Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 05, 1918, Page Page 7, Image 7

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Throubont Clackamas county put
rlotlo meetings wer hold at tin var
(OH iclwol horn Friday venln.
Tit wer largely attended, ami
ivery mini, who ha made a speh,
ml 1(11111) who had never don mi be
for were stlimlulnd for. these meet
ing, Ther ware 130 meetings held.
Mont of those wsr at th school
buildings, that were decorated with
the nutloiitil colors, mid noma hud tit
honor flag suspended In a conspicuous
place. Thin ring having been won In
tho recent Liberty Joan, llmid drive.
Homo erf thci district of the county
doubled their quota. Among these whs
Dumimcun, wlntra on of the most en
thusiastic meeting wu held, Anothor
district that did tixceptlfinully well
Koliio, where Rev. c. II, L. Cliund
Ut, rector of the St. Paul's Episcopal
e hiircb, addressed 200 people. An ex
cellent progrum was given by the
children of that school district. One
of tlm Impressive features of the even
ing waa th dedicating of the honor
ring recently awarded the district In
selling Liberty i,0n Bond. ThU
M dedicated by Judge 0. K. Hayes,
who hud alio spoken at Bandy, and
waa on hi return trip. Th quota for
the Kelso dlmrlct was HflKO, and there
wer mor people to hear from.
At Mundorff school bout over 100
people gathered, wher they listened
to an excellent address given by F. W.
Parker. This wa( on of the moat en
thusiastic maetlnga In the county, and
although ther are but 40 families In
that district, they mad a record when
It went $H0O over th top. Tha people
were Jubilant. It waa through the ef
fort of O. F. Frentress, chairman,
William lloeaon, clerk. Henry Kraft
and Jacob Hupp, who worked faithful
ly covering their territory. The ter
rltory theae men had to travel l some
what scattered, but never day did
they become discouraged, Mr. Frent
ress told of some of hla experience
while traveling In. hi district. One ot
these was where be visited the home
of a fnrnier, and ashked for $100. The
farmer said nothing, nod stood for a
inlnuto and then went Into hla home,
and one of the mn believing that Uiey
had gotten the "snub1' wanted to start
away. Frentrrs said "no, he has not
snubbed ua," am! within a few minutes
tho furmor returned with a check In
thla hand, handed It to the solicitors
It wna a check for $200. Such acts a
this kept up the spirits of the four
men, He told of another act where a
farmer In hla section desired to help
the lied Cross drive, when be was at
o one of the solicitors. A farmer was
engnited In putting In "some of his
crop at a distance, and seeing the sol
icitors coming toward his farm, met
them at tho gate and being advised of
their wants, hsndod over hla pocket
hook and told them to help themselves
II was dumbfounded when he was
told to give a dollar. He aald "take
two dollar unyway." In closing his
remark Mr. Frentress Informed the
people of that district that he was to
call on them ukuIii If necessary In
other drive.
The Mundorff school room was
ndortwd with the honor flug that was
recently won In th Liberty Loan
Urlve, Tbla was referred to In . Mr.
Parker's eloquent addresa. Assisting
In winning thin ring when the Mini
durlf district went way over the top
were O. F. Frentresa, William Neeson,
Henry Kraft. Jacob Hupp. W. Husk
Kills Itrew, Mrs. Frentress and others
Mount Pleasant went over the top
The quota for tills email district was
$fiL'!tfl,75, and the amount raised was
i450. The people nro Jubilant over
the outcome of tho drive.
Hnzella, echool district No. 37, went
over tho top $120G. The amount of
War Havings Stnmpa sold waa $.1200;
amount pledged $2t. total. $nr.0S, and
the quota was $2300. ,
Cluckamns hud a rousing meeting,
with Mrs. H, 11. .Cnrtlldiw, of Oregon
City, as speaker. Mrs. O. E. Froytag
apoke at Ttodlund.
