Rase 2 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, MAY 24. 1918. n i i Newsy Briefs From All Over the County I Mftxj Upper Garfield. VPPER GARFIELD, May II. Much intsrest Is being manifested in the Second Red Cross War Fynd Cam nln to beein May 21 and ending May 27. and from appearance nearly , daughters, Misses Myrtle and everyone In this locality are prepar-:and son, Victor, visited at the home evening at the dance for $7.50. The money is to be used for R?d Cross work. Joe Calvin, and a couple of friends from Camp Lewis, was home on a short visit for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffm sister and Ruby Jng to do their bit towards going "over the top-' and It Is hoped with a big percentage in excass of the amount called for. The Garfield band gave a minstrel show at the Grange ball a short time aj;o, to a very enthusiastic crowd. The principal feature of the evening were Fete Davis, Mr. McCormick of the Estacada hlsh school and Ernest A. Machar. of R. B. Gibson Sunday afternoon. Stafford STAFFIRD, May 21. The Stafford Community Club held forth at the school house Saturday evening. May 11. A crowd from afar attended and report the following program: Meuo- c w k oprano solo by Miss Ellis; lyric so Mis. Myrtle Schuman. whose school pran0 by M,M xledeIlia;.,;.UT,., has closed tome weeks ago, came out from Portland to be present at the 8th grade examination. Mrs. R. T. Carter started for the mountains yesterday with her hus band, who is a forest ranger in the Oak Grove district. Road wprk has been started by Supervisor Palmateer but with thJ small crew of men and teams hu not been able to make as orach progress as we would like to tee. Robert Snyder and family have recently moved from this district and are now living in Estacada, From the ppearance of the orch ards a largs fruit crop is anticipated. Ere eat Amarher received a letter from his brother, Fred, who la now in France, stating that he was in good health and that the boys had some thing better than base ball bats to fight the "Bodies" with. Mrs. R, T. Carter's sister, Mrs. Nordling, from Svensen, Oregon, has been visiting at Log La Darre for the past two weeks and was accompanied as far as Portland by Mrs. Carter on her return home. Joel B. Bowman lately received a letter from his son. Major Bowman, who Is now In France with the 3rd Oregon Regiment, who mentioned the good work being done there by the American Red Cross In saving the lives of many starving children. Those registered at Log La Barre for the past few days are: J. Ara bron, Haseline; Robert Bromberg, W. M. Cake, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Spencer, Mrs, F. R. Behrands, Mrs. G. N. Wood ley, Mrs. W. B. Osborn. Edgar Kline. Thad Vreeland, Edward Wiles, Earl Larrimore, Henry Alexander, Port land: It M. Nixon, Mrs. H. Nixon, Mrs. M. Berg, Estacada; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Leach, Mrs. L. R. Bodley, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Taylor, Oscar Beck Portland. Cedardale CEDARDALE, May 21 Arthur Orem and wife visited with the tat ter's sister. Mrs. Chas. Back, Sunday. Grandma Mann passed her E6tb birthday on the 18th. Several of the neighbor women passed the afternoon with her. She is hale and hearty for one of her age. Miss Moors was an over night visit or at Mooree Wednesday. Hugh Comer and A. Orem have both been digging wells on their places the past week. John Comer, with several men are getting out piling near Twin Mills. J. Fellows and son, George, and daughter, Ruth, spent the week out on their homestead. Archie Davis is sawyer for the Huit Lumber Co. at Orchard Falls mill. L. Pendleton was In Portland Monday. Old Sweet Song" from Fifty Favorite Songs, by the Stafford Elite Songs ters; Chorus in unison singing Star Spangled Banner and America; solo by Franklin Meeks the only one of Its kind. The next meeting of the club will be in June; a cafeteria sup per and "Special" program will be the features. On April 35 Stafford school spelled districts No. 301, 96, 67 and beat. Those receiving ths championship diploma were as follows: Sth grade Sagra Nussbaum, Stanley Oldham, and Lela Tledeman; 7th grade Lena Elllgsen, Phyllis Titdeman, Mildred Oldenatadt, and Albert Gould; 6th grade Adilene Oldham and Laveil Hargan; 6th grade Mabel Oldham, Lois Hargan. Ruth Elllgsen, Evelyn Oldenstadt, Tlllle Fr?nxtl. Christina Delker cad Nathaniel Frenzel. (Kate Ronde, teacher). 