OREOON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, MAY 3171918: Page 2 I Newsy Briefs From j All Over ' the Countyj p.i Barlow BARLOW, Mar 30. The patriotic little town of Barlow has gone over the top In the Bed Cross drive, flit tielug our fluota while $163.50 waa col lected by the committe, Mrs. I D. Orem, chairman, George Berg, V. T. Young and Leroy Parmenter were the committee. Nearly everyone re sponded willingly and were prepared, with their mite. Mr. Worfel contri buted his auto with his daughter as sisting for the work. The flag pole wai erected Monday night Mr. Berg tarnished the pole. Mr. Kinney cat It and Dave Bhepard hauled it and the men tamed out en masse and raised It Monday night We have Old Glory, the honor flag and the service flag floating fifty feet high In the air, of which we are all proud, a they denote patriotism, service and protection to our country and onr boys also loyal cltitenshtp. School closed here a week ago very Quietly as Miss Pierce felt the chil dren were in need of the time for school work instead of. getting up a program. Cora Ausve, Lyle Pennell and Lloyd Zlegler took the eighth grade examinations. Mr. and Mrs. Kason are out in civili sation again after being: in the moun tains and mines of Nevada for two years. Mr. Nasoe will do bookkeeping for Mrs. Nason's brother, Mr. Tull this summer. Elmer Irwin came home Saturday evening accompanied by his old friend Paul Rodby. Gladys Tremayne visited relatives at Beaver Creek last week. " Lena Sandness Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Tull In Oregon City for a couple of weeks. The Progressive Club, organized here two years ago met Monday and voted that the money on hand. $42.00, be turned over to the Red Cross Auxiliary here, and the money left after buying the service flag, and $3.49, money remaining from the Sangerfeet of years ago will be used to buy the U. S. flag for the flag pole and the remainder to go to the Red Cross Auxiliary. Gibson visited at the home of J. Woodle Sunday. Oak Grove Kelso KELSO, May 30. Kelso has again made good in raising her quota of 208 In the Red Cross drive just ended Credit is due to the following mem bers of the soliciting committee who assisted Mrs. R. Jonsrud local cam paign manager.: Mrs. C. Piatt Mrs. John Revenue, Mrs. H. S. Nelson, Mrs. Baumback, Mrs Joel J art, Mrs. E. V. Erickson and Mrs. Max KligeL Twin babies, a girt and a boy, were born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Monroe, Saturday night. Mother and girl baby are doing welL The sad news of the death of Will lam Gnldenzopes came aa a shock to his family here. Mr. Guldenzopea, who had been employed for some time I nthe paper mill at Oregon City was struck while working by a hemlock sliver In the face, which resulted In blood poison. He leaves a widow and eleven chlldYerf, the youngest only six months old. The funeral was held Thursday at 2 p. m., at the house. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community. Fred Suckow recently bought a Buick Four from R. Jonsrud, local agent Little Ida Ludvlgson who has been ill with pneumonia at her grandpar ents, O. Mikkelson's home Is recover ing. Mrs. Ludvlgson who was also 111 has recovered. Mrs. Minnie Maroney's little daugh ter, Ethel has been quite ill for some time. Her son George recently re covered from an attack of pneumonia Eagle Creek s. Port- EAGLE CREEK. May 30. H Gibson and Guy Wilcox: were land visitors last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Orke made trip to Estacada last Friday. Mrs. C. W. Pogue, of Nehalem, was recently a guest at the home of her father, J. P. Woodle. Mrs. Lewis Rivers and Mrs. Kate Alley were Estacada visitors last Saturday. Miss Leila Howe spent Thursday night with Mrs. C. W. Pogue Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Marshall, of Port land, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Southern and daughters, of Wilsonville, were iiWsant.lv entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Dtrjglass Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass were host and hostess to some of their rel atives Sunday. Those enjoying their hospitality were: Mrs. Viola Douglass Roy's mother; Mr. and Mrs. G. Moeh- nke, parents of Mrs. Roy Douglass Mr. and Mrs. Will Bluhm