"Over tho top" aoeined to be In
vogue In Clackamas county Friday
evening, even with the sheep, for
when Dr. Hoy Pruddon, of Oregon
City, ntarted In with his address at
the Highland schoolliouao Friday
evening, ho says u largo band of
sheep Jumped over the top of a fence,
and scattered In all directions. The
ownorB, who wertK Boated near tho
window, saw the stampede, rushed
from the building and down the road,
and managed to corral them beforo
they escaped. The Incident caused
much amusement, and Dr. Prudden ex
claimed ''oven tho sheep are going
over the top at Highland." Highland
has exceeded her quota.
Mllwnukle went over the top by
$1500. Others going over the top were
Oswego, Canny, Wlllumette. .There
have been 119 districts to make the
report and it Is believed by J. E. Cal
avan that nil will go over the top by
Monday, Including Oregon City.
.. In a' cablegram received yesterday,
the sad nows of the death of, Thomas
II, Elston, of Oawego, .was conveyed
to his father and four Bisters. Young
KlBton, who enlisted in the service
of Unci Sam in December of last
year, was 25 years of age, and was
well known In the county. He was
horn in Yamhill County, November
17, 1892, but has resided with his
family at Oswego for some time. His
mother has been doad for several
He was a member of the Twenty
Third Engineer's Corps, and had been
in Franco for several months. Details
are lacking, the cablegram merely be
In the official notification, but it Is
"expected that a mall report will fol
low with the account of his death.
A patriotic address will be given
before the Loyalty League at Mt.
PleaBant Saturday evening by George
C. Brownell.
Tb local selective ervlc board
yesterday released th names of the
8 men called to make up the second
July call for Camp Lewis, and the
boys have been ordered to be fin the
slnrt for entrapment on or about the
22nd ef th month. These men are
from class one, and hav been called
In the sequence of their order num-i
bars, as Is usual. In jnaklng out this
list the clerk of th local war board
announces that all of class one Is ex
hausted here. There are some of the
men In deferred classification, due to
their employment In the ship yards,
and Just when these will be called Is
not known. There are others In group
"11" who will b available for servloe
as soon as operations are performed,
and this work will be done Immediate,
ly. Then ther are men of th 1918
class, the call for whom has not yet
been renleased, although they are In
vited to volunteer for a apodal call
of mechanics for the endneer's corps.
This call closes July 17th. but bow
many men are needed and when they
will leave 4irs was not announced
yesterday. ,
Following are the names of the
men and th substitutes for th new
call, and also tho men who will go
with them to Cmp Lewis to replace
those of the recent draft who failed
to qualify. There were alxteen of the
Increment of 83 leaving here June 24
who did not measure -ap physically
for the battle line. -
The new contingent comprises:
William Bartels, Molalla; William
Edward Nelson, Parkplace; Frank
Anderson, Alaska; Clyde Hunt Scho
ek, Estacada; Arthur Nowak, Ne
halem; Umberto MinollI, Milwaukle;
Alfred Gua Olsen, Portland; Lee
V .... IH. J f VI H u, VI.J.
William Freeee, Canby; John Alvin
Ritter, Aurora; Michael W. Korman,
Oregon City; Leonard Lean, Mil
waukle; Henry Peter Jaeger, Sher
wood; Samuel Maddax, Portland;
Oliver Hendren Heini,' Aurora; Fred
Gilea Daugherty, Molalla; John Cas
anova, Clackamas; Edward Benja
min Burkert, Woodburn.
