Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 14, 1918, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Page 2
FRIDAY. JUNE 14. 1918.
- - m i.
rariPini Tiin IS Ethel Hal a.
.kJ IUV'W " '
Of Currlnsvllle is visiting Mr. C. W.
Pogue at Nehalem, Oregon.
Mr. and Mr. U A. Lasswell are
spending a few weeks at Willamette
valley pomts.
Paul HuMOck ot Porter, suffered a
mishap last week losing his little
Miss Ruth Welch, ot Portland, was
a guest at the Iteytman home for a
few days last week.
Mrs. will Closner has been appoint
- pd chairman o fthe National War Sav
ings Committee tor this locality.
J. P. Lovtace, of this city, was se
verally Injured in an automobile accl- (
dent, which occurred Friday morning.
June 7th. It was while driving his
Paby Grand Chevrolet, the Spring
water hQI, he aocidently threw In into
reverse, and backed over a bluff,
which badly damaged his new mi
dline. We are glad to say that Mr.
Ixvlace la Improving.
' Tho High School Alumni banquet
took place in the Hotel Estacada.
June Sth. Mrs. Adams, formerly ot this
place, and now ot Portland, served an
excellent dinner.
Miss Helen CowgtlL assistant state
club leader of Corvallis. was an Esta
cada visitor last Thursday, giving a
few of the girts a . demonstration in
cooking. . - .
Sergeant Dave Wells, of the Amer
ican Aviation service, who was re
cently wounded in the trenches,
poke to a large audience in the high
school. June T. Besides his interesting
talk Miss Milam, of Uhe economics de
partment of O. A. C gave a few tacts
on the conditions of the recent war.
N.US. Laury. manager of the
Hotel Estacada tor a number or years
has movrd to Portland where he wilt
make his future home at 1063 East
10th Street North.
den Irish, Wm. and John Davis and
Carl Schmelser ot the Medical Depart
ment of the aviation Corps, who were
cent U Ft Riley, Kansas, after leav
ing Camp Lewis, have been sent to
some camp farther east thot to be in
New Jersey.
Miss Martha Schmelser has return
ed home from New Era, where ahe has
been employed for several months.
Mrs. Mabel Davis made an over Sun
day visit at her home.
Edna Brown la ill with the measles.
There are also several cases of the
mumps in the neighborhood.
The Red Cross Society has all dsy
meeting on each Thursday, or every
wieeS: at the Cams School house. Hos
pital garments are reported to he
needed more than any other supplies
ao the Red Cross Ladies will have to
lay aside their knitting until later.
The Children's Day program which
was given Sunday at the M. E. church
was nicely rendered by the children ot
the Sunday School The pulpit was
filled by Rev. McGlew and his talk
was very much appreciated
Eagle Creek
EAGLE CREEK. June 13. Mr. and
Mrs. M. C. Glover attended State
Grange which was held at Salem last
Mrs. Munger Is on the sick list
Harvey Gibson of Barton, was up
this way last Thursday.
School closed In district No. 50 last
Friday the pupils and teacher went
dawn on Deep Creek and spent the
Mrs. R. B. GibBon was the dinner
gneat of Mrs. M. C. Glover last Fri
day, and Mrs. Gibson also visited
the Eagle Creek Red Cross Auxiliary.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Druis were visit
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doug
lass Sunday.
Joe Williams and wife, of Portland,
were Eagle Creek visitors Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass were
Sunday guests at the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Moechnke.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sersanous and
the mother and sister of Mr. Sersan
ous motored out to his Deep Creek
farm Sunday and spent the day.
The Red Cross dance given by the
Eagle Creek Auxiliary Saturday night
rafi quite a succeHS and netted the
Auxiliary a neat sum. After all the
expenses were paid there were some
thing over a $100.00 left.
Mr. Chas. Robison, an able speaker
of the War Council, of Portland, was
out Saturday night and made an excel
lent address at the Red Cross dance.
J. P. Woodle and family and W. R.
Woodle and family motored to Trout
dale Sunday spending the day with
Clr.ude and Malcolm Woodle and fami
There will be preaching services at
the school bouse next Sunday, June
16th, J. O. Staats, of Portland, coming
out to hold services and a basket din
tier. Everybody invited to come and
brine a well-filled basket.
