OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY. IULY 26, 1 9 18 HERIFrt SALE la the Circuit Court of the BUtt of Oregon, tor tha County of Clacks nmn. dura . Morey, HuliiUff, VI. The aionminrlo Company, a corpora tion, Defendant State of Oregon, County of Clacks dim, tly virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly ttiaued out of ami under the anal of the abova on tilled court, In the abova entitled cause, to ma duly directed and dated the 20th day of June, 1818, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In mild court on the 14th duy of June 11118, In favor of Clara 10. Morey, plain tllT, ami against The Glenmorrle Com- ptmy, a corporation, Defendant, for the turn of 1348.834.08. with Interest thereon et the rate of 6 per cent pur annum from the 14th day of June, 191ft, ami the further aum of (3000,00 a attornny'a fee, and tha further aum of $11.25 coata .and illntiuraenienia, and the coata of and up on tula writ, commanding me to make ale of tbs following deacrtbed real property, situate In the county of Clackamaa, Btate of Oregon, to-wit: A part of the Donation Land Claim if Fells A, Collard and Dnmararla Col lard, hla wife. In Suction 9, 10, 11, 14, IS ami 14 of Townahlp 1 South, Itange 1 East of Willamette Meridian, being Claim No. 46 and ft part of thoDona tlnn Land Claim of Jesse Mullock and Nancy Mullock, hla wife, In Bevtlona 11, 14 and 15 of Townahlp S Bouth, Itange 1 Eaat of Willamette Meridian, lining Claim No. 48 deacrtbed aa fol Iowa: llnglnnlng at a atone t for the quar ter section comir on line between aald Sections 11 and 14", thence Bouth HI 0' Went, 2088.S1 feet; thence Bouth 6 47' Kaat, 851 83 feet; thence Bouth 82 24 Weat, 282,49 feet; thence Bnuth 0 50' Kant. 200.34 feet; thence South OA 39' West 724 20 feet; thenre North 21 10' Weat, 685.97 feet; thence South flfl 22 Weat, 1780.20 feot; thence Bouth 82 59' Weat, 877 65 foet; thence North 1 17' Weat. 14H951 feet; thence North 83 62' Hast. 1292,72 feet Whence North 1 84' Went 1001.60 feet; thence North 84 25' East, 649.84 feet: thence North 84 .11' Kant. 481.84 feet; thence South 1 03' Kaat. 994.22 feet; thence North 83 06' Bnat. 398.71 feet; thence North 80 . 48' Knat 314.79 feet; thence North 82 00' raat. 215.00 feet; thence North J9 04' Kaat, 409.78 feet; thence North 30 54' Kaat. 130.75 feet; thence South 30 68' Kaat. 188.00 feet; thence South 69 03' Kaat. 3S2.S8 feet; thence South 31 18' Kaat, 313.92 feet; thence North 60' 19' Kaat. 143.25 feet; thence North 72 24' Kaat. 459.94 feet; thence North 89 49' Kaat, 94 50 feet; thence North 66 02' Kaat, 207.84 feet, containing 130 94 acrea. Alan a part of aald Felix A. Collard and wife Donation Land Claim de scribed aa followa: Heglnnlng at the quarter section cor ner on line between aald Section 11 and 14, thonce south 68 2' weat 207.84 feet; thence South 89 49' Weat 94.50 feet; thence South 72 24' Weat. 459.94 feet; thence Bouth 50 29' Weat. 143 25 feet; thence North 31 13' Weat. 313.92 feet; thence North G9 3' Went. 362.38 feet; theneo North 80 58' Weat, 188 feet; thence Bouth 30 54' Weat, 130.75 feet; thence Bouth 39 4' Went, 409.78 foet; thenre Bouth 82 Weat. 215 foet; thence South 80 48' Weat. 314.79 feet; thence South 83 8' Weat. 398.7 feet; thence North 1 3' Weat. 994.22 feet to a atone net In the North line of land In mid Donation Land Claim owned by the grantor; thence along aald North lino North 85 24' Kaat. 552.15 foot and North 55 Euat 99 2.42 feet to an Inter section with the Westerly line of Can yon Drive, which la the Westerly line of Glenmorrle. according to the duly re corded pint thereof; thence on aald Westerly line of Glenmorrlo South 78" 31' EiihU 71.28 feet; thence on a curve to right 83.25 feot (angle 120 radlua 39.75 feet); thence on tangent South 33 29' Weat 62 feet; thence on curve to left 311.39 foet (angle 101 67", rndliia 175 feot); thence on curve to right' 140.13 foot (angle 38 14' nidlua 210 foet); thence on curve to left 72 foot (angle 8" 15'. rniltua 500 foet) ; thence leaving anld Wcaterly lino of Canyon Drive and continuing on Westerly line of Clonmorrlo South 15 23' EiiRt. 148.2 foet; thence South 3s 23' Runt 100 feet; thence South 14 23' Knot 180 feet; thence South 7 37' Weat 128.7 feet to the moat W'eaterly corner of Block 13 of Glenmorrlo; thence continuing on anld Weaterly line of Olenmorrlo South 43 14 H' Knat 420,62 foot; thence South 28 W, Knat. 190,97 feot; thence on curve to left 91.86 feot (angle 14 26' rndlus 364.8 foot); thence on tangTrnt North 78 44' Enst 21S font; thence on curve to right 55.10 foot (angle 28 42'. I radlua 110 feot); thence on curve to loft 81.13 foot (angle 37 27. radlua 124.08 foot); thence North 62" 6' Eaat, 107.5 foot to the plnce of begin ning, containing 42.66 acres. Alao all of Blocks 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12. 