Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 07, 1918, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    OKfcjGOiN Ci i Y LH I fciinu t-KiUAY, JUNE 7. 1918.
Purs 7
Fathered Mott Important .
Bill of This Congress
"How did you happen to corns to
this out-of-the-way place, Kdlthf
"I mm because I heard you were
here," she told him frankly, "but I
didn't dream I'd be to excited. The
old hack limply crept up tho tnoun
tain with me the lone passenger, end
when It finally stopped In front of the
hotel porch 1 verily trembled with ex
citement at the thought of meeting
you In the crowd. Where wore jroa
then, Jlmf
"I cttne la tote from a day's flub
Inf." That wee why I didn't eee you at
diner," the went on. "I could scarcely
at for watching the door, and when
you dldnt come In the dining room at
all, X wis almost kick. I wondered If
I had come too late, and you hid prob
ably gone."
"How did yon know I wna here?
be asked, curious.
"Never mind. Tre found you. I
went Immediately to the hotel clerk
whoa I had finished dinner, and aeked
If you were still registered here, and
he told me you wre, end that your
party had telephoned to here dinner
saved for you. Finally, from my win
dow, I mw someone strolling up thta
path lo the moonlight, and I could
barely get your outlines, but I recog
Bled yopr walk, and when I taw the
flicker of your cigar here In the arbor,
that wea when I wanted to coma to
The orchestra of the little moan
tain hotel began. Then: Terhapa
you'd Ilka to dance with mar be
"No, bo s that len't what I came here
for. I've had enough of that t too
much of It, Jim. It'a because I've fall
en In love with you, Jim, tbal'a why
rm here," ahe burat forth.
"Hut, my dear girl, that's all paat."
"No, It lent all peat." ahe cried. "It
can't be paat with you here and me
bare. Ton were aljraya ao good and
patient youll forgive me, I know.
When I aaked you for a divorce tt
waa because I thought we were not
aulted to each other. Tou didn't love
people and parties and lights and mu
sic as I did."
"I did enjoy them," he Interrupted,
"but I told you often what I loved
more than that. I wanted a borne,
Edith 1 1 wanted a fireside ; I longed to
ee your beautiful face glorified with
tbe light of motherhood. My very soul
waa hungry while you played on and
dldnt seem to understand."
"I couldn't. Jim. I didn't know any
thing about making a home. I wasn't
taught to make a home. I was taught
to have a good time, and to marry,'
Impatient with retrospection.
"That wns the trouble," be sighed.
"God help some of the mothers of to
day I They are not training their
daughters to be wives, but plaything.'
"But, denr, I understand now. I am
otdcr, and time hits taught me many
thing. It's you I love now, Jim, not
Just pleasure. I've learned to love all
your Ideas, end I believe I can live up
to them."'
"But you forget that-"
"No," ahe broke In, "I haven't for
gotten, but J want to. I want to
empty my heart of li all. All tho
ntoney and freedom you gave me with
the divorce has fulled-; my whole view
point Is changed, and I Just, want you
Jim. Won't you try me agnluT
Iler arms crept about bis neck and
her eager tears glistened In tho moon
"It's Impossible, little girl." He took
her hands in his a moment. "Let tue
"Please, Jlra, please," she cried. "I'm
different now. I'll make you happy,
Tou aurely can't forgot how you once
loved me; that you've held me In your
arms," she sobbed.
"Hut, little girl," he answered grave
ly. "I can't forget, either, that I've
recently held my little son In my arms.
I married again, Edith. I didn't think
you'd care."
A cloud passed over the moon Just
Ay. -'0
I , S U M k 4
. V
hi ' '
I : ' '
tfi ... !
June, 1918, and the data of the first
publication being June 7th, 1918, and
the .data of the last publication is
July 10th, 1918. -
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Oregonlan llldg., Portland, Oregon.
'n tbe Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for tbe County of Clacka
mas. Ada Davey, Plaintiff,
frank E. Davey, Defendant.
