Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 26, 1918, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    every pond Means a day less
Boys Over There Ask Folks at Home to
Somewhere In England, March 23
(My Dear Mr, lirodlv.) If you can
spare the puoe and our to, please
publish thft letter.
1 wntit to tell tho frlendi at home
some- of the thing othen of our boyi
would toll If they wero permitted.
Thin letter may reach you too late
to holp tli cnuau for which I am
writing It. I hope It won't.
Pear friends: Tho secretary of tho
navy hni eiked that we boy writ
to the folk at homo naklng thorn to
subscribe to the coming Liberty 1-oan.
I'nrtly because of tliut and partly be
cuuse of the Import of the micron of
the third Liberty ' Loan, I am asking
you to subscribe, to It to the utmost.
I've stood by tho graves of the vie
tlma or tha Lusltanla and elsewhere
have seen the results of the vicious
ness of the noiny. I ve noon many
hungry people, tallied with tha wreck
of men buck from tho front and I know
that the hell and danger our friend
from home aro going thru. It la In
describable and dally growing worie.
If you could ee the results of the
work "over there," men blinded, handa
and anna and log ahot off, gased, and
worn and haggard, If you could hoar
their stories, stories the press can't
print and almoat unbelievable, I am
eure you would do your utmoat.
Friend, America m.int do aiaome
statesman aald: "Not her bit, but ber
utmoat," and I know you will when
you know that every bond that a
bought nioana a day lone the boy will
have to be away, may nr-an the life
of aome very denr friend, and I know
you will, a many of tin boy and I
have done, subscribe to tho new Lib
erty Loan, and, that you will write
often to the boy over hero. ;
We know what It 1 to be homesick
and lonely oa well a fight.
Sincerely Your,
E. M. A.,
One of tho boy over here.
WASHINGTON. April 22. A move
ment by Seattle. Weh., labor leaders
to call a strike May 1 aa a demonstra
tion ngaltiHt alleged persecution of
Thomua Moonny and other convicted
of the bomb conxplrncy at San Fran
cisco wa reported to tho Senate to
day by Senator l'olndexter, of Wash
Ington, who denounced It In vehement
term a "blackmail'' upon the Gov
ernment, I'd I Hon and treason.
Senator l'olndexter aubmlttcd a let
ter from Secretary Jame A. Duncan,
of the Roattle Central Labor Union,
euytng that a referendum on the strike
waa being circulated. He also present
ed a resolution of Seattle trade
union declaring "a widespread suspl
clou" existed among workmen tbut
the bomb plot conviction were an at
tempt to discredit orgnnUed labor.
The movement, Senator l'olndexter
declared, la tn harmony with the In
diiHtrlal Worker of the World. Bol
shevik and other International agenta
or unrest.
Repudiating and denouncing leader
of the movement a not frbnds of la'
bor, Senator l'olndexter aald:
The writer of thl threat to hold
up the Government, to cut off aup.
piles from those deathless hroes who
atand between ua and the German hor
ror, ehould be visited not only with
the Just Indignation of an outraRed
public, but with the punishment pre-
acrlbad for blackmail, disloyalty, aedl
Hon and treason.
"It I an act of conspiracy to foment
sedition and Innurrectlon both by
peaceful and violent , mean. It Is
moral treason.
"The act Itself, being worse than
death an unspeakable crlma la de
serving of the extreme penalty of
dentil. The threat to commit It la
crime against tho state and the Gov
eminent. These men should be ar
retted and dealt with as traitors.
Senator l'olndexter also referred to
tho Government commission headed
by Secretary of Labor Wilson, which
recently Investigated labor unrest on
the raclflc Coast and referred to the
Mooncy case ns one of the cause
Mw Power for I Ian to
Send Airplanes to Front
; ? I
I A r I ' :
1 .: I ...
' )
ft J
.'l"1 " Mwiwwtiataa:ii
WANTED To fcaar from owner of
good ranch for aala. But cash
price, full description. D. F. Bosh
Minneapolis, Minn.
for dead cow and down and out
hore. Will call anywhere. Phone
Mllwaukle C9-J.