13 and 14 of GlonmoVrle according to the pint thereof of record In the office of the Recorder of Conveyances for said Clackamas County, and aald blocks containing In all 10.625 acres. Also all that portion of the Donation Land Claim of Gabriel Wnlllng and Lucy Wnlllng, his wife, Notification No. 841, Claim No. 63, In Sections IS, 14, 15, 22 and 23 of Townahlp 2 South, Range 1 East of Willamette Meridian, dencrlbed as follows: Beginning at a atone sot at the Southwest corner of aald Walling Donation Lnnd Claim and running thence North S613.S5 feet; thence North SI 58' East 2329.60 feet; thence South 35 02' Past 1195.93 feet; thenc North 69 57' East, 216.34 feet; thence North 24 35' East, 143.16 feot; thence North 84 47' Eaat, 172.02 feet; thence North 81 01' East, 149.52 feet; thence North 66 15 East, 364.88 feet; thence North 89 15' East, 381.91 feet; thence Ndrth 62 45' East, 818.20 feet; thence South 87 30' East, 631.90 feet; thence North 79 29' East, 221.30 feet; thonce South 89 25' East, 422.10 feet; thence 8"uth 24 46' East, 1337.40 feet; thence South 18 23' East, 158.50 feet; thence South 87 62' West, 1366.85 feet; thence South 3 18 West, 2382.70 feet; thence North 88 27' West, 4884.60 feet, con taining In all 451.81 acres. Excepting and reserving therefrom, however, the following described premises released from the lien of plaintiff's mortgage, to-wlt: 1. Illocka twenty eight (28), thirty five (35) and sixty-one (61) of Glen morrle Park, Clackamaa County, Ore gon. , j 2. All of the easterly halt of Block thirty nine (39) of Glenmorrla Park In Clackamas County. Oregon, contain ing seventy-nine hundredths (.79) of an acre, more or less, according to the duly recorded plat thereof of record In the office of the Recorder of Con veyances for aald Clackamaa County, excepting therefrom the rights Of the public in and to the dedicated roads abutting upon the northerly boundary of aald easterly half of Block thirty- nine (39) Said easterly half being more particularly described aa followa: Commencing at the southeast corn er of aald Block thirty-nine (39) run ning thence south fifty-nine degrees, sixteen minutes, twenty-eight seconds (59 16' 28") west along the south boundary line of said Block thirty-nine (39) one hundred thirty and 32100 (130,32) feet; thence north twenty- nine degrees, four minutes, forty-two econda (29 4' 42") west and parallel with the Easterly line of aald Block to the Intersection of the northerly line of said Block; thence northeasterly following the northerly line of said Block thirty-nine (39) to the north- easterly corner of aald Block; thence south twenty-nine degrees four min utes, forty-two seconds (29 04' 42") Eaat following (he easterly line of aald Block two hundred thirty-two and 69 100 (232.69) feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. 3. Blocks thlrty-sU (38), eighty four (84), eighty five (85), elghty slx (86) and elgbty-aeven (87) of Glen morrle Tark, Clackamaa County, Ore gon, 4. All of block twenty-nine (29), Glnnmorrle Park, Clackamaa County, Oregon. 6. Block sixteen (16) of Glenmor rle Park, Clackamaa County, Oregon. 8. Block nlnoteen (19) of Glenmor rle Park. Clackamaa County Oregon. 7. Block twenty-one (21) of Glnn morrle Park, Clackamaa County, Ore gon. 8. Block thirty seven (37) of Glen morrlo Park, Clackamaa County, Ore gon. 9, Block fifty-five (55) of Glenmor rle Park. Clackamaa County, Oregon. 10. Block fourteen (14) of Glen morrle Park. Clackamas County, Ore gon. 11. Block twenty (20) of Glenmor rle Park, Clackamaa County, Oregon. 12 Also all of blocks numbered ten (10) and eleven (11) of Glenmor rlo and all of block numbered twelve (12) of aald Glenmorrle, excepting a roadway now eatabllshed and located uon the ground and deacrlblng an arc through the northwest comer of said block number twelve (12); the said roodway being forty-six (46) foet wide and the center line thereof Inter secting the westerly line of said block number twelve (12) at a point eighty seven (87) and 510 (87.6) feet south erly from the northwesterly corner of said block number twelve (12)" and said center line, thence following curve on a radlua of throe hundred twenty (320) feet a distance of one hundred thirty four and 8-10 (134.8) feet to Interaction with the north line of said block number twelve (12) at a point one hundred eight and 810 (108.3) feet eaaterly from the north westerly comer of said block number twelve (12). 13. Blocka two (2). four (4) and Ave (5) of Glenmorrle, Clackamaa County, Oregon. 14. Blocka thirteen (13) and four teen (14) of Qhmmorrte, Clackamas County, Oregon. 