OREGON CITY EI-TTERPRISE, FRIDAY. MAY 17,1918. Pra7 4 IN 4-D B MAUNA COWLBJ 1 1 Copyrlilit, Mil, lay the MoClure Mtwipe per Myndloate.) Toimnt to apartment Four D, Marbrldge court," whispered vocifer ous" Nuttiiin, the young Dinn who worked Uio switchboard at Curtl A Carter' real estate offices. The young man listened to (lie vole on the tvlo phono, Uma turning to the young Mr. Curt or, lit mid: "Kim wnnli to tulk to one of the fir in. Kind o mini, I should say. Wuiit to talk to her, Mr. Carterr " . "What' ahe llker queried tha youngest member of tha Arm. "Sound Ilka a cranky old achool ma'am. Sha'a awful mad'' "Oh, well, I might aa well talk to her. ril kid her a little, and maybe that will keep her quiet," and atlll turning over the paper on Ida desk, with hit right band, Mr. Carter reach ed out wltb hta left hand to take tha receiver off Ita hook on hi desk phone while the operator connected htm with tha tenant la apartment Four D. "So you're pretty cold. Well, now I didn't catch tha name Mlaa Crosby I certainly am aorry. But you'll have to ae Mr. Hoover about that Now, you don't think we're keeping that apartment cold Jut to make you mad. No, honest there lan't any way we can get mora coal. What the theater get coal enough. Well, that'a good one. All you can do, then, la to go to a ahow. It'a matinee day. Now, really, I didn't mean to make yon angry. But you aee, everyone la kick log. and It really Isnt our fault' Wa can't get any mora coal and all wa can do la to try and keep cheerful about It What? Yon bet that It lan't ao cold here In oar office aa It la In your apartment? Well, now, Mlaa Crosby, I'll have to admit that It la pretty comfortable here. We've got a south .era exposure and we're on tha ground floor, and somehow theaa office build tng people do manage to get tha coat Tea, It la unfair. What? Why. cer tainly. I'd be glad to see you. Coma right along. Yea, Just ask for Mr. Carter, Jr, Frank Carter. Good by, Miss Crosby. I'll aee you soon." Ha hung the receiver back on the hook and then clapped hta hand over tha ear wltb which he had been listening aa If to relieve It from the effect of the volley fire that had been charged on It through the phone. " "Wow," he said, addreaalng tha tel ephone operator on the opposite aide of the room, beyond the little wooden fence. "Wow, but ahe certainly la some sour old ntnld. I thought I'd kid her Into good humor, but It waa the wrong tack. I wonder If aha'll call my bluff and come down and aee how warm we are. But aay, Nathan, try to get the conl commissioner on tha wire nint In. It'a a shame to run the Area so-low. Ask them If they can't let me spenk to htm personally. It acorns aa If eomethlng ought to be dona." A half hour Inter young Carter henrd a very low but uumlstakiible whistle. It wns Nnthan'a way of In dicating that something worth observ ing was occurring In tho office. There whs a note of admiration In tho whis tle distinctly It was his way of sig naling to the other boys In the office end Mr. Cnrter, who was still young enough to be Interested In such a sig nal even, though ho waa a member of the firm the proximity of a pretty girl. Curter looked up from hla paper caught the direction of Nathnn'a gaze and then whistled an answering whistle, very low, but atlll audible to Nathan. It was a pretty girl and she waa approaching In the vicinity of Na than. Enveloped In a voluminous fur trimmed rough woolen coat of a dark vlolit hue, with her hnnda encased In a bluck muff to match tho fur on her coat with a picturesque block velvet hat, cut on the poke bonnet order, that cast much shadow on her face, there was atlll enough opportunity to see that the girl beneath so much warmth giving clothes was young, animated and pretty. The bewildered Nathan looked up as ahe approached and to her query that Carter did not henr, he nodded to the desk of the youngest member of the firm. Then the violet coat and the delicate aroma of violet aachet that went with it moved toward the little wooden fence that hedged In Mr. Car ter'a desk. "Ilere I am," said the girl, "rm the tenant In Four D., Marbrldge court Where do you want me to alt Inside the fence or outside ' Carter Jumped from his seat and was so confused that all he could aay was: "Inside the fence-please take this chair, any chair, any chair. Yea, Indeed. - You are actually Miss Cros by T How very good of you." "No. I won't take your chair. Ill take this little one,4' she said, slipping out of hor coat and revealing a very neatly fitted plain blue serge dross be neath. She placed the chair precisely half way between the radiator and tha window where the light would come over her left shoulder. "There," she said. "I like It Just Mke that I shall knit and not disturb you at all. Please alt down, Mr. Carter. You can't Imagine what a pleasure It la to be warm." Carter noted a tone of asperity la the girl's voice but he did not feel la the least Irritated by It. He tried to swing himself around la his gwlvel chair so Mint lie could go on work before him, but (hi) cliulr si-emi-i, to swing of Its own accord a round n