Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 31, 1918, Page Page 7, Image 7

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PAIlIS, Thursday, May 17. An
American ennadrtlln, Composed of avlo
lorg chosen from among (he bait
American pilots, In the future will
help to defend Paris mtuliut onumy
Hlr raids, urrt r of Dili help wan made
spontaneously by the chief of the
American aviation sorvlee uiiil accept
I'd by the French govern inttni through
M. DmneiiKtill, minister of nvlutlott.
".Jill '. .L .1 "ii -'I i I m
STRAYED from pasture, small brown
pony, about 600 pound. Reward
for Information limiting to recovery,
Albert llandoock, Jennings Lodge,
Phone Oak Urove 150-H.
WANTED A serviceable Durham or
HuUtuIn bull. Bute age And price.
L. A, Read, Gladstone.
COM 8 A MO Oil THADK One second
hand Superior Duplet grinding or
grim mill. In good condition. Will
noil at V4 price or trade for little
pig or whut have you? I'hone
847 M. P. O. Do 190, Oregon City.
Jr'Olt TKADlfl Two good dwelling
houiea In Dallas, Oregon, on one
lot. One 7-room house, one S-room
house. Practically new. No In
cumbrance. Price 82500. Will
trade for Ilka property In Oregon
City, or a email ranch. T. M. Clod
teller, Aurora, Oregou. R. F. D.
Route 8,
STRAYED One bay geldrng, work
horse, split la left ear. Reward for
Information , A. A. i'erslnger, Route
4, Oresham,
DEAD and Down and out stock taken
quickly. Phone Mllwaukle Render
tog Co. 69-J.
for dead cows and down and out
horses. Will call anywhere. Phone
Mllwaukle 69-J.
In the Circuit Court o fthe State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. ,Volouy Floyd Iluddleston, Plaintiff,
Linda D. Iluddleston, Defendant
To Linda I). Huddleston, the above
Darned Defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint fllod agalnat you
In the above entitled suit, on or before
the 12th dsy of July, 1918, said date
being more than six weeks from
the 24th day of May, 1918, the date of
the order for the publication of this
summons upon you and more than six
woeks from the 31st day of May, 1918,
the date of the II rut publication here
of; and If you fall to answer or other
wise appear herein, the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief prayed
for In plaintiff's complulnt, towlt: For
a dm-ree of the above entltlod court
forever dissolving the marriage con
tract or bonds of mktrlmony hereto
fore and now exiting between plain
tiff and defendant, and for such other
and further relief as the couit may
deem equitable.
This summons Is served upon you
by publlcatoln thereof, by order of
Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the above entitled Court, which order
Ih dated May 24th. 1918.
Date of first publication May Slut,
Date of last publication July 12th,
Dekum I) Mr., Portland. Oregon
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court ot tho State ot
x Oregon, for the County ot Clacka
mas. Henry D. Davis Lumber Company, a
corporation, Plaintiff,
vs. "
"West Bide Lumber ft Shingle Co., a
corporation, East Side Mill ft Lum
ber Co., a corporation, West Oregon
Lumber Co., a corporation, The
Gauld Company, a corporation, Cen
tral Door ft Lumber Co., a corpor
ation, ClatBop Mill Co., a corpora
tion, Honeyman Hardware Co. a
corporation, Huntley Drug Co., a
corporation, Multnomah Lumber ft
Box Co., a corporation, Portland
Lumber Co., a corporation, Ashley
ft Rumolln, a corporation, Inman
Poulsen Company, a corporation,
Acme Paint Co,, a corporation,
Atlas Brass Works, a corporation,
Gladstone Lumber Co., a corpora
tion, Oregon Enterprise, a corpora
tion, Larson and Company, a corpor
ation, DlckJnHon Company, a corpor
ation, W. J. Burns, doing business
. as Balfour-Guthrie Co., II. E. Cross,
F. B. Cross, W. S. Eddy, W. A.
Holmes, T. N. Norbby, Francis Welcn
A. B. Grltzmacher, McClellan Lan
nlng, Assignee of 'Gladstone Lumber
Co., a corporation, L. O. Nighten
gale, trustee of F. O. Mortsen, bank
rupt, W. F. Linn, Frank Busch, and
all other persons, creditors or part
ies unknown claiming interest in
Gladstone Lumber Co., and right,
title, estate, lien or Interest in the
real estate described in the com
plaint herein, Defendants.
