Pasre 2 rttxctv.-t y m,' ! 1 1 Newsy Canby CANDY, April 15. The Canby Jun ior Red Cros to progrestng nicely Mrs. Hatne. Mr. Ralph Mandevllle, and Mr. Fred Roth are, assisting In the supervision ot the work. Mr. end Mrs. H. A. Berkman have moved Into the E. K. Bradtl home at Mr. and Mrs. DrandU have moved to their farm between Aurora and Hub bard. - The many friends of Arthur Graham are gratified to learn that he has re covered from his recent Ulnes and hat resumed his position in the Canby Bank. Iiorralne Lee. Violet Evans, and Hel en Btttner, of Portland, spertt hf, week-end In Canby. Mr. Harry Evans ha returned from a week-end spet in Portland. Mrs. Herbert Miller, of Aurora, was a Canby visitor Sunday. Mrs. Eugene Mitts, of Needy, was a guest ot Mrs. James Mitts Friday. A. Stefanl has purchased a new automobile. Mr. Nora Card Miller spent the past week at her farm near Hotf. Mr. and Mrs. Lowrie have moved to Oregon City, where Mr. Lowrie has secured a position in the papar mills. Messrs J. Gerger and Carl Schmitt have purchased the ice cream and confectionery store from Mrs. Myrtle Will and will conduct th9 business along the 'same line. They are both well and favorably known and will make a success of the business. Mrs. Will is leaving for Portland. Mrs. George Kuight left Tuesday Vr a week's visit with her son Ralph C. Knight and her daughter Mrs.Clyde Evans, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. IL H. Eccles and Miss Grace Bullock were week-end guests of relatives in Salem. Prof, and Mrs. F. M. Roth and family! ncnt ,thJ, ; week-end with relatives in Hubbard. Supervisor of schools. Brenton Ved der, conducted the zone examinations in spelling and arithmetic at Canby Tuesday afternoon. A large num ber of teachers, pupils, and parents from the near-by districts were in at tendance. Thsi following districts were represented: Districts . No. 86, 110. 81. 73. 63, 18, 38. and 97. The following pupils of the Canby public schools have been neither ab sent nor tardy during the month end ing Fetruary 19th: Seventh and Eighth grades, H. H. Eccles, principal: Norma Hainas Jewel Marks, Ava Miller, Mildred Henricksen, Hilda Turner, Elanor Dent, Wilson Davner, Noel Oath as. Mortimer Lee, Howard Hein. Floi nee Rider, Opal Whe3ler, Ella Sam nelson, Champ Vaughn. Christ Craft, Epsie Lee, Margaret Brown, Irene Urfer, Queen Scott, Katherine Hein, (Leonard Hulras, Clyde Lowry. Fifth and Sixth Grades, John Huston, teacher.: Grace Bullock, Ray Lee, Everett Fenny, Bula Reece. Le ola Lee, Edward Recce, Edward Kraft, Robert McClure, Wesley Mitts, Vern er Arneson, Beulah Launer, and Dor othy Evans. Third and Fourth Grades, Eva Burns Hanson, teacher. Mildred Oathes, Hazel, Le, Ross Rider, Edward Mc Clure, Virgil Giger, Rosa Slyter, Lynn McQuester, Neal Haines, Mara bel Bates. Dorothy Pitts, Zella Lee, Blanche Kendall, Gerald Bair, Lindsn launer, Mitchell Slyter. Second and Third Grades. Nona Austin, teacher. Ivan Arnison, Ralph Earls, Kennsth Evans, Keith Mack, Laurence Tuft, Gertrude Reece, Lam- berta Voget, Johanne Vogst, Ray Tuft. First Grade, France Potter, teach er. Violet Launer, Beauford Knight. V-eata Lee, Earl McQuesJtin, Jfejba uatnea, Le Rider, Buckley Vaughn Robert Wheeler. Mulino Mrs. Churchill was taken to the Ore gon City hospital last Friday. She is suffering with heart trouble. Mis Lois Ashby and her brother Fredrick, came home fromSalem Satur day to visit with their parents, Mr. and Mr. Grant Ashby. Mr. and Mrs. August Erlckson and Mrs. Leslie Holiday and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Berdlne motored to Colton Sun day. Oscar Erlckson has enlisted In the Medical Corps. Mrs. Frank McClard and children and Mrs. Kanos and Mr. Joe Daniels end children motored to Salem last