giil n so that bit sut looking nt Ills guest. "Ho so you took my Invitation seri ously, did you? I'm glnd." II" Impli ed with emlmrrnHHincnt nnd Hie girl opened two blue eyes wide nnd round, with studied naivety, behind which Carter knew lay much snrcusm. "Why, didn't you menu Hint you wanted me to come?" she nuked, "You first sug gested the theater, but you see, I've been at the theater till I've seen every ahow In town anil every tnovlo In tha neighborhood. And 1 simply must get these army sweaters done I" Carter noticed Hint she had taken a half fin ished klmkl sweater from her bag. Kven to his Inexperienced eyes the knitting seemed wonderfully firm, warm and compart stid he noted tha gold ends of the knlltlng needles. "I've called on nil my friends. Yon see I don't know many people In town, and I've shopped till I've bought trunkful of things I don't need. I've spent hours In church and other hours In the museum and the public libra ries. 80 your Invitation was very welcome. Perhaps If I hsd always lived In the North I could stand tha apartment. But yon see this la my first winter North. I came with my aunt and now she has gone away for few week and I'm alone. One feels the cold more when one Is alone, I think." Then promising not to dis turb Mr. Carter any more ahe con tinued her knitting In alienee. From time to time when Mr. Carter felt that her eyesewere Intent on her knitting he swung around In his swivel chair and caught a timid glance at the girl. Sometimes ha noticed the graceful an kle, at other times the slender capable handa that were so neatly framed la the tight white lace cuffs of her dsrk sleeves. At other times he noticed the glint of auburn In her balr and then again the long curve of the dark tasbe that shsded her blue eyes. He did not know that from beneath those long Inshes the blue eyes were perfectly cap able of observing his stolen glance though the graceful fingers went on uninterruptedly with the needles and wool. ' "Couldnt yon give me a Job?" Nancy Crosby put this question to Mr. Carter one day after-she hsd been making her visits to his office for the purpose of keeping warm during the course of an entire week. "I am getting tired of knitting. One can't do that all the time. I could do copying for you and sort over papers perhaps and stick op en velopes and atampa and things." So Mr. Carter secured a little ma hogany desk, had It placed beside hts own and there established Nancy Cros by as his volunteer assistant They had finally agreed that the money that she earned as his asslstsnt should be contributed to the Red Cross. It was In the afternoon of that day that Mr. Carter dropped In at the Murbrldge Court and getting the emergency key to apartment Four D from the Janitor there let himself Into the empty apartment and did a little amuteur tinkering on his own account That morning through bis Incessant efforts a goodly supply of coal had been dejoslted In the coal blna of the Marbrldge Court Nancy Crosby continued to work for him for a week more. He asked her one day whether her apartment ws still cold. "Yes," she said, "It really Is dreadful. There Isn't any steam la the living room radiator, though the bedroom radlatora are all right But you aee I can't stay there In the dsy time. Isn't It strange, for the other tenants are perfectly comfortable now." , Yes, It Is funny," agreed Carter, and began to rend a lease on hla desk with eagerness. At the end of that week Nancy'a aunt waa expected to return and Nnncy hod Indicated that ahe would have to give up her Job. "I took It Just to be spiteful In fact I came down to bother you, Just to mnke you furious. I thought you were holding off tho steam so as to save money and I Intended to find out and to mnke you so tired of seeing me around that you would get the coal at any cost. But really I have had a lovely time. Thank you for making It so pleasant But now that aunt Is com ing bnck I really wish something could be done about that apartment" "Fll go up myself," Carter promised. "Maybe something, u the matter with the living room radiator. I'll have It attended to at once. But bu,t we aren't going to forget each other now, are we? You aee, I've been getting terrifically Interested In you, though I suppose to you I'm an Impossible sort of fellow." "Impossible I" echoed Nancy "Yon don't suppose I would ha ve" fibbed about tho radiator If I hadn't wanted an excuse to be with you. I hnvent even noticed whether It was hot or cold." "You haven't," gasped Carter. "And I put the valve out of commission In your living room." you are hereby requh-ed to appear and . the following described real property, answer the complaint filed against you j situate In the county of Clackamas, In the above entitled suit, on or be-.state or Oregon, town: fore the 28th day of June, 1918, sold! The South Half (8) ot the North date being more than six weeks from ' Half (NH) of Section Ten (10) In the 16th day of May, 1918, the date of ( Township Five (6) South Hangs Four the order for the publication of this (4) East of the Willamette Meridian summons upon you and