I MEN IN U. S. SERVICE WRITE HOME Many Interesting Letters Received From Boys All Over World Miss Elsie Vowles, of tlili city, Is In receipt o( a letter from her brother, J'rlvate II. Vcwlt'i, who U stationed In England. The letter was written May 6, end among other thins he says: "I supposo you will went to know whut hue become of me, but I arrived here safely a few days ego, after fulrly uneventful voysge, except to ward the latter part when two nub marines were lighted, one on one day, and one the next. One of the two came up right beside one boat, but before she could do anything, she wae hit by a depth bomb from the boat ahead. Other destroyers reported her a sunk. Another came up rlicht In the middle of the convoy, but wont down again aa noon at the aw the destroy ri. "We landed In England In glorious weather, and we are now well quart ered for tea days' In camouflaged tenta JikI outside the main camp, "The country where I am stationed Is beautiful. We passed through Lon don on our way down, but as it was night, and there were no lights, we aaw nothing. "Food Is very ahort here, and we hardly gat enough to eat Sugar Is practically non-exlstant, and oranges are four cent each. I would be tickled to death If you could send me a box of nut bar chocolates, Hershey's or something like that, and I will pay you when I get back. "We have three band In this csmp and one bugle band. These organiza tion are playing all times during the day and night. There Is also a general din of rifle and machine gun fire and aoa planes high up. "Hoping everything Is 0. K, In Ore gon City.' R. VOWLES Hl (fcn First 8ergnant Mtlo It. Coopor, of Company O, 163 United States In fantry, was heard from a few days ALBRIGHTS VPART WAY! In a decree of divorce handed down Monday, Judxe J. U. Campbell granted Minnie R. Albright freedom from Frank Albright, and allowed her the custody of their It-year-old aon. Carl. The couple were married In Salem, In 1896. Cruel and Inhuman treatment was the complaint. M00RE8 GETS VERDICT A decree of foreclosure was entered Tuesday In favor of Chas. II. Moores, of Portland, against A. F. Green, fore closing the defendant's Interest In Lot S4 of Sellwood Garden Addition to Portland. The mortgage face was for $447.00, with Interest and costs. The County Court EXPENDITURES FOR MONTI! OF JUNE ROAD DISTRICT NO. 1 A. N. Wills, 188.80; J. W. Schuld, $73.60; M. E. Gaffney, $97.00; C. E. Battin, $82.26; Jerome Avery, $60.00; A. E. Arby, $72.00; John Young, $03.00; A. P. Lengenberg, $60.00; Clay Col son, $136.00; Dan Gaffney, $144.00; Ottis Welch, $141.00; J. A. Davis, $138.00; W. Smart, $102.00; Roy Ot ty, $90.00; Robert Rosenau, $93.00; David Kanne, $64.00; Geo. A. Stev ens, $39.00; B. L. Friedrich, $459.00; W. F. Haberlach, $93.75. ROAD DIST. NO. 3-Matt Green slado, $3.76; C. Wolfhagen, $12.76; J. C. "Elliott, $102.06; W. Buckmnn, $85.75; Raymond Cline, $67.60; J. E. Cline, $3.00; Will Witzel, $73.60; L. Stradlpy, $73.50; Joe Pillster, $63.38; J. W. Norton, $72.00; II. Bock, $58.. 60; F. Bryan, $67.60; Herman Sci bert, $113.00; Joe Papsch, $66.00; Harold Norton, $27.00; J. A. Stall, TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Notice Is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Clackamas County, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of applicants for State Cer tificates at Masonic Building, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, June 26, 1918, at 9:00 o'clock a. m., and continu ing until Saturday, June 29, 1918, at 4:00 o'clock p. m. 1 Wednesday Forenoon U. 8. History, Writing (Penmanship), Music, Drawing. Wednesday Afternoon Physiology, Reading? Manual Training, Composition, Domestic Science, Meth ods In Reading, Course of Study for Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic. Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic, History of Education, Psychology, Methods In Geography, Mechan ical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestic Art Thursday Afternoon Grammar, Geography, Stenography, American LIteraturo, Physics, Typewrit ing, Methods In Language, Thesis for Primary Certificate Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Orthography (Spoiling), Physical Geography, English Literature, Chemistry, Physical Culture Friday Afternoon School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government Saturday Forenooon Geometry, Botany Saturday Afternoon General History, Bookkeeping Very truly yours. J A. CHURCHILL, Superintendent of Public Instruction, ' V." f s, J f. ; ,i i' mi ' i" 'iiThi'-'i'ii'''"'1" ago, when his mother, Mrs. E. If. Cooper, received word from the sol dier. "The last letter I received from home was about a weak ago, this be ing dated April 8. and the Christina package have not yet arrived, and I do hope they will come along some time. "I am fueling fine here and really getting fat Juat a little bit weighed about a week ago, and tipped the scales at 185, the most I ever weighed. We have plouty of good food, and no one has to work too hard. "Spring Is about here from the looks of tilings; the trees mostly all leaved out, and many of the fruit trees In bloom, and green grass every where. The country Is very beautiful now, but nothing like home." ' r4 pt fc Charlie Richardson, of Oregon City, now in France, writes his mother. Mrs. C. W. Richardson. In his letter Charlie says: "Somewhere In France, May 16, 1918. "My Dear Mother: "I received your letter, and year's and Nell's packages, and believe me, Mother dear, I was sure glad to get them. The rotor is a dandy. Thank you so much. How we bit Into the candy, chewing gum and tobacco. I am feeling fine, and hope this finds the loved ones at home the same. Ob, yes I received the papers, too. How good it ia to read the paper from your 'old home town.' I told 8ergoant Kent Moody I received lome copies of the Enterprise, and he said 'Where are theyT "I went swimming today for the first time In France. 'Tell Alberta I sincerely hope she gets to be county treasurer. "Give everybody a hello for me. "Well, Mother der, I will close now, hoping to hear from you soon. I am as ever your devoted son." I'lUVATE CIIA8. RICHARDSON, Headquarters Troops, Third Army Corps, A. P. O. 714. A. E. F. $18.00; Fred Eckert, $21.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 4 A. N. Wills, $74.20; Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., $58.41 j C. A. Looney, $36.00; C. C. Saling, $36.00; R. S. Coop, $4.60; W. T. Looney, $15.00; II. Server, $450; E E. Erlckson, $16. 50; II. A. Glthens, $10.60; G. A. Lov ell, $39.75; J. C. Hitching, $40.25; Lester Hale, $18.00; J. R. Hughes, $30.00; Frank Yunker, $16.50; R. II. Currin, $21.75; Hodnon-Feenaughty Co., $0.90; C. W. Schuld & Sons, & Sons, $42.00; Bert II. Finch, $6.65; II. H. Yount, $8.35; J. D. Closner Tie Co., $25.05. ROAD DIST. NO. 6Jarl & EH, $85.86; C. W. Schuld & Sons, $60.. 20; Port Ry. LAP. Co., $58.41; C. A. Looney, $36.00; D. E. McConnel, $54.00; II. C. Helple, $63.00; L. Hale, $36.00; C C Saling, $36.00; R. S. Coop, $4.60; W. T. Looney, $15.00; II. Sarver, $4.50; E. E. Erlckson, $16.50; II. A. Cithens, $10.50; fl. A. Lovell, $39.75; J C Hitching, $40.25; Lester Hale, $18.00; J. R. Hughes, $30.00; Frank Yunker, $16.50; R. II. Currin, $21.75; Hodson-Feenaughty Co., $0.90; C. W. Schuld ft Sons, $42.00; Bert II Finch, $6.65; II. H. Yount, $8.35; J. D. Closner Tie Co., $25.06. ROAD DIST. NO. 6-Jarl ft Erl, $85.85; C. W. Schuld ft Sons, $60.20; Port. Ry. L. ft P. Co., $56.07; The A. B Elliott Co., $4.80; M. H. Wheeler, $87.50; J A Imel, $72.00; W. E. Wheeler, $123.00; Chas. Lckberg, $93.00; John Andreg, $24.00; J. A. Hite, $78,00; Peter Schwietzer, $40. 60; C. A. Wheeler, $58.50; B. F. Hoover, $36.00; O. W. Boring, $21. 00; W. Mueller, $1.