age I 1 i i i OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, MAY 3, 1918. Wilsonville 'K . . . - - 1 r 1 mm i i I I I iwrnl W:i,r:il U home of Mrs. George Hall on! QnnAxr tUlMlTl ttlTI1 Newsy Briefs From All Over the County Meadowbrook MEADOWBROOK, May J, Mr. and Mr. Warren P-aty and children. Bob tile. Mary and Margaret, spent Sun day at Jim Baty's in Molalla, Haiel Larkln Is staying with Mr. .Arth-ar Zwlfel of Union Mills. Titers will be Literary May 17. Ex pect this will be the last until fall. . Mr, and Mrs. a. I Larktns, Glenn, Jtuth and Alma spent Sunday at I. D. Larklna of Marquam. R A. Benson left for his home in North Dakota Tuesday after spending a few days visiting friends here and at Cedarville. He has spent the winter in Contol working for Hult Bros. Those who went to Colton Friday and got 100 per cent in the spelling contest were Cowid Saarl, Truman Hofstctter, Hans Meittuner and Chart es Holman. In arithmetic Ronald Raty Most all of the Meadowbrook got above i per cent Oval Ingram of Oregon City, and Rett Culberson of Union Mills visited at A. L. Larktns Sunday. .Mr. Homsr of Estacada has a crew of men getting things ready to put In his mill. expects to be absent for several weeks. The Clackamas county Christian Endeavor convention is to be held at this place May 10, 11, ond 13. Ses sions will be held at both Christian and Methodist churches and the mem bers of the Estacada Endeavor society will entertain the visitors. H. C. Stevens and K. V. Bartlott went to Molalla last Friday to attend a patriotic celebration and address the people over there. V. L. Stafford, of Portland, uncle of Mrs. V. A. Heyluian, was a finest at the Heylman home last Sunday. Miss Delia Commons, of Portland, was a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Lovelace, for a few days last week . Carver CARVER. May J. Loyalty league met at Stone Saturday evening with a full house. George C Brownell was the speaker of the evening. His dis course was interrupted with frequent applause. The next meeting will be held May 10,-when a short play will be given and lunches served for benefit at the Red Cross. Miss Anna Rinearson. of Gladstone, spent Sunday at the home of G. C Dallas. BiUle Carver, who is stopping with Mr. and Mrs. J. TL Dallas, Is having an attack of measles. Mrs. G. C. Dallas and Mrs. R. L. Peake, attended Abernethy grange last Saturday, when the grange service Hag was unveiled. H, L. Peake transacted business in Oregon City last Saturday. Canby Cedardale CANBY, May 1 Otto and Walter j Krueger, of Vancouver barracks, were Sunday guests at the Krueger home. Eddie Huiraa came over from Brem erton to visit relatives this week. The Five Hundred club was pleas antly entertained at the home of Mr. CEDARDALE, May S Gao. An derson, wife and baby, moved out from Portland. They will reside In the Cooper cottage. Milt Williams visited his mother, Mrs. B. F. Uonuey, a few days lust week. On a morning last week, on the road to school, Edna Johnson's pony threw her, shaking her up severely. Claude Thuslow and family spent Sunday In Portland at A. M. Coopers Ben Benson, who has bean employ ed at Hult s mtll at Colton, left Tues day A. M. for hja home in North Dakota. Cedsrdale Literary meets at school house Saturday, May 4. for Its last session of the year. School will close May 17. Bob Lam, Dan McLaren, Hugh Comer and L. Oreln ara working for Ed Ball at Upper Stetfaln mill. Clarkes. WILSONVILLE, May t. County School Superintendent Calavan. was in Wilsonville on Thursday, to conduct the contests. Dr. Butler has had an attack of mumps, at Camp Lewis, where he Is stationed. Mrs. Howard visited relatives here last week. Packard automobile. A baby girl, weighing eight pounds, was born, to Mr. and Mr Dorr It Young, Wednesday morning, April 14. Dr. and Mrs. Brown and family, contemplate leaving Wilsonville soon. and will rent their home furnished. Mr. and Mrs. J. Chalupsky have pur chased an Oakland car. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Seely, are vis Itlng J. U Seely. Mrs. Spencer la visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Alison Baker. A Red Cross benefit will be given at the Mulloy hall, on Saturday evening, May 4. Everybody cordially Invited. Dorothy Barber is making a visit at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. F. Seely. A school contest was given In the local school house, on Thursday a. ternoon, April !5th, In which the var ious schools ot this vicinity took part. A number ot pupils made 100 per cent. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Say attended Eastern Star lodge, at Sherwood on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Say and fam n(Jjlly. have rented Kate Wodbert'i cot- anuy emenainea si me nome oi mr. ; " ; tage In Wilsonville. and are getting and Mrs. Herbert O. Berkman. Wed- Clare rented the Zlan Jn Mw nesaay evening. Those present were uu .v Mr. and Mrs. W. 1L Bair. Mr. and Mrs. ! Miss Dora Marquardt and Isaac Cook Edwin Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. : wer married last Sunday. Eccles, Mr. and Mrs. Grant White, Mr. 1 M' Florence Klelnsmlth who was and Mrs. Adam Knight. H. B. Evans j operated on for appendicitis at the and Mr. and Mrs. Berkmaan. After Oregon City hospital is rapidly recov- Eagle Creek EAGLE CREEK. May 2. Mrs. Anna Beckett, accompanied by her son, Everett Beckett, wife and daugh ter, Miss Mabel Beckett, paid her tarm a short visit last Wednesday. J. O. Staata and wife, of Portland, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle. Mr. Staats preach- a pleasant evening at cards a dellc- i iuus lumaeua was served vj uia uus- tess. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bair, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Eccles and Mrs. Adam Knight attended the district conven tion ot Rebekah lodges at Salem Sat- urday evening. The Canby high school presented the play "The Varsity Coach" at the band auditorium, Tuesday evening. The play was well rendered and en thusiastically received by a large audi ence. Mrs. Myrtle Will moved to Portind Wednesday, where she will reside for the summer. George Waite, who is attending O. A. C, is spending a few days at the Waite home. Mrs. C. O. T. Williams, of Oregon City, was a week-end guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. A. Berkman. The Ladies Afternoon Bridge club m?t at the home of Mrs. C. N. Wait. Thursday afternoon. After an after noon at cards a dainty luncheon was served by the hostess. ering. Miss Elisabeth Marshall and Miss Esther Staats, of Oregon City visited Mr. Fred Marshall and family over Oak Grove OAK GROVE. May 3 H. W. Hoak and family, of Portland, have rent ad the G'.atkle place. S. A. Brown and family have moved to Portland. a the home ot Mrs. George Hall on Railroad Avenue. Mrs. George Whipple, ot Canby, pent Monday and Tuesday with her Patriots Organisation. Formsd sister, Mrs. Horny, and family. The American Loyalty League was The O. A. R. ot Meade Post, Oregon orgnnUed last Friday evening In (lie City, will visit the Concord school I. O. O. F. hall with the following Friday morning, Dinner will be serv- officers; president, M, A. Peaton; d at noon. A patrtotlo program has vice-president, Chas. Krehs; secretary, been arranged for the occasion, C. I Flsk; treasurer, Fred Proctor. Mrs. It. R. Harder and little daugh- The league has about 150 sinner ter returned home from the hospital now and will meet Friday evening, tn Portland Tuesday evening. May 3rd In the hall, One of the best Ths Epworth League hold Us ran- crowds ot the season turned out at Inet meeting Monday night and Is the organisation mooting, and the making special arrangements for a speakers, Hon. VV, A. Dlmick and J series of entertainments. On Sunday W, Lodor, with the Oregon City quar- evening at 8 u. M. a special program tette, were appreciated by all prosont baa be?n arranged. w.v s Success n.....l... - I n I.... i........ - .rifiv-K. aumiHj hh.i i.jr ,,. ..Thi, M.-t-.l,,,,. r.n COVER) (MS WAR OU E the pastor. Rev. Young. Sunday school t 10 o'clock, C. D. Smith, superintend ent. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing. Ladles' Aid Wednesday after noon tn tho church parlor. Parents and Teachers meeting will be held Friday, May 10. Mrs. Claud Hale, the new president will preside. Mr. Whitfield and son, George, of Kings Valley, stopped here on thoir ny Brown", put on by the young peo pie of St. Michael's Catholic church, Inst Saturday evening, wus largely at tended. Suppur was served and danc ing was enjoyed for a short tliuo aftet The parts In the play were all well taken. About $51.00 was cleared. District Contest The fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and way to Portland to visit his daughter, eiKltth grade pupils ot the surrounding Mrs. R. J. Mat toon, Monday. Mr. school districts held a county chain Whitfield purchased a Ford machine plnnshlp contest In arithmetic and whllo in Portland and motored home spelling at tho Sandy school house Tuesday, Mrs. Msttoon going as far Inst Friday. The pupils or each dls as Oregon City with them. trlct who received an average of 98 The many friends of Beatrice Cap- per cent In the monthly contest took tn will be glad to learn she i Improv- part In the county contest and will ing and experts to leave the Open Air receive county diplomas. In arlthmo- Sanutorlum this mouth. tic the 8th grade pupils receiving 80 per cent will be exempted from the m I it I . kYiiklnMllttt In It-. ...&.. niwtv iiuimivH ssi iist . USWeffO Th 'u,,rl. ltn nl Mveuth " I crsilKS In illnlrlrla tin vim. u lm avnmire of K0 iMtr cunt hml & ranr. OSWEGO, May 2. Miss Dorothy ..nt.,iv- i n,- ,.,,ni.,.i if ihi. ,. Hubert gave a party at the home of ...,, ,.tiv- ....) . hHr . ., ii,-i.- iu-r purcnis. e.o ms( I oucn PI. i on- rrtC-lv.,, class dli.lnms. Tim f.Ulnw, land. Or., on Wednesday. April S4. 1 ,iu,ri,. r. ,),...,!. ,, Honoring Miss Veil Todd's eighteen- dy, garnly rww, Hull Hun. Mrwood, th birthday. Tho afternoon was spent i),ivr. rhrrvvinB iiriehiw.u,. 5r.,n. tn music and dancing. A dainty lunch- wood .nJ itlicrei(L Th. follnwln. con was served by the hostess. In the evening the party of young folks motortnt up the Columbia highway CHAMPION IMPROVED' MOWER CAN'T FALL DOWN Stands Upon the Foundation ? Constfuctron. Tho Champion i. 7 -a No Greater Value in -i mwm Possible. has 9 1 ...Iff been mawng ; , W 7 J f f .J W-. ana money tho sj-uitsatiq a. j .... ...., k . wj ' y'- rightly designed. f 'l tor users -1 h. tw. m m . rm d ri ..... i I i Thlt Is for your wjs for years . p..M.w.hii,,m -z, protection IT" , I Every Part Is well built and to to a small crowd at th3 school! bouse Sunday morning. Walter Douglass and family, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass visited at th home or the latter's sister, Mrs. Oscar Benson, of Logan, Sunday. Ed Douglass, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Viola Douglass, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bartholomew, motored almost to ML Hood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hottmeister Sun day afternoon. The families of R. S. Clark. Alex Baker, Ward Douglass and Lou Baker spent Sunday at the Garfield Country Club. Estacada Kelso KELSO, May 2 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lindholm. a baby girl at the Good Samaritan hospital in Port land. C. A. Fosberg Is still very low at his home in Deep Creek. All the mem bers of his family have been sum moned to his bedside. The John Anderson family at Deep Creek had the misfortune of losing their home by Are Saturday, April 27. shortly afternnon. The house and granery were both destroyed. Very little besides the stoves was saved. Some insurance was carried. Mrs. Louise Nelson will be principal of our school again next year and Miss Ivy Ten Eyck. primary teacher. A number of Kelso people attended the patriotic rally held at Sandy last Friday evening at which a patriotic league was organized, and report a rousing meeting. Driving Mechanism V' Seeth Fl i 1 P i 1 rtf the 1 Champion. 4 at at the ESTACADA. Or., May 1 Ray Esh elman arrived home Saturday from Cottage Grove, and will remain a few days to visit his family. Earl Tracy and wife attended the funeral of th former's grandmother, the late Mrs. Tracy, returning to Van couver, Wash., Saturady. He is one of Estacada's soldier boys. C. T. Hillman, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Hillman, arrived the latter part of last week from Elko, Nevada, to visit under the paternal roof for a few weeks. Harry Reed, who enlisted, and isat American Lake is very ill of pneumonia. Robert McClintock, living near Faraday, went to Oregon City Monday and swore out a complaint against Ot to Klaetsch, who lives near him, for setting fires which buhned quite a number of trees and wood already pre gmred for shipment. The accused fur nished a cash bond of $200 to appear Friday for a hearing. , Bstacada's celebration of its new flag last Friday was a real patriotic event which called out a large crowd oi people. Speeches, music by the Oaxficld band and a parade by the Es tacada schools was the order of the day. The flag 12x20 feet, was raiBed to the top of the 920 foot pole amid cheers and the strains of "The Star finangied Banner" by the btnd. In the evening another patriotic celebra tion took place at the school audi torium. The boys' quartette of Ore gon City delighted the lrge audi ence with their patriotic selections. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church, had a chicken dinner Tues day night and the children of the Sun day school gave a short entertainment In connection. The proceeds were . E0. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. French and Mrs C. K. Butlor arrived from California Tuesday to visit their niece, Mrs. A. E flparks. They are on their way home tj Iowa after a winter spent In Cali fornia. , ft. O. Morrison left on Saturday for the East to visit his aged mother. He Macksburg I t mt - ? f Agency V ' W"" SJ ,,l Shewing the tim Wlrla BUST IS f aand Substantial Yoke. Bnltiufecss1 ft out of Um sw. ins Is the wullH ad traiflkof tkM L f' "i r"TT; k L I tin. prrwats wetu. Loflff tCshflK M It Mck tnd oi bevel 1 1 ear sKah insuring t, mesAy cnooon oi jgf brrd (ear drmnf tWt crtusk shaft 2gL plBKML 1 Arm Extra Long. Extra Larg and Champion ip,e TKv wcurcty j. (aalened is ihe jrok ''; j H . inaunnf Uw perfect siiininenl or bef, Mower ,f r- . W t sxirei Lc,is - Cass Hardened ! Frame knife rA citman. 'A J. Wearins: Plates 's r(LT" ST-C- Champion V C""jX Couldnt ' 8,'V-, tf 4 " ' '.4 DOLLARS Eby on MACKSBURG, May 2 The school closed for the summer Friday, April 26. A very charming picnic was held in the woods belong ing to Mr. Eby, Sr., on the last after noon of the school session. The ad jacent schools are to be kept in ses sion until the middle of May. The elder children, especially, are anxious to be out of school and into the many kinds of work which are of fering themselves on every side. Many of the boys and girls have already earned considerable sums of money planting potatoes. An exceptionally large portion of the ranches having been assigned to this crop for the coming season. The wheat and oats seem to assurs us of abundance of food for our allies, ourselves and our horses. The Red Cross Auxiliary met at its rooms on Wednesday last. Nearly all of tha members being present and all working earnestly on hospital supplies. A company of neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Will Damm gave them a house-warming at their new home near the Eby school on tfie evening of Saturday, April 27. Some appropri ate gifts were brought. A very tempt ing lunch was served, a most enjoy able evening was passed, and all left with most earnest wishes for the fu ture prosperity and happiness of their youthful hosts. The Mothers' Club held Its usual busy and pleasant session at th3home of Mrs. Ben Dunn on the afternoon Of Thursday, April 25. The next meeting is to be on May 9 at the home of its Secretary, Mrs. G. M. Baldwin. The Littb Girls' Sewing Circle is to meet on the afternoon of Saturday, May 4, at Mrs. Baldwin's home. Miss Rachel Miller, who has been spending some time In Woodburn, re turned on Sunday to her home. Elaine Schutz left home on Friday for his training camp. AUCTIONEER E. H, WRIGHT Farm and stock sales a special ty. See Enterprise for dates or wire or phone me at my expense Vancouver, Wash. Office phone 120. Res. 496-Y. SAVE BY BUYING A LASTING MOWER COUPON wlH bring you prices and 4& :.trhew?M .... ;that :? - ! I 1 1 is fully braced and will Isat a f nstursl lifetime. ', I Champion Construction. -. "7:'J''i- GENTLEMEN! f Send me prices and ' '4 eatslas- at vour CHAMPION . MOWER. i nrii,r si SEE W. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY, OREGON FOR CHAMPION MOWERS BINDERS RAKES HEADERS TEDDERS REAPERS mudo exemptions In spoiling an arlih mottc: ilertha Hoffman, Kdward SchmlU, F.phrara Gray and Carl Hhnr- nke. In the gradts the following wire tho standliiBs in arithmetic Sixth grade Curl taundrtic, 98 pv cent; fifth grade Dorothy Msttlugly, 9S per cent; fourth grndtv Henry aiii'lliiduy, 90 per cent. In spoiling all the fifth und sixth grades muds lufl per cent. Those contesting wir Sixth grado Jeaiielte DeShmier. r thur Roberts, Nettle Sthmlts, Carl Snumlree, Arnold Krelm. Fifth itrsde Dorothy Msttlngly, Dorothy Knsun. ntul Curt Kubltsa. , Quiet Election Day Most or tne votors of Haimy were eliher too busy or too Indifferent to cast their votes nt the special ela tion held lu tho City Hull Tuenduy, only twenty-seven votes being cust. The two proposed aiiiiidmtnts to ths city charter passed by big major lty. The election board was, George Maroney, It. P. Dlttert, Ulsnche It Shelley, Alice Scalos, Florence 8yke Auxiliary Changes Meeting Day The Sandy Auxiliary of the I'ort land chapter of the American Red Cross will meet every Thursday af ternoon instead of Wednesday, as be fore. The change was voted on at the lust meeting. Miss Lillian Avurlll was a week end guest of Miss Hoard in an of I'ortlniid Dr. Harry Maklns and wife of Selnh Wash., called on Mrs. Esson last 8st urday. Dr. Maklns was at Hull Run In 1913 and substituted In Snndy nt one time d.irlng Dr. Itarendrlck's ab sence. He stopped to inquire about Mr. Esson, whom h knew quite well Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Bykes and daugh ter, and Mrs. Nettle Sykea spent Sun day near Rhododendron tavern. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allen und sons, of Cherryvllle, were bIho there for the day. Mr. Wllcoxen is driving stage for Percy C. Shelly for a while. Mr. Shel ley Is In charge of a puck train. W. A. Proctor, of Cottrell. was Sunday vlslaor Monday. , 1). E. Sykes and wife accompanied by Mr. Schwartz, motored to Portland Saturday. , Al Edwards took Glenn Laundroe Frank and Lex Sthmlts to Yocalt Monday, whore they will work In the mill. Mrs. Nettle Sykes left Tuesday for a brief trip to Astoria and Sonsldo. J. C. Laundree received a letter from Mr. Esson this week. The Phillips have as guests Mrs. Sidney Kolly and daughters, Velma and Vivian, of Wallace, Iduho. Mrs Shelley and Mrs. Kelly were girlhood friends, but had not met for twelve years. C, D. Purcell and wife were Port land visitors the first of the week. lit OF PROHIBITION BAI,EM, Or., April .9.-(8peclal) Governor Wlthyeontbe is confident that hi plan fur combating enemies and violators of the state prohibition Inwt through the Oregon Military Police will result In the best system if law fiiforceinant In that respect m devised tn the state. He expressed his determination to lay to cut down Infractions of the pro hibition law to the litst notch, and lo.inty laxity of enforcement, he de- liired, will be laritnly overcome through the medium of the slut or- imiUatlon. "When I suggested many months ago that the orgaiilxatloa of a stain constabulary would be highly ben eficial to Oregon's Interests, 1 had In mind tht) necessity for some such plan of fljihtlng agnlnst violators ot the tmor laws," he stated today. It Is believed by tho executive that the use of tho military police along ttv linos s.iuitested will have a suf ficient moral effect In Itself to greatly cut down violators ot tho law, The eputlxlug of large number of the military police as stnte agents and throwing tlviii Into communities where they ara unknown will also give the stnte a leverage In capturing bootlcgKers, he states, which will round thorn up fantir than any sys tem yet devised. IUmilft!Kr make it liusluess ot becoming Informed as to the appearance and habit ot dtitectlvos and special stents, and the entrance ot 200 nnw men in the Held, nil unknown to bootleggers, will throw the plans of that cluss of law violators awry, the executive states, uiul will iii -itn the rounding up and the hording of them by scores, If they Insist on a continuation of thnlr practices. (Inventor Withycoinlie made no bones of llm fact that In a number of ountles lh enforcement of the dry aws Is exrecdtmily lax, and that county officials practically wluk at violations. It Is against such laxity thut he hus been endeavoring to coin but with special agents, and ho has expended through tlui special agents' f ind approximately lltOOO In round ing up hmilleKgers. Hut, when the territory to be covered Is considered, along with Instances liks in Wash ington County where the very sheriff himself Is engaged In surrcpltltlously bringing liquor Into the state, too futility of endeavoring to combat an organised traffic In boose with , a mall force and a snisll appropriation, becomes apparent. 