more than six .In Clackamas County, Oregon, weeks from the 7lh day of May, the Now therefore, by virtue of said data of tho first publication hereof; execution, Judgment order and de and If ydu fall to answer or otherwise cree, and In compliance with the corn appear herein, the plaintiff will apply mands of said writ, I will, on Satur to the court for the relief prayed for , day, the 15th day of June, 1918;' at In plaintiff's complaint, to-wit: For a the hour of 10 t'clock a. m at the decree ot the above entitled Court front' door of the County Court House forever dissolving the marriage con- In the City ot Oregon City, In said tract or bonds of matrimony hereto-, County and State, sell at public auc fore and now existing between plain- tlon, subject to redemption, to the tiff and defendant, and for such other highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin and further relief as the court may , cash In hand, all the right, title and deem equitable. interest which the within named de- Thls summons Is served upon you fondants or either of them, bad on the by publication thereof, by order of date of the mortgaice herein or since Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of had In or to the above described real the above entitled Court which order ; property or any part thereof, to satisfy together with all the tenements, and appurtenance thereto appertaining. This citation Is published once a week for four successive weeks In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper published regularly at Ore gon City, Oregon, by order of the above court, dated May 6th, 1918. First publication will be; In the Issue of May 10, 1918, and the last publica tion will bo In the Issue ot May 31, 1918. Witness my hand and the seal of said court affixed this 0th, day of May, 1918. (Signed) IVA M. HARRINGTON, - Clerk. H. E. CROSS, Attorney for the Estate. Is dated May 16th, 1918. said execution, Judgment order, de- Date of first publication May 17th, 'cree. Interest, costs and all accruing costs. W, J. WILSON Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, May 17th, 1918. 1918. Date ot last publication June 28th, 1918. VIRGIL L. CLARK. Wilcox Illdg., Portland. Or?gon. Attorney for the Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for the County ot Clacka mas. Joseph T. Nelson, Plaintiff, vs. Faustina Nelson, Defendant To Faustina Nelson, the above named Defendant In the name ot the state of Oregon, you are horeby required to appear and Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of L. B. Oorham, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned waa on the 3rd day of May, by the County Court of Clackamas County, appointed Administratrix of the estate of L. B. Gorham, deceased, and has qualified. All persons having claims agalnat said estate are hereby required to present tbelr clalftis to me In s4x months from the date ot first publication of this notice. ELLA H. GORHAM, . Administratrix ot the Estate of L. B. Gorham, deceased. Dated and first published May 17, 1918. Last publication June 14, 1918. anawor the complaint filed against you .. . j ,h -. In the above entitled suit, on or be- ouchers Aerator, st my residence at fore me zsw aay or Juno, Canby, in said County and State with date toeing more man six i the 16th day of May, 1918, the date of the order for the publication of this summons upon you and more than alx weeks from the 17th day of May, the date of the first publication hereof; and If you fall to anawer or otherwise appear herein, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In plalntlff'a complaint, to-wit: For a decree of the above entitled Court forever dissolving the marriage con tract or bonds of matrimony hereto fore and now existing between plain tiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief aa the court may deem equitable. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof, by order of Honorable J. V. Campbell, Judge of jhe above entitled Court, which order is dated May 16th, 1918. ' Date of first publication May 17th, 1918. Date of last publication June 28th, 1918. JOHN DITCHBCRN, Dckura Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Attorney tor the Plaintiff. de- Executor's Notice Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, Executor of the last Will and Testament of C. N. Lewis, deceased. All persons having claims against Buld estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same to me or at the office of my attorney, O. D. Eby, in Oregon City, Oregon, duly verified as by law required, within six months from date hereof. Dated May 17. 1918. WALTER BEAGIILER, ' Executor. O. D. EBY, Attorney for Executor. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for Clackamas County. T. J. Hughea, Plaintiff, vs. Ida Hughes, Defendant To Ida Hughes above named fendant: In the name of the State ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 21st day ot June, 1918, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this sum mons, and If you tall to appear and answer said complaint for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wit: For a decree dlcolvlng the marri age contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant This sum mons Is published by order ot Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court which order was made on the 9th day ot May. 1918, and the time prescribed for publishing thereof Is six weeks, beginning with the Issue dated, Friday, May 10, 1918, and con tinuing each" week thereafter to and Including Friday, June 21, 1918. BROWN ELL SIEVERS, Attorneys tor Plaintiff, Resident Attorneys of Oregon. Address, Oregon City, Oregon. Family Well Represented In War. Practically all the members of the family" of Henry fhlpps, pioneer steel man and millionaire philanthropist, have been called Into war service. Of his sons, John S. Fhlpps Is a captain In the aviation division of the United States Signal corps; Hal O. Phlpps Is a captain In the ordnance department at Washington, and How ard Phlpps la preparing for a commis sion In the regular army. Mrs. Amy Phlpps Guest a daughter, has con verted her palatial Loudon home Into a hospital. Frederick Guest, husband of Mrs. Guest, Is a captain In the Brit ish army, and Bradley Martin, Jr., hus band of Helen Phlpps, Is a major la the United States army. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot the State ot Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Mario Oldenburg, Plaintiff, vs. F. H. Oldenburg, Defendant In the name ot the State ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Died against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 28th day of June, 1918, said date being more than six weeks from the 15th day ot May, 1918, the date of the order for the publication of this summons upon you and more than six weeks from the 17th day of May, the date ot the first publication hereof; and If you fall to answer or otherwise appear herein, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In plaintiff's complaint to-wit: For a decree of the above entitled Court forever dissolving the marriage con tract or bonds of matrimony hereto fore and now existing between plain tiff and defendant, and for such other and further reljof as -the court may deem equitable. , . This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof, by order of Honorable J. U. Campbell, judge of the above entitled Court, which order Is datod May 15th, 1918. Date of first publication May 17th 1918. Date ot last publication June 28th, 1918. T. O. THORNTON, Attorney for the Plaintiff. Mulkey Bldg., Portland, Oregon. YANK8 ARRIVE IN ENGLAND $ & LONDON, May 11 Five trains t loaded with American troops- ar- $ $ rived In London this morning. $ 8" They were marshaled at the 8 Wellington barrack for their g march through the streets ot London today. RED CR033 DRIVE $ Clackamas County has been & $ asked to contribute $15,000 to $ $ tha American Red Cross. Let' put It over quick. The drive 8 Btarta May 20. Get ready. $ CHICAGO, May 13. Dread $ $ tickets as a war-time measure In $ 3 Chicago may be necessary, ac $ cording to sentiment among 12,- S 000 master baker of this city In $ J session here today. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, tor Clackamas County. In the Matter of the Estate ot John J. Honebon, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, J. J. Johnson, has been ap pointed, by the County Court ot the State of Oregon for the County ot Clackamas, as the executor of the es tate ot John J. Honebon, deceased, and has qualified as such; all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to pre ent the same, properly verrlfled, as re quired oy law, to said executor at his office, 314 Spalding building, Portland, Oregon, within six months from the date ot the first publication ot this notice. Dated and first published May 10, 1918. J. J. JOHNSON, Executor of the Estate ot John J. Honebon, deceased. 314 Spalding Bldg. Portland, Oregon. Last publication, June 7, 1918. SHERIFF'S SALE. In tho Circuit Court of the Stata of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Hibcrnla Savings Bank a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph Hawkins and Luella Hawkins, his wife, and W. W. Dugan, Jr., Defend ants. State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, ss. By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above en tiled court, In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 8th day of April, 1918, upon judgment ren dered and entered In said court on the 3rd. day of April 1918, in favor of Hi bernla Savings Bank, a corpora tlon, Plaintiff, and against Joseph Hawkins, Luella Hawkins, his wife, and W. W. Dugan, Jr. Defendants, for the sura of $1512.55, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 11th day ot February 1914, and the further sum of $200.00, as attorney's ee; and tbe further sum of $19.25 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon thla writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, situate in tbe county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: A portion of that certain tract of land known aa the Joseph Hawkins Tract of 14.91 