Page 6 CRAVE SOLDI S FRESH FROM FOREIGN LANDS MBIKHIM M PRISONERS SIAIt IGI P. It Thomas has arrived In Ore gon City trora British Columbia, and Is upending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mr. Hugh Foster, of Twelfth and Water Street. He ia on Jils way to Estacada, where he will W the gueit Of C0U8in- Un- A"fn wLv a fnnniri of Oregon City. JMIJIIUIUUU, v - f Mr. nomas dm dm seen uia vu ) "for about 30 years, and will recuper ate on the Richmond farm, suffsrlnj from wounds received at the front In France. Mr. Thomas has had military train ing in the British army. He entered the army during the Boer War. and was also In the campaign at Somali, land, East Africa, In 1904 1905, and was connected with the British army In Northern India, and was later in structor In the Canadian army when the European war broke out. Mr. Thomas enlisted Immediately,' and was corporal of a platoon, consisting of 63 men. There are four platoons In a company. Corporal Thomas was struck with a ballet from the enemy a iin. Khotterlnr the knee cap. and this has been replaced by a silver cap, hut disqualifying the brave corporal from further service. He was In hos pitals for eleven months. In France and England. Corporal Thomas says the surg?ons In Europe are performing miracles, and are saving many lives of the men. lie speaks hlshly of ths Tommies, and says that all Americans will do the same. The Tommies are among the bravest fellows "over there" and are fighting hard to help to win the day. SALEM, Or, April lt-(Speclal)-Oregon City banks which stood In thirteenth place in the matter of deposits on November 20, 1917, had jumped to eleventh place on March 4, according to a statement Just com. pleted by Superintendent of Banks Bennett, which shows the towns of the state having deposits of $1,000,000 or over. The deposits In Oregon City banks have dropped oft somewhat, regard less of the climb from thirteenth place to eleventh, the deposits In the threi banks there on jsovemovr v, last year, being $2,046,4$1.SS. and on March 4. this year, were I2.003.T93.13. While deposits In Oregon uty hanks dropped off. the slump Is natural for this time of year, the banking department explains, and the fact the Oregon City banks Jump ed two points shows that the deposits in proportion are holding p better than general throughout the state. Deposits In all the banks of the state show a handsome lncreass over the report for the same time last year and the banks are considered in a thriving condition for the season in which the report is made. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, APRIL 19. 1916 Pasco Patriots j Make Mayor Buy I Liberty III NEW l0 PUNISH HER Bond DEFAULT CASES NULL BY On account taking effect every default of a new federal law March 1, practically judgment taken in local courts since that date, will have to be set aside. The law provides that In every default case in every court, an affidavit must be filed before judgment showing the defendant is not In the military service. Many local attorneys are squirm ing a little over the new law, which has just b?en made known here. Im mediately upon advices of the new legislation Judge Campbell clamped the lid on tight In the circuit court and has permitted no defaults to be entered without the affidavit There have been probably a dozen default Judgments entered during March, without the necessary affidavits be ing filed and it is thought that these will have to be vacated by the at torneys In charge of the cases, the proper affidavit filed and a new ludement taken. No judgment can be taken against a person in the service. ! Where it cannot be ascertained that ; the defaulting defendant Is, or