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 6 Jarl ft Eri, $38.68; H. Eyerkey, $79.60; Ed. Lit tlepage, $68.26; Ed Sits, $87.00; W. Bell, $78.00; C. Krebs,- $11.25; John Mocho, $31.50; W. Widmer, $24.00; R. E. Jarl, $52.60; Dave Jarl, $79.50; Not Only Through The Eyes Does Beauty Show Our efficient and latest scientific methods pro duce beautiful and healthful teeth. OHIO DENTISTS PAINLESS DENTAL WORK Over Harding's Drug Store. Oregon City, Oregon 6078 Main St. Phone Pac. 62 i OREGON CITY Il7 Revenue, $30.75: Geo. Harrison, $7.60; I. II. Phlpps, $21.00; F, Rathke, $1.60; 3. R. Hall, $6.00; Lew. is Hall, $6.00; E. Nasshahn, $16.60; II. Illckford, $24.00; E. Albel, $24.. 00; J. A. Albol, $24.00; E. V. Erkk son, $27.00; A. Haworth, $27.00; B. Nolson, $12.00; C. Timmerman, $21. 00; Hans Nelson, $9.00; W. Dolon, $3.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 7 R. 8. Smith, $19.00; Cedar Creek Lumber Co., $178.20; Paul R. Meinig, $21.40; Port. Ry. L. ft P. Co., $11.33; P. B. Gray, $21.00; J Cockelreas, $33.00; Jas. Fcgles, $76.00; W. Frank, $6.00; Curl Helm, $8.25; Henry Helm, $8.. 26; Otto Aschoff, $3.00; Ernest As choff, $3.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 8 C. W. Miller $50.00; O. Daly, $42.00; Aug. Bid enstein, $6.00; Sam Miles, $40.60; C. W. Harris, $21.00; W. Webber, $24. 00; Jack Alt, $12.00; Sam Miles, $40.50; C. W. Harris. $21.00; W. Webber, $24.00; Jack Alt, $12.00; I A. Weiss, $6.00; Enni Hamlin, $6.. 00; J. T. Mclntyre, $6.00; Mr. Mot pi, $10.00; Mr. Jastua, $10.00; John Llnhart, $10.00; R. A. Choun, $26.. 26; W. Koenecke, $22.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 0 W. F, Haber loch, $59.61; C. C. Miller, $25.10; Carl Rath, $57.50; A. H. Miller, $45.. 00; Roy Miller, $20.00; Louis Ochs, $11.26; IL Schmidt, $42.60; H. John son, $25.00; II. Klinker, $17.60; H. Reimer, $7.60; Julius Paulsen, $2.60; Victor Domm, $10.00; Carl Lins, $5.00; Fred Lins, $70.00; E. Guber, $67.60; C. Guber, $26.00; Theo. liar, ders, $33.75; L. Rath, $67.50; Nick Rath, $36.25; Peter Rahl, $60.00; C. A. Johnson, $67.50; Otto Paulson, $67X0; Harold Joyner, $37X0; Edd Scheel, $33.75; Joe Weiderhold, $62.. 60; Will Held, $62.60; Edd Grafen hein, $21.25; Gus Zwernman, 111 25; Fred Nitchmann, $31.26; Walter Terwllliger, $62.60; Mark Doryland, $31.25. ROAD DIST. NO. 11 Wm. E. Estei, $6.70; Chase ft Linton Gravel Co., $92.80; C. R. Livesay, $19.92; C. Mann, $30.00; Wm. Mann, $33.00; F. Furgerson, $30.00; H. D. Mars ton, $37.60; C. R. Livesay, $63.75; J. R. Livesay, $25.60; P. F. Morey, $144.00; J. Murphy, $45.00; J. Moore $42.00; C. Moak, $42.00; A. W. Storm $12.00; E. A. Hackett, $5.75; Park place Store, $5.85; Carl Barney, $01. 60; Chase ft Linton Gravel Co., $45. 18; Scripture ft May, $1.20; C. Moak $40.60; C. Mann, $32.25; Wm. Mann, $27.00; F. Furgerson, $30.00; J. Murphy, $6.00; J. R. Livesay, $18.. 00; II. D. Marston, $18.00; C. R. Livesay, $67.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 12 E. C. Ger ber, $132.00; Harry Babler, $18.00; Oregon City Foundry, $20.16; Mit chell, Lewis ft SUver, $4.50; J D Adam ft Co.,$12.67; J I Case T. M. Co., $3.45; W. Hagerman, $15.00; J. Moser, $50.00; GusUv Fischer, $54.. 80; Standard Oil Co., $43.17; J. Ger ber, $36.00; J. Snyder, $39.00; Harry Babler, $1.60; L. O- Gerber, $17.25; G. Fisher, $76.70; Ole Thompson, $51.00; A. Gerber, $30.00; G. Tracy, $33.00; G. Lash, $57.75; F. Minder, $57.00; J Hatton, $64.75; J. Boss, $66.60; Earl Gerger, $114.00; W. Kir chem, $84.60; G. Marklund, $57.00; A. J. Johnston, $72.00; A. Johnson, $57.00; E. Larson, $57.00; E C. Ger ber, $434.85. ROAD DIST. NO. 13 J. T. Ful lam, $98.85; Ben Tannler, $72.00; A. Schneider, $43.50; H. H. Coop, $42.. 00; L. Funk, $3.00; II Howell, $75 00; A. Dininger, $18.00; Johnnie Din inger, $6.00; A. Johnson, $6.00; A. Larson, $6.00; Arthur Ortleib, $12. 00; A. Kirchem, $4.50; L. Kirchem, $2.00; W. Carlson, $9.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 15 C Retting er, $6.00; T. Kelland, $6.00; A. C. Thompson, $6.