Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 17, 1918, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Page 6
Urged That Inhuman Deporta
tions Be Stopped Because of
Effect on Neutrals.
"German Wilt Stop at Nothing,
the Only Thlnfl They Respect
horce" Hunt' Capacity for
Cruelty Ttld by Whitlock.
Aroused iy the indignation shown
ly the whole world over the ruthless
deportations of the people in Bel
gium and France, socialist deputies
in the reichstag protested against
the continuance of the practice. Am
bassador Gerard's evidence shows the
extent of the horror.
In the Norddeutsche Atlgemelne
Zeltung of December 2, 1010, the fol
lowing protests against the deporta
tion of Belgians to work In German,
appeared, made, respectively, by So
cialist Deputy Hanse and Deputy Dltt
mann, members of the reichstag:
"Thousands of workmen in the oc
cupied territory have been compelled
to forced labor; we earnestly ask the
government to restore to these work
men their liberty, especially In Bel
gium. In truth, we (the Germans) find
no sympathy In neutral countries; even
the pope has made a protest against
this procedure, and several neutral
states have done the same. Common
aense Itself demands that we abandon
this procedure which moreover Is In
opposition to the Hague convention to
which we have agreed." . .
"In opposition to the secretary of
state, I must recall that when former
ly the Belgian workmen who had fled
to Holland returned to Belgium, Gov
ernor General von Btsslng promised
that these Belgian workmen would un
der no circumstances be deported to
Germany. This reassuring promise
has not been kept." .
Ambassador Gerard's interesting tes
timony appears in his recent book :
Ambassador Gerard's Evidence.
ine president (during my visit to
America in 1916) Impressed upon me
tits great interest in the Belgians de
ported to Germany. The action of Ger
many In thus carrying a great part of
the male population of Belgium Into
virtual slavery had roused great Indig
nation in America. As the revered
Cardinal Farley said to me a few-days
before my departure. You,have to go
back to the times of the Medes and
the Persians to find a like example of
a whole people carried into bondage.'
"Mr. Grew had made representations
about this to the chancellor and, on my
return, I Immediately took up the
"I was Informed that it was a mili
tary measure, that Lndendorf had
feared that the British would break
through and overrun Belgium and that
the military did not propose to have a
hostile population at their backs who
might cut the rail lines of common,
cation, telephones and telegraphs, and
that for this reason the deportation
had been decided on. I was, howevtr.
told I would be given permission to
vlsjt these Belgians. The passes, nev
ertheless, which alone made such visit
ing possible were not delivered until a
few days before I left Germany.
Belgians Forced to Make Munition.
"Several of those Belgians who were
put to work in Berlin managed to get
away and come to see me. They gave
me a harrowing account of how they
had been sefzed in Belgium and made
to work In Germany at making muni
tions to be used probably agnlnst their
own friends.
"I said to the chancellor. There are
Belgians employed in making shells
contrary to all rules of war and the
Hague conventions.' ne said, 1 do
not believe It.' I said, 'My automobile
is at the door. I can take you, In four
mlnntes. to where 30 Belgians are
working on the manufacture of shells.'
But he did not find time to go.
"Americans must understand that
the Germans will stop at nothing to
win this war, and that the only thing
they respect Is force." James W. Ge
rard. My Four Tears In Germany, 191 ..
pp. 3951-52.
A similar point of view is expressed
in an article entitled "Vne VletK'
from the Hungarian newspaper News
zawa of Budapest (quoted In K. G. Os
slannllsson. Militarism at Work In Bel
glum and Germany, 1917. pp. 5.1-54.)
Mixed Hungarian Opinisi.
"Mechanical skill, and especially
qualified mechanical skill. Is for the
moment a more Important factor than
usual, and as It must be obtained
where it can be obtained, Belgium has
had to suffer In accordance with the
old saying which always holds good:
Vae vlctls (woe to the vanquished).
In Poland mechanical skill and the
arms which exist there are mobilized
under .'the glorious nnd fortunate ban
ners of Poland ;' in Belgium under 'the
banner of necessity.' "
. . The question remains: foi
what kind of work will the Germs m
use the Belgians? . . . every kind o
work In Germany Is war work, wheth
er it Is called agricultural or Indus
trial work. As the deported Belgians
have not given Ihelr consent, their usi
Is contrary to international law, am'
the policy of the Germans In Belgium
and Poland is equally to be deplored
Instead of alining at bringing us near
er peace, it serves to embitter our op
nonents and to m-ojce more hntred in
aur I m amongst the neutrals. Many
tlm.s and more and more we have
had occasion to observe nnit the neu
trals show more sympathy for Bel-
glum than for any oilier belligerent.
Old Men and Boys Tsken.
The news dispatches Indicate that
the deportation and forced labor of
Belgliins Mill continue. In a dispatch
from lliivre (New York Evening Post.
September l.'l. 101T) It is stated: "The
removal of the civilian population of
Belgium continue!., according to ad
vices received here. The town of Rou
Vrs, 'Immediately behind the battle
e in Himders, has been evacuated
- .pletely. Ostein! Is being emptied
jradualty, and two thousand persons
already have been sent from Ooyrtml,"
In another dispatch from Havre
(Washington Post. September 24, 1917)
It Is stated Wat "the German military
authorities at Bruges. Belgium, are
conscripting forcibly all the beys and
men of that city between the ages of
fourteen and, sixty to work in munition
factories and shipyards, "The rich and
poor, shopkeepers and workmen, all
are being taken, only the school teach
ers, doctors, and priests escaping."
German Officer Rebuked Men.
The following "Order of the Pay"
shows how the town of Huy eseupml
the fate of so many Belgium and
French towns. Drunken Gorman sol
diers were frightened and began to
shoot men and burn houses. The
commaudlng officer condemned this be
cause it was not done by his order ami
because two German soldiers were
wounded. It is evident that massacres
and arson were permitted only when
commanded by the officers,
"Ijist night a shooting affray took
placv. There is no evidence that the
Inhabitants of the towns had any arms
in their houses, nor is there evidence
that the people took part in the shoot
ing ; on the contrary, it seems that the
soldiers were under the Influence of
alcohol, and began to shoot in a sense
less fear of a hostile attack.
""The behavior of the soldiers during
the night, with very few exceptions.
makes a scandalous impression.
It is highly deplorable whin officers
or noncommissioned officers set houses
on fire without permission or order of
the commanding, or, as the case may
be, the senior otlleer, or when by their
attitude the?- encourage the rank and
file to burn and plunder.
