Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 28, 1918, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Paps 2
liVeuMy Briefs From J
I All Over the County
- Wilsonville
WILSONVILLE, June 26. Wilson
ville and vicinity are preparing to go
over the top In W. S. S. this week.
Mr. and Mm. George Parr, of Port-
r.J;.. j nth. Mra. Derr colors, and felt for Camp Lewis June
VH t '
couver, visited his parents, John Card
and family last Sunday.
Miss Essie Gard visited her niece,
Mrs. Clyde Rlngo, and her brother,
John Gard, and family last Sunday.
Grover Friedrteh, from Mololla, one
of the truck drivers who was hauling
I lumber for D. F. Moehnke'i saw mill.
was formerly Anna Batalgla.
Audrey Wood spent a few days with
relatives In Portland during the week.
Mrs. Dr. Butler was in Portland dur
ing the weekend.
Menga Batalgla and Bettle have
been In Portland with thicr mother,
for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. MacFeeters and dau
ghters, of Portland, visited relatives
34 th.
W. H. Wqttlaufer and family took
a trip up to patera last Sunday.
Frank Friedrteh. Is hauling lumber
(for Hult Bros, at present.
Ed iiornsnun ana son, aivw, tui
to the coast last Saturday.
J. Keffer and family and Pearl Kef
fer and family moved to Beaver Creek
last week. They took theJob to load
In our village on Saturady and Sunday. 1 ca
alias r neua ouuviuunrr uum
land. Is visiting her friend. Mrs. Edna
At the annual school meeting on
Monday. Frank Stangel was elected
to fill the vacancy for director, and
Chas. Wagner wa re-elected clerk
for the ensuing year.
A. A. Wood was elected director of
Corral Creek school for the three year
term, and Mrs. Jessie Say was re-elected
Leah Wagner's many friends are
proud to note that she won the Uni
versity of Oregon scholarship, when
she was graduated from the Lincoln
High school, of Portland, recently.
Mrs. M. C, Young. Ed Baker. Frank
Brobst, Albert CamehL Chaa. Wagner,
George Murray. Mra. Aubrey Wood,
Chaa. Thompson and Mrs. Norman
Say attended the W. S. 8. meeting,
held at Oregon City, on Saturday.
P. J. Tooze, of Oregon City, will give
an address in the Wilsonville school
house on Friday evening at eight
o'clock, on W. S. S. Ewi one is
urged toattend.
Mrs. H. D. Aden, and son. Dwight,
are home from Gooding, Idaho, where
they visited for some weeks.
Runyon, for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. John Puts, of Colton.
took their son. Philip, to town last
Sunday, who left for Camp Lewis on
June 24th.
Buol Bros, are cutting their clover
hay now.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde RIn?o visited
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Gard
and family last Sunday
KELSO, June 24. The W. S. S. com
mittee consisting of J. H. Revenue, R.
E. Jarl and Mrs. Robert Jonsrud and
the following, who have been ap
pointed to aid as solicitors: Mrs. J.
H. Revenue, Mm. Ned Nelson, Mrs.
C. Zimmerman Mrs. Gilbert Jonsrud,
met at R. Jonsrud's home Sunday eve
ning and planned the details of the
War Savings Stamp campaign this
week. The amount of War Savings
Stamps to be raised in the Kelso dis
trict Is 13623, and we all can and will
again cheerfully heed our own coun
try's call, remembering our noble men
nt the front, and thankful for all the
blessings we enjoy in spite of being
a country at war. A War Savings
Stamp represents about a day's wages,
and there is scarcely any one who
an not give at least one day's wages
a month for the rest of the year to
help this cause. Every citizen of this
district from eighteen years or over
who is physically able, is required to
attend the W. S. S. mass meeting at
the Kelso school-house Friday evening,
June 28tt, by order of the government
The roll of all citizens will be called,
and those not present must send a
valid excuse.
Rev. Chandler, of Oregon City, will
be the speaker at the school house
Friday evening. There will also be a
patriotic musical program.
J. H. Revenue has been appointed to
speak at Cherryvllle Friday evening,
the 28th. at the W. S. S. meeting at
that place, and Miss Margaret Can
ning will speak at the Dover meeting.
Kelso went over the top the first
day of the W. S. S. campaign and
oversubscribed its quota by $1200.
TWIUGJHT, June 27. There was
quite a crowd at the patriotic meet
ing Monday night
Mr. Harvey la cutting hay for Mr.
