OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, JULY 5. 1918. Page 6 BOYS OVER HERE-OVER THERE Interesting Facts About Oregon City Boys In Service Mr. and Mrs. TtaoraM Armstrong, of West Linn, received a telegram from their youngest on, Thomas Joseph, Tuesday morning. Th young man, who enlisted In the navy In September 4. 1917, and mho is on the U. 8. S. Levithan, in bis telegram .aid h had List arrived from a trip from France, and reached port at Merldan, Conn. This is the sixth trip the young man has made to France, and he aays he is enjoying the best of health, and would write hts par ents in a few days. His brother, Wil liam Mlcheal. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, reports tor duty this week at Fort McDowell, California, where he goes into' training in the army. fa Ra Jsa Word was received from Otto Hogg Tuesday morning by his sister and brother, Miss Hogg, and Carl, saying he was on his way, butwhen writing did not know his destination. The card was written at Chicago, and said he was enjoying the trip. Hts brother. Oscar, is at the Presidio, California, where, his mother, Mrs. Fred Hogg. Sr., and her son, Fred, are visiting him. Another son ot Mr. and Mrs. Hogg will soon be on his way to serve in the army. Carl will report at Fort McDowell, California, the first of next week. He will report July 6. fek 1S3 fal Colon Harbottle, a brother ot Frank Harbottle, of White Horse. Alaska, the latter a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bigger, ot this city, has been promoted for bravery. He has won the D. O. 8. (distrtnetion service order), and is now lieutenant colonel of the Vancouver (B. C), battalion fa fa fa Alfred Bigger, youngest son ot Mr. and Mra. H. J. Bigger, of this city, was one ot the first 30.000 men to ar rive "Over There." with the 18th En gineers Eailway Company. He has written his parents saying that he has charge of a troop, but will soon leave for a furlough, and will thorough ly enjoy his vacation. Bigger has a number of relatives In the service, and he expects to visit them during his vjcatlon. fa fa fa Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Finnegan, of Canemah, have been Informed by their son, Roy Finnegan, that he has pass ed examination for chief machinist mate. The young man Is 22 years of age, and Is the only child ot Mr. and Mrs. Finnegan. Finnegan Is on the Savannah, and at present is at Bos ton. Mass. Before enlisting In the navy he waa employed as a machinist for the Crown Willamette raper company. fa fa fa Private Phtlllpa. ot Roseburg, a nephew ot Mr. and Mrs. A, M.- Sln- nott of this city, has eniistea m we service, and word was received from him a tew days ago. He la with the 304th U. 8. Infantry at Camp Devers, Pittsburs. Pa. fa fa fa . Word hae been received from Har old Baker saying that he had taken his first flight In England. He Is the son ot Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Baker, of Haiella. fa fa fa Clarence Eaton, a young attorney nf Orpmn Cltv. who enlisted in the Navy, U now a third class yeoman, and la at Mare Island. fa fa fa Joseph D. Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller, of Thirteenth and Washington Street, writes his par ent that he is wearing a full emblem on his sleeve. This Is to show that he won a promotion. He la now an as glstant Instructor of the Navy school at Goat Island. Miller Is one of the well known Oregon City boys, who wah a former employe of the Enter prtse. fa fa fa J. Mlchels. son of Mr. and Mrs. J J. Mlchels. of Oregon City, has been promoted from corporal to sergeant of Company A, 116th Engineers. He is with his company In France. Be fore enlisting he was superintendent of an electric company at Coqullle. Oregon, and held that position for two years. He baa been six months in France. In his letter Michels says that where e Is located you would hardly realize that there is a war going on. He also says that it is just six months since he left the good old United States for sunny France, but seems that it is as many years. metnod I think for the inhabitant at least, but we fellows have to follow the same method aa long a we stay here whenever we wish to wash a shirt. v The people In the country all wear wooden shoes. When two or thtsse "kids" run down the cobblestone streets It sounds like a herd of horsea. I have been close enough to the firing line to hear the cannon boom plainly. I have seen lots of old name fields and wrecked buildings and graves. I am a long way from that place now, but will get back there quick enough, I sr-iesa. Will close for the present, as ever. Your affectionate cousin, FORREST GREENE, Battery E. 5th Artillery, A. E. F. 8HERIFP8 SALE In the Circuit Court ot the State ot Oregon, tor the County ot Clackamas. Clara EL Morey, Plaintiff, vs. The Qlenmorrle Company, a corpora tion. Defendant State of Oregon, County ot Clecka Norlh 81 68' East 2329.60 feet; thence South 35 03' East 1195.93 feet; thence North 69' 57 East, 816.84 feet; thence North 24 85' East. 14114 foot; thence North 84 47' East, 17103 feet; thence