Thursday. Miss Ruth Gibson, of Salem visited relatives in Mulino last Thursday and Friday . Mrs. J. P. Rohl, of Eldordao was the guest ot Mr. Catherine Goucher last Sunday. Miss Ethel and Miss Mildred Car- ruth of Ellanston, Wyoming are visit ing relative in Mulino. Mr. and Mrs. Nash, ot Woodburn, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schink last Sunday. Mrs. Inez Larklns resigned her posi tion a teacher in the Mulino school and Miss Grace Schuebel is teaching the remainder of the term. Mrs. Ed Berdlne ha returned home from Oregon City. Leonard White was an Oregon City visitor last Sunday. Lee Adklns was an regon City visit or last Monday. . Mrs. Joe Daniels and her nieces the Misses Mildred and Ethel Carruth vis ited In Portland Tuesday. AUCTIONEER E. H, WRIGHT Farm and Btock sales a special ty. See Enterprise for dates or wire or phone me at my expense Vancouver, Wash. Office phone 120. Res. 496-Y. Briefs From All Over the Hazelia HAZELIA. April J4. Mrs. J. K. Hays, of Sherwood, visited with her daughter, Mrs. F. E. Whltten. Sunday. She and her daughter called on Mr. J. P. Cook in the afternoon, Mr. C. W. Child returned to her home in Haiella after an extended visit with friends In Portland. A party of young people from Port land spent a very pleasant afternoon with Mr. and Mra. D. Chrtstlanson and children. Will Cook made a business trip to Hlllsboro the first ot the week. Miss Ethel Thompson, whose home Is In Oswego, spent the week end with her cousin, Mis Ethel Baker. The Haiella Sewing Circle met at Mr. F. W. Wankes' last Thursday with a large attendance. An Interest ing talk was delivered by Mrs. Lewis, from Lake Grove, The next meeting will be held at Mr. Frank Whltten's, May 16. Election of officers will be held at this meeting. Mr. Frank Puymbroeck and daughter, Mary, were entertained by Mrs. Fred Lehman. Wednesday even ing. (Misses Elisabeth and Leona motored to Stafford where they spent a delightful evening with the Tiedeman young folks and Mis; Bettiie N'emic Miss Llllie Fiala Is able to resume ! her school work again, after several weeks illness. The club met last Saturday evening at the schoolhouse. that a "weinie roast' It was decided which rhould be given May 4 on the school grounds. should close the Spring session of this j society. Money from the treasurer was appropriated for the expenses. Every one islnvited to come. Mr. and Mrs. Max McMahan and two small sons, from Portland, spent Sunday with their Eastman andMc- Mahan relatives In Haielia Several Haxelians attended church services at Stafford, Sunday evening. Miss Blanche Duncan spent Sunday with Miss Marion Eastman. Meadowbrook MEADOWBROOK April 24. Mr. and Mrs. Mattaon and family of Port kind spent the week end at Mr. and Mrs. Boftos. Sadie Hellbacka has been out of high School the last two weeks. Mr. and Mr. Geo. Anderson ot Port land have moved out on Mrs. Ander son's father' place near Orchard Falls. Ruth Hudson spent the week end in Portland visiting. Glenn and Allen Larklns vis ted friends in Molalla Sunday evening. Mr.' and Mrs. Alfred Hill of Molalla visited friend here Sunday. Ruth Hudson and Herman Chindgren attended the farewell party In honor ot David Nordling Monday evening at Col ton. He expects to leave soon as he is in the draft Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Chindgren attended the Swedish Luthern confer ence in Portland Wednesday. Mr. Weegle, of Seattle, Wash., has bought what is known as the Cooper place and moved his family out, Mr. Durst and family, former, residents have gone to Portland to reside. A baby boy was born to the wife ot Isaac Hellbacka on Saturday, April 14. We are glad to hear Harold Johnson is Improving in the Oregon City hos pital where he has been very low