Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 19, 1918, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Page 6
in cons
In line with Its policy of ridiculing
Clackamas county and Oregon City
at every opportunity, a Portland pa
per, the Oregon Dally Journal, printed
a consplctous article Wednesday,
which, In 1U misrepresentations has
greatly Incensed the Clackamas coun
ty officers who assert they wilt make
the newspaper retract and tell the
truth about the affair.
Here's what the paper said:
' Peaceful slumbers of a young
Portland couple and their compan
ions were rudely disturbed in a
sequestered spot on Rock Island
early last Sunday morning, when an
Oregon City Constabule appeared
suddenly on the scene. Jerked the bed
clothes off the outing party and plac
ed them under arrest'
In like sneering manner, the paper
goes on to say the party were tried
before Justice of the Peace Slevers
and fined $5 and also had to pay $19
attorney's fees, .
The truth' of the matter to that
Arthus Mlllls, a Portland special state
policeman, arrested the slumber party
one week ago Sunday, Instead of last
Sunday. At the trial v before Justice
Slevers the following Monday testi
mony was introduced to the effect
that the married couple were In their
rights, but that an unmarried couple
were sleeping slde-by-elde with them
and that the unmarried woman was
without garments of any siie or des
cription. The unmarried man was
fined $5.
The hasty conclusion of the Port
. land eheet as to its being a Clacka
mas county officer was no doubt ac
tuated by its ancient principle of
slinging all the muck it can invent
at communities which it apparently
places in the ."hick" class, but with
out the facts to back it up. the
Journal fell into Its own mud-hole
this time.
The following has been sent by Al
bert Merrill Scripture, of the Thirty
third Aero Squadron in France. He
was the first young man from Oregon
City to land in France.
The wonderful spirit of the men at
the front, in spite of terrors and
strains unheard of before, is embodi
ed in this bit of soldierly philosophy
' that a French soldier sent to a friend
in Massachusetts. The piece has been
printed and circulated all along the
front, and has become exceedingly
popular among the French soldiers.
No one knows its origin. Thus it runs:
Tou have two alternatives; either
you are mobilized or you are not. If
not, you have nothing to worry about.
If yon are mobilized you have two
alternatives, you are in camp or yon
are at the front If you are in camp
you have nothing to worry about. If
you are at the front you have two al
ternatives, either you are in reserve
or you are on the firing line. If you
are in reserve you have nothlngto wor
ry about. If you are on the firing line
you have two alternatives, either you
fight or you don't fight. If you don't
fight you have nothing to worry about.
If you do you have two alternatives
either you get hurt or you don't If
you don't you have nothing to worry
about. U you do you have two alter
natives, either you get slightly hurt or
you get badly hurt. If slightly, you
have nothing to worry about. If badly
you have two alternatives, either you
recover or you don't. If you recover
you have nothing to worry about If
yon don't you have two alternatives,
you go to either hell or Heaven; if
you go to Heaven you have nothing
to worry about and if you go to hell
you have two alternatives, you either
like It or you don't, if you like It you
have nothing to worry about, if you
don't you have only one alternative,
you have got to like It, so what's the
FOR $231.87 ON
, Charles F. Terrill, as trustee, claims
that he sold a bill of lumber to the
value of 3231.87 to D. C. Baker in July
1917, and that the obligation has not
been liquidated, as 1 twas agreed
it should be. Through his attor
ney, he entered an action in the Circuit
Court Saturday for a judgment to
the amount of the goods delivered,
plus, interest thereon from the first
of August, 1917, to date, at 7 per cent.
Gladstone has secured a new prin
cipal of its public schools in the per
son of J. F. Croft of Coos county, who
succeeds W. T. McNulty. Mr. Croft
has Just been elected and has come
to Gladstone looking for a house in
which to domicile his wife and three
children. The new principal is 46
years of age.
? , EUGENE, Or., July 16. J. D.
3 Davis, aged 50, with a record of
14 years of service in the regular
$ army, has re-enlisted through
special permission from the War
Confidential Correspondence From the
Devil to the Kaiser .
Infernal Palace, Hade.
Dearest Wllhehn:
You may think I m Jealous of you
because you have outdone me tn think
ing up new deviltries to Inflict on the
human race. Oh, no. Fact Is, some
times I get real proud of you because
kultur and frightfulness are my pet
theories and you are my star pupil.
But the world does not really ap
preciate the cleverness of some of
your schemes, my boy. Whenever your
kultured armies were retreating to
vtctory In France, leaving railroads
and highways smashed, homes and
factories burned, wells poisoned, and
even fruit trees cut, not to mention
the shrines of the Christ dynamited
and the purity of Innocent mother
hood Prussianised, unthinking people
merely wondered why such orgies of
anger and hate. Tou see, my dear
Willie, the Interior nations could not
appreciate the amastngly skilful plau
you had behind it all. At first. I my
self failed to catch the wonderful
symphony of its heltlshnesa.