acres, situated in tbe George Wills Donation Land Claim No. 42 in Section Thirty (30), Township one (1) South, Ranga Two (2) East of the Willamette Meridian, in Clackamas County, Oregon, bounded and describ ed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 1281.94 feet West of the South east corner of the George Wills Dona tion Land Claim, In Section Thirty (30), Township one ((1) South Range Two (2) East of the Willamette Mer idlan; running thence Northerly 624.31 feet more or less, to a point In the North line of the Joseph Hawkins tract otherwise described as Lot Four (4) Logus Tracts; thence Easterly along the North Una of said Tract 626.09 feet to the Northeast corner of said Tract Four (4) otherwise known as the Southeast corner ot what Is known as the James Massen Land; thence Southerly along the East line of said Tract Four (4) 208.75 feet; thence West and parallel with ths South line of sold Tract Four (4), 408.75 feet thence Southerly and parallel to the East line ot said Tract Four (4), 217.80 feet; Thence East and parallel to the South line of said Tract Four (4) 200.00 feet; thence southerly and parallel to the East Line ot said Tract Four (4) 208.75 feet to Vie South line ot said tract Four (4); thence West following the South line of said Tract Four (4) 417.34 feet to Jhe point of beginning, containing 0.11 acres more or less. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 1st day ot June, 1918; at the hour ot 10 o'clock A. M at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, In said County and State erly on said line twelve (12) feet east of and parallel with the westerly boundary of said block No. forty-six (46) to the northerly boundary there of; thence westerly twelve (12) feet along the northerly boundary therof to the northwest corner of said Block No. forty-six (46); thenc southerly along the west boundary of said Block No. forty-six (46) to th southwest corner of -Block No. Jorty-six (46) ; thence easterly along the south bound ary of said Block No. forty-six (46) to place of beginning, together with all and singular, the tenements, here itaments, and apprutenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining And that the lease and agreement between the plaintiff and the defen dant, George A. Ostrom, now of rec ord In the office of tbe County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, be can celled, annulled, held for naught and removed as a cloud upon the title of the plaintiffs to the said real estate; and for such other and further relief to which plaintiffs may be In equity entitled, and for their costs and dis bursements In thla suit. cesslve weeks by tbe order of the Hon-!- flwtn V? orable J U Campbell, Judge of fCTJT !ntered b" d set in the northwest bouS h iai boveentlt,ed ccmse on A"riI dary of said donation land claim; Date of first publication, May 17th.L1olm .v.,' ." "V Date of last publication, June 28th. aIomJ ,ftld Cflnter , 8 44 ie'met i9 minute east 4.05 chain; thence south 51 degrees 45 minute east 14.82 ches In the center of the Oregon City and Mllwaukle road, which la south 43 degrees 45 minutes east 36.83 chains and north. 45 degrees east 24.58 chains from the most westerly corner of tbe James McNary and wife donation land claim No. 33 In town ship S south of range 2 east ot the Willamette Meridian, and running thence north 45 degrees east 45-100 chains to a stake; thence south 64 de gree 30 minutes east 3 94 chains to a basalt stone 14x11x5 Inches marked "X" on top at the most southerly cor ner of a five acre tract conveyed by Clackamas Abstract and Trust com- ' pany to Geo. H. Allen, on April 15, 1904, and recorded In Book 90 at page 125 ot the record ot deeds for said Clackamas county, Oregon, thence north 45 degrees 13 minutes east 12.80 chains to a basalt stone 11x7x5 inches marked "J. B. H." at the most south erly corner of a 160 acre tract con veyed by James McNary to John Pack er by deed recorded in Book "C," rec ord of deeds for said Claekamas coun ty, at page 466; thence non 45 de grees west on the southwestern bonn- 1918. DEY, HAMPSON A NELSON, 815 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ctfegon. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. 8UMMON8 n the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for the County of Clacka-maa. arold Dewaide, Plaintiff. vs. loseph J. Morris, Defendant , to Joseph J. Morris, defendant In the name of the State of Oregon: fou are hereby required td appear and tnswer the complaint filed against yon In the above entitled suit on or beore ilx weeks from the first publication of this Summons; and if yon fail to an swer, for want thereof plantlff will take a decree against yon that a cer tain contract made between you and N. Wonacott dated July 8th, 1911, for the sale to yon of nineteen (19) acres ot land In the southeast' corner of sixty-five acres of land in section thirty-five In township 3 south, range 4 east in Clackamas county known as the John P. Irwin tract be cancelled and held for naught (the plaintiff be ing an assignee ot said C. N. Wonacott chains to a basalt