OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY. JUNE 28, 1918. Pag 6 CLAYTON YOUNGCHILD DROWNED WHILE AT Clayton, three-year-old ion of Mr. and Mrs. William Youngchild, ot tula city, waa drowned In a Huh pond at the home of Dr. and Mr. J. G. Nash, of 121 Jefferson Street Friday after noon at 12:30 o'clock. The little fellow, whose chief de light waa to visit the home of Dr. Nash, which is on the opposite side of the street ot the Youngchild home, and play In the pond. A few minutes before the accident occurred the lit tle fellow was playing with the Nash children, and shortly afterwards, his little body waa found floating In the pond by Gordon Nash, six-year-old son of Dr. and Mrs. Nash. The body was removed from the water by Kenneth Childs. who is visiting at the Nash home from Kansas City, Mo. The little body was carried to the home ot Dr. Nash, where a physician was summoned, and a pulmotor used In an effort to bring back his life. As soon as Dr. M. C Strickland had ar rived he found life extinct, and says the child waa In the water tor about half an hour before It was discovered by his little playmate. No inquest waa held by Coroner E. L. Johnson, as It waa plainly seen that the child lost his life by accident. It is thought that the child was endeavoring to secure a rope that was found In the water a short distance from the shore, and in stooping over slipped. When found his little face was turned downward. The child had another narrow es cape from drowning in the pond, when he was saved by presence ot mind of Mrs. Jane Bennett, mother ot Mrs. Nush, who rushed to his side and sav ed him from falling in. Mr. and Mrs. Youngchild have re aided in Oregon City for about a year, and they are prostrated over the drowning ot their child. The little fel low was a general favorite with the neighbors, especially at the home ot Dr. and Mrs. Nash. He was a daily caller at their home, and his death cast a gloom over the entire neighbor hood. No arrangements have bwn made for the funeral services. WN U. S. FLAG Removal of an American flag from the home ot August Olson at Mulino arroused the ire of three patriotic youths and they proceeded to impress Mr. Olson with fistic culture that it is highly improper to remove flags plac ed on homes or buildings by American citizens. A jury Impaneled in Justice ot the Peace John N. Sievers court, to try Harold UUger, Ed Utiger and Fred Utiger on charge of assault and bat tery found the boys guilty but also Judiciously recommended that the court impose no fine against the de fenders inasmuch as the act was justifiable. And the court followed the recommendation of the jury. On Sunday afternoon, several weeks ago, the three ctiger boys left the farm owned by their parents and came into Mulino. They were imbibing free ly of lemonade, the testimony showed when they noticed that across thestreet from the lemonade stand was a dwell ing on which rested neither flag, Red Cross banner nor any other implica Indicating patriotism. A conference between the three brothers was followed by the purchase ot a large American flag from a near by store, and loaded with lath nails and a hammer, the flag was duly nailed upon the building, which it later developed was Mr. Olson's home. Before nightfall, large blotches re sulting from broken ranch eggs also adorned the building but responsibil ity for this act was emphatically de nied by the three boys. Mr. Olson up on reaching his home late that night, became wrathy, it is said, although It did not develop at the trial if It was the egg spots or Old Glory that threw his temper into disorder. However the flag was hauled down. The three boys told the Jury that It had been torn down, but Mr. Olson held that It had been only "removed." On the following Saturday night the Utiger boys returned to Mulino, learn ed that their flag had been removed and upon meeting Mr. Olson the three boys accused him of tearing the flag down, then accused him of unpatrlot ism and then singly "mauled him with their fists." The jury was comsosed of C. V. Robey, E. Harrington, Maxwell Tel ford, H. H. Hughes and D. F. Skene. SLIPPED LOST FOOT A young man who asserts he is from Idaho. Harry Newell, attempted to board a late passenger train out of Oregon City Wednesday night, slipped under the car wheels and lost a foot. He was taken to the Oregon City hos pital and his leg amputated just above the ankle. He and another young man were beating their way' to California. AIRMEN BOMB YARDS WASHINGTON, June 2. Success ful bombarding of the German rail road yards at Conflans was reported today in General Pershing's communi que of yesterday. Artillery activity at various points, the repulse of an en emy raid in the Woevre and the cap ture of more prisoners by American patrols crossing the Marne also was announced. BRIDGE NOTICE . Sealed bids will be received at the County Clerk's office until Saturday, July 13th, at ten o'clock A, M. for the construction of two piling bridges on the road from Buteville to Wllson ville, near the Crlasel place. Plans and specifications for which are on file in the Roadmaster's office. . : H. S. ANDERSON, . County