OBEOON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1918,' Page 2 I Newsy Briefs From All Over the County Mulino Snyder's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. . and Mrs. T. Harders, ot George, last . " ! Sunday. MULINO June 6. Mr. and Mrs. Mra. Julius Pautscn left laat Sunday Cbas Brandt and son Eldon. ot Monl- for Portland, where her husband will tor vlaited Mr. and Mrs, Carl Schenk Join her on Wednesday, they will last S mday j ,cve 'mmedlatety tor Echo, Oregon, Horn! Juno 4th. to the wife ot John to visit Mra. Paulsen', sister, Mra. tr..ji.. ... ti nnuni hnv (Richards for a tew weeks. "Ml a&nd Mr? KTJu.lo. Hall.) Mr. and Mn, C Johnson was Est.- , cada Tlsltora last Sunday. viHiieu mi. aura I - ii i m hi i a. a, iiniucia , lO l, VV .. v Cedardale Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor and eon Ora and Mrs. Catherine Goucher, motored to Salom last Monday. Mrs. L. P. Churchill who has been a patient tn the Oregon City hospital, returned home last Thursday very much Improved In health. Mrs. Grant Ashby, who underwent a critical operation at a Portland hos pital a short time ago was removed to her noma last Sunday. We all hope tor ner speedy recovery. Mra. Ruby Rudolph, of Tacoma, Wash, was called home by the Illness of her mother, Mrs. Mary Crook. Mr. Walter Waldorf was an Oregon City visitor last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. August Erickson called oa Mr. and Mra. Grant Ashby last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Berdine and Aug ust Erickson and son Weldon went to Portland Monday to see the circus. Alfred Danlelson motored to Oregon City last Thursday. Mrs. Dell Trullinger pasaed thru here on her way to Oregon Ctty last JUturday. Miss Grace Schuebel will return to Monmouth nest week where she will tltend the' summer normal during the session. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schuebel vis ited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuebel last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bounds and their two children visited relatives at Esta cada last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Roberta Schuebel, .who under went a surgical operation at the Ore gon City hospital a few weeks ago, is home now and is well on the road to a complete recovery. Mrs. Catherine Goucher and Mrs. Joe Daniels called on Mrs. R. Schue bel and Mrs. L. Churchill last Monday. Mrs. Fred Wallace, of Oregon City visited relatives here last Saturday and Sunday. wllllger last Wednesday. Mrs. H. Joyner waa an Estacada visitor last Sunday. Macksburg MACKSGURG, June 6. The Macks- burg Auxiliary ot the Red Cross held Its regular meeting at the rooms In the Sotherland building on Wednesday May 29th. The Junior Red Cross ol the 10th district in charge ot Mrs. Ferdinand Kraxberger and Miss Nos- hansen, were present. The report ot aollcltors for the Red Croea drive waa bought tn and read. It was decided at this meeting to hold an ice-cream festival for the pur pose of raising funds to be used In the Auxiliary. The date fixed for this festival Is June 2!nd. The Mother's club la to hold Its reg ular seml-monthy session on the after noon of June 6th. at the home ot Henry Walch. The email pox victims In the home of Henry Nofriger have recover!. The quarantine waa about to be re removed when Mr. Nofiiger was suddenly stricken with the disease. It Is therefore uncertain when services at the Mennonite chapel or at the Eby Sunday School can be resumed. Simon Midler is to start on Tues day for Anderson, Indiana, where his daughter, Elnora, Is seriously ill with typhoid fever. The little Girl's Sewing Circle Is to meet at the home ot Mrs. O. M. Bald win on the afternoon of Saturday, June 15. Barlow CEDARDALE. June . School closed on Monday, March 17, their teacher, Mlsa Moore, accompanied by her father, were here on Friday even ing to attend graduating exercises ot the eighth grade. This waa held at Colton. Gladys and Grace Morris and Nadla Ktnlny, betng names ot ones who completed the course. Walter Oorbett, the road boss, has a crew ot men putting In a cement culvert lu front of Ball brothers. Two auto trucks are hauling gravel to wtd en out road. Dan McLaren has gone to work at Slyter's mill. Leonard Orem spent Sunday at Un ion Mills. Hult Lumber company, la putting In a larger holler and engine at the Stuffanl mill, which they purchased lately. Elmer Erickson and gang ot men, ot Mulino, are driving ties on Mill Creek, for Hult Lumber company. Stafford Estacada Hazelia BARLOW. June 6. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Uruiueland are deeply grieved over the loss ot their little son, who waa born Saturday, but who never breathed in this world. They have the sympathy of their many friends here. Yin. Gnndeland is doing nicely. Uncle Oiey Slatager has willed his house and lot here to little Myrtle Grmdeland for a play house. Mrs. Oathout spent Memorial day in Woodburn. Mrs. Smith ot McMinnville, is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Andrews. Robert Tremayne spent Decoration day 'at Beaver Creek. Mr. and Mra. Brauen, of Portland, came up Saturday night Sunday Mr. Wurfle's family and Mr. and Mrs. Brauen autoed to Forrest Grove, where they spent the day with rela Uvea. i The Misses Peterson, of Portland, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Peterson here. Mrs. Hattie L Crowby spent several days in Portland last week, returning home Monday. Friends of Mrs. Vickers, of Shaw, r spent the week-end with Mrs. Vickers. Miss Agnes Berg, ot Monmouth, spent the week-end at home. Agnes is delighted with the Monmouth school. The friends of Mrs. Fisher and fam ily, extend their deepest sympathy in the loss of the son and brother, Will erd Knight A mistake was made In the Progres sive club item last week. It should have read $40.00 was turned over by Mr. Melvin, the treasurer, instead of $ 2.00. Mr. and Mrs. Sage, of Portland, were up Saturday evening and trans acted business with the city officials tj selling the Nazarene church to the city. The church is all paid for and Mr. AndrewB is now moving it onto the city lot where it will be used for a city halt Norman Crowley enlisted in the army In the Quartermasters corps and Is In the airplane division. Mrs. Young spent Memorial day in Portland. She went down . Wednes day In company with Mrs. Irwin, who was a delegate to the War Savings Stamp convention. The drive is on. The president desired that all pledge themselves to do all they poeibly can In buying War Savings Stamps. ESTACADA. June . The Senior Class day exercises were well attend, ed and thoroughly enjoyed by all Be sides the excellent play and various other numbers on the program the class presented ten dollars to the student body tor Red Cross work. Will Cary, manager ot the Caiadero store. Is spending a week In the moun tains enjoying his favorite sport, flsh- Stafford Gota $82.13 Ovtr Top. . STAFFORD, Juue 6.-Oue ot the largest, most enthusiastic patriotic meetings ever held tn this vicinity gathered at Stafford school house last Saturday evening to listen to an ad dress delivered by W. A. Dliutek, ot Oreiton City, and I. W. Kly, of Port Ittntl. Both gave excellent talks, and to tako part In the several different plana dovlsed by the com mil toe tor the purpose ot putting Stafford over the top tn the Second Rod Cross War Fund. Preceding the address was a short but very ( adequate program, after which the committee Initiated a some what untune method of auctioneering, which