stone 18x9x6 inches set 14 inches in the ground marked "C. C" on south and "D. M." on north west and "X" on top, from which a bas alt stone 15x8x5 Inches set 12 inches In the ground marked "X" on top bears north 44 degrees 07 minute eait 45 link distant; thence south 62 degrees 47 minutes east 17.60 chains to the place of beginning, containing 60.89 acres more or less. Now, therefore by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ I will, on Saturday, the 18th day ot May, 1918; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M at the front door of the County Court house in the City of Oregon City. In said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right title and Interest which the with in named defendants or either ot them had on the date of the mortgage here in or since had in or to the above de scribed real property o? any part thereof, to satisfy said execution. Judg ment order, decree, interest costs and an accruing costs. W. J. WTLSON, in and of said contract) and that you have now no right title or interest inSn8rlff of Clackamas County, Oregon. said nineteen acres. E. F. and F. B. RILEY. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Room 510 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon. First publication, April 19, 1918. Last publication. May 31. 1918. By E. C. Hackott Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon April 16, 1918. SHERIFF'8 SALE In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, Bank of Kenton, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Judith M. Joy, Defendant. STATE OF OREGON, ) 89 County of Clackamas, J By virtue, ot a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out and under the seal ot the above en titled court,-ln the above entitled cause to me duly directed and dated the 9th day of May, 1918, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on tho 9th day of May, 1918, In favor ot Bank of Kenton, a corporation, Plain tiff, and against Judith M. Joy, De fendant, for the sum of $1200.00, with Interest thereon at the rate ot 8 per cent per annum from the 17th day ot April, 1916, and the further sum of $56,00 with interest thereon at 13 per cent per annum from the 21st day ot May, 1917, and the further sum ot $100.00, as attorney's fee, and the tur- the sum ot $43.45 costs and disburse ments, and the costs of and upon this Notice of Final Settlement of the Es tate of Paul Paulson, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned executrix of the estate ot Paul Paulson, deceased, has filed in the County Court oj, Clackamas Coun ty, State ot Oregon, her final account as such executrix ot said estate and that Monday the 27th day ot May, 1918. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. has been fixed by said Court as the time tor hearing of objections to said report and the settlement thereof. SOPHIA PALSON, Etecutrlx of the Estate ot Paul Paulson, deceased. C, SCHUEBEL, Attorney for Executrix. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court ot the State ot Oregon, for Clackama County. Wlnfred Samls, Plaintiff, vs. Adam James Samls, Defendant To Adam James Samls, the above named Defendant In the name ot the State of Oregon writ, commanding me to make sale of 9ll lat public auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cosh In hand, all the right title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage here in or since had In or to the above des cribed real property or any part there of, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree. Interest costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. Hackett Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., May 3rd, First publication, May 3rd, 1918. Last publication, May 31st, 1918. Citation. In the County Court ot the State ot Oregon for County ot Clackamaa. In the matter ot the Estate ot Wiley W. May, deceased. To Virginia F. May, Henry W. May, Edward E. May, Louis L. May, Mary E. Nicholson, Dora E. Williams Olive E. Exon, Oscar M. May, Aneita Laiser, Ida Andrews, Jennie Miller, and all others unknown or Interested in the above estate: In the name ot the State of Oregon, you and each ot you are hereby com manded to appear before the Honor able H. S. Anderson, Judge ot the above entitled court, on the 10th day of June at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m of said day, to show cause, if any ex ist, why an order should not be made by said court to sell all of the follow ing described real property ot said es tate, as prayed tor in the petition of Edward E. May, administrator ot said estate described as follows, to-wit: Lot 9, 10, 11, and 12 in block 4 and all ot block 5 and 6 and 100 feet off (he South end of Block 7, in Mountain View Addition to Oregon City, Oregon, SHERIFFS SALE In The Circuit Court ot the State of! Oregon, tor the County ot Clacka mas. B. F. Linn, Plaintiff, vs. Mercantile Trust and Invostment com pany, a corporation; L O. Davidson and Ida May Davidson, his wife, and F. W. Goldapp, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, ss: By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 