-1) OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1918. 'age . Newsy Briefs From All Over the Mulino cus. called on Mr, Counfyj MULINO. Majr 9. The Misses Hazel and Roee Klar were visiting relatives in Mulino Sunday. Mrs, Fred Wallace of Oregon City, visited relatives in Mulino Sunday. Joe Daniels mad a a business trip to Oregon City Saturday. j Miss Grace Schuebel was an Oregon City visitor Saturday. j Oscar Ertckson, who is with the! Medical Corps at Vancouver, spent Inst Saturday at home. Mrs. Catherine Goticher is visiting relatives In Needy. Miss Althea Macdonald Is visiting relatives in Evanston. Wyoming. Mrs. Tom Taylor and her son, Her man, went to Oregon City last Mon day. They will stay there during the summer. Mrs. U F. Holiday has bought the N. H. Darnall property. Mrs. Ida Harvey, who has ' been visiting Mr. and Mrs. George W. Smith, left last Friday for her home in Kansas City, Missouri. John Bounds and family have mov ed into th Bayne Howard cottage. Mr. Miller and family have moved to Buckner Creek. The Grange entertainment given Inst Saturday night, in Mulino Hall, was a very successful affair. A good program was Tendered and a rapper was served cafeteria style. Mr. and Mrs. August Erickson and two sons, Oscar and Weldon. Mrs. L. F. Holiday and children, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Erickson and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Berdine, all motored to Dallas Sunday to visit C. M. Daniels and family. Mrs. C. M. Daniels is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Erickson. Mr. and Mrs. James Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davis, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jot Mallet. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Helvey and children of Molalla, were Mulino vis itors Sunday. . Elmer Erickson has bought an Overland. R. H. Snod grass has bought a Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuebel were the guests of their son, rtarvey, and wife last Sunday. Mrs. Mary Jones, of -Eldorado, was - the guest of Mrs. Joe Daniels last t Monday, i Mrs. Benjamin Howes has gone to Portland to live. Mrs. Ernest Jones and two child- Ten were the guests of Mrs. Rose Wal lace last Sunday. and Mrs. John Hughes Sunday. Church was held at Bethel church Sunday with Rev. Seamann of Oregon City In the pulpit. Mrs. W. C. Green and F. Alldredge of Oregon City fav ored us with a duet during the ser vices. Clear Creek has suspended the cream route in this district and the Oregon City creamery is now gather ing cream here. Mrs. William Hubert Is sawing for Mrs. A. I. Hughes this week. . Preparations are underway for a Memorial Day program by the school children of District No. 75. Ilazelia Redland H AZ ELI A, May 9. Mrs. J. P. Cook Is confined to her bed with a severe attack of sciatic rheumatism. Frank Whttten returned to Haxetia Saturday, after spending several we?ka with relatives at Medical Springs. Miss Elisabeth Papoun, who is em ployed at the state house, Salem, spent Sunday with her parents. Mrs. Lynette Childs was entertain ed Sunday by her sister, Mrs. Agnes Lehman. The John Wanker family motored to Maple Knoll Form, and spent a pleasant evening with the McMahan and Eastman families. The Haiella Literary and Debating Society closed the spring session last Saturday evening. After a splendid program and the business meeting, a huge bonfire was built, by which weinles were roasted. The remainder of ths evening was spent in playing games on the campus. Canby Macksburg MACKSBURG, May 9. Could out poet Lowell have been iu Western Oregon Just at the close of the rainy season or when, as now, the month of Alay was ushered In bv fragrant showers following a " premature drouth his word "Oh! What Is so rare as a day In June? must have beeen predicted by a like eulogy on the present month, but Mr. Lowell lived in a clime where roses never venture to untold their buds before the days of June have come. Here they are opening gradually, but, still just enough to assure us that they will be in all their splendor before May has gone. Starawberrles have taken form .and will be ready to use before tho end of spring. The meadow lark who was with us through our darkest days, is still thrilling his joy ful song nothing daunted by his tune ful rival, the bob-white, who can boast of an almost