Lewis Garfield Nicholson, Van
couver: Martin Kordt. Oregon City:
Victor Glen Thompson, Sherwood;
Fred Eugene Lamb, Kirkland, Wash;
Mason Hodg-ens, Oregon City; Lester
Frank Riggs, Canby; Charles Kling-
er, Hoff; Walter Wilbur Young-, Ore-
iron City; Walter Theodora Van Cur
en, Eagle Creek; Herbert Lewis
Richards, Boring; Lyl Oscar Tiede
man, Sherwood; Frei O. Nitzschman,
Heppner; Orvillo Jackson, Marquam;
Otto Jake Buol, Hoff; William Wal
lace Pepoon, Oregon City; Oscar
Larson, . Oregon City; John Joseph
Bannon, Gladstone; Sam Egll, Hub
bard; Peter C. Rotter, Oregon City;
Henry Hies ter, Portland. '
Edward John Stelnman, Estacada:
Herbert Johnaon, Canby; Philip Mas
singer, Jr., Hoff; Ernest Everett
Keesling, Aurora; Albert Berg, Bar
low; Amass, A. Hostetler, Hubbard;
Clarence James Jubb, Estacada; J,o
sepher Decker, Boring; Ernest Lay
man, Boring; Ed Adam Summerficld,
Cnnby; Paul Jones Holm, Estacada;
Raymond Gray, Sandy; William
Walter Young, Clackamas; Elton
Harrington, Oregon City; Roy Imel,
Clackamas; George Dillon, Portland;
E. N. Moore, Minneapolis, Minn;
Alex John Schmitz, Candy; Royal
Enrl Charles, Oregon City; Albert
Krieger, Estacada.
George Joe Benski, Plover, Wis;
Otto Fredrick, Boring; Fred Kruger,
Sherwood; Iiwrence Orth, Soda
Springs, Idaho; Joseph Michael Bren
nan, Hubbard; Niele Christensen, Jr.
Madras; George Rainey, Powell Riv
er, B. C; Nels Kyllo, Molalla; Jo
seph Neely, Oregon City; William
Nathan Wise, Strassel; Ernest Aug
ust Duus, Estacada; ETmer Ellsworth
Kleinsmith, Sauvie's Island: Arling
ton J. Johnson, Portland: William
James Black. Estacada: Herman
George Blanken, Oswego; Charles
Emanuel Christiansen, Willamette;
Clifford Leiter, Oregon City; Edward
Augustus Richards, Boring; Louis
Charles Gelbrich, Aurora; Guy An
dorson, Wheeler; Otto Fred Berthold,
Cnnby; Albert George Collin, Canby;
Deioert McKinley Hutchinson. Mo
lalla; Elwyn Mcrton Marston, Port
land; Lymnn Henry Derrick, Oregon
City; William Allen Berry, Jennings
Lodge; John Linhart, Sandy; Indito
Asti, Milwaukie; Sigfrich Julius
Samuelson, Colton; Earl C. Brown
lee, Portland.
SUBSTITUTES: Thomas Patrick
Kelly, Clackamas; George Morgan
Sagar, Boring; Samp Ervln Vickers,
uanow; ueo. 11. Ward, Milwaukie;
Melvin. Gustave Johnson, Gladstone;
Morris Wilmarth, Boring; Rudolf
Michael Strejc, Canby; Frederick
Henry Jubb, Oregon City; Charles
Peckover, American Falls, Idaho;
Burton Taylor Moore, Estacada; Eu
gene W. Hotton, Oregon City; Mar
inus Mndsen, Portland; Murvin Allen
Richcy, Boring;( George II. Scouton,
Oregon City.
To be used to fill places of 15 who
fell down on June 24th call: George
Rudolph Hofstetter, Mulino; William
Christiansen, Barton; Allan Earl
Helms, Marmot; Sylvester Gibson,
Aurora; Adolph Henry Failmezger,
Sherwood; Carl Lonzo Gregson,
Blaine, Idaho; Grover Ezra Kiggins,
Estacada; William Updegrove, Eagle
Creek; William Damm, Aurora;
Clarence E. -Whitten, Oregon City;
Edward Satter, Canby; Henry J.
Hoffman, Portland; Ordie Arthur
Cnrr, Monument; Clarence Wilbert
Agsten, Portland; Peter M. Beuern
feind, Estacada.
