Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 21, 1918, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Pepe 2
Briefs From
All Over the
ESTACADA, June 20. Mrs. Fred
Jorg and children left Sunday for Port-
land where they will make their home.
Mr. Jorg, who has been manager of j born
the ralace Meat Market for a fewi
years, is now employed in Portland. '
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stokes, of Port
land, were Estacada visitors last
.Thursday. Their daughter, Mrs. Har
ry Stokes, accompanied them home,!
" where she wlU visit a few days. j
Otis Wagner who last year was
honorably discharged from the army
lias lately undergone an operation in
the Oood Samaritan hospital, and will
be brought home soon.
Miss Maude Sturgeon, the Estacada
' druggist, has left for an extended
trip in the east, where she will visit
' It was a big day In Estacada last
Thursday, when many of the local
tanners brought in large loads of
vrool to be shipped to Portland. Ow
ing to the war they received a good
prloe for 1C
k large basket picnic was held at
the Garfield Country Club last Sun
day In honor of Mrs. Rawllng's seventy-ninth
birthday. Mrs. Raw lings,
"who has lived la this vlclnjty for years
is well known and loved by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Huxley were
Portland and Oregon City visitors last
Miss Bell Ingtlah returned home
from Portland last Thursday, where
she has been spending a tew days with
her sister, Mrs. Ed. Jenkins.
Mrs. Agnes Parker, of Sherman
county Oregon, Is visiting at the Gid
eon Kringbaum, home in Garfield.
It bell Duncan, who has been teach
ing school at Diamon, Oregon, for the
past term, is visiting friends and rel
atives at her old home in Garfield.
' The farm known as the Walncotte
place, bat owned by E. B. McNaugh-
ton. of Portland, was last week sold
to M. C. Mattoon of Garfield. The
deal being made through the agency
of S. H. Wooster.
Mrs. Henry Epperson and daughter
Calls, formerly of Garfield, but now
of the Dalles, is spending a few days
with friends and relatives of this ve-
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Pair of Law
rence, Kansas, are visiting their
daughter, Mrs. B. O. Rosswell, of this
place. Mr. and Mrs. Fair made the
trip with their machine in fourteen
days. They expect to remain In Es
tacada a year and at the end of this
time we hope they will decide to make
their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Tonce and son
Virgil, who have lived in this place
for a number of years, have moved to
Oregon, City. Although they will be
missed by their many friends, it is
hoped they will like their new home.
Thomas Blackburn and family, who
live on route iNo. 3, Oregon City,
were guests at the W. T. Smith home
in Spring water Sunday.
GEORGE, June 20. Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Joyner are deeply grieved over
the loss of their little son. who was
last Sunday, but who never
breathed In this world. They have
the sympathy of their many friends
here. Mrs. Joyner is getting along as
Well as can be expected.
, Bertha and Albert Kroner, of Port
land, are visiting their grandmother,
Mrs. Llns, for a couple of months.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Harden and Elbert
McClintock attended the birthday par
ty given In honor of Mrs. Rawlins at
the Garfield Country club last Sunday,
being Mrs. Rawlins' TStb birthday
Miss Emma Paulsen, of Portland, is
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paulsen, tor a tew
Edith Scheet who has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. Hers, of Portland, re
turned home Tuesday.
Theodora Harder was transacting
business in Portland last Saturday.
Cedar Creek
Jennings Lodge
CEDAR CREEK June 20. William
Fawver, of this place, went to Mulino
Tuesday, where he transacted busi
George Hoffstetter, Jr., has gone to
Eastern Oregon, where he is to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mclntyre and baby
went to the Farmers' Union picnic
Saturday. They also motored to Cas
cade Lock. They were much inn
pressed with the Highway scenery.
Plat Sagar made a business trip
to Oregon City Tuesday.
Ed. Mclntyre. who has been log
ging for the Cedar Creek lumber com
pany for the past eight months, Is
among the young men to be called
to the colors, and will leave June 25
Mrs. Mclntyre and baby, Dortha will
make their home with Mrs. Mclntyre's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bauliver, near
Mulino. Mr. Mclntyre's father, D. Mc
lntyre, will have charge of getting In
the crops while Ed. is fighting for his
Walter Lisley, truck driver for the
Cedar Creek Lumber company, left
(or Pratum Saturday afternoon, where
he spent Sunday with his mother. He
returned Sunday evening.
