Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 12, 1918, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Newsy Briefs From
(Rosle and Violet, of Henrlcl, also at
tended the meeting.
Miss Laura Brenner it visiting with
her brother and family at Carus. After
a '"w return .ha will attend the Chau
at the Rediana " "
. txtM
rawuuj wo - tauaua,
achool house. Diet 75. June J 88 when gpme of Ah cWUl
they went over the top by about $1200.,
The total amount raised waa iz so. Qr,S0IU
Mrs. Freytag, of Gladstone. "th Nearly everyone spent the Fourth
speaker or the evening and iwrou a few , and celebrated
enjoyed her address. W M Stone aK other
so gave us a short talk when he atop- ,
Jed on hla way home from Viola. A.! There are still a few fires, but the
m Virr em acted as chairman and, danger seems to be over now.
n.STm aslectarV Allle Dodge has returned from Port-
WneT he ZSSS gathered Und. where she spent her vacation,
up KwVtound that .very family had! Clara Ahlberg is visiting In Port
either bought or pledged to buy land with her sister, Margaret.
'! !. Z wnhothL Sr.. was1 Wm Brhm. of Gladstone, was here
the heaviest "subscriber. He will have on business last week.
11000 worth by the first of the year.
After the report were collected and
totaled the following program was
given which wa greatly appreciated,
by everyone: America, by audtence;
Our Flag, by James and Ruby Brown;
No Waste, Elhora StaaU; Dig Up.
Herbert Carlson; The Flag on the
Farm. Ernest Koch; song. America's
Prayer, by the children: 4 minute
talk on W. S. S.. by Mildred Koch;
The Blue and the Gray, Marine Rip
ley; aong by the Koch children; Dad's
Help, by Icella Hughee; Stand by the
President, Helen Fullam: Liberty's
Call, Luclan Koch; Real Trouble.
Marian Koch; Recitation. Wilfred
Cooo: Violin duet, by Mr. Brown and
son. James; Star Spangled Banner, by
Dr. Seaman, of Oregon City, held
services at Bethel church the 30th of
June and last Sunday. There will not
be further service till after Chan
tauqua. ;
Mrs. John Egger and niece, MIbs
Katharine. nent last week-end at
Macks burg. While there they attend
ed an ice cream social and report a
very good time.
Miss Ethel Funk spent several
days in Oregon City last week. Mies
FiinV and Miss Edith Bullard will
camp at Chautauqua.
Mr. Fullam has the crusher going at
last Mr. Howell haa his engine on
the crusher and Mr. Babler Is doing
the grading.
Mr. and Mrs. Coop have a new son
whose name is Woodrow Pershing
W. H. Bonney has purchased a new
Brisco car.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dwlggina and son.
Robert, and Mrs. Annie Tuft spent
last Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Fullam. Miss Ona Renner,
Miss Barlow. Mr. Renner and aon.
Kenneth, called during the afternon.
Herman (Dick) Porehn, who Is
working In the ship yards at Port
land, spent the week-end with his
Milfred Hinkle. Glen Allen. Paul
Courtright and several others who
are working at Mulino, attended the
ice cream social at SchwarUs June
The Red Cross met for the regular
meeting last Monday night, but ow
ing to the busy season just now there
will be no more meetings until the
first of September.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Allen and
daughter, Gertrude, of Mulino, visited
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Allen, last week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. August Hubert visit
ed their son, Albert, at Camp Lewis
June 28 and 29. Mr. Hubert expects
to be in France soon.
Mias Katherlne Egger, of Astoria,
la spending the summer with Mr. and
Mrs. John Egger.
The Misses Grace and Pearl Hinkle
spent lie week-end with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hinkle.
District 75 has hired Miss Agden,
of Portland, as teacher, daring the
coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Caswell, of Port
land, visited at the home of A. M.
Klrchem last Sunday. Lawrence Cas
well, who had spent the week there
returned home with them.
Dan Cupid has been making quite
a raid here during the past month.
Miss Grace Allen and Gilbert Court
right were married at the former's
home and now live at Union, Oregon.
Mies Sylvia Brown, eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, and Mr.
Larson, a sollder at Vancouver, were
married. Her sister, Wannle, was mar
ried a short time ago.