"The miserable behavior of the men
caused a noncommissioned officer and
a private to be seriously wounded by
German bullets.
Report of Minister. Whitlock.
"One Inter 'sting result of the depor
tations remains to be noted, a result
that once more places In relief the
German capacity for blundering, al
most as great as the German capacity
for cruelty. Until the deportations
were begun there was no Intense hn
tred on the part of the lower classes,
C the workinpnen ijnd the peasants.
The old Germans of the Landsturm
had been quartered In Flemish homes ;
they and the Inmates spoke nearly the
same language; they got along fairly
well; they helped the women with the
work, the poor and the humble having
none of those hatreds of patriotism
that are among the privileges of the
upper classes. It Is conceivable that
the Flemish population might have
existed under German rule; It was
Teutonic in Its origin and anti-French
always. But now the Germans have
changed all that.
"They have dealt a mortal blow to
any prospect they may ever have had
of being tolerated by the population
of FlannYrs; In tearing away from
nearly every humble home In the land
a husband and a father or a son and
brother they have lighted a fire of
hatred that will never go out; they
have brought home to every heart In
the land. In a way that will Impress
Its horror Indelibly on the memory of
three generations, n realization of
what German methods mean, not, as
with the early atrocities. In the heat
of passion nnd the first lust of war,
but by one of those deeds that make
one despair of the future of the hu
man race, a deed coldly planned, studi
ously matured, and deliberately and
systematically executed, a deed so
cruel that German soldiers are said
to have wept In Its execution, and so
monstrous that even German officers
are now said to he ashamed.
Mr. Hoover's Conclusion.
Mr. Hoover's mature conclusions on
the German practices in Belgium,
which he wrote fur the pamphlet is
sued by the committee on public In
formation, reinforce the detailed evi
dence already presented :
September, 1917.
I have been often culled upon for a
statement of my observation of Ger
man rule in Belgium and northern
I have neither the desire nor the
adequate pen to picture the scenes
which have heated my blood through
the two and a half years that I have
spent In work fur the relief of these
10.000.000 people.
The sight of the destroyed homes
and cities, the widowed nnd father
less, the destitute, the physical misery
of a people but partially nourished at
best, the deportation of men by tens
of thousands to slavery In German
mines and factories, the execution of
men and women for paltry effusions
of their loyalty to their country, tli
sacking of every resource through
financial robbery, the battening of
armies on the slender produce of the
country; the denudation of the country
of cattle, horses, and textiles; all these
things we had to witness, dumb to
help other than by protest and sympa
thy, during this lung and terrible time
and still these are not the events of
battle heat, but the effects of a grind
Ing heel of n race demanding the mas
tership of the world.
Chick food, per 100 lbs. .
Scratch food, per 100 lbs
Bone, per 100 lbs.
Twin Four fe'i
Reef scrap
Berkshire ..
Kaokle feed, per 100 lb.
Holateln dairy food, per SO-lb..
Oil meal
Blood meal poultry, iv.
Albert mash food
Whole corn
Cracked corn -.
Cocoanut oU inert
. . . . UK
Ground corn
! Easter oyster shell -
I Sugar, 11 pounds How
Western Shell
Grit, per 100 lb I0o
Hater WIO
Livestock 8uytng
Live Hogs
Dressed hog
Young Rooster
Old Rooster 15c
Broiler S035c
WANTED A serviceable Durham or
Holateln bull. State age and price.
L. A. Read, Gladstone,
FOR TRADE Two good dwelllug
houses in Dallas, Oregon, on one
lot. One 7-room house, one 5-room
house. Practically new. No In
cumbrance. Price $2500. Will
trade for like property In Oregon
City, or small ranch. F. M. Clod
felter. Aurora, Oregon. R. F. D.
Route 3.
STRAYED One bay gelding, work
horse, split In left ear. Reward for
Information . A. A. Perslnger, Route
4, Gresham.
DEAD and Down and out stock taken
quickly. Phone Milwaukie Render
ing Co. 69-J.
for dead cowa and down and out
horses. Will call anywhere. Phone
Milwaukie 694.
The County Court
ton, $24.50;' E. Barrett, $16.50; C.
Earney, $21.00; J. Boss, $24.00; Earl
Gerber, $21.00; W. Kirchem, $32.00.;
0, Marklund, $3.00; Johnson, $3.00;
Erlckton, $3.00; E, C. Gerber, $138.
00; G. Fisher, $30.00.
ROAD - DIST. NO, 15 Hodson
Feenaughty Co., $8.00; B. J. Staats
Hardware Co., $3.1X1; T. Holland,
$37.50; P. Chinn, $33.75; II. Engel,
$44.00; M. Newton, $3.00; C, Rider,
$3.00; J. Ball, $3.00; C Rettinger,
$9.00; J. Barlow, $3.00; W. Randall,
$1.50; II Henrict, $12.00; W. G. Ran
dall, $75.00; Herman Staehely, $42.-
$1.50 j?5; Henry Seheer, $42.75; Thomas
rveiiana, ;u.w,rreit minn, ;iy.w;
Henry Engel, $3,9.00; A. C. Tomson,
$56.00; M. Telford, $16.50; Frank
Werner, $30.37; Albert Seheer, $30..
37; John Seheer, $32.22; N. T. An
drew, $37.00; Thomas Blnnehnrd,
$21.00; Harry Marten, $36.00; Geo.
Barry, $36.00; A. C. Helms, $22.15;
John Bradtl, $12.00; Bryan Newton,
$17.50; A. S. Newton, $21.00; W. J.
Kennedy, $21.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 16-W. Randall
$5.50; A. Thompson, $16.00; C. H.
Ridor, $12.00; J. Ball, $12.00; J,
Harry, $3.00; J. Barlow, $12.00; A.
Seheer, $9.00; J. Seheer, $9.00; P.
Werner, $9.00; G. Berry, $12.00; T.
Blanchard, $9.00; F. K. Kelland,
$15.00; II. Engel, $20.00; H. Morton,
$9.00; N. Andrew, $17.50; W. Ran
dall, $26.50; C Helms, $12.00; II.