North SI 01' East, 149.53 feet; thonce North 66 15' East, 364.S8 feet; thence North 89 15' East, SS1.91 feet; thence North 62 45' East, 318.20 feet; thence South 87 80' East, 631.90 feet; thence North 79 S9' East, 221.30 feet; thence South 89 2V East, 423.10 feet; thence South 24 46' East, 1337.40 feet; thence South 18 23' East; 158.50 feet; thence South 87 68' West, 1366.85 feet; thence South 8 18' West, 23S170 feet ; thence North 18 87' West, 4S84.60 feet, con taining In all 451.31 acres. Excepting and reaervlng therefrom, however, the following described premises released from the lien ot plaintiff's mortgage, to-wlt: 1. Blocks twenty-eight (28), thirty five (35) and sixty-one (61) ot Qlen morrle Park, Clackamas County, Ore (ton. 2. All of the easterty halt of Block thirty-nine (39) of Qlenmorrle Park In Clackamas County, Oregon, contain ing seventy-nine hundredths (.79) of an acre, more or less, according to the mas, as: By virtue ot a judgment order, de-! duly recorded plat thereof of record cree and an execution, duty Issued out in the office ot the Recorder ot Con or and under the seal of the above en-! veyancea for said Clackamas County. titled court, tn the above entitled cause, to ma duly directed and dated the 20th day ot June, 1918, upon judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 14th day ot June, 1918. In favor of Clara E. Morey. Tlaln tiff. and against The Qlenmorrle Com pany, a corporation, Defendant, tor the sum ot 8346.834.08. with luterest thereon at the rate ot 6 per cent per annum from the 14th day ot June, 1918, and the further sum of $3000.00 aa attorney'a tee. and the further sum of $11.25 costs and disbursements, and the costs ot and up on this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, State ot Oregon, to-wit: A part of the Donation Land Claim of Felix A. Collard and Demararls Col- lard, his wife. In Sections 9, 10, 11. 14 excepting therefrom the rights ot the public In and to the dedicated roods abutting upon the northerly boundary ot said eaaterly halt ot Block thirty nine (39) said easterly halt being more particularly deacrlbed as follows: Commencing at the southeast corn er ot said Block thirty-nine (39) run ning thence south flfty-nlne degrees, sixteen minutes, twenty-eight seconds (59 16' 28") west along the aouth boundary Una ot said Block thirty-nine (39) one hundred thirty and 32-100 (130.32) feet; thence north twenty nine degrees, tour minutes, forty-two seconds (29 4' 42") west and parallel with the Eaaterty line ot said Block to the Intersection of the northerly line ot said Block; thence northeasterly following the northerly line of said Block thirty-nine (39) to the north easterly corner of said Block; thence 15 and 16 of Township 2 South. Range aouth twenty-nine degrees four mln 1 East of Willamette Meridian, being jutes, forty-two seconds (29 04 43') East following tne easterly line oi sam Block two hundred thirty-two and 69-100 (232.69) feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. Claim No. 45 and a part ot theDona tion Land Claim ot Jesse Bullock and Nancy Bullock, his wife, in Sections 11. 14 and 15 of Township 2 South. Range 1 East ot Willamette Meridian. being Claim No. 46 described as follows: Beginning at a stone set for the quar ter section corner on line between said Sections 11 and 14, thence South 61 0' West, 20S8.S1 feet; thence South 6 47 East, 351.63 feet; thence South 82 24" West. 292.49 feet; thence ENTERPRISE ENJOYED BY B O Y S Home Town Paper is Passed From One to Another in France A letter has been received from Clyde Green, by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. C Green. The letter was written In England. Green Is with the 369 Aero Squadron. A portion of the letter follow a: England, May 23. 1918. Dear Ones at Home: Just a tew lines to let you know that I am real well and happy, and getting along fine. At the present time the wind Is blowing and it is raining like fury. Well, this is kind of weather they have here, on my return home, I will be able to explain them much better to you. On Memorial Day we furnished the music here, and went In large trucks to a big town and played there. Who should I run onto but Lieutenant Lloyd O. Harding, my former United States history teacher in Oregon City. We had a regular old fashioned visit, and he appeared as delighted to see me as I did him. He had not, received many Enterprises since the I arriving over here, so he wanted to so! know all the news. If you see his "ish ka bibble." We had quite a thunder and lightning storm last night, and today the storm broke loose. I received the three or four pack ages of papers from home, and after reading them gave them to Sam Mc Douald to read. There is a Milwaukie boy here, who said he would like to read them also, so guess he will see them after Mac gets through with them. Last Tuesday Scotty and I went for a day's trip through some very beaut iful woods. We took the train to a town from where we "hiked" about ten miles down through the woods and back again. We saw many beauti ful scenes along the