Mrs. John Card spent Sunday after
noon with Mrs. Plat Sager.
George Clark and family were cal
lers at tho Cedar Creek mills set
tlement Sunday.
G. A. Wolfe and son, Ed. motored
to Sandy Sunday, spending the day at
their home. Mrs. Wolfe is operating
the hotel at Sandy during her hus
band's absence. Mr. Wolfe is owner
and proprietor of the Cedar Creek
Lumber company.
Ed. Bruddrldge, who has been ill for
the past two months, went to Oregon
City Saturday to consult the family
lihysisian, and will not be able to re
sume nis worn at the saw mm lor a
few days.
Mrs. Peter Sager is on the sick list.
day evening. June 10th, the Loyalty
League held Its regular meeting at
Blinstone's hall.
Mrs. H. Robertson is repainting her
new cottage on Atdle street
Mrs. Alice Barker and 12-year-old
son. Westley, have Just arrived to vis
It Mm. Barker's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Kelly. The Barker family expect to
reside here when Mr. Barker arrives
from California. ,
Miss Yen Glass and little Arthur
and Louise Smith went to Canby last
Sunday to spend a tew days.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, of this
place attended a reception given tor
Mr. Dan Smith and his bride at W il
ia mette.
Arthur Roberts and Howard Trus-
cott will report at the court house
Sunday. They an In the last list of
the draft.
Little Louise Moon is recovering
from an abcess which is the result of
Liberty Measles.
Mre. Kos8l'8 brother. Will Rush, Is
spending several days at the Koasl-place.
Mrs. Virginia Dent and eldest dau
ghters, an in San Francisco. Mr. Dent
is then recovering from an accident
Mrs. Sanders has as guests her sis
ter, Mrs. Jar bo, and her niece Monlcla
Pomeroy, from Kamania, Idaho.
Monday evening, June 18th, the
school election was held. C. R. Hoi
loway was elected director, and Mrs.
Ella Eads was unanimously elected
clerk. Dr. C. L. Haynes, the retiring
clerk, gave his annual report
Lmts. Ottman the teacher of ihe big
room, also gave her report. Mrs.
Ottman stated that there were lOo
children who were drawing school
money In our district from the state;
that there are 73 children enrolled In
onr school, and that there are 219
books In the school library. A tax of
7 mills was levied. This is expected
to cover the cost of installing a heat
ing plant in the school.
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs
Hinderbray of Portland, and the San
ders family motored up to Abernethy
Creek to go crawfishing.
Miss Gertrude Kennedy and Harold
Heathman have purchased enough W.
S. S. to belong to the "Rainbow Divi
The regular meeting of the Parent
Teachers' association was held last
Friday at the school house. The is-
stallatlon of officers was conducted
by Mrs. C. Elwell. Mrs. Kennedy sent
in her resignation of the office of
president. Mrs. Wm. Jacobs, who was
vice-president, is now-president, and
a new vice-president, Mrs. C. Morse
was elected. Mrs. Hart spoke on the
"Thrift Stamp Societies", conservation
of flour and on Red Cross work. Ice
cream was sold at the end of the meet
ing and the proceeds given to the
Red Cross.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Greene, Dr. Ly
man, and her little son, Robert, and
Miss Nellie Betz, were Sunday visi
on from Portland and the Cook home.
Mrs. Ella Eads and daughter Elva.
expect to go east quite soon.
MACKSBURQ. June 20. The ice
cream social announced by the Red
Cross auxiliary to take place on the
evening of Saturday, June 22nd, has
been postponed to Saturday, June
29th. This IsVwing to a pnvloualy
arranged function to take place in the
neighborhood on June 22nd. The
members an deslrious ot a good at
tendance at their social on the even
tng of June 29th.
A rummage sale has been arranged
for which some very desirable artl
cles have been donated. Among others
some antique furniture, which will be
disposed of by raffle, tickets tor whlcn
may be obtained at the Red Cross
rooms In the Southerland building, on
the days ot the auxiliary meetings,
Wednesday, June 19th and the 26th
or ot the chairman ot the auxiliary.
Mrs. John Hepler.
The Red Cross auxiliary also the
Junior Red Cross held their regular
meeting at their rooms on June 12th.