PARKPLACE, June 13. Mrs. P. J.
Alexander and little daughter of Port
land visited all day Tuesday with her
sister, Mrs. Sadie Smith, of Parkplace,
who has been quite ill the past week,
.She is now slowly improving.
Mrs. Roiling who has been ill all
spring and who lately suffered a light
oaralltic stroke U reported some
Farm and stock sales a special
ty. See Enterprise for dates or
wire or phone me at my expense
Vancouver, Wash.
Office phone 120. Res. 496-T.
Briefs From
All Over the
MACKSBURQ. June 11 The Red
Cross auxiliary met as usual on Wed
nesday, June Sth. Work was re
sumed on hospital clothing, which is
to be finished and delivered at head
quarters before June 15th.
At this meeting the auxiliary re
ceived and expressed thanks tor the
sum ot $25.33, from the Eby District
Social commltte, it being part ot the
proceeds of the social held on May
25th, designed for the Macksburg aux
iliary. A letter was received from Mrs.
Gardner, secretary ot the Oregon
Red Cross. This letter waa writ
ten to advise us that nenceiortn
an vor VOuld be received from Se-
attle ready cut and prepared for mak
ing, thus securing uniformity ot site
and shape, also a saving ot expense in
material gained by purchasing at
wholesale rates.
The Little Girls Sewing circle is to
meet Saturday, June 15th at Mrs. O.
M. Baldwin's home.
Mr. Arthur Lantx and Miss Inei
Christine were married in Oregon
City last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lanta will make their
home in Portland.
Mrs. Rex. Blssell ot Portland, visit
ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Bosche, last week, taking her mother
with her on her return. Mrs. Bosche Is
at home now.
Mrs. Nettle VogeL ot Portland, with
her three small children, visited her
mother, Mrs. J. Gibson .last week and
has gone home.
Sunday school was resumed at the
Bethany chapel on Sunday, June 9th,
the smallpox contagion not having ex
tended beyond Mr. Henry Notxlger'a
home. No further precaution against
its spreading is thought necessary.
MULINO, June 13 Mrs. E. J. Maple
spent last Thursday with Mrs. Grant
Ashley, who is seriously OL .
G. W. Smith was an Oregon City vis
itor last Wednesday.
Mrs. Catherine Goncher went to
Needy last Thursday to visit relatives
for a few days.
Mrs. Augnst Erickson. Mrs. L. F.
.Holiday and Mrs. Elmer Erickson
were Portland shoppers last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniels and chil
dren, went to Canby last Sunday to
visit Mrs. Daniels' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Burns.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams and Mrs.
Charles Noblitt and son, Albert, of
Needy were the guests ot Mrs. Cath
erine Goncher last Sunday.
Oscar Erickson who Is stationed at
Vancouver with the Medical corps,
spent lust Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. August Erickson.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Waldorf and
the following guests motored on the
Columbia highway last Saturday: Mr.
and Mrs. Pete Berdlne and Claude
Bayne Howard was an Oregon City
visitor last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. August Erickson and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Berdfne,
Mrs. I P. Holiday. Mr. and Mrs
Elmer Erickson, motored to Bonne
ville last Sunday
Mrs. Philip Hult waa a Portland vis
itor last week.
Echo Dell
ECHO DELL, June 13. Carl Bar
ney and Walter Hornshuh en
listed recently in the aviation part of
the navy. We are glad to see them
enlist but will miss them. A number
of their friends gave them a farewell
party at the Grange hall at Maple
Lane, last Friday. They left for San
Dieso on June 10th, but were to re-
lyirt on June 17 instead.
Judge Dimick's flock of registered
Shropshires on Ward Clark's farm,
have just been shorn and the wool
was marketed yesterday. They pro
duced 400 pounds of the finest
kind of wool. It commands the top
notch price, almost 10 per cent better
than other wool is bringing. The
Shropshires certainly do their "bit"
Miss Mabel McLean, who taught at
Highland this year, is spending her
vacation with Miss Brenner at her
residence here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kunzman and
son attended the fare-well party, Fri
day. Johnnie is beginning young.
He was eleven days old.
C. M. Hadley has been quite sick,
but is better now.