way. At the end of the woods we came to some tea gardens, where we had some "eats." It was a BOrt of a park, and quite a number of people were enjoying the cool shade. On oar return trip we stopped in a town for dinner. Well, after going to five or six lunch rooms, we managed to get a little cheese and a few crackers. It was surely hard to find some "eats." Received some clippings of the newspapers in your letter, and it seemed strange to read my letters written to you In the paper. It didn't sound so bad, though. Ha! Ha! Scotty and I have taKen another trip to the same town, but went an other direction for about ten miles. I saw where William Penn and his father were buried In a little church, also the village where he lived. I am enclosing a program of a field day we had here. It was quite inter esting. Our American boys took quite a few events such as the tug-of-war, mile race, hammer throwing, etc. We are very proud of the victors. Give my love to all the family, and regards to any friends. Roy Mattoon, a musician ot the 162 Infantry Band, and a well known Ore gon City young man, writes to his mother, Mrs. Frank Mattoon telling of the death of Hiram Cole of his com pany. He also writes of other matters in France. The letter reads as follows: Somewhere in France, - . June 2, 1918 Dear Folks: Today Is Sunday, and I will endeav or to write you a few lines. I am quite tired this morning, as we had a good hard day's work today furn ishing the music for different doings. This morning we played at Hiram Cole's funeral. He died of paralysis on Friday. After that we went to a large chateau and played for a Catholic festival. They certainly had some grand ' affair. They furnished us our dinner, and then took us through all the different rooms, and it was won derful. This makes the third of the large castles I have visited. I have a book pertaining to eacn one, uu Ui- father you can tell him I saw him, and that he is looking fine. I received the home papers regularly, and we all enjoy them, and are so glad to see the Oregon people so patriotic. The longer I stay here the more think of good old U. S. A., although the people here are very nice and treat us like princes. Will write again within a few days With love, from ROY, P. S. Our band was awarded the diploma by the American and French generals, which will be exhibited in Portland at Siberling & Lacas' Music Store. 3. Blocks thirty-six (36). eighty four (84). eighty-five (85). eighty-six (86) and eighty-seven (87) of Qlen morrle Park. Clackamas County, Ore gon. . 4. All ot block twenty-nine (29). Glenmorrle Park, Clackamas County, Oregon. 5. Block sixteen (16) of Glenmor South 9 50' East, 200.34 feet; thence trie Park. Clackamas County. Oregon. South 68 39' West, 724.20 feet; thence North 2r 10' West. 5S5.97 feet ; thence South 66" 22' West. 1760.20 feet; thence South 82" 59 West, 377.55 feet: thence North la 17' West, 1459 51 fppt! thence North 83 52 ' . .. . . 1 1 I... r-1 .v, .... n.,Mnv rim East. 1292.72 feet; thence Norm l' 34 , " ' v...,. 6. Block nineteen (19) ot Glenmor rle Park. Clackamas County Oregon. 7. Block twenty-one (211 of Glen morrle Park, Clackamas County. Ore gon. 8. Block thirty-seven (37) of Glen West 1001.60 feet; thence North 84 25' East, 549.84 feet; thence North 84 JlV East. 461.84 feet; thence South 1 03' East, 994.22 feet; thence North 83" 06' East, 398.71 feet; thence North 80 46' East 314.79 feet; thence North 82 00' East, 215.00 feet; thence North 39 j 04' East, 409.78 feet; thence North 30 54' East, 130.75 feet: thence South 30 gun 9. Block fifty-five (65) of Glenmor rle Park. Clackamas County. Oregon. 10. Block fourteen (14) ot Glen morrie Park. Clackamas County, Ore gon. 11. Block twenty (20) ot Glenmor rle .Park. Clackamas County. Oregon. 12. Also all of blocks numbered ks- p.. isfi no teet: thence South 69 ten (10) and eleven (11) of Glenmor 03' East, 362.38 feet; thence South 31 rie and all of block numbered twelve i- ev, si q? ff thpnpA Vnrth so! (12) of said Glenmorrie. excepting a 29' East,' 143 25 feet; thence North 72 ! roadway now established and located . ...... .... . u n .. ,1 ,)AiK.rlliliiff an 24' East, 459.94 feet; thence North 89 49' East, 94.50 feet; thence North 66" 02' East, 207.84 feet, containing 130.94 acres. Also a part of said Felix A. Collard uDon tne erounu ana aescnuiug an arc through the northwest corner of said block number twelve (12); the said roadway being forty-six (46) feet wide and the center line thereof Inter- and wife Donation Land Claim de-' setting the westerly line of said block scribed as follows: , number twelve (12) at a point eighty- Beginning at the quarter section cor, seven (87) and 5-10 (87.5) feet south ner on line between said Section 11 and ' erly from the northwesterly corner of 14, thence south 66' 2' west 207.84 feet; ! said block number twelve (12) and thence South 89 49' West 94.50 feet; i said center line, thence following a thence South 72 24" West, 459.94 feet; ! curve on a radius of three hundred thence South 50 29' West, 143.25 feet; j twenty (320) feet a