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 16 Canby Con crete Works, $17.60; Ed. Pane, $18.. 00; Fred Huras, $18.00; Mike Huras, $36.00; Fred Holsman, $33.00; Thom as Englis, $36.00; Henry Engel, $39. 00; E. Persiger, $36.00; Rhinard Keil, $9.00; Eimel Gelbrich, $15.00; W. G. Randall, $43.80; Charles Het tinger, $30.00; Ernest Gelbrich, $3. 00; Richard Raddatz, $9.00; E E Jon es, $15.00; H. Engel, $4.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 17 George Koehler, $34.00; O. Striker, $40.00; Fred Bany, $19.50; T. W. Riggs, $23.25; Rudolph Strejc, $24.75; John Stuwe, $30.65; Wm. Githens, $28. 00; Cavaness ft Bany, $48.00; Almon Johnson, $60.00; Adam Bany, $46. 50; John Pavaletz, $34.50; W. J. Rice, $46.50; C. S. Marks, $46.60; Ab. Johnson, $46.50; Rob Vorpahl, $31.50; Paul Bany, $35.25; Charles Englan, $21.00; Fred Weman, $3.00; Harry Brown, $15.00; John Pavaletz $21.00; Paul Bany, $12.00; Ralph Koehler, $12.00; Wm. Beeson, $12. 00; Richard Raddatz, $21.00; Almon Johnson, $21.00; Charles Boman, $21.00; Ab. Johnson, $19.50; Adam Bany, $24.00; Emil Galbrich, $3.00; W. J. Rice, $21.00; P. R. Pierce, $5 00; Roy Cavaness, $1.75; D. R. Dim ick, $12.00; H. Lucas, $7.50; Max Bo man, $10.50; Fred Bany, $10.50; Leon Jackson, $16.50; Wm. Raddatz, $9. 00; Chase ft Linton, $180.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 18 G. Roberts, $1.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 19-John Weigls $24.00; E. T. Mclntyre, $35.25; E. Mclntyre, $31.50; D. Mclntyre, $16. 60; Theo. Marshall, $53.50; Will Mar shall, $36.00; Bob Schubel, $76.00; Julius Schiewe, $48.75; Walter Hos tetter, $24.00; Elva Gard, $3.00; Paul Schiewe, $3.00; Fred Brunner, $11.. 25; L. J. Hull, $9.75; Geo. Clark, $45.00; Chas. Marshall, $13.60; Fred Lindow, $3.00; Ben Lindow, $12.00; John Litchwiese, $6.00; A. Nelson, $71.25; W. S. Gorbett, $12.00; G. Murphy, $6.00; Alex Erickson, $6. 00; P. E. Bonney, $12.00; Alfred Danelson, $33.00; John Gard, $43.50; Clyde Ringo, $36.00; John Coler, $48.00; William Marshall, $34.50; H. Chindgren, $81.25. ROAD DIST. NO. 20-J. C. Elliott & Co., $20.20; J. C. Miller, $64.75; S. Miller, $81.00; S. Wilson, $11.25; A. Wagner, $30.00; E Griffin, $52.60; J. McCracken, $18.00; ' W. Norris, $18.00; A. Werner, $36.00; H. Gib son, $18.00; H. Bartlemay, $18.00; Fred P. Morey, $530.38; Albin Hag man, $9.00; A. Nelson, $90.43. ROAD DIST. NO. 21 E. A. Swan son, $42.00; Victor Bockman, $75.00; Chas. Bockman, $75.00; Edward Johnson, $42.00; Aug. Dalstrom, $33.00; J. W. Carlson, $21.00; J. W. Michelson, $36.00; Norman Sorenson $34.50 ;Emil Petterson, $66.00: J. D. (Crawford, $36.00; Jonas Petterson, '$33.00; W. S. Gorbett, $96.00; Erick ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE Hansen, $27.00; J. Carlson, $43.60; Rex Gordon, $3.00 ;W. E. Bonney, $36.26; John Ingstrom, $6.75; J. J. Jones, $72.00; Alex Erickson, $78.00; A. E. Anderson, $66.00; A. E. Nel son, $93.00; Gaud Winslow, $90.00; Walfred Johnson, $84.00; G. Mur phy, $84.00; Aug. Almquist, $54.00; Jack Morris, $18.00; Milt Chindgren, $24.00; Clifford Johnson, $24.00; John Lamm, $24.00; P. E. Bonney, $30.00; Herm Chindgren, $50.00; Bob Lamm, $27.00; G. Firer, $100.00; Ray Aus ton, $16.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 22 E. Damours, $11.25; A. T. Cutting, $52.50; Uy Brothers, $100.00; Feyrer Bros., $30. 60 Clay HungaU, $9.00; Frank Vaughan, $24.00; J. H. Vernon, $38. 00; Louis Cianini, $37.50; Robt. El kins, $33.00; John Vaughan, $9.00; A. L. 8cott, $107.25; Roy Austin, $26.00; Walter Painter, $9.00; C. A. Browning, $18.00; John Callahan, $102.00; Leslie Dickey, $60.00; H. J. Rastall, $96.00; U. C. Bonacker, $84.00; G. E. Feyrer, $144.60; Mil ton Trullinger, $120.00; Max Glutsch, $72.00; Homer Trullinger, $63.00; Bissil Cole, $3.00; Wm. Gene, $20. 