Following an the names ot those who
contributed their payment tor election
day services, $2.00 in the drive, May
27th: Russell Lorandin. Chas. Krax
burger, C Lorenx, J. E. Wills, Chas.
Stevens. James Gribble. Some ot these
ot these contributors gave generously
In addition to their election fee.
The Mothers' club Is to meet In the
present week at the home ot Mrs. Ben
Dnler. Mrs. Simon Miller, vlce-prest
dent ot the club will be absent In
definitely. Finding her daughter In
Indiana much better than she ex-
Echo Dell
ECHO DELL. June 20. There was
meeting of the American Loyalty
league ot Echo Dell, Monday after
noon. The president ot the league
read the contribution and I p. m., on
the first Sunday ot each month was
set as the time tor the regular meet
ings. Among other business ot the
local chapter was the cloning ot the
chapter, he next meeting will be on
July 7.
The Annual school meeting was held
on Monday, June 17, C. M. Hartley
was elected clerk and Ward Clark was
reelected, director. The other mem
bers ot the board an Thomas M ey
rlcx and John C, Kuntman, Sr.
Margant Ah! berg, who attended
Eastman during the past year, was
one ot the graduates ot Friday. She
has returned home to spend a brief
vacation with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. N. Ahlberg. After her vacation
she expects to work In Oregon City or
Portland until high school begins.
We wen glad to see that C. M. Had
ley and John Kuntman were able to
attend the meetings. They have both
been sick.
Miss Brenner la on the sick list now
and Mn. Palmer Is Just recovering
from a long Illness.
J. Palmer, who has been working
In a logging camp, was obliged to come
home on account of his wife's illness.
Edward Merrick Is working In Port
land, but vtslted with hi parents, Mr.
and Mn. Thomas Merrick. Sunday.
Another week has gone by with no
rain, but we haven't given up hopes
BARLOW June- 20. Cellna Tre
mayne had her foot badly hurt by i
cow stepping on it last Thursday.
Cora Ausve, Lloyd Zelgler and Lyle
Pennell, who took the eighth grade
Oak Grove
OAK GROVE, Jue 20. The annual
school meeting to elect a director and
clerk was held Monday evening lu the
assembly room ot the school house.
It C. Krum was re-elected director
and Harold Jann re-elected clerk.
Mn. Glenn Alyn loft Thursday
morning on a business trip to Prlne-villa.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Guthrie left
Wednesday evening tor DeaMoliioa'
Iowa, to visit Mr. Guthrlo's mother,
who Is quite sick. Mr. Guthrie will
report to Y. M. C. A. war headquar
ters New York July 1st to prepare
to sail tor France. Mrs. Guthrie will
remain East all summer and return
Home Guard Unit9 to Participate In
Fourth of July Picnic
With new features and attractions, commotion with tho program within
employes of the Crown-Willamette I ho Auditorium.
Paper company and the Ilawley Pulp
ft Popor company planning on a
Fourth ot July plrnlo and celebration
on the Fourth of July, that promises
to excel! anything ot a similar nature
yea held In Clackamas cn.inly,
The picnic will be held at the
home this fall In time to teach hsr Chautauqua park, special trains being
regular class.
Mr. and Mrs. Dullard and daughter,
Florence, loft Wednesday noon for
thler new home near Jefferson. They
an to make the trip in their Ford.
Mr. and Mrs, Honry SpauUIIng an
here and will occupy their house on
Cedar avenue as soon as Rev. Young
and family move to Portland.
ILlttle MHrgaret Jackson Is conva-
chartered from the Portland Hallway,
Light A Power company io transport
the employes from Oregon City to the program
Free coffee and buttermilk will ba
turnljlied this year as has burnt Ihe
custom lu the past A continuous pro
arum of events will bo arranged. The
committee plan to have several
I "stunts " on the sthodulo especially
1 for the benefit ot the children.
Mrs. Hugh Burden, of Ocean Falls,
! B. C, will ting the "Htur Spangled
I Haulier" as a feature ot Hut musical
plrnlo grounds.
Foremost tit Importance, In con
nection with the elaborate program
will be the participation lu tho pro
gram ot the two Home Guard comp-
A committee representing the em
ployes of both large paper mills has
boon appointed and the members an
hard at work, with tho .cooperation ot
every mill employee with the view of
lesctng at the St. Vincent hospltaMn In drills and athlotlo events tor vain-
Portlaud. Her mother expects to able prises.
bring her home before long.