FOR SALE 6 year-old colt, weight
about 1250 lb. W. A. Proctor, Bor
ing, Oregon. Phone 718 Oresbam.
Notle of Final Settlement of the Ea-
tat of Paul Paulson, Deceaud.
W, C. Potter, who ha been con
nected with the Aircraft board, which
ha accomplished very little toward
lending atrplanea to the front, la,
Washington despatches declare, to
have new powers I nthe coming re
organlatlon of the board. Mr. Pot
ter's ability has been recognized in
Washington and be is not blamed for
LONDON, April 23. Sir Eric
Geddea, First Lord of tho Admiralty,
reported today to the House of Com
moiia that ths British had carried out
navul raid against the German sub
marine bases at Ostend and Zee-
b.irgue last night. He said such In
formation as had come to him showed
that It wus an "extremely gallant and
hazardous ruld."
''Tho raid was undertaken under
command of Vlce-Admlral Roger
Keyes. commanding at Dover. French
destroyer co-operuted with the Rrlt-
sh force. Six obsolete cruisers, nil
from 20 to .10 yean old, took part In
tho attack.
"They were the Brilliant, Slrlu.
Iphlgenlu. Intrepid, Thetl and Vindictive.
'The first five of those were filled
with concrete and were to be sunk In
the fhanne and entrances to the two
porta, if this could possibly bo man-aged.
"The Vindictive, working with two
ferryboats, currying storming and
demolition parties to storm the head
qf the Mole, which runs out from Zee-
burgee. The Vindictive wua especially
fitted for landing storming parties
and was armed espefclalljr for the pur
pose with flame throwera, stoke mor
tnra and that sort of thing."
court Irani
No. fortv-slx (46) to th southwest
notice is nereoy given mat tne tin- corner of Block No. lortv-slx (46) :
derslgncd executrix of the estate of thence easterly alooj the aouth bound-
Faui rauiaon, aeceasca, nas niea in ary of said Block No. forty-ix (46)
the County Court of Clackamae Coun- to place of beirlnnlnfr. torether with
ty, State of Oregon, her final account all and alngular, the tanemenU.here
aa Buch executrix of said estate and itaments, and apprutenance thereunto
that Monday tne Z7th day of May, belonging, or In anywise appertaining
1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.l And that the lease and agreement
ha been fixed by aald Court ai the between the plaintiff and the defen
tlme for hearing of objections to said dant, George A. Ostronv now of rec
report and the eettlement thereof. ord In the office of the County Clerk
SOPHIA PALSON, of Clackaraaa County, Oregon, be can
Executrix of the Estate of Paul celled, annulled, held for naught and
Paulson, deceased. removed aa a cloud upon the title of
C, SCHUEBEL, the plaintiff to the said real estate;
Attorney for Executrix, and for aucu other and further relief
to which plaintiff may be in equity
SHERIFF'S 8AT.E. entitled, and for their cosU and dls-
In tho Circuit Court of the Stat? of bursementa In this suit.
Oregon, for the County of Clacka- Thla publication Is made for six sue
mas. cesslve week by the order of the Hon
Hibcrnia Savings Bank a corporation, orable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
Plaintiff, above entitled Court entered herein
vi, in the above entitled couse on April
Joseph Hawkins and Luella Hawkins, 8th, 1918.
hia wife, and W. W.Dugan, Jr., Defend- ' Date of First Publication, April 12th
WASHINGTON, Aprlf 22. Presi
dent Wilson today expressed strong
opposition to Senator Chamberlain'
bill providing for courtmartlal trial for
those arrested for treasonable utter
ances and acta. In a letter to Senator
Overman, the president declared auch
legislation would be unconstitutional
and would put the United State "on
a level with the people whom we art
Attorney General Gregory alao i
preparing to make a bitter fight
against the Chamberlain bill, holding
it virtually place the nation under
military law.
Deeply resenting the charge that
the department of justice aaa failing
to meet the situation, Gregory ha
chosen a new assistant, IL Larue
Brown of Boston, succeeding Charles
Warren, Just resigned, and la speed
Ing work against alien plotters, spies
and others injuring the cause of thl
country in tne war.