Is not In the service, the new law pro vides that the plaintiff may file a Foremost of the states In th Union, population and material resources considered, in voluntary enlistments for the war and for soldiers' reltel work. Oregon again is first In going over the top with subscriptions to the Third Liberty Loan. Measuring tot;4 subscriptions with the minL mum quota, this state has won the distinctive right to waive the honor flag. From Washington at noon came an dispatch that Portland and Toledo, Ohio, are claimants for the first hon or flag for cities of bit ween $100,000 and 250.000 population and are the largest cities to report having reach ed their goal. The news that Oregon had won first honors among all tha states for hish achievements in the Lioerty Loan drive came in a message to Ed ward Cookingham, chairman or trie state campaign committer. from Frank R. Wilson, director of publicity of the Third Liberty Loan, sarins: "Oregon awarded first state honor flag. Please accept my heartiest eoneratulations. Suggest you wire Secretary McAdoo, Mobile, Ala. SANTA FE, N. M., April 17.-Four hundred convicts In the State Peniten tiary this afternoon tarred and feath ered and led around with a rope about his neck Major John M. Blrkner, or Camp Cody, Demlng, N. M., who Is J held in the Penitentiary as a Federal , prisoner In default of $5000 ball. He U Charged with violation of the es pionage act. Major Blrkner was allowed out In Nuremberg. Germany, but who had besn In the American military forces for more than 30 years, was arrested last Friday at Camp Cody, where he was an officer In the 127th Field Ar tillery. His home is In Lincoln. Neb. Major Btrken was allowed out In the prison yard for exercise with the lot) convicts. The warden knew noth in r nf what was coing on until he hard loud cheering. He rushed out Into the yard and found Blrkner strip ped and covered with tar and feather The prisoners with loud hoots were bading him about the yard with a rope around his neck. Assistant Su perintendent Dugan rescued the Major. The prisoners, evidently in accord ance with a prearranged plot, had secured the feathers from their pil lows, but where the tar came from Is a mystery. Birkner is alleged to have made disloyal utterances such as "the Ger mans will sink American transports as fast as they are sent over." PASCO. Wash., April l5.-Pasco pa triots, acting as a vigilance committee, have started a campaign to curb dis loyalty her and to tee that every per son subscribes to the Third Liberty Loan. The campalga atarted rrlday night when a crowd ot men, Incensed be cause O. Wlllison, Mayor ot Pasco and manager ot the local branch ot the Turn a Lura Lumber company, had not subscribed to the liberty loan, routed him out of bed late at night and In duced him to buy a f 100 bond. The County Court EXPENDITURES FOR MONTH OF APRIL, 1918. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 1-M. E, Gaffney, $103.30; Kendall Grocery, $2.40; Matt Greenslade, $0.90; A. N. Wills, $102.00; C E. Batton, $72.00; Jerome Avery. $21.00; Henry Tim mer, $24.00; Dan Gaffney, $06.00; Clay Colson, $96.00; Ottls Welch, $93.00 A. N. Willi, $76.00; J. A. Da- lftnn J. A. Davis, loo.uu; u. !2DMfln vis. Richter. S117.00: W. Smart, Joe Mlady, $24.00; Herman Tlmraer, $15.00; Robert Rosenau, $12.00; B. L. Frledrich, $8.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 3-J. C. Elliott & Co., $74.80; C, Wolfhagen, $19.15; Mat Greenslade, $3.75; Joe Fapsch, $33.37; Herman Seibert, $110.47; J. p nine. 118.37: Ramen Cline, $55- 87; W. Bucman, $70.47; W. WiUel, $58.87; L. Stradley, $58.50; J. W. Norton, $51.00; H. Norton, $43.50; II. Back, $42.