Judge. SPEAKERS TO APPEAL JRTHRIFT0NJUNE28 Speaker for the big windup on the War Savings campaign which will be held In every school district in the county on the night ot Friday, June 28, have been named by the general committee In Oregon City. The com mittee's aim ha been to chose men and women who can speak with a punch and give, assistance to the local committees in each district to finish its drive. The speakers follow; Mllwaukle, Geo. C. Brownell, Ore gon City; Elliott Prarle, O. B. Dtmick, Oregon City; Canemah, Mrs. C. H. Dye, Oregon City ; Lower Logan, C. H. Dye, Oregon City; Glad Tidings. Mrs. F. Q. Haveman, Molalla; Samson, Rev. Snyder, Molalla; Currlnvllle. R. M. Standlsh, Estacada; Upper Logan. B. T. McRain, West Linn; East Clacka mas. J. W. Loder, Oregon City; Engles, O. W. Robblns. Molalla; Meadow- brook, Major Hide, Oregon City; Gar field. Walter Givens, Estacada; Wel ches, Fred Douberfool, Sandy; Viola, Wm. Stone, Oregon City; Beaver Creek, W; L. Mulvey, Oregon City; Marqur.ro. Rev. Joslyn,; Eagle Creek, Clyde Mount, Gladstone; Mundorff. F. W. Parger. Oregon City; Kelso. Rev. Chandler, Oregon City; Macksburg. Rev. Kraxberger, Oregon City; Linn's Mill, Burr Tatro. Oregon City; Oak Lawn, J. W. Smith Macksburg, Auro ra, R. F. D.; Wllsonvllle. F. J. Tooae, Oregon City; Sprlngwater, H. E. Cross, Oregon City; Dickey's Prarle, Jaa. G. Love, Molalla; Union, Wm. Ham mond. Gladstone; Maple Lane. Judge J. U. Campbell, Oregon City; Concord, J. W. Grasle, Milwaukle; farus, R. a Beatle, Hoft. R. F. D. 1; Stone. F. P. Coulter. Damascus; Rock Creek, Pearl Wisslnger. Mllwaukle; Clarkes, O. D. Eby, Oregon City; Highland, Tom P. Randall, Oregon City. West Linn, T. W. Sullivan, Oregon City; Molalla, Rev. Crockett, Oregon City; Liberal. Geo. L. Story, Oregon City; Haxella, Miss Lorene Parker; Mark's Prairie. A. H. Knight, Canby; Sandy Ridge. W. A. Proctor, Sandy; Needy. W. H. Eccles. Canby; Stafford. Jas. H. Cary, West Linn; Cherry ville, John H. Revenue, Sandy; Mt. Pleas ant, John Lewellen, Oregon City; Bor ing. Dr. H. S. Mount, Oregon City; Bull Run, J. W. Roots, Boring; Sandy, G. E. Hayes, Oregon City; Oswego. G. L. Hedges, Oregon City; Parkplace, H. S. Anderson, Oregon City; Har mony, B. G. Skulason, Milwaukle; Douglas. Rev. Spies, Estacada; Hot- comb, John Sievers, Oregon City; Fir- wood, Mrs. Percy T. Shelly, Sandy; Colton, W. A. Dlmlck, Oregon City; Cedardale, John R. Bowland, Oregon City; Battin. Prof. L. H. Morgan. Mil waukle; Seasel Creek. E. G. Cau field. Oregon Clty;B. Vedder, Gladstone; Russelvllle. W. A. Beck, Molalla; George, H. C. Stevens, Estacada; El- wood, Dr. Milliken. Oregon City; Whiskey Hill, Rev. Mr. Launer, Can by; Union, Rev. Mr. Bushncll. Canby; Crescent, Rev. Weverslch, Oregon City; Browns, W. P. Hawley, Jr., Ore gon City; Clackamas. Mrs. H. B. Cart lidge, Oregon City; Missouri Ridge, Rev. Mr. Coleman, Marquam; Mar mot. Fred Proctor, Sandy; Advance, Chas. Thompson, Sherwood, R. F. D.; Tracy, E. W. Bartlett, Estacada. Leland, A. A. Price, Oregon City; Evergreen, Rev. Mr. Seamann, Ore gon City; Sunyside, A. L. Beatle, Ore gon City; Old Colton. J. F. Mitts, Ore gon City; New Era, A. J. Lewis, Lane; Dryland, F. M. Roth, Canby; Redland, C. D. Latourette, Oregon City; Monte Cristo, Mr. Gillis. Moni tor; Damascus, J. E. Calavan, Ore gon City; Dodge, R. A. Weld, Esta cada. R. F. D.; Meridian. C. N. Wait, Canby; Schubei, R. B. Beatie, Hoft; Union Hall, C. L. Sinclair, Oregon City; Corrall Creek, N. W. Bowland, Oregon City; Dover, Mrs. John H. Revenue, Sandy; Mulino, E. C. Lat ourette, Oregon City; Henrici, Rev. J. C. Collins. Gladstone; Canby, C. G. Huntley, Oregon City; Wilhoit, Otis Ray Daughtery, Molalla; Garfield, W. A. Heylman, Estacada; Barton, Jer ome Howard, Willamette; Hazeldale, E. W. Smith Oregon City; M. E. Min ister, Canby; Yoder, W. H. Bair, Canby; South Oak Grove, L. W. Rob bins, Molalla; Deep Creek, C. W. De vore, Estacada; Mountain Road, L. F. Stevens, Gladstone; Barlow, C. E. Spence, R. F. D.; Union Mills, Charlie Sievers, Oregon City; East Mt. Scott, Mrs. E. C. Shaw, Milwaukle; Hood View, A. C. Howland, Oregon City; Falls View. W. H. Wettlaugger, HofT; Eldorado, John Burgoyne, New Era; Oak Grove, Rev. Gilbert, Oregon City. Willamette, J. E. Hedges, Oregon City; Springbrook, J. D. Butler, Oak Grove; Cottrell, I. H. Phipps, Boring; Estacada. C. Schuebel, Oregon City; Twilight, H. M. Templeton, Oregon City; Lone Elder, John F. Cralk, Ore gon City; Highland, L. E. Jones, Ore gon City; Bear Creek, J. 0. Taylor, Molalla; Jennings Lodge, Mrs. L. E. Jones, Oregon City; Gladstone, Mrs. Hulbert, Oregon City; Fir Grove, ttank Ewing, Estacada; North Logan, Mrs. Frank Hutchlns, Oregon City, R. F. D. 2; Eby, F. M. Hendrickaen, Mol alla; Wichita, C. E. Barker. Milwau kle; Clairmont, W. L. Arant, Oregon City; Alberta, Geo. Thompson, Will amette; Mt. Hope, W. W. Everhart, Molalla; Ardenwald, .1. P. Shaw, Mil waukle; Evergreen, C. D. Purcell Sandy; Hillcrest, Mrs. J. C. Schultz, Boring; Echo Dell, J. J. Cooke, Ore gon City; Kruse, L. Stipp, Oregon City; Pleasant Hill, Fred Miller, Ore gon City; Parrott Mountain, C. F. Romig Willamette; Ladd Hill, Mrs. M. C. Young, Sherwood; Rugg, J. C. Elliott, Damascus. DEAD HORSES TAKEN Cash paid for dead cows and down and out horses. Will call anywhere. Phone Milwaukle 69-J. CARPENTERS $4.50 NINE HOURS " HELPERS $3.60 NINE HOURS LABORERS $3.25 NINE HOURS SEE HARRY JONES, CONTRAC TOR, WEST LINN HOTEL ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY. IF YOU ARE A BETTER CARPENTER THAN THE AVERAGE COME ALONG AND YOU WILL BE PAID $5.00 IF O. K. AFTER ONE WEEK'S TRIAL. 