State of Oregon. County of Clacka
mas, a.
By virtue of ajudRment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued' out
of and undar the seal of the above en
tiled court, In the above entitled cause,
to me duly directed and dated tha 8th
day of April, 1918, upon Judgment ren
dered and enterad in said court on the
The lepera at Molokal, one of the
Hawaiian Inlands, have to datf bought
$3000 worth of Thrift and War Suv
Inn Stamps aa tholr W. 8. S. contri
bution towurd the cost of winning the
This inspiring example of patriotism
from auch an unexpected sourca, tho
sand of miles from the battlefront,
and from people soomlngly bo far re
moved by the very nature of their un
fortunata condition from all of its in
fluences, has beon brouRht to the at
tention of the National War Savings
committee by a letter written to a
friend In Memphis, Tcnn., by Brother
Jos iph Dutton, now in charge of the
Island colony.
Formerly an army officer aa woll
as a social favorite, Brother Dutton
has devoted tho past 37 years of his
llfo to tho leper colony. Like his
charges, Brother Dutton may not
leave the lalund, but he files the
Stnr and Stripes above the leper
camp and communicates regularly
with frlonds in Memphis. At tho con.
elusion of a long letter displaying a
keen Interest in tho affalrB of the
war ho says: "And bo here wo are
all the world in a big war all in foot
being affected by It."
SAN FRANCISCO, April 23. Ram
Chandra, leading defendant In ths
Hindu revolt plot trial here, was shot
and killed In the court room today by
Ram Singh, another defendant. SliiRh
fired three shot from an automatic
pistol Into Chamlra's body, then fired
three more ahots wildly about the
court room.
United States Marshal Holohan
rose from his seat beside tho defend
ants and shot Singh dead as he stood
In the crowded court room with the
smoking pistol still in his hand.
Singh waa Immediately kill 'd, Chan
dra died within a few momenta.
The shooting occurred Just after
the adjournment of court. Chandra
advanced aa though he wanted to
peak to Federal Judge William C
Van Meet. As he approached the
Judge' rostrum, Ram Singh, an
other defendant suddenly followed
him and, drawing a revolver, fired,
As Chandra sank to the floor United
States Marshal Holohan shot and
killed Singh.
North Bend to
worth of concrete
build .$0,532.27
Old Folks Saved
From Suffering
Mrs. Mary A. Dean, Taunton, Mass.,
In hor 87th year, says: "I thought I
was beyond the reach of medicine, but
1'oloy Kidney Tills have proven most
Imnctlclul in my case."
Mr. Bara A. Hoover, High Tolnt,
N. C wrltoa: "My kidney troublo was
worse at night and I bad to got up
from five to seven times, Now I do
not have to grot up at nlsH and con
sider mysolf In a truly normal con
dition, which I attribute to Koluy Kld
nSy Pills, as I bav taken nothing
else." j
Mrs. M. A. Bridge. Baplnson, Moss.,
says: "I suffered from' kidney all
inunts for two years. I oommenced
taUlnir Foley Kidney Pills ton months
I: B", and tli outfit I am 61 years of ago,
1 IV,. like a l(l-year-old girl." .
l'"oley Kidney Pills are tonlo.
St ivngthciilns and up-bulldlnir, and
renlore normal aotlon to th kidneys
and in h dISordored and painful blad
cl(.r. They aot qulokly and contain
no dangerous or harmful drugs.
WANTS $50,000
NEW YORK. April 2L Francis X
Schoonmuker, who becamo prominent
by his active plnttorm opposition to
Wllllnm J. Bryon during Bryan's first
preBlduntlnl campaign, sued the Brook
lyn Rupld Transit company for $50,.