Mrs. Nash and daughters, Ethel and
Elsie, have gone to the berry patch at
Henry Scheer visited R. C. Meier
Mrs. Scheer and Mrs. Swlck visited
Mrs. Jensen last week.
Miss Pearl Scheer, who is working
for Schafer brothers at Elm a, Wash
ington, was home a few days visiting
her grother, Albert, before he left for
Camp Lewis, American Lake.
Rain Is needed in their vicinity.
MEADOWBROOK, June 27. Mrs.
Lee, of Portland, is visiting her daugh
ter Mrs. Chas. Hoi man.
Glenn and Ruth Larkins visited at
the P. O. Schlewe home Sunday.
Fred Horner and family, of Esta-
cada expect to move Thursday to the
mill the Horner Bros, are putting up.
Freda Johnson, Myrtle. Hatel and
Nettie Larkins, Harold Johnson. Allen
Larkins. and Ralph Myers took a trip
up the Columbia highway Sunday.
George Hostetter is having a se
vere attack of the Inflammatory rheumatism.
Marvin U Miller, who is In the
Navy, stationed at Bremerton. Wash.,
spent a week visiting his parents at
Marquam, and on his way back spent
Monday at A. L. Larkins.
There will be a W. S. S. meeting at
the school house Friday at 8 o'clock
June 2S. Major Hide will speak. Ev
erybody come.
Pauline Hostetter. who has been
working in Portland the last year, Is
home for the summer.
A. L. Larkins and Milton Chlndgreu
attended the W. S. S. meting at Ore
gon City Saturday.
Ellnora and Elma Mattson left on
Thursday for their home In Portland
after spending two weeks with friends.
MACKSBCRO. Jnue 24. The Red
Cross Auxiliary held Its regular meet
Mrs. Mangle Spangler ts reported
having the mumps.
There was no meeting of the local
Red Cross the past week on account
of shortage of material. The meeting
wtir be continued, as soon as more ma
terial U sent from Red Cross headquarters.
Mrs. Russell, of Portland, la visiting
at the homo of her son, Levi Russell.
Mra. Perry Magness' mother of Port
land, ts visiting with her.
The Ucal American Loyalty I-eague
has received their honor flag given to
them tor going over the top In the
Third Liberty Loan drive Several
new members Joined the league at the
last meeting, which met on the even
ing of June 21.
Miss Lena Schmetser la Wine from
Oregon City, where she has been at
tending high school the past term.
Upper Eagle Creek
Mr .and Mrs. Lou Morgan, of Port
land, who, years ago were residents
of this community, were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baker last Wed
nesday. ,
Ivy, Agnes and Herbert Udell were
calling at the home of Dick Gibson on
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass motored
up the highway Sunday.
James Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Hal
Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gibson
and Alice Udell, motored up to the old
home of James Gibson on Sunday and
got some cherries.
Walter Douglass and Fred Hoffmels
ter were Oregon City visitors on Sun
Roy Wilcox sold his farm to Geo.
Judd a short time ago.
Claude Sersanous and family visit
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Naylor on Sun
At the home of the bride's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Zogg, there was a
very pretty wedding Saturday even
for their trip,, to
Elbert Chnmmn, who cnllxtml In
the Eighteenth Engineers Railway In
Juno. 1917, and was nmonit (ho first
30,000 American men to arrive In
Franco, reaching his destination In
August, has been promoted In rank,
t'hurman has been glvou a position
York to prepare
William Emmons, 80 year of age,
of Portland, formerly of Oak Grave,
and father of Earl Emmons, panned
away Inst week, and the Interment wa
ut NVashougal, Washington,
Mra. J. B. Evan was a Portland vis
itor Monday.
The .Red Cross auxiliary meets
every Monday and Thursday at Vos-
burg hall. Every lady la Invited. .
Bernard Reynolds wa home Sun
day front McMlnnvllle,
Mrs. Kohler, of Oswego, visited Oak
Grove last week.
Albert Wine was-home from Camp
Lewis tor a tew hours Sunday,
Fred Wines will leave Saturday for
California to go In training.