Seheer, $18.00; H. Staehley, $12.00;
C. Rittinger, $21.00; H. Engel, $18.-
00; F. Chinn, $12.00; J. Bradtl, $6.00
.ROAD DIST. NO. 17 Canby
Hardware & Implement Co., $6.24;
D. R. Dimick, $14.00; George Koch
ler, $21.00; Fred Bany, $9.00; R
Strejc, $4.50; t. Hewett, $10.00; Faul
Bany, $21.00; Ralph Koehler, $15
00; Wm. Beason, $12.00; Adam Bany,
$18.00; John Pavelitd, $6.00; W. J
Rice, $13.50; Robert Vorpahl, $10.
50; Ab. Johnson, $6.00; Almon John
son. $10.50; Sam Hess, $6.00; J. R.
Pitts, $1.50; C. S. Marks, $3.00. ,
ben. $2.75; A. .Staben, $2.75; Fred
Kamrath, .$3.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 19 A. Nelson,
$75.77; G. Murphy, $6.00; W. S.
Gorbctt, $8.00; Claud Winslow, $4.50;
Walfred Johnson, 56.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 20 J. C. Miller
$50.75; S. Miller, $72.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 21 Hult Bros.
$328.65; Concrete Pipe Works, $12.
00; A. Nelson, $56.23; C. A. Bran
land. $6.75: Hult Bros.. $31.04; Hult
Lumber Co., $23.01; Norman Soren
sen, $39.00; W. S. Gorbett, $92.00;
G. Murphy, $99.00; Victor Bockman,
$54.00: Chas. Johnson, $54,00; Ed.
Johnson, $54.00; J. D. Crawford,
$54.00: C. A. Branland, $34.50; Dave
Crawford. $11.25: Albert Harris
! $11.25: Raymond Johnson, $2.50; J
!W. Michelson, $36.00; Rex Gorden,
A given by the Brady Mercantile
company and Farr Brother. '
During the past few days feed for
clijckens has gone up . slightly.
Cracked corn has gone to 14.35; bono
from $4.00 to $4.50. There has been
a slight decrease in the price of ground
Creamery butter ; . 44c
Potatoes 065o
Onions, per 100 lb 6.$2.00
Butter (country) per roll 75c
Eggs, per dozen 32c
Potatoes, per 10 lbs $1.00&$1.25
Eggs, per dozen 35c
Butter, per roll (country 8090c
Creamery butter, per roll'. $1.00
Oats, per 1O0 lbs $3.50
Shorts, 80-lb. sack $1.60
Bran. 551b. aack $1.05
Flour, per sack $2.65,$2.75-$2.S0
Salt, 50 lbs. Mgfc grade 75c
Hay, per ton $32.00
Lumber Co.,' $23.04; Howard
Cooper Corp., $8.90; W. F. Haber
lach, $.7.56; A. Mather, $2.60; C. W.
c .v.. i.i . o. io x N. Wills.
. nn eel. 1 '
$78.00; Standard uu wk, -v.-,
H. Hugill, $4.50; M. E. Gaffney, $88.
00; Milwaukie Garage, $1.75; W. F.
Haberlach, $17.00; Matt Greenslade,
$6.25; B. L. Friedrich, $195.00; Je
rome Avery, $10.50; C. E. Battin,
$91.00; Peter Erickson, $18.00; H.
Richter, $78.00; J. A. Davis, $84.00;
Ottis Welch. $117.00; H. Smart,
$15.00; Clay Colson, $120.00; Henry J 29;
Timmer, $21.00; Roy Otty, $12.00; j
Geo. A. Stevens, $9.00; John Young,!
$3.00; C. Ceciliani, $3.00; Standard
Oil Co., $5.89.
ROAD DIST. NO. 3 Concrete
Pipe Works, $57.60; C. Wolfhagen,
$6.40; J. C. Elliott & Co., $41.60;
Matt Greenslade, $3.75; Joe Papsch,
$66.00; W. Buckman, $82.25; O.
Krotsch, $6.00; P. Bryan, $70.50; J.
W. Norton, $45.00; LoTence Strad
ley, $66.00; Raymond Cline, $G6.00;
H. Norton, $33.00; Will Witzel, $49.
50; Herman Seibert, $11150; H.
Bock, $19.87; Joe Pillster, $33.00; J.
E. Cline, $27.00; W. Schwartz, $12.
00. ROAD DIST. NO. 4 J. V. Barr,
$4.50; George Walters, $5.00; Earl
McConnel, $2.50; C. A. Looney, $5.-
'00; G. A. Lovell, $3.75; J. C. Kitch
ine. $7.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 5 W. R. Tel
ford, $11.15; Frank E. Fournier, $5.
40; M. H. Wheeler, $66.00; J. II.
Imel, $63.00; Peter Schweitzer, $48.
00; W. E. Wheeler, $84.00; J. E.
Siefer, $18.00; C. Lekberg, $36.00;
C. Wheeler, $6.75; John Andreg,
$27.00; Lon Sutton, $6.00. .
ROAD DIST. NO. 6 Jarl & fcn,
$5.40; Robert Jonsrud, $2.50; C. W.
Schuld & Sons, $7.00; Port. Ry. L. &
P. Co., $8.34; R. E. Jarl, $34.56; W.
Haworth, $3.00; Dave Jarl, $65.25;
C. Haworth, $15.75; Ernest Lag
man, $3.75; Mart Kligel, $37.12; G.
Herz, $6.00; Joel Jarl, $3.00; Lewis
Hall, $3.00,
ROAD DIST. NO. 7 Sandy Lum
ber Co., $6.12; Cedar Creek Lumber
Co., $15.75; Geo. Oak, $21.00; J. D.
Splawn, $3.00; Jas. Fegles, $12.00;
E. Wall, $3.00; Geo. Wall, $3.00;
Frank Wall, $3.00; Geo. Maroney,
$3.00; J. Cockelreas, $3.00; A. W.
Shipley, $50.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 8 Sandy Lum
ber Co., $114.31; C. W. Miller, $38.
50; O. Dailey, $31.50; Aug. Beiden
stein, $42.00; Paul R. Meinig, $17.
25; A. W. Shipley, $78.00; Dick Al
len, $11.25; John Allen, $5.00; P.
Averil, $6.25; W. Koenecke, $5.00.
ROAD DIST, NO. 9 W: F. Hab
erlach, $5.35; Fred Lins, $31.50; Gus
Zwirnman, $27.50; E. Guber, $10.00;
C. Guber, $5.00; N. Rath, $5.00; C.
A. Johnson, $10.00; Otto Paulsen,
$10.00; A. H. Miller, $10.00; Leo
Rath, $10.00; Theo. Harders, $5.00;
H. Joyner, $10.00; H, Tracy, $5.00;
Joe Weiderhold, $5.00; Willie Rhoods
$2.50; Fred Lins, $3.50; H. W, Sharp
& Co., $26.54.