000 in tha supreme court today
Schoonmaker was "gassed" on the
subway, according to his allegations,
causing tho loss of his voice and im
paring his income on the lecture plat
ReodHport Deep sea fishing In
dustry to be sturted here; boat pur
Gone Befoh de Wal
Wire less Dismantled
Humphrys Has Alibi
Durlns: tho ante-bellum days Cash
lor John Humuhrvs of the Bank of
Commerce, fuBsod around consider
ibly with wireless tslography. He
went so far as to install a plant at
hia residence on tho bluffs. With the
war came government orders to dis
mantle and the wireless was promptly
dlsmantlad In accordance with the
wlRhes of your Uncle Sam.
Sunday United States Assistant At
torney Robert Rankin was in Oregon
City. He didn't admit he was fishing
here, but he did admit seeing the rem.
nants of the Humphrys wireless out
fit. Bright and early Monday morning
Assistant Latourette was called for
nn investigation of the outfit and
Sheriff Wilson soon found that the
remnants were all that was left of a
perfectly good wireless outnt or form.
ar days.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
3rd. day of April 1918, In favor of Hi- dersigned ha been duly appointed by
bernla Savings Bank, a corpora- t"8 country court of the State of Ore-
tlon, Plaintiff, and against Joseph gon for the County of Clackamas, exe-
lUwklns, Luella Hawkins, his cutrix of the estate of Benjamin F.
wife, and W. W. DKan, Jr., Linn, deceased. All persons having
Defendants, for tha sum of $1512.55, claims against said estate are hereby
with Interest thereon at the rate of required to present them to me afthe
eight per cmt per annum from the office of C. Schuebel, Oregon City, Ore
11th day of February 1918, and the gon, properjy verified as by law re-
further sum of $200.00, as attorney's quired, within six months from the
fee; and the further um of $19.25 costs date hereof.
and disbursements, and the costs of I Date of first publication, March 29,
and upon this writ, commanding me to 1918.
make" sale of the following described SUSAN C. LINN,
real property, situate In the county of Executrix of the Estate of Benjamin
J. W. Beverldge and wife to Andrea
Olson, lot 15, block 5, in Pleasant Lit
tlo Homes; $1.
Bartholomew Mclutyre W Edward
Mclntyre. the S. W. 14 of tho S. E. 14
and the S. E. 14 of S. W. li of S. 8,
T. 4 S., R. 3 E; $5.
Charles S. Fugs to Frank P. Fuge,
parcel of land bewteen Polk and Tay
lor streets, Oregon City; $1.
Magnolia B. Irvine and A. W. Ir
vine to Peter J. Heney, one acre In 8.
2, T. 2 S., R. 3 E.; $10.
Charles Moehnke and Gustena
Moehnke to Flora Dickey. Marie
France and Louise Le Bean, Marie
In Willamette Ttacts; $10.
uustena Moehnke and Charles
Moehnke to August C. B. Moshnke,
tract 1 and lots B. C. D. and E., of
tract 2, in Willamette and Tualatin
Tracts; $10.
Albert Rambcrg to A. II. RamberK
and Julia Ramberg, 15 acrea In town
ship 5 south, range 1 east; $2100.
Robert Krims and Marie N. Krlms
to Peninsula Security company, 10.28
acres in section 32, township 1 south,
range 2 east; $10.
Oscar Singer to Rachel Phillips, lot
1, block 107, Oregon City; $500.
Stephen Pesznecker and wife
Joseph F. Snyder and wife, the aouth
west M of the southwest 14 of section
32, township 3 south, range 6 east
Charles Spangles to Otis E. Q. Jack
son, lots 3 ,and 4, block 7, Falls View
addition; $10.
Agnes M. silver, guardian for
Waldo and Mary Silver, minors, to
K. zadniker, lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6 in
block 16, Windsor; $550.
I. L. Smith and wife to D. B. Fleck
and wife, tract in sections 16 and 1
township 2 south, range 2 east:' $10,
i. A. uoberta and Mabel Roberts
to w. J. Patterson. 60 acres in town.
snip 3 south, range 1 east; $10
W. W. Glover and Mattie E. Glover
to August Olson, 3 acres in section 17
townshjp 4 south, range 2 east; $10,
m. Truiungor to O. M. Hunzman. 10
acres in township 2 south, range
east;, $1000.