Russians Again
Start Fighting
Against Germans
MOSCOW, Sunday, June 30. (De
layed.) A sanguinary battle is re
ported to have been fought at Yekat
erlonslav between German-Ukrainian
White Guards and 'peasants. The lat
ter were said to number 200,000, and
to be equipped with artillery and ma
chine guns.
The factories in that region, It is
, said
are closing because the work-
men are enlisting in guerrilla corps.
SALEM, Or., July 4, Mrs. Charles
L. McNary, wife of United mate Sen
ator Charles L. McNary, was instant
ly killed at 8:20 o'clock last night
when an automobile in wblcb she was
driving with relative, toppled from an
embankment one mile south of Dun
dee and three miles south of New
berg. A soon a the report reaching
Salem .shortly afterward could be ver
ified, John H. McNary, brother ana
law partner of Senator McNary, sent
a telegram to Senator George E
Chamberlain at Washington, D'C, re
questing him to Inform Senator. Mc
Nary. John H. McNary received a
message from Senator Chamberlain
this morning saying that Senator Mc
Nary will leave Washington for Sa
lem at 6 o'clock tonight. All arrange
ment for the funeral will be deferred
until bis arrival.
The people of Heaver Creek, among
them being some of the most patrltolc
people of Clackamas county, desiring
to further display their spirit of pat
riotism, have erected a flag pole 85
feet high. This pole was cut by John
Heatle, son of Robert Beetle, the lat
ter donating the pole.
The pole was taken to Its destina
tion by John Heatle, and the dedicat
ing services took place Tuesday even
ing. The exercises were under the
auspices of the Loyalty League, and
tho brief opening address was given
by Robert Heatle. As the flag was
started to the top of the mast, by Wil
liam Harris, the donator. "The Star
Spangled Hanner" was sung by Mrs.
George Wavlll and Mrs. John Heatle.
At the top of the pole waves the Stars
and Stripes, and beneath, the honor
flag won by the Loyalty League when
Heaver Crwk weut over the top In
the Third Liberty Loan drive. It Is
also planned to have the service flag
representing the young men enlisting
In tho service placed on the staff, as
well as the flags of the allied natlona.
At the close of the Impressive cere
mony, three cheers were given for
George Havill, whose plan it was to
erect this staff and which fronts his
place of business at Reaver Creek.
Frank SaJovlc. an Austrian,
while engaged In picking cherries at
Grecnpoint, Oregon City, Monday af
ternoon, fell a distance of 25 feet and
broke his hip. Dr. C. II. Melssner was
summoned and attended the injured
man. He was removed to the St. Vin
cent's hospital In Portland.
FOR SALE Eleven pigs, 50 to 60
pounds. Carl Harney, Oregon City,
Route 3, Phone 4F3.
$4500 to loan on farm. Interest 7
per cent. Grant E. Barney, 141 E.
69th N., Portland.
Sealed bids will be received at the
County Clerk's office until Saturday,
July 13th, at ten o'clock A. M. for the
construction of two piling bridges on
the road from Butevllle to Wilson
vllle, near the Criasel place.
Plans and specifications for which
are on file in the Roadmaster's office
County Judge.
for dead cows and down and out
horses. Will call anywhere. Phone
Milwaukie 69-J. '
MONEY TO LOAN On real estate,
six per cent C. Schuebel, Oregon
City. ,
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of Arthur
Cliff, deceased, by the County Court of
tn state of Oregon, for the County
of Clackamas; any and all persons
having claims against said estate must
present them to the undersigned, duly
verified as by law required, at the of
fice of Hammond & Hammond, in the
Beaver Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon,
within six months from the date of
this notice.
Administrator of , the estate of
Arthur Cliff, deceased.
First publication, June 21, 1918.