'FOR 8ALE Eleven pigs, SO to 0 pounds. Carl Barney, Oregon uuy, Route 3, Thono 4FS. TO LOAN. $4500 to loan on farm. Interest ? per cent Grant E. Barney, 141 E. 69th N., Portland. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Sealed bids will be received up to July 1, 1918, tor either 40 cords first growth fir wood or SO cords second growth fir to be delivered at the Elka Temple, Oregon City, on or before September 1st. 1918. Address bids to Board ot Trustees and mail to GEO. E, SWAFFORD, Secretary. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court ot the State ot Oregon, tor the County ot Clacka mas. Clara E. Morey, Plaintiff, vs. The Glenmorrle Company, a corpora tion, Defendant State of Qregon, County ot Clacka mas, as: By virtue ot a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out ot and under the seal ot the above en titled court, In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 20th day of June, 1918, upon a judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 14th day ot June, 1918, in favor ot Clara E. Morey. Plain tiff, and against The Glenmorrle Com pany, a corporation, Defendant, for the j sum ot 9346.S34.0S. with interest! thereon at the rate of S per cent per annum from the 14th day of; June, 1918, and the further sum of j $3000.00 as attorney's tee. and: the further sum of $11.25 costs ami' disbursements, and the coats ot and up- on this writ, commanding me to make sale ot the following described real! property, situate In the county of j Clackamas, State ot Oregon, to-wit: A part of the Donation Land Claim ot Felix A. Collard and Demararis Col- j lard, his wife, in Sections 9. 10, 11. 14.! 15 and IS of Township 2 South, Range 1 East ot Willamette Meridian, being Claim No. 45 and a part ot theDona tion Land Claim ot Jesse Bullock and Nancy Bullock, his wife, In Sections 11. 14 and 15 of Township 2 South. Range 1 East ot Willamette Meridian, being Claim No. 46 described aa fol lows : Beginning at a stone set for the quar ter section corner on line between said Sections 11 and 14, thence South 61' 0' West. 2088.31 feet; thence! South 6 47' East, 351.63 feet; thence' South 82 24" West, 292.49 feet; thence South 9 50' East. 200.34 feet; thence j South 68 39' West, 724.20 feet; I thence North 21 10" West, 5S5.97 feet; ! thence South 66 22' West. 1760.20 feet; thence South 82 59' West, 377.55 feet: thence North 1 17' West. 1439.51 feet; thence North 83' 62' j East. 1292.72 feet; thence North 1 34' West 1001.60 feet; thence North 84" 25' East, 549.84 feet: thence North 84 11' East. 461.81 feet; thence South 1 03' East. 994.22 feet; thence North 83" 06' East, 398.71 feet; thence North 80 46" East 314.79 feet; thence North 82 00' East, 215.00 feet; thence North 39, 04' East, 409.78 feet; thence North 30 54' East, 130.75 feet; thence South 30 i 58' East, 186.00 feet; thence South 69 03' East, 362.38 feet; thence South 31 18' East, 313.92 feet; thence North 50 29' East, 143.25 feet; thence North 72' 24' East, 459.94 feet; thence North 89 49' East, 94.50 feet; thence North 66! 02' East, 207.84 feet, containing 130.94 acres. Also a part of said Felix A. Collard , and wife Donation Land Claim de scribed as follows: . Beginning at the quarter section cor-' kner on line between said Section 11 and 14. thence south 66 2' west 207.84 feet; i thence South 89 49' West 94.50 feet;! thence South 72 thence South 50 24' West, 459.94 feet; 29' West. 143.25 feet; thence North 31 18' West, 313.92 feet; thence North 69 3' West, 362.38 feet; thence North 30 68' West, 186 feet; thence South 30 thence South 39 54' West, 130.75 feet; : 4' West, 409.78 feet; ; thence South 82 West, 215 feet; thence South 80 46' West, 314.79 feet; , thence South 83 6' West, 398.7 feet; ; thence North 1 3' West, 994.22 feet to a stone set in the North line of land in said Donation Land Claim owned by the grantor; thence along said North line North 85 24' East, 552.15 feet and North 55 East 992.42 feet to an inter-: section with the Westerly line of Can yon Drive, which Is the Westerly line of Glenmorrle, according to the duly re-, corded plat thereof; thence on said Westerly line of Glenmorrle South 76 31' East, 71.28 feet; thence on a curve to right 83.25 feet (angle 120 radius 39.75 feet); thence on tangent South 33 29' West 52 feet; thence on curve to' left 311.39 feet (angle 101 57', radius 175 feet); thence on curve to right , 140.13 feet (angle 38 14 radius 2i0 feet); thence on curve to left 72 feet (angle 8 15', radius 500 feet); thence leaving said Westerly line of Canyon Drive and continuing on Westerly line of Glenmorrle South 15 23' East, 148.2 feet; thence South 