15. Beginning at a point In the bridge on the County Road which point la In the center of the northern ex tremity of Canyon Drive of Glenmor rle aa shown ton the nfflclnl plat of same aa died in the office of the Re corder of Conveyances of Clackamas County, Oregon; Bald Initial point be ing further described aa North fifty five (55) degrees Eaat ten hundred twelve and 16100 (1012.16) feet from an Iron plpo In the northerly boundary of Glenmorrle Park; thence. South fifty-five (55) degrees West ten hun dred twelve and 16100 (1012.16V feet to an Iron pipe; thence South two ,(02) degrees eighteen (18') minutes East Sixty-eight and 410 (68.4) feet to an iron pipe; thence South eighty- two (82) degrees forty-three (43') mlniite:i West eighty-two and 13-100 (82,13) foet to an iron pipe; thence South fifty-six (56) degrees sixteen (16') minutes Weat forty-five and 64-100 (45.64) foot to an Iron pipe; thonce South thirty-seven (37) de grees fifty-seven (67) minutes fWest one hundred and" 0-10 (100.0) feot to nn Iron pipe; thence aouth twenty-three (23) degrees fifty-seven (57') mlnutos West one hundred and 0-10 (100.0) foot to an Iron pipe; thence south fifty-seven (67) degrees fifteen (15') minutes East fifty-five and 28-100 (55.28) feet to a post; thence north fifty-five (55) dogrees East twelve hundred ninety five and 43-100 (1295.43) feet to a point In the center line of Canyon Drive of Glenmorrle; thence following the cen ter line of Canyon' Drive by a chord to the curve, north thirty-three (33) degrees nlnoteen (19) minutes East ninety-five hundredths (0.95) feet to an Iron pipe; thence north thirty three (33) degrees twenty-nine (29') minutes East fifty-two and 0-10 (52.0) feet continuing in the center line of said Canyon Drive to a pipe; thencs continuing In the center" line of sold Canyon Drive on a curve of radius fifty-four and 75-100 (54.75) feet through one hundred ten (110) de grees of curvature; the chord of this curve bears north twenty-one (21) degrees thirty-one (31') minutes West and is eighty-nine and 7-10 (89.7) feet in length; thence continuing in the center line of Canyon Drive north seventy-six (76) degrees thirty-one (31') minutes West fifty-eight and 0-10 (58.0) feet to the point of beginning, The foregoing described tract lies In the extreme northeast corner of Glen morrle Park and Has an area of 4.409 acres. Alao commencing at the sold point of beginning and running thence north fifty-five (65) degrees east to the Willamette River, thence up said river to the Northerly boundary of Glenmor rle, as shown upon the said plat; thence following the northerly line of Said Genmorrle to Intersect the cen ter line of said Canyon Drive; thence following the center line of Bald Can yon Drive to the said place of begin ning. 16. Beginning at a point In the cen ter line of Canyon Drive, a street ded icated aa ahown on the recorded plat of Glenmorrle on file In the office of the Recorder of Conveyances of Clack amaa' County, Oregon, which point la South thirty-three degrees, nineteen, minutes (33 19') west ninety-five hun dredths (.95) feet from an Iron pipe In the center line of said Canyon Drive at tbo Northern extremity of a curve of one hundred sixty (160) feet radius and at the. southern extremity of a tangent fifty-two (52) feot In length and whose bearing la north thirty three degrees, twenty-nine minutes (33 29') east; thence parallel to the northern boundory of Glenmorrle Park aa ahown upon the plat thereof of rec ord in the office of aald Recorder of Conveyances, south fifty-five degrees (55) west twelve hundred ninety-five und 43 100 (1295.43) feet to a stake; thence aouth fifty-seven (67) degrees fifteen (16') minutes eaat one hundred eight and 67-100 (108.67) feet to an Iron dIdc: thence south elahtv-elx de grees, twenty-seven minutes (86 27') east seventy-nine and 22-100 (79.32) feet to a stake; thence north sixty de grees, one minute (60 01') eaat five hundred aeventy and 29 100 (579.29) feet to a stake; thence north thirty- five (35) degrees west fifty (50) feet to a stake; thence north fifty-five (55) degreea eaat five hundred twen ty-three and 7-100 (523.7) feet to a pipe In the center of Canyon Drive on a point In a curve of one hundred six ty (160) feet radius; thence following the center line of Canyon Drive In a northerly direction on a curve of rad lus one hundred sixty (160) feet through sixty-eight degrees, thirty five minutes (68 35') of curvature to the point of beginning; the chord to this curve bears north no degreea, fifty eight minutes (0 58') West and la one hundred eighty and 26-100 (180.26) feet In length. The area of the foregoing described tract la 4.409 acres. Also beginning at an iron pipe In the center line of Canyon Drive aa ahown on the recorded plat of Glenmorrle ofl file In the ofIce