To Weat Side Lumber ft Shingle
Co., a corporation, East Side Mill ft
Lumber Co., a corporation, WeBt Ore
gon Lumber Co., a corporation, The
Gauld Company, a corporation, Cen
tral Door ft Lumber Co., a corporation,
Clatsop Mill Co., a corporation, Honey
man Hardware Co., a corporation,
Huntley Drug Co., a corporation, Mult
nomah Lumbor ft Box Co.', a corpora
tion, Portland Lumber Co., a corpora
tion, Ashley ft Rumelln, a corpora
tion, Inman-Poulsen Company, a cor
poratlon, Acme Paint Co., a corpora
tion, Atlas Brags Works, a corpora
tion, Gladstone Lumber Co., a corpor
ation, Oregon Enterprise, a corpora
tion, Larsen ft Company, a corpora
, tlon, Dickinson Company, a corpora
tion, W. 3. Burns, doing business as
Balfour-Guthrie Co., H. E. Cross, F. S3.
I Cross, W. H. ittiuy, W. A. no.iuui, T.
' N. Noruuy, s ruuuis Weich, A. it. Uritf-
macher, MoOiettan Lunulug, Assignee
I of UiuuBtone Lumber Co., a corpura
' tlon, L. o. Mgttiengate, trustee of .
C. Mortseu, iianaiupt, W. Jf. Llun,
i Vru Uun. u ail other persons,
orodiiors or parties unknown claiming
any interest in Ulauatoue Lumber Co.,
or right, title, estate, lieu or interest
I In the real estate described la the
, complaint herein:
In the Name of the Bute of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complalut filed against you
in the above euuueu suit ou or uetore
July 0th, 1918, sum duiu being the ex
piration of aU weeks from the first
publication of this summoua, and If
you fall to appear and answer, for
want thereof the plaintiff will take
judgment and decree agulnst you as
prayed for In the complalut, that Is to
Plaintiff prays the judgment and de
cree of this court quieting its title to
the land and premises described here
in and adjudging that it Is the sole
legal and equitable owner of said land
and premise and every part thereof
In lee simple.
Part ot the Hiram A. Straight
Donation Land Claim, boundod on the
weat by the Oregon City ft Portland
public road, on the north by block
number one (1), Park place, aa shown
by tbe duly recorded plat thereof, and
on the south and eaat by the track ot
the Oregon and California Railroad,
excepting therefrom a strip of land
thirteen (13) feet wide at and across
the north end thereof running along
and adjacent to aald block number
one (1) in Parkplace;
I-otsi seven (7) and eight (8) Block
Bevenly-two (72) Gladstone, accord
ing to the duly rucordvd map
and Plat thereof;
Lot eleven (U), Dlock seventy-two
(72) Gladstone, according to the duly
recorded map and plat thereof, all the
records of which are on file with tbe
County Clerk ot Clackamas County, at
Oregon City, Oregon.
That by aald decree It be adjudged
that the defendant and each and all
ot them have no estate, right, title or
Interest whatever In or to the sold
lands or premises.
That the defendants and each and
all ot them be forever enjoined and de
barred from asserting any claim, es
tate, right, title or Interest whatso
ever In or to said described lands or
premises adverse to this plaintiff, and
for such other and further relief as to
the court msy seem Just and equita
ble. This summons Is published by order
of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
Circuit Court, which order was made
on the 23rd day of May, 1918, and the
time prescribed for publication there
of Is six weeks, beginning with the Is
sue dated Friday, May 14, -1918. and
continuing" each week thereafter to
and Including Friday, July 5, 1918,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
1110 Wilcox Building, Portland, Ore.
in the Circuit Court ot the Suite ot
Oregou, for Clackamas County.