human utterance of the words that give him his name. This rare accomplishment we are happy to say does not, In the least, detract from the sweetness of his song or from his diligence In consuming the garden evenings, which form his food. Besides the roses, the trait and the birds, there is the waving grain with its promise of plenty for the coming year. The newly-sown wheat Is al ready above the surface and Is grow ing at a pace plainly visible In a weeks' time or less. The extensive use of the potato so urgently recommended by. our food Wilsonville REDLAND, May I. A meeting was held at the Firgrove school house Thursday evening for the purpose of organizing a Loyalty League. There was a good attendance and the pro gram rendered by the children of the school was , appreciated, as was 1 also the Junior Quartetts of Oregon City. J. W. Loder and Superintendent Calavan were the speakers of the evening. At the close of the meeting everybody was asked to sign and near ly all responded readily. The members of the Loyalty League of Districts 116 and 75 held a business meeting at the Firgrove school house Tuesday, night The following officers mere elected: President, Geo. C. Arm strong; vice-president, Geo. Gill; Sec retary, Clara B. Fullam; Treasurer, Alva Bonney; Executive committee: A. L. Allen, chairman; J. F. Fullam, H. A. Allen. It was decided to hold the meetings the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month at 8:30 o'clock. Everyone is . invited and considered as a commit- . tee of one to bring other people who are not members. Before the meeting was adjourned, A. L. Allen solicited for War Saving and Thrift Stamps and sold about $20 worth. The Red Cross held its regular meeting at Bethel church Monday night There was a good attendance. They decided that they would give a "Basket Social" the 25th of this month. Everyone present was unanimous in voting for it One of the most Interesting events of the evening was the 4-minute con test by the children of District 75. Those who took part were Lucien and Kalherlne Koch, 4th grade; Goldie Brown, 5th grade; Mildred Koch, June KIrcheui, Herbert Carlson and John Fullam. 7th grade. Several of the con testants were not present. Mis Bertha Oliver, A. L. Allen and Geo. C. Arm strong acted as judges. Mildred Koch won first place, Lucien Kock, 2nd, and Goldie Brown got honorable mention as it was about a tie between her and I.tcien. Redland had a very good represen tation at the Red Cross social given at the Evergreen school house Sat urday night Everyone waa pleased with the program and the Redland ( Band made its first appearance since It has been reorganized. The speakers of the evening were W. M. Stone and 0. D. Eby of Oregon City. A collection was taken up for the band which amounted to $8. The sales of the baskets netted them $75.25 and the proceeds from cake and coffee amounted to $5. Mrs. Bonney is still on the sick list. W. H. Hubert visited school at Dis trict No. 75 Tuesday. Mrs. L. E. Senn, who has spent the past three months with Mr. and Mrs Fullam, has gone to Oregon City to live. Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore, of Damas WILSONVILLE, May 9. Dr. Butler returned to Camp Lewis, on Tuesday evening, after a short visit at home. Jack Angus has purchased a new Oldsmoblle car. John Say has enlisted in the coast artillery corps. Mrs. M. C. Toung, who has been on the sick list has recovered. Mr. and Mrs. George Derr, of Port land, visited Mrs. Dorr's parents, dar ing the week-end, and attended Chris Una Bat&lgia's wedding. Jessie tAngua and brother Jack, spent Sunday in Portland. Menga Batalgia, who is attending high school la Tualatin spent the week-end at home. Misses Claire and Virginia Say, who are attending high school, at Newberg, spent Saturday and Sunday with their parents here. Jake Peters, is improving his resi dence, by a very pretty porch and an additional room. J. W. Graham, H. Jost N. O. Say, A. P. Todd, H. Krause were Oregon City visitors, Wednesday. Ed Baker and family, Mrs. Ruby Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Graham, Robt. Graham and family, Jessie An gus, Jack Angus, Mrs. Brown, J. L. Seely, Sherman Seely, Mrs. M. Seely, Mrs. Norris Vonng, Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. N. 0. Say, Mr. and Mrs. Krause, from Wilsonville attended the Champoeg celebration. May 2. A crowd attended the fanner's meet ing on Tuesday evening, and enjoyed the address of Judge G. B. Dlmick. Frank Ewing, and our county agent A very pretty home wedding was solemnized Saturday evening May 4, at 8 o'clock at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bat algia, when Christina Batalgia be came the bride of Joseph Bauer, of Portland. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. Schauman, of Port land, using the beautiful ring service. The bride was attired in apple green silk poplin, and carried pink and white carnations, and was attended by her sister Menga Batalgia, who wore a white gown and carried Cecil Bruner roses. George Batalgia, brother of the bride, was best man Only immediate family relatives wit nessed the ceremony. The Batalgia home was artistically decorated in lilacs and dogwood blossoms. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served. The young couple left Sun. day for Portland where they will make their home, the groom being employed at the Columbia Shipbuilding com pany's plant. The good wishes of hosts of friends In this village will ac company them to their new home. CANBY. May 9. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hair were Portland visitors Sat urday. Mrs. J. Lee Eckerson was a Port land shopper Saturday. W. It. Hair and W. II. Lucke had a very successful salmon fishing trip at Oregon City this week, seeming five nice salmon. Orln Wright, of Liberal, was a Can by shopper Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. IL 11. Kceles and Grace Bullock spent Sunday In Oswe go, guests of relatives. John Kckerson of Molalla, was a Canby visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Avon Jesse of Wolfer Prude, were Canby shoppers this week. Hon. George C. Brownell was a Canby visitor Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Hates have re turned from Hood Rlver where they have spent the past several months. Mrs. Georgj Bondshadler and Miss Nona Austin motored to Camp Lewis Friday evening, returning Wednesday. Burt West visited friends and rel atives iu Woodburn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Bullock and La Mont Bullock of Oswego, were Canby visitors Sunday evening. Miss Marlon Porter visited her par ents at Willamette Saturday and Sunday. James Cobb of Portland, has moved to Canby. Mr. Cobb has recently pur chased the W. J. E. Vlek store at Liberal and 'makes the trip to place of business daily bv auto. his Logan LOGAN, May 9. A Loyalty league was organised at Logan recently, all present singing up. Gordon E. Hayes and William Hammond, of Oregon City, each made an eloquent aud force ful address. At the school entertainment given chased the Case 30 farm tractor out tit of Carll Klroliem. who Is In the 45 Bnlloou Com puny at San Antonio, Texas. , Mr. Boss received word from the Food Inspector that tha corn meal sample did not respond to poison tests, but It killed the Guinea pig. They expect now to test for ground glass. 0. 1). Bobbins had a near tire recent ly. The root had quite hole burned In when discovered, which was just in tho nick of time. No serious dam age. Mrs. Grace Anderson, niece of Judge Anderson, la visiting Mrs. F. S. H. iU'hlns this week. Wilfred Hutchina is scattering the dust with a roadster these days. Clear Creek Creamery Co. Is In stalling a new holler and have a con crete floor In the engine and boiler room. For Murch patrons received 55 cents per pound for butter fat The secretary's annual report tor the two years past shows: Total cream re ceived. 1916, 1,790,888 pounds: 1917, I. 3N4.067: butter pounds. 1916, 713,611 pounds. 1917, 540.93S; total butter sales, 1916, J218.510.SO, 1917, $22i.44tl. 12; less butter purchased, $.1,102.66, Average price. 1916,33-50 cents per pound; 1917, 45-50 per pound. While less cream was received In 1917, the war prices and efficient marketing more than made up the deficiency. Oak Grove Eagle Creek EAGLE CHEEK, May 9. Roy Doug lass lost some sheep, one ewe and lambs, last week by a coyote klltng them, and on Sunday Mr. Douglass, accompanlsd by Waltor Douglass and Fred Holtmelster, went out to look for thecoyote, deeming It a wise thing to exterminate the animal so that no more sheep would bs killed, but the coyote could not be found. Misses Myrtle Hoffmelster. Mildred Douglass, Florence Douglass, Alta Brash and Pauline Brash spent Sat- r . CHAMPION IRJPROVEE)' MOWER CANT FALL DOWN Stands Upon the Foundation of - Correct No Greater Value :The Champion X( g Jr been making 1 ' JJ'-'" i -.1 'Si ..