ROAD DIST. NO. 11 Francis
Welsh, $11.52; Chase & Linton Grav
el Co., $503.43; P. F. Morey, $384.00;
H. D. Marston, $30.00; J. Murphy,
$48.00; J. Moore, $36.00; C. Moak,
$54.00; C. R. Livesay, $62.00; C.
Mann, $27.00; W. Holc.hu, $27.00; F.
Furgeson, $18.00; Wm. Mann, $6.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 12 M. L. Kline
$1.25; S. P. Co., $1.60; Ole Thomp
son, $66.00; Albert Gerber, $30.00;
E. C. Gerber, $84.00; J. Moser, $12.
00; G. Tracy, $42.00; B. King, $3.00;
E. C. Gerber, $69.00; Henry Babler,
$152.00; E. Thompson, $3.00; G. Lash
$42.00; Fred Minder, $33.00; J. Hat-
$15.00: Carl Peterson, $39.00; Jonas
Petterson, $39.00; Aug. Dalstrom
$33.00; Emile Petterson, $18.00; Art
Erickson, $5.00; J. W. Carlson, $6.-
00: Claud Winslow, $12.00; Walfred
Johnson, $12.00; E. A. Swanson
$75.00: A. Johnson. $75.00; A. E,
Nelson. $75.00; P. E. Bonney, $3.00
A E. Anderson, $66.00; Alex Erick
son, $63.00; J. J. Jones, $51.50;
Carlson, $40.50; John Anderson, $18.
00: A. N. Swanson, $82.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 22 Willamette
Valley Southern Railway Co., $37.
L. O. Niehlingale. $87.50; II. I
Bonaker. $6.00: G. E. Feyrer, $6.
00; C A. Browning, $3.00; John net
w. $3.00: Frank Vaughan, ?i.uu
C. McMorris, $10.50; S. A. V. nun
trate. $96.87: Ralph Hardy, $28.bU
H. J. Rastall, $48.00; Clay Engle
fionn- John Callahan. $40.50; Max
Clutch. $9.00: Homer Trullinger
$9.00: Henry Fisk. $18.00; Clay Hun
ti. J6.00: Wm. Avison. $3.00; Ira
Bover. $30.00: Peter Geres, $63.00
Milton Trullinger, $14.00; Oren Cut
ting, $9.00; Fred Schafer, $6.00; Jens
Sorensen. $6.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 23 M. John
son, $6.00; V. Berg, $6.00; C.
Ziegler, $49.50; H. Stuwe, $16.50;
Swanson, $16.50; C. Trost, $7.50;
Taylor. $1.50: H. G. Ziegler, $24.00
G. Zieeler. $30.00: E. W. Zimmer
man. $16.00; R. Heinz, $15.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 24 C. G. Hoff
n it -n i 0 fP'l.
man. I1.5U: JNeedv uric at ine
Factory, $82.77; J. J. Wurful, $6.30
C. B. Mifler, $3.00; Hoyt Doud, $57.
00: C. E. Miller, $52.00; Tom Dyb
vad. $0.85; L. Aakin, $33.00; C. W.
Carothers, $7.50; Williard Carothers
$16.50: P. H. Miller. $16.50; Fritz
Keiling, $16.50: Geo. Dozier, $18
75: Will Kenaeir. $5.00: A. C. Stuwe
$12.00; Clarence Johnson, $6.00;
Sether, $7.50; John Ritter, $4.50;
Stuwe, $3.00; Lew Askin, $59.60
Noah Egli, $62.60; 'Clayton Yoder,
$13.50; Hoyt Doud, $9.00; E. Stuwe,
$18.00; John Egli, $2.50; C. E. Mil
ler, $58.90; Williard Carothers, $10.
50; O. W. Townsend, $10.50; Fred
Stuwe, $9.00; Sam Egli, $36.00; G.
E. Wyland, $18.00; A. Fredrickson,
$3.00; P. H. Miller, $19.50; A. Yo
der, $6.00; Ben Jackson, $18.00; W.
H. Jackson, $6.00; Fritz Keiling,
$10.50; G. Bellknap, $7.50; F. Heinz,
$4.50; Geo. Sether, $10.00; Geo.
Sether, $18.00; Geo. Hendrickson,
$18.00; A. Weaver, $3.00; Lee Fish,
$24.00; O. King, $18.00; Ben Wolfer,
$18.00; C. W. Carothers, $18.00; C.
Johnson, $25.00; Chas, Blosser, $3.00;
John Ritter, $1.50; P. Collins, $3.00;
R. Heinz, $45.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 26 J. B. Ma
son, $2.75; Chas. Callahan, $3.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 27 J. N. Win-
dishar & Son, $32.85; Chas. John
son, $6.50; A. Olsen, $28.75; Olof Ol
son, $57.50; Norman Olson, $14.35;
Jay Bentley, $3.75; I. D. Larkins,
$39.50; C. P. Thomas; $20.0Q; C. H.
Losinger, $3.75; Ed. Hobart, $5.00;
Dan Edwards, $1.25; F. L. Skirvin,
$5.'00; T. D. Clap $1.25; Bert Hub
bard, $0.65; J. Jeorg, $3.75.
ROAD DIST. NO. 28 Concrete
Pipe Works, $9.60; A. L. Brcmgher,
$3.90; L. 0. Nightingale, $156.45;
E. L. Palfrey, $49.07; J. I. Sharp,
$12.00; E. Sowa, $9.00; Freeman
Thomas, $18.00; Wm. Jones, $18.00;
John Goldady, $10.50; Ernest Sowa,
$12.00; O. Vorheis, $9.00; H. Mickles,
$7.50; F. Jones, $15.00; Jayson Jones
$6.00; Ben Wade, $6.00;. II. Gray,
$6.00; G. M. Groshong, $24.00; A.
M. Groshong, $37.00; G. Helvey, $9.
00; J. M. Nichelson , $3.00; M. V.
Koltch, $9.00; J. L. Tuley, $3.00;
Clarence Vorheis, $12.00; John Blixt
$3.00; A. Sackett, $3.00; Charles
Clester, $3.00; Henry Morrow, $3.00;
Guat YUnen, $3.00; John IVsloa,
$3.00; E. L. Trimble, $9.00; .William
Trimble, $r.00; Omer Williams, $3.