and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil May, of Oregon City; Mr and Mrs. Fred Moehnke, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Moehnke, and John Moehnke, of Scliuebel; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Preis- ter, of Logan. Ed Dhulst and family, of Linnetnan, were guests at the home of his broth er, M. Dhulst, Sunday. There was a sort of family reunion at the home of J. P. Woodle Sunday, with the exception of two, all the sons and daughters were at home. Those enjoying the day under the parental roof were: Guy Woodle and family, of Portland; Claude and Mai culm Woodle, and families, of Trout- dale; Ray Woodle and family, of Up- er Eaele Creek and Mrs. C. W, Pogue. of Nehalem. Mrs. Chas. Murphy and Mrs. R, OAK GROVE, May 30. Rev. Young preached Sunday morning, his text was "As a man thinketh in his heart so Is he." Mr. Young expects to leave in a few days for the east aa he re ports the 17th at Y. N. C, A. headquar ters. He expects to visit his mother in New York. Epworth league Sunday evening. Next Sunday morning the Baptis mal services will be observed. Mrs. William Cedarsoa and daugh ters Irene and Beatrice will leave for iheir summer home at VInto, Oregon, in a few daya, to remain ail summer. Iiora Blgham is confined to her home with an attack of pneumonia. Little Margaret Jackson is improv ing slowly at a Portland hospital Mrs. Mattie Robacker of Mt Pleas ant was a visitor here Friday. Mrs. Alice Barnett has gone to Was co to visit relatives tor a tew weeks. Monday morning about 40 old sol diers. together with ladles of the Relief Corps of Oregon City with the fife and drum corps visited our school. Talks by the comrades and ladies were made to the pupils. A beauti ful dinner was served at noon by the Parent-Teacher association. The Concord school closed Wed nesday with promotion exercises. A social and entertainment was given Friday evening. The Misses Bailey, teachers for the past three years has resigned and will take up a government position. They will study In Portland this summer. Their mother left Friday for her home In Sherwood. Mrs. Conger of Silverton has been elected principal and Mrs. Bertha Pennington of Portland primary teacher. The Concord school ball team de feated the Oak Grove school team Wednesday on the Concord grounds, S3 to 18. Umpires C. Worthlngton and Lee Thessln. A return game was to have been played at Oak Grove school grounds Tuesday but owing to some of the boys being absent the game was postponed. School closed Wednesday with pro motion exercises In the morning, and graduating class In the evening. Prof. Fletcher of the St Johns high school delivered the address to the class. Hugh C. Kruni, chairman of the board presented the diplomas. The class colore were red and white. The as sembly hall was decorated In roses, snowballs and ferns. The class con sisted of tour boys snd six girls. Much credit is due their teacher. Prof. Guth rie, tor his faithful work and kind acts in assisting the class In their year's work. Tuesday was field meet day, and a basket picnic was held on the school grounds. Races of all kinds, high iumDs. and other amusements were Indulged in by the pupils and patrons of the schooL The Red Cross drive last week went over the $500 mark. Our quota was $418. The community can feel proud of this record. Mrs. Waggoner and Miss Elizabeth of Oregon City were here Sunday and attended the morning services at the church. They formerly lived here and were warmly welcomed by their old friends and neighbors. Francis Martin, a nurse in training at the St. Vincent's hospital, Portland, spent Sunday with her parents. Mrs. Margaret Hughes, of Cleve land, Ohio, was a week-end visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. William Cederson. Mrs. Mary E. Guthrie spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. E. C. Warren. Wm. Kinder, of Sellwood is spend lng the week with his nephew, A. G Kinder. Rev. Young and G. W. Guthrie have received their commission to work with the Y. M. C. A. and expect to leave in a few weeks for the east to go into training and later go to France. Mrs. Harry Worthlngton and little daughter, came home from the hospit al in Portland Sunday. They are at the home of Mrs. Hardisty for the present Mrs. Frank Blackman went to camp Lewis Sunday to