3 23' East 100 feet; thence South 14 23' East 160 feet; thence South 7 37' West 126.7 feet to the moot Westerly corner of Block 13 of Glenmorrle;! thence continuing on said Westerly line of Glenmorrle South 43 14', East 420.62 feet; thence South 28 4', East, 190.97 feet; thence on curve to left 91.86 feet (angle 14 26' radius' 364.8 feet) ; thence on tangent North 78 44' East 215 feet; thence on curve' to right 55.10 feet (angle 28 42',! radius 110 feet); thence on curve to j left 81.13 feet (angle 37 27', radius' 124.08 feet); thence North 62 6V East, 167.5 feet to the plnce of begin ning, containing 42.66 acres. Also all of Blocks 2, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Glenmorrle according to the plat thereof, of record in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances for said Clackamas County, and said blocks containing in all 10.625 acres. Also all that portion of the Donation Land Claim, of Gabriel Walling and Lucy Wfllllng, his wife, Notification No. 841. Claim No. 63, in Sections 13, 14, 15, 22 and 23 of Township 2 South, Range 1 East of Willamette Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a stone set at the Southwest corner ot said Walling Donation Land Claim and running thence North 3613.35 feet; thence North 81 58' East 2329.60 feet; thence South 35 03 East 1195.93 feet; thence North 59 57 East, 216.34 feet; thence North 34 85' East, 143.18 teet; thence North 84 47' East, 173.03 teet; thence North 31 01' East, 149.53 feet; thence North 66 15' East, S64.SS feet; thence North 89 15' East, 381.91 teet; thence North 62 45' East, 313.30 feet; thence South 87 30' East, 631.90 teet; thence North 79 89' Kast, 221.SO teet; thence South 89 85 East. 422.10 feet; thence S"uth 34 48" East. 1337.40 feet; thence South IS 33' Kast, 158.60 feet; thonce South 87 53' West. 1366.85 feet; thence South 3 18" West, 2383.70 feet; thence North 88 37' W'wt, 4884.60 feet, talnlng In all 451.31 acre. Excepting and reserving therefrom, however, the following described premises released from the lien ot plaintiff's mortgage, to-wlt: 1. Blocks twenty-eight (28), thirty- five (35) and sixty-one (61) ot Glen morrle Park, Clackamas County, Ore gon. 3. All ot the easterly halt ot Block thirty-nine (39) of Glenmorrle Park In Clackamas County. Oregon, contain ing seventy-nine hundredths (.79) of an acre, more or less, according to the duly recorded plat thereof ot record In the office of the Recorder of Con veyances for said Clackamas County, excepting therefrom the rights of the public in and to the dedicated roads abutting upon the northerly boundary of said easterly half of Block thirty nine (39) said easterly halt being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corn er of said Block thirty-nine (39) run ning thence south fifty-nine degrees, sixteen minutes, twenty-eight seconds (59 16" 33") west along the south boundary line of said Block thirty-nine (39) one hundred thirty and 32-100 (130.32) feet; thence north twenty nine degrees, tour minutes, forty-two seconds (29 4' 42") west and parallel with the Easterly line ot said Block to the Intersection of the northerly line of said Block; thence northeasterly following the northerly line of said Block thirty-nine (39) to the north easterly corner of said Block; thence south twenty-nine degrees four min utes, forty-two seconds (29 04' 43") Kast following the easterly line of said Block two' hundred thirty-two and 69-100 (232.69) feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. . 3. Blocks thirty-six (36), eighty tour (34). eighty Ave (85), eighty-six (S6) and eightyseven (87) of Glen morrle Park, Clackamas County, Ore gon. 4. All ot block twenty-nine (29), Glenmorrle Park, Clackamas County, Oregon. 5. Block sixteen (16) ot Glenmor rle Park, Clackamas County, Oregon. 6. Block nineteen (19) of Glenmor rle Park. Clackamas County Oregon. 7. Block twenty-one (21) ot Glen morrle Park,' Clackamas County, Ore gon. 8. Block thirty seven (37) ot Glen morrle Park. Clackamas County, Ore gon. 9. Block fifty-five (55) of Glenmor rle Park. Clackamas County, Oregon. 10. Block fourteen (14) of Glen morrle Park, Clackamas County, Ore iron, 11. Block twenty (20) of Qlenmor rle Park. Clackamas County. Oregon. 12. Also all of blocks numbered ten (10) and eleven (11) of Glenmor rle and all ot block numbered twelve (12) of said Glenmorrle, excepting a roadway now established and located upon the ground and describing an arc through the northwest corner of said block number twelve (12); the said roadway being forty-six (46) feet wide and the center line thereof Inter secting the westerly line of said block number twelve (12) at a point eighty seven (87) and 5-10 (87.6) feet south erly from the northwesterly corner of said block number twelve (12) and said center line, thence following a curve on a radius of three hundred twenty (320) feet a distance of one hundred thirty-four and 810 (134.8) feet to Intersection with the north line of said block number twelve (12) at a point one hundred eight and 3-10 ! (108.3) feet easterly from the north westerly corner of said block number twelve (12). 