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 4-Bert II. Finch, $5.95; H. C. Heiple, $2.50; H. M. Duus, $5.00; J. C. Hitching, $3.50.. ROAD DIST. NO. 5-M. H. Wheel- $24.00; W. E. Wheeler, laz.ou; Lekberg, $10.00; J. t aieter, ROAD DIST. NO. 20 J, C. Miller, $45.50; S. Miller, $61.60. ROAD DIST. NO. 21 A. Nelson, $21.30; Hult Bros., $50.50; Alfred Statul, $33.68; W. S. Gorbett, $36.50; Norman Sorenaon, $15.00; Gill Nord ling, $7.60; G. Murphy, $17.60; L, P. Elliott, $4.00; Dave Crawford, $2.50; Albert Harris, $2.50; Arno Swanson, $2.60; Raman Johnson, $2.60; Chaa. Johnson, $10.00; Claud Winslow, $5. 00; Chas. Shepard, $3.75; W. II. Wot loffer, $10.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 22 Dlcken & Co., $10.41; Slyter & Eckerson, $140.. 75; L. O. Nightingale, Trustee, $102.. 70; Robblns Bros., $5.65; II. II. Chlnd- grcn, $10.00; Oren Cutting, $15.00; Louis Ginnlni, $10.00; II. J. Rastall, $46.00; Merril Eldred, $10.00; Henry Fkk, $14.37; Homer Trulllnger, $10.62; George Kay, $5.00 Otto Loon ey, $5.00; James Baty, $5.00; Geo. Hofstetter, $7.50; Fred Schafer, $15.. 00; Jack Feyrer, $25.00; Henry Durst $11.25; Ben Stclnlnger, $10.00; S. A. D. Hungate, $19.50; Frank Vaughan, $5.00; Walter Painter, $4.37; Graham Hungate, $4.37; Sam Jane, $4.37; C, E. Browning, $4.37; Robt Elkins, $2.50; Milton Chlndgren, $5.00; E. II. McMorrls, $8.75; Clay Hungate, $15.00; J. W. Standtnger, $3.60; Sly. ter St Eckerson, $10.00; G. V. Adams, $2.60; G. E, Feyrer, $7.60; Frank Vaughn, $5.00; McMorrls, $2.60. ROAD DIST. NO. 23 V. Berg, $5.00; V. Skinner, $21.60; II. Stuwe, A. Uvia, ",,-, SIRA. n V ing him of your accomplishments.' HONG SUCCESSOR OF T. B. WILCOX AS WASHINGTON, April 17. Census Director Rogers estimates that the total cost of the 1920 census, tnclud in? the annual and other inquiries oc curring during the decennial census period, if done In accordance with plans thj census bureau Im formul ated, will not exceed $20,000,000 to $22,000,000. The estimated cost of tak ing the population census alone Is $10,440,000. Besides considering population, the bureau's plans contemplate the usual elaborated Inquiries on manufactures. ., j agriculture, mines an J quarries. auuUal spevittl iinjauiua aim ww.v. work. This Includes vital statistics, statistics of cities and states, tobacco, cotton and cottonseed products. Taken collectively, Director Roi:ers says that the estimated cost of var ious lines of work, would run, manu factures, mines and quarries, $2,T9.!, 000; asriculture .$).019,000; mostly for field work; population $10,410,000. The expenditures for the census of 1910 were about $15.:.n0,000. Ziegler, $65.75; R. W. Zimmerman, $17.60. ROAD DIST. NO. 25 Frank Brush, $5.00; John Helm, $5.00; Ed. Harnack, $5.00; Charles Morris, $5.. 00; Rudolph Klaus, $11.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 26 W. J. E. Vlck, $13.93; Chas. Callahan, $9.00; Andy Hayden, $3.00; T. O. Ridings, $6.00; Alfred Butterfleld. $0.75; Henry Dahl, $9.00; Albert Mosh- berger, $0.75; Isaac Williams, $0.75; J. R..P. Vick, $1.60. ROAD DIST. NO. 27 Chas. Mc Connell, $4.00; Olaf Olson, $3.00; F L. Skirvin, $4.00; E. II. Sloan, $4.00; Lowel Ilertiel, $4.00; Wm. Furman, $4.00; C. W. McCllntock, $2.00; I. I), Larkins, $17.50; C. H. Losinger, $4. 00; C. C. Stanton, $2.00; Fred Hub bard, $2.