A special meeting wa called by
Mra. J. Waldron, president of the
Clackamas county Parent-Teacher as
sociation, Friday at the school house
to adjust matters and appoint a com
mittee to serve on the Eugenie work
In this community. Mr. I. N. Walker,
of Portland; Mr. Elliott, of Wichita;
Mr. Jacobs, of Jennings Lodge and
Mra. Gross, of Concord, were presentt
and gave a short talk on (he work. A
meeting of the Parent-Teachers associ
ation will be held Friday at the school
at S o'clock. All members are re
quested to be present.
Mr. Gertie McCully, of San Fran
cisco, Cal., arrived Wednesday to visit
her mother, Emma Spangler, and her
father and brother, Irving and John
Julltfn. Mra. McCully lived here sev
eral year ago.
Mr. and Mr. Bander, of Portland,
are occupying the Guthrie house on
Railroad avenue.
Mrs. Alice Fleinmlng, Mrs. A. Ware
and Ellon Worthlngton left the first of
the week tor Salem to pick login
Mr. Anna Ahault Is spending a I Elbert Charman. popular Oregon
week at Sheooard's Hot Springs, and City boy. who lias been placed hi
In visiting with her son. William Rig- charge of the circulation department
gins, who Is a patient there. of the "Stars and Stripes," the oltl
New comer 1u the community are clal newspuper or the American Kx
pedltlonary Forces In France.
( 0 -T?
Upon the Foundation
No Greater
Dn tne Founaation " H Va
CEDARDALE. June 24. Claude
Wlnslow and family spent last Sun
day at the Cooper home in Portland,
making the trip In their automobile.
Miss Alice Pendleton, who recently
underwent an operation, has been seri
ously 111 the past week, put is better
at present
Fourteen Colton girls met with Miss
Hill Friday afternoon and organized
a Campflre Club. Their next meeting
will be at Kathrine Cobb's home, next
Thursday. '
The Boy Scouts of Colton, accom
panied by Scout Master M. C. Lun
stom. took their first hike last Satur
day morning, returning Sunday even
ing, camping and fishing at Cuttings
Forks on the Molalla.
I. O. Orem made a business trip to
Tigard, Oregon, Saturday for the Hult
Lumber company, bringing home a
team for them.
B. F. Bonney made an over-night
visit at Erlckson's at Mulino on Wed
nesday. Frank Kinney and Dick Wells have
each purchased a car.
Richard Orera spent Saturday even
ing at Marquam.
The Champion "f j.
has ,i;.4
been making -;,f-f
s,, money i ;r';' thb aiwnunow - wa .n.,i.iv u
f 't tot user :,!'tw- twu4w.m
for years Uita w "-" -ir w .-
with the Stars and Stripes, tlio official
publication of the Amerlran Expedt
tlonary Force In France. Cliurman la
to have charge of the circulation de
partment of the publication, and I do
llKhted with the position, according
to letter received during the week
by the young mini's father.
Elbert Charman was born In Ore
gon City, and graduated from the Ore.
gon City hlKh school with honors, and
also took a business course at Reed
Every Part is
well built
.,M.k.ui.u' M rightly designed. .
uj w ika ...M w t'Sji This I for your
Some of the patriotic men of Ore
gon City came forward Sunday and
assisted with the work of making
sphuKimm uitiKS pad In the Rod Cros
room of (he Masonic hall, There ha
been rmih order to t out theeo
pad It I Decennary for the local
branch to make 3000 of them. Ihe
men ARMstlng Sunday In this work
were Rev, Crocker, pastor of the Con-
KiKtUiiml church; J, K. Jink, II. E,
Straight, 1, I). Purlieu nnd John Hick
man, The men were able BnnlHtnuts,
and could bundle the sclMior a well
the women. There were 123 work
ers In the Red Cros roam during Sun
day, and much was accomplished. The
quota for the Oregon City Red Cross
branch I 3000, nnd Monday morning
2350 pud were shipped to Portland,
It Ih now possible for the Oregon City
worker, together with the assistance
of the Red Cros Auxiliary of Glad
stone to complete the 9000 moss pads
In four days' time. The Gladstone Red
Cros Auxiliary ha made 270 of these
Dr. A. L. Heatle, of Heatle Brothers,
of thl city, has kindly donated the
acrvlcii of hi automobile truck for
conveying these pads to Portland and
also for conveying other material
made at the local branch to that city
free of charge. Thl will be a saving
of about $20 to the Red Cros Branch
each month, which I greatly ap
preciated by the member of thl or-ganlxatton.
There were over (0 women In the
Red Cros room all day Monday.