True, you have spent an awful lot
of German blood and, I suppose, about
all your people's money. , But have
you not fringed the fatherland with
ash-heaps where once were humming
cities, and with shell hotes where
your Inferior neighbors neglected
kultur while tending their flocks and
harvests? Of course,, your factolea
stand, and that Belgian machinery is
waiting to fill new ones. French and
Belgian and Russian slaves till your
fields and dig your mines. Oh. gee.
Wllhelm, if you could only give the
rest of the world a good old strong
German peace like the one you gave
Russia, how would they ever catch
up with Germany before your next
I know eome folks say you will not
have enough men left to start another
war. This is just where the very clev
erest part of your general plan fits
in. But you must not let so much leak
out about It If a super-polygamy Is
to be practiced to breed Jour next
army of kulture. better keep the plan
on the quiet. The inferior nations will
become even more suspicious if your
press and platform have much more
to say about "lateral marriages' and
"secondary marriages' and such
plans for breeding new German sol
diers. Wonderful Idea, though. If you
can get your men and women to think
of themselves as cattle. Better see
that no more of your German officers
are captured with written suggee-
Unna nn M,m .w ...o, ,..,.. I
And while I think of it. see that that I
'"Society of Regeneration" and the
"Hammar Community" and the rest
of the organizations camouflage the
business at least with tne name ot
marriage. It would sound better and
leave the Inferior nations less sus
picious. Of course, it's a good idea to
let Karl Torge's book on the new Ger
man polygamy circulate in Germany.
It may go to Turkey also. But better
not disgust the outside Inferior na
tions with It
But now, my dear Kaiser, about this
plan of tearing the boy babies away
from the breasts of their captured
mothers to raise them up Into Ger
man soldiers. Do you think that prac
tical? I know they will be raised
scientifically In your German orphan
asylums, but think 6f the hate It
piles up against Germany. And as to
forcing German motherhood on the
women, and girls of captured terri-
In reporting the results of the cam
paign for the Second Wrar Fund of the
American Red Cross in Clackamas
county, the Enterprise Inadvertedly
mis quoted the returns from the Hood
View district, due to a typographical
error. The quota for the dlstrct was
196.00, and the amount raised was
388.10, or but a little less than the
allotment. In the paper it appeared
that the amount raised totaled but $25
a misiaxe wnicn we sincerely re
gret and are happy to rectify.
"Billie" Insist on
Going Up With Aviator
Captain Jacques Bay riven, French
aviation expert sent to the Mineola
(L. I.) field to instruct Americans in
flying against the Germans, cannot
ascend in his machine unless "Billie"
goes with him. "Billie" makes such
a fuss the captain has not the heart
to leave him on the ground.
r f-
Kf )
A 'vt 4
'' 44h i
vJ--1 l7k A
,'", 'fas
L K c. -y-V;Mff WAV, xi
tory. Of course, this breeds more
creatures to slave for Germany and
fight for you. but then it breeds more
hate to grow outside Germany and
engulf you. At least, It wight help to
delay our good, old strong German
Believe me,
Proudly your old teacher,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, tor the County of Clacka
mas. Clara E. Morey, Plaintiff,
The Glenmorrie Company, a corpora-,
tlon, Defendant
State ot Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, ss:
. By Tirtue ot a Judgment order, de- jn tne office ot the Recorder ot Con
cree and an execution, duly issted out teyance tor aatd Clackamas County,
of and under the seal of the above en- excepting therefrom the rights of the
titled court, tn the above entitled . puDu0 ,u ,nd l0 dHUcted roads
cause, to me duly directed and dated abutting upon the northerly boundary
the zotn a ay ot June, wis, upon
Judgment rendered and entered tn
said court on the 14th day ot June
1918, In favor of Clara E. Morey, Plain
tiff, and against The Glenmorrie Com
pany, a corporation. Defendant, for the
sum ot 1346,834.03. with interest
thereon at the rate ot ( per
?Dt P?0,a.nnUmJ fn"tt 7 !
i918, .V "Um J!
IS000 0O as attorney, tee and ;
the further sum of lli.25 costs and
disbursement, and the costs of and !
sale ot the following described real
property, situate In the oocnty ot
Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wlt:
A part ot the Donation Land Claim
ot Felix A. Collard and Demararis Col
lard, his wife, in Sections 9. 10. 11. 14.
15 and 16 of Township 2 South, Range T" riT. iw Tv -i
, r.... tt-m ... umu. vi..!nte. forty-two seconds (19 04 42 )
1 East ot Willamette Meridian, being
Claim No. 45 and a part of theDona
tion Land Claim of Jesse Bullock and
Nancy Bullock, his wife, in Sections
11, 14 and 15 of Township 2 South,
Range 1 East ot Willamette Meridian,
being Claim No. 46 described a fol
lows: Beginning at a stone set tor the quar
ter section corner on line between
said Sections 11 and 14, thence South
thence !