with pneumonia. Mr. Horner, of Estacada, has bought the timber belonging to Kerchem and GBrber, of Oregon City. Mr. Horner expect to have a mill running in about .two months. Macksburg MACKSBURG, April 25. The Red Cross auxiliary held a very busy and interesting session at its rooms on Wednesday, April 17th. A letter from Dr. H. S. Mount, chairman of the Ore gon City branch ot the Portland Chap ter was read by the secretary, said letter being in recognition of our so ciety as a regular auxiliary to the Ore gon City Branch of the Portland Chap ter of the American Red Cross. Abundance of new material for work had been supplied. A gift of 70 from the Junior Red Cross of Macksburg was acknowledged The names of five new member were reported and their fees receivd. Three of these members were Bennie, Glenn and George Hepler, who have set an example to boys ot their age we would be pleased to see followed very soon. A supply ot home work wa pre pared and given out The ice crjam festival planned for May 11th was postponed till late in the season and the auxiliary adjourned tojneet on April 24th. The Mother's club Is to meet the present week at the home of Mr. Ben Dreler. The Little Girls' Sewing circle will hold Us next session at the home of Mrs. G. M, Baldwin on Saturday, May 4. Mr. and Mrs. Will Damm have re turned to our place from Portland and are building a home near the Eby bcLooL Mrs. Bon Dreler who has been quite ill is able to be out once more. , Twilight TWILIGHT, April 25. Gospel meet ings are being held In Twilight hall every night except Saturday. The rock crusher will be moved to another road. Newport Two surveyors complet ed for railroad from Alsea to Yaqulna Bay and prospects for the road look very bright. County Kelso The fin warm weather here has given the farmers a chance to finish plantiug. The grain crop are doing flue with lots of wheat growing. Kelso feels proud of her few faith ful Red Cross worker who meet every Wednesday la the work room. Of course this Is a busy farming dis trict but there are plenty ot women who ought to come and help make hospital clothes to save the lite ot some American soldier. We are also glad Kelso raised $3,000 tor the Third Liberty loan but we could have doubled the amount it the neigh borhood had done its best. Eleven of our Kelso boy have en listed In the Army and Navy: Luther S Jonsntd. Lewis Jerger. Clyde Harbi son. John Milan, Will Haley, Leo Can ning and Nathan Bickford. So far no boys from Kelso have been drafted. Emma NeUeland and Caroline i Goldensop are home on vacation at present. Webster Robert of Dover goes In the Clackamas county draft to Camp Lewis Thursday. A large crowd ot young folks and relative called Sun day to bid him good bye. Birch Rob erts and family of Portland, floU Roberts ot Hood River and Mr. Joel Jarl and family of Kelso and Misses Lulu and RIKlie Roberts of Sandy caiied. He has a brothsr. George Rob- erts. who sailed for France recently. " Frank Jarl of Portland was calling on relatives In Kelso Sunday. Lilly jonsrud also came from Portland to CHAMPION IMPROVED' MOWER CANT FALL DOWN Stands Upon the Foundation of Correct Construction. ' t-r t Trua Chamn l -t f 5- - been making for users aaa. for years I y 1 f kjM LJ Hi v. ' - ft r-'' Driving Inunul gm which 2 1 YOKE Are Ivxtra Extra Large DOLLARS BY BUYING A LASTING MOWER j THAT COUPON T, win brlnx you price and V' . . n UUUIIDKKU 1 II ' r SAVE SEE W. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY, OREGON spend the week end with her parsnts. R. E. Jarl, our road boss with a force of men is busy repairing our rough roads. Leo Rath of George, was In Kelso last week and purchased a horse from Josl Jarl. Harold Erickson and Vernle Jarl are members of the Junior Rainbow Regiment In this neighborhood. Each sold $100 worth of Baby Bonds. Our school Is progressing nicely under the management of Mrs. Louise Nelson and Miss Yerkes. The term will close May 20. Frank Irvin has purchased a new Dodge auto. Oswego OSWEGO, April 25. Mr. and Mrs. Orce Jones and son Allen, of Portland, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Jones. Mrs. Rosotta Headrlck and children, Lorla, Alice, Clarence, Willis and Amos, Mr. and Mrs. Grant White, of Canby, Miss Carl Bethke and son Carl, Miss Leone Finley, Mr. M. Rief mo tored to Vancouver barracks Sunday to spend the day with Mrs. Headlick sons, Harry and John. A picnic din- POLK'S g GAZETTEER a HosuiMfl iiiractorr er each city, Town and VULoto U Oregon an Wa.hlngfxm, giylolt m DeacrlptUe gketh ef each place, locution, Bblpriln -FatUiUfa and Claaal. fia Directory tit eacb SuiiacMi 04 frofeMioa. B X POLK fO, Ie. fl.awa.nla. WIT- . cwttiag. rrwuie ner wa enjoyed by all. Harry and Johnny leaving the following day for anotoher camp. Somewhere In the states. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. IUthbone, and daughter, Dorothy, ot Portland, visited at the home ot Mrs. Ruthborn't par out s, Mr. and Mrs. Thoniss Foi, Sun day. Mrs. Otto Larson and children, ot Astoria, are visiting at the home ot Mrs. Lumen' parents, Mr. and Mr. Laun Waldroff, South Oswego., ROLEY MONK Miss Mildred It. Mouk, surprised her many friend Saturday, when the Journeyed to Vancouver, Wash., and was quietly married to Mr. Bennlee L. Roley, ot Forest Grove. Mis Monk I the only daughter ot Mr. and Mr. A. J. Monk. She was born and reared In Oswego, where the has a host ot friends who sincerely wish the young couple much happiness. Mr. Roley was formerly emptoyed a operator at Os wego. Rut la now stations! at Forret Grove as operator lu the sub station. Miss Monk was formerly assistant postmistress of this place. Mr. and Mr. Roley will make their home In Forest Grove, Mr. and Mra. John Davis entertained Mr. Blttler and Mr. Bennett, of the Signal corps spruce division and sta tioned at Vancouver barracks, at their home on Second Street Sunday. Mr. Doris preparing a big dinner which was greatly enjoyed by those present, which dere: Mis La Verne Kuerr, Miss Adrlana Lewis Miss Alene Worthington. and Miss Delia Darls, Mr. Blttle, formerly ot Miss", Mr. Ben nett formerly of Kentucky; Mr. Leu nle Doris and'the host and hostess. The members ot the Oswego Wo- mens ciuo, entertained a numuer ot the eoldler of Vancouver barrack, at the Y. M. C. A. In Portland last Salur- day evening. A program was ren-j dered by several of the boys, and also a number from the different theatres, : rrr n ' ' THO UMTUIKM dkm iK, Ma wW ,..r wUa t m a Ua "ni.m. k aW am aa am Ua kaM Ulukia, imm4 TU ami al ta, I i, immii aal ra1 arl ml MM hlwiM fcttN. Wi -J U mi - . .b.u.,,iMW Mechanism 'jt Showin the I 'Extra Wki fives muy immIi m j'i and ?&ab-tantUI mh, fmtt. www.' Lof bearinn at ach) eiwj i I at brrd gear lhh 1 tluunnt Baf aiul knife can't ret owl oi Una ow ing to tka width and otrenglhoi ihia Maadjr mot.oa oi bevel gear dnnnf tKa crank abaft Diauoo. joktk PlNS' l V- The fTstrong Long, tf and I nampion f I Piece W a. , Cat Hardened. j l MOWer j rrame il fully bfactxl They an anurtly jK Has Extra Long ' t"""A ' 'Mff Ce Hardened ?, ? inwnnt lha perfect O.kf : alnmcnt of bar. ,-.', Removable fi kmf and pitman. ' Wearing Plate nd will natural 7 Champion rUKIUNU ORE. aa.aj.ara r it 'i WSj, aronANf . - at - FOR CHAMPION MOWERS BINDERS RAKES HEADERS TEDDERS REAPERS which was thoroughly enjoyed. After which a wrestling match was staged. The ladles served light refreshments, which the boys appreciate. LITTLE MISS CELEBRATES BIRTH DAY. Little Miss Francl Halne celebrat ed her seventh