13. Blocks two (2), four (4) and five (5) of Glenmorrle, Clackamas County, Oregon. 14. Blocks thirteen (13) and four teen (14) of Glenmorrle, Clackamas County, Oregon. 15. Beginning at a point in the bridge on the County Iroad which point Is In the center of the northern ex tremity of Canyon Drive or Glenmor rle as shown on the olTIclal plat of same as filed In the office of the Re corder of Conveyances of Clackamas County, Oregon; said Initial point be ing further described as North fifty five (55) degrees East ten hundred twelve and 16-100 (1012.16) feet from ad Iron pipe In the northerly boundary of Glenmorrle Park; thence South fifty-five (55) degrees West ten hun dred twelve and 16-100 (1012.16) feet to an iron pipe; thence South two ,(02) degrees eighteen (18") minutes East . Sixty-eight and 4-10 (68.4) feet to an iron pipe; thence South eighty two (82) degrees forty-three (43') minutes West eighty-two and 13-100 (82.13) feet to an Iron pipe; thence South fifty-nix (56) degrees sixteen (16') minutes West forty-five and 64-100 (45.64) feet to an iron pipe; thence South thirty-seven (37) de grees fifty-seven (57') minutes West one hundred and 010 (100.0) feet to an iron pipe; thence south twenty-three (23) degrees fifty-seven (57') minutes West one hundred and 0-10 (100.0) feet to an Iron pipe; thence south fifty-seven (57) degrees fifteen (15') minutes East fifty-five and 28-100 (55.28) feet to a ptBt; thence north fifty-five (55) degrees East twelve hundred ninety flve and 43-100 (1295.43) feet to a point in the center line of Canyon Drive of Glenmorrle; thence following the cen ter line of Canyon Drive by a chord to the curve, north thirty-three (33) degrees nineteen (19') minutes East .ninety-five hundredths (0.95) feet to an Iron pipe; thence north thirty three (33) degrees twenty-nine (29') minutes East fifty-two and 0-10 (52.0) feet continuing In the center line of said Canyon Drive to a pipe; thenca continuing in the center line of said Canyon Drive on a curve of radius fifty-four and 75-100 (54.75) feet through one hundred ten (110) de grees of curvature; the chord of this curve bears north twenty-one (21) degrees thirty-one (31') minutes West and Is eighty-nine and 710 (89,7) feet In length; thence continuing in the center line ot Canyon Drive north sev enty (76) degrees thirty-ono (31") minutes West fifty-eight and 010 (68.0) teet to the point ot beginning. The foregoing described tract lies In the extreme northeast corner of Glen morrle Park and has an area ot 4.409 acres. Also commencing at the said point of beginning and running thence north fifty-five (55) degrees east to the Willamette River, thence up said river to the Northerly boundary ot Glenmor rle, as shown upon the said plat; thence following the northerly Hue of said Genmorrle to intersect the cen ter line of said Canyon Drive; thonce following the center line of said Can yon Drive to the said place ot beginning. 16. Beginning at a point In the con ter line of Canyon Drive, a street ded lonted as shown on the recorded plat of Glenmorrle on file In the office of ths Recorder ot Conveyances of Clack amas County, Oregon, which point l South thirty-three degrees, nineteen minutes (33 19 ) weBt ninety-five hun dredths (.95) foet from an Iron pipe In the center line of said Canyon Drive at the Northern extremity of a curve of one hundred sixty (160) feet radius and at the southern extremity ot a tangent fifty-two (52) feet In length and whose bearing Is north thirty three degrees, twenty-nine minutes (33 29') east; thence parallel to the northern boundary ot Glenmorrle Park as shown upon the plat thereof ot rec ord. In the office ot said Recorder ot Conveyances, south fifty-five degrees (55) west twelve hundred ninety-five and 43 100 (1295.43) teet to a stake; thence south fifty-seven (57) degrees fifteen (15') minutes east one hundred eight and 67-100 (108 67) reel to an Iron pipe; thence south eighty six de grees, twenty-seven minutes (86 27') east seventy-nine and 33100 (79.32) feet to a stake; thence north sixty de grees, one minute (60 01') east five hundred seventy and 29-100 (570.29) feet to a stake; thence north thirty five (35) degrees west fifty (50) teet to a stake; thence north fiftyflve (55) degrees east five hundred twenty-three and 7-100 (523.7) feet to a pipe In the center of Canyon Drive on a point In a curve ot one hundred six ty (160) feet radius; thence following the center line of Canyon Drive In a northerly direction on a curve of rad ius one hundred sixty (160) feet through sixty-eight degrees, thirty five minutes (68 35') ot curvature to the point of beginning; the chord to this curve bears north no degrees. fifty eight minutes (0 58') West and Is one hundred eighty and 26-100 (180.26) feet In length. The srea of the foregoing described trsct Is 4.409 acres. Also beginning at an iron pipe In the center line of Canyon Drive na shown on the recorded plat of Glenmorrle on file lu the offlca of the Recorder of Conveyances of Cluckamiia County. Oregon, which point Is at a point of reverse curvature, being at the north ern extremity of curve of radius four hundred eighty-five