Ruby Ilnnninghoven, Plulntlff,
Paul Bennlnghoven, Defondaut.
To Paul Bennlnghoven, above
named defendant:
lu tha name ot the State ot Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit, on or be
fore the 5th day of July, 1913, said
date being the expiration of six weeks
from the Drat publication ot this sum
mons, and it you tall to appear and
answer said complaint, tor want there
of the plaintiff will apply to the court
for tho relief prayed tor In her com
plaint, to-wlt:
For a docreo dissolving tho mar
Hugo contract now existing betweeu
plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mons Is published by order ot Hon,
J. U. Campbell, Judge ot the Circuit
Court, which order was made on the
22nd day ot May, 1918, and the time
prescribed for publishing thereof is
six weeks, beginning with the Ibsuo
dated, Friday, May 24, 1918, and con
tinuing each week thereafter to and
including Friday, July 6. 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Oregon City, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court ot the State ot
Oregon, for tho County ot Clacka
ma. George C. Sacgort, Plaintiff,
Ethel Suegert, Defendant.
To Ethel Saegert, the above named
In tho name of the State ot Oregon,
yoa are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit, on or before
the 6th day ot July, 1918, said date
being more than six weeks from the
21st day of May, 1918, the duto ot the
order tor publication ot this sum
mons upoon you and more than six
weoks from the 24th day ot May, 1918,
the dnte of the first publication hereof
and If you fall to answer or otherwise
appear horeln, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
in plaintiff's complaint, to-wlt: For a
decree of the above entitled Court
forever dissolving the marriago con
tract or bonds ot matrimony hereto
fore and now existing between plain
tiff and defendant, and for such other
and further relief as the court may
deem equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof, by order ot
Honorable J. U. Campbell, judge of
the above entitled Court, which order
Is dated May 21st, 1918.
Date of First publication May 24th,
Date of last publication July 5th,
905 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Port
land, Oregon.
Attorneys tor Plaintiff,
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Winfred Samis, Plaintiff, N
Adam James Samia, Defendant
To Adam James Samia, the above
named Defendant. -
In the name of the State ot Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint Died against you
In the above entitled suit, on or be
fore the 28th day of June, 1918, said
dute being more than six weeks from
the 16th day or May, 1913, the date of
the order for tha publication of this
summons upon you and more than six
weeks from the 17th day of May, the
date of the first publication hereof;
and if you tall to answer or otherwise
appear herein, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
In plaintiff's complaint, to-wlt: For a
decree of the above entitled Court
forever dissolving the marriage con
tract or bonds ot matrimony hereto
fore and now existing between, plain
tiff and defendant and for such other
and further relief as the court may
deem equitable.
This summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof, by order of
Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of
tbe above entitled Court, which order
Is dated May 16th, 1918.
Date ot first publication May 17th,
Date of last publication June 28th,
Wilcox Itldg., Portland, Oregon.
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of tbe State ot
' Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Joseph T. Nelson, Plaintiff,
Faustina Nelson, Defendant
To Faustina Nelson, the above
named Defendant
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer tbe complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit, on or be
fore the 28th day ot June, 1918, said
date being more than six weeks from
the 16th day of May, 1918, the date of
the order for tbe publication ot this
summons upon you and more than six
weeks from the 17th day of May, the
date of the first publication hereof;
and It you fall to answer or otherwise
appear herein, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
In plaintiff's complaint, to-wlt: For a
decree of the above entitled Court
forever dissolving the marriage con
tract or bonds ot matrimony hereto
fore and now existing between plain
tiff and defendant and for such other
and further relief aa the court may
deem equitable.
This summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof, by order of
Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the above entitled Court which order
Is dated May 16th. 1918.
Date of first publication May 17th,
Date of last publication June 28th,
Dekum Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
Executor's Notlee
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court ot Clackamas County,
Oregon, Executor of the last Will and
Testament of C. N. Lewis, deceased.
All' persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent the same to me or at the office of
my attorney, O. D. Eby, In Oregon
City. Oregon, duly verified as by law
required, within six months from date
Dated May 17. 1918.
O. D. EBY,
Attorney for Executor.
Inthe Circuit Court ot tbe State of
Oregon, tor the County ot Clacka
mas. Marie Oldenburg, PluintilT,
F.vH. Oldenburg, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
bofore the 2Sth day ot June, 1918, said
date being more than six weeks from
the 15th day of May, 1918, the date ot
the order tor the publication ot this
summons upon you and more than six
weeks from the 17th day ot May, the
date ot the first publication hereof;
and It you fall to answer or otherwise
appear herein, the plaintiff wlU apply
to the court for the relief prayed tor
In plaintiff's complaint to-wlt: For a
decree ot the above entitled Court
forever dissolving the marriage con
tract or bonds of matrimony hereto
fore and now existing between plain
tiff and defendant, and tor such other
and further relief as the court may
deem equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof, by order of
Honorable J. U. Campbell, judge of
the above entitled Court, which order
la dated May 15th, 1918.
Date of first publication May 17th.
Date of last publication June 28th,
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
Mulkey Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas,
Bank of Kenton, a corporation,
Judith M. Joy, Defendant.
County ot Clackamas,
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
and under the seal ot the above en
titled court,-ln the above entitled cause
to me duly directed and dated the
9th day of May, 1918, upon a Judgment
rendered and entered in said court on
the 9th day of May, 1918, In favor ot
Bank of Kenton, a corporation, Plain
tiff, and against Judith M. Joy, De
fendant, for the sum of 31200.00, with
Interest thereon at the rate ot 8 per
cent per annum from the 17th day ot
April, 1916, and the further sum of
156,00 with Interest thereon at 12
per cent per annum from the 21st day
of May, 1917, and the further sum ot
$100.00, as attorney's fee, and the for
th e sum of $43.45 costs and disburse
ments, and the costs of and upon this
writ, commanding me to make sale ot
the following described real property,
situate In the county of Clackamas,
state of Oregon, to-wlt:
Tbe South Half (Stf ) of tbe North
Half (NH) of Section Ten (10) in
Township Five (6) South Range Four
(4) East of the Willamette Meridian
In Clackamas County, Oregon.
Now therefore, by virtue of said
execution, Judgment order and de
cree, and In compliance with the com
mands of said writ, I will, on Satur
day, the 15th day of June, 1918; at
tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the
front door of tbe County Court House
In the City of Oregon City, in said
County and 8ta.e, sell at public auc
tion, subject to redemption, to the
highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin
cash In hand, all the right .title and
Interest which tbe within named de
fendants or either of them, had on the
date of the mortgage herein or since
had In or to the above described real
property or any part thereof, to satisfy
said execution, Judgment order, de
cree, interest costs and all accruing
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By B. C. HACKETT, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, May
17th, 1918.
Notice to Creditors
In the Matter of the Estate
L. B. Gorham, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned was on the 3rd day of May,
by the County Court ot Clackamas
County, appointed Administratrix of
the estate of L. B. Gorham, deceased,
and has qualified. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
required to present their claims to me
duly verified and with the proper
vouchers therefor, at my residence at
Canby, in said County and State with
in six months from the date ot first
publication of this notice.
Administratrix ot the Estate ot L.
B. Gorham, deceased.
Dated and first published May 17,
Last publication June 14, 1918.