Pom lb I y some of our boy will be
among those who will need some of
these articles now being prepared by
loving hands, and Uiey will come In
time of stress as manna from the
The work will be continued until
the pads have been completed, and
other work will be tuknn up Immediately.
Echo Dell
Se the
Cigr the I
. y i
I I V4
I 1
' Driving Mechanism pi Showing th
Internal fcM wfucK frf muqr Ml Ul jhatrj
pmmw. jd Sutntantial
' a
Hardened. iMl' 'ywwW
Wearing Plate. s
ECHO DELL. June 25. The W. S. S
campaign is on, with John Kunzman
Jim Linn as solicitors.
There was a school meeting Monday
evening, at the residence of C. M.
Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Wilson, of Moun
tain View, were Echo Dell visitors
Little Rachel Clark is sick.
Walter Hornshuh, his father, and
brother, went to the coast Saturday
and returned Monday. They brought
home about three bushels of clams and
some crabs.
Ray Barney went ot Wilsonville Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pries-
ter and daughter, Elaine.
Margaret Ahlberg has gone to Port
land to work.
Mrs. Ward Clark and son, Ira, went
to Portland Friday.
Fred Bombard has sold his favorite
driving horse.
Carl Barney and Walter Hornshuh,
who enlisted nearly a month ago, have
not yet been notified to appear for
duty. They are taking advantage of
the opportunity afforded them and are
farming and visiting with their many
frineda and relatives.
ESTACADA, June 26. Miss Ida
Wagner, who Is teaching school at
Eden, Oregon, came home last week
to see her brother, Otis, who Is very
sick at the Good Samaritan hospital.
Violet Johnson, of Portland, is vis
iting relatives in Garfield.
Wrile working his woodsaw last
week, Guy Wilcox had the misfortune
of getting his hand crushed.
Rachel Doardorff, of Garfield, was
a Portland visitor last Thursday and
The Ford employees, of Portland,
held their annual picnic in the Esta
cada park Sunday. A large crowd at
tended this picnic most of them mak
ing the trip in machines.
Dr. J. L. Hewitt, of Portland, motor
ed out to his farm in Garfield Satur
day. Mrs. Ray Eshelman, of this place,
has been confined to her bed for sev
eral days.
A farewell party was given Frank
Marshall and Ernest Amacher last
Friday night at the Garfield Grange
hall. Beside these two, several other
boys left Sunday for Oregon City, but
later they expect to leave for Ft. Mc
Noel Sarver, formerly of this place
but now of Portland, was an Estacada
visitor last Sunday.
1" Iff. Extra Large and '
m in in
7 if I II 1 Ca
fit 1 TW tecwb $J
II I fanned ,n iheyol"
M injuring th perfect
lb 'A I r litnn" o b". S 4-
h? L ,L ' r kniie and airman. Z b
h MOWER 4$?
f , will bring you prices and mM, '0.
M, free c.tolog.l
W yoke. . ' V Vv W '
r hail
steady motion oi
bevd r dnring
tb cfask tbah
Jr n it
Heady motion of tif et out oi lin ow.
a!- t I 1 Hi T .
Mr v. : iw oevet rear annnj ,
'1 i&&Stg&&iertL3:-.
YOKE PINSf !t r The
Th $
Couldn't '
b. A
built I,
better . f
Champion f
Cass Hardened
ti-rame mi . i m i n , '
I " aV. K 'K
COPENHAGEN, June 21. Four rest-
dents of Iterlln attemntml to escape
from Germany Thursday In two air
planes. One succeeded In landing In
Denmark, but the other w brought
down In the flaltlc sea by Qerman
guard ships. The machine which
landed In Denmark had two ocu-
pants, one of whom, a reserve officer,
Is a professor In the University of
Merlin. They said they fled from Her
lln because of the condition there.
Champion Cotutruction. '':
. I S)lln JAW'.
Send m price and '
catalog of your CHAMPION ,
WANT $115,CX)0,000
NEW YORK, Juno 21.-The war
work councils of the Young Mon'
Christian association and the Young
Women' Christian association have
decided to Inaugurate a niitlon-wldo
co-operative campaign for $115,000,000
to be iisod in the prosecution of tholr
respective war activities,
j Going to Command Marines
The funeral rvlce of the late Mm.
8s rub Huntley were conducted Bun
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock front
the Presbyterian church, with Rev.