Mrs. Augusta Kirchem and daugh
ter, June, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Arm
strong and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bon
ney and family will all camp at Chau
tauqua. Mrs. Tom Ripley, of Portland, and
her two children, were at the Ripley
farm last week canning fruit.
Miss Altman, who ta-aght at Dlst.
75 last year, will leave for Oil City,
Pa., July 10. She expects to remain
there for several months.
Sergeant Jack Hindle, who was
stationed at Vancouver Barracks, is
now in the Oregon City hospital suf
fering from an attack of acute pneu
monia. Mr. Fullam and family, Mrs. Egger
and Katherine, visited with friends
at Logan Sunday.
Wm. Flitter and Fred Bombard hare
gone to The Dalles. Mr. Bombard
went to work during harvest and Mr.
Fatter went on business.
John Kunxman and Ward Clark
have Just received their Monroe and
Crtssell alios and will erect them soon.
They arrived Monday by way of the
W. V. S. railway.
GLADSTONE. July 11. Mr. and
Mrs. H. B. Miller and children spent
Saturday and Sunday on Mt Hood.
Mrs. Simms was an over-Sunday
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stelner.
Mr. and Mrs. August Bolle, of Sell
wood Gardens, were week-end visit
ors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bolle and
Mrs. Edw. W. Eby.
Miss Ruth Peckover spent Sunday
with her sister, Mrs. Edw. Rauch.
Mrs. Emma Flayler and sons, Ken
neth and Charles, Mrs. Irene Ingles
and son, Carl, were in Gladstone Sun
day visiting Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Eby.
' Among the Chautauqua campers
this year are Mr. and Mrs. Will Hen
derson and daughters. Misses Myrtle
and Leola. Miss Myrtle has recently
returned from Eastern Oregon where
she taught with success during the
winter and spring. She will spend the
summer here with her parents and re
turn to her school work in Septem
ber. Miss Marie Souie, a school teacher
of Corvallis, and Lieut. Arthur Friend,
of Vancouver, Wash, spent the day
with Mrs. Edw. Eby Monday. Miss
Soule is here to attend Chautauqua
and take the civil service examination
in Portland this month.
Mrs. Rose Eby Taylor, who is well
known in Oregon City and Parkplace,
Is in St Vincent's hospital for an op
eration for appendicitis under the
care of Dr. Short, of Gresham. Her
daughter, Miss Dorothy Dell Taylor.
has been spending some time with
her aunt, Mrs. Edw. W. Eby, of Glad
stone. Mrs. Geo. Tale is spending Chau
tauqua week with her sister, Mrs.
Mrs. J. W. Toder and Mrs. Fred
Stiener were visiting In Parkplace
Monday afternoon.
MACKSBURG, July ll.-Fourth of
July might have been the moat solemn
day In Lent to Judge from the stillness
that prevailed In our place. A tew fam
ily gatherings, and some excursions
abroad were the only festivities that
took place.
Let no one, however, think this an
indication of uon-patrlotlsm on our
part Rather is it that the love of
country and the sorrow at her wrongs
lies too deep tor noisy demonstration.
In too many houses the empty chair,
the tables vacant place and the sil
ence, where a loved voice was won't
to ring out, subdued all Inclination tor
boisterous display.
Would we might say that every
heart In our community were loyal
and true to the stars nd stripes, but
alas, we can not deny that even here
to that immortal Jury of Walter
Scott's "Breathes there a man with
soul so dead he never to himself has
said, this Is my own, my native land?"
The answer would have to be a dismal
"Yes." but one consolation we have, all
disloyal speech has been silenced In
our midst and whereas, a tew months
ago, adverse criticism of our president
and others In authority denudation of
the Red Cross as a gigantic swindle
and hinta of coming insolvency in the.
U. S. financial system were freely
spoken. No such word Is heard now.
The silence of the Sphinx prevails In
Its place, while many of those who
once professed disloyalty have invest
ed In U. S. securities and riven freely
ESTACADA. July 11 The Eastern
Clackamas News, which has been
owned and published by R. M, Stand
tsh, was last week sold to Rev. Uptou
Glbbs, who has been pastor of St
Peters Episcopal church at LaOrande,
Oregon, for thirteen years. Mr. Stand-
Ish has successfully puhltshed this
home paper tor several years and will
be greatly missed by hla many trlends,
acquired by htm during his loyal ser
vice. Mr. Gibba and wife expect to
move to Estacada about the middle of
August and a hearty welcome and
wishes tor success la extended to them
by the patrons of thla vicinity.