visit her son, George, who has Just been released from the hospital with a severe case of the measles returning home Monday night. Macksburg MACKSBURG, May 30. The social given tor the Red Cross at the Eby school house era the evening of Satur day, May 25th, was a marked success. The order of exercises was a most In teresting one. The children showing a degree of training highly creditable to those who had It in charge. All recitations and songs were of a de cidedly patriotic character and were loudly applauded as were the remarks of the speaker whose address was listened to with marked attention. The room was appropriately and hand somely decorated with the Nation's colors and was further embellished by the new and beautiful service flag dts playing the live stars designating that number of our young men who have gone Into service. The solos with their accompaniment rendered by adults musician were most gratifying as was attested by frequent encores. The ice cream social following these exercises was greatly enjoyed and brought in over, eighty dollars which, after expenses are deducted Is to be divided betwen the auxiliaries of Macksburg and Oak Grove. Too much credit cannot be accorded to Mrs. Wesley Eby and to Mrs Whitels who have been interlng In their efforts to mske the social a suc cess. The Mother's club met on Thurs day last with Mrs. Simon Miller. Little Girls Sewing circle is to meet next Saturday, with Mrs. G. M Baldwin. Logan are LOGAN, May 8?. Farmers wishing for a good rain. lxiwer Logau school closed May 17 and many of the pupils are fooling fine because they passed the exams. The Busy Worker club met at Mrs. Sehlupple'sSnturday afternoon, sewing for the Red Cross. Fish boats are as numerous aa Fords on the roads these days. J. GUI has a brother from the East visiting him this week. Carver Is rushing things wth crews of men grading, getting piling, etc, and will build a ateel bridge over the Clackumns near Bakers bridge, with overhead crossing. Rev, Stannard preached a sermon on patriotism at the l-ogan church Sunday. The Sunday school contrib uted $14.00 to the A. R. C. war hind. wr. ana Mr. v. p. Kircnera re ceived this week a letter from Asst. Fteld Director of the American Red Cross at San Antonio, Tex., saying he had been Informed of their son (li nen and operation, and giving them every assurance that he was in good hands with best possible car of skill ed nurses and doctor; also that they kept In touch with hint through hi nurse, and closed saying If here was anything they could do to let them know, yet come say the R. C. does not amount to much. At the May meeting of the Parent Teacher association, Mrs. Roberts was elected precldent; Mrs. F. Hut- chins, vice-president; Mrs. Fallert, treasurer; Ethel Hutehlns, secretary Lower Logan raised Its quota for the American Red Cross war fund with a margin above. Also Upper Lo gan did the same. The 60c per capita plan however would not have mad It. However, some donors were more generous than others so we got over the top. The election board donat ed the day and night earnings, $6.00 each, and paid Immediately by giving personal check for the amount The Meadowbrook MEADOWBROOK. May 30. The Union Mills Literary sold Ice cream and cake Saturday evening for the boncflt of the Red Cross. J. K, Hedges and L. Adams, of Oregon City, were out and talked on Red Cross work The literary will meet hte fourth Sat unlay In every month, also the Loyal league. Ruth Chlndgren who 1 attending school at Monmouth spent the week end wlthjier parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Chlndgren. Mr. Albert Feterson spent the week end In Portland. B. Myers, Ralph Myers, Fred Horn er and Glenn Larklns made a flying trip to Silverton Monday evening. Anson and Charley Culbertson gave a farewell party Monday evening, tor Claude Romlg, who leaves tor Okla homa where his peoplo live, Thursday. Wilsonville Wilsonville has calmed down after the excitement of having military po lice stationed here for same days. Miss Parker, of Corvallls, the of ficial food demonstrator for t his county, has been visiting places In this vtclntty durng the week, and teachng the ladles how to cook wtth the flour substitutes, and while here, waa the guest of Mrs. M. C. Young. Mrs. Aubrey Wood went to Port land on