distance or one thence North 31 18' West, 313.92 feet; hundred thirty-four and 8-10 (134.8) thence North 69 3' West. 362.38 feet; ; feet to Intersection wltJMhe north line thence North 30 58' West. 186 feet;, of said block number twelve (12) at a thence South 30 54' West. 130.75 feet: point one hundred eight and 3-10 thence South 39 4" West, 409.78 feet; thence South 82 West, 215 feet; thence South 80 46' West, 314.79 feet; thence South 83 6' West. 398.7 feet; Miss Mable Volkmar has received, a letter from her cousin. Private For rest B. Greene, and reads as follows: France, May 26, 1918. Dear Mable: I have been in France for several weeks now, but have been traveling around most of the time. I have been across France two times, but in dif ferent directions, finally reaching my old regiment, which I was away from on account of being quarantined at Camp Merritt, N. J. Upon my arrival I found lots of mail awaiting me, some of which had been there for several weeks. This French country is very queer until a person gets accustomed to it and i is certainly a beautiful coun try, and resembles one great park at this time of the season. 'The fields and gardens are all small, but they are everywhere, and you seldom see an uncultivated space. The women do all the work In the fields now, They use cows to pull their plows and use two wheel wagons. One seldom sees a four-wneeled vehicle in una coun try. Cows and oxen are hitched side by side, but when horses are used they are always hitched tanden style. They all have their tails docked. The battery I am a member of is stationed in a small country village in a very pretty part of the country. We are billeted around in all the halls, barns and woodsheds in the place. All of the houses are built of ir regular shaped stones and cement, and appear to be centuries old. The roofs are made of slate or tile, and very little lumber is in their make up. A person might go for miles and not even see a pig pen built of lumber. I am mistaken about pig pens, for they don't use them as they keep the pigs In one end of the house in which they live, and sometimes even in the par lors. When we are out on hikes at about every creek we come to we find a bunch of women at the edge of the streams. Here they are on their (108.3) feet easterly from the north westerly corner of said block number twelve (12). 13. Blocks two (2), four (4) and I thence North 1 3' West, 994.22 feet to! five (5) of Glenmorrle, Clackamas 1 a stone set in the North line of land In I County, Oregon. said Donation Land Claim owned by 14. Blocks thirteen (13) and four the grantor; thence along said North j teen (14) of Glenmorrle, Clackamas line North 85 24' East, 552.15 feet and County, Oregon. North 55 East 992.42 feet to an Inter-1 15. Beginning at a point in the section with the Westerly line of Can- bridge on the County Road which point yon Drive, which Is the Westerly line of Glenmorrle, according to the duly re corded plat thereof; thence on said Westerly line, of Glenmorrle South knees scrubbing clothes on the rocks They go a mile or so from their homes J Donation Land Claim to do their washing. Mighty ancient thence North 3613.35 j Is In the center of the northern ex tremity of Canyon Drive of Glenmor ' rle as shown on the official plat of ! same as filed In the office of the Re- 76 31' East, 71.28 feet; thence on ajcorder of Conveyances of ClacKarnas curve to right 83.25 feet (angle 120 j County, Oregon; said Initial point be radius 39.75 feet; thence on tangent! ing further described as North fifty South 33 29' West 52 feet; thence on five (55) degrees East ten hundred curve to left 311.39 feet (angle 101 , twelve and 16-100 (1012.16) feet from 57', radius 175 feet); thence on curve! an iron pipe In the northerly boundary to right 140.13 feet (angle 38 14' , of Glenmorrle Park; thence South radius 210 feet); thence on curve to fifty-five (55) degrees West ten nun left 72 feet (angle 8 15', radius SOOlred twelve and 16-100 (1012.16) feet feet); thence leaving said Westerly to an iron pipe; thence South two line of Canyon Drive and continuing! (02) degrees eighteen (18') minutes on Westerly line of Glenmorrie South i East Sixty-eight and 4-10 (68.4) feet 15 23' East, 148.2 feet; thence South '; to an iron pipe; thence South elghty 3 23' East 100 feet; thence South 14 two (82) degrees forty-three (43') 23' East 160 feet; thence 8out.b 7 37' minutes West eighty-two and 13-100 West -126.7 feet to the most Westerly; (82.13) feet to an Iron pipe; thence corner of Block 13 of Glenmorrle; i South fifty-six (56) degrees sixteen thence continuing on said Westerly! (16") minutes West forty-five and line of Glenmorrle South 43 14'J 64-100 .