Last publication, July 19, 1918.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
Minnie Clifton, Plaintiff,
W. T. Clifton, Defendant
To W. T. Clifton, 624 Collins Avenue,
East Liberty, Pittsburg. Pennsylvania,
In the name of the State of Oregon:
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In th above entitled suit within six
weeks from date of th first publica
tion of this summons, and If yon fall
to so appear and answer for want
thereof, plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for in ber
complaint to-wit: that th marriage
contract existing between yourself
and plaintiff be dissolved, granting to
plaintiff an absolute divorce from you.
This summons I published pursu
ant to an order of the Honorable 3. U.
Campbell, Judge of th above named
Court, made and entered on th 19th
day of June, 1918.
Date of first publication Jun 21,
Date of last publication August 2,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
914 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Jn th Circuit Court of the Stat of
Oregon for the County of Clacka-
Mfl..L r,nhXMn plaintiff
"aggl Boblson, I lalntlff,
King Roblson, Defendant
To King - Roblson, 1547 Market
Street, Tacoraa, Washington.
. In the name of th State of Oregon;
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit within six
weeks from date of the first publica
tion of this summons, and If you fall
to so appear and answer for want
thereof, plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for In her
complaint to-wlt; that the marriage
contract existing between yourself
and. plaintiff be dissolved, granting to
plaintiff an absolute divorce from you.
This summons Is published pursu
ant to an order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the above named
Court, made and entered on the 19th
day of June, 1918.
Date of first publication June 21,
Date of last publication August 2,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
914 Spalding Bldg.,' Portland, Oregoa
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Ida Florence Peyton, Plaintiff,
James A. Peyton, Defendant
To James A. Peyton, the above
named defendant:
In the nam of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit on or
before six weeks from the flret publi
cation of this Summons; and If you
so fall to appear and answer, plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief
prayed for in her complaint to-wit: for
a divorce on the ground of desertion,
and for such other and further relief
as may be equitable.
This Summons 1b published once a
week in the Oregon City Enterprise
for six cpnsecutlve and successive
weeks by. order of the Honorable J.
U. Campbell, presiding Judge of the
above entitled court.
Date of first publication, June 14th
Date of last publication, July 26th,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Oregon City, Oregon
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, tor the County of Clacka
Fern Mergy, Plaintiff,
Dorrls M. Mergy, Defendant
To Dorrls M. Mergy, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit In said court
on or before the 29th day of July, 1918
It you tall to so appear and answer
herein, plaintiff will apply to the
above Court tor a deeree against you
as prayed for in the complaint, dis
solving the marriage contract now ex
istlng between plaintiff and defendant,
on account of defendant's desertion.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof once a week,
for Blx successive weeks, In the Ore
gon City Enterprise, a newspaper pub
lished at Oregon City, Clackamas
County, Oregon, pursuant to an or
der duly made and entered of record
herein by Hon. J. U: Campbell, Judge
of the above Court on the 12th day of
June, 1918, and the date of the first
publication being June 14, 1918, and
the date of the last publication is
July 26, 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Ore'gonlan Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
Jessie E. Little, Plaintiff,
George R. Little, Defendant.
To George R. Little, the aboved
named defendant ,
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit, on of before
the 26th day of July, 1918, said date
being more than six weeks from the
11th day of June, 1918, the date of the
order for pumicauon oi tms sum
mons upon you and more than six
.weeks from the 14th day of June, 1918,
the date of the first publication hereof
and if you fall to answer or otherwise
appear herein, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
In plaintiff's complaint to-wit": For a
decree of the above entitled Court
forever dissolving the marriage con
tract or bonds of matrimony hereto-
kore and now existing between plain
tiff and defenndant and for such other
and further relief as the court may
deem equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof, by order of
Honorable J. U. Campbell, judge of
the above entitled Court which order
is dated June 11th, 1918.
Date of first publication June 14th
Date of last publication July 26th,
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
905 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Port
land, Oregon.
In tho Circuit Court of th Stat of
Oregon, for tb County of Clacka
" mas.