Glenn Ingltsh, who la serving In the
army, was vaccinated last week and Is
spending a tew days at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Huxley, ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs, S. E, Wooa
ter and daughter, Helen, motored to
Gladstone Park, July 4th, where there
was a large celebration.
The ship builders ot the Columbia
river held their ptcnlo In the Esta
cada Park Sunday. A large crowd was
in attendance making It necessary to
have twenty-six cars.
Mr. and Mrs, II. E. Wooater returned
home Xrom a visit to Eastern Oregon
Sunday evening.
Emma Barr formerly of this place,
but now of Portland, spent the week
end with her parents.
BARLOW. July 11. Leonard Par
mentor and family came home the
Fourth to spend, a month's vacation.
Mr. and Mr. Victor Olsen, who have
been visiting their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Larson, left Wednesday tor Rock
The many friend ot Miss Theollne
Larson will be pleased to hear she Is
Improving rapidly In the new home at
Vader, Washington, where her par
Mr, and Mrs. Homer Nichols are go
ing to move Into the Graven oottnge.
Mrs. Leslie llolltday and her sister,
Mra. Ed llerdlne, are going to move
Into the W. II. Darnat house, whore
they will reside. BothMr. Ilonllue
and Mr. llolltday have ' Joined the
Mr .and Mra. Philip Hult ami chil
dren, motored to Colton Inst Sunday,
and while, there were tha guests ot
Word was received last week by
Mr. and Mrs. August Erlckson that
their son, Oscar, who Is with the medi
cal corps at Vancouver, la 111 with
scarlet fever, and will be under quar
antine for 43 days.
Mra. Robert Sehuetiel whs an Ore
gon City visitor one day this week.
Earl Rerdlne, who Is In the United
States nnvy, la home on a month's fur
Mrs. Fisher, ot Liberal, visited her
daughter, Mra. Elmer Erlckson, Inst
Joe Mallet and Clarence Mallet ami
Tom Flith expect to leave In a short
Uwtie tor Eastern Oregon to work lu
the harvest fields.
Mra. Rose Doitcr has gone to Glad
stone to visit for awhile.
Mrs. Martha Knott waa the guest
ot Mra. August Erivkson last Satur
day. John Dnrnal, ot Colton, was a Mu
lino visitor last Monday.
Mr. Lang waa a Stlverton visitor
last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Long, ot Moni
tor, were the guests ot Mra. Long's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Belle Rertllne.
August Ertckson was a Portland vis
itor last Tuesday.
Albert Erlckson ha puerhased a
new Overland car.
Saare, ot Portland, waa out on busi
ness Saturday.
Upon the Foundation
The Champion $
No Greater
ml Posslble.
laS ha rm
J' i.i k
r Dcen nuuunx 'f f
f0 for user
for year
Part U
TTV1S Ij s,.
and i6.
" Seethej
r- the
wr - - JT rw
"rr"-153'-. iiif Every
. , el - v '.-i .v! M la... -
.. 1.9 V It g V. V ,.,J f&.im, ,'cc.2rj
f 'Z jf' this axiBTftATKM Am . 1m m .....ib hiiaiuiiu ''iff rightly designed. t
fl'i 'Vt t--. twhiwm wtoiuj w k. rt 12 I hi u for your
'"&' itw 5f,l: protection
t L-vJ V
I Champion
r Agency t.s&J,
m ri
Drivinsz Mechanism
lfttfBl gr whicK naay tk m
f"Kr gfm Ath iwitaii
. hmvml mm
i!h cruk tliait
Show in the
Extra Wide
;f SMtMtential
6r iiul kniftcut
ui lo th. width
Kiwi rMthal liu
irj (r.
built 1
Eagle Creek
EAGLE CREEK. July 11. Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Douglass spent the Fourth
at the home of Geo. Prelster of Logan.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Barr have been
the guests of the tatter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Cahill, for a few days
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baker and son,
Georgle, spent the Fourth at the Oaks.
Several from this neighborhood
spent the Fourth at Fern Camp.
About 4:30 Saturday evening Will
Douglass' house caught fire from a
8 park from the stovepipe and it and
the woodshed burned to the ground.