Wednesday, to attend the W. S. S. meeting held there, on that day. The Red Cross drive fund was sub scribed here early In the week, Wil sonville' quota being $1.18. Dwlght Seely, teller In the local bank, has been away on a very Im portant mission at Gooding Jdaho, and will return this week with hi bride, who was formerly Miss Fern Bliss and resided here with her sinter, Mrs. II. D. Aden, for a year. The young couple were married on Wednesday, CAMPION IMPROVED' OWER CANT FALL DOWN Stands Upon the Foundation of Construction. Th CharnDton ------j. irfi i VI i vy No Greater Value sssMssr""isp Possible. -A it 1 - been making 'fty money P''l for'uaera "'b'tiZ for year Driving Mechanism m hum teelk m laamnionj i & at f 1 the. I Uiampioni w ivwtr fSS, ilfpvIryPaT'iTJ mm :'4kfA weU built '"i .-..&.-; SB. va Sethe Asencv F f jf i"! tho t-uuiTiuTtoH it. imm, t.i ,i.,Jr Mibkuu 'jjij rigntly designed, t 'Si,.'. K - TW Wl J rumm m ..mi., ml rLul WJ J Ik. 4 M I Z ThU 1 for yOUI , s rMMaiuiWi)Miiawt f L protection 1 1 S ho wins th - -1 4 "w -'rEtrWMe i -Pll ''1... ' -Tr ' Ife Champion A and ttrencth of th WT k . v 7 ,U " better V- ttm ri ?v. Driving Mec tnc bearing at n ma w Dna i odjr mono, ol ,MoIIimi l'" onnn , J G la ik. wijlb im trws nail , puuo. V, Mil Est I ,k- v.Wi ' r-....i l.l-.im. r. El I EI 1 7 , R.m,KI- au , 'i C-l f k ,!,..m.n n, Fur 1 . -.1 JS - Cv7,' g 1 f 1 kmiewwl pidiun. 'f Wearing Plate.,;! rt SAVt UULLAKa 'PM" ' 2 t:-- - x VS.- "l m,. - ii tfcrrm-? . ) "l ""ESS?1 Jmi , ihAcnyA'm. THAT COUPON ?J, Mfi fJ,M f t ffe Champion Construction, TVM GENTLEMEN: ftnii mm nrleAa anil ''t r,lln a Kan, CMaMPIOM MOWER, k will bring you prices and 7 tmt ,r,m SEE W. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY, OREGON FOR CHAMPION MOWERS BINDERS RAKES HEADERS TEDDERS REAPERS Hazelia B. AUCTIONEER E. H. WRIGHT Farm and stock sales a special ty. Bee Enterprise for date or wire or phone me at my expense Vancouver, Wash. Office phone 120. Res. 498-Y. Mr. and Mrs. John Raicy enter tained relatives and friends from Port land, Sunday. Miss Nellie Nelson of Oswego, spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Mar- Ion Eastman. Sunday afternoon they called at the John Wanker horn. Mr. and Mrs. John Wanker, and children, who have been living in Medical Springs, Oregon, have re tamed to Hazelia for a few weeks' visit with their relatives here. Miss Edith Scheel, who Is a student of the George school, spent several days last week with her former teach er. Miss Harriet Duncan. Edward Stryker, of Lincoln high school, Portland, was entertained at the George Wilson home, Sunday. Miss Ethel Thomson spent Sunday with her cousin, Miss Ethel Baker. The basket social given last Satur day night for the benefit of the Red Cross, was well attended, and a neat sum was netted for the baskets. An Interesting program was given and the Hazelia service flag was dedicat ed. Hon. W. A. Dimlck delivered splendid fifty-five minute talk. Mr. and Mrs. Chrlstlanson and Evangeline Duncan attended a violin recital In Portland, given by Duncan's former violin instructor, last week. Twilight TWILIGHT, May 30. The dance given In the hall Friday night for the benefit of the Red cross netted $42. The work on" the Pacific highway, in charge of Herman Fisher, is pro gressing nicely. Albert Scheer met with what might were visiting the former's uncle, R. C. Meier and family of Oregon City Sunday. Strawberries In this neighborhood will soon be ready to pick. A. Harvey, who is in the Oregon City hospital, is Improving. Albert Ccheer met with what might have been a serious accident Friday night while breaking rock at New Era. He is still working. Miss Pearl Scheer, who Is working at Schafers camp at Brady, Wash., re ports that she Is well pleased with her occupation. - NEW REVENUE LEGISLATION g & WASHINGTON, May 27. The administration will Insist S on new revenue legislation be 4 fore the adjournment of con- gress. POLK'S Portland Big freighter West In dlan, built here, completed and turned over to tre United States. GAZETTEER A BusIaeM Directory f eaefi Cita Towa and Village la Oregon and WMbioftoa, iWlos a DeMripUie Hketth of tr place. Location, Shipping .FftclUtle. and a Clunk. ttei directory tf aaitt Ewiact B. I. OlK to lac, Beattla, Wash. Logan board was G. A. Kohl, chairman-judge; Laura