-f -: r w-ii k..;i ' 1 money THIS ajjUSTHATION w't former V 7VS THE and t'tiff;. li'L,. for vears -a. mm .. - v -4-rr-, 3ijujs.-fl5 k Am m )mc kW. k44 U k kw .V b Wi .4 d .....n - i4J d . .,. ! . I ' f This U lOT JTOUT protection . AUCTIONEER E. H. WRIGHT Farm and stock sales a special ty. See Enterprise for dates or wire or phone me at my expense ' Vancouver, Wash. Office phone 120. Res. 498-Y. y at I ' Uf Wuw, I Yoke. Jr? Cmldnt , . J ''TVcfctaa ok Wnl 1J; p-A I -S" L. A champion1! L :.r5icris--s x&$&rr .bulu I- lienor xr llxrT mW 'J li t f cae. tZjh Mower JU- I i ini,ib.prfi m KmmmrMm H "" -. r W i l Jin b-. Mr Remab, 'S. YPr, W'L't w I J ki. a piimM. iU Wearing PUtee f Champion Contructlon. rV 'A' rSAVE DLLARSIE 'Ti'l E"Saim "" t BY BUYING A WSTING . , ' mower yiJiCitMl0'0'10' -JkWto nilCZ& S-V MOWER. i that coupon mgjr ytf 1 . will bring you prices and Jf My, jQUT ORE. fir 4 SEE W. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY, OREGON FOR CHAMPION MOWERS BINDERS RAKES HEADERS TEDDERS REAPERS OAK (1HOVK, May 9.Mr. mid Mrs. Charles WorthliiKton have rented thelr house to Mr. and Mrs, Perkins of Port land ami uiute tu I'rludk, WaHlt., for the summer, where Mr. WorthliiKton Is employed In the IokkIur camp. A marriage was solemnised at Van couver, Wash., Saturday artonumn by the Kev, Thoinison, of the MotlioillHt church when Kva lillx and James Itoblnnett' were married In the pres. neesof tho bride's ntolhttr, Mrs, Felix. Immediately after tho ceremony, the bridal party left for their home lit Ouk Grove. The Needle Craft and Domestic Science club spent a detlithtful after noon May 3 at the home of Mrs. Uuorxn Hall on Itatlroad avenue, Mrs l.ee Moody Rave a vocal solo, accomp anied by Mrs. Hull, Mrs. i'lckley gave a reiulltiK on her trip throiiKh Canada, which whs appreciated by all pmsttnt Dainty refi-oshinents were served by the hostess. The guessing contest was won by Mrs. I'lckley and the consola tion by Mrs, Kvert Roblnnwtt. Nine members present. Other quests were Mrs. Hall Sr., and Miss Hall, Mrs. U Moody ajid Mrs. I'lckley. Mrs. Roy Allen was an nil duy visit or Tuesday at the home of her sisters and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Robert HU-hardson and son of I'useo, Wash., are visit Inn here tor a few days. The Parents and Teachers Simocla- tlun will meet Friday afternoon, when the new president, Mrs. Claude Hale, will preside. All parents Invited. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holbrook, of I'rlndle. Wash., are in Portland on account of the Illness of their little son, Kdward. who is threatened with pneumonia. Mrs. 11. 0. Starkweather left Friday inornlim for Berkeley, Cat., to uttxud the graduation exercise at the Htute University, her dauuhtrr, Miss Msry being a member of the class. Mrs, Stsrkweuther will be gone about three weeks. II. U. Sturkweuth'T ha purchased a new cor, Willys Knight), and Is (u a campaign tour of the state. He Is In Southern Oregon at prexeiit. Anita, daughter of Herman Mums- inun. axed 12 years and 3 months, passed away Thursday, May i, at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Hchnart, on tho River road, with heart fullure. The services wore held Friday afternoon from the German Methodl-tt church. Interment In River View cemetery. Her school maU and teacher attend ed In a body. r.miiy jone is very suk witn a nervous breakdown at her home on the River road. Her brother, Clifford. Is convalescing after an attack of pne.imonlu. Mrs. Helma Gllllsple entertained Monday afternoon In honor of her son, JacVs, fifth birthday. Several tittle friends were present aud spent pleasant hour. Jucfe received several presents. Ice cream and i-sks were en Joyed by the little people. Church nwe Regular service Sun day morning by the pastor, Rev Young, at 11:15 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. C. D. Smith, supt. Bp worth League Sunday evening at o clock, prayer mooting Wednesday evening and Ladles' Aid Wednesday afternoon. Every one cordially Invited to attend. . Mrs. Klla Hoberg Tripp and her opera company of Portland will lve a musical Friday night at the assemln ly room of the