It was Imposible to put it out owing to
the scarcity of water and it being so
dry, the house was not long in burn
ing. Mrs. Douglass, with the help of
a few of the neighbors, saved some of
the furniture, clothes and bedding. But
nothing in the kitchen was saved.
There was no insurance.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister were
Sandy visitors the Fourth.
Franklin Gibson, while picking
cherries up at the James Gibson place
on Monday, fell out of a tree, break
ing his wrist and dislocating his elbow.
His uncle, Hal Gibson, took him to Dr.
Adix's office as quickly as he could
and the broken bones were set We
hope that Franklin will soon recover
the use of his arm.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister cele
brated the Fourth at Sandy.
r m
CT3IT13 YOKE PINS W The T -Mstron ' fcflffl
L if Iff
flkCJ UJ
. r
Are Extra Long,
Extra Large and
Case Hardened.
Thgy urn securely
fattened la the yoke
insuring the perfect
alignment of bar,
1 frtrte-
Champion fjpiec
fl, i 'It Frame
z, i. :.i win nvaenoa
A'lF natural lifetime, 'jy
alignment or Bar, tfW - ,-'" s,,
luufe awl pitmaa. Lj Wearing Plate if Champion Construction. vi; .A
l, will bring you price and
Send me price and '
catalog ol your CHAMPION ;
r .rTrfe
Echo Dell
ECHO DELL, July 10. At last we
had a little rain. It was surely wel
come. The Loyalty League meeting of
Sunday was well attended. Among
those attending were Mr. and Mrs.
Ira Chrlstlanson, and Mrs. Davis and
eon, of Portland. Mrs. Davis wag form
erly Miss Mabel Lelghton, of Echo
Mrs. Henry Watta and daughters,
Farm and stock sales a special
ty. See Enterprise for dates or
wire or phone ma at my expeme
Vancouver, Wash.
Africa Dhone 120. Re. 496-T.
HAZELIA, July 11. Miss Irene Dun
can and Herbert Duncan, left Friday,
July 5, for Mlkkalo, Oregon, where
they wll spend several months with
their sister, Mrs. Ralph Potter.
Mrs. F. W. Wanker, Mrs. Rice and
Misses Lulu Wanker and Harriet and
Lucille Duncan went to Oregon City,
Wednesday, where they spent the day
at the Red Cross rooms, sorting
sphagnum moss.
Mrs. Frank Raicy and daughter, Mrs.
W. Eccles are visiting at the John
Raicy home.
Mr .and Mrs. F. V Puymbroeck and
daughters, spent Sunday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lehman.
J. H. Eastman has purchased a 1918
model Ford.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot roach
the dlieaaed portion ol the ear. There la
only one way to cure catarrhal deafness,
and that la by a constitutional remedy.
Catarrhal Deafness la caused by an In
flamed condition of the muooua lining ot
the Eustachian Tuba. When thla tubs It
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Im
perfect hearing, and when It la entirely
closed. Deafness Is ths result. Unless th
inflammation can be reduced and thla tub
restored to its normal condition, hearing
will ba destroyed forever. Many cases of.
deafness ars caused by catarrh, which la
an Inflamed condition of the mucous sur.
faces. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thro)
the blood on th mucous surface ot tfc
Ws will aiy On Hundred Dollars fur
any ease mt Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
a eursa py nan s vaiarrn Hsaicin. vir
ttlers rr.. MVnjyJU.
to the Red Cross.
Returns from the Red Cross social
given at Macksburg on the evening ot
June 29, have all come in showing the
amount realized thereby to be over
The Red Cross auxiliary will hold
its regular meeting In the Sutherland
building on Wednesday, July 10. All
making of hospital garments Is sus
pended for the present. The auxiliary
is awaiting instructions from head
quarters' for further work.
Milo Miller, ot North Dakota, is vis
iting his parents at present, but Is ex
pecting, soon, to go to eastern Oregon.
John Nofziger has come from Okla
homa, to join his family, who have
been here for some time. Mr. and
Mrs. Nofziger are living in the home
formerly occupied by Chas. Helgerson.
Sylvester Gibson is to leave for his
training camp with the next army con
tingent. Sylvester is the third ot Mrs.
Gibson's sons who has entered his
country's service.