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 28 F. M. Hon- riksen, $14.50; Robbins Bros., $29.28; Enoch Sowa, $f2.00; Ernest Sown, $12.00; James Nicholson, $18.00; John Miller, $3.00; Joe Miller, $3.00; Lee Banquette, $18.75; At. Wyland, $18, 00; Joe Brosig, $9.00; A. Sackett, $4.50; Geo. Clester. $6.00; Chas, Clester, $6.00; John Blixt, $6.00; Geo Groshong, $12.00; Albert Groshong $12.00: E. Clester. $12.00; E. L. Pal frey $32.00; Andy Mazingo, $6.75; Ed Russell, $57.00; Robert Bngby Zeb Bowman, $.14.50; L. U er, Chas. $15.00. . . r. , ROAD DIST. NO. 6-Jarl & Erl, $32.10; Robert Jonsrud, $6.50; Ridge Lumber Co., $100.21; R. E. Jarl, $20 94; C. Hayworth, $26.50; S. Torman, $2.50; G. Finger, $7.81; H. Tubke, $0.35; E. V. Erickson, $50.12; I, Scott, $13.12; C. Krebs, $1.25; W. Hayworth, $18.00; Dave Jarl, $37.50; N. H. Bickford, $3.00; G. H. Bkk ford, $3.00; G. II. Bickford. $1.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 7-Adolf Aschoff $6.00; Jas. Fegles, $3.50; C. F. Allen, $5.75; Faul Meinig, $16.05; Sandy Lumber Co., $8.72; O. Johnson, $3.00; , u.';innlnni 1 KH- Con Wall. $1- Vn "ZJ"Z: mm. J... Fles. $.W; Zeb Bowman. $34.50; wail. ",-"- vv " Kay wyiana, s.u.uu; i. w. snann J. W. Canons, vice-president 'and irpnpral manazer of the Portland proper bond to protect the defendant j piouring MiHs Company, was Monday in case It is afterward shown that he j tendered bv was In the service at the time Judg-igtate3 p00,j ment was entersd. A false amaavUtion of chairman of the North Pacific in any case, is punished by a federal j CoaRt minjng division, left vacant by the death of Theodore B. Wilcox. Mr. Ganong accepted the appointment. SALEM. Or.. Anril 1". Several pa- Herbert Hoover, United j roe(j ra?n (rom tne gtate penitentiary Administrator, the posl-' .,, be available for employment by fine of $1000 and imprisonment not' to exceed ons year. The law applies to all courts. The new legislation has Just been made known hers. JAMES W. MEYER WULD LIKE TO GET SOME MAIL VIC1 OF BULLET farmers in a few days. State Parole Officer Kell.-r said yesterday. The men are experienced farmers. Ai large number of paroled men are em ploved in other industries, snd be cause of the present shortae; of farm labor it will be the policy of the state prison management to place as many men as possible on the farms. Camp McClellan, April 6. (Editor of the Enterprise). Will you kindly publish the following in your most valuable paper. Tuere Is a man in my company w.hc has not received any mail since he Las been in my company, which has been a'out nine months. Every day at mail call he goes for ma'l reading, and returns forlorn and 1 mesome, without any mail, while tle rest of the men are. receiving let ters and packages from their folks friends at home. some kind person will Just send a postal or letter I am sure it brlghtan his stay on American as no doubt we wili be in France within the next three months. Hoping to see this in your most valuable paper I am a comrade of James W. Myer, Division Ftockade, iSth Division, Medical Dept. and If him wiil ooil BAKER, Or., April 15. William Roseberry, a sawmill operator who resides at Haines, died at St. Elizabeth hospital here Sunday afternoon as the result of a bullet wound Inflicted last night by his son-in-law, Charles Spear man. Spearman, who was taken into custody last night by City Marshal Randall, at Haines, was brought to Baker this morning by Sheriff Ander- j son and placed In the county Jail. BEND, Or., April 17. Vaccination of the cattle of Deschutes county for blackleg began today under the su pervision of County Agriculturist Ward. This action is taken as a pre caution and is optional with tin stockmen. The government furnishes the vaccine free of charge to all who desire to take advantage of the rem edy, and it is announcd that a large number of the stockmen in the coun ty will have their stock treated. SOCIETY OF MINISTERS SEATTLE, Wash., April 1". 