birthday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr. Gilbert Haines, on A avenue. A number of lit tle tots Joined in the games and little folks dances. Mrs. Clifford Johnson and Mrs. Carl Bethke assisting Mr. Haines in serving refreshments, which consisted of fruit punch, ice cream and cake. Those present were, Margone Nelghtman, Audrey Cllne, Mary and Patricia Newlands, Margaret Elliot, Agnes Todd, Betty and Jane Munick, Patricia Williams, Carl Bethke, Jr., Gilbert Haines, Jr., Arno Vose, John and Ralph Haines, George Montgom ery and the little hostess, Francis Haines. Mrs. Earl WilllamB, Mrs. C. A. Bethke, Mrs. Clifford Johnson and small son, David, and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Haines. The hour between 3 and 6 were happily spent, and will be long long remembered by the little ones. Eagle Creek Eagle Creek, April 24. Mrs. R. B. Gibson was an Estacada Visitor last Tuesday. The Upper Eagle Crsek Red Cross Unit met at headquarter last Wed nesday, set a quilt together, put in the frame and It Is now ready to quilt, after which Is will be sold to sacure funds to carry on the Red Cross work. Roy Douglass has a new car, trad- tng hi old ear on a new later model Chevrolet Owing to the fine Weather there were only 31 patron out to Eagle Creek Grange last Saturday. But a very pleasant lime was ipent by thus present. Mrs. S. E. Kates and Mr. Phillip told the patrons something about prohibition, the program being short on account of having quite a bit of work to do. One candidate, Mr. H. C. Glover, being Initiated In the third and fourth degree. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kwlng. of Sprlngwater, were Grange visitor Saturday. Mr. II. 8. Jonc nnd Mis Helen Reed spent the week-end with the former' mother, Mr. Viol Douglas Mlsee Elsie and Athleon lltuhm, o( Oregon City, were jntertutn-nl at the home of Roy Douglas Sunday. Several rrom this neighborhood at' tended the high school play at the Estacada High School auditorium lust Friday evening. Logan LOGAN. April 83. Lower Ugan school will have a basket (oclal and entertainment Saturday evening, April 27th. Mis Singleton will give read ing. Mr. John Ross, who has beeon very 111 the past week, la Improving lowly. Thl Is supposed to be a case of pott onin, from corn meal. Charles, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kohl, drank some formal dehyde solution, but prompt action saved the child. The Red Cross dance given at the Grange hall Saturday night was a v;ry pleasant affair, quite a large crowd In attendance. Hut on looking of ted Vrmn Thtr,. dolmr, think it was a musician' benefit. Iu for music for a cause of that kind Is "pretty steep'. Th auxiliary served a cafeteria supper with hot coffee, from which $26.00 was realUed. Af- No Greater Value Possible. , If ev. fcvery Part is well built and f00 kaa rightly designed. ?Z t&Z ThU U for your v akaa)awawM T,- 'J i'.k, protection t.'i ' :.i I "J -i W i i V last a lifetime. Construction, GENTLEMEN! 'i - Sand ma orka. and ' 't catalog of your CHAMPION' ' MOWER. i ter all expenses are paid about $36.00 will go to the auxiliary. Patriotic speaking at the hall Fri day evening, April 20. In a letter to the home folks, Carl A. Klrchem says he Is in the 37th Balloon Co., Camp John Wise, San Antonio, Texas. The 37th being a reserve company of supply and trans portation. H: is well pleased with the signal service. Said he was Act ing Sergeant for Interior guard that day, a nail keg as office chair nnd a dry goods box for a desk. Is longing to get out of Texas. TIb significant to note the declara tion of some of our candidates on some matter. Sometimes a "stitch two of the contending s3ctions where In time saves nine." Why not fix the road, the connecting link 'between