iS5) feet and st the southern extremity of a curve of radius two hundred twenty-five (225) feet; thence following the center line of Canyon Drive on a curve to the left of radius two hundred twenty-five (225) feet through thirty-eight degrees fourteen minutes 38s 14 ) of curva ture; the chord to this curve lna North forty-nine degrees twenty-one minutes (49 21') West and Is one hun dred forty-seven and 5-10 (147.5) font In length; thence still following the center line of Canyon Drive on a curve to the right of radius one hundred six ty (160) feet through thirty-three de grees, twelve minutes (33 12') of cur vature; and the chord to this curve bears north fifty-one degrees, forty nine minutes (51 49') west and Is ninety-one and 42 100 (91.42) feet In length; thence south fifty-five degrees (55) west Ave hundred twenty-three and 7-10 (523.7) feet to a stake; thence south thirty-five degrees (35) east, fifty (50) feet to a stake; thence south sixty degrees, one minute (60 01') west five hundred seventy and 29-100 (570 29) feet to a stnke; thence south clghty-slx degrees, twenty-seven min utes (86 27') east one hundred twelve and 18100 (112.18) feet to an Iron pipe; thence south fifty-two degrees, forty-four minutes (52 44') east eigh ty and 43-100 (80.43) feet to nn Iron pipe; thence on a curve to the right of radius twenty-nine and 06-100 (29.06) feet through ninety-five de grees, forty-eight minutes (95 48') of curvature to an Iron pipe; the chord to this curve bears north eighty-five degrees one minute (85 01') east and Is forty-three and 2-10 (43.2) feet long; thence north sixty-five degrees, twenty-four minutes (65 24') East four hundred thirty-five and 80 100 (435.80) feet to an Iron pipe in center of brook; thence down stream following the cen ter line of said brook as follows, north three degrees, forty-seven minutes (3 47') east one hundred twenty-nine and 20-100 (129.20) feet; north forty two degrees, two minutes (42 02') east fifty-nine and 31-100 (59 31) feet to a stake in the center of said brook; thence leaving the bed of said brook north sixty-nine degrees, two minutes (69 02') East sixty-eight (68) feet to an iron pipe; thence north seventy seven degrees, thirty-two minutes (77 32') East fifty-nine and 12-100 (69.12) feet to an Iron pipe; thence north eighty-six degrees two minutes (86 02') east sixty-one and 85-100 (61.85) feet to a stake; thence north sixty-three degrees, thirty-two minutes (63 . 32') east eighty afid 12-100 (80.12) feet to an Iron pipe; thence north sixty-six degrees, fourteen min ifies (66 14') east seventy-eight and 75-100 (78.75) feet to an Iron pipe; thence south eighty-eight degrees twenty-three minutes (88 23') east fifty and 20-100 (50.20) feet to an pipe; thence north thirty degrees, forty-three minutes (30 43') east seventy-four (74) feet to the point of beginning. The area of the foregoing described tract is 4.409 acres. Also beginning at an Iron pipe In the center of the road in said Olonmor ria Park which point Is In the line pro duced In a southwesterly direction of the line between lots sixteen and sev enteen (16 and 17) ot said Glenmorrle Park and which road forms the north erly boundary of lots twenty (20) and twenty-one (31) ot said Glenmorrle Park; thence following the center line of said road In a westerly direction on a curve to the loft whose radius Is seventy-five and 81 100 (76.81) feet through thirty six degrees, thirty min utes (36 80') ot curvature; thence still following the center line of said road on a curve to the left whose rad ius Is one hundred fifty-seven and 9 10 (167.9) foot through twenty-five (26) degrees of curvature; thettuo still fol lowing the said center Hue on a curve to the left whoso radius Is seventy and 79 100 (70.79) feet through twenty four degrees, fifty-five minutes (34 66') of curvature; thouee still following snld center line on a tangent to the last curve a distance ot sixty-one and 1 10 (61.1) foot; thanes UU following suld center line on a curve to the right whose radius Is sixty-five and 37-100 (65.87) foot through ninety-seven de grees, forty-one minutes (87 41") of curvature; thence still following the said center Hue on a tangent to the lust curve a distance of one hundred fifty-four and 9 10 (154.9) teet to an Iron pipe In the center of the road set at the southwesterly corner of a tract of land heretofore conveyed by The Glenmorrle Company to 8. II. Stewart ; thonce north sixty five degrees, twenty-four minutes (65 24') east follow ing the southerly line ot said tract heretofore conveyed by The Glenmor rle Company to 8, H, Stewart four hundred thirty-five and 80 100 (436 X0) teet to an Iron pipe set In the center of a spring branch or creek; thonce north three degrees, forty-seven mln-" utes (3 47') east one hundred (100) feet; thonce south twelve degrees, fifty three minutes (12 63') east two hundred twelve and 93 100 (213.93) feet to appoint Orteen (16) feet north erly from the line between lots slxten (16) and seventeen (17) of said Glen morrle Park; thence south flftyme degrees twenty-nine minutes (51 29') west oue hundred one and 18100 (101.18) fuel