James O. Kelly, Plaintiff,
Howard Watklns and Mrs. Howard
Watklns, his wife, whose Christian
name Is unknown, and R. A. Jayne and
Hattle Jayne, his wife, Defendants.
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, ss.
By virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
tiled court, In the above entitled cause,
to me duly directed and dated th 3rd
day of June, 1918, upon Judgement
rendered and entered In said court
on the 27th day of May, 1918, In favor
of James O. Kelly, Plaintiff, and
against Howard Watklns and Mrs.
Howard Watklns, his wife, whose
Christian name is unknown, and R. A.
Jayne and Hattle Jayne, his wife,
Defendants, for th sum of $800.00,
with interest thereon at th rate of
eight per cent per annum from the
11th day of February, 1913, less $274
paid as Interest, and the further
sum of $75, as attorney's fee, and the
further sum of $22.50 costs and dis
bursements, and the costs of and up
on this writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following described real
property, situate in the county of
Clackamas, State of Oregon, towit:
All of the West Thirty (30) acres of
the northwest one-fourth (NW) of
the Northwest quarter (NW) of
Section twenty-four (24) In Township
two (2) south rang fire (6) east of
the Willamette Meridian.
Now, Therefore, by rlrtue of said
execution, Judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
13th day of July, 1918, at the hour of
10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of
the County Court House In the City of
Oregon City, in said County and State
sell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder, for'U.
gold coin cash In hand, all the right
title and Interest which the within
named defendants or either of tbem,
had on th date of the mortgage here
in or since had in or to the above des
cribed real property or any part there
of, to satisfy said execution, Judgment
order, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing conts.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C. Hackett Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., June 14th,
First publication, June 14, 1918.
Last publication, July 12, 1918.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Molly Radke, Plaintiff.
Gustave Radke, Defendant
To Gustave Radke, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit in said Court
on or before the 22nd day of July,
1918. If you fail to so appear and
answer herein, plaintiff will apply
to the above Court for a decree
against you as prayed for in the com
plaint dissolving the marriage con
tract 'now existing between plaintiff
and defendant on account of defend
ant's cruelty and desertion, and also
for such other relief said Court deems
This summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof once a week.
Tor .six successive weeks, In the Ore
gon City Enterprise, a newspaper pub
lished at Oreeon City , Clackamas
County, Oregon, pursuant to an order
duly made and entered of record here
in by Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the above Court, on the 4th day of
June, 1918, and the date of the first
publication being June 7th, 1918, and
the date of the last publication is
July 19th, 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Oregonian Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
n the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Ada Davey, Plaintiff,
Frank E. Davey, Defendant.
To Frank E. Davey. Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
f ou are hereby required to appear and
inswer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or before
the day of the last publication of
this summons or plaintiff will take a
decree against you for the dissolution
of the marriage contract existing be
tween the parties hereto and the care
and custody of the minor child, Gene
vieve Davey. This summons Is pub
lished by virtue of an order made by
Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
above-named court, in the above en
titled suit on June 4th, 1918, which
provides that this summons be pub
lished six weeks, the first publication
to be June 7th, 191S, and the last
July 19th, 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Residing at Oregon City, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court o tthe State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Volony Floyd Huddleston, Plalutlff,
Linda D. Huddleston, Defendant
To Linda D. Huddleston, the above
named Defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit, on or before
the 12th day of July, 1918, said date
being more than six , weeks from
the 24th day pf Mayv1918, the date of
me oraer ior tne publication of this
summons upon you and more than six
weeKs rrom tne sist day of May, 1918,
the date of the first publication here
of; and If you fail to answer or other
wise appear herein, the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief prayed
for In plaintiff's complaint, towlt: For
a decree of the above entitled court
forever dissolving the marriage con
tract or bonds of mitrlmony hereto
fore and now existing between plain
tiff and defendant, and for such other
and further relief as the couit may
deem equitable.