(45.64) feet to an iron pipe; East 420.62 feet; thence South 28' 4'',! thence South thirty-seven (37) de East, 190.97 feet; thence on curve to grees fifty-seven (57') minutes West left 91.86 feet (angle 14 26' radius ! "one hundred and 0-10 (100.0) feet to an 364.8 feet); thence on tangent North Iron pipe; thence south twenty-three 78 44' East 215 feet; thence on curve! (23) degrees fifty-seven (57') minutes to right 55.10 feet (angle 28 42', i West one hundred and 0-10 (100.0) feet radius 110 feet); thence on curve to, to an Iron pipe; thence south flfty-sev-left 81.13 feet (angle 37 27', radius : en (57) degrees fifteen (15) minutes 124.08 feet): thence North 62 evEaHt fifty-five and 28-100 (55.28) feet East, 167.5 feet to the place of begin-! to a post; thence north fifty-five (55) nlng, containing 42.66 acres. j degrees East twelve hundred, nlnety- Also all of Blocks 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, five and 43-100 (1295.43) feet to a point 13 and 14 of Glenmorrle according to! in the center line of Canyon Drive ot the plat thereof of record In the office j Glenmorrie; thence following the cen of the Recorder of Conveyances foriter line of Canyon Drive by a chord said Clackamas County, and said ! to the curve, north thirty-three (33) blocks containing In all 10.625 acres. decrees nineteen (19') minutes East Also nil Yhak nortlnn nf the Donation nlnetv-flve hundredths f0.95) feet to Land Claim of Gabriel Walling and! an iron pine; thence north thirty Lucy Walling, his wife, Notification j three (33) degrees twenty-nine (2!)') No. 841, Claim No. 63, In Sections 13,1 mlnut.es East flftv-two and 0-10 (52.0) 14, 15, 22 and 23 of Township 2 South,! feet continuing in the center line of Ranee 1 East of Willamette Meridian, said Canyon Drive to a pipe; thence described as follows: continuing in the center line of said Beginning at a stone set at the! Canyon Drive on a curve of radius Southwest corner of said Walllnsr flftv.fnnr on 7K.1A0 ' f 54.75') feet and running, through one hundred ten (110) de feet; thence igrees of curvature; the chord ot this curve bean north twenty-one (21) degreea tblrty-ona (31') minutes West and la eighty-nlue and 7-10 (89.7) teet In length ; thence continuing tn the center line ot Canyon Drive north seventy-six tS) degrees thirty-one (3V) minutes West fifty-eight and 010 (58.0) feet to the point ot beginning. The foregoing described tract Ilea in the extreme northeast'eoruer ot Glon morrle Pa(k and has an area ot 4.409 acres. Also commencing at the said point of beginning and running thence north fifty five (55) degrees east to the Willamette River, thence up said river to the Northerly boundary of Qlenmor rle, as shown upon the said plat; thence following the northerly Una ot said Gmimorrlo to Intersect the cen ter Una of said Canyon Drive; thence following tha center .Una ot said Can yon Drive to tha said place ot begin ning. 16. Beginning at a point In the cen ter line ot Canyon Drive, a street ded icated as shown on tha recorded plat ot Glenmorrle on file In the office ot tha Recorder of Conveyances ot Clack mas County, Oregon, which point Is South thirty-three degrees, nineteen minutes (33 19') west ninety-five bun dredths (.95) teet from an Iron pipe In tha center Una of said Canyon Drive at the Northern extremity ot a curve of ona hundred sixty (160) feet radius and at the southern extremity ot a tangent fifty-two (52)' teet In length and whose bearing Is north thirty three degrees, twenty-nine minutes (S3 29') east; thence parallel to the northern boundary ot Glenmorrla Park aa shown upon tha plat thereof ot rec ord in tha office ot said Recorder of Conveyances, aouth fifty five degrees (65) west twelve hundred ninety live and 43 100 (1295.43) feet to stake; thence south fifty-seven (57) degrees fifteen (15') minutes east ona hundred eight and 67-100 (108.67) feet to an Iron pipe; thence aouth eighty six de grees, twenty-seven minutes (86 27') east seventy-nine and 32 100 (79.32) feet to a stake; thence north sixty de grees, one minute (60 01') east five hundred seventy and 29 100 (570.29) feet to a stake; thence north thirty five (35) degrees west fifty (50) feet to a stake; thence north fifty five (55) degrees east five hundred twen ty-three and 7-100 (623.7) feet to pipe In tha center ot Canyon Drive on a point In a curve ot ona hundred six ty (160) feet radius; thence following the center line of Canyon Drive In northerly direction on a curve of rad lus one hundred sixty (160) feet through sixty-eight degrees, thirty .five minutes (68 36') of curvature to the point of beginning; the chord to this curve bears north no degrees, fifty eight minutes (0 58') West and is ona hundred eighty and 26-100 (180.26) feet In length. The area of the foregoing described tract is 4.409 acres. Also beginning at an Iron pipe In the center line of Canyon Drive as shown on the recorded pint of UltMunorrie on file Iu the office of the Recorder ot Conveyances of Clackamas County Oregon, which point Is at a point of reverse curvature, being at the north ern extremity of curve of radius four hundred eighty-five (1X5) feet and at the southern extremity of a curve of radius two hundred twenty-five (225) feet; thence following the center line of Canyon Drive on a curve to the left of radius two hundred twenty-five (225) feet through thirty-eight degrees fourteen minutes (38 14 ) of curva ture; the chord to this curve bears North forty-nine