00; C. Palmer, $6.00; Clyde Pendle ton, $3.00; J. L. Boyer, $3.00; J. W. Standinger, $14.50; S. A. D. Hun gate, $102.87; Peter Geres, $18.00; 8. J. Sorenson, $12.00; John Helvey, $12.00; Henry Fick, $50.25;- Clay Engle, $145.60; FreoVSchafer, $96.00;! M. D. Chindgren, $24.00; Oren Cut ting, $18.00; Otto Hofstetter, $16 60; W. H. Engle, $18.00; F. E. Lay, $24.00; Wm. Lay, $16.00; L. Berg-j strom, $16.00; Wm. Elkins, $34X0; G. H ungate, $18.00; Slyter ft Eck erson, $52.25; Willamette Valley Southern Railway Co., $64.98; Geo. Blatchford, $15X0; Dicken ft Co., $13.85; F. M- Henriksen, $57.03; W. G. Masterton, $36.75; Wm. Mackrell, $2.00; Geo. J. Case, $1.25; Willa mette Valley South. Ry. Co., $0X0; Robbina Bros., $24.05; Honeyman Hardware Co., $14.08; A. N. Wills, $23.10; Willamette Valley Southern Ry., $88.71. ROAD DIST. NO. 23 C. W. Hen kel, $1.10; Danielson ft Co., $216.00; V. Skinner, $12.00; G. Ziegler, $12. 00; C. F. Ziegler, $18.00; G. Henrick son, 148.00; C. W. Carothers, $54.. 00; PJI. Miller, $27.00; B. Wolfer, $33.00; E. Bellknap, $21.00; C. Yo der, $3.00; R. W. Zmmerman, $10. 00. ROAD DIST. NO. 24 C. G. Hof fman, $5.80; C. E. Miller, $86.75; Geo. Sether, $30.00; Carl Sether, $30.00; C. Johnson, $51.00; O. King, $18.00; Noah Egli, $28.50; L. Atkin, $52.60; Sam Egli, $24.75; Geo. Hend riekson, $9.00; John Ritter, $12.00; A. Fredrickson, $4.00; J. Fosmark, $12.00; R, W. ZZimmerman, $2.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 25 John Rum mer, $18.00; Ben Krause, $12.00; Herman Etzel, $60.00; Rudolph Klauf $89X0; J. B. Gibson, $12.00; Lloyd Huette, $6.00; Chas. Morris, $6.00; J. Vandersheur, $12.00; Frank Kling er, $6.00; Chester Smith, $15.00; Russel Scramlin, $6.00; J. W. Smith, $3.00; Jake Fenske, $12.00; Rufus Kraxberger,, $9.00; Fred Lamour, $3.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 26 L. O. Night ingale, $14.00; Robbina Bros., $4.00; Otto Friedrtrnr $6.00; Herman Buch man, $42.00; Chas. Callahan, $90.75; Chas. Fischer, $51.00; Dorsey Fisch er, $15.00; W. E. Lowry, $49X0; W. J. E. Vick, $76.00; Andy Haden, $48. 00; Pierce Wright, $84.00; Leonard Vick, $29.25; J. R. P. Vick, $78.00; H. H. Dahl, $61.00; L. L. Burghardt, $60.00; J. C. Vaughan, $36.00; T. E. Shea, $36.00; Dock Wilhelm, $30.00; Wm. Morey, $24.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 27 Edgerton Bros. Lumber Co., $47.40; L. N. Jones, $22.50; F. Hilger, $10.00; Olaf Olsen, $12.50; F. Hubbard, $7.50; Ed Earl, $10.00; C. P. Thomas, $12.50; B. M. Hubbard, $3.75; Harvey Ring, $3.75; I. D. Larkins, $16.75; Norman Olsen, $5.00; Ed. Hobart, $2.50; A. W. Albright, $10.00; Wm. Brown, $5.00; W. F. Haberlach, $40.63. ROAD DIST. NO. 28 W. G. Mas terton, $15.85; F. M. Henriksen, $19. 60; Bobbins Bros., $6.90; John Mil ler, $30.00; Oscar Kayler, $36.00; A. L. Brougher, $6.05; Chas. Johnson, $31.40; F. Brosig, $40.13; F. Gray, $35.63; John Goldade, $25.50; J. M. Groshong, $15.00; Chas. Slaughter, $27.00; Frank Holt, $12.00; F. Hil ton, $21.00; D. E. Hilton, $15.00; A. M. Groshong, $79.50; G. M. Gro shong; $67.13; O. Vorheis, $61.13; J. M. Nicholson, $49.13; F. Jones, $45. 37; M. E. Swope, $109.70; Wm. Jones $39.37; Jay son Jones, $30.75; Ernest Sowa, $49.50; F. Thomas, $38.63; Ben Wade, $58.13; Harry Gray, $61. 13; D. M. Groshong, $30.00; G. Hel vey, $52.50; P. Jeli, $41.63; A. Gold ade, $32.63; Howard Thomas, $49X0; A. G. Wyland, $36.00; E. Sowa, $45.. 00; Edgar Shaver, $90.00; John Cross, $108.00; Arthur Carter, $60.- Oo; E. L. Palfrey, $119.89; Ole Op sund, $114.00; Clarence Vorheis, $126.00; Leslie Shank, $120.00; Ar thur Kayler, $48.00; Oscar Kayler, $64.50; M. V. Koltsch,$18.00; Ed. Russel, $55.50; B. F. Harless, $60. 00; Zeb Bowman, $51.00; C. W. Hen dershot, $49.50; S. G. Nicholson, $52.60; Oscar Bowman, $108.00; Ray Shatzman, $18.00; Otto Russel, $21. 75; Ray Austin, $9.00; Ben Stein- inger, $3.00; J. F. Sherman, $30.00; Geo. Palmer, $6.00; John Palmer, $6.00; Chas. Guffee, $6.00; Ells. worth Clester, $4.00; Emery Worth, $76.50; Virgil Dart, $21.00; Omer Williams, $72.00; G. T. Worth, $61. 