Miss Laura Brenner has been elec
ted teacher again for next year. Miss
Brenner has just closed her second
year of school here and has been a
success as a teacher. Her pupils will
welcome her return next fall.
The annual school meeting will be
held June 17.
In a letter received from ''Some
where in France" Perry Carper, a
Tuscania survivor, reports fine
weather and beautiful scenery. He
says that the trip across the "pond"
was fine but he would prefer to walk.
Carl Barney is hauling twood with
his truck.
Carl Barney had a narrow escape
last week when his Overland was
struck by a 'Willamette Valley South
ern car. IBs car was badly smashed,
but Carl escaped without injuries.
The strawberry crop is being har
vested but it will be very short if the
hot dry weather continues. We are
very much in need of a good rain.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., June 12.
A visit of 35 automobiles, carrying
200 men armed with tar, feathers and
a rope, caused C. L. Btull, wealthy
farmer, living near here, to immedi'
ately draw a check for $2800 to be
used for the purchase of Liberty
Bonds and for the Red Cross. Stull
was accused by his visitors ot having
been delinquent In his support of the
Liberty Loan and Red Cross.
Jennings Lodge
School Is out Vacation has come at;
last The excerclaes were held a
week ago Friday nljht at Bllnstone's
Hall. The patriotic program was
very well attended. The pageant Il
lustrated our countries' history from
the making ot Old Glorjr by Betsy
Ross to the present war. The strik
ing part ot the program was when
Walter Hogg, alais the Kaiser, was
carried on the stage In a barrel by
American sailors and soldiers.
Vivian Spooner was the only gradu
ate this year. She chose as her colors
Red. White and Blue. E. E. Roethe,
chairman ot the Board presented the
diploma. ,
Wm. Jacobs has just built a new
garage, and is also repainting his
There are no more newsboys at
Jennings Lodge, because the papers
are all carried by girls. Anne Russell
still carries the Telegram, but the
Oregonlan Is now carried by Ruth
Truscott and the Journal and News
by Ruth A. Cook.
The Spanish classes ot the Lincoln
High School spent an enjoyable after
noon and evening at the Lodge last
The Harry Painton family and the
Brechert family spent last Sunday at
the Hugh Robert's home.
Mrs. Kate Rosenberg and little
daughter, Lllla Loretta. arrived unex
pected from Eugene to visit the Cook
Upon the Foundation
w has rzt-fv&r f
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6s-,, money pffw-nu
S? money f i;s , j -v tho auanunofi . m .....t, . ui 1 .. , ngnuy uea
foruaera t' -lt -- tv.uj., . mwMhjt. '!sv Thuufoc
for years vj i- .tw. m.mh f y c. protect!'
Inurnal t which
fjt the
I Champion
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TW lit
fulcncd in
krurt mna
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9AVL UULLHKa my ' s '.--
will bring you prices and '
The Jennings Ledge school held Its
annual picnic on the banks of the
Willamette River . The Industrial
Club furnished ice cream and the
children packed their lunches. Mrs.
Minnie Altaian, the teacher and sev
eral mothers were there also.
Ruth A. Cook spent last Thursday
and Friday at her chum's home, Nellie
Mr. Luckey of Portland, spent last
Wednesday looking after his fruit
trees and fences.
Last Sunday witnessed a large
crowd of people at the church for the
new American flag and the Bevice
flag were to be dedicated. Attorney
Geo. C. Brownell gave an inspiring
address. Each class contributed
something to the program. -A bugle
call sounded by Miss Margaret Lucher
broueht the congregation to the out
side of the church. While the con
gregation sang the "Star Spangled
Banner" Old Glory and the Service
flag bearing 29 blue stars was hoisted
to the top of the new flag pole by two
members of the Girls club.
Congratulations are being sent to
Mrs. Holloway upon the arrival of a
baby boy.
Miss Annie Russet ot this place will
graduate from Oregon City High
school this June.
. The Deter family will move to Sea
side the early part of next week, to
spend the summer.
Miss Mary Hoppe is very 111 with
typhoid pneumonia. She has been
removed to a hospital and Is still very
Mr. and Mrs. John Sprint and baby,
daughter motored out last Wednesday
to visit the Cook family.