degrees twenty-one minutes (49" 21") West and la one nun dred forty-seven and 510 (147.5) feet In length; thence still following th center line of Canyon Drive on a curve to the right of radius one hundred six ty (160) feet through thirty-three de green, twelve minutes (33 12') of cur vature: and the chord to this curve bears north fifty-one degrees forty nine minutes (51 49') west and I ninety-one and 42-100 (91.42) feet In length; thence south fifty-five degrees (55) west five hundred twenty-three and 7-10 (523.7) feet to a stake; thence south thirty-five degrees (35) east,1 fifty (50) feet to a stake; thence south sixty degrees, one minute (60 01 ) west five hundred seventy and 29100 (570.29) feet to a stake; thence south eighty-six degrees, twenty-seven min utes (86 27') east one hundred twelve and 18-100 (112.18) feet to an iron pipe; thence south fifty-two degrees, forty-four minutes (52 44') east eigh ty and 43-100 (80.43) feet to an Iron pipe; thence on a curve to the right of radius twenty-nine and 06-100 (29.06) feet through ninety-five de grees, forty-eight minutes (95 48') of curvature to an Iron pipe; the chord to this curve bears north eighty-five degrees one minute (85 01') east and Is forty-three and 2-10 (43.2) feet long; thence north sixty-five degrees, twen-ty-iour minutes (65 24') East four hundred thirty-five and 80-100 (435.80) feet to an Iron pipe In center of brook; thence down stream following the cen ter line of said brook as follows, north three degrees, forty-seven minutes (3 47') east one hundred twenty-nine and 20-100 (129.20) feet; north forty- two degrees, two minutes (42 02') east flfty-nlne and 31-100 (59.31) feet to a stake In the center of said brook; thence leaving the bed of said brook north srxty-nlne degrees, two minutes (69 02') East sixty-eight (68) feet to an iron pipe; thence north seventy- seven degrees, thirty-two minutes (77 32') East flfty-nlne and 12-100 (59.12) feet to an Iron pipe; thence north eighty-six degrees two minutes (86 02') east sixty-one and 85-100 (61.85) feet to a stake: thence north sixty-three degrees, thirty-two minutes (63 32') east eighty ana lz-iuu fRO.12) feet to an iron pipe; thence north sixty-six degrees, fourteen min utes (66 14') east seventy-eight and 75-100 (78.75) feet to an Iron pipe; thence south eighty-eight degrees twenty-three minutes (88 23") east fifty and 20-100 (50.20) feet to an pipe; thence north thirty degrees, forty-three minutes (30 43') east seventy-four (74) feet to tha point of beginning. The area of the foregoing descrjbed tract is 4.409 acres. Also beginning at an Iron pipe In the center ot the road in said Glenmor rle Park which point Is In the line pro duced.in a southwesterly direction of the line between lots sixteen and sev enteen (16 and 17) of said Glenmorrle Park and which road forms the north erly boundary of lots twenty (20) and twenty-one (21) ot said Qlenmorrle Park; thence following tha center Una ot said road lit a westerly direction ou a curve to tha left whoaa radius li seventy-five and 81 100 (75.81) foot through thirty six degrees, thirty min utes (36 30') ot curvature; thonce till following tha center Una ot said road on a curve to tha left whoso rad ius Is one hundred fifty seven and 9 10 (157.9) teet through twenty-Ova (25) degrees ot curvature; thence still fol lowing tha said center Una on a curve to the left whose radius la seventy and 79-100 (70.79) teet through twenty four degrees, fifty Ova minutes (24 65') ot curvature; thence still following aald center lino on a tangent to tha Inat curve a distance ot sixty-one and 1 10 (61.1) fevt; thonce still following aald center line on a curve to tha right whose radius la sixty Ova and 27-100 (65.27) feet through ninety-seven de grees, torty-ona minutes (97" 41 ) oi curvature; thenco still following the aid center Una on a tangent to the last curve a distance of ona hundred fifty-four and 910 (154.9) tl to an Iron pipe In tha center ot tha road set at tha southwesterly corner ot a tract ot land heretofore conveyed by The Qlenmorrle Company to S. 11. Stewart; thence north sixty five degrees, twenty-four mlnutea (65 14') east follow ing the southerly Una of aald tract heretofore conveyed by The Glenmor rle Company to S. B. Stewart tour hundred thirty five and 80 100 (435.80.) feet to an Iron pipe aet In (ha center of a spring branch or creek; thence north three degrees, forty-seven mln utea (3 47') esst one hundred (100) feet; thence aouth twelve degrees. fifty three minutes (12 53") east two hundred twelve and 93 100 (212.93) feet to appoint fifteen (15) feet north erly from tha line between lota slxjen (16) and seventeen (17) of said Glen morrle Park; thenca aouth fifty-one degree twenty-nine minutes (51 19') west ona hundred ona and 18100 (101.18) feet following a Una parallel with and distant fifteen (15) feet at right angles from the aald Una be tween tha said lota sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) to the northerly aide Una of tha said road; thenca south thirty-eight degrees, thirty-one mln utes (33 81') east