following a line parallel with and distant fifteen (15) feet at right angles from the said line be tween the said lots sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) to the northerly side line of the said rosd; thence south thirty-eight degrees, thirty-one min utes (38 31') east flften (15) feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.4453 acres. Also beginning at an Iron pipe In the center of Canyon Drive of Glenmorrle aa shown in the plat ot same of record In the offlco of the Recorder ot Con veyances of Clackamas County, Ore gon, which place of beginning Is at a point of reverse curvature being at the northerly terminus of a curve of radius four hundred eighty-five (45) feet and at the Southerly terminus of a curve of radius two hundred twenty- five (225) feet; thence south thirty de grees, forty three minutes (30 43') west seventy-four (74) feet to an Iron pipe; thence north eighty-eight de grees, twenty-three minutes (88 23') West fifty and 20 100 (50.20) teet to uti iron pipe; thence south sixty-six de grees, fourteen minutes (66 14') west sventy-elght and 76 100 (78.76) feet (63 32') West, eighty and 12100 to an Iron pipe; thonce south sixty three degrees, thirty-two minutes (80.12) feet to a stake; thence south eighty-six degrees two minutes (86 02') west sixty-one snd 85-100 (61.86) feet to an Iron pips; thence south seventy-seven degrees, thirty-two min utes (77' 32') West fifty-nine and 12 100 (59.12) feet , to an Iron pipe, thence South sixty-nine degrees, two minutes (69 02') West sixty-eight (68) feet to a stake In the center of a spring branch; thence continuing up stream along the bed of the spring branch south forty-two degrees, two minutes (42 02') west fifty-nine and 31-100 (59.31) feet; thence south three degrees, forty-seven minutes (3 47') West twenty-nine and 20 100 (29.20) feet to an Iron pipe in the bed of the stream; thence south twelve degrees, fifty-three minutes (12 53') East two hundred twelve and 93 100 (212.93) foet to a point fifteen (15) feet north erly from the line between lots sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) of Glenmor rle Park, referonce being had to the plat thereof of record In the office of the Recorder of Conveyances of Clack amas County, Oregon; thence south, fifty-one degrees, twenty-nine minutes (61 29') west one hundred one and 18-100 (101.18) feet following line par allel and distant fifteen (15) feet at right angles from the said line divid ing said lots sixteen (16) and seven teen (17) to the northerly side line of the road forming the northerly boun dary of lots twenty (20) and twenty one. (21) of said Glenmorrle park as shown on recorded plat of Glenmorrle Park; thence south twenty-seven de grees, fifty-three minutes (27 63') east fifteen (15) feet to an Iron pipe In the center of said road; thence north fifty-one degrees, twenty-nine minutes (51 29') east six hundred sixty-three and 53 100 (663.63) feet fol lowing the lit io botween lots sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) of Glenmor rle Park to an Iron pipe; thence north fifteen degrees, twenty-three minutes (15 23') west forty-seven and 70-100 (47.70) feet to the westerly side line of Canyon Drive; thence north fifty degrees, forty-six minutes (50 46') east fifteen (16) foot to an Iron pipe in the center line of Cnnyon Drive; thence on a curve to the right whose radius Is four hundred eighty-five (485) feet a dlstanse of sixty-nine and 80-100 (69.80) feet to the point of be ginning containing 2.1857 acres. 17. A strip ot land 16C4.8 feet more or less In length and 100 feet In width, being 50 feet In width on each side ot and parallel with the surveyed and lo cated center line of the Portland, Eu gene ft Eastern Railway Company's railway as the same Is now surveyed, located and staked out over and across tho grantor's property which Is part of the Gabriel Walling Donation Land Claim No. 63 In Township 2 South, Range 1 East, Willamette Meridian, said center line being more particular ly dOHcrlbod as follows: Entering the grantor's north proper ty line at a point which is North 14 41' EaBt 1490.4 feot, more or less, from the northwest corner of the Ooorge W. Walling Donation Land Claim No. (12, Township 2, South, Range lEast, Willamette Meridian, and is at or about Engineer's Station 11581.0 of the Portland, Eugene & Eastern Rail way Company's survey; thonco South 38 30' East 823.5 feot, more or less, to a point which Is Engineer's Station 119 04.5 which equals Engineer's Station 120 25.4 of ths said com pany's survey, which point Is ths be ginning of taper curve No, to the right; t hones on said taper curve to tho right through an angle ot 0 17' a distance ot 90 feet to a point at En gineer's Station 121 16.4 ot said com pany's survey which Is tho beginning of a regular 1 curve to tho right with a radius ot 6729.5 toot; thuncs on a regular curve to tho right through an angle of 6 18' a distance ot 630 feet to a point at Engineer's Station 127 46.4 of snld company's survey which Is the beginning of a taper curve No, H to the right; thence on snld taper curve through an angle of 0 27' a distance