Heemnn, pastor, offlclutlng. The church
was tilled with friends of the doceas
ed, and many friend attended the ser
vices at the Mountain Vltw cemetery.
During the service at the church Rev.
Seaman cpoke highly of the character
of Mr. Huntley, who had benn an act
ive worker In the Presbyterian church
since taking up her residence ncre. a
quartet sang ''Face to Face" "God
Will Take Care of Yoa' and "Abide
With Mo." The quartet wa composed
of John W. Lodor, Joseph Alldredge,
Mr. W. C. Green and Miss Naomi
rmstrong. The floral tributes were
most beautiful and In large quantities
The pallbearers were Harry Draper,
Q. Cauflold. Dr. Clyde Mount. C.
chuobel, J. P. Lovett, and M. Mc-
The funeral arrangements were In
barge of the Holmnn & Puce under
taking establishment.
-n run
CLARKES. June 24. Miss Lydia
Bergman is visiting her relatives in
Portland for a short time.
Arthur Hornshuh and family visited
Mrs. Muralt, and family, of Sherwood,
last Sunday.
Mrs. Emma Muralt and Myrtle, from
Portland, are staying with her sister,
Mrs. David Moehnke, at present.
Walter Lee, from Oregon City visit
ed hes friends in Clarkes last Sunday.
David Moehnko and family were in
Portland last Saturday.
B. Sullivan was In Oregon City last
Alva Gard, who Is working In Van-
Farm and stock sales a special
ty. See Enterprise for date or
wire or phone me at my expense
Vancouver, Wash.
Office phone 120. Res. 496-Y.
HAZELIA. June 27. Miss Ethel
Thompson, of Oswego, visited Satur
day and Sunday with her cousin, Miss
Ethel Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Max McMahan, of
Portland, spent the week-end with
relatives In Hazelia. "
Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Fessler, of Port
land, were entertained by their sister,
Mrs. H. T. Duncan, Sunday.
Mrs. Morgan is spending a few days
with her daughter, Mrs. D. Christian
Misses Janet and Irene Raicy who
live in Portland, are spending a few
week at their father's ranch In Ha
Miss Harriet Duncan and Herbert
Duncan motored to George, Sunday
where they attended a picnic on Eagle
A party of Hazellans attended a Red
Cross supper at Lake Grove Saturday
Pendleton Dedication of Olney Ab
bey Mausoleum, one of the handsome'
est community mausoleum U S. will
take place here.
Ing at the rooms in the Sutherland
building on Wednesday, June 19th.
Hands were busy though hearts were
aching at thought of the departure of
our boys for their training camps be
fore we should meet again.
Plans were formed for the Ice cream
social set for the evening of Saturday,
June 29th. The committee, composed
of Mrs. John Hepler, Mrs. Ferdinand
Craxberger and Mrs. J. E. Wells, Is
sparing no pains to make the social
an enjoyable one.
We are happy to note that the spirit
of loyalty In our community is hap
pily gaining ground. New members,
every week, are coming Into the Red
Cross Auxiliary. Greater and still
greater cheerfulness In adopting the
new, war-necessitated ways of domes
tic economy is seen. Work wont to
be done by the young men has been
promptly taken up by the women, and
the smaller boys. Disloyal remarks,
whether suppressed by the vigilant
committees or not, we cannot tell but
true it Is that whereas a few months
ago criticism of-our President and in
sinuations against other high offi
cials were freely spoken, one hears
none of it now.
ing when Roy Wilcox and Miss Sylvia
Zogg were married. There was a
large number of guests present Mr.
Wilcox has Joined the army and will
soon leave for active service.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wilcox, Mrs, Vio
la Douglass and U. B. Gibson motored
to Estacada Sunday.
Baker's! Bridge
BAKER'S BRIDGE. June 27. Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Creason are recelv
ing congratulations on the arrival of
a little daughter, 9 pounds, born,
June 17. j , ,
A resident of this district received
a picture the other day of a baby In
St. Louis, that ts gaining three and a
half pounds a day. They are raising
it on elephant's milk (It's a baby
elephant.) ! .
Mrs. Hewett wa home from Port
land, where she i having her eyes
treated, over Sunday and hopes soon
to be able to come home to stay, as
her eyes are much; improved.
All the eighth grade pupils of Stone,
received diplomas,' and are ready to
enter high school this fall.