proved very successful that Is, every one pays what ha bids, tb last bid getting It A very beautiful quilt donated by the Ladles Sewing Circle brought the magnificent sum of $11.45. A doll, donated by Mrs. 11. F. Wcddle, auctioned by the same method brought the tidy sum ot $17.33. A picture, do nated by Mrs. Ed. Painperln, auc tioned to the highest bidder, enriched the treasurer $3.00. A very beautiful cake donated by Mrs. I). l Weddte and Mrs. P. W. Meeks was raffled for the sum ot $15.00, Earl Borland drawing the lucky number. And there were the gran bags, do nated by the community. For ten cents one had the privilege ot thrust ing his arm Into a sack extracting a large or small bundle. This depend ed on how lucky you were In grabbing. And then the thrill of opening it to see what you had become possessor ot. All the way from a ttmy doll baby to a pair of deer horns, this too proved a successful way of extracting money from the crowd to the extent of $34.90. Cafaterla supper summed up a tqtal of $23.60. Ice cream brought the sura of $14.85. The Stafford district wishes to Schaber, $3.00; Goo. Schaber, $1.00; R. W. Oldonstadt, $3.00; C. L, Thomas, $2.00; Mrs..Mlller. $1.00; L. L. Thorn- as, $3.00; Mra. Themis Sehaublo, $5; F. nonsuit, $1.00; Mrs. S. K. llurgon, $1.00; M. M. Harrington, $1.00; Miss 11a Scott $3.00; c. C. 8chronler, $3.00; L. Schaber, $3.00; J. A. lluselmum, $1.00; Carl Klllgsen, $1.00; Karnat Wllke, $1.00; Emll Noddurft, $1.1)0; t Mulsaum, $3.00; M. C. linker, $1.00; It. do Nmil. $5.00; K. E.Rudolph, $1.00; Oaul Rotgelamann, $1.00. Wilsonvillc YVIL80NVILLK, June Oth.-Goorge HiiUUidtt and Milton Seely have en listed In th s navy, Mr, Cora llassolbrlnk Is home from Eastern Oregon, where she has been Lteacltlng. f .. .... i ... . . . ... . ...... oirs, urown, aim uuuguior, uauriue have been spending a few duys at McCoy. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graham spent Monday In Portland. Mra, Harold U. Bay Is visiting rela tives near Wllsnnvllla. Frank llrolmt's nlrmo was leit off the list ot those who donated thntr services on the election board, to the Red Cross, by error of the correspon dent. Ml on Parker gave a demonstration STAFFORD, Juno 6. Sunday even ing. June I, a large number relative and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mra. Geo. Elllgsen at Will amette to bid farewell to their noil, Edward, who has enlisted tu the ser vice of our country. A very enjoyable evening wa spent of cooklug the substitutes, at the Red wun music, singing ana playing game Cr0M room, ou Tuesday afternoon on the lawn. Mr. and Mr. Dwlght Seely arrived A most delicious lunch was served home from their honeymoon on Thurs consisting ot sandwiches, cake and day. Ice cream. , I Mr. and Mr. Robert Graham attend Those attending the mirtv were: ed an Eastern Star banquet at New Mr. and Mfs. Fred Elllgsen. Mr. and b" n turday evening Mra. Geo. Klllgson, Mr. and Mrs. Zach last Friday, when engineer, Wlllard W. Knight lout his life. Mr. Knight wa woll known by a number ot Os wego people, who were deeply touch ml whit told ot the accident. Mr. Phtllpa Pollurd wa taken to the hospital this wuek. Mr. Pollard has been III for several week. Her friend are anxiously awaiting her recovery, Oak Grove Elllgsen, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Elllgsen, Mr. and Mr. Frank Shipley, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kruae, Mr. . and Mrs. llelnka Peter. Mr. snd Mrs. Otto Dr. Butler was In Wlltonvtlle on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mr. James Angus spent the weekend with relatives here. John M. Say has been assigned to CHAMPION IMPROVED' MOWER CANT FALL DOWN Peters. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest vilek. SbA ,C' V"' !"2 ' '.'"w Mr. and Mrs. Fo.ke, Warden. Pnget Sound. Wash . ... . .. ... I '-ean saner ia Rimnuinc iut aca Mr. and Mra. A. Gross. Mr. and Mr. ,omn Ed. Gross. Edward Elllcsen. Harry M ,Vm nttko, .mm Elllgsen. Carl Elllgsen. Rosens Elllg- L hom. hl.vln, ,rld ij. sen. Christine Elllgsen. Ida Elllgsen. w,Bk ,pom . hl.,n,.., ln PoTtinA Amos Mayes. Theodore Bruck. Karl M iiataltla'a many friends will Oldenstadt, Gilbert Sharp. Sidney ht to .... ... W0I the eeuung. irvia snarp. w in acnais, ,.,...,. irnlvi.niU achotarahtn fTana umensiaui, uoorge uiuensiaui, whl)n ,hB .,aluttte(i from the Tuala uora uiaenstsdt. uiga Teaae. juyrue lln h,gh Bchoo,( m M.y 3ut. Oden, Agnes Peters. Eater Teters. ieCurAtiun Day service were held Harry Gebhardt. Otto Oldenstadt m tha cem0tery at Pleasant hill at luvroid. EUlin. ciearence uroas, 0..lo4,k on Thud ,ftBrnoon. Howard, n-ancia. Auurey nipiey. plemlld ftpproprBU .ddressea being aiaa, wane. Mereuiin reiers. mamey ditv,red b, j, w Graham, of Wilson Kruse. Edna Gross. vi. ami Attnrenv I,odr and Rev Mllltken. ot Oregon City. A flag drill was given by the members ot Mrs Inxa Wood's school, and appropriate music was rendered. J. Moorback of Sherwood, had charge of the exer else. A large crowd attended. Stands Upon the Foundation of HAZELIA, June fi. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stone,, ot Alto Park, visited with Mr. and Mra. F. W. Leham Sunday. Miss Harriet Duncan has been quite ill for the past week. Miss Lulu Wanker and her little niece, Maxlne, spent several days in Bill Kroll spent Sunday evening at Redwood. A large crowd of Hazelians attend' ed a farewell gathering for William Nagl, at his home Wednesday even ing. The evening was spent In play Ing games. The following day Will lam left for Fort McDowell. California. His brother, Henry, who has been in France for several months, recently obtanined the title ot sergeant. A dozen or more Hazelians attend ed the Red Cross Social at Stafford, Saturday night, and report an excep tionally Interesting evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Wanker and family spent Sunday on the Columbia Highway. Jack Dell, from Portland, spent Sun day at the Mahan home. Miss Marion Eastmau attended a Junior-senior picnic up the Columbia River to Oak Point Memorial Day. "i: Correct Construction. -T jS No Greater Value CEDAR GREEK Possible. r Puzam ivvvvu 1 -A:.Mit. wel Part fs well built and 6 tf, money i ' : ? v this sxujtiutkw im .j, b. v . b uj. uj "nSM nghtly designed. , ,--'Xi: TUMWt,iMiMirUtnlrf,itHiiii I ffi i? This IS for VOUT 1 W fU for user. w.fe forvears Jh$. ' Seethe Champion at fJJ the I Champion Y Agency r- . m I : J aL-i.. .... uucrau feu wwcii many Nan y fr,. rJ r- "-n --". jp subatantUI Lot hanntt at f YohO. f h end ol bevel 1 I 1 ! 1. i The , Champion Couldnt gvsr tsWt uuurtftf neftdr mottoa of bvl (car dnvtng tk crank th.il , Bar aisd Vm( caat get out of bna ow ing to tne ndk and streoftKoi that yoke. EagleCreek EAGLE CREEK, June6. Dick Gib son made a business trip to Estacada one day last week. A. W. Cooke and wife, of Damascus, were dinner guests of Mrs. Viola Douglass last Thursday. j Miss Kettie Woodle spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle. S. A. Douglass, of Molalla, was an Eagle Creek visitor recently. H. S. Gibson made a trip to Estaca da on Monday. Mrs. H. S. Jones of Portland, accom panied by little Miss Helen Reed, came out to Eagle Creek and spent a couple of days with her mother, Mrs. Viola Douglass, last week. Miss Rojjalie Allen ifipcnt Friday night with Miss Nettle Woodle. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Elliott, of Port land, were dinner guests of Mrs. Viola Douglass on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass. Mrs. Viola Douglass and Mrs. R. B. Gib son visited with Mr. and Mrs. James DeShazer on Sunday. Mrs. Cora Robertson, of Washou gal, Wash., was calling on friends in this neighborhood on Monday. Harry Irven, of Portland, a former teacher of the Estacada school, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle recently. YOKE PINS ''Th 1 strong An Extra Long, j . j f One- Extra Large and l viiciiijji vii ' g piece Mr n. ma ca HiaivHL 4 v.ub mower w W. r- a s i wa naruenva They are ectirely fattened tn th yoke injuring tha perfect 4a alignment of bar. jfri f 3 Removable knif and pitman. SAVE DOLLARS S Wearina Plates X- try ... - . rs iti f t va . rSK. bum 3 CEDAR CHEEK, Jun 6. Clyde Rlngo and wife motored to Salem Sun day to spend the day with Mrs. Rlu go's uncle of that city". Ed. Mclntyre, wife and daughter, Dorlha, went to Oregon City Tues day. George Rogers and family and Clar dice Lee made a business trip to I Oregon City Monday. School closed Monday with Mrs Ruby Rlngo as teacher. Owing to so much sickness there was no program. She has been very successful and It Is hoped she will teach the sfll term. 11. C. Dell, of Reaver Creek, has pur chased a new truck and has been hauling lumber orf G. A. Wolfe of the Cedar Creek Lumbcr"Compnny. The Garden In this vicinity of I ("larks are looking fine and the fruit promises an abundant crop. Oswego Frame w fully braced and will Iut a natural lifetime, fcr Champion Construction. BY BUYING A LASTING MOWER THAT COUPON win bring you prices and free MB BlUNCMtS X .11 . VZ sr w 'mhr ruitiuano ' catalog. AJSfMiml ftC;S)tZz''-'l'' . PORTLAND ORE. GENTLEMEN: ' '0 Send me prices and ' ;? catalog of your CHAMPION; MOWER. SEE W. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY, OREGON George GEORGE, June 6. About forty of the friends of Willie Llns, Otto John sen of George and Victor Damn, ot Eagle Creek Falls, on Tuesday even ing, tendered them a farewell party af the George club house, where an en joyable time was had. The guests of honor are all popular young men of the community and will leave Thurs day for service ln the army and navy. Mr. and Mrs. John Bounds and daughters, Mabel and Ethel, of Mu- Mno, Mr. end Mrs. Robert Snyder and eon, of Estacada, R. Palmateer, of Gar field, visited Mrs. Bounds and Mrs, AUCTIONEER E. H. WRIGHT Farm and stock sales a special ty. See Enterprise for dates or wire or phone me at my expense Vancouver, Wash. Office phone 120. Res. 496-T. Kelso KELSO, June 6. The entire amount raised ln this neighborhood in the recent Red Cross drive was 215, all in cash contributions. The quota as signed to Kelso was $208. The following seventh grade pupils successfully passed the state geo graphy examination: Lloyd Dunn, Robert Milan, Dorothy Jonsrud, and Mildred Jarl. Robert Jonsrud sold a Bulck-Six to Ed Bruns, ot Sandy, last week. Wn. Kllgel, the old gentleman, had the misfortune of falling off the porch and breaking his arm, while visiting his daughter, Mrs. Henry Perret, at Sandy last Sunday. SAN DIEGO, Cal., June 5. Civilian Instructor Stanley Coyle, 27 years old, of Coudersport, Pa., and Flying Cadet Elwyn Chapman, 26, of Brook line, Mass., were killed yesterday when the airplane in which they were flying grazed another machine about 200 feet above the Rockwell field, North Island, and fell ln a spinning nose dive to the ground. ing. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wooster, accom panied by Bell Ingllsh, spent the week end with friends in Portland. Mrs. Ecker, formerly librarian of this place, has moved to Gresham, where she and her daughter, Mrs. Boyle, are making their home. The vacancy as librarian being filled by Mrs. Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. Harold NlCkson were Portland visitors Saturday and Sunday. John Peterson of the Cascade gar age was thrown from an auto last week while teaching a beginner to drive. His collar bone was broken making It necessary to have an oper ation although he is reported to be getting alon nicely now. S. E. Wooster has been on the sick list for several days but Is better now. Mr. Ray Esheiman of this place, has accepted the position as superin tendent ot the flax scutching depart ment of the penitentiary. The commencement of the senior class took place at the high school auditorium. The principal speaker be ing Prof. C. H. Gray, of the Reed college. Dr. L. A. Wells Is spending his va cation ln Roseburg The annual picnic of the high school was held at Fern camp. Rachel Deardorff ot Garfield, has been ill from an attack of Liberty measles. WASHINGTON, June 3. Orders for the mobilization of 40,000 negro draft registrants qualified for general mil itary service to entrain from June 20 to 25, were sent out today by Pro vost Marshal General Crowder. The registrants will come from 20 seates, thank their neighboring districts for their splendid attendance and gener, ous support in helping put Stafford over the top. The committee wishes to thank Dave Long for his valuable services as auctioneer. Dave surely won a rep utation for himself. John Seedling, the present owner of the Red Cross quilt and Fred'Moser, possessor of the picture, wish to an nounce they will be raffled away at literary next Saturday evening, the 8. Don't forget literary next Saturday, big supper you know. Bert Schatz has joined the navy. Here's hoping he will get tbe Kaiser. The following are the voluntary sub scriptions to the second Red Cross War Fund: Clarence Weddle, $1.00; Mrs. B. F. Weddle, $1.00; Chas. Tied- eman, $1.00; Fred Oldenstadt, $5.00; John Seedling, $4.00; Fred Moser, $10; E. Mllem, $3.00; Harry Gebhart. $1.00; Mrs. Grace Gebhart, $1.00; Henry Ba ker, $1.00; M. L. Alaglch, $5.00; Otto Pamperim, $2.00; John J, Lucas, $3.00; Zack Elllgsen, $4.10; Lyle Teldman, $1.00; B. F. Weddle, $5.00; Lloyd Tledman; $1.00; Yacob Zubarbhler, $4.00; Mrs. Mark Baker, $1.00; Mrs. Rosa Rablck, $1.00; H. Frenzel, $1.00; Arnold Roeyhlln, $1.00; M. A. Gage, $5.00; Z. Holton, $1.00; W. G. Schatz $1.00; Wm. Schatz, $3.00; Mrs. W. M Nussbaum, 1.00; A. II. Delker, $1.00; Herman Rowe, $1.00; Mrs. F. N. Ne- mlc $2.00; R. Buscbaum, $1.00; C. L, Theobald, $1.00; P. W. Meeks, $2.00; S. Kllnger, $2.00; Chas. Frenssel, $3.00; Mike Shafer, $2.00; W. A. Yoemans $3.00; Nene Dhulst, $2.00; G. E. Gans $10.00; Dora Wanker, $2.00; G. Keller, $2.00; Mrs. Eugene Elsie, $1.00; Mrs. J, F. Phillips, $1.00; J. B. Johnson, $2.00; Fred Scnaber. $2.00; Louis OSWEGO, June 6.Mrs. John Hall and two small daughters, Helen and Ida, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fox. Mrs. Dora Wilson and two daugh ters, Miss Mary and Julia, expect to leave Friday for an extended visit through the east. The late O. L. Churchill, who passed away at the family home In Stockton, California, about two weoks ago, was burled In the family plot In the Oh wego cemetery, Monday afternoon. Mr. I. Churchill, who joined the colors, and was stationed In Goorglu, was granted a 20-duy furlough that he may attend the funeral. Mr. J. Churchill and wife accompanied the body from California. Mr. Churchill lok Mon day for the cantonment. Mrs. Church- til will stay with her mother, who re sides In Portland. Roy Steele, who has been borne on a 30-day furlough, from Camp Merrltt, N. J., spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Skeel Tom Martlne, son of Mrs. Skeel, and Roy Steele have been together since leaving camp Wlthycombe. Both the boys were con fined to the base hospital ln New Jersey at the same time, and later were sent to the general hospital In Lakewood, N. J. At the time Tom was discharged from the hospital In Lakewood, Roy had to go through an oneration. Thursday Tom had the CLARKES, June 6. Walter Loe Is Drivllege of coming west, but expects working ln Oregon Ulty in tne miua t0 j0n his company as soon as he ar OAK O.ROVK, June .