school. ine ilea cross Auxiliary meets every Monday and Thursday after noons In Vosburg Halt at St. Theresa station. All ladles are Invited. William IllKKins Is home from the sanatorium In Portland, much Im proved In health. He expocts to leave for California In a few weeks to visit his sister and recover his health. Mr. ana Mrs. U A. Ilullard and daughter, Florence, and Mrs. Henry Kiley left here early in the morning TucBday and motored to Oregon City crossed the river and out by Wlllam ette to Yamhill, Forest Crove, and back by tho way of Portland, cover Ing 99 miles. Mr. Ilullard found some bad roads about 20 miles from Oregon City and the balance good. The farms In that section look good and every thing looks prosperous. Estacada Elk Prairie ELK PRAIRIE. May 9. Mrs. Jay Shaw has been quite seriously sick. - Basil Hertel, of Scotts Mills, spent the week-end at the ranch. The principal of the Scotts Mills school has been called to the colors. W. Kruger bought about thirty An gora goats to his ranch on Butte Creek, recently. Everett Shilts has returned to work for the Sliver Falls Timber company, after a short visit at his home. Jay Shaw went to Macksburg, on business, recently. Notices have been posted, stating that there will be meeting at the home of Frank Hilton to elect officers for the new school district. The meet ing 1 eset for 7 p. m.. May 14. It is expected that Supt. Calavan will be present. : ' administrator while meeting such prompt and cheerful acquiescence in our homes has led to a greatly In creased acreage of this crop and not less cheering than the vivid green of the grain are the great stretches of carefully prepared ground either planted or ready to plant with potatoes. In all the bustle and stir of spring nothing is allowed to interfere with Red Cross work. The time taken for this by tho housewife is mostly made up by the complete absorption of the ranch social life. The hours formerly consumed in "neighborly calling" are now spent In the Red Cross rooms where soclalbllity is, In no way re tarded by busy occupation of the hands. Friendships are strengthened while many a standing feud Is buried out of sight and forever by work in a common cause. Mr. and Mrs. Heppner of Portland, with their family, are now residents with us and are patrons of the new Eby Sunday school in charge of Mrs. G. M. Baldwin and Miss Helenenberg. ; The Red Cross auxiliary ,1s to hold it regular weekly session on Wednes day, May 9, in the Sutherland building. The Little Girls' Sewing circule will meet at the home of , Mrs. G. M. Bald win, on Saturday, May 18. POLK'S GAZETTEER A BtMlnens Directory el sc CHy, Town nd VUlare in 0oO n Wninngtm, rUXT xnwenptue (dutch of each place, Location, Shipping .FaclUtfoe end DlawU tied Directory el eavb wioea ao rroienion. ft, l mg co lae, Seattle, Wwa. 80LDIERS L08E VOTES 4 WASHINGTON, May 8. Am- $ erican soldiers In France won't be permitted to vote in the coming Q elections. Men in training in this country will be allowed to vote b 3 if their etates wish to collect the 3 4 ballots. by Lower Logan School about $38 was realized. Baskets were sold, also coffee and cake. "The Land of Nod" was presented by the pupils, who ac cqultted themselves with much credit. Miss Singleton, of Portland, gave several readings that were very much appreciated. The b'jsy workers club met at tha home of Miss Bertha Boss Saturday afternoon. Soma good work Is belngdone on our main road now, not however with any of the "six msMion issuo, but our very own special tax. As primary election is drawing near and clerks, judges, etc., are supposed to assign their pay warrants to the Red Cross, oaid officials must re member that to be a "backslider" now is putting on slacker sarb. We can afford to work one duy for fr.ich a cause. However, would suggest that on that day, May 17, all officials in Clackamas county donate that day's wages to the Red Cross of the county, which would even up things, and swell the fund to a great extent. It takes money to keep the hundreds of thous ands of men in socks, especially when local merchants make one dollar per pound diffenence In price on yarn, its up to some one to say something, or do something and I presume Uncle Sam is the chap to do it. As It is now the Portland Wool Warehouse sup' plies the Red Cross workers at $3.40 per pound. Local merchants