50; Pearl Harless, $9.00; Walter Rus sell $27.00; Roy Nicholson, $27.00; Ross Engle, $29.00; Frank Kokle, $4S.00; Ernest Palfrey, $57.00; Caius Herman, $21.00; Herbert Shepherd, $12.00; H. Morrow, $9.00; M. Free man, $18.00; P. J. Kayler, $15.00; Hubert Engle, $18.00; Avery McNul ty, $6.00; Mark Hungate, $12.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 29 Chase ft Linton Gravel Co., $225.00; Gooding & Dental, $2.00; W. S. Maple, $4.00; F. V. Epperson, $4.00; G. H. Gray, $28.00; Gooding & Dental, $144.00; Arlo Gray, $13.00; Robert Colvin, $2.25t ROAD DIST. NO. 30 T. Arm- stong, $48.50; W. Papoon, $126.26; J. Beietes, $18.00; W. Armstrong, $88.00; J. Boylan, $107.00; J. Raicey, $92.00; F. Layman, $11.50; F. Whit ten, $39.00; E. Whitten, $70.50; J, Dolan, $12X0; W. Kaiser, $14.00; J. J. Knaus, $28.00; J. J. Knaus, $26.25, ROAD DIST. NO. . 31 Chase & Linton Gravel Co.,, $225.00; Peter's Hardware Co., $1X0; C. Jones, $22. 50; R. Thompson, $20.00; W. Elliott, $20.00; G. Peters, $60.00; L. Tiede- 21. 1918. man, 47X0; F. Oldenstadt, $20.00;! E. Sharp, $2X0; F. Shipley, $118 J 76; O. Pamperine, $91.25; G. Sharp, $50.00; L. Brook, $25.00; 8. Turner, $51.25; F. Wagner, $27X0; F. Stan gle, $30.00; F Schoener, $40.00; O. Angel, $30.00; G. Aden, $52.60; E. Mickelson, $30.00; O. Oldenstadt, $15.00; R. Oldenstadt, $10.00; J. Moser, $10.00; G. Moser, $5.00; 8. Moser, $16.00; H. Krause, $45.00; W. Kaiser, $24.00; Fred Morey, $30.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 32 Chase A Linton Gravel Co., $202X0; Harry Jost, $29X0; Tom Baker, $30.00; Ray Baker, $30.00; A. A. Woods, $30.00; E. L. Baker, $i8.00; Geo. Stahlneck er, $15X0; Lloyd Jones, $19.50; Orvid Baker, $13.87; Jack Angus, $9.00; Clarence McConnell, $18.00; E. G. Jones, $18.00; Julius Snyder, $18.00; Frank Kiser, $18.00; J. F. Lawler, $6.00; Mat Baker, $18.00; Ed. Wall, $9.00; Bruce Case, $9.00; Clifford Jones, $6.00; Chase ft Linton Gravel Co., $586.00; Peters Hdwe. Co., $12 95; Harry Jost, $84.30; Tom Baker, $60.00; Ray Baker, $60.00; A. A. Woods, $66.00; E. L. Baker, $36.00; Geo. Stahlnecker, $30.00; Lloyd Jon es, $16.00; Orvid Baker, $12!00; Clar ence McConnell, $6.00; E. G. Jones, $6.00; Julius Snyder, $6.00; Frank Kiser, $6.00; Mat Baker, $6.00; Jim Barnes, $3.00; Ed. Wall, $3.00; Bruce Case, $3.00; Hugh Her, $12.00; Art Herman, $1X0; Chris Ives, $4.50; Pete Noyer, $18.00; Bruno Strove, $3.00; Aug. Holznagel, $3X0. ROAD DIST. NO. 33 A. N. Wills, $85.40; S. E. Smith, $72.00; R. H. Millard, $84.00; E. Closner, $75.00; John Stormer, $24.00; B. Schonburg- $78.00; Marion Millard, $84.00; C. L. Denney, $24.00; W. Fink, $78.00; S. Lovelace, $63,00; Ray Erickson, $39- 00; F. Zurcher, $21.00; John Scenk, $21.00; Everett Shibley, $18.00; W. T. Smith, $18.00; Frank Millard, $34 00; W. Tucker, $39.00; Oral Storm er, $33.00; Frank Smith, $28X0; Geo. Denney, $1.25; E. Dibble, $36.00; Jas. Closner, $36.00; P. Erickson, $24.00; W. Hendren, $37X0; E Day, $3.00; Geo. Schulmerich, $21.00; Isaiah Tucker, $11.25; Hodson-Feenaughty Co., $0.80; Cascade Garage, $1.25; F Madden ft Co.. $37.68; Portland Ry. L. ft P. Co., $136.00; S. E. Smith, $18.00; R. H. Millard, $21.00; E Clos ner, $18.00; John Stormer, $18.00; B.Schonburg, $18.00; Marion Millard, $30.00; a L. Denney, $16X0; W. Fink, $18.00; F. Zurcher, $3.00; John Schenk, $3.00; E. Shibley, $3.00; W. T. Smith, $3.00: Frank Millard, $58- 00; W. Tucker, $13X0; Oral Stormer, $12.00; Frank Smith, $7X0; Earl Day, $3.00; Geo. Denney, $6.25; E. Dibble, $13.50; John Moger, $69.00; Jas. Closner, $9.00; P. Erickson, $3- 00; Geo. Schulmnch, $3.00; W. Hen dren, $7X0; Isaiah Tucker, $2.