John Cross, $6.00; Edgar Shaver, $6..
00; Leslie Hhank, $77.00; Ed. Rua-
sell, $51.00; Zeb Bowman, $45.75;
Arthur Kayler, $37.50; John Miller,
$3.00; L. D. Shank, $31.60; Otto
Russell, $12.00; C. W. llendcrshot,
$30.60; O. N. Opaund, $48.00; S. G.
Nicholson, $18.00,
ROAD DIST. NO. 29 Canby Con-
crete Works, $1.20; . G. H. Gray,
24.50; Arlo Gray, $20.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 31-Scriplure &
May, $12.00; II. Krauae, $165.00; 11
OKIenstadt, $5.00; F. Shipley, $22..
50; G. Peters, $40.00; E. Sharp, $40.
00; O. Pomporine, $10.00; L, Tiede-
man, $20.00; O. Oldenstadt, $2.50;
W. Kaiser, $80.00. ,
ROAD DIST. NO. 32 Aug. Hoi'-
nngel, $12.05; Peters Hardware Co.,
$17.30; Harry Jost, $127.00; Tom
Baker, $91.50; Mat Baker, $80.25;
A. Woods, $27.00; Mr. Mitchell,
$10.50; Ray Baker, $12.00; Roe
Heater, $6.00; Harry Jost, $6.50;
Tom Baker, $6.00; A. A. Woods,
24.00; E. L. Baker, $24.00; Jack
Ahgus, $6.00; Clifford Jones, $6.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 33-A. N. Will
$114.10; F. Madden & Co., $11.02;
C. C. Miller, $1.35; Cascade Garage,
3.75; Frank Millard, $48.00; Mar-
ion Millard, $30.00; R. H. Millard,
$48.75; Jas. Closner, $1.25; Fred
Dundee, $3.05; Frank Millard, $43.00;
Marion Tucker, $17.50; Isaiah Tuck-
er, $5.62; George Donney, .n-;
Marion Millard, $62.50; R. II. Mil
lard, $65.00; John Stormer, $62.60;
Sehonbhrg, $62.50; E. Closner,
$62.50; W. Fink, $62.60; S. E. Smith,
$37.50: W. T. Smith. $25.00; Jas.
Closner, $31.25; Frank Smith, $23.
75; Oral Stormer, $30.00; C. L. Den
ney, $32.50; W. W. Thcker, $25.50;
John Moger. $36.00: August Gensor.
oski. $5.00: E. Dbble. $18.75; Karl
Day. $2.50.
- ROAD DIST. NO. 34 B. J. StaaU
Hardware Co.. $1.29; Nelson & Da
vis, $1.60; J. Wagely, $23.75; G. Mo
ser. $30.00: S. Moser, $60.00; J. Mo-
ser, $35.00; W. Kaiser, $12.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 36 N. C. Nel
on. $1.75; Martin uiaon, sa.uo; "r
ry Wormdahl, $10.00; L. E. Dimick,
ROAD DIST. NO. 40 Frank
Fournier, $6.30; D. L. Erdman, $26.
50; F. Carlson, $24.75; Charley Rich-
ey, $4.85; Morris Mowrey, $9.75; Lee
Bartlemay, $10.65; H. Bronncr, $32.-
; M. Riehey, $6.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 41 Coast Cul-
vert & Flume Co., $38.56; Paul K.
Meinig, $43.75; II. H. Udell, $59.54;
Tom Shuler, $5.00; John C. Affolter,
$15.00; L. G. Wilson, $17.50; Char-
ley Updcgrave, $10.00; John Krieg
er, $15.00; Ralph DeShazer, $5.00; H.
N. Schminsky, $2.50; Paul R, Meinig,
$42.50; H. II. Udell, $30.50; John C.
Affolter, $8.75; Irvin Updegrave,
$12.60; L G. Wilson, $12.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 43 B. F. Cogs
well, $15.05; W. H. Douglass, $54.87;
Roy Douglass, $22.00; Carl Doug
lass, $16.50; Fred HofTmeiter, $33.
00; Chas. Murphy, $9.62; W. T. Van-
Curren, $5.60; Perry Murphy, $2.75;
W. J. Huggins, $16.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 44 Nelson &
Davis, $5.00; John Ball, $12.00; A.
C. Thompson, $5.50; G. E. Berry,
$6.00; H. Engle, $14.00; A. S. New
ton, $7.00; B. Newton, $6.00; A. Os
born, $7.00; Hodson-Feenaughty Co.,
$10.95; C. W. Friedrich, $3.95; Can-
by Concrete Works, $87.50; Howajd
Osborn, $49.00; Arthur Osborn, $52.
50; Murry Newton, $8.75; Hugh Jon
es, $8.75; A. S. Newton, $45.60; Bry
an Newton, $38.50; John Ball, $33.
00; W. G. Randall, $5.25; John Harry
$9.00; Chas. Rider, $9.00; J. Barlow,
ROAD DIST. NO. 45 A. Nelson,
$64.80: Geo. Havill. $3.00; C. A.
Freeman, $4.75; J. A. Scott, $54.43;
L. P. Elliott, $239.50; John Putz,
$35.00; Carl Stromgreen, $21.55;
Harley Freeman, $2.50; J. W. Cogar,
$2.50; Edwin Bottemiller, $7.50;
Carl guche, $7.50; Otis Vallen, $5.
00; Geo. A. Harrison, $5.00; Walter
Cox, $5.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 46 Chase &
Linton Gravel Co., $09.90; Edward
Nachand, $21.00; D. II. Watts, $3.00;
Jake Lowe, $3.00; Otto Fisher, $0.
00; Bert Marston, $9.00; P. F. Morey,
ROAD DIST. NO. 47 C. R. Live
say, $39.25; E. C. Warren, $827.63;
Will W. Thompson, $11.10; O. P.
Roethe, $262.50; Hugh Roberts, $80..
50; Chas. Nueran, $87.60; R. Tabor,
$36.75; Alex Gill, $80.50; John Rob
erts, $10.60; E. E. Roethe, $66.50;
Ed Holden, $1.75; B. Goletto, $105.
00; N. T. Andrews, $47.25; L. W.
Smith, $17.50; Mr. Domenack, $24..