'This office Intends to uo Its last ounce ot effort In fighting these bootleggers." declared the Governor, In cxpresnlng a hlrh hope that the military police will deliver a solar plexus blow to the sneaking Inroads of old Demon Rum. Sunday. Mr. Christenson, of Portland, and Miss Engla Bergman went to Port- family have moved into the Master- land last Friday to Visit friends for a son house on Oak Avenus. few days. Born to the wife of Mr. John Marsh all, a boy, the other week. Grover Friedrlch of Molalla, was In Clarkes last Sunday and will haul lum ber for Mr. D. F. Moehnke with an auto truck to Bravee Creek, as soon as saurlns' frmmnnnam P. lager and family visited their road' the proud parsnte of a daughter Mrs. G. Clarke and family, c """" " II. H. Princehouse and family have purchased the Cooper property on Courtney road and will remodel the house and Improve the property. Georgia and Helen Bigham are sick with the measles. . Mr. and Mrs. Herrold Jahn of Court- last Sunday. Hazelia POLK'S GAZETTEER V, V 1 . - . n ixuiravbs i'irccrr7 tz vara vu lows and Viiiarrs la Oregon ana VsnhUiKtoa. Klvlac a Descriptive vi earn piace, MAtomon, fUilnnln Parllltlfs an A a Classi fied IirM.tnr AS J.m.-K Kiuiaesa aaw jrroiesuoa. B I. PotK ft CO Xas, Seattls, Wash. Eight couples were bidden and the afternoon and evening was greatly enjoyed by all. The entertainment given at the school house last Saturday evening, Kelso. KELSO, May 2. Mrs. Louise Nel by the DeMoss family, proved to be gon an1 M18 Tenlke are . oar newly HAZELIA, May 2. Mrs. Stella Shipley, of Oswego, spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. F. W. Lehman. Miss Hariett Duncan, who has besn teaching at George, Ore., returned Sunday to her home in Haella. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McMahan visited relatives In Portland saveral days last week. Mrs. Morgan Is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Duncan Chrlstlanson. Earl and Arda Co, formerly ot Oswego, but now living In Springfield, Oregon, spent several days last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Davidson, of "Island Illahee Farm." Henry Pollard and Andrew Kroll, two ot Haella's drafted boys, left Mon day for Camp Lewis. Miss Mary Wilson called at the Hsnry Duncan home Monday evening. A splendid closing day entertain ment was given by the Haella school last Friday. Miss Wilson, the teacher, conducted an excellent program after which a picnic lunch was served. Remember the motion pictures Fri day night at the school assembly room. (Frank Mcyntlre In 'A Travel ing Man.") Miss Anderson, one of th9 teachers of the Parkplace school, was a visitor at the home of A. O. Kinder Friday night and Saturday. Josephine and Henrietta Holschoe and Etta Carlyle, of Parkplace, spent tha week end at the home of Mrs. A G. Kinder. L. A. IJullard, Mrs. Bullard, and daughter, Florence, motored to Port land Tuesday and Joined their brother, W. II. Murphy, and then motored to Vancouver and visited the barracks, and also going to Fruit Farm, spend ing th3 remainder of the day with J, H. Carpenter, an old friend of Mr Bullard, from Sioux Falls, South Da kota. Charlie Howell struck a match to look in to his gas tank and received some serious burns on the face and head when the gas tank exploded. Mrs. C. H. Cavltt, of Rosevllle, Cal., is here visiting her mother, Mrs Anna Ahault, after a week sight-see Ing and visiting with her brotbar and sister she left for her home Thurs day morning. - The Needle . Craft and Domestic Science club will meet Friday, May 3, elected teachers for the coming year. Of the 11 soldiers who enlisted from here, In last week's paper the names were twisted and ominltted, They are Luther Harbison, John Netssel, Lewis Jerger, Albert Jonsrud, Joe Canning I ,... T i. ,irm t(..i.. T..t. irii Mrs Thomas uuuiisuu, win immj, juuu m li on, ixatnun nicKtora, i;iyuo tiarmson, and Leo Canning. Have you become a member of the a decided success. The proceeds are to be used In ounlzlng a Junior Red i;ross oi tins place. Mrs. E. W. Lane, of San Francisco, Calif., left for her home last Satur day. Mrs. Lane spent the winter with her parents, Mr. and Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Bcrnler Roley, of For est Grove, spent Monday at the home Amerlcari Loyalty Leaguo 0ur Keli0 ul mis. IWIVJ 0 yUIUIILB, ivu. uiiu HUB A. J. Monk. Lata in the evening, a large crowd gathered around the Monk homo and seriuaded the new lyweds. After which Mr. and. Mrs Roley served Ice cream and cake. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Elston are the happy parents of a son, born Thursday, Mrs. Wm. Mether tuid children, of Iondale, Wash., who came down a Red Cross meets every Wednesday all day, Come. We have the material and must get this It )d Cross sewing dene to save our soldier boys. Brightwood. BRIGHT WOOD, May 2.-The S. L. Co. mill Is running at full capacity few days ago on business, returned hiking an average cut of 1100 tics to their home last Monday. uu"' Mrs. Arcle Headlrck and daughters, ! ",ere laB.,an exciung near ngnt last Elaine and Katheryn, of Argyle, Minn., f Tlua Wllliam aulla caught a who spent the winter at. Long Beach, 'ttrKO 01 ow" UKar in 1P wen Calif., visited relatives in Portland f0'0-11 and Anton9 Mlkkelson went and Oswego the past week, leaving t0 tne, to km ruIn th" enraged for their home Tuesday. nnumu nunB iui oy iwo toes Drone Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Clay, who has 1UU8B anu J"mpeu on wiKKioson, tear- PARIS. April 25. A shell from a Gorman longrange gun fell today In the manufacturing quarter, dropping In a workshop whoro a doxnn young women were lunching. None ot them was Injured. Another shell broke through the roof ot a dwulllng and burst In a room where a woman was sloping. She was severely wounded and tuken to a hospital, where President Polncare visited her. Tho only damags occasioned by yes- torday's bombardment of Paris by long-range German guns was the cut ting down of one fruit tree. French newspapors are reproducing at longth extraordinary accounts which have appeared In Germany of the situ ation said to have been produced tn Paris by tho long-range bombardment. The Cologne Gazette, the Tagablatt of Ilorlln, the semiofficial news sgoncy ond the German government's news sheets and wlreloss dispatches picture living In Paris as almost un bearable. The city Is suld to bo almost without food, and It Is stated that business has been suspended. The people of Paris are greatly amused at these accounts, because the cltys life Is going on as usual. AN ATLANTIC PORT, April 25. The 10,000 ton American lino steamer St Paul turned over and sank on her port side In her slip here this after noon. Tho accident was duo apparent ly to seacocks or a coal holo having been left open accidentally on her trip from drydock to her pier. Tho liner had Just been reconstruct ed for government use, and hud on board, In addition to her crew, many drydock workmen to a total ot about 200 mn. As the St. Paul backed Into her dock she showed a marked list to port. rnnic-Btricken mon rushed up from her companlrtnways, Jumping to tho dock, Into lighters drawn along side or sliding down ropes Into the water. Attempts to hold ths vessel upright by use of groat hawsers full ed, tho ropos snapping and the big hull turning slowly as tho wutor crept higher and finally sottllng on tho hot ton on her sldo In about 35 f jot of water. Behind a wall of military guards, which acted also as a rigid censorship, tho work of rescue went on, whllo there were conflicting re ports regarding casuultlas. Jt Is under stood that two mon were drowned In Jumping from the liner's deck, and that one man was caught lnsldo the hull. Hospital records listed but four injured, $id a chock-up on tho dead, if th.!re are any dead, was necessarily Blow. been In different parts of Montana for several months, returned to their home last week. BOARDMAN MAN WEDS VANCOUVER, Wash., April 29. Michael K. Flisklnger, 50, of Board man, Or., and Ellen Schlslor, 48, of Portland were granted a marriage license here today. Ing nearly all his clothes oft and giv ing him a hug which nearly took his breath. Had It not been for Faubain's blood hound, helping Antone would have been seriously hurt. As it was he escaped with a few scratches. School closed last Saturday. Ned Nalson Is driving a new Ford. C. M. Bailey hag bought a new 7 passengor Chalmers and Is going In the stage business. A RED CR088 BENEFIT. The Ladles of the Upper Highland Red Cross auxiliary, will hold an Ice cream social at the M. E. Upper High land church Saturday evening, May 4. John W. Loder of Oregon City, will give an address and there will be music and a good time generally. Tha ladles hope every one will fool It a pleasure as well as a duty to attend and help make It a rousing auccess.