Mrs. II. ii, Emmons ice cream
social was a surprising success. Mrs
Emmons bad as guests 25 of her
friends, and during the day many ot
the people- went down to her beauti
ful homo and purchased Ice cream
Quite a large sum of money was
raised which was given to the War
Retlet fund.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stover spent Sun
day visiting their friends, Mr. and
Mrs. Sosey.
Mrs. Kinney and family spent Sun
day with her mother, Mrs. Robertson.
Mrs. Crawford, who is staying at
Mrs. dishing', spent Sunday In Port
land. Mrs. Q. Fox, a sister ot Mrs. Eads
la lu the hospital.
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lodon, Mr.
and Mrs. Elbeck and Mrs. Dickenson
motored out and spent Sunday at the
Ben Loeey home,
Monday evening Mrs. Frank Lam
bert's sister and brother-in-law spent
the afternoon and evening at Mrs.
Lambert. They have Just moved
from Canby to Parkplace.
Mrs. Puerra, ot Battleground, Wash.
Is spending the week wltfi nor daught
er Mrs. Geo, Card.
Mr. Standish Shephard. after five
weeks illness ot bronchial pneumonia
is slowly recovering.
The Olrls, club hold their regular
meeting at Mrs. A. B. Smiths' Friday
evening. Part ot the evening was
senpt in the yard and In the house.
The Service flag was furnished by the
OSWEGO, June 13. Mr. and Mrs,
Thoe. Fox. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Fox
and Miss Margaret Haines, were din
ner guests at the Steel home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isaacson spent
the fore part of the week with Mr.
Isaacson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
Isaacson, ot Reedvtlle.
Little Maxlne, the eldest child ot
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Churchill, who
has been very til of pneumonia, at
the home ot her grandparents, Mr.
Mechanism EI showing the
five many iMtfe m
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Extra La. and' 1 ChamDlOI.
Cae Hardened.? ',' mower
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and Mrs. W. W. Todd, was able to
return to her home la Cloverdale,
Ore. Mr. Churchill who recently pur
chased a new Buick machine, return
ed to Cloverdale with his wife and
family, making the trip In his ma
Miss Margaret Haines, who has
been visiting the past month with rel
atives and friends In Oswego and
Portland, returned to her home In
Irondale, Wash., last Wednesday.
land, spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Jackson, of Port
Mr. and Mrs. Arahur Scott.
Mrs. William I'rimm and daughter,
Ruth, left Wednesday for Amboy, Wn.
where she intends to spend several
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Mclntyne's. Mrs. 'Prlmm and Mrs.
Mclntyre are sisters
Mrs. Carl Williams and little daugh
ter, Patricia May, rteurned home from
a few days visit with Mrs. Williams'
grandmother, Mrs. Eston, of Amity,
Oregon. Mr. Williams went , to Amity
Sunday to accompany his wife and
daughter home.
Mrs. Harriet Hennlger arrived Fri
day from California and will take
charge of Mrs. Dora Wilson's home
during Mrs. WllBon's absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boethke and son
Carl, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephens
and Mrs. Bailey prepared a picnic
luncheon and motored up the Colum
bia highway Sunday, returning late In
the evening.
A sliver tea will be given at the
home ot Mrs. Thos, Fox on First St.,
Thursday, June 20th, by the ladies of
the M. E. church. All are cordially
Invited to attend.
Mrs. David Nelson has been very
ill at the family home in Old Town,
for the past week with pneumonia
At this writing she Is improving very
slowly and her many frlneds are anx
iously awaiting her recovery.
Charles Arthur Mahal. Frank Ander
son, Arthur Anderson and Chas Aus
tin were called in tho draft that takes
place thla month. Chas. Austin Is
named as a substitute.
Ivan Haines, who enlisted with the
Field Artillery about ten days ago,
left for California Thursday morning.
Wm. Dyer, A. J. Monk, II. M. Fox,
J. L. Davis. Arthur McVey, ami Wm.
Boyd, members ot Oswego Lodge, I.
0, O. F motored to Tualatin Mon
day evening to pay a visit to tho
members ot the I. O. O. F. lodga at
that place. Alt report having a fine
lime. Oswcko Iodge members helped
In Instituting the Tuntutln lodge five
years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Russard ot Port
land, came up to Oswego Tuesday
evening on thetrway to Canby, to visit
her sister. Mrs. Grant White,' who is
convalescing from a severe attack of
pneumonia. Mrs. J. C. HainoH, Sr.,
and Mrs. Rosetta Ilendrlck accom
panied them.