00; John F. Risley, $14.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 49 L. J. Pal
mateer, $57.60; Bert II. Finch, $6.55;
W. N. Glenn, $1200; E. T. Davis,
$12.00; Calvy Beebe, $12.00; G. Dart,
$12.00; A. W. Pinkley, $6.00; Chester
Dean, $6.00; Roy Dean, $6.00; Ernest
Amacher, $6.00; Curtis Wilcox, $4.
50; Owen Scott, $3.00; A. C. Ander
son, $42.00; H. H. Anders, $36.00;
Hector Anders, $18.00; W. K. Corbin,
$30.00; Tobe Eash, $15.00; Matt An
derson, $12.00; Paul Hussock, $6.00;
Walter Anderson, $12.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 61 Damascus
Telephone Co., $1.20; M. R. Telford,
$3.30; Jake De Young, $28.00; Joe
Beil, $48.00; John De Young, $40.00;
O. Gran, $46.00; Richard Witzel,
$48.00; Rob Lovelace, $40.00; Fred
Carlin, $12.00; Ed Seifer, $18.00;
Henry Henningsen, $24.00; Alfred
Wellman, $25.00; John Anderson,
$12,001 A.,L. Heacock, $16.00; John
Hoffmeister, $12.00; Fred Exely,
$18.00; W. T. Sharkey, $15.00; M.
McCuslind, $3.00; C. Zinsley, $3.00;
Phillip Schantin, $2.00.
ROAD DIST, NO. 54 Lee Yoder,
$21.87; Alvin Hooley, $11.87; Tru
man Hostetlerfc $17.50; Amos Yoder,
$31.25; Benj. Stanton, $49.75"; Jas.
McKillup, $15.00; J, B. MiHhler, $10.
00; Otis Engle, $5.00; R. W. Zimmer
man, $5.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 55 Frank Mil
lard, $8.00; John Ficken, $5.00; E.
Ficken, $10.00'; Ben Baker, $18.75;
Chas.' Landers, $40.00; Chas. Hin
man, $1.25f Jos. Macomb, $2.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 67 Geo. M.
Christenson, $76.50; Mike Walch, $1..
50; L. G. Wrolstad, $1.00; H. Kyllo,
$41.00; Carl Sether, $39.75; Geo.
Rather, $5.00; Claud Yoder, $20.00;
W. M. Wiggins, $3.00; Geo. Timmer,
$31.60; August Rotheiiberg, $24.00;
Woss Eby, $12,00; Henry Klster,
$7.00; Glon Hcpler, $3.00; It. H.
Goertaen, $7.50; Rosa Whltios, f 1.50;
August Rothonberg, $3.00.
rlksen, $10.70; Robbln Bros., $19.
25; Homer Trullinger, $16.60; George
Marts, $3.00; E. Worth, $3.00; T.
Worth, $0.00; Max Glutch, $15.00;
Oren Cutting, $27.00; John Calla
han, $21.00; Fred Schafer, $9.00;
Clay Engle, $30.00; G. V. Adams,
$19.25; L. A. Daugherty, $3.00; II.
N. Summervillc, $11.00; James Baty,
$1.60; Wm. Shoemake, $4.60; It. J.
Rastall, $8.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 61 M. E. Gaf.
fney, $12.00; B. L. Friedrich, $S,00;
Clay Colson, $6,00; Jerome Avery,
Fuel & Special Delivery Ice Co.,
$12.00; Canby Hardware & Imple
ment Co., $6.20; Southern Pacific Co.,
$2.31; Mitchell, Lewi & Staver Co.,
$2.40; Oregon City lee Works, $21.
00; J. D. Adam & Co., $07.20; W. R.
Telford, $10.00; Phoenix Iron Works,
$38.00; J. I. Case T. M. Co., $2.30;
Sandy Garage, Carriage & Shoeing
Shop, $10.25; C. W. Schuld & Sons,
$65.10; Port. Ry. L, A p. Co., $25.02;
Howard-Cooper Corp., $228.03; Good
Road Mach. Co., $100.60; C. E. Mil
ler, $1.70; Needy Brick & Tile Fnc
tory, 24.40; C. Bosche, $18.90; L.
B. Frey, $1.55; C. G. Hoffman, $13..
10; Hodson-Feenaughty Co., $292.89;
Rond Dlst. No. 68, Barlow, $88.87;
Road Dint. No. 69, Canby, $816.75;
Road Dint. No. 10, Eatacada, $534.92;
Road Dist. No. 61, Gladstone, $886..
67; Road Di.t, No. 2, Milwaukie,
$1395.38; Road Dist No. CO, Molalla,
$522.25; Road Dlst. No. C2, Oregon
City, $4000.00; Road Dst No. 63,
Oswego, $774.13; Road Dist, No. 64,
Sandy, $164.10; Road Dlst No. 65,
West Linn. $5327.12; Richard Rad
ford, $50.00; B. J. SUats Hardware
Co., $9.18; W. C. McNeil, $6.26; Mr.
Morey, $3.00; D. R. Dimick, $68.00:
Wm. Rider, $47.25; Martin Widdows,
$3,50; John Lowry, $5.25; Wilson
Evans, $3.60; Worren Freece, $28.00;
Erne Anderson, $38.50; C. O. Thom
as, $8.75; Sam Hess, $34.00; Ralph
Koehler, $36.00; W. J. Rice, $75.00;
ton Bolby, $90.00; Paul Bany, $76..
60; H. Story, $12.00; Almon John
son, $78.00; Mike Hurrls. $72.00:
Criss Kraft, $60.00; I. Benson, $60..
00; W. S. Maple, $10.50; George Cat
tley. $$7.00; George Koehler, $8.00;
J. W. Standinger, $7.00; II. O. New
ell, $12.00; Ira Boyer, $3.00; Pacific
Telephone & Telegraph Co., $2.76;
American Expres Co., $0.36; John J.
Cooke, $1.00; T. A. Roots, $175.00;
Miller-Parker Co., $54.65; Kate
O'Neil, $1100.00; Road Dist. No. 62,
Oregon City, $2000.00; Road Dist.
No. 62, Oregon City,, $950.10.
Hardware & Implement Co., $6.75;
Canby Hdwe. & Imp. Co., $8.80; Wil
lamette Valley Southern Ry. Co.,
$0.25; W. Dutcher, $160.00; Frank
Busch, $1.00; Hult Lumber Co., $50.
30; II. II. Hartley, $19.25; S. W. Har,
$82.25; D. Hair, $73.50; W. S. Miller,
$9.00; A. B. Zwicfel, $3.00; E. P.