61 0' West. 2088.31 feet;
South 6 47' East 351.63 feet; thence
South 82 24' Weet. 292.49 feet; thence
South 9 50' East 200.34 feet; 4thence
South 68 39 West 724.20 feet;
thence North 21 10' West. 5S5.97 feet;
thence South 66 22" West. 1760.20
feet; thence South 82 59' West
377.55feet: thence North 1 17' West.0"-
1439.51 feet; thence North 83 52
East, 1292.72 feet; thence North 1 34'
West 1001.60 feet; thence North 84
25' East, 549.84 feet: thence North 84
jir East, 461.84 feet; thence South 1
03' East, 994.22 feet; thence North 83
OS' East, 398.71 feet; thence North 80imome 1 arK' v-iscutma county, ure
46' East 314.79 feet: thence North 82 I
00' East, 215.00 feet; thence North 39! ll- BIock twenty (20) of Glenmor
04' East, 409.78 feet; thence North 30 rle 1ark- Clackamas County. Oregon.
54' East 130.75 feet; thence South 30; 12- Also all of blocks numbered
58' East. 186.00 feet; thence South 69 ; ten (10) and eleven (11) of Glenmor
03' East 362.38 feet; thence South 31' rie and all of block numbered twelve
18' East. 313.92 feet: thence North 50 I (12) of said Glenmorrie, excepting a
29' East. 143.25 feet; thence North 721
24' East 459.94 feet; thence North 89 j
49' East, 94.50 feet; thence North 65 arc through the northwest comer of
02' East, 207.84 feet, containing 130.94 1 said block number twelve (12); the
acres. said roadway being forty-six (46) feet
Also a part f said Fellx,A. Collard ' wid and the center line thereofTnter
and wife Donation Land Claim de- secting the westerly line of said block
scribed as follows: j number twelve (12) at a point eighty-
Beginning at the quarter section cor-, seven (87) and 5-10 (87.5) feet south
ner on line between said Section 11 and j er'y frn the northwesterly corner of
14, thence south 66 2' west 207.84 feet; I block number twelve (12) and
thence South 89 49 West 94.50 feet; j a,l center line, thence following a
thence South 72 24' West, 459.94 feet; ' cure on a radius of three hundred
thence South 50 29' West, 143.25 feet;
thence North 31 18' West, 313.92 feet;
thence North 69 3" West, 362.38 feet;
thence North 30 58' West. 186 feet;
thence South 30 54' West, 130.75 feet;
thence South 39 4' West, 409.78 feet;
thence South 82 West, 215 feet;
thence South 80 46' West, 314.79 feet;
thence South 83 6' West, 398.7 feet;
thence North 1 3' West, 994.22 feet to
a stone set in the North line of land In
said Donation Land Claim owned by
the grantor; thence along said North
line North 85 24' East, 552.15 feet and
North 55' East 992.42 feet to an lnter-
section with the Westerly line of Can
yon Drive, which Is the Westerly line
of Glenmorrie, according to the duly re
corded plat thereof; thence on said
Westerly line of Glenmorrie South
76 31' East 71.28 feet; thence on a
curve to right 83.25 feet (angle 120
radius 39.75 feet); thence on tangent
South 33 29' West 62 feet; thence on
curve to left 311.39 feet (angle 101
57', radius 175 feet) ; thence on curve
to right 140.13 feet (angle 38 14' j of Glenmorrie Park; thence South
radius 210 feet); thence on curve to fifty-five (55) degrees West ten hun
left 72 feet (angle 8 15', radius 500 ' dred twelve and 16-100 (1012.16) feet
feet); thence leaving said Westerly!