two of the contending sections where county division has caused a faction al feeling to exist. Tiny have dono their part, the road Is good on tho other side, all the way to the Barton bridge. Just a short dlotance on this side, if fixed, would give them a good road to either Oregon City or Port- land. This is no time to stir up any- thing like county division. If some of the candidates think they are "greas- lng a skid road,, to Salem may realize the error later. Let us strive for a unity of purpose, that the one big problem before us, winning the war, may find us all unitedly working to- gether with that object In view, WASHINGTON, April 22. t President Wilson today signed $ the bill extending provisions of 3 the espionage act to women, and requiring registration of women t itZ- Champion 4 Couldnt ' t 4 fTTit tA . l i IS I f l Oak Grove OAK GROVE. April 85.-L, A. Dul lard went salmon Milim for voral day wlthovit luck, but retprned to day with a small flah. Some vandal threw a rook breaking one of the large "tore window In the Warren block Monday night. Mr. and Mr, Tom Taylor have moved from the W, R. Allen houa on the River roiul to the Derry Iuiiko on Center street. Th Allen property hn ben old and (he new owner will anon tnnvo In, George Derry' two children are routined to the horn with measlo. Then. Worthlnnlon, Jr., came home from Trlndle, Wash., Sunday and went to Otwego lo visit hi grand, mother, Mr. O. Prion, bvfore he leave for the Navy and training ramp. The poNtofMre hn sold (025.00 worth ot Thrift stamp o fur tlila month. Remember the motion plrtur' Fri ll fry night. k Mr. and Mr. It, K, Harder are the proud parent of a baby girl, born April Id ut the Good Saiunrltlun hog pltat In rortlnnd. Mother and baby doing nicely. Mr. and Mr. Hubert ltradahaw (Ktlilyn Itl-ley), of The Dalles, are b lng congratulated on the birth of a son the early part of March. Mr, lilaley visited at the homo ot her OjiUKhter during her alrknea. Mr. A. C. Jepaen I Hlt k In a hos pital In Portland. Mrs. Charles Hlgham la very 111 al her homo h n. Mr, Wetxler of Hills lioro, lu-r dniiKhler, la with her mother. Grandma Itorxuii 1h unite poorly nnd Is routined lo htr home. Margaret, dauuliter of Mr. and Wt Itothe. I very tick. ICverett Roblnnott went llahlng on the Dearhutte Ulver Saturday and returued home Sunday nWlit with line tot ot trout. Mr. Kverott Roblunett tut the weik-'nd at Suoliane. Wash. Mr. and Mra. Jim Tliotnimoii ot Hlllalion), are visiting Mra, Thomp son slater, Mr. 0. A. Kinder and family. Mrs. Jcaitle lileaaon baa rented her homo to Mr. and Mrs. Fred (iatipiuan llUusie VliiKlnal of Portland, and gone to Hood KIv.t to iiul the aiiiu mer with her daughter, Mrs. Hloddou Curl WuhlHtom, tirpliew of Mr. Carhiulst. went tlshtng Monday nnd landed a it pound Minion. The members of the family of T. R. Worthington, Sr., gathered Wed nudity evening and gave a party In honor of hi son, Theo., who leaves for Camp Lewi this week. A number of the relative came ovi-r from Os wego. Richard, serotid sou of Mr. and Mr. Charles It. Vosburg. ot Who -ler, formerly ot Oak Grove, passed away Friday afternoon at i o'clock. He was only confined to hi bed twenty four hours. Ho wa 8 year, 4 mouth and IS day old. The fiinerul ervice held at the cemetery in Nohalem. The floral offcrliiKs were many and beauti ful. Th family ha the heart rll sym pathy of thl community, In their be reavmcnt. Estacada ESTACADA, April 25.