This summons Is served upon you
by publlcatoin thereof, by order of
Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the above entitled Court, which order
Is dated May 24th, 1918.
Date of first publication May 81st
Date of last publication July 12th,
Dekum Bldg., Portland, Oregon
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Henry D. Davis Lumber Company, a
corporation, Plaintiff,
West Side Lumber ft Shingle Co.. a
corporation, East Side Mill ft Lum
ber Co., a corporation. West Oregon
Lumber Co., a corporation, The
Gauld Company, a corporation. Cen
tral Door ft Lumber Co., a corpor
ation, Clatsop Mill Co., a corpora
tion, Honeyman Hardware Co., a
corporation, Huntley Drug Co., a
corporation. Multnomah Lumber ft
Box Co, a corporation, Portland tIm Prescribed for publication there
Lumber Co., a corporation, Ashley of Is six weeks, beginning with the le
ft Rumelln, a corporation, Inman- dated Friday, May 24, 1918. and
Poulsen Company, a corporation, continuing each week thereafter to
Acme Paint Co., a corporation.
Atlas Brass Works, a corporation.
i Gladstone Lumber Co, a eorpora-
tion, Oregon Enterprise, a corpora-'
tion, Larsen and Company, a corpor-
atlon, Dickinson Company, a corpor-i
ation, W. J. Burns, doing business In the Circuit Court of the Stat of
as Balfour-Guthrie Co, H. E. Cross j Oregon, for Clackamas County.
F. E. Cross, W. 8. Eddy, W. A j Ruby Bennlnghoven, Plaintiff,
Holmes, T. N. Norbby, Francis WIcn vs.
A. B. Grltzmacher, McClellan Len Paul Bennlnghoven, Defendant
nlng, Assignee of Gladstone Lumber To Paul Bennlnghoven, above
Co, a corporation, L. O. Nighten- named defendant:
gale, trustee of F. C. Mortsen, bank- la the name of the State of Oregon,
rupt W. F. Linn, Frank Busch, and you are hereby required to appear and
all other persons, creditors or part- answer the complaint filed against you
ies unknown claiming Interest In in the above entitled suit, on or be
Gladstone Lumber Co, and right I fore the 5th 'day of July, 1918, said
title, estate, lien or Interest in the 1 date being the expiration of six weeks
real estate described in the com
plaint herein, Defendants.
To West Side Lumber ft Shingle
Co, a corporation, East Side Mill ft
Lumber Co, a corporation. West Ore
gon Lumber Co, a corporation, The
Gauld Company, a corporation, Cen
tral Door ft Lumber Co, a corporation 1
Clatsop Mill Co, a corporation, Honey
man Hardware Co, a corporation,
Huntley Drug Co, a corporation, Mult
nomah Lumber ft Box Co, a corpora
tion, Portland Lumber Co, a corpora
tion, Ashley ft Rumelln, a corpora
tion, Inman-Poulsen Company, a cor
poration, Acme Paint Co, a corpora
tion, Atlas Brass Works, a corpora
tion, Gladstone Lumber Co, a corpor
ation, Oregon Enterprise, a corpora
tion, Larsen ft Company, a corpora
tion, Dickinson Company, a corpora
tion, W. J. Burns, doing business as
Balfour-Guthrie Co, H. E. Cross, F. E.
Cross, W. S. Eddy, W. A. Holmes. T.
N. Nordby, Francis Welch, A. B. Grits
macher, McClellan Lanning, Assignee
of Gladstone Lumber Co., a corpora
tion,, L. O. Nightengale, trustee of F.
C. Mortsen, Bankrupt W. F. Linn,
Frank Busch, and all other persons.
creditors or parties unknown claiming
any lntarest in Gladstone Lumber Co,
or right title, estate, lien or interest
in the real estate described In the
complaint herein-
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or before
July 5th, 1918, said date being the ex
piration or six weexs rrom tne first
publication of tins summons, and it
you fall to appear and answer, for
want thereof the plaintiff will take
judgment and decree against you as
prayed for in the complaint that is to
Plaintiff prays the judgment and de
cree of this court quieting its title to
the land and premises described here
in and adjudging that it is the sole
legal and equitable owner of said land
and premises and every part thereof
In tee simple.