L. Kirchcm, Judge; Mrs. Carrie Cromer, 1st clerk; Mrs. S. I. Wilson, 2nd clerk; Mrs. A. V. Sloper, 3rd clerk; Winifred Cromer, deputy. The day passed very quiet ly. Many had to be registered, as people will procrastinate until the last moment to register. The Loyalty League of Logan met at the Grange hall Friday evening in stead of Saturday and a full house was in attendance. The organization is a necessity these trying days and no doubt can do much good- by Its members and officers working to at tain the ends and objects of the orga nization. But, however, it is not the aim nor object to give one neighbor license to work out some petty BPlte on his or her neighbor with whom they are not on good terms. Every one should see to It that his own door step is clean before looking for dirt on his neighbor's. Factions, policial and otherwise in a community, have no place In this organization, unless for the common good. Drop petty differences and be loyal citizens loyal to yourselves, loyal to your com munity, state and government. Louis Kohl hag an addition to the family vehicles 'tis a Ford, they say. The people living on the road from the church on the Gerber road, are making some extensive Improvements to the road. They had a little special tax, and most of them contributed In sums of fifty dollars, and by working odd days and putting in hours after work, they are getting a good road for their efforts. at Marshfleld At least onei govern ment vessel will be launched each month from now on by Coos Bay I shipyards. May 22nd, at the residence of the bride, and will make their home In Wilsonville, much to the delight of their many frlenda. . Those who donated their services to the Red Cross, on tho election board at Wilsonville, were: Jake Peters, J. P. Bartles, Chas. Wagner, M. Young, and Mrs. Norrls Young. Mrs. Batalgla, and son George, spont the week-end in Portland. Mrs. H. D. Aden and son Dwlght, have been spending some time Gooding, Idaho, visiting Mrs. Aden parents, and attending the wedding of Miss Fern Bliss and Dwlght Scoly, Mrs. Lamb, who has been visiting her brother Aubrey Wood, left Wednesday for Washington. Splendid pictures of Messts Carl and Clarence Thompson, sons of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Thompson, appeared In the county papers this week. Carl has been promoted to Corporal since enlisting some time ago. The annual picnic of Corral Creek school was held on Tuesday, May 21st, the proceeds from the sale of cream was given to the local Red Cross ,to buy materials. An excellent program was given In the afternoon under the direction of the teacher, Mrs. Inza Wood. Captain Harms and brother, Portland, were here a couple of days last week, coming to attend the fun eral of their father, H. Harms, which was held In Stafford, on Friday, May 24. Mr. Harms was an old resident of this vicinity, and was a veteran of the Civil war. The many friends of Gladys Wag ner were surprised on Wednesday to learn that she was married to Robert A. Armstrong, of Canby. Gladys is a general favorite on Wilsonville, hav ing grown to womanhool here, and the best wishes of hosts of friends will accompany the youiiR couple to their new home on tho Kllcr farm, but re grots are expressed that the Willam ette river must now separate us. Jennings Lodge JENNINGS I.ODU1C, May SO.-Ow. lug to the fact that Thursday I Me morial day the grnduntloit exercises will be held next evening. May 31, at Illlnstono'a hall. A pleaslns; program .has been prepared by the two teach ers, Mr. Altman and MUs White, The Girls club met Friday evening at Mrs, A. II. Smith'. A now design was prepared for tho service flag, and another blue star added making a total of 2D blue stars. Mr. and Mrs. Rrnest ni'lgg and children motored to Silverton last Sun day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, who were old Portland friends of the fam lly. . Ruth Trusoctt and Ruth Cook spent Friday at the home of Nellie Bets In ortland. William Green was out to the Lodge Sunday to look after his place on the east side. Mrs. Kate Roseuberry visited old friends at this place Sunday. Howard Truscott, who has been vary sick for several days Is Improv lng. The eaat end of Jennings avenue I receiving some much needed road work. Boardman hill Is also receiving some much needed