4th grade Lula Schraeder and Mary Montha, (Maud a Davis, teacher). Pupils receiving cer tificate for excellent spelling are these: Daniel Keller. Bennle Moser, George Rablc. Leta Ttedeman of Sth grade. Edward Lucas, (Walter Bor land received 97Vi thereby missing the grade by but 4 of a credit) of the seventh grade; Leo Mantha James Dignam, and Arthur Gould of' the 6th grade; Harold Moser of 5th grade; Lydia Delker, Edward Delker, Anna Dignam, Delmer de Neul, and Cyn thia Nussbaum of the 4 th grads. Stafford will change teachers next term. Miss Ronde has been elected to another position and Miss Davis will attend Normal. , Miss Ronde and Miss Davis have both completed their reading circle work for the year 1918-19. Miss Ronde has completed the points requisite for obtaining the professional certificate. On Thursday, May 16, the ladies' circle met at Mrs. R. Oldenstadt s. On Sunday, May 12. P. A. Baker, passed away at tha home of his son. " Christina Delker is confined to her bed with a severe illness which prom ises to last several months. The rsvival meetings of Stafford .hurchhave stopped. Mrs. Ray, of Independence, visited her grandmother, Mrs. Gage, recently. Mrs. Holton is now visitinr thpr Director B. F. Weddie conducted eighth grade examinations at the school May 16 and 17. Nineteen pupils took part .in the examinations. Sabra Nussbaum was tb only pupil exempt from the four subjects allowed. She is also the only "Roll of Honor" pupil of the principal's room of Stafford school and the pupil of highest stand ing in the whole school. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aernt visited their daughter, Mrs. B. F. Weddle, last Sunday. Redland George GEORGE, May 21. The George So cial and Commercial Club will hold their rsgular meeting next 8atorday evening at the George Club house. mr. ana airs. u. a. Jo&nson were Estacada visitors last Wednesday. There will b9 a Bible study at the Presbyterian church every Wednes day evening. c Willie Lina is spending this week in Portland, where he is having some dental work done. Fred Nitchmore spent Thursday and Friday in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harkenrider and daughter, Lena, and Mr. Parker, of Estacada, spent Sunday with the form era daughter and son-in-law, Mrs. and Mr. Julius Raulsen. The George Crochet Club mst at the home of Mrs. Frank Ahmert last Thursday. Carver REDLAND, Ore.. May 17. The so cial which Is to be. given for the Red Cross at the Bethel Church Saturday night. May 25 is well underway. Ther are many good numbers on the program. Judge G. B. Dimlck will be the speaker of the evening, also the auctioneer. The Redland band will give several selections as wll also the Junior Quartet of Oregon City. The playlets "The Penitent's Return" and "Cncle Sam a Children" promise to be very good. Mildred Koch, our four minute girl, will make a short speech. Alt girls are asked to bring baskets and the men well-filled pocket books as it goes to a good cause. A large crowd and a good time Is expected. Sandwlchs, cake and coffee wll be sold. Arnold Schneider, and Mr. and Mrs. Ward and son visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schneider the 4th and 5th of May. Mrs. L. E. Senn, of Oregon City, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fullam and family. Miss Oliver has closed a success ful term of school at Flrgrove. Ben Tannler Is working for Mr. Fullam. The Misses Sylvia and Nannie Brown of Portland, visited their folks, Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Brown, Saturday. Mr. Egger has taken his herd of cows to tha Cutting canyon, where he will posture them for the summer. Roy Mattoon, of the Mattoon & county tests tor arithmetic and ips I lng, while the others are for those who did excellent work throughout the year. M. O. Rose lias been put on the Redland Red Cross Porgram Commit tee to fill the vacancy loft by Rev, Rugg. Ths members of the committee are, chatrman, Miss Altmnn Clara 11, Fullam, Miss Oliver, Mrs. W. II. Hon ney and Mr. Rose. They are working very hard to make the coming social a success. District No. 1'.6 started to canvass for the coming Red Cross drive at the Loyalty League meeting Monday night and succeeded