Mrs. George Roberts, of Portland,
was a guest at the home ot Mrs. Sut
lift Tuesday.
Mn. Nattle Robacker. of Mt Pleas
ant, Just returned from Retail. Wash.,
where she spent three weeks with her
daughter Mrs. Clinton Black. Mrs.
anlcs ot Oregon City. The members of making the 1918 Fourth ot July picnic
the two orKanUatlons will compete, a celebration greater than anything
hold In the past
The committee Is as follows:
M. D
The Home Guard band, led by Band- Phillips, P. I). Forbes, and H. A.
master I). T. Mctlaln, has been engag- Shandy from the Crown Willamette
ed for the day to furnish lively selec-. Paper company and M. P. Chapman, J.
Hons and martial airs to add to the II. Straight and Irving T. Rau re pre-
festivities. sentlng the llawley Pulp ft Paper com
Several speakers of prominence will pany
furnlvhed by tho State Council of. M. I). Phillips, has been named
DUui , TP speaking will take place 1 chairman of the day, Irving T. Kau,
Robacker vtslted at the Warren borne In the new (.li'Unnua tid'iTlum treasurer uu l 1. I), Forbes, secretary.
a few days ago. with Its seating capacity U mors I The iti.eral publlu Is accorded an
Rev. Young preached his farewell than D000 persons. An excellent rnusl-1 Invitation to attend and enjoy the
sermon Sunday morning. His text cat program win d arranged tor in festivities witnout any cost.
was "The Place of Sacrifice In the
World." Sunday eveulng Miss Nel
lie Curtlss ot the Deaconness home mer home near Viento Thursday, ex
In Portland spoke to the Epworth pectlng to remain all summer.
League. Prayer meeting Wednesday Rev. Young has received his com
evening. Udles Aid Wednesday at- mission and will report July 1st. He
ternoon. expects to leave this week. The ram-
Red Cross Auxiliary Monday and "X will locate in Portland for the pres
Thursday afternoons at Vosburg Hall. ent. Rev. McCullough, of Kansas
will take the place hen vscatea ty
Rev. Young and will live In the l. C.
Smith house.
Upon the Foundation
i'The Champion
W been makiiMf ;:V'f
money tMW'r
for users
ior years
U 1
No Greater
4 Jk 4V5iPdssIble.
i K Cverv Part is
1 .'.F . it i :,.
IfVVVVU .. .'
.k.w.k.bb-i m i;i ngntiy aesignca.
ttmtm ,.iiai., J tN Ul km -Wll mm -4 Wt. Sit, .'
n,Mdi,i.MMjuMiiw-iJ ' This Is for your ,
i.., mUtmkhmmmt mmmm . mm L- "3. pCOtSCUOn J
Mrs. Albert Peterson visited at P.
O. Chlndgron'a Tuesday.
Miss Rose TenEyck, ot Sandy, will
teach at Meadow brook this next year.
' Seeths
jr I
I Champion I
f Agency
Showing the
: III, m wbia
lataradfcu which vw many IMtk mi i,,M ....
...kpwwiB. SahSsntal
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gtr haft iMiiniag
steady motum oi
bcT! ar dnnng
tb crrnok all
Are Extra Long, f jT
Extra Large and Ml
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Case Hardened. 0
Tkqr mn tecurelr
faatcned ia thyoka
tnwhnf th perfect
alignment of ber.
kaiie and ptmea.
mmmf in , " rtwamm. -Xy . ' y
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Br :i.iAiWB
KELSO, June 18 The hot weather
continues and the aphis are still on
our gardens and oats. The fall wheat
Is doing well, aa are also the potatoes
In this section.
Our Red Cross room Is closed tor a
short time on account of shortage of
material to work on.
There will he a War Saving Stamp
campaign at our Kelso school house
Friday evening, June 28. A speaker
will be prenent. Come prepared to
buy to the limit.
Mrs. Joel Jarl entertained a large
crowd at a war dinner Sunday, iler
parents and sister and friends from
Portland were present.
KELSO June 20. (Special) Horn
Friday, June 17th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Jonsrud, an eight pound son.
lie has been named Philip Courtney.
