK PANOZZO, Kankakee, III. PRIVATE DAVID PAPINEAU, An thony. R. I. PRIVATE I.EROY RIVERS East Hanistend. N. II PRIVATE BRADEN W. SHALLEN BERGER. Yakima. Wash. PRIVATE ANTHONY F. SYLVIA, Fall River, Muss. PRIVATE JOHN TOLLESON. Waldron, Ark. PRIVATE JOSEPH F. TRUJILLE. Tueumcarl. N. M. PRIVATE OHN WILSON, Kearney, N. J. PRIVATE MAURICE J. DOYLE Esthorvllle, Iowa. TRIVATE SETH A. ELLRIDGE, Qulncy, Mass. . Died of Disease CORPORAL EDWARD J. BELL, New York. PRIVATE ORLEANS BURTON. Brockton Mass. , PRIVATE DELMAR M. EPPSTE1N, Fanner City, III. PRIVATE ROY W. HARDIN, Craig, Mo. PRIVATE FRANK W. HOLMES, Seattle, Wash. : PRIVATE ROBERT D. LANE, Cir jelovilie, Ohio. Died From Accident and Other Causes PRIVATE PATRICK J. I1REN NAN, Astoria, N. Y. PRIVATE ANTHONY FIELDS, Lebanon Va. PRIVATE HENRY F. MICKLE, Roanoke, Ala. PRIVATE DONALD C. MUNRO, Kings Park, N.. Y. Previously Reported Missing In Ac tion Now Reported Killed In Ac tion PRIVATE JOHN F. DE HAVEN, Conshohocken Pa.; Cecil W. Pielsi'h, Anderson, Cal. The marine corps list was as fol lows: Killed In Action SERGEANT WILLIE R. JEFFRIES, Kaufman, Texas. PRIVATE V. NORTON, Lake City, Fla. Died of Wounds Received In Action MARINE GUNNER WALTER COR NELL. EiiHtls, Fla. PRIVATE HORACE E. ROWOLD, Wharton, Texas. Died of Wounds T. PRINCE, Nampa, Idaho. ARID PEASANTS ARE ON UKRAINE CAPITAL WASHINGTON. July 29. Seventy five thousand armed poasanls are nnm-lilni? nn k'lpv. i-llllltal Of UK- riiirii:in. nrenrdiner to Information re ceived at the- state department today from Stockholm, Very serious un rest in the Ukraine and surrounding country was reported, n hIho was ald that the Russian and Ukrainian peace delegates have boon unable to agree upondoatlls of the settlement between the two na tions. The Soviet government at Moscow alHo was reported in the advices to have exnellod from the capital an rei implicated in the murder of Count Von Mirbach German amlssadm- at Moscow. LABOR CHAIRMAN URGES SOLDIERS TOIIELPMOONEY CHICAGO, July 29.Sumlliig of United States troops Into 'California to Ins, ire the pardon of Thomas J. Mooney, sentenced to death mm the San Franclsuo preparedness parado bomber, was proposed here by Frank P. Walsh, labor chairman of the war labor board. Welsh, speaking before 20,000 union men here Sunday, stated some such move would be necessary to preserve the morale of American worker. A resolution presented by Wulah branded the testimony against Moon ey h "the lying testimony of u pirat ical crew of criminal, drug addict, ImmoruL women and professional per jurers." "In the light of recent event." Walsh suld, "It Is easy to liellevn the bomb outrag wa a part of Gorman propaganda." SAN FRANSISCO, July 29 -An un conditional pardon or a new trial for Tlioiim J, Mooney I (he demand of labor unions and members of the In ternutlonol Workers Dofense leasue. Resolution passed at the Mooney muss meeting Sunday expressed dis satisfaction with the reprieve granted Mooney Saturday by Governor Steph ens. MOONEY IS REPRIEVED LOS ANGELES, Cal,. July 29. Governor William D, Stephen an nounced Saturday he had decided to grant a reprieve 0 Thomas J. Moon ey, which will oVerate a a stay of executlou until Oecember 13, 1918. SEATTLE, July 29. Shout of "No" whlrh produced In the aggregate a roar that could be heard for blocks went up from the throat of several thousand Seattle union wen when ask ed In the Arena Sunday If they were stiNned with the five month' stay of execution which had been granted ThoniH J. Mooney. SWISS LABOR MAY STRIKE BASEL, Switzerland, July 29. The internal situation In SwlUerlnnd Is assuming a ftruv aspect us the re sult of a conflict between federal authorities nnd the lubor organisa tions. Mutters came to a head yesterday at a meeting of the SwIh workmen's congress, organized by a Socialist committee headed by Robert Grimm, which voted by a larpe majority that the federal council's reply to the workmen's claim wa .insatlsfactory and that If further prompt negotia tions fulled In obtaining concessions general strlko would be called. In official circle the situation l regarded as sorloua. AT WASHINGTON. July 30.