1). J. Fleming, of San Francisco, a travel ing salesman, was stricken as ho was leaving a hall where he had attended la boxing exhibition tonight and died soon aft er at the city hospital. He wah .60 years old and was employed by the I Bowers Rubber works, San Francisco. LICENSED TO WED Raymond Taylor, of Hubbard, and Miss Edith Buckner, a resident of Gladstone, were granted a license to wed by the county clerk Wednesday. TACOMA, Wasn., April 15. Im mediate necessity for the replenish ment of recruits for the ministry was taken up Sunday at thh Spring meet ing of the Congregational Church. FOUR BURNED TO DEATH WYNDEMERE, N. D., April 15. Mrs. E. L. Seaton, and h .T three child ren were burned to death at their farm home near here Friday night. An explosion in a gasoline tank is be lieved to have caused the fire. TACOMA. Wash., April 17. C. M. Riddell was yesterday elect ;d mayor of Tacoma over A. V. Fawcett, in cumbent, by a majority of about 400. The result was in doubt until the last t;n precincts reported, Fawcett tak ing the lead at the start and holdiiiK it until over half the precincts had been heard from. The new mayor is chairman of tin county council of de fense and an attorney. Uncle Sam's Soldiers Must Have Good Teeth. Why? Because he knows no one can be healty with decayed teeth in their mouths. How are yours? OUR PRICES $15.00 : 10.00 5.00 1.00 6.00 5.00 Guaranteed 15 Years Why Pay More OHIO CUT-RATE DENTISTS PAINLES3 DENTAL WORK Whale Bone Plates Flesh Colored Plates Porcelain Crowns Gold Fillings 22-k. Gold Crowns 82-k. Gold Bridge.. ROSErsURO, Or., April 17. Rose- , burg now has two companies of mil itia, with Mayor F. W. llaynes in com mand. The captains are T. A. Raffcty, deputy sheriff, and Percy Webb, a Spanish war veteran. Captain Raffety has appointed R. L. Gile, first lieuten- and, and Guy Cordon, second lleut:iii- and, and Captain Webb has named Roy Agee first lieutenant and H. C. Darby, an O. A. C. graduate, second lieut fiant. These men will receive commissions from the governor. A hospital corps is being organized. Over Hardlng'a Drug Store. Oregon City, Oregon 607Ka MAIN 8TREET PHONE PACIFIC 62 MEMORIAL NEAR COMPLETION SALEM, Or., April 15. The pioneer memorial building at Champoeg, for which an appropriation was made by the 1917 legislature, will be com pleted this week, ahead of schedule time, according to George M. Post, the architect. A final inspection of the building was made Saturday by Mr. Post, Judge P. H. D'Arcy, of Sa lem, and George H. Himes, of Port land. The building will be dedicated at the annual celebration, May 3. Sfi.OO: N. Nelson. 13.00; $9.00; Frank Wall, $.0U; "an, $6.00; G. F. Crutcher, $6.00; J. Cockelrease, $21.00; Jas. Fegles, $41.. 50; A. H. Dahrens, $6.00; J. F. Kentz, $3.00; J. D. Splawn, $3.00; A. D. Gray, $3.00; Geo. Oak, $51.00; N. Nelson, $7.50; Cyrel Gray, $3.00; J. D. Splawn, $6.00; Geo. Maroney, $3. 00; F. Jadruey, $6.00; Joe. Height, $3.00; R. Gray, $3.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 8 Sandy Lum ber Co., $250.06; S. C. Runyan, $1.40; C. W. Miller, $:!5.00; O. Daley, $15.- 00; D. Allen, $13.75; Kaymona Mur ray, $5.00; Robert Murray, $2.50; Auk. Biedenstein, $16.00; S. Runyan, $15.00; P. Averil, $2.50. ROAD DIST. NO. Fred Litis. $14.00; C. E. Lins, $5.00; Will Lins, $6.00; William Johnson, $2.00; An drew Jansen, $13.00; Edd Grafen hein, $3.00; A. H. Miller, $1.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 11 Chase & Linton Gravel Co., $2.00; C. Mann, $9.63; C. R. Livesay, $12.50; J. R. Livesay, $2.75. ROAD DIST. NO. 12 Standard Oil Co., $2.37; Crystal Ice & Stor age Co., $7.50; Earl Gerber, $33.50; Albert Gerber, $16.50; Fred Moser, S15.75: E. C. Gerber. $124.18: Ole Thompson, $27.75; Henry Babler, $30.00; Gilbert Fisher, $2.75. ROAD DIST." NO. 12 Standard Oil Co., $2.37; Crystal Ice & Storage, Co., $7.50; Earl Gerber, $33.50; Al bert Gerber, $10.50; Fred Moser, $45.75; E. C. Gerber, $124.18; Ole Thompson, $27.75; Henry Babler, $30.00; Gilbert Fisher, $2.75. ROAD DIST. NO. 13 Frank Swartz, $182.32; George Gill, $12.