To Frank K. Davey, Defendant:
In the name of tbe State of Oregon:
fou are hereby required to appear and
inswer the complaint filed against you
In the ahove entitled suit on or before
the day of the last publication of
this summons or plaintiff will take a
decree against you for the dissolution
of the marrluge contract existing be
tween the parties hereto and the care
and custody of the minor child, Gene
vleve Davey. This summons Is pub
lished by virtue of an order made by
Hon, J. If. Campboll, J.idge of tbe
above-named court, In the above en
titled suit on June 4th, 1918, which
provides that this summons be pub
lished six weeks, the first publication
to be June 7th, 1918, and tbe last
July 19th, 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Residing at Oregon City, Oregon.
JTTM lit 51 AT IK OVtrrMAA
Senator I-ee 8. Overman of North
Carolina Is the father of the famous
Overman act, which has Just become
a law. It five the President enor
mens powers, perhaps aurpamlng
those of iny monarch In Europe, ex
eejit those of the central powers.
ZURICH, June 8. The mite-
e head Torpedo works at St. Poel- S
t ten, Austria, have been destroy-
ed by sabotage, according to ad
vices received here today. Jtal-
Ian workmen are believed to be
Cottage Grove-Oakland planning
mill will be moved to Cottage Drove
shnrtljr for consolidation with Planing
Mill Co.
Executor's Notice
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of Clackamas County,
Oregon, Executor of the last Will and
Testament of C. N. Lewis, deceased.
All MMnna ttavln lafmB Alr&tnilt
said estate are hereby notified to pre- Oregon City, Oregon.
creditors or parties unknown claiming
any interest In Gladstone Lumber Co,,
or right, title, estate, lien or interest
in the real estate described in the
complaint herein:
In the Name of the Bute of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer tbe complaint filed against you
in tbe above entitled suit on or before
July 6tb, 1918, said dute being the ex
piration of six weoKs from the first
publication of this summons, and if
you fail to appear and answer, for
want thereof the plaintiff will take
judgment and decree against you as
prayed for In the complaint, that Is to
say: ,
Plaintiff prays tbe Judgment snd de
cree of this court quieting its title to
tbe land and premises described here
in 'and adjudgisg that it Is the sole
legal and equitable owner of said land
and premises and every part thereof
in fee simple.
Part of the Hiram A. Straight
Donation Land Claim, bounded on the
west by the Oregon City t Portland
public road, on the north by block
number one (1) Parkplace, as shown
by the duly recorded plat thereof, and
on tbe south and east by the track of
the Oregon and California Railroad,
excepting therefrom a strip of land
thirteen (13) feet wide at and serosa
the north end thereof running along
and adjacent to said block number
one (1) In Parkplace;
Ixts seven (7) and eight (8) Block
Betenty-twe (72) Gladstone, accord
ing to the duly recorded map
and Plat thereof;
Lot eleven (11), Block seventy-two
(72) Gladstone, according to tbe duly
recorded map and plat thereof, all the
records of which are on file with the
County Clerk of Clackamas County, at
weeks from the 7th day of May, the
date of the first publication hereof;
and if you fail to answer or otherwise
appear herein, the plaintiff will apply
to tbe court for the relief prayed for
in plaintiff's complaint, to-wit: For a
decree of the above entitled Court
forever dissolving the marriage con
tract or bonds of matrimony hereto
fore and now existing between plain
tiff and defendant, and tor such other
and further relief as the court may
deem equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof, by order of
Hoporable J. U. Campbell, judge of
the above entitled Court, which order
is dated May 18th. 1918.
Date of first publication May- 17th,
Date of last publication June 28th,
Wilcox Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
sent the ssme to me or at the office of
my attorney, 0. D. Eby, in Oregon
City, Oregon, duly verified as by law
required, within six months from date
Dated May 17, 1918.
0. D. EBY,
Attorney for Executor.
I)K AD 110R8E3 TAKEN Cash paid
for dead cows and down and out
horses. Will call anywhere. Phone
Mllwaukle 69 J.
"Briar" Pipe Really White Heath.
Tbe briar pipe is probably more
-commonly used because its wide va
riation In price puts It within the
reach of all. It la made from the root
of the white heath, a plant Indigenous
to the- south or France, the slopes of
the Italian Alps and the Islands of
Corsica. As soon as dug the roots are
cleaned, sawed Into rough blocks and
pocked In Jute sacks ready for ship
ment. Upon reaching the manufactur
er they nre thoroughly dried, a pro
cess requiring about five weeks, and
are then turned over to tho selectors
for grading. The pipes are practically
machine made throughout
Although mony efforts have been
inndo to discover a substitute In this
country for the imported briar none
, has as yet been found.