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 34 Straight ft Salisbury, $1.00; B. J. Staats Hdwe. Co., $7.20; Frank Kaiser, $30.00; F. Koellermeier, $3.75; J. Moser, $32, 02; E. Oldenstadt $45.00; J. Wag- ley, $35.00; E. Anderson, $25.00; J. HellbergJ $36.25; F. Kaiser, $42.00; V. Rypczynski, $30.30; C. Zemmer man, $5.25; C. Koellermeier,' $25.63; N. Christensen. $7X0: R. Oldenstadt. $82X0; F. Kelnhofer, $48.75; H. Hell - berg, $36.25; G. .Settje, $52X0; M. Schafer, $55.00; Franzle, $5.00; W. Kaiser, $80.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 35 Fred Wag ner, $21.00; L. L. Griffin, $15.00; Wm. Booth, $50X4; V. E. Hengstler, $24 38; Chas. Ruther, $25.50; Joe Caldo, $10.50; A. Browning, $9.00; A. Hauglaum, $1X0; J. Maronay, $9.00; Fred Rathke, $22.50; E. Bernie, $9 00; J. Barnett, $61.25; L. L. Griffin, $15.75; Carl Goger, $6.00; Wm. Booth $28.71; Chas. Ruther, $8.25; A. Baumback, $21.00; E. Bernie, $3.00; Geo. Maronay, $6.00; . J. Barnett, $10.60. ROAD DIST. NO. 86 L. E. Dim ick, $102.58; N. C. Nelson, $8.45; Harry Wormdahl, $25.00; Edward Wormdahl, $15.00; Henry Hansen, $5.00; John Stricklin, $10.00; Emil Anderson, $48.00; C. W. Kruse, $118 25. ROAD DIST. NO. 37 C. W. Kruse, $118.25; R. R. Moffitt, $36.95; C. W. Kruse, $219.25; V. C, Evans, (Continued on page 6) Cooking Convenience All the convenience of gas that is the meaning of a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove installed in your kitchen. Easy to operate. A touch of a match and in a jiffy your stove is ready for cooking. No smoke or smell ; no dust or dirt. More convenient than coal or wood. Better and more economical cooking all the year round. A cool kitch en in summer. And you have all the convenience of gas. ' In 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes, with or without ovens or cabinets. Ask your dealer today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK 5TOVE FRANK BUSCH HOGG BROS. SANDY DEPARTMENT Mrs. Blanch R. Shelley Representative. ANDY GIRL TO APPEAR IN RE CITAL. The following from OregonJan under date will be of Interest to vicinity. "Invitations the Portland of June 18th, many In this have been is sued for a music recital to be given by Miss Kate Junker, contralto, of 8andy, Oregon, Friday evening, in Lincoln high school auditorium. Miss Junker, who has studied for the past three years with Mrs. Bertha Dolti Purcell, has a splendid voice, and her friends look forward to the pleasure of hear ing her In public. The program, which will be composed largely of piano, vocal and violin numbers, of both old and modern classics, will be rendered entirely from memory, and will close with a spring time scene, in which Miss Mary Junker will assist Emil TMelhorn will be the assisting violin ist LOYALTY LEAGUE MEETING. The Loyalty league will bold its regular meeting In the I. O. O. F. hall, Friday evening. There will be two good speakers and a short miscellan eous program. You will enjoy it MI83 HAZEL BOARDMAN DEMON STRATES NEW SYSTEM IN MUSIC. Another clipping from Sunday's Or- egonlan reads as follows: "A demonstration of an admirable system of music study was made by the students of Miss Hazel Boardman at the Ainsworth school recently. In addition to playing solo numbers and ensemble numbers, the students trans posed, wrote and played dominant seventh chords and cadences in any key requested by the audience. One ten-year-old girl amazed those present by modulating from major to minor and return, weaving thru the keys as fast as they were requested by the audience. Another little girl took a dictation on the black board, and then transposed the melody into a remote key, showing how accurately the ear may be trained." Miss Boardman is well and favor ably known in Sandy, having had a music class here for several years. DAUGHTER OF SANDY MERCHANT IS WED. Miss Carlyn Wlrtz, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wlrtz, and Earl Lynch, of McMInnvflle, were married at Vancouver, Wash., June 12, Mr. Lynch Is In the Coast artillery and left the day after the wedding for Alaska, where he expects to be stationed for the next two