In tbe Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
T. J. Hughes, Plaintiff,
vs. j
Ida Hughes, Defendant
To Ida Hughes above named de
fendant: In the name of the State ot Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in tbe above entitled suit on or
before the 21st day of June, 1918, said
date being the expiration ot six weeks
from the first publication ot this sum
mons, and If you fall to appear and
answer said complaint for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for In her
complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dlsolvlcg the marri
age contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant This sum
mons is published by order ot Hon. J.
U. Campbell, Judge ot the Circuit
Court which order was made on the
9th day ot May, 1918, and the time
prescribed tor publishing thereof is
six weeks, beginning with the issue
dated, Friday, May 10, 1918, and con
tinuing each week thereafter to and
including Friday, June 21, 1918.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Resident Attorneys of Oregon.
Address, Oregon City, Oregon.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Coun'y Court of the State ot
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
J. Honebon, deceased. .
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, J. J. Johnson, has been ap
pointed by the County Court ot the
State of Oregon for the County of
Clackamas, as the executor of the es
tate of John J. Honebon, deceased,
and has qualified as such; all persons
having claims against said estate are
hereby notified and required to pre
ent the same, properly verrlfled, as re
quired by law, to said executor at his
office, 314 Spalding building, Portland,
Oregon, within six months from the
date ot the first publication of this
Dated and first published May 10,
Executor of the Estate of John J.
Honebon, deceased.
314 Spalding Bldg.
Portland, Oregon.
Last publication, June 7, 1918.
Notice of Final Settlement of the Es
tate of Paul Paulson, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executrix ot the estate ot
Paul Paulson, deceased, has filed In
the County Court of Clackamas Coun
ty, State of Oregon, her final account
as such executrix of said estate and
that Monday the 27th day ot May,
1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.
has been fixed by said Court as the
time for hearing ot objections to said
report and the settlement thereof.
Executrix of the Estate ot Paul
Paulson, deceased.
Attorney for Executrix.
In the County Court of the State ot
Oregon for County of Clackamas.
In the matter ot the Estate of Wiley
W. May, deceased.
To Virginia F. May, Henry W. May,
Edward E. May, Louis L. May, Mary
E. Nicholson, Dora E. Williams,
Olive E. Exon, Oscar M. May, Aneita
Lalser, Ida Andrews, Jennie Miller,
and all others unknown or Interested
In the above estate:
In the name ot the State of Oregon,
you and each of you are hereby com
manded to appear before the Honor
able H. S. Anderson, Judge ot the
above entitled court, on the 10th day
of June at the hour ot 10 o'clock a. m.
of said day, to show cause, If any ex
ist why an order should not be made
by said court, to sell all of the follow
ing described real property ot said es
tate, as prayed tor In the petition of
Edward E. May, administrator ot said
estate described as follows, to-wlt:
Lot 9, 10, 11, and 12 In block 4 and
all of block 5 and 6 and 100 feet off
the South end ot Block 7, In Mountain
View Addition to Oregon City, Oregon,
together with all the tenements, and
appurtenances thereto appertaining.
This citation Is published once a
week for four successive weeks In the
Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly
newspaper published regularly at Ore
gon City, Oregon, by order ot the
above court dated May 6th, 1918.
First publication will be in the Issue
of May 10, 1918, and the last publica
tion will bo In the Issue of May 81,
Witness my band and the seal of
said court affixed this 6th, day of May,
Attorney for the Estate.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Hlbernla Savings Bank a corporation,
Plaintiff, ,
Joseph Hawkins and Luella Hawkins,
his wife, and W. W. Dugan, Jr., Defend
ants. State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, ss.
By virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
tiled court, in the above entitled cause,
to me duly directed and dated the 8th
day of April, 1918, upon Judgment ren
dered and entered in said court on the
3rd. day of April 1918, In favor of Hi;
bernla Savings Bank, a corpora
tion. Plaintiff, and against Joseph
Hawkins, Luella Hawkins, his
wife, and W. W. Dugan, Jr.,
Defendants, for the sum of $1512.55,
fwlth interest thereon at the rate of
eight per cent per annum from the
11th day ot February 1916, and the
further rum of $200.00, as attorney's
ee; and tbe further sum of $19.25 costs
and disbursements, and the costs ot
and upon this writ, commanding me to
make sale of the following described
real property, situate In tbe county of
Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wlt: A
portion of that certain tract of land
known as the Joseph Hawkins Tract
of 14.91 acres, situated in tbe George
Wills Donation Land Claim No. 42 in
Section Thirty (30), Township one (1)
8outh, Range Two (2) East of the
Willamette Meridian, in Clackamas
County, Oregon, bounded and describ
ed as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a
point 1281.94 feet West of the South
east corner of the George Wills Dona
tion Land Claim, In Section Thirty
(30), Township one ((1) South Range
Two (2) East of the Willamette Mer
idian; running thence Northerly 624.31
feet more or less, to a point in the
Nortxt line of the Joseph Hawkins tract
otherwise described as Lot Four (4),
Logus Tracts; thence Easterly along
the North Una of said Tract 626.09 feet
to the Northeast corner of satd Tract
Four (4) otherwise known as the
Southeast corner of what is known as
tbe James Massen Land; thence
Southerly along the East line of said
Tract Four (4) 208.75 feet; thence
West and parallel with the South line
of said Tract Four (4), 408.75 feet;
thence Southerly and parallel to the
East line of said Tract Four (4), 217.80
feet; Thence East and parallel to the
South line ot said Tract Four (4);
200.00 feet; thence southerly and
parallel to the East Line ot said
Tract Four (4) 208.75 feet to
Vie South line of said tract Four
(4); thence West, following the
South line of said Tract Four (4)
417.34 feet to the point of beginning,
containing 6.11 acres more or less.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ, 1 will, on Saturday, the
1st day of June, 1918; at the hour ot
10 o'clock A. M., at the front- door of
the County Court House in the City of
Oregon City, In said County and State
sell lat public auction, subject to re
demption, to-the highest bidder, for U.
gold coin cash in hand, all the right
title and interest which the within
named defendants or either of them,
had on the date of the mortgage here
in or since had in or to the above des
cribed real property or any part there
of, to satisfy said execution, judgment
order, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C. Hackett Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City,' Ore., May 3rd,
First publication. May 3rd, 1918.
Last publication, May 31st, 1918.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. David Hardy and Maggie Hardy, his
wife, Plaintiffs,
George A. Ostrom and Jessie A. Os
trom, his wife, Defendants.
To George A. Ostrom and Jessie A.
Ostrom, wife of George A, Ostrom, De
fendants. In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are required to appear and ans
wer the complaint filed against you In
the above entitled suit on or before
June 28th ,1913, and if you fail to ans
wer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs
will ask for a decree requiring defen
dants within Blxty days after date of
such decree to pay to the plaintiffs
tho sum of Nine H-andred Twenty-one
Dollars and Fifty-four cents ($921.54),
and any amount ot taxes and Insurance
premiums delinquent upon the
hereinafter described property since
1912; and in default of such payment,
the defendants and each of them be
barred and foreclosed of any right,
title, interest or equity in or following
described real estate in the County
of Clackamas, State of Oregon:
Ail of Block Fifty-three (53) of
First Addition to Jennings Lodge,
Clackamas County, Oregon;
Al3o, beginning at tha southeast
corner of Block forty-six (46) of First
Addition to Jennings Lodge, Clacka-
amas County, Oregon, running thence
north twenty (20) feet along the east
boundary of said Block No. forty-six
(46); thence westerly to the center of
the well situate on the southerly bound
ary of said Block No. forty-six (46)
continuing thence northwesterly to
the Intersection of a line parallel with
the western boundary of said Block
No. forty-six (46) and twelve (12)
feet east thereof, which is ten (10)
feet northerly on said Intersected line
from the southerly boundary of said
Block No. forty-six (46) ; thence north
erly on said line twelve (12) feet east
of and parallel with the westerly
boundary of said block No. forty-six
(46) to the northerly boundary there
of; thence westerly twelve (12) feet
along the northerly boundary therof
to the northwest corner of said Block
No. forty-six (46); thence southerly
along the west boundary of said Block
No. forty-sU (46) to th southwest
corner of Block No. forty-six (46);
thence easterly along the south bound
ary of said Block No. forty-six (46)
to place of beginning, together with
all and singular, the tenements, here
itaments, and apprutenances thereunto
belonging, or In anywise appertaining
And that the lease and agreement
between the plaintiff and the defen
dant George A. Ostrom, now of rec
ord In the office of the County Clerk
of Clackamas County, Oregon, be can
celled, annulled, held for naught and
removed as a:loud upon the title of
the plaintiffs to the said real estate:
and for such other and further relief
to which plaintiffs may be in enultv
entitled, and for their costs and dis
bursements In this suit.