line of Canyon Drive and continuing .(02) degrees eighteen (18') minutes
on Westerly line of Glenmorrie South East Sixty-eight and 4-10 (68.4) feet
15 23 Et, 148.2 feet; thence South, to an Iron pipe; thence South elghty
3 23' East 100 feet; thence South 14' two (82) degrees forty-three (43')
23' East 160 feet; thence South V 37'mlnutei West eighty-two and 13-100
West 126.7 feet to the most Westerly j (82.13) feet to an Iron pipe; thence
corner of Block 13 of Glenmorrie; South fifty-nix (56) degrees sixteen
thence continuing on said Westerly
line of Glenmorrie South 43 14'fe
East 420.62 feet; thence South 28 4',
East, 190.97 feet; thence on curve to
left 91.86 feet (angle 14 26' radius
364.8 feet); thence ou tangent North
78 44' East 215 feet; thence on curve
to right 55.10 feet (angle 28' 42,
radius 110 feet); thence on curve to
left 81.13 feet (angle 37' 27', radius
124.08 feet); thence North 62 6'
East, 167.5 feet to the place of begin
ning, containing 42.66 acres. ,
Also all of Blocks 2, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12,
13 and 14 ot Glenmorrie according to
the plat thereof of record In the office
of the Recorder of Conveyances for
said Clackamas County, and said
blocks containing In all 10.625 acres
Also all that portion of the Donation
Land Claim of Gabriel Walling, and
Lucy Walling, his wife, Notification
No. 841, Claim No. 63, In Sections 13,
14, 15, 22 and 23 of Township 2 South,
Range 1 East of .Willamette Meridian,
described as follows: , ,
Beginning at a stone set at the
Southwest corner of said Walling
Donation Land Claim
thence North 3613.35
and running
feet; thence
North SI US' East 3329.60 feet; thence
South 35 02' East 1195.93 feet; thenc
North 69 67' Kast, 216.84 feet; thence
North, 14 35' Kast, 143.16 feet: thence
North 84 47' Kast, 173.03 feet; thence
North 31 01' East, 149.63 feet; thence
Nonk 66 IS' East, 364.88 feet; thence
North 89 15 East, 381.91 feet; thence
North 63' 46' East 318.20 feet; thonoe
South 87 30' East, 631.90 feet; thence
North 79 39' East, 231.30 feet; thence
South 89 16' East 423.10 feet; thence
South 14 46' East, 1337.40 feet; thence
South 18 23' East 158.60 feet; thence
South 87 62' West, 1366.85 feet; thence
South 3 18' West, 138170 feet; thence
North 88 27' Went. 4884.60 feet, con
taining In all 451.31 acres. Excepttug
and reserving therefrom, however, the
following described premises released
from the lien of plaintiff's mortgage,
1. Block twenty-eight (38), thirty
five (35) and sixty-one (61) of Glen
morrle Park, Clackamaa County, Or.
3. All of the easterly halt of Block
thirty nine (39) of Qlenmorrle Park in
Clackamas County. Oregon, contain-
ing seventy-nine hundredths (.79) ot
an acre, more or less, according to the
duly recorded plat thereof of record
ot ,aid easterly half ot Block thirty
nine (39) said easterly halt being more
particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the southeast corn
er ot said Block thirty nine (39) run
ning thence south fifty-nine degrees,
sixteen minutes, twenty-eight seconds
(59 16' 23") west along the aouth
ndary line of said Block thirty nine
thirty aud 32100
m north f
d f(mp b fort tw0
iecond, (29. v ir) WMt ,nd partllel
with the Easterly line ot said Block to
the Intersection ot the northerly line
ot said Block; thence northeaaterly
following the northerly line ot said
Block thirty-nine (39) to the north
easterly corner ot said Block; thence
amiiK (wnr.fttna A a nM Vt mln.
East following the easterly line ot said
Block two hundred thirty-two and
69-100 (232.69) feet, more or less, to
the place of beginning.
3. Blocks thirty six (36). eighty
tour (84), eighty-five (S3), eighty-six
(86) and eighty-seven (87) ot Glen
morrie Park, Clackamaa County, Ore
gon. 4. All ot block twenty-nine (29).
Glenmorrie Park, Clackamas County,
5. Block sixteen (16) ot Glenmor
rie Park, Clackamas County, Oregon.
6. Block nineteen (19) of Glenmor'j
rie Park. Clackamas County Oregon.
7. Block twenty-one (21) of Glen
morrie Park, Clackamas County, Ore-
"loc winy-seven tan oi uien-
" rara. nacKamas 10111117. ure-
9. Block fifty-live (55) of Glenmor
rie Park, Clackamas County, Oregon.
10. Block fourteen (14) ot Glen-
a"on- ; -
roadway now established and located:
upon the ground and describing anj
twenty (320) feet a distance of one
hundred thirty-four and 8-10 (134.8)
feet to Intersection with the north line
ot said block number twelve (12) at a
point one hundred eight and 3-10
(108.3) feet easterly from the north
westerly corner of said block number
twelve (12).
13. Blocks two (2), four (4) and
five (5) of Glenmorrie, Clackamas
County, Oregon.
14. Blocks thirteen (13) and four
teen (14) of Glenmorrie, Clackamas
County, Oregon.
15. Beginning at a point in the
bridge oft the County Road which point
is in the center of the, northern ex
tremity of Canyon Drive of Glenmor
rie as shown on the official plat of
same as filed In the office of the Re
corder of Conveyances ot Clackamas
County, Oregon; said initial point be
ing further described as North fifty
five (55) degrees East ten hundred
twelve and 16100 (1012.16) feet from
1 an iron pipe In the northerly boundary
to an Iron pipe; thence South twoL
(16') minutes West forty-five and
64-100 (45.64) feet to an Iron
thence South thlrty-se,ven (37) de-
grees fifty-seven (57') minutes West
I one hundred and 0-10 (100.0) feet to an
Iron pipe; thence south twenty-three
(23) degrees fifty-seven (57') minutes
I West one hundred and 0-10 (100.0) feet
to an Iron pipe; thence south flfty-sev-
en (57) degrees fifteen (15) minutes
East: fifty-five and 28-)0 (55.28) feet
to a poBt; thence north fifty-five (55)
degrees East twelve hundred ninety
five and 43 100 (129fr.43) feet to a point
ih the center line of. Canyon Drive of
Glenmorrie; thence following the cen
ter line of Canyon Drive by a chord
to the Curve, north thirty-three (33)
degrees nineteen (19') minutes East
nlnety-fl ve hundredths ' (0.95) feet to
an Iron pipe: thence north thirty-
three (33) degrees twenty-nine (29')
minutes East fifty-two and 0-10 (52.0)
feet continuing In the center line of
said Canyon Drive to a pipe; thencs
continuing In the center 4 line , of said
Canyon Drive on a curve of radius
fifty-four Bnd 75-100 ,.(54.75) feet
through one hundred ten .(110) de-
grees of curvature the chord of this
curve bears north twentyne (21)
degree thirty-one (31) minute Wet
and la elghty-nlne and M0 (89.7) teat
tn length ; thenc continuing In the
center line of Canyou Driv north
entytx (76) degrees thirty -on (31')
minute West fifty-eight and 010
(68.0) feet to the point ot beginning.