Ernest R. Turner and Grace R. Tur
ner to Leroy J. Hull and Bessie
Hull, northwest uartqer of the north
west quarter of s action 8, township
south, range 3 east; $10.
John Scherzlnger and wife, to James
L. McAnulty and Rose McAmtltVi 30
acres in section 33, township 4 south
range a east; $300.
Ida M. Inman and H. C. Inman to
Margaret Deegnn, 42.50 acres in sec
tions 7 and 8, township 4 south, range
east; sio.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., April 24.
Governor Gardner tonight tendered to
Champ Clark, Speaker of tho House
of Representatives, ths appointment
of Senator to succeed the late Wil
liam J. Stone.
Clackamas Cmmtfy jfhregon ,,,,,
aiso, nvmnning at me souioeaii
corner of Block forty-six (48) of First
Addition to Jennings Lodge, Clacka
ama Connty, Oregon, running thence
north twenty (20) feet along the east
boundary of said Block No. forty-six
(40); thence westerly to the center of
the well situate on the southerly bound
ary of said Block No. forty-six (46),
continuing thence, northwesterly to
the intersection of a line parallel with
the western boundary of aald Block
No. forty-six (46) and twelve (12)
feet east thereof, wblcb is ten (10)
feet northerly on said intersected Hue
from the southerly boundary of said
Block No. forty-six (46) ; thence north
erly on said line twelve (12) feet east
of and parallel with the westerly
boundary of said block No. forty-six
(46) to the northerly boundary there
of; thence westerly twelve (12) feet
along the northerly boundary therof
to the northwest corner of said Block
No. forty-alx (46); thence southerly
along the west boundary of sa'd Block
want thereof, the plaintiff wSji aj.j.ij
to the" court for the relief prayed, for
In her complaint, to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the mar
rlage contract now existing between
plalutiff and defendant and for the res
toration of her former name La Nora
McDanieL This summons 1 published
by order of Hon, J. TJ .Campbell, Judge
of tha Circuit Court which order was
made on the 13th Cay of March, 1918,
and the time prescribed for publishing
thereof is lix weeks, beginning with
the issue dated Friday, March IS, 1918,
and continuing each week thereafter
to and including Friday, April 26, 1918.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Resident Attorneys of Oregon City, Or.
Date of Last Publication, May 24th,
815 Yeon BIdg.,
Portland, Oregon.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs
SH cf tin Orcsca City'
ana mwiuskie road, which ia aouih
43 degrees 45 minutes east J8.3J
chain and north 45 degrees east
24.63 chains from the most westerly
corner of the James McNary and wife
donation land claim No. 83 In town
ship S south of range S east of tha
Willamette . Meridian, and running
thence north 45 degrees east 45-100
chains to stake; thence south 64 de
grees 30 minutes east 3.94 chains to a
basatt stone 14x11x5 Inches marked
"X" on top at the most southerly cor
ner of a five acre tract conveyed by
Clackamaa Abstract and Trust com
pany to Geo. H. Alien, on April 15,
1904, and recorded la Book 90 at page
125 of the record of deeds for said
Clackamas county, Oregon, thence
nortn 46 degrees 13 minutes east 12.80
chain to a basalt stone 11x7x6 inches
marked "J. B. H." at the moat aouth
erly corner of a 160 acre tract con
veyed by Jamea McNary to John Pact
er by deed recorded In Book "C," rec
ord of deed for said Clackamas coun
ty, at page 465; tince WJ: 45 de
grees west on the southwestern boun-
if this notice.
Administratrix with the will an
lexed, of the estate of Joseph Wilson,
Attorney for Administratrix
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
In the matter of the estate of Josenh
Wilson, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the nn-
dersigned has been appointed adminis
tratrix with the will annexed, ot the
.state of Joseph WiUon, deceased, by Sary ot ld
rhe county court of Clackamas county, , basalt .tone 14x10x9 Inches marked
. 7 rr .,"" u T-" 0B Ast and "C. C." on south
against said estate will please present face, and iet lH the northwest boun
the same dulr verified as by taw re-dary of iaId donatloa Un
mired, at the office of Thomas A. !thBn.B ., 15 airTa ,
3urke. court house, within six months elft,m" " V -v-T" .1 .7..