-The Com mercial club will mnnt at the school house Monday evening to discuss the waiting room situating A hearing will be held Tuesday, June 11th, at 10 o'clock In the waiting room, three rati road commissioners will bo present every one Interested are Invited. Miss , Hester Armstrong arrived Wednesday from Wheeler to work for the telephone company. , She will live with Mr. and Mm. Able In the Arm strong home. ' Mr. II. O. Starkweather has re turned from California where she went to attend her daughter Mary's graduation front tha Berkeley college. Miss Mary .finished with honors, and will remain and take up a nurses course. The older graduates of the Concord school gave a farewell party to the Misses Bayles Saturday evening. Muslo and games were indulged In until a late hour. Mrs. O. Atherton (ell Friday at Ills- ley's station and fractured two ribs, and Is confined to her bed. Mrs. Jlnklns Is expected horns from the hospital In Portland this week. Elva Ulhocffer, ot IlllUboro, Is vis iting her aunt, Mrs. O. A. Klndar. Mla Gray, sister ot Mrs. Young, Is very sick at her horns In Portland, Mrs. Young Is at her bedside. Eudora Blgham, Is convalescing af ter an attack of pneumonia, II. Hardlsty and crew of men are ouUleg piling and wood off of tha Catholic grounds on tha river bank. Several campers sre rjbmlnctled In the camp ground for the summer. Mrs. John Waldron and little daugh ter, Elisabeth, are expected borne from Chicago, III., this week. The Oatfleld road from the Chau tauqua (rounds Is being Improved with a water bound macadam. An other good road through to the main highway from this part ot the county will also be made. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bunnell are the proud parents ot a son born Sun day. June t. Miss Cora Brown, niece ot Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Riley, and Edward Fennell, of Portland, were married f.ednesday evening, June 5th, at the home of the bridegroom's parents at Portland, by the Catholic priest. Only relatives and a few friends were present Mr. Fennell Is with the Ambulance corps at Camp Lewis. The happy couple will live In Seattle for the present The Epworth League held Its an nual banquet at the church Tuesday evening, when 43 were seated at the table. II. C. Krum was toastmaster. W. II. Warren snd O. V. Bradley. Y. M. C, C. war workers, spoke, also Mrs. Hurt. W. G. Guthrie and Miss Msxlue Fowler. The league presented Mr, Guthrie snd Rev. Young with a pocket rtlble. Mr. Warren Is editor of. the Y. M. C. A. shipyard workers mags sine of Portland. Rev. Young also spoke to the league ot his expected work In France. Ha expects to leave the first of next week for the east to prepare for his work. Mrs. Earl Emmons and son, El worth, of The Dalles, are here visiting for a week. They are at their old home with Mrs. Burt. Meadowbrook FOR CHAMPION MOWERS BINDERS RAKES HEADERS TEDDERS REAPERS Clarkes MEADOWBROOK, June eMr. and Mrs. A. L. Larklns, Glenn, Ruthand, and Alma, spent the week-end with relutlves nt Kingston. Mrs. M. D. Chlndgfon roturnod home Thursday from the hospital In 'ortland where she underwent a ser ious operation. Mrs. Chits. Hoi man and Charles, Jr., were Portlund visitors Thursdny and FrldBy. Mr. Horner, B. Myers, Ralph Myers and Glenn Larklns attended the grad uation exercises at -Estacada Tues-, day evening. Mr. Mattson and Mr. Bofto, who are working in (he ship yards ln Portlund spent Sunday at Bofto's. Mr. nnd