In raising $25 In a short time. Their quota Is $82. Ernest Koch la taking a business course by mall and Is getting spleu did results. Miss,Grace Allen spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Al en. She Is working In Oregon City at present Casper and Margaret Alplanalp visited friends at Redland Wednesday. Kelso KELSO, May 82. Bom, 10 the wife of Gilbert Erl, a boy. May 15. Mrs. Gut Ludvlgson and little girl, Ida. are on the sick list. Kelso has been gtven a quota of $208 to raise tn the Red Cross drive this week. School closes on Friday this week after a successful term. A picnic din ner and outdoor sports will form part of the day's celebration. The following seventh grad pupils took the state examination tn geog raphy: Dorothy Jonsrud, Mildred Jart. Helen Nelson, Mary Canny, Rob trt Milan, Lloyd Dunn. Clarkes. C LARKS, May 23. Miss Elizabeth Marshall, from Oregon City, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mar- Estacada KSTACAIU, May 23. Mr Dave Fleming ot Portland, was a guest at the home ot her sister, Mrs. Lee Bran son, this week. The Junior piny last Friday night was well patronised and all who took part did well. Kalacada has a man knitter now In tha person ot Itny Eshelman. Ho was meut of ths government. Both bride and groom are well and favorably known st this place. Mrs. MoMlllou was the milliner at ths Dale atom tor a number of years and Mr. MoMllluu was with the 1. 11. L, P, Co. at this place for some time. 1 Uu cloning exorcism of the Esluea da schools will take placa May 31, June S, 3 ami 6. The graduating class itumbors sixteen, six boys and leu glrlt. They are, Worth Randolph, M'lllluuo ,,,.. II., .... rut.. tew weeks ago and Is still laid up st home. In order to help pass the time more quickly, he learned to knit snd has become quite proficient In that art thus assisting the Red Cross and soldier boys. S. K. Wooster has purchased tour tots within tho limits ot Estacada, which Include the land snd buildings now used for the City pound. Miss Kittle Reagan entertained some young ladles Wednesday after noon in honor of Mrs. Mary Woodls Pogrus, of Nehalem. who Is here visit ing old friends. Arrangements are being made tor the Alumni banquet, which Is to be held on tho evening ot June 5, at Hotel Estacada. Mrs. Adams will superintend ths preparation of the banquet supper. Mrs. K. J. McDonald, a graduated pharmacist, arrived from Portland last week and has tsken a position with Miss Sturgeon In ths Estacad drug store. Mrs. McDonald attended college st ths same time Miss Stur geon did and they are old friends and acquaintances, Mrs. Frank Ewlng went to Portland Wednesday as a delegate to ths Tenth Annual Commonwealth conference which was held In that city the first ot the week. Ths local order of Eastern Stsr'en tertalnsd two grand chapter officers Tuesday evening, Mrs. Lena Menden hall, grand- matron and Mrs. Cole, grsnd conductress. A sumptuous din ner was -served at 7 o'clock, after Keller, Mnurtus Ely, IUca Johnson, Valdoiuar HU1, Cams Hannah, Rachol Dearduff, Lewis Jones, Gladys Ely, Alta lllunmn. Elisabeth ' Mtlkuloeky and Warren MoWlllls, The promotion exercises for the eight grade pupils will bo held Monday evening, Juno 3, the class comprising, Olga Kshulmaa, Elsmnre Devore, Rose Trachsol, Stan ley Beinis, Mary Malxaulnl, Irene Bal ing, Violet Bsrver, Walter Matson, Dorrls Finch and Mary Ely, CHAMPION IMPROWI MOWER CANT FALL DOWN Stands Upon the Foundation of Construction. 9 y --jejuni i i, .i ssz&Hh been making' V' '4-"-,; ' monev 'k (l A 'm T-1 for users IV V 11 Vf tkuf ifcsj dst eVwi eyfcufc swess Nefc bsAM No Greater Value -4LPossible. J Ala iifn 5. ' HIM lpM M ' YJ , This amsraATKM ' ':( wtwuMjatHac Tv- L 1 -J f' 1 i, mini J-jy lOryearS Vjf'j- mMaalUiWIiaMKllaMm ' Driving Mechanism Pf s!l?ln ,h -fSs:,, loot Warinit m II Yoke. 4 fM win iMunnf l B nd knife cul " r ni ;a ,n( to lh width Itw tank l.lti ,d rmttko(lha Every Part is wc buat ''MjJi and m.ti.ki ngniiy aesignea. i rj, ukij. w ' , rj. This is foe your uismpionj ' s t f' at j Mi - Chamoion i i ' i mm yoke fa M M Com Hardened. I I PINS?. Ar Extra Long, if . j Extra Large and'lnampiOn I; The TKey are ecurely fastened in theyok insuring the perfect alignment of bar. kiuie and pitman. 