Bcrdine, $3.00; C. A. Wallace, $7.00;
Standard Oil Co., $0.24; F. P. Morey,
$348.28; Hogg Bros., $24.75; Doern
becher Manufacturing Co., $48.93;
Oregon Eng. & Con. Co., $5.10; Pope
& Co., $16.93 L, Criteser, $4.00; B.
J. Staats Hardware Co., $17.35;
Herman Fisher, $325.65; Bruno
Friedrich, $18.00; E. C. Gerber, $10.
00; Huntley Bros., $2.25; Hogg Bro.
$2.25; Marshall-Wells, $1.25; Pacific
Telephone & Telegraph Co., $3.20;
W. A. White, $8.64; II. E. Young,
$0.26; Standard Oil Co., $1.83; B. J.
Staats Hdwe. Co., $1.15; Falls Trans
fer Co., $6.75; Oregon Eng. & Con.
Co. (State Highway), $2931.66; Her-
man Fisher, $107.73; J. Kepcha,
$104.04; A. Martin, $104.34; T. Pen
man, $86.12; T. Penman, .$118.82"; O.
Cantril, $136.30; E. Stnuber, $69.03;
M. Stauber, $80.38; G. E. Bentley,
$57.65; C. SchmeiHcr, $16.94; B. E.
Berthold, $79.24; II. W. Meier, $83.-
75; J Johnson, $90.74; J. Nowak,
$40.13; U Rycynski, $81.53; G. Gross
$08.05; E. Gross, $90.74; J. Turner,
$55.84; J. Pauline, $54.09; Wm. Rain
ey $71.54; F. Testra, $88.99; S, Nash,
$76.77; H. Frank, $57.88; Wm. Low
ry, $87.25; J. Christenson, $80.26; C.
Schreck, $52.34; W. E. Edwards, $39..
88; E. Edwards, $54.07; L. Mattoon
$109.47; Ross Hunter, $59.20; E.
Carter, $78.52; Ed, Elligson, $87.24,
E. P. Carter, $90.74; A. Erickson,
$24.94; E. Parker, $57.68; A. J. Wal
lace, $54.09; J. O. Brant, $20.26; A
C. Kennedy, $57.58; J. F. Moore,
$54.09; N. Meier, $1.79; J. Voyrich,
$1.79; A. P. Tuor, $73.29; H. P. Gibbs
$8.61; Wm. liaise, $8.61; M. T.Whit
ney, $62.82; J. Zimmerman, $41.88;
W. I, Kennedy, $68.05; W. Engel-
man,' $13.98; u. Martin, $10.75; T.
Penman, $24.00; W. M. Aldrich, $10.
00; R Rainey, $19.19; R. Schrocder.
$17.45; J. McBridc, $22.64; II. Al
len, $2.23; F. Cantrill, $5.23.
trill, $5.23; J. T. Marshall, $2.44; P.
Burg, $20.94; J. Mlady, $13.14; A. A.
Conklin, $20.41; F. Manion, $8.61; J.
Popham, $8.61; W. Olson, $6.42; H.
Strous, $9.28; II. Strous, $13.98; J. A.
Carlson, $11.63; Erick Fisher, $4.98;
G. S. Roger, $3.49; J. Sheer, $3.49;
II. E. Young, $50.00; Avery & Co.,
$1.30; Chase & Linton Gravel Co.,
$3.25; Portland Brazinfl & Machine
Works, $1.50; Phoenix Iron Works,
$214.98; Howard-Cooper Corp., $31.
51; B. J. Lawrence, $91.00; A. C.
Buchel, $130.00; Herman Timmer,
Co., $16.00; Oregon City Enterprise,
$24.75; Jones Drug Co., $1.40; I. M.
Harrington, $10.00. ,
RECORDER GUm A l'rmlhnm-
Co.. $1.25: 1). C. Hoyie, st.uw.
$75.00; Elliott-Fisher
60; Frank
$24.50; E. R. Kilgallon, $30.00.
ELECTION Oregon City Enter
prise, $145.47; D. F. LeFevre, $3.60;
J. C. Haines, $1.00; Claude W. Do
vore, $2.90; Wm. Knight, $1.10;
Myrtie L. Williams, $1.10; E. J.
Maple, $1.20; A. L. Morand, $0.50;
Henry Wilbern, $1.00; J. S. Owinga,
$0.20; W. J Wirtz, $0.50; Orena May
$20.25; Marie Friedrich, $21.00.
SHERIFF Falls Transfer Co.,
$0.50; Wm. J. Wilson, $10.20; Jones
Drug Co., $0.90; II. II. Hughes, $18
00; John A Walter Co., $3.60; Fire
stone Tire & Rubber Co., $20.65; Ex
celsior Motorcycle Co., $16.40; II. E.
Meada, $166.27; Oregon City Enter
prise, $4.75; L. C, Hubbard, $4.30;
II. M. Chitwood, $4.00; A. E. Joyner,
$i.uu; M. A. Deaton, $10.00,
CLERK Underwood Typewriter
R. L.DavlH,
Co., $1.25.
The Couiiar Press, $0.60; Molse
Kllnker Co., $1.67.
ASSESSOR K, W. Randolph,
$51.00; E, F. Martin, $10.25; Chas.
Thompson, $78.00; W. I. Burksdale,
$78.00; W. W. I,ong, $51.00; D. F.
LeFevre, $60.00; W. A. Morand, $18
00; P. 11. JarlHfh, $46.00; W. II. Hol
der, $30.00; William .Bro. Trans.
A Storage Co., $0.78.
$64.80; W. A. Proctor, $54.00; n. a.
$3.00; Jones Drug to.,
HOUSE A. J. Bell, $1
Iluseh, $12.35; William 1
llroa. Transfer & Storage M., $1-
00; Jones Drug Co., $14.00; Hogg
Bros., $0.75; J. W. Jones, $1.60; ra
dio Telephone A Telegraph Co., $40.
15; Home Telephone Co., $19.86.
$2.00; Mahlon Snldow, $10.00; Gll-
Bert Smith, $2.60; Cha. W. Kanney,
$2.00; E. E. Davl. $2.00; C. E. Bogue
$5.00; I. L. Jame, $6.00; A. J. H.
Clarke, $5.00; Margaret Martin, $2
60; James C. Edmonds, $2.60; W. W.
Uete, $9.40; J. C. Bradley, $12.20;
II. J Rastall, $13.00; S. T. FUher,
$10.80; Jos. DeShnior, $15.00; O. W.