Tom the date ot the first publication center ne of etTnuJ ; thence
I along aald center line S. 44 degrees 49
I minutes east 4.05 chains; thence south
61 degrees if minutes east 14.32
chains to a basalt stone 18x9x6 inches
set 14 lnche in the ground marked
"C. C" on south and "D. M.H on north
west and "X" on top, from which a bas
alt stone 15x8x5 inches set 12 Inches
in the ground marked "X" on top bears
north 44 degrees 07 minutes east 45
links distant; thence south 62 degrees
47 minute east 17.60 chains to the
place of beginning, containing 60.89
acrea more or less.
Now, therefore by virtue of said
In the name of the State of Orcton: execution, judgment order and decree.
r on are herebr reoulred to anoear and an1 In compliance with the commands
inswer the complaint filed against you of ia,d writ 1 wtI1' on Saturday, the
n the above entitled auit on or beore 18th dar ot Ma7 118; at the hour
dx weeks from the first publication of of 10 o'clock A. M at the front door of
Jtis Summon; and If you fail to an-, a County Court house in the City of
iwer, for want thereof plantiff will Oregon City, in said County and State,
Ake a decree against you that a cer-j,eH at Pub,lc auction, subject to re
tain contract made between you and demptlon, to the highest bidder, for
C. N. Wonacott dated July 8th, 1911,, u- s- old coln cash in hand, all the
for the aale to you of nineteen (19) ! ri6ht title and Interest which the with
acres of land in the southeast corner ,n namea defendants or either of them,
ot sixty-five acres ot land in section !had on the date ot tte mortgage here-thirty-five
In township 3 aouth, range,,n or 8,nca had In or to the above de
4. east in Clackamaa county known as I scribed real property or any part
the John P. Irwin tract, be cancelled tnereoi, to satiary said execution, judg-
n the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the Connty of Clacka
mas. Harold Dewalde, Plaintiff,
(oseph 3. Morris, Defendant,
fo Joseph J. Morris, defendant
and held for naught (the plaintiff be
ing an assignee ot said C. N. Wonacott
in and of said contract) and that you
ment order, decree, interest, costs and
all accruing costs.
have now no right, title or Interest In j Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
F. Linn, deceased.
Attorney for Executrix.
Clackamaa, stats of Oregon, to-wlt: A
portion of that certain tract of land
known as the Joseph Hawkins Tract
of 14.91 acrea, situated In the George
Wills Donation Land Claim No. 42 in 8UMMONS.
Section Thirty (30), Township one (1) in the Circuit Court for the State of
South, Rang) Two (2) East of thel Oregon, for Clackamaa County,
WIMamette Meridian, in uiacitamaa Frona Shaw, Plaintiff.
County, Oregon, bounded and descrlb- Ts
ed as follows, -to-wit: Beginnlngat a prank Shaw, Defendanat
point 12J.1! leet west of tne soutn- To Frank Shaw the above named de-
east corner of the George Wills Dona- fendant:
tton Land Claim, tu section mirty In the name of the state of Oreeon.
(30), Township one ((1) South Range you are hereby reauired to aoDear and
Two (2) East of the Willamette Mer- angwer the complaint filed against you
tuian; mence rsonncny mh.ai teei, ln the above entitled suit, on or before
more or less, to a point in the North tne 10th day of Mai 191q gald dat8
line of the Josaph Hawkins Tract, DeIng. the expiration of six weeks from
otnerwise oescnoea as iai rour u, first mibllcation of this summons.
Logus Tracts; thence Easterly along andjf you faI1 t0 appear and angwer
the North Una of said Tract 626.09 feet gald compiainti tor want thereof the
to the Northeast corner of said Tract pialntiff will apply to the court tor the
Four (4) otherwise known es the .. nrim,d fop , hep enmnlflrn. tn.
souiueasi corner ot woai is Known asiwu.
the James Massen Land; thence For a decree d,88olvlng the marriage
oomueny BIU"B e mm contract now existing between plain
tiff and defendant This lummons is
said nineteen acres.