At the annua si cmfwy cmtwymm
At the annual school meeting T.
n. Wilson wss elected director. P. C.
Spoonor, clerk, and F. W. Canning
high school director Mr Bandy Union
lllxb school front this district.
Milton Pratt, a wheat rancher, of
Montana, Is visiting his daughter Mrs.
Jess Illte. He contemplates purchas
ing an Oregon farm near the coast.
Jess Kite snd wife and the latter's
father. Milton Pratt, and C. Piatt and
wife, motored to Government Camp
Sunday. From there they tramped to
snow-llne, four miles distant, where
they enjoyed the novelty of w ading j
In the snow in mid-summer.
Jennings Lodge
the regular meeting ot the Parent
Teachers association, held on June
14, at the school house, the
Installation of officers took place, Mrs.
Elwell performing the Installation.
The new officers are Mrs. Wm.
Jacobs, president, Mrs. C. P. Morse,
vice-president; Mrs. Hugh Roberts,
secretary; Mrs. Drackett, treasurer;
Mrs. Altman, librarian.
Mrs. Hart spoke on the line of the
Red Cross work. In regard to waste
papers, the organising ot Thrift
Stamp clubs on June 28th, and in re
gurd to food conservation. Saturday
and Monday afternoons were the
times srrsnged for completing the '
bandages for the Red Cross. Do wis
of pink roses were arranged about the
room and ice cream was served, the
offering will be turned over to the
Red Cross work.
The Parent-Teachers are endorsing
C. R. Hollowsy, professor of math
metlcs, at the Washington high school
for director in this school district. Mr.
llollowsy is well qualified for such
office. The annual school meeting
takes place on Monday evening, June
Mrs. Darker and son arrived from
Illinois, on Thursday, to visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Kelly.
On Mr. llarker's arrival from the
south they will take up their residence
here permanently.
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Newell received
Word that their daughter, Mrs. Olive
Ford, la seriously ill in Portland. At
the present time, Mr. Ford, Is la
China on business.
ORE. i-.l!
Send me prices and '
'Jf"m'f' catalog ot your CHAMPION ;
TWILIGHT, June 20. School meet
rng was held at Twilight hall, Monday
pvenlng. Mr. Wisenbeck was reelect
ed director and Mr. King, clerk.
Mrs. Bchrinier called on Mrs. Swlck
Tuesday evening.
' Ervln Scheer of Portland, Is visiting
with his uncle, Henry Scheer.
Albert Scheer and Ethel Nash vis
tted the latters cousin, Mrs. Ruth Cox,
at Estacada.
Farm and stock sales a special
ty. See Enterprise for dates or
wire or phone me at my expense
Vancouver. Wash.
Office phone 120. Res. 496-Y.
HAZELIA, June 18. Mrs. F. W.
Lehman and Mrs. F. H. Childs have
been attending their mother, Mrs.
Stella Shipley, who Is very 111 at her
home in Oswego.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wanker and chil
dren left Wednesday for their home
In Medical Springs Oregon, after
spending several weeks with relatives
in Hazelia.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Chrlstenson and Bill
Cook made a business trip to Aurora,
Little Walter Hultberg has returned
from Salem to make his home with
his mother.
Vernon Davidson and Wlllitm Kroll
spent Sunday at Redwood.
Several Hazellans attended the sur
prise party given last Friday at the
Chas. TIedeman home in Stafford.
The Hazelia Sewing Circle met with
M!rs. Archie Worthington last week.
Election of officers was held, which
resulted as follows: President, Mrs.
Frank Whltten; vice-president, Mrs.
Wm. Walsh; secretary and treasurer,
Mrs.. J. H. Eastman, (re-elected). The
ladles will hereafter meet at the
school house, the object being to have
a more central location.
Misses Marion Eastman and Blanche
Duncan and Herbert Duncan, attended
the commencement exercises at the
Portland High School of Commerce,
Friday evening.
Dave Long entertained -friends from
Portland Sunday.
The annual school meeting was held
Monday evening at the school house
The officers now aret Geo. Wilson
chairman; Frank Whltten, and Dun
can Chrlstenson. Dave Long was re
elected clerk.
pected Mrs. Miller will Improve Jhe1
opportunity to visit relatives and other
friends in the east until Elnora is
strong enough to undertake the Jour
ney home.