Hattan, $10.80; C. F. Zlnser, $10.60;
J. A. Roake, $9.20; E. F. Veteto,
$4.00; M. N. Crlsell, $6,00; R O. Aih
by, $20.00; R. E. Irwin, $20.00; P. J.
Kayler, $22.00; L. W. Robbln, $21.
20; 11. C. Glllmore, $19.80; L H.
Prahl, $21.00; J. G. DeShazer, $8
20; C. W. Swallow, $3.00; Alfred
Wellman, $5.20; Jas. Skinner, $10
40k E. P. Leek, $18.60; II. II. Hughes
$3.20; C. M. Lake, $5.40; Goo. J.
Hall, $3.20; Ortley Plimpton, $5.00;
J. R. Dillow, $3.30; Goo. C. Arm
strong, $19,60; Elmer. Van Fleet.
$21.80; A. McConnell, $21.80; R. B.
Runyon, $41.00; A. E. Joyner, $8.50;
T. M. Hurlburt, $2.50.
Frost, $12.70; John N. Slcvers, $114
25. CORONER E. L. Johnson, $75.30;
Cha. Simmons, $45.00; J. C. Sulli
van, $9.00; S, A. D. Hungate, $9.00;
J. I Kruse, $4.40; Paul Dunn, $8.60.
INSANE Western Union Tele
graph Co., $1.03; A. E. Joyner, $20
00; M. C. Strickland, $15.00; Guy
Mount. $5.00; J W. Norrls, $5.00.
van, $li7.4:i; u. r.. rrost, (.nu; uren
ton Vedder, $146.25.
WelNh, $21.50; Jones Drug Co., $24
45; Orel A. Welch, $18.25; W. D.
Butler, $2.25; A. J. Rowltcr, $1.60;
William B. Perry, $4.26; Dr. H. V.
Adix, $3.75; George J. Case, $5.25;
H. A. Dedman, $3.25; Alfred Will
lams,' $4.00.
tag, $63.18.
Moore, $30.00.
COUNTY POOR Wm. Danforth,
$10.00; Boy' A Girls' Aid Soc, $10
00; Hoff Bros. (Tom Jones), $19.00;
Mr. Bradtl (J. McNamara), $10.00;
Sam Booher, $16.00; Dock Mosior,
$14.00; Mary Buol (Robert Rlmble),
$5.00; Sarah Gibbons, $20.00; Mr.
Jessie Chalk, $16.00; Mr. Galbraith,
$15.00; Mr. G. W Thompson, $10
00; A. C. Sleight, $15.00; Ada Le-
Baw, $8.00; Katie Pluard, $8.00; Ella
Tracy (Eunice Horner), $10.00; Ben
Undes, $12.00; S. E. Card (Mfchacl
lloyl), $8.00; C. H. Dybdahl,' $20.00;
Gustav Greble, $20.00; Mr. N. E.
Taylor '(Mrs. S. Booher), $14.00;
John and William Beers, $20.00; Mr.
Elizabeth Saunders, $5.00; Mary
Lock, $10.00; Annie Wetterlin, $10-
00; Chris Zinsll (Cash McCarty),
$10.00; Mary Becker, $5.00; Maud
Williams, $15.00; J. B. Sallee (W. T.
Tinsley, D. R. Davie, Wm. Kuhn),
$60.00; Geo. II. Newsomo, $10.00;
Annie Langsford, $7.00; A. McCon
nell (Davis), $20.00; Mrs. Z. Mur
phy, $15.00; Ella Payne, $10.00; An
drew Lund, $6.00; Wang & Vinyard '
(I. Champ), $10.00; Mary I. Wilson
(F. Edward Milior), $30.00; Electric
Hotel (D. Meyers), $20.00; Good Sa
maritan Hospital (Vernie NefT), $9
00; Larscn & Co. (Beers), $10.00;
Farr Bros. (Mrs., Piezo), $12.00;
Mrs. C. Stril.ling (Mrs. Allen), $12
00; Mrs. Mary Scott (Murphy child),
$5.00; George V. Ely (G. K. Smith),
$3.90; R. L. Holman (Rodney Hill),
$05.00; Otto E. Meindl Grocery (J.
C. Seahorn), $20.00; W. W. Pollock
(Chas. McKinnis), $12.00; Mrs. M.
Durgan (Mary Foster), $51.50; Mrs.
Mary Nichols, $8.30; George A. Har
ding, $5.09; Huntley Drug Co., $1.76;
Jones Drug Co., $7.80; Dennis Don
ovan (Jerome Hamilton), $15.00;
Board of Wator Commissioners (Mrs.
Allen), $3.50; Mrs. Davis, $10.00;
H. P. Brightbill (J. G. Wake), $14-
00; H. P. Brightbill (Mrs. Murphy),
$5.00; Fred Schwartz (Mrs. Trulling
er), $20.00; Mrs. W. E. Boorner (E.
C. Desbron), $20.00; L. H. Doolittle
(J Dickelman), $10.80; C. E. Cross
(Sarah Gibbons), $10.00; II. S. An
derson (Mrs. Youdeska), $1.50; F. E.
Hume (Mrs. L. C. Davis), $45.50;
Brady Mercantile Co. (Lamp &
Payne), $13.45; Robbins Bros. (Rus
sell), $8.70; Mrs. Fred Himler
(Matheson), $21.00; Mrs. E. Jack
son, $17.50; Oregon City Hospital
Co. (Ida Gould, Annie Ragaln, Mrs.
John Miller). $120.00. ' ,
JAIL, New Brunswick Hotel and
Restaurant, $3.50; Oregon City Laun
dry, $3.30; W. J. Wilson, $22.13.
Church, $24.10; D. E. Frost, $26.65;
W. C. McNeil, $2.00.
REBATE TAX W. W. Thompson
& Nellie Thompson, $11.40.
Oregon City Enterprise, $28.43; The
The Courier Press, $26.88.
SEALER J. P. Jones, $33.06.
Co., $3.85; Oregon City Enterprise,
$33.75; Edith Alldredge, $87.80; E.
Harding, $86.44; Flo Hewitt, $87.80;
Jessie 1'uddoek, $38.16; Ona Renner,
$103.68; I. D. Taylor, $54.75; Jess
W. Hyatt, $138.12; W. J. Wilson,
$23.00; Underwood Typewriter Co.,
BOUNTY George Macho, $4.00.