1 Mower Has Extra Long Case Hardened Removable Wearing Plates 1 4 r S- Champion Couldnt better ; 'Z-iL'. -Jh .TWILIGHT TWILIGHT, May 23,-Mlm Pearl Scheer has gone to Washington to work. George Epperson ,o( Ilarton, has boon visiting with Ills niece, jMrs. Nash. MUs Alta Woodard, of Qreeuwood, Is working (or Mr, AranL The Loyalty league met In tho Twi light hall Monday night. A large crowd was present. Mrs. Harvey wss taken to the Ore gon City hopltal, where she was oper ated upon. She Is now Improving. Mrs. Nsh and Ethel went to Port land Weducsday. The Ladlos' Aid society met st ths home ot Mrs. lientley. It will meet the Saturday before the third Sun day in next month at Mrs. Elllng's. Ilert Harvey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, who Is In ths nsvy, was vis iting with his parents Saturday, Mrs. Jentdon, who has been very sick. Is Improving. Albert Schexr is working at njght on the road at New Ers. There will be a Red Cross dance st the Twilight hall Krlday night. May U. Eldon Swlck has been very sick with a cold. Mr. Scheer and Mr. Meier are hav ing some dental work done. Miss Evans will be teacher here this (all. Mr. and Mrs. Dodds sre living In their new house. Mrs. Scheer made a business rtlp to Portland. Albert Scheer snd Ethel Nnh went to Portland Sunday. Dennis Hylton Is visiting friend snd relstlves In Twilight. Mr. Staats has bought a new car. The Twilight school wss closed last Wednesday, after a very successful term. Dave Fanchor Is working In the mills at Oregon City. CARVER, May 22. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dunmire and son Arden, of Glad stone, were guests of G. C. Dallas and family over Sunday. The Loyalty League of Stone, will meet on Friday night, at the school house. Everybody come. You Carver people should be buying W. S. S. or it will be harder to get the whole amout of $20.00 per capita all at once at the end of the appoint ed "time. Please report to W. S. S. committee and be credited with what you've bought! A new garage, is being erected In Carver by Magary and Davis. Watch the town grow! A new pool hall is In operation now Jess Mumpower, pro prietor. A naw grocery is being built, and there are two gas stations now. Miss Rose Creason has returned from a week's visit at Highland. A number of Carver people went to Oregon City to hear Dr. Kerr's lecture Sunday evening at Busch's hall. Eagle Creek EAGLE CHEEK, May 21. Mr. De Moss la the guest of his daughter, Mrs. R. M. Brash. J. It. Woodle is on the Bick Hstr euffering from an attack ot lumbago. Lewis Rivers was home on a short visit recently. In spite of the cold and damp weather there was a very large at tendance at the Eagle Creek Grange picnic last Saturday. An excellent program was rendered. Several prom inent speakers were preeant, among them being: Mr. Rockwood, a federal officer, who spoke on pests, especial ly thoee that bothered the clover. W, A. Burke, of Portland, who made an Interesting talk along patriotic lines; Miss Lorene A. Parker, Food Demon stration Agent, and C. E. Spence, state master of the grange, and Walter Qivens, of Estacada. The Red Cross quilt that was raf fled off brought $22.30 at the grange halL then It was auctioned off in the AUCTIONEER E. H. WRIGHT Farm and stock sales a special ty. Bee Enterprise for dates or wire or phone me at my expense . Vancouver, Wash. Office Dhone 120. Res. 496-T. SAVE DOLLARS BY BUYING A LASTING MOWER THAT COUPON I j,, will bring you prices and ; w 9 ' i it it m m im w -m'tw v . . , " JT ORE. 5, Strong " ' ft 'U tta Frame il fully braced and will lut a natural lifetime Champion Construction. A L ''I i a fc a r :'; p. GENTLEMEN: "nJ m prices and " I - catalog of your CHAMPION ; MOWER. t SEE W. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY, OREGON FOR CHAMPION MOWERS BINDERS RAKES HEADERS TEDDERS REAPERS Hazelia Mrs. J. R. Hays, from Sherwood, siient a few days last week with" her daughter, Mrs. Frank Whitten. last week. Andrew Kroll, who has been sta tioned at Camp Lewis, was allowed to visit the home folks Saturday and Sunday, before being transferred to some southern camp. Mrs. J. N. McMahan visited rela tles in Portland several days last week. Mrs. Harriet Lucille and Blanche Duncan, Lulu Wanker, Marlon East man, Ethel Baker, and Will Cook and Dave Long attended the lecture given at Busch'8 Hall Sunday evening, by Dr. Kerr, of O. A. C. Mrs. Morgan