This publication is made tor six suc
cessive weeks by the order of the Hon
orable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court entered herein
in the above MiHMorf
8th. 191$. """,aary ot said donation land claim;
Date of first publication. Mar 17th.
Date of last publication. June gtk.Cfr"S?5f .V0
sit yeon Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
tn the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for the County ot Clacka
mas. Harold Dewaide, Plaintiff,
foseph J. Morris, Defendant
ro Joseph J. Morris, defendant
In the name of the State of Oregon:
Yon are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or beore
tilx weeks from the first publication ot
this Summons; and if yoa fail to an
swer, for want thereof plantiff will
take a decree against yon that a cer
tain contract made between yoa and
C. N. Wonacott dated July 8th, 1911,
for the sale to you of nineteen (19)
acres of land in the southeast corner
of sixty-five acres of land In section
thirty-five in township 3 south, range
4 east in Clackamas county known as
the John P. Irwin tract be cancelled
and held for naught (the plaintiff be
ing an assignee ot said C. N. Wonacott
In and of said contract) and that you
have now no right title or interest In
said nineteen acres.
. E. F. and F. B. RILEY.
. Attorneys tor Plaintiff.
Room 510 Chamber of Commerce
Bldg, Portland, Oregon.
First publication, April 19, 1918.
Last publication. May 31, 1918.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. B. F. Linn, Plaintiff.
Mercantile Trust and Investment com-
pany, a corporation; L G. Davidson
and Ida May Davidson, his wife, and
F. W. Goldapp, Defendants.
State ot Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, ss:
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
of and under the seal ot the above en
titled court in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 16th day ot April. 1918, upon a
judgment rendered and entered in
said court o nthe 15th day of April,
1918, In favor of B. F. Linn, plantiff,
and against Mercantile Trust and In
vestment company; L G. Davidson and
Ida May Davidson, his wife, and F. W.
Goldapp, defendants, for the sum ot
$5000.00, with" interest thereon at the
rate of six per cent per annum from
the 18th day ot November, 1916, and
the further sum ot $146.94 with inter
est thereon at 6 per cent from the 2d
day of February, 1918, and the further
sum of $400.00, as attorney's fee, and
the further sum of $22.25 costs and
disbursements, and the costs of an up
on this writ commanding me to make
sale of the following described real
property, situate in the county of
Clackamas, State ot Oregon, to-wlt:
Beginning at a stone 16x12x10 ln-
D. C Latourettb, President
rrif m( , w - . -. j. ia.oiBiv, maimer
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL. 50.ooo.nn
Transacts a General Banking Business
Phones Paciflo 53
Home A-li)
All legal business promptly attended U
Attorneys-at-Law 1
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probata our Specialties. Of
fice in First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. .
Office Phones Pacifle Main 411;
Home A-ITO.