-P. M. Wag ner, aft,or almost entirely recovering from mumps, was threatened with pneumonia the latter part of last week and has been quite 111 again. Miss Lois Rlihman, who la teaching near Aurora, epnt the weekend at the W. J. Moore homo. Mr. and Mr. Tom Raybourn came down from the mountain and ipent the weekend at the Clyde Shock I home. ' Mr. Teo. Ahlburg acted a "hello" girl at the central office Saturday while Mis Glady Townend visited In Oregon City and Portland. Julius Krleger ha bought the Dr. Adlx residence property on Estacada Heights, now being occupied by A. L. Lass well. Consideration $1500. Mr. and Mra. Miles Standish came out from Portland Saturday and re mained guest at the home of their brother, R. M. Standish, until Sunday afternoon. The three-act comedy, 'Molly' Way," a given by the Estacada high school student, lust Friday night, was a great success. A large and appreel atlve audience greeted the player and applause for their effort wa not lacking. The net proceeds amounted to $58. The talk In behalf of the Armenian orphans, which was to have been giv en by Prof. H. K. Wlngate of Talas Turkey, Monday evening at the audi torlum, did not materialize, as the locturer wa detained by illness. How ever, a Mr. HunHaker, of Portland, wa appointed to fill his place, and the subject wa well explained. A car load of machinery and fixtures for the new mill at Oarflold arrived this week and is being hauled to Its domination. Mayor Lovelace succeeded In get ting some boy to climb to the top of the tower on the city hall last Sat urday, and remove tho old flag that wa torn to a rag, repluclng tho same with a beautiful new flag. 'Mrs. F. B. Guthrie and little son ar rived from Salem last week to make an Indefinite visit at the home of her mother and brother. Mr. Guthrie Is now engaged In the Y. M. C. A. work at Kelly Field, Texas. Walden Boyle, the ten-year-old son ! of Mrs. Mayme Boyle, wa taken to St, Vincent's hospital In Portland Satur day, where he underwent a mastoid operation. Ho Is getting along nicely and will be able to come home in a few days. j A beuutlful honor flag adorn the window at the Estacada State Bank and everybody Is proud of it. This -district's quota was $11,000 and oyer $25,000 has been subscribed for liberty ; bonds and a blue star should be added to the flag for having doubled its quota. Subscriptions are still coming ill. The celebration of the winning of tne nonor flag Is to take place this Fri day afternoon with band music and S speaking. street Commissioner Page and the , property owners on Broadway "got bu8y" thlB week and c,eaned th Ped street from dirt and rubbish. ThlB should be only th beginning ot th clean up spirit In our llttl city. Th rlvlo club meeting Tuesday af ternoon had good, attendance and proved very Interesting, as Ml Park er ot the 0. A. C, wa present anil gave a talk on food conservation. About thirty friend of Mr. and Mr. A. L, Lasawell urprlsd the young couple Tuesday night, It being their flmt wedding anniversary. A short time wa spent at lha Lawtl home and then all repaired to th B, W. tlartlott home where s sumptuous sup per wa served and the couple pre sented with beautiful dish a me mento ot th occasion. A daughter wa bora to Mr. and Mr. Harold Nixon, of Garfield, th 18th Inst, Mr, Nixon I In the Good Samaritan hospital In Portland but expected to be well enough to com home next Monday. Mr, nnd Mr. N. L. Laurvy returned Sunday from a few day visit In Port land. Ml Leila How cam from Aurora Saturday evening to mak a brief visit with horn folks, returning Sunday, Mia RUabelh Hold of Gartleld, who wa unable to letch on account ot III neia, haa-recovered and I axaln doing duty at the Tracy school. Phil Standlah arrived Friday from California where he ha been engaged In clerical work at the cantonment at Menlo Park, and I on a few day fur lough before going "over there." He haa eullated aa truck driver. There wa a bad lire In the vicinity ot Sprlngwater lant Saturday which for a time wa thought to prove quite dlaaatrou. but through the heroic -effort of a large