-A 10 per cent tux on gross sales of manufac turers, producers and Importer of automobiles, plano-pluycrs, grapho- phones, sporting goods, comestlcs, patent medicines, cumeras and similar articles, was tentatively agreed upon toduy by tlm House ways and means committee. The present excise tax on most of these article ranges aro.ind 3 per cent. Motor truck will bo taxed only half the Increased rate, on the ground that tliey are for business purposes. Some of the committee voted against the motor truck tax and the committee flnully compromised on 6 per cent on gross sales on original transactions. There was no effort to put a tux on gnsollne. The Treasury Department ha rec ommended doubling the present rates on tobacco. The committee wants more revenue than this would yield nnd will decide the Increase later,. Data laid before the committee showed that consump tion of cigars In this country Isc de creasing while cigarette consumption Is mounting rapidly. SEEKS TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE N. A. Hoflard yesterday Instituted proceedings to foreclose on a mort gage for $750, agalniit K. L. Horn charging that three notes signed by the defendant remain unpaid. The notes were made for $250 each In April, 1917. Ilesldos the principal of notes, the plaintiff nsks attorney's fees In the sum of $90 and $20 hack taxes on the property involved, which consists of tract 14, of tho Wnodbiirn Orchard Tracts. The mortgage was made In April. 1917. Thousands of men have chewed Real Gravely Chewing Plug for twenty-five years and more. And every time they have tried some other brand it made them think more of Gravely than ever. I Mi? i I tiWfe'Miianrimiiiiiinnift'"'bi P. B. tin RELATIONS OF TURKEY HUN RUPTURED LONDON, July 29. "The rotation between Germany nnd Turkey have been severed, according lo direct In foiitMitlon from Conslttntlnople," This announcement I niado by the Copenhagen correspondent of the Ex change Telegraph Company. WASHINGTON, July 29.Whllo no oiliclal notice 'of the breach of rota tions' between Turkey and Germany or rather (he central power, for w ith out doubt Austria I Involved with Germany In the dispute with tin Otto man gnvonitiii'iit - Iiivb reached Waxh Ingtoii. otMclaU expressed tittle s ir prino tonight at the Copi'tthagn ill patch received from London saying that Germany and Turkey had overed relation. ' In official circle here for lomo time It ha been realized that In her effort to serve both Turkey and Bul garia In the dlvtalon of spoil rult lug from the enforced treaty with Ronmaula, Germany hud Incurred Urn III will of both her allies. Following the conclusion of the pence treaty with Roumunta at Jay, both Turkey and Bulgaria laid claim to much of thti territory which Ilou maul ha bven forced to cede to her enemies. Shortage of food, wearlnesa of war and dissatisfaction with the Young Turk party because of It mihmUston lo German control recently found ex prelon In Constantinople In food riot and munition uprising which have been sternly supressnd by the military authorities. TOR M'NARY IS SOLE HEIR AT LAW ' OF WIFE'S ESTATE SAELM. July 27. -The estate of JesMe Hreyman McNary, wife of Unit ed States' Senator McNary. who whs killed in a recent aitomolilln acci dent, Is valued at approximately $io. 000, according to an estimate tiled in prolmte court. Real estate located in Marlon. Multnomah and Lincoln coun ties Is valued at filO.OoO and personal property In Marlon Is given a value or $3.1,450. R. I'- Holse. brother In law of Sena tor McNary. wa appointed adminis trator. There wa no will and Senator McNary I the sole heir at taw. The court npwilnted K. M. LaFore, Joseph II. linker and Jnper N. Skalfe a appraiser. RAIN ORDERED BY U.S. T WASHINGTON, July 29. The Am erican public wa asked by the Food Administration today to go on a sugar ration of two pounds per capita month ly beginning August 1, to meet a world shortage and to care for the Im mediate demand of tho military forc es. The American public Is at present on a three pounds per capita ration monthly. Household rationing Ih voluntary ut present, but public eutln? places will' be required to observe regulation ef fective AuguRt 1, permitting the use of two pounds of sugar for every 90 meals served. TS UN! WASHINGTON, I). C, July 2f. After a hearing today, tho War Lubor Hoard declined to render final decis ion in the matter of labor difficulties In tho paper mills at Oregon City, Camus and Lebanon, but tnlngraphod the employe's organization Raying that the lloard Is convinced that the employers 'are sincere tn their effort to adjust differences, and asking the employes to call off t ho strlku and rCHiinm negotiations for an amicable settlement. Tho war labor board also intimated tlmt no decisions will bo reached in the 31 street railway cases, In which Portland lines are Included, until about August 1. REOUES Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouch apd worth it Gravely laMtttomuch longarit costs no mora to chew than ordinary plug Gravely Tobacco Company Danville, Virginia