Beaver Bldg., Room 8
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank ef Oregea City.
ches in the center of the Oregon City
and Miiwaukie road, which is south
43 degrees 45 minutes east S6.33
chains and north 45 degrees east
24.58 chains from the most westerly
corner of the James McNary and wife
donation land claim No. 88 In town
ship 2 south ot range 3 east of the
Willamette Meridian, and running
thence, north 45 degrees east 45-100
chains to a stake; thence south 14 de
grees 30 minutes east S.94 chains to a
basalt stone 14x11x5 inches marked
'X on top at the most southerly cor
ner of a five acre tract conveyed by
Clackamas Abstract and Trust conv
pany to Geo. H. Allen, on April 15,
1904, and recorded in Book 90 at page
125 of the record of deeds for aM
Clackamas county, Oregon, thence
north 45 degrees 13 minutes east 1180
chains to a basalt stone 11x7x6 inches
marked "J. B. H." at the most south
erly corner of a 160 acre tract enn.
veyed by James McNary to John Pack
er by deed recorded In Book "C." rec
ord of deeds for said Clackamas conn
ty, at page 466; tkenoe aorta 45 de
grees west on the southwestern bonn-
aary or said Packer tract 40 chains to
a basalt stone 14x10x9 Inches marked
"1 T.
on east and "C. C." on south
"uu " ,u lQ nonnwesi Doun-
thence south 45 degrees west on said
claim boundary 17.35 chains to the
. uug hiu couter une a. aegrees 49
minutes east 4.05 chains; thence south
51 degrees 45 minutes east 14.32
chains to a basalt stone 18x9x6 inches
set 14 inches in the ground marked"
"C. C" on south and "D. M." on north
west and "X" on top, from which a bas
alt stone 15x8x5 inches set 12 Inches
In the ground marked "X" on top bears
north 44 degrees 07 minutes east 45
links distant; thence south 53 degrees
47 minutes east 17.60 chains to the
place ot beginning, containing 60.89
acres more or less..
Now, therefore 'by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
of said writ I will, on Saturday, the
18th day of May, 1918; at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of
the County Court house in the City of
Oregon City, In said County and 8tate,
sell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder, -for
U. S. gold coin cash In hand, all the
right title and Interest which the with
in named defendants or either of them,
had on the date ot the mortgage here
in or since had in or to the above de
scribed real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg
ment order, decree, Interest costs and
all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By 15. C. Hackett Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon Anril
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Pearl Daniels, Plaintiff,
C. W. Daniels, Defendant
To C. W. Daniels, the above named
In the name ot the State of Oregon,
yon are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or before
the 23rtl day of May, 1918, said date
being more than six weeks from the 9th
day of April, 1918, the date of the
order for the publication of this sum
mons upon you and more than six
weeks from the 11th day of April, the
date of the first publication hereof;
and If yon fail to answer or otherwise
apear herein, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
in plaintiff's complaint to-wlt: Fop a
decree of the above entitled Court
forever dissolving the marriage con
tract or bonds of matrimony hereto
fore and now existing between plain
tiff and. defendant and for such other
and further relief as the court may
deem equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof, by order of
Honorable J. TJ. Campbell, judge of
the above entitled Court, which order
is dated April 9th, 1918.
Date of First publication April 11th,
Date of last publication May 23rd,
207 Rothchild Bldg.
Portland, Oregon,
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
p T .
Open from 9 A M. to 3 P. if.
Will practice in all courts, make col
lections and settlements.
Office in Enterprise Building,
Oregon City. Oregon.
Graduate ot the Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and the McKilllp School of Sur
gery of Chicago, ia established
at Fashion Stable, between
Fourth and Fifth on Main Street
Both Telephones
Office Paoifle 65; Home A-5
Res. Paoifle 184; Home B-80
William Hammond
Philip L Hammond
Abstracts, Real Bstate, Leans,
Paoifle Phone It Rene noma) A-278