of the Recorder of Conveyances of Clackamaa County, Oregon, which point la at a point of reverse curvature, being at the north em extremity of curve of radlua four hundred eighty-five- (485) feet and at the southern1 extremity of a curve of radlua two hundred twenty-five (225) feet; thence following the center line of Canyon Drive on a curve to the left of radlua two hundred twenty-five (225) feet through thirty-eight degrees fourteen minutes 38 14 ) ot curva ture; the chord to this curve bojirs North forty-nine degrees twenty-one minutes (49 21') West and la one hun dred forty-seven and 5-10 (147.6) feet In length; thence atlll following the center line of Canyon Drive on a curve to the right of radlua one hundred six ty (160) feet through thirty-three de grees, twelve minutes (33 12') of cur vature; and the chord to this curve bears north fifty-one degrees, forty nine minutea (51 49') west and Is ninety-one and 42-100 (91.42) feet in length; thence aouth fifty-five degreea (55) west five hundred twenty-three and 7-10 (523.7) feet to a stake; thence aouth thlrtyflve degreea (35) eaat, fifty (50) feet to a atake; thence aouth sixty degreea, one minute (60 01') west five hundred seventy and 29-100 (570.29) feet to a atake; thence south eighty-six degrees, twenty-seven mln utes (86 27") east one hundred twelve and 18-100 (112.18) feet to an Iron pipe; thence aouth fifty-two degrees forty-four minutes (52 44') east elgh ty and 43-100 (80.43) feet to an iron pipe; thence on a curve to the right of radius twenty-nine and 06-100 (29.06) feet through ninety-five de- greea, forty-eight minutes (95 48') of curvature to an iron pipe; the chord to this curve bears north eighty-five degrees one minute (85 01') east and la forty-three and 2-10 (43.2) feet long thence north sixty-five degrees, twen ty-four minutes (65 24') East four hundred thirty-five and 80-100 (435.80) feet to an iron pipe in center of brook thence down stream following the cen ter line of said brook ag follows, north three degrees, forty-seven minutes (3 47') east one hundred twenty-nine and 20 100 (129.20) feet; north forty- two degrees, two minutes (42 02') east flfty-irlne and 31-100 (59.31) feet to a stake in the center of said brook thence leaving the bed of said brook north sixty-nine degrees, two minutes (69 02') East sixty-eight (68) feet to an iron pipe, thence north aeventy seven degrees, thirty-two minutes (77 32') East fifty-nine and 12-100 (59.12) feet to an iron pipe; thence north eighty-six degrees two minutes (86 02') east sixty-one and 85-100 (61.85) feet to a stake; thence north sixty-three degrees, thirty-two minutes (63 32') east eighty and 12-100 (80.12) feet to an iron pipe; thence north alxty-eix degrees, fourteen min utes (66 14') east seventy-eight and 75-100 (78.75) feet to an Iron pipe thence south eighty-eight degrees twenty-three minutes (88 23') east fifty and 20-100 (50.20) feet to an pipe thence north thirty degrees, forty-three minutes (30 43') east seventy-four (74) feet to the point of beginning, The area of the foregoing descrltfed tract is 4.409 acres Also beginning at an Iron pipe In the center of the road In said Glenmor rle Pnrk which point Is In the line' pro duced in a southwesterly direction of the line between lots sixteen and sev enteen (16 and 17) of said Glenmorrle Park and which road forms the north erly boundary ot lots twenty (20) and twenty-one (21) of said Glenmorrle Part; thence following the center line of said road In a westerly direction on a curve to the left whose radius Is seventy-five and 81-100 (75.81) feet through thirty-six degrees, thirty min utes (36 30') ot curvature; thence still following the center line of aald road on a curve to the left whose rad ius is one hundred fifty-seven and 9-10 (157.9) feet through twenty-five (25) degrees of curvature; thence still fol lowing the said center line on a curv to the left whose radius la seventy aid 79-100 (70.79) feet through twenty-fear degrees, fifty-five minutes (24 58') 01' curvature; thence still following laid center line on a tangent to the Uti curve a distance of sixty-one and 1-V'" (61.1) feet; thence Btill following as-.! center line on a curve to the riff1 it whose radius is sixty-five and 27-i00 (65.27) feet through ninety-seven' de- grees, forty-one minutes (97 417; of curvature; thence still following the said center line on a tangent to the last curve a distance of one hundred fifty-four and 910 (154.9) feet to an iron pipe In the center of the road set at the southwesterly corner of a tract of land heretofore conveyed by The Glenmorrle Company to 8. B. Stewart; thence north sixty-five degrees, twen ty-four minutes (05 24') east follow ing the southerly line of said tract heretofore conveyed by