Notice Cordwood Wanted.
Sealed bids will be received at the
County Clerk's office until June 15th
at 10 o'clock a. m., for 50 cords of
sound and seasoned (our foot wood cut
from In rue green fir timber. Said
wood to be delivered at the baaement
of the Court House at Oregon City not
tutor than September l&th, 1918.
In the Circuit Court o ftbe State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Volony Floyd Huddleaton, Plaintiff,
Linda D. Huddleston, Defendant.
To Linda D. Huddleston, tbe above
named Defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer tbe complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit, on or before
the 12th day of July. 1918, said date
being more than six weeks from
the 24th day of May, 1918, tbe date of
tbe order for the publication of this
summons upon you and more than six
weeks from the 81st day of May, 1918,
Ibe date of the first publication here
of; and If you fall to answer or other
wise appear herein, the plaintiff will
apply to the court tor the relief prayed
for in plaintiff's complaint, towlt: For
a decree of the above entitled court
forever dissolving tbe marriage con
tract or bonds of mktriinony hereto
fore and now existing between plain
tiff and defendant, and for such other
and further relief as the couit may
deem equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publlcatoln thereof, by order of
Honorable J. U. Campbell, judge of
the above entitled Court, which order
is dated May 24th, 1918.
Date of first publication May 31st,
Dote of last publication July 12th,
Dekum Bldg., Portland. Oregon
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
That by said decree It be adjudged
that the defendants and each and all
of them have no estate, right, title or
Interest whatever In or to the said
lands or premises.
That the defendants and each and
all of them be forever enjoined and de
barred from asserting any claim, es
tate, right, title or Interest whatso
ever in or to said described lands or
premises adverse to this plaintiff, and
for such other and further relief as to
the court may seem just and equita
This summons Is published by order
of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
Circuit Court, which order was made
on the 23rd day of May, 1918, and the
time prescribed for publication there
of is six weeks, beginning with the is-i
sue.dated Friday, May 24, 1918. and
continuing each week thereafter to
snd Including Friday, July 5. 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
1110 Wilcox Building. Portland, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
Joseph T. Nelson, Plaintiff,
Faustina Nelson, Defendant
To Faustina Nelson, the above
named Defendant
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against yon
in tbe above entitled suit, on or be
fore the 28th day of June, 1918, said
date being more than six weeks from
the 16th day of May, 1918, the date of
tbe order for the publication of this
summons upon you and more than six
weeks from the 17th day of May, the
date of tbe first publication hereof;
and if yon fail to answer or otherwise
appear herein, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayetf for
In plaintiff's complaint to-wlt: For a
decree of the above entitled Court
forever dissolving the marriage con
tract or bonds of matrimony hereto
fore and now existing between plain
tiff and defendant and for such other
and further relief aa the court may
deem equitable.
This summons Is served upon you
Township Five (5) South Range Four
(4) East of the Willamette Meridian
in Clackamas County, Oregon.
Now therefore, by virtue of said
execution, Judgment order and de
cree, and In compliance with the com
mands of said writ I will, on Satur
day, the 16th day of June, 1918; at
the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the
front door of the Connty Court House
In the City of Oregon City, In said
County and State, sell at public auc
tion, subject to redemption, to the
highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin
cash in hand, all the right title and
interest which the within named de
fendants Or either of them, had on the
date of the mortgage herein or since
had in or to the above described real
property or any part thereof, to satisfy
said execution. Judgment order, de
cree, Interest costs and all accruing
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, May
17th, 1918.
eatate described as follows, to-wit:
Lot 9, 10. 11, and 13 In block 4 and
all of block 5 and 6 and 100 feat off
the South end of Block 7, In Mountain
View Addition to Oregon City, Oregon,
together with ail the tenements, and
appurtenances thereto appertaining.
This citation is published once a
week for four successive weeks In the
Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly
newspaper published regularly at Ore
gon City, Oregon, by order of the
above court, dated May 6th, 1918.