fifteen (15) feet to tha point ot beginning, containing 1.4453 acres. Also beginning at an Iron pipe In tha center of Canyon Drive of Glenmorrle as shown In the pint of same of record In the office of the Recorder of Con veyances of Clackamas County, Ore gon, which pluce of beginning Is at a point of reverse curvature being at the northerly terminus of a curve of radius four hundred eighty five (45) teet and at the southerly terminus of a curve of radius two hundred twenty five (225) feet; thence south thirty de grees, fortythree minutes (30 43') west seventy-four (74) feet to an IrOn pipe; thence north eighty-eight de- greea, twenty-three minutes iss- sj j West fifty and 20-100 (50.20) feet to an Iron pipe; thence south sixty six de grees, fourteen mlnutea (66 14') west sventyelght and 75-100 (78.75) feet (63 32') West, eighty and 12100 to an Iron pipe; thence south sixty three degrees, thirty-two minutes (80.12) feet to a stake; thence aouh eighty-six degrees two minutes (86 02') west sixty-one and 85 100 (61.86) feet to an Iron pipe; thence south seventy-seven degrees, thirty-two min utes (77 32') West flfty-nlne and 12 100 (59.12) feet to an Iron pipe, thence South sixty-nine degrees, two minutes (69 02') West sixty-eight (68) feet to a stake In the center of a spring branch; thence continuing up stream along the bed of the spring brnnch south forty-two degrees, two minutes (42 02') west flfty-nlne and 31-100 (59.31) feet; thence south three degrees, forty seven minutes (3 47') West twenty-nine and 20 100 (29.20) teet to an Iron pipe in the bed of the stream; thence south twelve degrees, fifty-three minutes (12 63') East two hundred twelve and 93-100 (212.93) feet to a point fifteen (15) feet north erly from the line between lots sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) of Glenmor rle Park, reference being had to the plat thereof of record In the office of the Recorder of Conveyances of Clack amas County, Oregon; thence aouth fifty-one degrees, twenty-nine minutes (51 29') west one hundred one and 18-100 (101.18) feet following line par allel and distant fifteen (15) feet at right angles from the said line divid ing said lots sixteen (16) and seven teen (17)to the northerly side line of the road forming the northerly boun dary of lots twenty (20) and twenty one (21) of sail Glenmorrle Park as shown on recorded plat of Glenmorrle Park; thence south twenty-seven de grees, fifty-three minutes (27 63') east fifteen (15) feet to an Iron pipe In the center of said road; thence north fifty-one degrees, twenty-nine minutes (61 29') east six hundred sixty-three and 53-100 (663.53) feet fol lowing the line between lots sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) of Glenmor rle Park to an Iron pipe; thence north fifteen degrees, twenty-three nilnuteB (15 23') west forty-seven' and 70-100 (47.70) feet to the westerly side line of Canyon Drive; thence north fifty degrees, forty-six minutes (50 46') east fifteen (15) feet to an iron pipe In the center line of Canyon Drive; thence on a curve to the right whose radius is four hundred eighty-five (485) feet a distanee of sixty-nine and 80-100 (69.80) feet to the point ot be ginning containing 2.1857 acres. 17. A strip of land 1664.8 feet more or less In length and 100 feet In width, being 50 feet In width on each aide of and parallel with the surveyed and lo cated center line of the Portland, Eu gene & Eastern Railway Company's railway as the same Is now surveyed, located and staked out over and across the- grantor's property which Is part of the Gabriel Walling Donation Land Claim No. 63 in Township 2 South, Range 1 East, Willamette Meridian, said center line being more particular ly described as follows: Entering the grantor's north proper fy line at a point which is North 14 41 East 1490.4 feet, more or loss, from the northwest corner of the George W. Walling Donation Land Claim No P2, Township 2, South, Range lEast, Willamette Meridian, and is at or about Engineer's Station 1154-81.0 of the Portland, Eugene & Eastern Rail way Company's survey; thenco South 38 36' East 323.5 feet, more or less, to a point which la Knglneor'e autlon 11904.5 which equals Engineer's Station 12085.4 of tha aald com pany's aurvey, which point la tha be ginning of a taper curve No. Vfc to tha right; thenca on aald taper curve to the right through an angle ot 0 17' a dlHtnnca ot 90 feet to a point at Eu glneer'a Station 121 15.4 ot aald com pany's aurvey which Is tha beginning of a regular 1 curve to tha right with a radlua ot 6729.5 feet; thence on a regular curve to tha right through an angle ot 18' a distance of 63 fact to a point at Englneer'a Station 12745.4 ot said company's aurvey which la tha beginning ot a taper curve No. V4 to tha right; thenoe on mlil taper curve through an angle of 0 27' a distance of 90 feet to a point tha beginning of a tangunt at Engl neer'a Station 128 35.4; thenca South 31 29' East a distance ot 531 J feat, . juora or less, to the aouth Una ot gran tor's land, leaving tha grantor's aouth lino at or about Englneer'a