The Glenmor rle Company to 8. B. Stewart four hundred thirty-five and 80 100 (435.80) feet to an Iron pipe aet In the center of a spring branch or creek; thence north three degrees, forty-seven min utes (3 47') east one hundred (100) feet; thence south twelve degrees, fifty-three minutes (12 53') east two hundred twelve and 93-100 (212.93) feet to appoint fifteen (15) feet north erly from the line between lota slxten (16) and seventeen (17) of said Glen morrle park; thence south fifty-one degrees twenty-nine minutes (61 29') west one hundred one and 18-100 (101.18) feet following a line parallel with and distant fifteen (15) feet at right angles from the said line be tween the said lots sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) to the northerly, side line of the said road; thence south thirty-eight degrees, thirty-one min utes (38 31') east fifteen (15) feet to the poinf of beginning, containing 1.4453 acres. Also beginning at an Iron pipe in the center of Canyon Drive of Glenmorrle as ahown In the plat ot same of record In the office of the Recorder of Con veyances of Clackamas County, Ore gon, which place of beginning is at a point ot reverse curvature being at the northerly terminus of a curve of radius four hundred eighty-five (485) feet and at the aoutherly terminus of a curve of radius two hundred twenty- flte (225) feet; thence south thirty de grees, forty-three minutes (30 43') west seventy -four (74) feet to an Iron pipe; thence north eighty-eight de grees, twenty-three minutes (83 23 ) West fifty and 20 100 (50.20) feet to an Iron pipe; thence south slxty-slx de grees, fourteen minutes (66 14') west sventy-elght and 75-100 (78.75) feet (63 32') Weat, eighty and 12-100 to an Iron pipe; thence louth sixty three degrees, thirty-two minutes (80.12) feet to a stake; thence south elghty-elx degrees two minutes (86 02') west sixty-one and 85-100 (61.85) feet to an Iron pipe; thence south seventy-seven degrees, thirty-two min utes (77 32') West fifty-nine and 12-100 (59.12) feet to an Iron pipe, thence South sixty-nine degrees, two minutes' (69 02') West sixty-eight (68) feet to a stake in the center of a spring branch; thence continuing up stream along the bed of the spring branch south forty-two degrees, two minutes (42 02') west fifty-nine and 31-100 (59.31) feet; thence south three degrees, forty-seven minutes (3 47') West twenty-nine and 20-100 ( 29.20) teet to an iron pipe in the bed of the stream; thence aouth twelve degrees. fifty-three minutes (12 53') Bast two hundred twelve and 93-100 (212.93) feet to a point fifteen (15) feet north erly from the line between lota sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) ot Glenmor rle Park, reference -ftctng had to the plat thereof of record In the office of the Recorder of Conveyances of Clack amaa County, Oregon; thence south fifty-one degrees, twenty-nine minutes (51 29') west one hundred one end 18-100 (101.18) feet following line par allel and distant fifteen (15) feet at right angles from the said line divid ing said lota sixteen (16) and seven teen (17) to the northerly side line ot the road forming the northerly boun dary of lots twenty (20) and twenty one (21) of said Glenmorrle Park as shown on recorded plat of Glenmorrle Park; thence south twenty-seven de grees, fifty-three minutes (27 53') east fifteen (15) feet to an iron pipe in the center of satd road; thence north fifty-one degrees, twenty-nine minutes (51 29') east six hundred sixty-three and 53 100 (663.53) feet fol lowing the line between lots sixteen (16) aid seventeen (17) of Glenmor rle Park to an Iron pipe ; thence north fifteen degrees, twenty-three minutes (15 23') west forty-seven and 70-100 (47.70) feet to the westerly side line of Canyon Dfive; thence north fifty degrees, forty-six minutes (50 46') east fifteen (15) feet to an iron pipe in the center line of Canyon Drive; i thence on a curve to the right whose radius is four hundred eighty-five (485) feet a distance of sixty-nine and 80-100 (69.80) feet to the point of be ginning containing 2.1857 acres. 