First publication will be In the Issue
of May 10, 1918, and the last publica
tion will bo in the Issue of May 81.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said court affixed this 6th, day of Mar,
1918. m
j Clerk.
Attorney for the Estate.
In tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
T. J. Hughes, Plaintiff,
Ida Hughes, Defendant
To Ida Hughes above named de
In the name of the 8tate of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit on or
before the 21st day of June, 1918, said
date being the expiration of six weeks
from the first publication of this sum
mons, and if yon fall to appear and
answer said complaint for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for in her
complaint, to-wit:
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. David Hardy and Maggie Hardy, hla
wife, Plaintiffs,
vs. . ' '
George A. Ostrom and Jessie A. Os-
trom, his wife, Defendants.
To George A. Ostrom and Jessie A.
Ostrom, wife of George A. Ostrom, Defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You ar required to appear and ans
wer the complaint filed against you in
the abov9 entitled suit on or before-
June 28th 4918, and if yon fail to ans
wer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs
will ask for a decree requiring defen
dants within sixty days after date of
such decree to pay to the plaintiffs
mo sum oi Nine Hundred Twenty-one
Dollars and Fifty-four cents ($921.64),
and any amount of taxes and insurance
premiums delinquent upon the
For a decree disolving the marri
age contract now existing between hereinafter described property since
plaintiff and defendant This com
mons Is published by order of Hon. J.
U. Campbell, Jndge of
Court, which order was made on the
9th day of May, 1918, and the time
prescribed for publishing thereof is
six weeks, beginning with the issue
by publication thereof, by order of dared, Friday, May 10, 1918, and con-
Honorable J. U. Campbell judge of
the above entitled Court, which order
is dated May 16th. 1918.
Date of first publication May 17th,
Date of last publication June 28th.
Dekum Bldg, Portland, Oregon.
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Ruby Bennlnghoven, Plaintiff,
Paul Bennlnghoven, Defendant i
To Paul Bennlnghoven, above
named" defendant:
In the name ot the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit, on or be
fore the 6th day of July, 1918, said
date being the expiration ot six weeks
from the first publication of this sum
mons, aud If you fail to appear and
answer said complaint, for want there
of the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed (or In her com
plaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the mar
riage contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mons is published by order of Hon.
J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
tlnulng each week thereafter to and
including Friday, June 21, 1918. .
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Resident Attorneys ot Oregon.
Address, Oregon City, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court ot the State ot
Oregon, tor the County ot Clackamas.
Henry D. Davla Lumber Company, a
corporation, Plaintiff,
Socialist County Convention is
hereby called to "moat at Oregon City,
Saturday, June 16. 1918, 10:30 a. m.,
Knapp's hall, for the purpose of plac
ing a county ticket In the field. All
Socialists both women and men, earn
estly requested to attend.
Fromong Guilty
On Assault and
Battery Charge
After all the evidence had been in
troduced in the assault case of State
versus Andy Fromong, of Willamette,
the defendant Wednesday afternoon
uleadod guilty of assault and battery
"-complaint against Charles ' Sneldow
and will be sentenced Thursday by
JtidKo Campbell, '
The assault grew out of the labor
trouble in the local mills last Decern
her and a fight was precipitated be
tween the two men while traveling to
their homes on the Willamette street
Witnesses for the State testified
tha't Fromong struck Sneldow with an
Instrument resembling a piece of hose,
Sneldow received a bad cut-on the
head which require medical treat
ment. Both Sneldow and Fromong
claimed the other provoked the as-
Bids will be recolved up to 1 o'clock
on Saturday, June 15, 1918, for haul
ing COO cubic yards, more or leas, of
gravel from Newborg onto the New-
berg and St. Paul road; the gravel
to be delivered between the Gearln
corner and the St. Paul and Cham
poog road, In Marlon County, Oregon
State the amount of bid per cubic
yard. v
For particulars see J. C. Murphy,
miles north of St. Paul or address
him at Newberg. Oregon."
County Clerk,
Salem, Oregon
WASHINGTON, June B. Maurice
Frauds Egun, United Slates minis
ter to Denmark, has tendered hla res
ignation to tire state department ow
ing "to ill health.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County ot Clacka
Molly Ralke, Plaintiff,
Gustave Ralke, Defendant.