is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Duncan Chrlstianson, of Rock Bottom Farm The Hazelia Sewing Circle met with Mrs. Frank Whitten, last Thursday, A quilt for the Serbians was finished and turned In, as well as a great many other knitted articles. The Cir cle voted to make a service flag with six stars, for Hazelia's enlisted boys. Misses Ethel Baker, Lulu Wanker and Harriet Duncan met Wednesday at Hugh Baker's to make this flag. Mrs. Sarah Childs and Mrs. Frank Childs Bpent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Worthington. Bill Kroll called at Redwaad Farm Monday evening. Polehm sawmi 1, had a very unfor tunate accident Wednesday evening. A saw tooth flew out, striking him in the lower part of the arm. He was taken to Portland immediately and 'the work is now suspended. Milford Hinble is wtorking for Mat toon & Polehn. Miss Oliver. Miss Reese, Lloyd and Glenn Allen, Milford Hlnkle and Mr. Howell spent the evening at Fullams the 9tfl. Mrs. Bonney is slow'y recovering from her illness. Miss Helen Tracy is staying with her for a few days. Mr. Fullam had started to grade the roads, but owing to the rain, which was badly needed, the crew has been laid off. Mr. Howell, of Springwater, has his engine on the grader. Sgt. Jack Hlndle, of Vancouver, spent the week end at Mr. and Mrs. Bonneys and Mr. ana Mrs. Ann strongs. He said he liked his work fine. Richard Podehn, another of our boys, left for some training camp in California the first of the month Mr. Carlson has just sold twenty head of good fat parkera. That sounds like money these days. Miss Altman, teacher of District No. 75, received 14 diplomas this week for her pupils, eight of them being In the shall and family over Sunday. Edwin Bottemiller and Alva Gurd are working in the shipyards at Van couver, i Alpha Oades has gone to The Dalles on a visit for a shrort time. Mrs. Edna Runyon of Portland, re turned home last week on account of Mr. Runyon going to war last Wed nesday. Judge Grant B. Dimlck, of Oregon City, spoke at the Red Cross enter tainment at Clarkes last Saturday evening, before a large and enthusi astic audience. Carl Stromgreen, of Colton, was in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Berger and Mrs. L. Rlngo are Intending to leave for Seattle on Tuesday, ,where they will make their future home. Grover and Frank Friedrich are go ng to start to haul lumber this week, for D. F. Moehnke. F. II. Pack bought a new Ford last week. CEDAR GREEK CEDAR CREEK, May 20 Alpha Oades, who for the punt two months has been truck driver for O. A. Wolfe, was among the young m ?n to bo called to the colors. Mrs. Clarence L made a biiHlimss trp to Oregon City one day lust week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mi lntyrc sp 'lit Sunduy wth Mrs. Mclntyres mother, Mrs. Fuulver, who 4s 111 at her home. David Lee returned Saturday from Euntern Oregon. The Red Cross meeting hold at Highland GraiiKe hall Saturday night, was n success. A lurge crowd at tended and enjoytd the meeting. Judge Dimlck made tin first address spef.klng in favor of the Red Cross. The beautiful quilt the Red Cross ladies mndo brought J32. Holding tin luck number wus Clide Rlngo, the number being 146.Tce cream and cake and ninny other good things to eat were sold. Ed. Wolfo, who was taken 111 Tues day morning, returned to his home Friday evening at Sandy. His father, G. A. Wolfe, accompanied him, re- accompunhd hliiicmfwyp cmfwppppll turning home Sunday evening, stating that he was not much better. Macksburg POLK'S GAZETTEER1 A BoIaea Directory f eaeS City. Towa aad VUlaire la Oregon moi Washing toa, fWlog a ItoacriptlTa Sketch of each place. Locution, HhluDln FacUUIoa miI m MmmI. fird IMrmrtorv ill mtJ Bnalneia aaa amtronoa. . B 1 polk CO, Xsa, Seattle, Waah. FROG POND FROG POND, May 23. The Merid ian Red Cross circle had a very busy day last Thursday, planning for a social, which is to be given for the Red Cross drive Saturday evening, May 25. John W. Loder, from Oregon City, will be the speaker ot the evening. Sandwiches, coffee, cake and ice cream will be sold. Come and do your bit. The Meridian Red Cross circle was organized last February with 26 mem bers. This circle has finished numerous articles for the Red Cross and has been mostly self supporting. which a short program, ot