Mrs. Archie Davis and son. have moved to the mill near Orchard Falls. Mr. Davis expects to run the saw mill. now. Mr. Edwin Bottemlller Is working for Mr. D. F. Moehnke's saw mill. Carl Stromcreen, of Collon, lu building a new house, Miss Florence Stromgreen Is work Ing ln Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rlngo took o trip up to Salem last Sunday. Mrs, D. Bateman was on the sick list but Is better again. Alpha Oudes, who was drafted ln the army, left last ThurscTay. Miss Ella and Llllle Schiewe have whooping cough. Edwin Bottemlller and John Bow- land, Elva Card took a trip to Wllholt Springs last Sunday afternoon. Miss Vera Coulter Is very 111, but we hope she will recouver soon. Born, to the wlf0 of Arthur Horns- chub, a son, Saturday morning, May 25th. Mrs. Burg Is caring for mother and child. Alvln Hornschub and family and D. F. Moehnke and family last Sunday. Alva Gard who is working ln Van couver viBited his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Card and family over Sun day. Pearl Keffer and family visited her sister In Portland last Sunday. U. Sullivan was to Oregon' City last week. PARIS, June 5. One "hundred per sons were killed and 50 others In jured ln Monday's explosion ln a war materials plant at Bausseng, in Southern France, says a Havas dis patch from Marseilles today. rives ln the east. . , Mra, Arthur Scott has been serious ly ill at her home on Ftrst and B streets. She Is Improving at this date Mrs. Harriet Henlnger Is expected home the latter part of the week, Mrs. Henlnger has been ln southern Cali fornia for the past eighteen months. Her old-time friends will be pleased to welcome her back again. Mrs. Roily, of Forest Grove, Is visit ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Monka, part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roily expect to move to Oswego tn the near future. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Haines, Sr, went to Hood River the fore part of last week to spend the week with their son, Wesley and family. . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Crago are re celvlng congratulations on the ar rival of a nine pound boy, who came to make his home with the Crago tarn Ily. Both mother and child are doing nicely. Mrs. Elma Fellows returned to Os wego, after spending a part of the past week with relatives in McMinnville, Oregon. Miss Gladys Sinclair of Portland was an Oswego visitor Monday. Jack Haroke Is on the sick list this week. Clarence Hames, who has been on the sick Hat for several days, is able to be at his work again. , Mrs. Nicolas Hoffman, of Portland, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Fox Hundreds ot sightseers came to Os wego Sunday to view .what was left of the trains that were In the wreck PARKPLACE HAS A SERVICE FLAG WITH 24 STARS Iuist Friday evening a community Sorvlce Flag was unveiled ln the Parpluc0 school In honor of tho boys who have gone to war with' twenty four stars In the flag. Following Is the list of names: Clay Pierce, Walter Munger, Low ell Kent, Carl Hogg, Lawrence Wear, Charlqs Lucas, William Lucas, Gil bert Coffee, Elvln Smith, Henry Fray- zer, Charles Zlnserllng, George Zln- serltnger, Winifred Knight, Clarence Rlttenhouse, Dave Deford, Otto Hogg, Harvey Roberton, Antony Sanatel, Jifseph Shlrsler, Frank Trullinger, Otto DeJarnett, Correl Lake, Ernest Haycox. There are four more boys called since the flag has been raised who aios Frank Smith, Oscar Hogg, Al fred Brech and Mr. Willis. POLK'S GAZETTEER A DatlnMS I)lreton ! eaflS CKy. Towa and Vlllnxa Im Onwoa and Waahlof toa, glviaK m ltawirlptUa Mcotrli ot card planaiL Location, nuippln JKaolilUoa and m Olaaal. ""J nireotnry o cavit iiuaiuvas a jl roieaaioo. B. I Pons CO, las, SealtU, Waah.