17. A strip of land 1664.8 feet more or less in length and 100 feet in width, 1 being 50 feet in width on each side of and parallel with the surveyed and lo- j cated center line of the Portland, Eu gene & Eastern Railway Company's railway as the same is now surveyed, located and staked out over and across the grantor's property which is part of the Gabriel Walling Donation Land Claim No. 63 in Township 2 South, Range 1 East, Willamette Meridian, said center line being more particular ly described as follows: Entering the grantor's north proper ty line at a point which is North 14 41' East 1490.4 feet, more or less, from the northwest corner of the George W. Walling Donation Land Claim No. 62, Township 2, South, Range lEast, Willamette Meridian, and is at or about .Engineer's Station 11581.0 ot the Portland. Eugene & Eastern Rail way Company's purvey : thence South 38 36' East 82 .5 teet, more or less, to a point whlcf, is Engineer's Station 11904.5 w'jich equals Engineer's Station 120-h-ii5.4 of the said com pany's survey,' which point is the be ginning of a taper curve No. Mi to the right; the ice on said taper curve' to the right through an angle ot 047' a dlstauce'ot 90 tset to a point at En gineer's ; Station 12115.4 ot said com pany's Purvey which is the beginning of a re ular 1 curve to the right with A radlua of 5729.5 feetj thence on a I regul ar curve to the right through an of 6 18' a distance of 630 feet to jj -, 4: t or saia ompany's survey wftiioii is the beginning of a taper cT-trve No. to the right; thence on s aid taper curve through an angle of 0 27' a distance of 90 feet to a point the beginning of a tangent at Engi neer's Station 12835.4; thence 8outh iV 29' East a distance of 531.S feet, more or less, to the south line of gran tor's land, leaving the grantor's south line at or abotit Engineer Station 1.1366.7 ot said company's sarvey. Also an additional strip of land 60 feet In width lying on the southwester ly side of adjoining and parallel with the Southwesterly side line ot the above described 100 foot atrip of land, said 60 foot strip of Und extends from the north line of the grantor's property southeasterly to a Una drawn at right angles to said survey and lo cated center line of railway at Engi neer's 8tatlon 18800 of aald com pany's survey which is 219 feet dis tant from north line ot grantor's said land. Also an additional strip of land 60 feet in width lying on the northeaster, ly side of adjoining and parallel with the northeasterly 'side line of the above described 100 foot strip of land, said 60 foot strip of land extends from the north line of the grantor's proper ty southeasterly to a Una drawn at right angles to said surveyed and lo cated center line of railway at Engi neer's Station 18800 of said com pany's survey which is 219 feet dis tant from north line of grantor's said land containing 4.324 acres, more er less. Also beginning at th point where said surveyed and located center line crosses grantor's north property line and running thence North 19 48' East a distance of 127.6 feet to the north easterly corner of the right of way of said Railway Company, which point Is the initial point of the property to be described and conveyed herein; running thence aouth 38 86' East, along the easterly line of said right of way, a distance of 139.74 feet to a point; thence south 51 24' West fol lowing said right ot way line 60 feet to a point; thence south 38 36 East, following said right of way line, a distance of 104.5 feet to a point the be ginning of a curve to the right, thence following said right of way Uae on a curve to the right, having a radlua of 22918 feet, a distance of 30.07 feet; thence on a curve to the right of rad ius 11459 feet a distance of 30.07 feet. thence on a curve to the right of rad ius 11459 feet, a distance of 31.13 feet. thence on a curve to the right of rad ius 7639.5 feet a distance of 30.20 feet; thence on a curve to the right of rad ius 5779.6 feet a distance of 268.2 feet to a point; thence north 31 24' West a distance of 696.2 feet, more or less, to the north line ot grantor's property, 20.5 feet north 89 48' East from the Initial point, thence to the initial point; said tract of land is said to contain 0.31Z ot and acre, More or less. 18. Also a triangular piece or par cel of land being all that portion of lot 6, Glenmorrle in Section 11, Town ship 2 South, Range 1 East Willam ette Meridian, as shown on recorded plat filed July 3d, 1918, in Book 7, page 23, ot the Records of Clackamaa Coun ty, Oregon, lying southwesterly from a line parallel with and 50 feet north easterly from and measured at right angles to the surveyed and located center line of the Portland, Eugene and Eastern Railway Company's rail way .and more particularly described aa follows, to-wlt: Commencing at an iron pipe which Is the southerly corner ot said lot and on the center line" of Canyon Drive, thence running northeasterly along the southeasterly boundary of said Lot, (, a distance of 4.60 feet, to Engineer's Station 7609.7 of the sur veyed and located center line of the Portland, Eugene ft Eastern Railway Company's railway; thence continuing northeasterly along said southeasterly line of Lot 5 a distance ot 60.13 feet, more or less, to a point 50 feet north easterly from and measured at right anglea to said center line of railway; thence north 47 31' West parallel with and 60 feet distant from said cen ter line 175.5 feet, more or leas, to the northwesterly boundary of said lot 5; thence southwesterly along aald north westerly boundary ot lot 5, a distance of 15.85 feet, more or less, to the westerly corner thereof; thence southeasterly along the southwes terly boundary of said lot 6, which is also the center line of Can yon Drive, a distance of 156.15 feet, more or less, to the said surveyed and located center line of railway, at or about Engineer's Station 75S9.0; thence continuing along said south westerly boundary of lot 5, a distance of 20.85 feet more or less, to the point of beginning, containing 0.141 acres, more or less. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 27th day of July, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder, for TJ. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendant had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. Hackett, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., June 28th, 1918. Date of first publication, Jane 28th, 1918. Date of last publication, July 26, 1918. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ot Clacka mas. Cecil C. Holley, Plaintiff, vs. Edith Holley, Defendant. To Edith Holley, 916 Newell Street, Belllngham, Washington, defendant: In the name of the state ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, within six weeks from the date ot the first publi cation of this summons, and if you fall to so appear and answer, or other wise plead to plaintiff's complaint tor want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In his complaint to wit: that the marriage contract existing between yourself and plaintiff be dissolved, granting to plain tiff an absolute divorce from you. This summons Is published pursuant to an order ot the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Jadge of the above named court, made and entered on the 17 th day of July, 1918. Date of first publication, July 19, 1918. . . Date of last publication, August 30, 1918. HENRY E. COLLIER, Attorney for the Plaintiff. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CREDIT ORS Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been by the County Court of Clackamas County, Ore gon, duly appointed and has qualifi ed as Executor of the will of David Eggenberger, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate ot eald deceased are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified i aa required by law and with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at Boring, Clackamas County, Ore gon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, i Dated and first published the 12th day of July, 1918. ANDREAS VETSCH, Executor of the will of David Eggenberger, deceased. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for Clackamaa county. Bessie L. Noah, Plaintiff, vs. Fred E. Noahj Defendant. To "Fred E. Noah, above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the 23rd day of August, 1918, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the, first publication of this summons, and if you fall to answer said com plaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the mar riage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant This summons is published by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made on the 10th day of July, 1918, and the time prescribed for publication there of is six weeks beginning with the issue dated Friday, July 12, 1918, and continuing each week thereafter to and including Friday, August 23, 1918. BROWN ELL ft SIEVERS. Attorneys for Plaintiff, Oregon City, Oregon. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. Jessie M. Baker, Plaintiff, vs. "' , Grissom Baker, Defendant To Grissom Baker above named de fendant: In the name of the State ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint filed against you Jn the above entitled suit, on or before the 23rd day of ugust, 1918, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to answer said com plaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit; L For a decree dissolving the mar riage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for the custody and control of the minor child. This summons is published by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made on the 10th day of July, 1918, and the time prescribed for publication there of ia six weeks beginning with the Issue dated Friday, July 12, 1918, and continuing each week thereafter to and including Friday, August 23, 1918. BROWNELL ft SIEVERS, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Oregon City, Oregon. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Minnie Clifton, Plaintiff, vs. W. T. Clifton, Defendant To W. T. Clifton, 624 Collins Avenue, East Liberty, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. In the name of the State of Oregon; you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN D. C. Latourettb, President . F. J. Miybr, Cashier The Fcrst National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Phenes Pacific 52 Home A-lll GEORGE C. BROWNELL Attomey-at-Law All legal business promptly attended te C. D. A D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneya-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice in First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. Office Phonea Pacific lfaln 401; Home A-270. STONE A MOULTON Attorneywrt-Law Beaver Bldg., Room f OXBGON CITY OREGON O. D. EBY Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estate! settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. weeks from date onhTiraTHbiici: uon of this summons, and If you fail to so appear and answer for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint to-wlt: that the marriage contract existing between yourself and plaintiff be dissolved, granting to plain iff u absolute divorce from you. This summons is published pursu ant to an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above named Court, made and entered on the 19th day of June, 1918. Date ot first publication . June 21, 1918 , ,tt?08te of ,Mt Dubl,cUn Auguat I, 1918. HENRY E. COLLIER, Attorney for Plaintiff, 0""' am Portland, Oregon SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Fern Mergy, Plaintiff, vs. ' Dorris M. Mergy. Defendant. To Dorria M. Mergy, Defendant; In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit In said court on or before the 29th day of July, 1918. If you fail to so appear and answer herein, plaintiff will apply to the above Court for a decree against yon as prayed for In the complaint, dis solving the marriage contract now ex isting between plaintiff and defendant, on account of defendant's desertion. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week, for six successive weeks. In the Ore gon City Enterprise, a newspaper pub lished at Oregon City, Clackamaa County, Oregon, pursuant to an or der duly made and entered of record herein by Hon. X U. Campbell. Jnde of the above Court, on the 12th day of June, 1918, and the date of the first pumication being June 14, 1918, and the date of the last publication la July 26, 1918. R. CITRON, Attorney for Plaintiff, Oregonian Bldg Portland, Oregon. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas Countv. Ida Florence Peyton, Plaintiff, vs. James A. Peyton, Defendant. To James A. Peyton, the abore named defendant: -:" In the name of the State of Orez-nn you are hereby required to appear and answer tne complaint filed aeainst you In the above entitled suit on or berore six weeks from the first nuhll- catlon of this Summons; and if you so iau to appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the court tor the relief prayed for in her complaint to-wit: for a divorce on the ground of desertion, and for such other and further relief as may be equitable. This Summons is published once a week in the Oregon City Enterprise tor six consecutive and successive weeks by order of the Honorable X U. Campbell, presiding Judge of the above entitled court Date of first publication, June 14th. 1918. - Date ot last publication, July 26th, 1918. , GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney for Plaintiff. .. Oregon City, Oregon., Notice of Final Settlement In the Es tate of John Younger, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executrix of the "estate of John Younger, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, State of Oregon, her final account as such executrix of said estate and that Monday, the 19th day of August, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. iru, has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing of objections to said report and the settlement thereof. NELLIE YOUNGER, Executrix of the estate of John Younger, deceased. C. SCHUEBEL, Attorney for Executrix. 3 MORE HUN MEDICINE 8 WASHINGTON. July 19. Pro- & vost Marshal-General Crowder today Issued an additional school S draft call for 3400 men, allotted 4 among 12 states. . j WEINHARD BUILDING C. SCHUEBEL Attorney-at-Law WUI practice In all courts, make col lections and settlements. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon Citr. Oregon. W.S.EDDT,V.S.,M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Sur gery of Chicago, is established at Fashion Stable, between Feurth and Fifth on Main Street Both Telephones Office Pactflo 65; Home A-5 Res. Pacific 1841; Home B-S William Hammond Philip L. Hammond HAMMOND A HAMMONB Attorneya-at-Law Abstracts, Real Estate, Leans, Imur an a, OREGON CITY, OREQON Paclflo Phone 81 Ham Phone A-271