E. F. and F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Room 610 Chamber of Commerce
BIdg, Portland, Oregon.
First publication, April 19, 1918.
Last publican. May 31, 1918.
By E. C. Hackett, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon April
16, 1918.
In the Circuit Court ot the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamaa.
F. Linn, Plaintiff.
vs. '
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Pearl Daniels, Plaintiff,
C. W. Daniels, Defendant
To C. W. Daniels, the above named
In the name of the State ot Oregon,
yon are hereby required to appear and
nanv a cornoration- LG Davidson answer 018 complaint filed against you
pany, a corporation , i. u yaviason ln thg fi entitled suit on or before
- ana iaa may uaviason, nis wue, ana
F. W. Goldapp, Defendants.
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, ss: .
By virtue of a judgment order, de-
Tract Four (4) 208.75 feet; thence
West and parallel with tha South line m,hitRhnfl hv nrflBr nf Hon J n. rmn.
j 1 m & tt . j i tcy - a. I r r
uuv ..u order waa made on the ,27th day of
casinneot saui i raci r our tJ.w March. 1918, and the time prescribed
feet to the South line of said Tract
tor publication thereof is six weeks,
Four (4); thence West, following theL, wia tte ,g8ue datefl
? , 1 . T , . . uu r" 29. 1918. and continuing each
417.34 feet to the point of beginning. week thereatter to and including Frl-
day, May 10, 1918.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Resident Attorneys ot Oregon City,
FOR SALE Eggs from O. A. C.
Barred Rocks, $1.00 per 15. Also
dandy high grade Holstein bull calf.
Geo. Hamilton, Route 1.
containing 6.11 acres more or less.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, Judgnisnt order and decree,
and in compliance with the coifimands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
11th day of May 1918; at the hour of
10 ociock A. m., at tne front door oil SUMMONS
the County Court House in the City of In tne Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon City, ln said County and State Oregon, for Clackamas County,
sen lat puouc auction, suoject to re- Ida M. Shackelford, Plaintiff,
aempuon, to me nignesc Diaaer, ior u. . vg
S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right Tefferson Shackelford Defendant
UUO ana interest WUICQ me Wlinm Tn Jofforann T. RhnrkolfnrH ohnvo
namea neienaanis or euncr oi mem, named deffini1ant!
i , . . , i
naa on me auio oi me mortgage nere- In the nama of thB starfi nf rwirnn
in or since had ln or to the above das- vou ara hereh- reanlred to annear an(i
crlbed real property or any part there- an8wer the complaint filed against you
of, to satisfy eald execution, Judgment ln the above entitled suit, on cr be-
order, decree, interest, costs and all tore the 3rd day ot May, 1918. said
accruing COStS. A t hctne thA nxntrntlnn nf sIt wbbV
. J. W1UOUIN Ifrnm tha flrit nuhlloatlnn nf thla Bum,
Sheriff of Clackamas County Oregon. mons and if you tail to appear or ans
t, a n nX ""J1 ver Bald complaint for want thereof,
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., April 12th, tha ni w tn th
A " i , .V At. 1- V
nlnlnt tn.wlt-
cnuiiniLio i
owmmw" For a decree dissolving the marriaee
in the Circuit court or tne state of contract now existing between plain
uregon, tor tne county, ot uiacKa- tiff and defendant and for the care,
nias- custodv and control of the minor child.