To Gustave Ralke, Defendant:
In the name ot the State ot Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit in said Court
on or before the 22nd day of July
1918. If you fall to so appear and
answer herein, plaintiff will apply
to the above Court for a decree
agalnat you as prayed for in the com
plaint, dlosolvlng the marriage con
tract now existing between plaintiff
and defendant, on account ot defend
ant's cruelty and desertion, and also
for such other relief said Court deems
This summons is Berved upon you
by publication thereof once a week,
for six successive weeks, in the Ore
gon City Enterprise, a newspaper pub
lished at Oregon City , Clackamas
County, Oregon, pursuant to an order
duly made and entered of record here
in by Hon. J. U. Campboll, Judge of
the above Court, on the 4th day ot
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
Marie Oldenburg, Plaintiff,
F. H. Oldenburg, Defendant
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
before the 28th day of June, 1918, said
date being more than six weeks from
the 15th day ot May, 1918, the date ot
the order tor the publication ot this
summons upon yon and more than six
weeks from the 17th day of May, the
date of the first publication hereof;
and if you fail to answer or otherwise
appear herein, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
in plaintiff's complaint to-wit: For a
' Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas Connty.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
J. Honebon, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned. J. J. Johnson, has been ap
pointed by the County Court- of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Clackamas, as the executor of the es
tate of John J. Honebon, deceased,
and has qualified as such; all persons
having claims against said estate are
hereby notified and required to pre-
ent the same, properly Terrified, as re
quired by law, to said executor at his
office. 314 Spalding building, Portland,
Oregon, within six months from the
reate of the first publication of this
notice. " """ '
Dated and first published May 10,
Executor of the Estate of John J.
Honebon, deceased.
314 Spalding Bldg.
Portland, Oregon.
Hncrnn nf the above entitled Court
forever dissolving the marriage con-i Last publication, June 7, 1918.
tract or bonds ot matrimony hereto
fore and now existing between plain
tiff and defendant and for such other
and further relief as the court may
deem equitable.
This summons is served upon you
Court, which order was made on the
22nd dav ot May, 1918, and the time by publication thereof, by order ot
prescribed for publishing thereof is Hdnorable J. U. Campbell, judge of
six weeks, beginning with the issue the above entitled Court, which order
dated, Friday, May 24, 1918, and con- is dated May 15th, 1918.
tinulna- each week thereafter to and Date of first publication May 17th
West Side Lumber & Shingle Co., a
corporation, East Side Mill & Lum
ber Co., a corporation. West Oregon
Lumber Co., a corporation, The
Gauld Company, a corporation, Cen
tral Door & Lumber Co., a corpor
ation, Clatsop Mill Co., a corpora
tion, Honeyman Hardware Co., a
corporation, Huntley Drug Co., a
corporation, Multnomah Lumber &
Box Co., a corporation, Portland
Lumber Co., a corporation, Ashley
& Rumolln, a corporation, Inman
Poulsen Company, a corporation,
Acme Paint Co.. a corporation,
Atlas Brass Works, a corporation.
Gladstone Lumber Co., a corpora
tion, Oregon Enterprise, a corpora
tion, Larsen and Company, a corpor
ation, Dickinson Company, a corpor
ation, W. J. Burns, doing business
as Balfour-Guthrie Co., H. E. Cross,
F. E. Cross, W. S. Eddy, W. A.
Holmes, T. N. Norbby, Francis Welch
A. B. Grltxmacher, McClellan Lan-
ning, Assignee of Gladstone Lumber
Co., a corporation, L. O." Nighten
gale, trustee ot F. C. Mortsen, bank
rupt, W. F. Linn, Frank Busch, and
all other persons, creditors or part
ies unknown claiming Interest in
Gladstone Lumber Co., and right
" title, estate, lien or interest in the
real estate described in the com
plaint herein, Defendants.