Lloyd Todd and Letcher Nelson,
who have been stationed at Fort Can
were home on a furlough for the week
0. IL Miller, who has been on the
sick list for several days, is able to
attend to his work once more. Mr.
Miller is certainly missed when he
talis to open shop as all teamsters
haven't the "knack" of shoeing horses
and doing general blacksmlthlng.
Jack Hawke. who haa been confined
to the house for some time, with a se
vere attack ot la grippe. Is able to
report tor duty at the Northwest Steel
Mrs. G. C. Dallas of Damascus, is
in receipt of a letter received from
her son, S. H. Ranklus, who Is with
the Base Hospital and stationed at
San Antonio.
The following la a letter received:
No Greater
' 'liaA
W'. well built
vr'sLim and
your .,
protection ,
Utt a
f Send me prices and '
'A caUlog of your CHAMPION;
-' MOWER. i
(Dear Mother and All.)
Here It Is Sunday again! The time
sure goes a flying! The first thing
you know I'll be dropping In for Xmas
dinner! It will soon be a year now
(June 16) since I enlisted and one full
of experiences too.
Yesterday afternoon I went over to
see the Kelly Field aviation meet-
supposedly the biggest ever held In
the United States, and It sure was
fine! They flew in about every shape
Imaginable looped the loop, rolled
over- flew upBlde down and Rodman
Law jumped from an aeroplane 2200
feet high with a parachute.
Kelly's Field is five miles the other
side of San Antonio from us and com
ing back I rode on the train, first time
since we came here last September.
Several of our Frisco bunch was trans
ferred last week and will be on their
way over soon. I started to transfer
myself, but after talking it over with
the top sergeant decided to wait a
"spell". You see those who left have
to join a field honpltal company and
the sergeant says a little later as soon
as some more come to take our place
here that we will get to go as a baBe
Will must surely have gone across
as he doesn't write any more and he
said in his last letter they were all
ready. I had a bet with him too that
I would get across first. Yesterday I
did some "charity" work at the offi
cer' kitchen and got a do.en lemons,
then the sergeant begged some sugar
at the nurses kitchen and we had
I Well, guess I'll ring oft for .this
Love to all,
s- ; tnr.iwrr fan 11 i
Oak Grove
OAK GKOVK. June 13. Oak drove
Mllwaukte Social Service club gave Its
annual luncheon Thursday noon at
the Mllwaukte Orange hall. Mrs,
J-ui'ltt Addlton spoke and Mrs. John
Rlsley gave a vocal selection. The
tables were decorated to suit the oc
casion. Many were present.
Rodger tlluckman, of Courtney, has
a position with tho O. W, It. a N. com
pany In Portland.
Mrs. John Waldron and daughter,
Rllsabeth, returned from the east last
Thursday evening
Mrs. 8. C, Alexauder, accompnulml
by her Utile daughter, were visitors
Wednesday at the home of her mother,
Mrs. llorgan.
Mrs. Mae Montague and son, left for
Chicago, the first ot the week on a
visit to their old home
Mr. and Mrs. Outhrle gave a party
Tuesday evening for the 1917 graduat
ing class. After a trip to Oregon City,
the class was entertained at the
Outhrle home. Refreshments were
Thclma Kinder left Monday on her
vacation, and will spend the summer
with her aunt, Mrs. Thompson ,of
Mrs. peorge rwry and Mrs. O.
Atherton were Portland visitors Wed
Miss Mary Starkweather came home
from Berkley, Cal., on a short visit
and Is to have an operation for throat
Mrs. J. L. Voaburg ot Wheeler,
writes her friends of a crabbing party
given by Arthur Vosburg, manager of
the Wheeler Lumber company, In hon
or ot John IMlolse, of Dellolse, Penn.,
Lieutenant McKentie, Sergeant Slane
and Mr. Nelberg, government lumber
Inspector. Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. L. E. Armstrong and daughtor,
Hester, Mr and Mrs. Albert (loots.