The foregoing described tract lie in
th extreme northeast corner ot Glen
morrie Park mfhM an area ot 4.400
Also commencing at the said point
of beginning and running thence north
firty five (65) degree east to the
Willamette River, thence up laid river
to the Northerly boundary of aionmor
rle, a shown upon the said plat;
theno following the northerly Una of
said Genmorrte to tntorsect the cen
ter line of saUI Canyon Drive; thence
following th center lln of said Can
yon Prlve to the said place of begin
ning. 16. Beginning at point in the cen
ter line of Canyon Drive, a street ded
icated as shown on th recorded plat
of Glenmorrie on file in the office of
the Recorder of Conveyances ot Clack
aina County, Oregon, which point Is
South thirty-three degree, nineteen
minute (S3 19') wt ninety-five hun
dredth (.95) feet from an Iron pip
In the center line of said Canyon Drlv
at the Northern extremity ot a curv
of one hundred lxty (160) feet radius
and at the southern extremity ot a
tangent fifty-two (61) fset In length
nd whose bearing I north thirty
tlree degree, twenty-nln minute
(33 29') east; thence parallel to the
northern boundary of Glenmorrie Park
a shown upon th plat thereof ot rec
ord In th offlc ot ald Recorder ot
Conveyance, south flfty-llv degree
(55) west twelve hundred nlnety-fl
and 43-100 (1396.43) fset to a itak;
thence south flfty-eeven (57) degree
fifteen (15') minutes east on hundred
eight and 67100 (108.67) feet to an
iron pipe; thence south lghtylx de
grees, twenty-seven tnlnut (86 17')
east seventy-nln and 33-100 (79.33)
feet to a stake; thtnc north alxty de
gree, on minute (60 01') east five
hundred seventy and 29-100 (870.29)
feet to a atska; thence north thirty
five (35) degrees west fifty (50) feet
to a stake; thence north fifty fire
(55) degree east five hundred twenty-three
and 7-100 (523.7) feet to a
pipe In the center ot Canyon Drive on
a point In a curve of one hundred six
ty (160) feet radius; thence following
the' center line of Canyon Drive In a
northerly direction on a curve of rad
ius one hundred sixty (160) feet
through sixty-eight degrees, thirty
five minutes (68 35') of curvature to
the point of beginning; the chord to
this curve bears north no degree,
fifty eight minute (0 58') West nd
'is one hundred eighty and 26100
(180.26) feet In length. The area of
the foregoing described tract I 4.409
Also beginning at an Iron pipe In th
center line of Canyon Drive ns shown
on the recordel plat of Glenmorrie on
file In the office of the Recorder ot
Conveyances of Clackamus County.