attention. Mr. and Mrs. Ebbon and children are visiting at th horn of Mrs. Eh bon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Tucker. Mr. Kelly has purchased the prop erty of Mrs. Bess Bruechert, on the west stde of Morse street. Dr. Drover of Portland, who has owned property at th Lodge for sev eral year ha remodeled his home and is now occupying IL Little Dorothy and Florence Kim ball niece of Mr. A. W. Myers are .spending the week with their aunt at his place. The ladles Guild gave a war lunch eon on last Wednesday at the church. The luncheon was tor the benefit of Grace Church. Mrs. E. J. Cushlng and Mrs. Craw- ford made a trip to Vancouver recently. Th Red Cross will not meet on Thursday aa usual, but will hold their meeting Friday, May SI. Everybody Is welcome to come and help In the work. Mr. and Mrs. Martin has come back to the Lodge for the summer. They have two sons in the army, Ray and Goorgo. i Mr. Robertson I remodeling her cottage. Francis 8andstrom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Sandstrom, who recently lived near here, was visiting friends here last week. I Mrs. H. II. Emmons will give an Ice cream social on her lawn tomorrow from eleven o'clock on. The entire proceeds will go to the Belgian War Relief fund. Mrs. A. Illnman made a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Lester Mathews, last week. The Sunday school class of Vera Glass will have Its plcnlo Saturday on the bank of the Clackamas river. The annual school ptcnlo will be held next Saturday on the banks of the Willamette river. Miss Moore will be the new teacher for the primary room noxt year. The community Is pleased to have with us next year, Mrs. Altman as the teacher of the upper classes. Estacada K8TACAIM, Muy .10. Serg. Ken Bartlett was hore from American Lake oerv the Eablmth to visit his purents. Or. L. A. Wells drove his car to Port land Staurdity accompanied by hi mother, Mrs. L. II. Wells, who has been visiting at tho Wells' home for several days. Mrs. Maudo Graham, one of tho teuchors In the Estacada schools, ro cclved word from hor son, Guy, who Is In the aviation work at Camp Wichita, Toxeii, that ho had been flying and Is very enthusiastic In his work. Guy Is well and favorably known In Estaca da. having been a high school student here. Runnel Reed, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rued of this place, enlisted In the mechanical department of the artil lery and left for Fresno, California, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm Stokes, of Portland, were Estacada visitors last Sunday, being the guests at their son Harry's home at Garfield. Mesdames Anna Matlson and Gracla Glvens attended Rebekah Grand Iodge as delegate from Esta cada Rebekah lodge at Seaside last week, returning Friday. Messrs. Neul and I.ee Bronsofi went to Grcsham Saturday nllit to assist Mrs. Mayme Boyle with orchestra music at a Red Cross Benefit. There was an lmmcnso crowd at tho KlUs picnic in Estacada last Sunday. A special train from Portland brought the Elks and their families and all trains were crowded with visitors. A great many people came In autos and enjoyed a picnic dinner In the park. The entertainment In the park con sisted of athletic sports, dancing In the pavilion and bnskct dinner. The elk taken from the Portland Pork to be liberated, were brought here Sat urday and placed In th stock yard where a Urge crowd viewed thm alt day Sunday. It was not until Tues day, however, that the lk were started on their trip to th mountains, t)oo Wright and Forester Wallace hurt charge of the elk and some of tho younger one were taken few mile out In auto truck. The othr were led by men on horseback and as tti elk wore unfamiliar to this proceeding, three of them wore overcome with tho host and exertion and dld. It will take four days to got the elk a fur Into the mountains as doslnHl, The Estacada High school base ball team play Molalla High, Friday at Kstacnda, for the championship of Cluikiimn county Mr. 1. M. Park had ithurge of the dining room at Hotel Kstucada Hat urday night and Sunday and will con tinue to sorve meal there every week end, The hotel, which Is owned by the P. U. L. A P. Co., discontinue ed serving meals when Mrs, Morgan took charge, miuoceedlng N. 8. Iury. There was an Interesting