To West Side Lumber & Shingle
Co., a corporation, East Side Mill &
Lumber Co., a corporation, West Ore
Eon Lumber Co., a corporation, The
Gauld Company, a corporation, Cen
tral Door & Lumber Co., a corporation,
Clatsop Mill Co., a corporation, Honey
man-Hardware Co., a corporation,
Huntley Drug Co., a corporation, Mult
nomah Lumber & Box Co., a corpora
tion, Portland Lumber Co., a corpora
tion, Ashley ft Rumelln, a corpora
tion. mman-Poulsen Company, a cor
poration, Acme Paint Co., a corpora
tion, Atlas Brass Works, a corpora
tion, Gladstone Lumber Co., a corpor
ation, Oregon Enterprise, a corpora
tion, Larsen ft Company, a corpora
tion, Dickinson Company, a corpora
tion, W. J. Burns, doing business as
Balfour-Guthrie Co., H. E. Cross, F. E.
Cross, W S. Eddy, W. A. Holmes, T.
N. Nordby, Francis Welch, A. B. Grits-
macher, McClellaw Lanning, Assignee
of Gladstone Lumber Co., a corpora
tion. L. O. Nightengale, trustee ot F.
C. Mortsen, Bankrupt, W. F. Linn,
Frank Busch, and all other persona,
including Friday, July 6, 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Oregon City, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, tor the County of Clacka
ma. Ge-urge C. Saegert, Plaintiff,
Ethel Saegert, Defendant.
Date of last publication June 28th,
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
Mulkey Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Notice to Creditors
In the Matter of the Estate
L. B. Gorham, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
To Ethel Saegert, the above named dersigned was on the 3rd day of May,
rtAfiHidBnt t oy tne county vjouri ui uuwmuum
in thA numa of the State ot Oregon, County, appointed Aaminisirainx oi
vn-, ,r hornhv reauired to aDnear and the estate of L. B. Gorham, deceased,
answer the complalut filed against you and has qualified. All persons having
in thd ahove entitled suit, on or before claims against said .estate are nereoy
the 5th day ot July, 1918, said date required to present tneir claims 10 me
hninir more than six weeks from the duly verified and with the proper
21st day of May, 1918, the date of the vouchers therefor, at my residence at
nrdr for rmbllcation of this sum- canby. m Baia uouniy anu oiaie wim
mons upoon you and more than six in six months from the date of first
weeks from the 24th day of May, 1918, publication oi tnis notice.
th ant of the first publication hereof ELLA H. GORHAM,
ana if vou fail to answer or otherwise Administratrix of the Estate of L.
herein, the plaintiff will apply B. Gorham, deceased.
to the court for the relief prayed ior Dated ana nrst puDiisnea iay a,
in plaintiff's complaint to-wit: For a 1918.
decree of the above entitled Court Last publication June 14, 1918.
forever dissolving the marriage con-
tract or bonds of matrimony hereto- SHERIFF'S SALE
tore and now existing between plain- In the Circuit Court of tne btate oi
tiff and defendant, and for such other Oregon, for the County of Clackamas,
and further relief as the court may Bank of Kenton, a corporation,
deem equitable. Plaintiff,
This summons is served upon you vs.
by publication thereof, by order of Judith M. Joy, Defendant
Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge oi statu uc ukiimuin, i .
the above entitled Court which order n
la iiftti Mftv 21st. 1918. County of ClacKamas,-
rnt of First Duplication May 24th, By virtue of a judgment oroer. oe-
1918 cree ana an execution, uuiy issueu oui
Ttata of last publication July 6th, and under the seal or tne aoove en-
iqiR titled court,-m tne anove enuusa cuase
MeDOTIGAb ft McDOUGAL, to me duly directed ana aatea tne
905 Northwestern Bank Bdg., Port- 9th day ot May, 1918, upon a judgment
land, Oregon. rendered ana emerea m saia court ou
Attorneys for Plaintiff, tne stn aay oi may, ia, ra iavor oi
Bank ot Kenton, a corporation, Plaln-
8UMMONS " tiff, and against Judith M. Joy, De-
In the Circuit Court of the State ot fondant, for ihe sum of $1200.00, with
Oregon, tor Clackamas County. interest thereon at the rate of 8 per
Winfred Samls, Plaintiff cent per annum from the 17th day of
vs. April, 1916, and the further sum of
Adam James Samls, Defendant $56,00 with Interest thereon at 12
To Adam James Samls, the above per cent per annum from the 21st day
named Defendant. lot May, 1917, and the further sum of
In the name of the State of Oregon $100.00, as attorney's fee, and the fur
you are hereby required to appear and the sum of $43.45 costs and disburse
answer the complaint filed against you ments, and the costs of and upon this
In the above entitled suit on or be- writ, commanding me to make sale of
fore the 28th day of June, 1918, said the following described real property,
iate being more than six weeks from situate In the county ot Clackamas,
the 16th day of May, 1918, the date ot state of Oregon, to-wit:
the order for the publication ot this The South Half (SH) of the North
summons upon you and more than six Half (NH) ot Section Ten (10) In
In the County Court of the State ot
Oregon for County ot Clackamas.