Oregon, which point Is at a point ot
reverse curvature, being at, the north
ern extremity of curve ot radius four
hundred eighty-five ( 485) feet and at
the southern extremity of a curve of
radius two hundred twenty-five (225)
feet; thenre following the center line
of Canyon Drive on a curve to (he left
ot radius two hundred twenty-five
(225) feet through thirty-eight degrees
ourteen nmiuies us
"''' tne cnom to tni
fourteen minutes 38 14') of curv-
s curve bears
North forty-nine degree , twenty-one
minutes (49 21') West and I one hun
dred forty seven and 5 10 (147.5) feet
In length; thence still following th
center line of Canyon Drive on curve
to the right of radius ope hundred six
ty (160) feet through thirty-three de
grees, twelve minutes (33 12') of cur
vature; and the chord to this curve
bears north fifty-one degrees, forty
nine minutes (51 49') west and Is
ninety-one and 42-100 (91.42) feet In
length; thence south fifty-five degrees
(55) west five hundred twenty-three
and 7 10 (523.7) feet to a stake; thence
south thirty-five degrees (35) east,
fifty (HO) feet to a stake; thence south
sixty degrees, one minute (60' 01")
west five hundre.l seventy and 29-100
(570.29) feet to a stake; thence south
eighty-six degrees, twenty-seven min
utes (86 27') east one hundred twelve
and 18100 (112.18) feet to an Iron
pipe; thence south fifty-two degrees,
forty-four minutes (52 44') cast eigh
ty and 43-100 (80.43) feet to an Iron
pipe; thence on a curve to the right
of radius twenty-nine and 06-100
(29.06) feet through ninety five de
grees, forty-eight minutes (95 48') of
curvature to an Iron pipe; the chord
to this curve bears north eighty-five
degrees orje minute (85 01') east and
Is forty-three end 2-10 (43.2) feet long;
thence north iHxty-flve degrees, twenty-four
minutes (65 24') East four
hundred thirty-five and 80-100 (435.80)
feet to an Iron pipe in center of brook;
thence down strenm following the cen
ter line of said brook as follows, north
three degrees, forty-seven minutes
(3 47') east one hundred twenty-nine
and 20-100 (129.20) feet; north forty
two degrees, two minutes (42 02')
east fifty-nine and 31-100 (59.31) feet
to a stake In the center of said brook;'
thence leaving the bed of said brook
north sixty-nine degrees, two minutes
(69' 02) East sixty-eight (68) feet to
an iron pipe; thence north seventy
seven degrees, thirty-two minutes
(7T 32') East fifty-nine and 12-100
(59.12) feet to an Iron pipe; thence
north elghty-slx degrees two minutes
(86 02') east sixty-one and 85-100
(61.85) feet to a stake; thence north
sixty-three degrees, thirty-two minutes
(63" 32') east eighty and ,12-100
(80.12) feet to an Iron pipe; thence
north sixty-six degrees, fourteen min
utes (66 14') east seventy-eight and
75-100 (78.75) feet to an iron pipe;
thence south eighty-eight degrees
twenty-three minutes (88' 23') east
fifty and 20-100 (50.20) feet to an pipe;
thence north thirty degrees, forty-three
minutes (30 43') east seventy-four
(74) feet to the point of beginning.
The area of the foregoing described
tract Is 4.409 acres. " ,
"Alo beginning at an Iron pipe in
the center of the road in nam Glenmor
rie Park "Which point is In the line pro
ducea In a; southwesterly direction of
the line between lots sixteen and sev
enteen (16 and 17 of said Glenmorrie
Park and which road forms the north
erly boundary ot lots twenty (20) and
iw.utyone (21) ot ld Ulenmorrl
Park; theno following the center line
ot said road In a westmly direction on
a curv to the left who radius I
seventy fiv and 81-100 (76.81) feet
through thirty six degrees, thirty min
ute (36 30') ot curvature; (hence
still following th center tin of sold
rund on a curv to the left whose rad
ius t one hundred fifty ittven and 9 10
(167.9) feet through twenty fiv (25)
degrees of curvature; thenc still fol
lowing the said center line on a curve
to the left who radius la seventy aud
79-100 (70.79) feet through t went y -tow
degree, fifty (It minute (24 M') of
curvature; thence still following said
center tin on a tangent k th last
curv a distune of slxty-on and 1-10
(61.1) feet; thenc still following ttd
center Una on a curv to the right
whose radius 1 alxty fiv nd 27100
(6617) feet through nlnety-sevnti de
grees, forty Kino minutes (97 41') of
curvature; thenc still following the
said renter line on a tangent to the
last curv a distance of on hundred
fifty-four and 9 10 (164.9) feet to an
Iron pip In the center of th road sot
at th southwesterly corner of a tract
ot land heretofore conveyed by Th
Glenmorrie Company to B. 11. fatewsrt;
thence north sixty fiv degrees, twen
ty tour minute (65 34') nt follow
ing the southerly line of ld tract
heretofore conveyed by Th Glenmor
rle Company to 8. D. Stewart tour
hundred thtrty-flv and 80 100 (436.80)
feet to an Iron pip set In the center
of a spring branch or creek; thenc
north three degree, forty seven min
ute (3 47') east on hundred (100)
feet; thenc south twelve degree,
fifty-three minute (1! 63') ast two
hundred twelve and 93 100 (212.93)
feet to appoint fifteen (16) feet north
erly from th line betwenn lot slxten
(16) and seventeen (17) of said Glen
morrie Park; thenc louth fifty-one
degree twenty-nln minute (51 19')
west one hundred on and 18100
(101.18) feet following a Una parallel
with and distant fifteen (15) feet at
right angles from th said Una be
tween the said lots sixteen (16) and
seventeen (17) to th northerly side
line ot th said rosd; thence south
thirty-eight degrees, thirty one mln
utes (38 31') esst fifteen (15) feet to
th point of beginning, containing
1.4453 acres.