music was enjoyed. Mrs. C ,W. Devore sang, ac companled on the piano by her daugh ter. Miss Bertha, after which Master Victor Adlx gave a couple of vocal se lections with bis mother as pianist. The Instrumental music was fur nlshed by Theo. Ahlburg and wife with violin and piano. After the pro gram the regular chapter meeting was held and a candidate taken through the Initiation ceremony. Instructive and pleasing talks were given by the visitors. The soliciting committee on the Red Cross drive Tuesday had no trou ble in securing Estacada's quota and the sum will probably be doubled bo fore the drive Is over. Miss Leila Howe finished a very successful term of school near Molalla last Friday and returned to her home In Estacada Saturday". Miss Howe was elected to teach in the Estacada schools the coming year. She expects to attend the summer normal at Mon- mnuth Mrs. Floyd Hogan and baby arrived from Portland Saturday to visit for a few weeks at the homee of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Page. ' The real facts direct from Washing ton regarding the war situation were told by Dr. W. J. Kerr, of of the Ore gon Agricultural college, at this place last Sunday morning. Everybody con cedes that it was the best talk on this subject yet given in Estacada, Miss Maggie Elsworth Is In a Fort- land hospital recovering from an operation. Announcements ot the wedding of Miss Mable Fanning to N. M. McMlll en, were received by Estacada people last week. They were married at Le Messo, N, M where they will reside, Mr. McMlllen being In the employ- Oak Grove MACKSBURG, May 23. The Red Cross auxiliary held its regular ses sion In the Sutherland building on Wednesday, May 15th. The attend ance notwithstanding the rain and the rush of spring work was good, showing the deep interest felt In this great work, Few Indeed are the women will to be loft out of an organ! zatioa so vast in its reach and so noble In if!) aim as is the Red Cross, Three new members, Mrs. Nobo, Mrs, Kummur and Miss Minnie Etzol, Join ed the auxiliary and paid their en trance fees. The membership now numbers more than twice that re quired to establish an auxiliary. Work was contnuod on hospital garments A letter from the chairman of tne Clackamas county committee ap pointed for the Red Ctobs drive to be Bin on Monday May 20th, was read and promptly acted pon. Two solici tors for the district, Miss Mattle Kusllng and Miss Joy Sutherland were chosen and have begun their work. Mr. August Rathenberg has been made solicitor for the Eby school dis trict and has made considerable pro gress in the work. An ice-cream social preceded by a literary and musical program which promises to be oof more than usual interest has been planned fr the even ing of Saturday, May 26th. The pro ceeds are. for the Red Cross. The Mother's club is to meet In the present week at the home ot Mrs. Simon Miller. The Little Girls' Sewing club will hold Its regular meeting on Saturday June 1st, at the home of Mrs. O. M. Baldwin. A lsttle daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Pete Klster on Tuesday, May OAK GROVlfl, May 22. Mrs. Robert llriitlHliaw, Nie Ethel Riley, and lit tle son, nre vlnlting the former's mother, Mis. t'harlni Rlnley, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Harris, Jr., and tluuKliter. of Woodland, are spending few days visiting relatives and friends. , Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Alexander and , family, returned rVom Astoria, and will settle In Cortland. ftlmetf Worthington has returned home from Cnlhluiuet, Vuh,, and will reimiln. . It. llnrdUly Is home for a few days from Cathliiiuet, Wash, ' The many friends of Beatrice Caplit will be glad to learn she Is home from the open air sudatorium much Improv ed In health. Mr. snd Mrs. Hob McKvrow have returned to the Turk limine and will take possession Ilia 1st of J.me. Little Mursaret Jackson, who Is In 81. Vincent hospital, Portland, suffer ing from pneumonia, has passed ths crisis and Is resting easily. Paul Wnlmblad expects to leave on June 1st for Fort McDowell, '!., to go In training tor tha army. W. O. Frey, of Portland, and Iocs! man of the telephone company, has rented the Powers house on the river rosd. Wednesday, May 29th. will mark the cloning of the school for this yusr. There are ten pupils In the