number ot people In that vicinity, the blaxe wa finally gotten under control. Qultte a number of fires on the hill aoutheaat ot Kta catla during the past few day, have been burning In the timber, mt with no bad result. DiedAt her home In Katacad. after a short alrkneas, Mr. John Tracy, aged 73 year. And thu an other old settler baa been called twin thl vicinity. Mr. Tracy came to Ore gon over 40 year ago. She waa born In Indiana and married to John Tracy in 1805. Six children are left to mourn and a number of grandchildren, Mr. Tracy died three year ago. The chil dren are, Harrison and Norman Tracy, Mr. George DoShields, Mr. Frank Thomas, Mra. Edgar Hryple, and Mra. D. M. Marshall. Funeral service will be held Friday with Walter Given of ficiating and the Rebekah will have charge of the rite at the grave. Mr. Tracy wa woman beloved by every body and the entire community ex tends condolence lo the eorrowlng rel ative. Barlow HARLOW, April 25. The Service Flan for our boys was cledlrnt'd Sun day. The wr-ather was Ideal fur the occasion and a lame crowd wa pre- nt. Judge Dlmlck. of Orngnn City. gave an excellent patriotic talk which was well received. Mr. Ausre having the find son who enlisted, had the honor of unfurling the fin;. Mm. Hay and Mr. Landswlck' ton were next to enlist and t Mr, l.und swlik' request Mr. Hay located the star as names w:re read. A shurt but Interest lug program was rendered. The nixllence mnnhed to the fountain where Amerlcn wa sumr, the flim raised and the riaic salute given, The boy for whom the flag wa raised are Albert Ausre, Lei Hay. Clarence Landswlck. Henry Howe, Chiter Oathout, Cecil Hon, HJttlmer Erlckson, Io Harding and Frank Zellniiky, all enlisting from thl school dlBtrlct and nine atar are on the flag Instead of four a flrst stated. Mr. E. G. Wait haa bought Mr. Hanson' place. Mrs. Walt fnlher, Mr. MIII.t. and niece, Mis Iluzcl Mil ler, are with her. The Bartow boy played bnll with the Whiskey Hill boys Friday with a coro of 14 to 12 In favor ot our boy. The Harlow player wore, Lylo Pennell, Lloyd Zlegli-r, Rolmrt Fre maym Win. Zelgler, Hennle Zelglor, and Freddie Lefler. Miss Theollno Larson bus b icn suf fering with the mump the lust week, while our postmistress bus had the Liberty mcaBle and neurallalu. Mrs. Wrolstud of Yoder visited hur mother the past week. MIhs Irene Wurfol who haa been 111 I In Portland and la Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Wurfol spent the day In Port land with Irene Sunday. Alva and James Andrus have gone to Hood River. There will be a patri otic meeting In the school house Fri day nignt with two good speaker present. Mr. and Mr. Arthur Giddlngs, of Portland visited their relatives here Sunday. Mis Gladys Ashford, of McMlnnvllle is visiting her undo, Percy Ashford. Mrs. Lena Bond Young vlalted in Portland from Sunduy until Tuesday evening. R. E. Irwin received the new of hi nephew, Walter Irwin, having both logs broken In the wreck near Glen dale Sunday night. Walter waa fire man on tho engine. Two hundred and forty-ono War Savings Stamp and 112 thrift stamps havo been sold through the Barlow post office since January amounting to $1020,65. Linn's Old Mill LINN'S OLD MILL, April 25. An na Margaret Stewart arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. R Stowart April 20, at twelve fifteen a. m. and at 8 o'clock A. M April 20th bought a war savings stamp and Join od the Junior Red Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Wivlton Puttlson, Jr., have moved to Oregon City. Mrs. Walton Pattlson, Sr.,-has beon quite sick. Miss Rota Reese was called to Arizona on account of a death of a relative. Basket social ut Dint. 21 postponed from April 20th to April 27th. Liter ary program, proceed to buy war stamps.