W. G. Frey, H. E. Able, W. E. Chris-
tinsen. M. Strauss. T. J. Hayes, H.
PIckey, E. E. Kinberlln and W. H.
OrmBby. Nearly all the vacant houses
are filled now, besides a great many
campers at the river beach.
Hester Armstrong has been onthe
sick list for a few days. She was able
Uo go back to her position Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Vosburg ,of
Wheeler, celebrated their thirty-eighth
wedding anniversary June 17th at their
home in Wheeler. A great many
friends were present and enjoyed a
pleasant evening.
7? C
CARUS, June 24. Mrs. Edgar, of
Portland, accompanied by her two lit
tle granddaughters, is visiting at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Nell Mag-
There will be a W. S. S. meeting at
the M. E. church on the evening of
Jne 28th. A speaker will be present
and a short program will be provided
by an appointed committee. Every
one is requested to be present.
Oak Grove
OAK GROVE, June 27. Professor
Sherwood, of the Willamette Unlver
slty at Salem, spoke last Sunday morn
ing at the MethodisUchurch, and will
speak again this coming Sunday
Mr .and Mrs. Guthrie arrived In Des
Moines, Iowa, last Monday. They re
port a pleasant trln. The family held
a reunion Tuesday. Mr. Guthrie and
!. It J
CAMP LEWIS, American Lake,
Wash., June 20. Life Imprisonment
was meted out to a draft deserter
scheduled to arrive at camp In the
March draft, it was announced yester
day. He Is William H. Pemberton, a
Seattle baker. Pembreton was ordered
to report to his local board March 29
for departure to Camp Lewis with the
draft contingent. He refused on the
V f It1
IF. li '
Brigadier-General John A, Lejeune
grounds that he was an Irishman and n h. UBV tn r.,. , ',, pnm,
to fight for the United States would mand of tne Unlted 8tttt(JB Marlneg
be aiding England. He was charged
also with making the remark:
''I would rather wear a convict's
uniform than that of a United States
Pemberton was brought to camp
under guard and tried by court-mar
tial. Approval of the court-mnrtlal
sentence was received yesterday.
on the battle
front under General
Moltlla Fire Chiy Co. to manu
facture dishes here In the near future
It will be the only factory of Its kind
brother will leave this week for New west of the Mississippi.
A BadaMS Directory ef eacK City,
Town and Villa la Oregon and
WMblDf toa, livta a DencrlptWe
Hklch of each place. UTtt!on,
flhipplng Fnrlilttr anrl IhmI.
find IHtwctoir ! CVCfe 9olaU
wa roiMaioa.
Ik 1. Pons CO Xa
BMttto, Wh.
A very pretty wedding took place
at the homo of Mrs. Fannie Kennedy.
of Fourteenth and Division Street,
Wednesday evening, when her dutigh
ter, Miss Era, became the wife of Mr.
Sherman Miller, of Marquam. The im
pressive ring ceremony was perform
ed beneath a canopy of roses and
ferns by Rev, E. E. Gilbert, pastor of
the M. E. church.
Proceeding the marriage coremony,
Mrs. Guy Peterson sang "I Love You
Truly," and as the bridal party en
torod the parlors, she playod Men
dolssohn's Wedding March.
The brldo was benutlfuly gowned In
white voile with a long tulle veil hold
In place with a wreath of orange blos
soms. Her shower boquct was of
Brldo's roses.
Tho bride's mnld, MIbh Maude Ken
nedy, sister ot tho bride, wore a be
coming gown of pale lavender, and
carlcd a shower boquot of lavender
swoct peas.
The bridegroom was attended by
his brother, I-ester Miller.
Following tho marriage coromony
Ice creRm and cake were served, after
which the young couple left on tholr
honeymoon. Upon their return thoy
will be at home to tholr friends at
The marriage ceremony was wit
nessed by about 30 frlonds nnd rel
atives of tho contracting parties.
The bride Is a most accomplished
young woman. She Is an active work
er in the Methodist church.
Tho bridegroom Is one of the pop
ular young men of Marquam, and Is
engaged In getting out shlpknees for
the United States government for
shipbuilding purpose. He Is the son
of prominent Oregon pioneers.
ST. PAUL, June 21. Samuel Gom
pers was re-elected president of the
American Federation of Labor by ac
clamation at the annual convention
here this afternoon.
We will pay you cash for your
Cascara Bark, large or small
quantities. See us before
Huntley Drug Co.