Station 15366,7 of laid company'a aurvey. Also an additional strip of land BO feet In width lying on the aouthwnstar ly alda ot adjoining and parallel with the Southwesterly aide Una ot tha above deacrlbed 100 toot atrip ot land, paid 60 toot atrip of land extends from the north Una of tha grantor'a property aoutheaaterly to a Una drawn at right angles to aald survey and lo cated center Una ot railway at Engl neer'a Station 18800 of aald com pany'a survey which la 119 feat dis tant from north Una of grantor"! aald land. Also an additional strip of land 60 feet In width lying on tha northeaster ly tide ot adjoining and parallel with the northeasterly alda Una ot tha above described 100 toot atrip of land, aid 60 foot strip of land extenda from tha north Una of tha grantor'a proper ly southeasterly to a Una drawn at right angles to aald surveyed and lo cated center Una of railway at Engl neer'a Station 18800 of aald com pany'a aurvey which la 11 teet dis tant from north Una ot grantor'a ealfl land containing 4 314 acrea, mora or loss. Also beginning at the point where snld aurveyed and located center line crossca grantor'a north property Una and running thenca North 89 48' East a distance of 127.8 feet to tha north- , easterly corner of the right of way of said Railway Company, which point la the Initial point of tha property to be deacrlbed and conveyed herein: running thenca aouth 88 36' East. along the easterly Una of aald right of way. -a dlstanc of 139.74 feet to a point; thence aouth 61 84' West fol lowing aald right ot way Una 69 feet to a point; thenca south SS 86' East, following said right of way Una. a dlHtanca of 104.6 feet to a point the be ginning of a r urva to the right, thence following said right ot way Una on a curve to the right, having a radlua of 22918 feet, a distance of 80.07 feet; thence on a curve to the right of rad ius 11459 feet a distance ot 80.07 feet, thence on a curva to the right, ot rad ius 11459 teet, a distance of 30.1S feet, thenca on a curve to the right of rad ius 7639.5 feet a distance ot 30.20 feet; thence on a curva to the right ot rad ius 6779.6 feet a distance ot 268.1 teet to a point; thenca north 81 14' West a dlatanca of 696.2 feet, more or less, to the north Una ot grantor'a property. 20.6 feet north 89 48' East from the Initial point, thence to tha Initial point; said tract of. land la said to contain 0.312 of and acre, mora or lass. 18. Also a triangular piece or par cel of land being all that portion of lot 5, Glenmorrla In Section 11, Town ship 2 South, Range 1 East Willam ette Meridian, aa shown on recorded plat filed July 3d, 1918. In Bonk 7, page 23, of the Records of Clackamaa Coun ty. Oregon, lying southwesterly from a line parallel with and 50 feet north easterly from and nienaured at right angles to tho surveyed and located center line of the Portland, Eugene and Eastern Railway Company'a rail way .and more particularly described as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at an Iron pipe which Is the southerly corner ot said lot 5, and on the center line of Canyon Drive, thonce running northeasterly along the southeasterly boundary of said lat, 6, a distance of 4.60 feet, to Engineer's Station 7609.7 of the sur veyed and located center line ot the Portland, Eugene & Eastern Railway Company's railway; thence continuing northeasterly along said southeasterly line ot Lot 5 a distanco ot 50.13 tent, more or less, to a point 50 feet north easterly from and nienaured at right angles to said center line ot railway; thence north 47 31' West parallel with and 60 feet distant from Bald cen ter line 175.5 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly boundary of said lot 5; thence southwesterly along said north westerly boundary of lot 6, a dlstunco of 15.85 feet, more or less, to the westerly corner inereor; mence southeasterly along the southwes terly boundary of said lot 5, which Is also the center line of Can yon Drive, a distance of 150.15 feet, more or less, to the said surveyed and located center line of railway, at or about Engineer's Station 7589.0; thence continuing along said south westerly boundary ot lot 5, a distance of 20.85 feet more or loss, to the point of beginning, containing 0.141 acreB, more or less. Now, Therefore, by virtue of sold execution, Judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 27th day of July, 1918, at the hour of ,10 o clock, a. m at the front floor of tne County Court House In the City of Oregon City, In said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to re demption, to the highest blddor, for U. S. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named dofondant had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described satisfy said execution, Judgment order,' decree, Interest, costs and all accruing coats. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clnckamns County, Oregon. By E. C. Hackett, Doputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., June 8th, 1918. Date of first publication, June 28th. 1918. Date of last publication, July 20, 1918. -