Part of the Hiram A. Straight
Donation Land Claim, bounded on the
west by the Oregon City ft Portland
public road, on the north by block
number one (1) Parkplace, as shown
by the duly recorded plat thereof, and
on the south and east by the track of
the Oregon and Califlornia Railroad,
excepting therefrom a strip of land
thirteen (13) feet wide at and across
the north end thereof running along
D. C. Latouretth, President
The First National Bank
of Oregoa City, Oregon
CAPITAL. 50.000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business
Phones Pacific 52
Home A-lt)
All legal business promptly attended U
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice In First National Bank
Bldg, Oregon City, Oregoa
Office Phone Pacific Vain 405;
. Home A-270.
Beaver Bldg, Room 8
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank ef Orgn City.
and adjacent to aald block number .
one (1) in Tarkplace;
Lots seven (7) and eight (8) Block
Seventy-two (72) Gladstone, accord
ing to the duly recorded -map
and plat thereof;
Lot eleven (11), Block seventy-two
(72) Gladstone, according) to the duly
recorded map and plat thereof, all tha
records of which are on file with th
County Clerk of Clackamas County, at
Oregon City, Oregon.
That by said decrea It be adjudged
that the defendants and each and all
of them have no estate, right title or
Interest whatever In or to th said
lands or premises.
That th defendants and each and
all of them be forever enjoined and de
barred from asserting any claim, es
tate, right, title or interest whatso
ever in or to said described lands or
premises adverse to Jthls plaintiff, and
for such other and further relief as to
the court may seem Just and equita
ble. This summons is published by order
of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
Circuit Court, which order wa made
on the 23rd day of May, 1918, and th
and including Friday, July 5. 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
1110 Wilcox Building, Portland, Ore.
from the first publication of this sum
mons, and if you tall to appear and
answer said complaint for want there
of the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for In her com
plaint to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the mar
riage contract now existing between
plaintiff and. defendant This sum
mons is published by order of Hon.
J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court, which order was made on the
22nd day of May, 1918, and the time
prescribed for publishing thereof is
six weeks, beginning with the issue
dated, Friday, May 24, 1918, and con
tinuing each week thereafter to and
including Friday. July 5, 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Oregon City, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
George C. Saegert, Plaintiff,
VS. ;- .
Ethel Saegert, Defendant
To Ethel Saegert the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or before
the 5th day of July, 1918, said date
being more than six weeks from the
21st day of May, 1918, the date of the
order for publication of " this sum
mons upoon you and more than six
weeks from the 24th day of May, 1918
the date of the first publication hereof
and If you fall to answer or otherwise
appear herein, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
in plaintiff's complaint to-wit: For a
decree of the above entitled Court
forever dissolving the marriage con
tract or bonds 'of matrimony hereto
fore and now existing between plain
tiff and defendant, and for such other
and further relief as the court may
deem equitable. '
This summons is served upon you
by. publication thereof, by order of
Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the above entitled Court, which order
is dated May 21st 1918.
Date of First publication, May 24th,
Date of last publication July 5th,
905 Northwestern Bank Bldg, Port
land, Oregon.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
K J. Mbyer, Cashier
Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
. Attorney-at-Law
Will practice in all courts, make cot.
lections and settlements.
Office in Enterprise Building,
Oregon City. Oregon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of Sur
gery of Chicago, Is established
at Fashion Stable, between
Fourth and Fifth on Main Street
Both Telephones
Office Pacific 85; Horn A-95
Res. Pacific 184; Horn B-80
William Hammond
Philip L. Hammond
Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur
w ane.
Pacific Phone 81 Horn Phon A-J7I