Mrs. Spencer, of Tacoma, and Mrs.
Nettio Vogel, of Portland, with their
small children, are both staying with
their parents here, while their hus
bands are absent at the war.
The Little Girls' Sewing circle will
meet on Saturday, July 13, with Mrs,
G. M. Baldwin.
ents will soon more.
Mrs. Wrolstad, ot Wisconsin, mother
of Mrs. Jas. Erlckson, is visiting Mrs.
S. Erlckson.
Mrs. Towne visited her old friend,
Mrs. Oathout, the first of the week.
J. J. Wurfel and family spent the
Fourth on the Columbia highway.
Hattle I. Crowley and Elmer Irwin
were in Vancouver the Fourth, Mrs.
Crowley remaining in Portland a week.
The Fourth was spent quietly at
home by most of the people here.
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, of Portland,
spent the Fourth with relatives here.
Miss Agnes Berg is home from Mon
mouth. Orovllle WIddows left Tuesday for
Marshfleld, where he haa gone with a
surveying party.
Spiritualist camp meeting is now in
A Bade Dlrettorr ef eaeH City,
Tflwa ud Villa-) la Orea-on ana
Wasblaatoa, giving a Dencrlptlto
bmui w eacn piaca. Jjocntton.
BhlDDlna? VacUitlea aadl a Clasak
jtird mrcetorr cacti Eadau
aaa atvfsa!ow
K x. roue to- la
i Waaa.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horner and son
David Myrtle, Hazel and Gladys Lar
kins, attended the Mr. E. church at
Oregon City Sunday morning, where
Mr. Horner sang a solo.
Ray Sullivan and Hugh Comer spen
a few days In the mountains last
week fishing on Fish Creek.
Vivian Baty spent Sunday with
Theda Johnson at Union Mills.
Herman and Ruth Chindgren at
tended the Luther League social at
Mrs. Cobb' Tuesday evening. While
there Herman drilled the Boy Scouts
Mrs. Mateson and children, of Port
land, came out Tuesday to spend
few days wltli Mrs. Uopto and pick
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horner and son
Baird, David Horner, Don Houghton
of Union Mills, Otis Cantrll and Rex
Coff, all of Oregon City Theda John
son and Bell Houghton spent Thurs'
day evening at A. L. Larklns.
MULINO, July 11. Mrs. John Kep
ler visited her mother, Mrs. Mary
Crook, last Sunday.
Mrs. Laurence Dlckeson and her
cousin, Miss Althea Macdonald, came
out here from Evanston, Wyoming, to
visit relatives.
Mrs. Dlckerson returned to Evan
ston after a short visit.
Mrs. Ida Berry came out from Port
land, and while here was the guest ot
Mrs. Catherine Goucher.
Albert Erlckson and family, moved
back into their own house again.
Clarence Mallet and family, who were
living in the Erlckson home, moved
into the Ernest Mallet cottage,
Mrs. Ed Berdlne and Miss Anna Jep
son were the guests of Miss Bella
Houghton last Sunday. ' '
GEORGE, July 10, Miss Gladys
Joyner, who has been training for the
Red Cross in Portland, came home
last Saturday for a two weeks' visit
with her mother, Mrs. H. Joyner.
Mr. and Mrs. Richards, ot Stanfleld
Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. Harkenrlder
of Estacada, visited Mr. and Mrs.Julus
Paulsen of George, last Monday.
Miss Ruth Terwllllger is visiting
relatives and friends in Portland for
a few weeks.
Mr. Harold Joyner has been stay
lng with her mother, Mrs. P. Paulsen,
for a few days.
Mrs. Emma Doryland visited Mrs.
T. Harders last Saturday.
Francis and Anneta Paulsen are
visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Paulsen, for a few weeks.
Oswego Dedicate Servlg Board.
A large crowd attomlvd the decora
tion of the service bourd, with Us TV
boys, who are In the V. 8. service.
The board Is "very attractive and It
the work ot Charles lltckner and Mr.
Zollttr, It contains 77 blue slurs and
gold ouo. Under each la the name
of the boy. The intunmme was In
the form ot a mmiiorlnl service, In
tmnor of Thomna Katon whoa ntnr
la of gold. The affair whs very sol
emn and Impreaslve, as many of tlioao
present were represented by their
ear ones "over thew."