16th day of April, 1918, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court o nthe 15th day ot April, 1913, In favor of B. F. Linn, plantlff. and against Mercantile Trust and In vestment company; L G. Davidson and Ida May Davidson, his wife, and F. W. Goldapp, defendants, for the sum ot $5000.00, with interest thereon at the rate ot six per cent per annum from the 18th day ot November, 1916, and the further sum of $146.94 with inter est thereon at 6 per cent from the 2d day ot February, 1918, and the further sum of $400.00, as attorney's fee, and the further sum ot $22.25 costs and disbursements, and the costs of an up on this writ commanding me to make sale ot the following described real property, situate in the county ot Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a atone 16x12x10 in- 8UMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tha County of Clackamas. David Hardy and Maggie Hardy, his wife. Plaintiffs, vs. George A. Ostrom and Jessie A. Os trom, his wife, Defendants. To George A. Ostrom and Jessl9 A. Ostrom, wife of George A. Ostrom, De fendants. In the name of the State of Oregon: You are required to appear and ans wer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit on or before June 28th ,1918, and if you fail to ans wer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs will ask for a decree requiring defen dnnts within sixty days after data of such decree to pay to the plaintiffs tho sum ot Nine Hundred Twenty-one Dollars and Fifty-four cents ($921.54), and any amount of taxes and Insurance premiums delinquent upon the hereinafter described property since 1912; and In default ot such payment the defendants and each of them be barred and foreclosed ot any right, title, interest or equity in or following described real estate In the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon: All of Block Fifty-three (63) of First Addition to Jennings Lodge, Clackamas County, Oregon; Also, beginning at the southeast corner of Block forty-six (46) of. First Addition to Jennings Lodge, Clacka- amas County, Oregon, running thence north twenty (20) feet along the east boundary ot Bald Block No. forty-six (46) ; thence westerly to the center of the well situate on the southerly bound ary of said Block No. forty-six (46) continuing thence northwesterly to the intersection ot a line parallel with the western boundary ot said Block No. forty-six (46) and twelve (12) feet east thereof, which Is ten (10) feet northerly on said intersected line from the southerly boundary of said Block No. forty-six (46) ; thence north- SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Pearl Daniels. Plaintiff, vs. C. W. Daniels, Defendant To C. W. Daniels, the above named Defendant - .-.. In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or before the 23rd day of May, 1918, said date being more than six weeks from the 9th day of April, 1918, the date or the order for the publication of this sum mons upon you and more than six weeks from the 11th day ot April, the date of the first publication hereof;, and If yon fall to answer or otherwise apear herein, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in plaintiff a complaint, to-wlt: For a decree of the above entitled Court forever dissolving the marriage con tract or bonds of matrimony hereto fore and now existing between plain tiff and defendant and for such other and further relief aa the court ""may deem equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof, by order of Honorable J. U. Campbell, judge of the above entitled Court, which order is dated April 9th, 1918. Date of First publication April 11th. 1918. Date of last publication May 23rd, 1918. RALPH W. ROBNETT, 207 Rothchlld Bldg. Portland, Oregon, Attorney for the Plaintiff. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN WEINHARD BUILDINC EX C Latourbttb, President FT M v. rv;.. The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL. $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Phones Paclflo 51 Home A-UJ GEORQE C. BROWNELL Attomey-at-Law All legal business promptly attended U C. D. A D. C. LATOURETTI v Attorneye-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice in First. National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. Office Fhonee Paclflo Mala 411; Home A-I70. STONE A MOCLTON Attorney-at-Law Beaver Bldg., Room 6 OXEGON CITT .... OREGON O. D. EBY Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examiued, estates settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. C. SCHUEBEL Attorney- t-Law Will practice in all courts, make cot lections and settlement. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City. Oregon. W.S.EDDY,V.S.,M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Sur gery ot Chicago, la established at Fashion Stable, between Fourth and Fifth on Main Street Both Telephones Office Paolfio 65; Home A-5 Re. Pacific 184; Home B-80 William Hammond Philip L Hammond HAMMOND A HAMMOND Attorneys at Law Abstracts, Real Estate, Leans, Insur ance, OREGON CITT, 0RI30N Pacific Phono 81 Berne Phone A-271