sell at $4.40 for sweater yarn.' A screw loose somewhere. Clear Creek Mutual Telephone Co. held its annual meeting Monday after noon. The company is now out of debt and have good service. The old board was re-elected, F. P. Wilson, Louis Funk, A. M. Kirchem, C. Tenny and R. Miller, O. D. Robblns, secretary. urdav afternoon with Miss Naomi PaddlBon. It being MlsS Paddlson's birthday. Mrs. R. S. Cook called on Mrs. T. M. Chester last Tuesday afternoon. Miss Etna Hoygard, who was the typo In the News office, has about re covered from an attack of measles. McCauly Dale went to Portland Wed nesday to look the situation over regard to enlisting. He would like get Into the Navy. Mrs. Waltor Glvena went to Wasc Oregon, Suturday whero she met Mr. Glvens, both returning Monday. Prlnclpat T. E. Wilson has been con fined to his homo for two or three days with an attack of rhaumatlsm, Mrs. Ray Eshelmnn went to Portlund utilit y A Kent Arena, Grunt H. Dliulck of Oregon City, mid Frank Kwlng of this pluce. There was considerable excitement In Kstacnda. Huturdiiy morning when It wim reported that a stray white dog had bitten Utile Ituverly HroiiNun on I he eliuek. Maruhal Pugo and nerowd of boys tuul men .got after the dog unit shot It. Ilovtii'ly win tuk mi to a physician and his wound dressed umt It Is thought there will be no serious result. Mrs. C. W. Devore returned Hat.ir- ay from a two months visit with rela tive In California, tr. W. M. imltt was here Sunday from American Luke to visit home lk. Mrs, A, Id. Sarpks will give a Red row benefit at the Family theatre, Moiidtty eenvlng May 13, The uloy la good one and highly recomm.mdud for till purpose, It Is "The Man Without it country." It Is hoped the film will bo viewed by a large audience amission price. 10 and 2S cent. W, , Holder Is out with hi little book asking people all aodU of ques tions and his seeming Impertinence I overlooked because hi lab tl I marked assessor. 11. C. M.ilkey, Kslancadit'i tonsorlat artist, I recovering front an attack of the immsles. Mr. Al 'Ha Alexander, Mis Wilson nd Mis Ruth Welch, all of Portland. were week end guests at the home of W. A. ilelyman. Mis Flanor Hews, of l)ovr, was gueiit at the Heylmun horn Sunday. Mis Florence Kendall went to Port land Saturday to visit relative, re turning Sunday evening. Miss Lois IMt'hmond, who teaches near Molalla, was a week end gueat a wis . j. .Moore noma. J. W. Stubb went to Portland Sun day nnd accompanied hi wife and children home. Mre. J. W. Ilyron. of Salt Uke City. arrived the first of the we.)k to visit at the home of J. C. lllllmsu. The Junior clas of the Kxtai du High school give their annual nlav ll. ay evening, May 17. Mr. Grace Klllnon. daughter of Mr. and Mr. P. M. Wagner, left Aluaka the .'th. for Rstarada to vluli her nureuU irtid brothers and sisters whom she hss not seen for twelve years. Miss Paullue Zogg, was In KnUcada Monday from Sandy after an absence of two or three weeks In a Portland honpitftl where she submitted to an operation on her neck, the trouble rising from the effect of a bad esse of the mumps. Mis Zogg wus a high school student at this place. With the ending 0f the Third Liber ty l,oan campaign, this part of Clacka- ms county has trebled Its quota, ther being over $30,000 subcrlbed. In the sales of War Saving Stamps and Thrift manip the showing has been equally as good. 1'oHtmsiti-r Hcylman reports me sale of War Saving Stamp as amounting to $9,424.35; Thrift Stamp. .hj. 75. making a total of $9,779.10. Threfourtha of these stamp sold In Sprlngwster and Dodtse districts. Barlow BARLOW. May l.-A Red Crosa auxiliary was organised here today with Mrs. Kmery, president: Mre. Glddlngs. secretary; Mrs." Tromsyne, treasurer. Mrs. Ltlla Partnenter, Mrs. Glddlngs, Miss Lorlna Widdows and Mrs. Ausne were chosen as a commit tee to lead In the sewing, Mrs. Lena Bond Young acted as president for the day. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Hayes, where an en- Joyably lunch was served. About twenty-five ladles were present. The name of our auxiliary Is "Harmony." The trusteos of the Naxarene church, Mr. Sage and Manuel King, have kind ly given us the use of the church for the Red Cross work. Thursday of each week a meeting will be hold In the afternoon. Everybody Invited to Join with us. Mrs. Glddlngs went to Portland Wednesday where she waa called by the Illness of her son Arthur. Mr. C. Glddlngs accompanying her with Mr. Wurfel. Mrs. Orra Shell, of Salem, visited Mrs, Vlckers the week-end of last week. Martin and Abe Widdows are work ing on the Crown steam boat in Ore gon City. Orvllle Widdows has kt motorcycle. Orvlllo's troubles have began now.t Mrs. Hoffman and Miss Julia Zlog ler will leave for their old home in the east Sunday. The sisters have been living with their brother, George Zlcgler tor tho past two years. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Woodle and children were visiting at the home of Wednesday to see Mr. Eshelman who J. P. Woodle Sunday. was hurt ln a '"Be'iB 'ump at Divide vr v.0a ff.it,,, nrt Mr. n onl taken to a Portland hospital. His ... ..- --. lnJury ,8 a dlHlocated h)p and Bprft,ned DouglasB Friday afternoon. , Will Douglass is very much pleased with his new road--whlch makes it nearer for him to travel out to the nubile highway. Some of his neigh. bors went ln Friday and helped him make the road so that he can now travel it. Mr. Beebe sheared ' Roy Douglass' sheep last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson were the dinner-guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Fos ter on Monday. Mrs. Annie Beckett spent a few days on her farm last week. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Serzanous, ac- cnmnanled by friends, visited their Deep Creek farm Sunday. Noah Stlnglay, Mrs, Roy Myers, and Miss Gusale Getheus were Portland visitors on Monday. back. While the Injury is not thought to be serious, yet h3 will he unable to leave the hospital for several days. T. E. Wilson, who was elected prin cipal of tho Estacada sohoolB for an other year, has sent ln his reBianutlon and will try some other employment on account of continuod poor health. Otis Wagner went to Portland Wed nesday and expects to go to a hospital for an operation some time this, week. Otis Is the soldier boy who has been sick a long time from the effects of pneumonia, contracted while at Van couver. He Is ths son of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Wagner of JSstacada and was honorably discharged from the service. An oporatlon seems neces. sary at this time and It is sincerely hoped by his frlneds here that he will soon recover. Miss Lola Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Davis of Garfield, was taken to a Portland hospital last Thursday Twilight Mrs. B. F. Cogswell made a trip to for an operation for appendicitis. She Portland'Saturday, bringing out some Is getting along nlcoly, It is reported Red Cross supplies for the Eagle Creek Auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dougloss, Mrs, Viola Douglass and Mr., and Mrs. R. B. Gibson made a trip to Estacada Saturday evening. Several Eagle Creek people are 111 with the measles, among the vic tims being W. Smith, the station Ralph Tracey of Upper Logan pur- agent. Mrs. Iee'nronson and little son went to Portland Sunday for a few days vis it with her sister, Mrs. Fleming. The Farmers' and Merchants', club held a meeting Suturday evening at Hotel Estacada with a good attend anca. The first thing on the program was a splendid dinner served by the ladles of the C. I. C. After the sump tuous repast, speeches were made by TWILIOHT, May 9. The little showers of rain we are having are do ing very much good for the garden. John Scheer and Elmer Nash made a business trip to Oregon City Tues day night. Miss Alta Woodurd, of Greenwood, was the guest at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Swlck Sunday. Mr. Eldon Swlck and family and Miss M. B. Miller were visiting a,t the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Crltser, of Echo Lodge Sunday, Twilight young people spent Sunday on the Willamette river while there, they vlBlted the castle. The Nash family spent Saturday night and Sunday at Dodgo, visiting relatives, They made the trip in their Chevrolet. David Fansher was visiting ln Twi light Sunday. Mrs. Clara Scheer made a business trip to Portland Monday. Mrs. Schrclner called ( on Mrs. Scheer last week. ' Mrs. Nash and Elsie were transact ing business in the county seat Mon day. Mrs. II. L. Scheer made a business trip to Now Era Monday. Mr. Eldon Sweck had the misfortune of almost cutting his finger off. Mr. Dolmar was out to see his place laBt week.