Also beginning at an Iron pip In th
center of Canyon Drive of Glenmorrie
as shown tn th plat ot sama of record
In the office of th Recorder of Con
veyance of Clackamas County, Ore
gon, wnic-n pine or beginning I t a
point ot reverse curvature being at
the northerly terminus of a curve of
radius four hundred eighty-five HS5)
feet and at the southerly terminus of
a curve ot radius two hundred twenty
fiv (225) feet; thenre south thirty de
grees, forty three minutes (30 43')
west seventy four (74) feet to n Iron
pipe; thence north elghty-elgbt de
grees, twenty-three minutes (88 23')
West fifty and 20-100 (50.20) feet to an
Iron pipe; thence aouth slxty-slx de
grees, fourteen minute (66 44') west
sventy-elght and 75-100 (78.76) feet
(63 32 ) West, eighty and 12100
to an Iron pipe; thenc south sixty
three degree, thirty-two minutes
(80.12) feet to a stake; thence south
elghty-slx degrees two minutes (86
02') west sixty-one and 81 100 (61.85)
feet to an Iron pipe; thence south
seventy-seven degrees, thirty-two mln-!
utes (77 32 ) West fifty-nine and
12 100 (59.12) feet to an Iron pipe,
thence South sixty-nine degrees, two
minutes (69 02') West sixty-eight
(68) feet to a stake In the center of a
spring branch; thence continuing up
stream along the bed ot the spring
branch south forty-two degrees, two
minutes (42 02') west fifty-nine and
31-100 (59.31) feet; thence south three
degrees, forty-seven minute (3 47')
West twenty-nine and 20-100 (29.20)
feet to an Iron pipe In the bed ot the
stream; thence south twelve degrees,
fifty-three minutes (12 63') lint two
hundred twelve and 93100 (212.93)
feet to a point fifteen (15) feet north
erly from the line between lot sixteen
(16) and seventeen (17) of Glenmor
rle Park, reference being had to the
plat thereof of record In the offlc of
the Recorder of Conveyances of Clack
amas County, Oregon; thence south
fifty-one degrees, twenty-nine minute
(61 29') west one hundred one and
18-100 (101.18) feet following line par
allel and dlHtant fifteen (15) feet at
right angles from the said line divid
ing said lots sixteen (16) and seven
teen (17) to the northerly side line of
the road forming the northerly boun
dary of lots twenty (20) and twenty
one (21) of said Glenmorrie Park as
shown on recorded plat of Glenmorrie
Park; thenc aouth twenty-seven de
grees, fifty-three minutes (27 63')
east fifteen (15) feet to an Iron pipe
In the center ot said road; thence
north fifty-one degrees, twenty-nine
minutes (51. 29') east six hundred
sixty-three and 63-100 (663.53) feet fol
lowing the line between lots sixteen
(16) and seventeen (17) of Glenmor
rie Park to an Iron pipe; thence north
fifteen degrees, twenty-three minutes
(15' 23') west forty-seven and 70-100
(47.70) feet to the wetorly side line
of Canyon Drive; thence north fifty
degrees, forty-six minutes (50 46')
east fifteen (15) feet to fln Iron pipe
In the center line of Canyon Drive;
thence 01 a curve to the right whose
radius Is four hundred eighty-five
(485) feet a distance of sixty-nine and
80-100 (69.80) feet to the point of be
ginning containing 2.1857 acres.
17. A strip of land 1664.8 feet more
or less In length and 100 feet in width,
being 60 feet In width on each side ot
and parallel with the surveyed and lo
cated center line of the Portland, Eu
gene ft Eastern Railway Company's
railway as the same Is now surveyed,
located and staked out over and across
the grantor's property which Is part
of the Gabriel Walling Donation Land
Claim No. 63 In Township 2 South,
Range 1 East, Willamette Meridian,
said center line being more particular
ly described as follows:
, Entering the grantor's north proper
ty line at a point which Is North 14
41' East 1490.4 feet, more or less, from
the northwest, corner of the George
W. walling Donation Land Claim No.
62, Township 2, South, Range iEast,
Willamette meridian, .ana is at or
about Engineer's" Station 11581-0 of
the Portland, Eugene ft Eastern Rail
way Company's survey; thenco South
38 36' East 323.S feet, more onloss, to
a point wuicn is engineer station.
1 fM 04.5 which equal Engineer's
Station 120 f 26.4 of th said oom-
puny' survey, which point I th be
ginning ot a taper curv No. tt to th
right; thence ou said taper curv to
th right through an angle of 0' 27' a
distant' ot 90 feet to a point at En
gineer's Station 131 15.4 of mid com
pany' survey which I th beginning
of a regular 1 curve to the right with
a radius of 6739,6 tent; Uinne on a
regular curv to th right through an
angl of 6 )8' a distance ot 039 foet
to a point at Etiglnner's Station
127 45,4 of sail m pony's survey
which la th beginning ot a taper
curve No. H th right; thnnce on
snld tacT curv through an angl ot
0 27' a (Untune ot 90 tnt to a point
th Hrtntilng of a tangent at Kngl
neer's Station 128 25.4; thenc South
31 29' East a dlatano ot 631.1 ft
inor or less, to th south lln ot gran
tor's land, leaving th grantor's sooth
line at or about Engineer' Station
163 f 66.7 of said company' survey.