Mrs. and Mrs. J. L, Vosburg, Mr. and
Mrs. C. I Voaburg and family and
others. A picnic lunch was served bv
the Wheeler Lumber company on the
beach. An enjoyable time was had
by all present.
Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Worthlngton, of
Wheeler, formerly of Oak Grove, have
completed a four-room bungalow and
are now settled In their new home.
School meeting will be held Mon
day, June 7th at 8 o'clock In the school
house to elect a director for the en
suing term ot three yesrs.
A committee of the P. R. L..A P.
Company met with a committee of the
Commercial club Tuesday morning to
inquire Into the advisability of a watt
ing room. What the result was will
be seen later.
WILSONVILLE. June 13. Mr. and
Mrs. Flynn moved to Portland lust
week, where Mr. Flynn Is working In
the shipyards.
Mrs. Lamb and frfenda from the
Rose City, vfalted Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Wood, on Sunday, coming by auto.
Mrs. Guthrie, of Vancouver, has
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Graham, tor some weeks, and will
leave soon for her home.
Miss Portia J. Patterson, of Port
land spent the week-end with Mrs.
Harold Say, at the residence ot N. O.
Jack Angus and sister Jessie,
George Batalgla, Bettle and Menga
Datalgla. went up the Columbia high
way on Thursday.
Children's Dsy services were held
In the churches of this vicinity, and
appropriate exercises were given.
A "Home Economics" meeting was
held In the school house, at 2 o'clock,
on Wednesday afternoon, under the di
rection of the, county chairman, Mrs,
M. C. Young.
W. Stangel has closed out the gar
age here and moved to Portland where
he will be engaged In shipyard work
Mrs. Norrls Young will still furnish
gasoline, which will be a great ac
commodation to motorlHts of this va
clnlty. Mary Brobht will spend the summer
In Montana, at the home of her sister,
Ellen Brobst Lyons.
Milton Seely and George Batalgla
left for the navy yards, at Bremerton.
Raymond Seely's beautiful home
was burned to the ground, Wednes
day afternoon, the fire having Ignited
from the chimney of the fireplace,
where some papers were being burned.
The Wilsonville residents were able
to get a good look at the eclipse on
Saturday afternoon, and smoked
glass was In great demand.
The farmers are longing for a good
rain, as the crops are becoming very
Notice of the annual school meeting
are posted In consplclous places, re
minding everyone that Monday, June
17th, is a special day.
The I. O. O. F. gave a banquet on
Saturday evening, June 8th, at the
close ot the meeting, In honor of
George Batalgla and Milton Seely,
who have enlisted In the navy. 1
and Mrs. Julius Hult and family of
Colton visited at P. 0. Chlntlgren's
Mr. Homers has two trucks haul
ing lumber from their mill, they are
getting rendy to build in Meadow-
brook where they have bought tim
ber and are putting In a mill.
Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Orem nnd faml
ly of Cedardulo spent Sunday at A,
L. ILarklns.
Paul HatiBotter, of Douglas County,
visited his brother Hans, a few days
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holman spent
the week-end at Hubbard.
All pupils who took the seventh and
eighth grade examination passed.
Rufus Holman and family of Port
land, spent the week-end camping on
Mill Creek.
A uosuina Direcunr eaca iicft
Town and Village la Urna-on and
Wanblngtoa, ftvuf Dencrlptlte
(ketch ot each place, location,
ftlilnpln FanUltlM lll-
fUtd Ulnctorr el ftadi BlMUMM
aad FrotMtloo,
a, i. rout CO, Iae.
Matua, wana.
t'Alum. Or.. June 13. The Carus
Loyalty League held a very Interest
ing meeting Friday evening, May 34,
when an auction sale was hold and
lee cream and cake sold, tho proceeds
ot which wore $71, which was turned
over to the Red Cross.