years. Mrs. Lynch wm Join him in a few weeks. At present ! she is the guest of her father and Mr. and Mrs. E. Bonett. of Sandy. ANOTHER 8ERIOUS ACCIDENT. Yancy Cooper, formerly of Dover, was seriously injured last Saturday while working in the woods near the Sandy Ridge Lumber company's mill near Marmot He sustained intracra nial injuries, which it Is feared will prove fataL Dr. Williams, of Sandy, was called and took him to the Good Samaritan hospital. Altho he is in a very serious condition, he seems to have a fighting chance. ANNUAL 8CHOOL MEETING. The annual school meeting for Dis trict 46, was held at the school house, Monday afternoon and was a very quiet affair, only nine being present Chas. Sharnke was re-elected clerk and A. L. Mattingly was elected direc tor for three years. Casper Junker was elected director of the Sandy Un- C. W. OREGON CITY, ORE.Ij l PEARL I Pe9 3 ion High School No. 2. to take the place of P. R. Meinig, retiring direc tor. The budgets of both the grade and high school were passed by nnam- lmous vote, Several improvements ia the buildings ore In order the coming year. MARMOT BOY ILL. Mr. A. L. TIce received a telegram Friday night that her son, Oarath Pickens was very ill in the base hos pital at Camp Lewis. He had measles and it developed into pneumonia. No further word has been received. SANDY LOCALS. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aschoff, in Portland, Sunday, June It, a daugh ter. Mrs. Aschoff was formerly Mlsa Lizzie Schlnitz. Their many friends are extending congratulations. , Thomas Scales returned home Von day evening after a weeks' visit with relatives in 8t Johns. Dave Douglass and family attended the circus Monday. Mrs. Jennie Blackball, and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bay and children, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Scales. Wm. Bell, of 8andy Ridge, bought a new Brisco ear from R. 8. Smith, last week. J. Scales made a trip to Portland Monday. Mrs. E. Beers and daughter, Bea trice and Mrs. AM Bel were Portland visitors Tuesday. Other circus visi tors Monday were Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Ditters and son, Henri, and Jeanette De Shaser. Just keep the fact in mind that Sandy Is going to have a real old fash ioned Fonrth of July celebration, when everybody meets everybody else, and we an eat our dinner to gether in the grove. There'll be musle and speaking and games and racing and lots of) enjoyable things. Big dance afternoon and evening. The committee dance in the I. O. O. F. hall last Saturday evening was well attended, seventy-two numbers being sold. The music was good and all seemed to enjoy it Mrs. R. B. Bason is in receipt of a letter from her brother, Melvin Gillett, who is training with the marines at Mare Island. LIVE1ESI001 FAREWELL RECEPTION A reception and banquet at the Commercial club rooms had been planned by the Live Wires for the 89 selective service men who will leave the 24th for the training camps to which they will be assigned. At the request of a large number of the young men, who desired to spend the last hours before entraining, with their parents and friends, the commit tee in charge decided it would be bet ter to dispense with the reception. However to provide tor those called, whose homes are too remote to allow them to return, and who will neces sarily be obliged to remain in Oregon City until time to entrain, the com mittee have arranged for an informal entertainment at the Electric hotel THREE GET DIVORCES Divorce decrees were granted and entered Tuesday in the following cas es: Levi Heller vs. Eva Heller; C. B. Craig vs. Olive Craig, and Minnie E. Albright vs. Frank Albright. A New Perfection Oil Cook Stove means kitchen comfort and con venience. Ask your friend who has one. Used in ,3,000,000 homes. Inexpensive, easy ' to operate. See them atyour deal er't today. W. E. FREDRICH ESTES REQUEST X ! I