- 00; Walt Paterson, $2.50; A. John son, $5.00; Louis Norman, $2.50; E. W. Altij?, $1.25; J. T. Fullam, $3.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 15 B. J. Staats Hdwe. Co., $7.50; C. W. Friedrich, $0.10; John Bradtl, $60.00; G. Ran dall. $46.50: P. Ellines. $4.50; T. jBlanchard, $15.00; II. Engle, $130.50; T. Penman, $6.00; W. G. Randall, $91.75; W. Staehely, $12.00; A. Thompson, $99.25; II. Morton, $36. 00; T. Kelland, $63.00; F. Werner, $27.75; G. Berry, $30.00; H. Staehley, $54.00; N. Andrews, $61.50; A. C. Helms, $29.25; II. Scheer, $49.50; A. Scheer, $24.75; J. Scheer, $25.85; M. Telford, $24.00; F. Chinn, $58.50; W. F. Haberlach. $0.86; Frank Dow- ling, $3.50; Howard Osborn, $9.00; Arthur Osborn, $10.50; Chas. Greg ory, $6.00; Murry Newton, $3.00; Hugh Jones, $10.50; A. S. Newton, $10.50. , ROAD DIST. NO. 16 II. Stock, $6.00; II. Engel, $4.00; F. Huiras, $9.00; M. Huiras, $1.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 17 Canby Con crete Works, $9.00; D. R. Dimick, $20.00; Paul Bany, $9.00; Ralph Koehler, $6.00; F. B. Needham, $6.25; Shaker Miller, $6.25; Peter Stollar, $26.25; S. Bany, $6.00; Almon Johnson, $77.90; Bany & Cavaness, $30.00; Otto Striker, $28.00; L. G. Riggs, $9.00; M. Strejc, $30.00; John Pavalitz, $26.75; Wm. Githens, $27. 75; A. B. Johnson, $31.50; John Evans, $30.00; W. J. Rice, $39.75; C. S. Marks, $24.00; Adam Bany, $40. 50; R. Strejc, $9.00; Geo. Koehler, $42.75; Fred Bany, $16.50; Herb Lucas, $3.00; Ad Helvey, $24.75; Roy Cavaness, $3.50; Rob Vorpahl, $12. 00; Ernest Johnson, $3.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 18 Otto Moehnke, $142.00; John Bohlander, $5.50; Wm. Daniels, $2.41; Wm. Grif fith, $1.40: A. Staben. $1.03; Fred Kamralh, $3.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 19 Ed. Buol, $1.88; John Buol. $6.25: W. S, Gor bett, $15.50: Ed Vticor. $1.25; Fred Vticor, $1.25; Harold Vticor, $2.50. $73.50; A. B. Hibbard, $6.00; N. B Wade, $51.00; Dan Groshong:, $28.50 Luther Nicholson, $42.00; Charles Groshong, $19.50; Geo. Groshong $19.50; Geo. Groshong, $15.00; Blnin Bird, $27.00; Clarence Meyers, $25 50; Ben Wade, $27.00; W. F. Haber lach, $89.02; H. W. Sharp & Co., $13. 08. ROAD DIST. NO. 29 Canby Con crete Works, $21.15; G. H. Gray $37.00; Ed White, $12.50; Will Flick,! $12.50; Arlo Gray, $10.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 30 E. Pickle, $6.00; W. Kaiser, $8.00. ROAD DIST. NO. .32 Chase & Linton Gravel Co., $202.50; I'arlin & Orendorff Plow Co., $10.80; Harry Jost, $22.50; A. F. Shain, $8.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 3:! F. Madden & Co., $12.65; Frank Millnrd, $20.00; Marion Millard, $20.00; W. Julian, $2.50; Jas. Closner, $2.50; Isaiah Tucker, $3.35; Marion Tucker, $2.80; R. H. Millard, $1.50. - ROAD DIST. NO. 34 Wm. Kaiser $19.24; Batdorf Bros., $3.50; Nelson & Davis, $1.95; B. J. Staats Hdwe. Co., $2.80; Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $11.35; S. Moser, $24.05; G Moser, $24.05; F. Moser, $26.55; G. Oldenstadt, $17.50; E. Oldenstadt, $17.00; W. Oldenstadt, $14.05; O. Oldenstadt, $8.75; N. Bellmore, $10. 