David Hardy and Maggie Hardy, his Avery M. Shackelford. This summons
wife, Fiatntuts, ls DUjii8hed bv order of Hon. J. U,
VB- iCamobell. iudee oi uia Circuit Cl'itt
George A. Ostrora and Jessie A. Os- which order was made on the 21st day
irum, ms wuo, UDiDuuun, ct March, 1918, and the time pre-
10 ueorge a. usirom ana jessts A. I nrihnd for nubllshine thereof ls six
Ostrom, wife of George A. Ostrom.De- week8 beginning with the issue dated,
ienaantS. Fi-Mut lWnroh SS 191R nnd nnttnnlne
In the name of the State of Oregon: each week thereafter to and including
iou are requirea io appear ana ans- u., iqio
W'i , I ""J
wer uie compiaun meu uBHinst you in BROWNELL & SIEVERS,
tne aoove enuueu sun on or Deiore Attorneys tor plaintiff,
may aa, isio, aim u you iuu 10 na-
wer. for want thereof, the plaintiffs SUMMONS
will ask for a decree requiring defen- In the Circuit Court ot the State of
dants within sixty daya after data of Oregon, for Clackamas county.
such decree to pay to the plaintiffs La Nora Starns, Plaintiff,
tho sum of Nine Hundred Twenty-one vs
Dollars and Fifty-four cents ($921.54), Tracy Starns, Defendant
and any amount ot taxes and Insurance! To Tracy Starns, above-named de-
premlums delinquent upon the (fendant
hereinafter described property since In the name ot the State of Ore
1912; and in default of auch payment, gon you are hereby required to ap
the 'defendants and each of them be pear and answer the complaint filed
barred and foreclosed of any right, against you In the above entjed suit
title, interest or equity in or following on ov before the 26th day ot April, 1918,
described real estate in the County said date being the expiration of six
of Clackamas, State of Oregon: 1 weeks from the first publication ot
All of Block Fifty-three (63) of this summons, and if you fail to ap-
First Addition to Jennings Lodge, near or answer said complaint, for
above entitled auit on or before
the 23rd ,day of May, 1918, said date
being more than six weeks from the 9th
day of April, 1918, tha date of the
order for the publication of this sum-
mnn a unnn vnti anil K -t
cree and an execution, duly issued outiweekg from'the u the
of and under the eal of the above . en- date of tne pnbuc.tlon hereof!
titled court in the above entitled and fa aPn r;
the 16th day of April. 1918. upon a tne court fw v J
Judgment rendered and entered In ,n plaIntlff8 complalntf to-wit: For a
sa id court o nthe' 15th day ot April. decree of tte above weut
1918. in favor of B F. Linn. planUff. forever dlasolving tte marrla
and aga nst Mercantile Trust and In- tract or bonds of matrimony hereto
yestment company; L O. Davidson and, fore and now exlsti w
Ida May Davidson, hia wife and F. W..Uff nnd defendant and for such other
2i'!?.,f' ther relief as the court may
rate of six per cent per annum from j Tnl8 summons ia served upon you
the 18th day of November. 1916. and by publication thereof, by order of
the further aum ot $146.94 with inter- Honorable J. U .Campbell. Judge of
est thereon at 6 per cent from the 2d the above entitled Court, which order
day of February, 1918, and the further .ig datd April 9th, 1918.
sum oi iwu.uu. as attorney s iee, anai Date of First publication April 11th
the further sum of $22.25 costs and 1918. '
disbursements, and the costs ot an np- Date of last publication May 23rd
on this writ commanding me to make ' 1918. '
sale of the following described real RALPH W. ROBNETT
property, situate in the county oti 207 Rothchlld Bide.
Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at a atone 16x12x10 in-
Portland, Oregon,
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
D. C. Latourettb. President F. J. Meybh, Cashier
i ne rttsi matronal Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL. $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
Phones Pacific 62
Home A-lt)
All legal business promptly attended t
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice ln First National Bank
BIdg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Office Phones Pacido Main 401;
Home A-270.
Beaver BIdg., Room 6
Mouey loauoJ, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estate
settledgeneral law business.
Over Bank of Oregtn City.
Will practice ln -all courts, make col
lections and settlements.
Office ln Enterprise Building,
Oregon City. Oregon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and the McKlllip School ot Sur
gery of Chicago, is established
at .Fashion Stable, between
Fourth and Fifth on Main Street
Both Telephones
Office Pacific 65; Home A-95
Res. Pacific 184; Home B-80
William Hammond
Philip U Hammond
. Attorneys-at-Law
Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur
Pacific Pfcc-3 81 Ess:a PJsoss A 2?S