of 110 feet to a point tho beginning of a tangent at Engi neer's Station 128 f 35.4; thence South 31 29' East a OlHtaucs of 631.3 toot, more or less, to the south lino ot gran tor's land, leaving tho grantor's south line at or about Engineer's Station 163 66,7 of snld company's survey. Also an addltlonnt strip of land 60 feet In width lying on the southwester ly side of adjoining and psrnllol with the Southwesterly side lino of tho above described 100 foot strip of Innd, snld 60 foot strip of land extends from tho north lino of tho grantor's property southeasterly to a lino drawn, at right angles to snld survey and lo cated center lino of rallwsy ot Engi neer's Station 188400 ot suld com pany's survey which Is 219 font dis tant from north line of grantor's ssld land. Also an additional strip of land 60 foot In width lying on the northeaster ly side uf adjoining and parallel with the northeasterly side Una of the above described 100 foot strip of Innd, said 60 foot strip of land extends from tho north line ot tho grantor's proper ty southeasterly to a lino drown at right angina to snld surveyed and lo cated center line of railway at Engi neer's Station 18800 of snld com pany's survey which Is 119 foot dis tant from north line of grantor's snld Innd containing 4 324 acres, more or less. Also beginning at tho point where said surveyed snd located center lino crosses grantor's north property lino and running thence North 89 43' East a distance of 127.6 feot to the north easterly corner of tho right of way of said Itullway Company, which point Is tho Initial point ot tho property to bo described and conveyed herein; running thonco south 38 36 East, along the easterly lino of said right of way, a distance ot 139.74 feet to a point; thence south 51 24' West fol lowing said right of way line 60 feet to a point; thence south 38 36' East, following ssld right of way line, a dlstsnce of 104.5 foet to a point tho be ginning of a curve to tho right, thonco following said right ot way line on a curve to the right, having a radius of 22918 feet, a distance of 30.07 test; thenca on a curve to tho right of rad ius 11459 feet a distance ot 30.07 feot, thence on a curve to the right of rad ius 11459 feet, a distance of 30.13 feet, thonco on a curve to the right of rad ius 7639 6 feet a distance of 30.20 feot; thence on a curve to tho right of rad ius 6779.6 feet a distance of 268.2 feot to a point; thonco north 31' 24 West a distance ot 696.1 feet, more or loss, to tho north lino of grantor's property, 20.5 feot north 89 48 East from the initial point, thence to tho Initial point; ssld tract of land is suld to contain 0.312 of and acre, more or lens. 18. Also a triangular piece or par cel of land being all that portion ot lot 6, Gleum'orrls In Section 11, Town ship 2 South, Range 1 Kant Willam ette Meridian, ss shown on recorded plat filed July 4td. 1918, In Book 7, page 23, of the Records of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, lying southwesterly from a line parallel with and 60 feot north eusterly from and measured at right angles to the surveyed snd located center line of the Portland, Eugeno and Eastern Railway Company's rail way ,and more particularly described as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at an Iron plpo which Is the southerly corner of said lot 6, and on the center lino of Canyon Drive, thonce running northeasterly along the southeasterly boundary ot suld Lot, 5, a distance of 4.60 feet, to Englnenr's Station 7609.7 ot the sur veyed and located center line of the Portland, Eugene & Eastern Rallwuy Company's railway; thence continuing northuusterly ulong said southeasterly line of Lot 5 a distance ot 50.13 feet, more or Iobs, to a point 60 feet north easterly from and measured at right angles to snld Center line of rullway; thence north 47 31' West parallel with and 60 font distant from snld cen ter line 175.5 feet, more or loss, to the northwesterly boundary of snld lot 5; thence southwesterly along said north westerly boundary of lot 5, a distance of 15.85 foot, more or loss, to tho westerly corner thereof; thence southeasterly along tho southwes terly boundary of said lot 5, which Is also tho center Una of Can yon Drive, a distance of 156.15 feot, more or less, to tho said surveyed and located center lino of rullway, at or about. Engineer's Station 7589.0; thonce continuing along said south westerly boundary of lot 6, a distance of 20.85 feot more or loss, to the point of beginning, containing 0.141 acres, more or leas. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and docroe, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will? on Saturday, the 27th day of July, 1918. at the hour of ,10 o'clock, a. m at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendant had on the dnte i of the mortgage heroin or since had In or to the above described real property or any part thoreof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Orogon. By E. C. Hackott, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., June 28th, 1918.' Date of first publication, June 28th, 1918. Date of last publication, July 20, 1918.