31; J. Moser, $6.00; F. Kaiser, $5.00; W. Pickle, $18.00; E. Pickle, $10.50; T. Johnson, $8.75; D. Colson, $22.50 ROAD DIST. NO. 37 Columbia Contract Co., $27.00; C. W. Kruse, $27.00: C. W. Kruse, $35.00; J. J. ROAD DIST. NO. 40-Pert II. Finch, $0.1)0; L. J. Talmateer, $25.03; C. Brunson, $10.50; Kaspr Wheeler, $9.00; B. O. Sarver, $12.00; Harry Reid, $9.00; Roy Dean, $0.00; A. J. Mills, $0.00; Arthur Duncan, $3.00; L, J. Palmateer, $22.78. ROAD DIST. NO. 62 Mat Green, slade, f 4.25; Frank Ott, $22,05; S. G. Lenon, $14.25; Elmer Zinser, $13.60; Frank Krause, $14.25; Alfred Odom, $0.00; Geo. W. Gordon, $3.00; W. A. Ulrlch, $19.25. ROAD DIST. NO. 64 A. A. Hoa tetler, $0.00; Uvl Roth, $3.78; A. J. Lais, $8.25; Amoi Yodor, $33.76; Noah Yoder, $15.00; Silas oder, $5.00; J. 11. Mlshler, $10.00; Truman Hoitntler, $20.00; BsnJ. Stanton, $68. 25; Dan Troyw, $10.00; Ernest Troy er, $1.87; Lea Yoder, $20.00; Alvln Hooley, $2.60; C. C. Wolser, $5.00; R. W. Zimmerman, $11.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 6ft Ben Baker, $5.00; A. W. Lee, $2,215; J. F. Cum min, $5.00; T. Eaden, $1.25; Frank Millard, $12.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 57 Geo. M. Chrlstenson. $3.00; Geo. Sother, $1.- 25; Carl Sether, $2.60; Claude Yoder, $1.25; H. Kyllo, $2.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 09 U. K. JJim- Wk, $18.00; George Koehler, $u.uu; A. H. Knijtht, $10.50; Wm. Kindle, $9.76; Anton Zee, $8.25; Wilson Evans. 110.50; warren Leo,- ui Harry Gillmore, $3.00; Paul uany, 10.60: Ralph Koehler, fu.uu; uouuy Bratert, $1.00; Adam Bany, $0.25. GENERAL ROADS A. N. Willi. $7.00; Mt, Tabor Garage,; j. Elliott & Co., $11.00; Mitcneii, Lewis & Staver Co., $20U0.oo; noa-son-Feenaughty Co., $12.24; J. D. Adams & Co., $19.47; 11. W. bharp & Co., $50.41; Stefanl Lumber Lo $12.24; Canby Hdwe. A Imp. Co., $27.10; W. S. Maple, $0.30; G. Han .nn. J750.00: E. L. Smith. $250.00; Millsr-Parker Co.. I10.8U; raciuc Telephone & Telegraph Lo., ii.uo; T. A. RooU. $178.40; Slyter & Ecker- on. $570.00: Standard Oil Co., 7.u; J. D. Adams & Co., $7.00; R. W. Zim- merman. $1.25; J. L. White, WW, 11 C. Turner, $1.00; J. J. Wurfel, $0. iO: J. L. White. $32.75; W. A. Troc tor. $1.13: Good Roads Mach. Co., 134.86: Howard-Cooper Lorp., uv.- 64: Concrete Pipe Works, .nu; f Port. Rv. L P. CO.. IU3.W Per ret, $2.10; Perret & Bickford,; $3.50; Port. Ry. L. & P. Co., $10.69; j Wm. Booth, $14.43; V. E. Hengstler, $5.00; L. I- Griffin, $5.00; Fred Wag ner, $5.00; J. B. Towler, $5.00; D. Bcltis, $5.00; E. E. anHcet,; W. Haworth, $10.00; A. Haumbuck, $11.25; A. llengstler, $2.75; J. Bur nett, $6.00; Crcason Lumber Co., $140.04; E. C. Gerber, $20.22; Wilson & Cooke, $5.75; J. Moser. $7.50; D. R. Dimick, $22.00; Wm. Rider, lll.w; A. R. Earls, $5.25; Wilson Evans, $7.90; Ed. Hanson, $5.25; Paul Bany, $33.00; Sam Hess, $27.00; S. Bany. $22.60 j Ralph Koehler. $19.60; Miko Harris, $15.00; O. F. Frentress, $19. 50; A. E. Wait, $19.50; W. F. Huber lach, $3516.75. IMPROVEMENT FUND Star Shoeing Shop, $10.00; W. F. Haber lach, $16.69; F. C. Sherwood, $5.00; Railway Equipment Co., $18.44; I.. J. Criteser, $3.75; Herman Fisher, $234.70; Concrete Pipe Works, $130. HO; II. E. Young, $3.61; B. J. Staats Hdwe. Co.. $16.05; H. W, weiser, $ W. Svhuld, $10.00; A. C, Buclwl, 1130.00; B. J. Uwiwea. $91.00. BOUNTY-Wm. M. Kirehem, $3 00; H. Formwalt, $8.00; II. N. Wal lc,, $10.00; Joe Dhooge, $0j)0j OtU. A...h.,ff. 18.00: Fred lloffmelster, $4.00; J. A. Wall, $3.00. ELECTION Oregon City Enter prise, $0.10; Sprlngwat.r Grange, $5.00; I. M. Harrington, $12.00. SHERIFF Excolilor Motorcycle Co., $U.07i H. E. Meads, $100.41; II. Hughes, $3.00; Oregon City fc prise. $10.80; A. B. Joynef, $200; Wm. J. Wilson, $11.60. CLERK Huntley Drug Co,, $0.75; I, M. Harrington, $10.00; The Cour- ler Press, $20.70; Uieifon v-ivy prise, $7.60. RECORDER Huntley Drug Co., $1.05; D. C. Boylen, $12.00; R. L. Da vis, $75.00; Tho Courier Press, $10- TREASURER-M. E. Dunn, $5.00; Oregon City Enterprise, $2.57; Hunt ley Drug Co., $1.00; Burroughs Add ing Machine Co., $4.15. ASSESSOR Oregon City Enter prise, $384.00; Huntley Drug Co., $0.10; M. O. Wllklni, $7.60; W. W. Ev.rh.rt, $1.30; Chas. Thompson, $54.00; P. II. Jsrlich, $16.00; W. B. Ilarksdale, $18.00. COUNTY COURT Huntley Drug Co., $0.76; W. A. Proctor, $23.00; A. H. Knight, $45.00. rot HIT HOUSE Pacific Tele- phono & Telegraph Co., $35.25; Home Telephone Co., $17.40; Port. y. L. 4 P Co. $2.20; Oregon uty rounury, $i.00; Meier & Frank Co, $10.00; Huntley Drug Co., !"