The service board w presented to
the llttole city of Oswego b the Os-
ego Woman' club, anHUlod by a
majority of the mothers and relatives
ho were loft hohlml. Mrs, ('hits.
Hlckiier, who waa chairman ot the
committee soliciting from those who
wtHhod to aid In eirtlux the board,
Following was the program: "Star
SimnnliHl llunner." iiiutimibly; presen
tation of service board, Mrs, O. How-
rd IVttlnger; aeroplane, by city I).
11, Fox, mayor; pledge by Hoy Scouts
to care for the service board; aong,
Keep the Home Ftrvs Burning"; ad
dress, Gilbert Hedges, District Attor
ney of Clackamas county; "America,
Mr, and Mrs. llunh Appleby, ot St.
Johns; Mr. and Mrs.- Raymond Ue
nd Miss France Itlalr motored to
rulrlo City to enjoy a flshtng trip
and the ocean breote for several days
returning the tore part ot the week,
Mis Rosetta Heardlck and Mra. C.
A. llelhktf, were In Oregon City Wed
Miss Elisabeth 1 tallies, who has
been speuding several days at
Atorna. Washington, returned to her
horn the latter part of the week.
Mr. Carl C. Hole and family, of
Jennings LoiIkc Mr. Wm. Muney
and Mrs. Thus. Mu mi-a ot Portland;
Mrs. Austin I'harrls. of McMlnnvltle,
were visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Tho. Fox on First street.
Miss Edna M.irdock, of llarrlsburg.
Ore. who has been visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Riser, re-
urned to her home last Friday.
Miss Gladys Shawpper Is vlaltlng
relatives In Port Orchard, Wash., this
Miss Gladys Sinclair was an Oswe
go visitor last Saturday.
Mr. ami Mrs, Hawke and daughter
Miss Blanche, ot llarrlsburg, spent
the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Out
Klncr and family, and Ed and John
Hawke. They relumed to ther home
Sunday Mias Blanche will remain
In Oewego for the summerd.
Mrs. E. D. Fellows, who ha been
visiting relative In Gladstone re
cently returned to the home of her
niece, Mrs. S. E. Prosser,
Clarence Skeel enlisted In the U,
Cavalry last Wednesday, and loft
for Fort Lawton, Wash., Friday morn
ng, where he will, be stationed for a
few days. Thl Is the third time Mr.
Skeel has offered his services. Prior
to enlisting he haa been employed in
tho Northwest Stcol Co. ship yards
Oak Grove
ROME, July 9, Prisoners exceeding
1300 In number, guns, airplane and
machine guns and a large quantity ot
booty have been captured by tha al
lied troop In their offensive 1n Al
bania, according to th announcement
ot the Italian war office today.
The Allies have mailt new progress
along the left wing on the Adriatic
Coast. The land forces were assisted
by British monitor,
North ut the lower Voyusa River,
the Italian cavalry flanked the Mai-
aenstra ridge passing through the
western slopes of the rldg and the
Adriatic By (his operation th cavalry
took the Austrian! In th rear and
destroyed bridge over the. Bemlnl
River to tho north.
OAK GROVE, July 10-Maater Ted
dy Graves, grand son ot Mr. and Mrs
B. Evans, arrived from New York
Sunday evening, where he spent the
winter with his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Allen, of Portland,
have rented the Turk house for the
Mrs. William Holt of Port Albernl,
11. C, Is here on business and visiting
relatives and friends In Portland.
Mrs. Johnson, of Portland, daughter
of Mrs. Drumhellcr, Is quite sick with
an infected hand.
Mrs. Hclma Gllllsple and children,
Jack and Jean Ellen, spent the Fourth
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Smith at Huber station on the Oregon
Mrs. L. E. Armstrong and Mrs. A.
Goetz, of Wheeler are visiting here
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cedurson. two
daughters and Mr. Cednrson's mother
motored to the Cascade Locks Satur
day In their new car. Mrs. Cedorson
and girls going on to Vlento by train
and the balance of the party returned
home that evening.
July Fourth at 2:30 o'clock a fire
broke oat on the roof of E. Reynolds'
porch from a causa unknown. The
family was home and extinguished the
blaze, thus avoiding what might have
been a serious fire, as the wind was
blowing from the west quite strongly.