graduat ing class as follows: John Wheeler, Clifford Jones, Ralph Hamlin. Lewis Martin, Beatrice Und and Gladys Wetider. The promotion exerelsua will be hold In the afternoou and the graduation exercises Wednesday even lug In the assembly hall. Hugh Krum chairman of the school board, will preHnt the diplomas and W. T. Flet cher, of the St. Johns High school, will address the clait, , Tuseduy the school will hold a pic- n lo aud field in .ot on the school grounds with a basket dinner at noon. Monday, June 27th, the old soldiers of Meade Post and Corps will visit the school, and will speak to tho pupils. A dinner will be served at noon by the Parent-Teachers association. Ev ery one is invited to come to the school house at 10:20 o clock and greet the veterans and Join In the exercises. The window boxes have" all been planted with flowers, several bas kets have been added and several Uoieu rose bushes also planted, add ing much to the appearance of o.ir sclrool building and Khniuds. "TUta has been the plan and work ot Prof. Guthrie, assisted by the teacher and patrons of the school. The meeting held Tuesduy evening by the Red Cross Auxiliary at the school assembly room was crowded to overflowing. Sargeant Whining ton spoke and told of bis being woun ded while in the treuches, and how ho was carried on a stretcher to the hospital and of losing his leg. 1). Soils Cohen, of Portlaud, addressed the audience In his pleasing manner. Mrs. Sarah lllsckman sang h r own composition. "The Cross of Red," writ ten for the Red Cross Auxiliary. Bev- crul hundred dollars have been col lected, and we expect to "go over the top" before the week is over, o.ir amount beng $500. The Parent Teacher association re organized Krlday, May 17th. The an nual election of officers was held. Mrs. Sarah lUiuktnun was elected president; Mrs. William, Cs'derson vlce-prenldeiit; Mrs. Flora Wroeler, recording secretary; Mrs. C. K. War ren, corresponding secretary; Miss Blanch Strong, treasurer. At the June meeting delegates to the Congress of Mothers and the Purent-Teuchor as sociation will be elected. The club hi.s been active during tho winter months, und taken a prominent part In the affairs ot the community. The Housewives' club nit Tuesday at tho home of Mrs. J. Lindsay on Railroad aveh.ie. Tho afternoon wus spent in games, and was a sociul uf fiflr This was the lust meeting for the year. Oak Grove and Concord, boll teams ot tho schools will phry the first giiino of the season on the Concord grounds Wednesday at 3 P. M. W. M. Ablo and family of Portland, have rented the Armstrong proporty, and will move June 1st. Private Sherwood of Springfield, Mass., was a visitor here Saturday tin.il Sunday, ot the home ot Mrs. 8tlne. Mrs. Frank Blackmail sung at the Red Cross tweeting In Portlund last Friday her own composition, ""The Cross of Rud." Church News. Sunduy morning the paBtor, Rov. Young, delivered a fine sormon on "Power ot Influence." The vested choir, under the direction of G, W. Guthrie, sang several selections. C. D. Smith, Sunday school superin tendent, who has been associated with the church for several years', left Sun duy night for Camp Uwls to work with the Y. M. C. A. Mr. Smith ex pects to go across th0 water In about two months. The Sunday school pre snnted him aBIblo. It was presented by Miss Beatrice Cedorson. The pas tor and different teachers expressed their fooling at his departure. Meadowbrook 14th. Louis Gibson whoo has been work ing In the government shipyards at Portland bas returned home. Mrs. Maude Spencer of Tacoma, with her two small children fs visiting her father and mother,. Mr. and Mrs, ChaB. Nebo. . - v MEADOWBROOK, May 23. Mr. and Mrs, P. Schlewe have company from South Dakota visiting them. Ruth Hudson left for her home at Crabtree Tuesday, M. D. Chlndgren has purchased an Overland. Hans HauBotter mado a business trip to Portland. Herman Chlnllgren spent Sujnday at R. L. Holman's. Gorbett and Rastall have a crew of men working tha. road they expect to put crushed rock on the road near Meadowbrook. ' , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holman return ed Tuesday after spending a few weeks In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horner, Edgar Horner and Mlsi Rose EtySsIck of Es tacada attended literary at Meadow brook Saturday evening.