Sunduy, May 20th, a community ser
vice flag was dedicated at tho Cams
M. E. church, with Rev. IC. K. Gilbert
and JudKO Grant Dlinlck, ot Oregon
City, and President Bhorwood, ot Wil
lamette University present, who made
very appropriate addresses. The flag
up to date has twenty blue stars and
two gold stars, representing the fol
lowing ttoysft Edgar BUmart, Otis
Howard, (licit Irish, Wm. and John
DhvIh, Hugh Parry, Clyde Janitor,
Robert lltmttlo. Miles Wade, Alva
Wade, Ulster Wade, Henry Fisher,
Carl Casedflr, Wm. Edwards, Carl
McCarthy, Verne Caherly, Ed, Bren
ner, Donald Iirown, Clifford Urown,
Burton Drown. 4
Carus went over the top In the re
cent Red Cross drive, and are now
getting busy on the Thrift Stamp
The Red Cross Auxiliary, with Mrs.
Casto as president, meet every Thur-,
day at the church with a large at
Mrs William Davis, Jr.. leaves this
week tor an extended visit with rel
atives near Tacoma, Wash
Miss Mary Davis Is home after an
extended stay at Mn'sl'a where she
was called to the bedside of her
brother, J. R. Davis, who passed
away at his home May 35, after a
long Illness. Mr. Davis leaves two
brothers and two sisters, who live at
this place. T. II. and L. M. Davis
Miss Mary Davis and Mrs, 0. R. Owll
Urn. A kitchen shower was given Mrs.
Chas. Stewart at the home of Mrs. A.
A. Spangler. Friday, May 31. Mrs.
Stewart, whose home was recently
destroyed by fire, received many use
ful utensils, and a pleasant after
noon was spent by those present.
Miss Cara Jsgger Is home for an
extended vacation.
J. J. Mills, who Is employed Id Ore
gon City, visited over Sunday with
bis family at thla place.
Chas. Spangler Is improving the
time shearing sheep for the neigh
Mrs. Brenner and daughter, Miss
Iiura, of Maple Ine, were Sunday
guests of Geo. Brenner and faintly.
Miss Edna Iirown Is confined to her
bed with the measles.
The children's day exercises at the
church. Sunday June 9, were ,weil
rendered, with a large attendance be
ing present
TWILIGHT, Juno, 11. Quite a num
ber of Twilight young folks attended
the Red Cross dance at New Era Sat
urday night.
II. L. Rcheer and son. Albert, made
a business trip to Portland yesterday.
We are glad to hear that Mrs. A.
Hardy Is able to return home from
the hospital, wttere she recently un
derwent a surgical operation.
Miss Ethel Nash Is working for Mrs.
Mrs. Schoer and children, of Port
land, Ed Scheer and wife, also of
Portland, were visiting Henry Beheor
and family Sunday.
Miss Elsie Gorden visited her par
ents Saturday and Sunday.
Bend Walter Richards, aged 11,
killed by bolt. Power plant generator
burns out, Many trees struck.
Noll Ernest Illbbert, logging en
gineer, perhaps fatally injured by
La GrandeT-House set afire. Dolt
pnHses within six feet of woman oc-
Maker J. G. Cannon killed In storm
at Olive lake Tuesday, when tree Is
blown down.
Portland High voltage wire falls
at East Ash street and Grand avenue.
Streetcar struck at Third and Hum
side. Motors and controllers rendered
useless on several cars. Telephone
pole struck at Eust Hoyt street and
Grand avenue.
PORTLAND, June 12. High tern-
pcrature followed quickly on the sud
den and damaging electrical storm
which swept into Portland early this
afternoon, halting streotcar traffic,
clUBhlng with high voltage electric
wires, hitting telophone poles and
sending down four-hundredths ot an
Inch of rain in a few minutes. The
thunder claps were the sharpest
heard In Portland in a long time.
The temperature jumped from 82
degrees at 2 o'clock to 91 degrees at
6 o'clock. The humidity Immediately
after the storm was oppressing and
a blankot ot clouds hovered low
enough over the city to increase the
unusual effect.
The storm was one of those rare
electrical disturbances which flit
through Portland only every year or
so and as usual no lasting damage
was done. Brief tie-ups resulted on a
number of the street car lines, be
cause the lightning struck the trolley
wires or poles and passed into the
motors and controllers. In many In
stances the motors were burned out
and the cars were stalled. One high
voltage wire was sent to the Btreet
at East Ash and Grand Avenue.
A street car at Third and BurnBlde
streets was struck with the first flash
of lightning and the flames shot out
fur Into the street. The passengers
were unhurt however. Both motors
and the controllers were burned out
and traffic was hold ap for consider
able time.