In the matter of the Estate of Wiley
W. May, deceased.
To Virginia F. May, Henry W. May,
Edward E. May, Louis L. May, Mary
E. Nicholson. Dora E. Williams,
Olive E. Exon, Oscar M. May, Anelta
Laiser, Ida Andrews, Jennie Miller,
and all others unknown or Interested
in the above estate:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you and each of you are hereby com
manded to appear before the Honor
able H. S. Anderson, Judge ot the
above entitled court, on the 10th day
of June at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.
of said day, to show cause, if any ex
ist why an order should not be made
by said court, to sell aU ot the follow
ing described real property of said es
tate, as prayed for In the petition ot
Edward E. May, administrator of said
1912; and in default of such payment
the defendants and each of them be
the Circuit paired and foreclosed of any right
title, Interest er equity in or following
described real estate in the County
of Clackamas, State of Oregon:
All of Block Fifty-three (53) ot "
First Addition to Jennings Lodge,
Clackamas County, Oregon;
Also, beginning at the southeast
corner of Block forty-six (46) of First
Addition to Jennings Lodge, Clacka
amas County, Oregon, running thence
north twenty (20) feet along the east
boundary of said Block No. forty-six
(46); thence westerly to the center .of
the well situate on the southerly bound
ary of said Block No. forty-six (46),
continuing thence northwesterly to
i the Intersection of a line parallel with
the western boundary of said Block
No. forty-six (46) and twelve (12)
feet east thereof, which is ten '(10)
from the southerly bounSary of said
feet northerly on said intersected line
Block No. forty-six (46) ; thence north
erly on said line twelve (12) feet east
of and parallel with the westerly
boundary ot said block No. forty-six
(46) to the northerly boundary there
of; thence westerly twelve (12) feet
along the northerly boundary therof
to the northwest corner of said Block
No. forty-six (46); thenc southerly,
along the west boundary of said Block
No. forty-six (46) to th southwest
corner of Block No. Torty-six (46);
thence easterly along the south bound- "
ary of said Block No. forty-six (46)
to place of beginning, together with
all and singular, the tenements, here-
itaments, and apprutenancea4hereunto
belonging, or In anywise appertaining.
Ano mat tne lease and agreement
between the plaintiff and the defen
dant George A. Ostrom, now of rec
ord in the office of the County Clerk
6f Clackamas County, Oregon, be can
celled, annulled, held for naught and
removed as a cloud upon the title of
the plaintiffs to the said real estate;
and for such other and further relief
to which plaintiffs may be in equity
entitled, and for their costs and dis
bursements in this suit:
This publication is made for six suc
cessive weeks by the order of the Hon
orable. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court entered herein
in the above entitled couse on April
stn, ms.
Date ot first publication, May 17th.
Date of last publication, June 28th.
815 Yeon Bldg.,
Portland. Oregon.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
D. C Latourettb, President F. J. Meyer, Cashier
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
Phones Pacific 62
Home A-lll
All legal business promptly attended U
Commercial? Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties.1 Of
fice in First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Office Phones Paeifie Mala 401;
Homo A-170.
Beaver Bldg., Room (
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Will practice in all courts, make col
lections and settlements.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon City. Oregon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary Coltege at Toronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of Sur
gery ot Chicago, is established
at Fashion Stable, between
Fourth and Fifth on Main Street
Both Telephones
Office Paoiflo 65; Home A 96
Rea. Pacific 184; Home B-80
William Hammond '
Philip L. Hammond)
Abstracts, Real Estate, Leans, luius
Pacific Phone 81 Horn Phone A-J7J