Claude Hepler has enlisted in the
army and is holding himself in readi
ness for Immediate service.
Mr. and Mrs, John Heplln had the
pleasure on Sunday ot receiving all
their children and grandchildren at
their home. The reunion was all the
more enjoyable for being wholly un
expected to Mr. and Mrs. Hepler, the
young people taking the entire ar
rangement upon themselves.
Alvin Hamilton Is to leave with the
present army contingent on June 24.
Mrs. Hamilton will go to the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Schultz, for the pesent and will stay
with her aunt, Mrs. Sam Kauffman,
during much of the time while her
husband Is at the war.
Henry Nofzlger, whose serious ill
ness has found mention in this paper,
has so far recovered tnat nis nurse
has been dismissed and the guaran
tee is removedfrom his house.
Miss Elva Schultz is to leave on
Monday evening for Table Rock,
where she expects to remain for
some time.
The little son of Mr. Garrett, who
is suffering from a serious com plica
tion of diseases, Is showing but very
slight improvement.
Mrs. Sol Strubahr with her infant
son and her daughter Pearl made
week-end visit among her relatives
and former neighbors in this place re
turning to Woodburn on Sunday.
The wheat and oats are holding
,their own while corn and potatoes are
growing last despite tne aroutn.
examination successfully, passed and
all received their diplomas.
Mrs. Lena Bond Young left Friday
for Spokane.
Mrs. Smith, of McMInnvIlle. who
has been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Andrews, returned home Tuesday.
Mrs. Andretws and daughter, Miss
Thelma, accompanied her to Portland.
Mrs. Irwin returned from Grants
Pass Wednesday of last week, where
she visited Mr. Irwin's nephew, who
was Injured In a train wreck while
"firing. Mrs. Schrelner of Portland,
is visiting Mrs. Irwin this week.
A War Savings Stamp society was
organized Tuesday evening. Mr. Aus
ve, who is chairman, appointed Ber
nard Berg, Mr. McGowan, Samp Vick-
era, Misses Ogla Howe and Lorina
Widdows as a committee to assist
Mr. Ausve In the soliciting drive for
the pledges for the stamps. The
committee will call on each one June
24 and 25. May we be able to raise
our quota by each one pledging them
selves for all they can. Pay for all
the stamps you can now and pledge
ourselves for all we can raise by Dec.
At the annual school meeting held
Monday evening Mr. Larson resigned
and Mr. Ausve was elected to serve
one year In his place. Mr. McGowan
was elected to serve three years and
L. Irwin was reelected clerk, C, T.
Zlegler Is the other member of the
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jesse, of Port
land, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jesse.
Mrs. J. C. Iloan, of Metollus, is
visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
All ladies Invited.
Mrs. Roy Illackerby and two chll
dren Dortha and Laurence, of Wheel
er, formerly of Oak Grove, are here
on a two weeks' visit with relatives
and friends, also visiting at the home
of L. E. Bentley at Twilight.
The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Koski passed away Sunday
morning at the home of H. Hardlsty.
The funeral services were held Tues
day afternoon at Miller & Tracy fune
ral parlors. Interment was in Multno
mah cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Boardman, of Califor
nla, are here looking for a place to
Forrest Speck and Miss Pearl Com- the knee qlllte Beverely.
MEADOWBROOK, June 20. George
Hofstetter, Jr., visited at Opal Springs
In Eastern Oregon last week,
Hazel, Nettle and Glen Larklns,
Mary Echard, of Molalla, went to Ore
gon City Friday evening to attend the
graduation exercises at high school.
Herman Chlndgren accompanied an
auto load of young people from Colton
Sunday, spending tho (lay with I -a urn
Moore, of Gresham.
Harold White, of Canby spent tho
week-end with his cousins, Vivian and
Ronald Baty.
R. IL. Orem. and sons, Robert and
Glenn, of Union Mills, are cutting saw
logs on M. D. Chlndgren's place.
Nettle Larklns Is recovering from
an attack of the Liberty measles.
Mrjiad Mrs. Cary, of Portland, for
mer residents of this 'place, spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs, Ranta,
Sadie Hellbacka spent the week-end
with Ruth Wooster of Gladtldlngs.
There will be lltorary and Loyalty
League meeting at Union Mills Satur
day, June 22.