meeting last Friday evening and election of officers, Mis Alice Joyce, of the extontlon dnpartmnnt of the O. A. C. was present and spoke on the subject of "War Gardens" and the organisa tion of "War Savings Societies". There were special musical numbers and general discussions. The officer elected were, president, Mr. Al Drill; vice-president, Mr. Fred Robley; secretary and treasure, Mis Leila Howe. , Garfield school district No. 13 went "over the top" In the 2nd Red Cross drive. The committee raised f 82 and then the Garfield band gave an enter tainment at hte Grange ball at which time Edward Shearer and family pre sented two beautiful pictures, the pro ceeds of which were to be added when sold, to the Red Cross fund. One picture wa sold at the entertainment and one waa sold Sunday at the Elk picnic which was held In the Estaca da park, Robert Duncan, formerly of Garfield, having charge of the sulo. 127.30- was realised from this picture and with the balance collected by the committee and band euUirtalument, amounted to 1121.90. This Is a good ahowint; for a country district. McColley loft for - Dufur, Oregon, Monday 'where he wilt work on a ranch and try and gt his weight up to that required for the boys who en list. Llouteiiant William Dale was In Estacada Sunday visiting hi parent and other relatives. . The ('. I. C. dance last Saturday night, given In the park pavilion, was very much of a success and a good time is reported. The proceed form the dance will amount to $50 for the Civic club.. Dr. Griffith of the First Christian church, Portland, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon to hte gradua te or tue Estacada high school, at the school auditorium, next Sunday even ing. Juno 2. Senior Clan Day exercises will take place at the school auditorium. Friday evening. May 31. These exer cises will be of a varied character be fitting the occasion Including a play which lakes forty minutes to produce. Mrs. Herring arrived homo Monday evening after an absence of over two years visiting In California, Kansas and Eastern Oregon. Chns. 8. Covey of Mare Island, Cal ifornia, who has been visiting bis sis ter at this place, left for hi home Monday. Mrs. Laura Drill, wife of Guy Drill who was pastor of the Estacada Chris tian church for two years, was or dulnedaa a minister nt Eugene last Sunday. W. 1,. Ftnley, Oregon's State Biolo gist, was in Estacada Monday night with his latest moving pictures. of wild onlmals and bird life. Tho affnlr was conducted under the auspices of the Hlch School student body. Thero was a good attendance. A rcgulur meeting of the C. I. C. waa hold Tuesday afternoon at which time the new officers took their respective places. Mrs. R. Townsend was elect, ed as librarian to fill the vacancy ennsed by the reslsnatlon of Mrs. N. It. Eckor who resinned as she will go to Grcslmm to reside the first of tho month. New commutes were appoint ed, also a library board. The moot ing adjourned ni'ter a general discus sion of club work for the coming year. George GEORGE, May 30. Miss Mollle Almort who has been toachtng at Van couver, Wash., returned home last Monday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. P. Ruhl, a nine pound boy on May 21st Both mother and child doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hardors visited the former's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. Snyder, of Estacada, last Tuesday. Miss Flora Llns who has been work ing In Portland for the past few months returnod home last Sunday to remain for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Horger, of Port land, were week-end guests at Mr. Harger's mother, Mrs. M. Klnker, of George. Mr. and Mrs. R. Snyder, of Esta cada and Miss Pearl Cole and Ben pamln Parsons of Vancouver, Wash., were the guests of T. Harders last Sunday. Benjamin Parsons Is work ing in a government camp at Vancou ver. Decayed Teeth Are a Serious Menace to Your Health Com in today. A delay may cauie you trouble without end. OUR PRICES Whale Bone Plates...... Flesh Colored Plate.... Porcelain Crowns Gold Filling 22-k. Gold Crown 22-k. Gold Bridge.. 15.00 - 10.00 BOO - 1.00 .. 5.00 . 5.00 Guaranteed 15 Year Why Pay More OHIO CUT-RATE DENTISTS PAINLE88 DENTAL WORK Over Harding' Drug 8tore. Oregon City, Oregon 60714 MAIN STREET PHONI PACIFIC 62