The buildlnr; is owned by Guy White,
of Twin Falls, Iduho.
Mrs. C. II. Hart (Amanda Outfield)
and Ray Bentley, of Portland while
out blackberrylng In the woods east
of the Oatfleld road accidentally drove
their automobile Into a stump, wreck
ing the car. Mrs. Hart was thrown
against the windshield cutting her
face and head. Mr. Bentley was also
scratched up a little.
Mrs. Walter Holbrook and sister,
Ruth Worthington, will leave the last
of the week for Prlndle, Wash
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Carlton and
baby, Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Oiler and
baby grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs.
T. H. Riley, were guests at the Riley
home S-.mday.
Mrs, G. V. Benvle has been appoint
ed agent here for the P. R. L. & P,
company, In place of Miss Myrtle Wil
liams, who resigned to take a govern
ment position In the Portland post
office, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Barnett loft to
their car Monday for Cannon Beach
to, spend the summer. Mr. Barnett
operates his auto between Seaside and
Cannon Beach during the seanon.
Jone, ot Oregon City, also gave a
short address.
Mr. Robinson ha traded hi prop
erty on the east side for Eastern prop
erty. Mr. Lucas is now living on the
The cottage of Mr. Robertson l now
occupied by the Davie fumlly.
Ben Ixsey 1 home for few day'
Wave from hla work on th Columbia
Master Robert Tynan and Joe Lett
man were Sunday visitors of the Cook
family. '
The UrowrUg and Khepbard famftle
have moved to th.ilr new home which
formerly belonged to Dr. Ilayne.
Fourth of July this year wa a very
sane one. No fire crackers wer told
from here. Gladstone Park, Oaks. Ca-
nemah Park, Cedar Island and Port
land were the places where most of
the people spent their Fourth.
The I'arent-Teaeher association I
conducting an eugenic content for
children between the age of six
months and six years. The fair com
mittee ba been appointed, with Mrs. '
Wm. Cook as chairman and Mesdames
Truscott, Russell and Ulbrant ax also
on the committee.
Little Augustus Meyers I recover
lng from a serious attack of bronchial
Mr. E. J. Dialling spout last Sun
day In Vancouver.
Earl Kinney and family were week
end visitors at Mrs. Robertson's home.
The Martin family ba gone on a
camping trip. They expect to be gone
two week.
J. B. Mercer, from Rainier, has been
visiting hi cousin, Mr. Lambert of
this place. Sunday, the Misses Ruth
Schmale and Myrtle Mlxons were vis
itors at tbe Lambert home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. 11. Myers and son
Robert spent Sunday visiting their
son, A. W. Myers, of thl place.
Mrs. Williams had a reunion at her
homo of her children and grandchild
ren from Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Gushing were visitor
from Sullwood last Sunday.
After an absence of over a year In
California, Mrs. J. 'Roberts' slater la
again visiting at their place.
Mrs. Clements' brother-in-law Is
very seriously 111.
The Byers place has been purchased
by Mr. Shilling, who will take pos
session at once.
Tho Fox family hns moved to Glad
stone. They formerly lived there.
All you are anked to do Is to buy
only necessary things and then loan
not give your savings to your Gov
ernment to holp It fight your war.
TACOMA, July 8. Rev. W. J. .
i Howell, of the Presbyterian t
church, startej work today as a
P freight checker here, as he said $
'i he was not doing enough war
8 work.
He Took 83 Prisoners
Jennings Lodge
Loyalty League held Its regular meet
ing Monday night at Btlnstone'e hall.
A fine speaker was in attendance and
Important matters were discussed.
Mr. and Mrs. Hlnman have sold
their home on Boardman avenue and
expect to move to Portland.
Jennings lodge went over "the top
In a hurry in the recent W, S. 8. drive.
The meeting was held at the school
house. Several lltth) children spoke
appropriate recitations. Mr. Ellwell
waa the principal speaker and L, E.
uVU I.
fwi.ssM w.s&'-'.;vy..im-immtmm,ir'.
Frank Lennart showed the Germans
the kind of soldiers Chicago produces
when he captured seventy-eight pri
vates and five officers. Asked by the
Germans If they were , surrounded,
after he himself had been captured,
he answered they were surrounded.
Then, they surrendered,