R. L, Orem and family, of Union
Mills spent Sunday at A, L. Larklns'.
Vivian Duty gave a party to sixteen
of her friends Saturday evening, which
was enjoyed by all. At a late hour
Ice cream was served.
Ellanora and Elma Mattson, of Port
land, are visiting friends here this
Arnold Hellback Is able to lie around
again after cutting his leg Just below
Eagle Creek
EAOLE CREEK, June 20. Eagle
Creek grange hold Its regular session
Saturday, but, owing to the busy sea
son only a few ot the patrons were
present. A short session was held
after dinner.
Misses Lucy and Katie McConnoll
were grange visitors Saturday.
The Children's day exercises and
preuchlng services hold at the Doug
lass school house Sunday were much
enjoyod by those present. J. O. Staats
accompanlod by Mrs. Staats, came out
from Portland Sunday and preached
both before and after dinner. The
basket dinner was also onjoyed by all
.partaking of It.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Richey and children
were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Hoffmelster Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Marshall, ot Es
tacada, attended services at the Doug
lass school house Sunday.
The annual school meeting was held
in district No. 50 on Monday evening.
H. S. Gibson was re-elected clerk and
W. R. Woodle was re elected director.
Perry Murphy is working tor Fire
Warden Wallace and is stationed at
the Oak Grove ranger station.
Mrs. M. Dhulst spent several days
last week with relatives at Llnnoman.
W. R. Woodle and family, and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Murphy wero Dover
visitors Sunday. They were out look
lng for strawberries, but no one had
any to sell.
stock, of Portland
Vancouver, Wash., June
will reside In Portland,
Speck Is employed.
L. A. Bullad has traded his
wero nmrriuu mi V.A unn m I ,,ltn. mil
i i i uiiiici uicii linmiiioi iii
Jtilll, Alley .nyl Tjaltil-. Miraxa o a frntf trwr lw,U-
WllCr ill T, I nnnl ir mntra fpntn linn irtf f 1 Vfk lr 4 1
their mill on Meadowbrook.
prop- Until rhlndsTAn nnmn hnmn Wnilnna.
l . nn m r l I J
eny uere lor ou-ucre ra uue ' day from Monmlouth, where she has
norm oi jeuerson on me racuic been gomg tQ achooV
niftuwu. iU .am.., ... .uuy goveral from here went t CoU()n
week and the family of M. F. Straus Frldttv evfinln to hear tha BToal
wlll move here and occupy the
lard property.
Earl Emmons and his father and
mother motored out from Portland
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Alexander ot
Swedish astronomer, Rev, Hemborg of
Riverside, California, lecture. He also
told about the eclipse as he was at
Baker at that time.
, Hazel, Nettie and Glen Larklns,
Mnrv Koharfl TJnth Hnvomon niurl,,.
Beaverton, were visitors at the homeLnd Rtlinlnv Mn.n nf ,,; '
- rr A tt 1- J.. '
VI rrou nurr.a ouuuoj. to Wllhoif Qlln,lftv
... . r, ii . ., ...... I -
ir, raywrn, oi roruuuu, nun ijui-
chased the Carl Nehren property here
and will occupy the same after It
Is remodeled.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Barnett returned
home from Camp Lewis last week, at
ter a pleasant visit with Mr. Harnett's
William Riggins has returned to
the Shepperd Springs at Carson, Wn.,
for a few weeks.
Mrs. Witt. Cederson and daughters,
Irene and Beatrice, left for their sum-
A Vailaeas INreetotr el cuffi City.
Towa and Villacs la Onnroo nl
Wa-htngtoa, aivias DMerlptlve
Hhlpptn FaollHl and fllmat.
'"" iHrmtorr si csch Basinets
John O. Anderson of the Washing
ton Hotel, Portland, and Mollle Ah-
nert, a well known school teacher of
George, Oregon, were granted a lic
ense to wed by Clerk Harrington
Gin Schramm, ot Clackamas, and
Miss Rhoda Mulr, also of that place,
have been granted a license by the
clerk's office.
Mrs, C. E. Gwinan, ot Marshfleld,
Oregon, has arrived In Oregon City,
where she is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. II. Shandy. Mrs. Gulnan is
accompanied by her daughter, Ara.
We will pay you cash for your
Cascara Bark, large or small
quantities. See ua before
' Huntley Drug Co.