Also an additional atrip ot land 60
feet In width lying on the southwester
ly sld of adjoining and parallel with
th Southwesterly aid lln ot th
above described 100 toot atrip ot lnd,
said 60 foot strip of Und itnd
from th north Una ot th grantor'
property southeasterly to a lln drawn
at right angles to ssld survey and lo
cated center lln ot railway at Engi
neer' Station 18800 ot ssld oom
pany't survey which 4a 111 fst dis
tant from north lln of grantor' aatd
Also an additional strip of land 60
feet In width lying on th northeaster
ly slda ot adjalnlng and parallel with
th northeasterly slda lln of th
above described 100 foot strip of land,
said 60 foot strip of land itend from
th north lln ot th grantor's proper
ty southeasterly to a lln drawn t
right ngle to said surveyed and lo
cated center tin of rsllwny at Bngl
nerr's Station 18800 of aatd com
pany' survey which I 111 feat dis
tant from north lln of grantor aald
land containing 4.324 acraa, mor r
Also beginning t the point wher
said surveyed and located center lln
crossea grantor's north property line
and running thmir North SI 48' East
distance of 127.6 feet to th north
easterly corner ot the right of way of
said Railway Company, which point
Is the Initial point ot th property to
be described and conveyed herein;
running thence south 33 26' Kast.
along the easterly Hue ot aald right
ot wsy, a distune of 139.74 feet to a
point; thnnce south 61 14' West fol
lowing said right ot way Una 60 teat
to a point; thence south 38- 36' East,
following said right of way Una, a
dlslanc ot 104.8 fet to a point the be
ginning of a curv to th right, thence
rouowing said rignt or way una on a
curv to the right having a radius of
22918 feet, a distance of 30.1? feet;
thence on a curve to th right of rad
ius 11469 feet a dlslanc ot 30.0T feet,
thence on a curve to th right ot rad
ius 11459 feet, a distance or 30.13 feet,
thenc on a curve to the right ot rad
ius 7639.5 feet a distance ot 30.20 feet;
thence on a curve to th right ot rad
ius 6779.6 feet a distance of 168.1 feet
to a point; thenc north 31' 14' West
a dlstanc ot 696.1 feet, mor or lea.
to th north lln of grantor's property.
20.6 feet north 89 43' East from the
initial point, thence to th Initial
point; said tract of land Is said
to contain 0.311 of and acr. wore or
lss. '
18. Also a trlangulur piece or par
col of land being all that portion of
lot 5, Glenmorrie In Section 11, Town
ship 2 South, Range 1 East Willam
ette Meridian, as shown on recorded
plat filed July 3d, 1918. In Book 7, pag
23, of the Records of Clackamaa Coun
ty, Oregon, lying southwesterly from
a line parallel with and 50 foet north
easterly from and measured at right
angles to the surveyed and located
center line of the Portland, Eugene
and Eastern Railway Company's rail
way .and more particularly described
as follows, to-wlt:
Commencing at an Iron pipe which
Is the southerly corner of said lot 5,
and on tho router line of Canyon
Drive, thence running northeasterly
along the southeasterly boundary of
said Lot, 6, a distance of 4.60 foot, to
Engineer' Station 7609.7 of th sur
veyed and located center line ot the
Portland, Eugene ft Eastern Railway
Company's railway; thence continuing
northeusterly along said southeasterly
line ot Lot 5 a distance of 50.13 feet,
more or less, to a point 50 feet north
easterly from and mousured at right
angles to said center line of railway;
thence north 47 31' WoBt parallel
with and 60 feet distant from said cen
ter line 175.5 feot, more or loss, to the
north westorly boundary of said lot 5;
thence southwesterly along said north
westerly boundary ot lot 5, a distance
of 15.85 foet, more or loss, to
tho westerly corner thereof; thence
southeasterly along tho southwes
terly boundary of said lot 6,
which is also the center linn of Can
yon Drive, a distance of 156.15 hot,
more or'less, to the-suld surveyed and
located center line of railway, at or
about Engineer's Station 75S9.0;
thnnce continuing along said south
westerly boundary of lot 6, a distance
of 20.85 feet more or loss, to the point
of beginning, containing 0.141 acres,
more or loss.
Now, Therefore, by virtue ot snld
execution, Judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
of sold writ, I will, on Saturday, the
27th day of July, 1918, at the hour of
,10 o'clock, a. m., at the front door of
jthe County Court House in th City of
Oregon City, in said County and State,
sell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder, for IT.
S. gold coin cash In hand, all the right,
title and Interest which the within
named defendant had on the date
Lot the mortgage herein or since
had In or to the above described
real property or any part thereof, to
satisfy said execution, Judgment order,
decree, Interest, costs and nil accruing
costs. . p
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C. Hackett, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., June 28th,
Date of first publication, June 28th,
Date of last publication, July 20,
1918. ' : , s-