! IW"" $5.40; J. W. Jones, $1.00; C. W. Frledrich, $13.00. JUSTICE OF PEACE D. B. FROST, $38.76; Sam Riley, $3.05. CORONEtt Wulter R, Wentworth $1.20: Geo. A. Greene, $1.20; E. T. Mass, $1.20; Louis A. Rail, $1.20; R. T. Stewart, $1.20; E, L. Johnson, $120; II. Slvttt, $1.70; Hugh Mount, $20.00; W. E. Baker, $1.70; W. Bry- ant, $1.70; Wm. Rothery, $1.70; G. E. Collier, $1.70; F. L, Brown, $1.70; I). A. Hoag, $1.70; A. R. Sandal. $1 70; W. D. Harmon, $1.70. SURVEYOR Paul Dunn, $31.80; E. E. Van Fleot, $4.40; E. L. Palfrey. $9.40; John R. Oatfleld, $4.80; I). T. Moldrum, $31.80; J. C. Sullivan, $12.- m. rK,. Simmons. $21.00; H. H. Johnson, $6.00. INSANE A. E. Joyner, $160; D.s. Mount, $5.00. SUIT. OF SCHOOLS Brenton Vcdder, $150.00; J. E. Culavan, $02. 67; Huntley Drug Co., $10.40. BOARD OF HEALTH Dr. P. A. lAar, $12.00; Drs. Todd & Hume, $15.00; Dr. O. A. Welsh, $70.20. INDIGENT SOLDIER Frank M.uirrt no 00. COUNTY POOR-Wm. Dnnforth. $10.00; Boys & Girls' Aid Society, $10.00; Hotr Bros. (Tom Jones), $19. 00; Mrs. Bradtl (J. McNamara), in on. Sum I noher. IlO.uu pock Mosier, $14.00; Mary Uuol (Robert Trimble), $5.00; Sarah Gibbons, $20. 00; Mrs. Jessie Chalk, $16.00; Mrs. Gulbralth. $15.00; Mrs. G. W. Thomp m.n, $10.00; A. C. Sleight, $15.00; Ada URuw, $8.00; Katie Pluard, $8.00; Ella Tracy, (Eunice Horner) $10,00; Ben Undes, $12.00; S. E. Card (Michael Boy!), $8.00; C. H. pybdahl, $20.00; Guntav Greblo, $20.. 00: Mrs. N. E. Taylor (Mr. and Mrs. 1.54; N. T. Andrews, ?3.3'J; J. w. s. Hooher), $1400; Win. uicaeiman. Stone, $21.50; C. J. yuigiey,; fu.00; John und win. neers, T. Rypciynskl, $82.01; G. Gross, j Mrs. Elisabeth Saunders, $5.00; Mary 5.03; E. Gross, $75.03; J. Turner, pker, $5.00; Maud Williams, iu.- 54.09; W. Lnrson, $2J.ti; J. u. j00; J. B. Siilloe (W. I. miHieyj, u. Brant $34.78; II. Frank, $71.54; L. jt. navies, Wm. Kuhn), $W).0O; l,eo. ZimmiT, $22.68; R. O. Britton, $54.09; i n, Newsome, $10.00; Mrs. Annlo Nowak, $61.07; F. Stewart, $12.4; Langnford, $7.00; A. MeLoniteii (ua Pauline, $68,05; W. N. Ruiney, viH), $J0.00; Mrs. Z. Murphy, $15.00; $75.03; W. Fromong, $15.70; w. u.jElla Payne, $IO.OU; Anuruw i,umi, Miller, $34.90; Herman Fisher, 10.-1 jr,.oi); Wnng & Vingard (J. ummpj, 72; S. Nash, $75.25; B. E. Bcrthold, $27.00; Mnry I. Wilson (E. Miller), $61.08; W. Lowery, $36.64; F. C. f;;o.00; A. A. Pease (I. Mobro), $20.- Sheiwood. $39.25; A. Fromong, $20.- fjO: A. J. Rossitor (Child), $; ill; T. Penman, $179.24; C. bchmciser Sfi.3.02: E. Staubcr. $113.07; M. muo- Knaus, $4.50; E. C. Kruse, $4.50; R, R. Moffltt, $6.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 38 E. C. War rcn, $22.28; R. Richardson, $10.50; John F. Risley, $4.00 ROAD DIST. NO. 42 Geo. M Christenson, $0.25; D. G. Wrolstad $2.85; A. L. Yoder, $15.69; Carl Seth er, $10.00; Geo. M. Christenson, $45.- 00: II. Rittenour, $10.00; John Wat son. $10.00: Geo. Sether, $6.25; John Shoemaker, $2.50; Carl Sether, $12, 50: Albert Yoder, $5.00; Dick Lamp man, $2.50; Claude Yoder, $10.00; II Kvllo. $7.50: Manley T. Jacobson $9.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 43 W. II DouKlass, $1.25; Roy Douglass, $5.00 ROAD DIST. NO. 44 C. W. Fried rich, $5.00; C. R. Livesay, $22.00 Howard Osborn. $18.75: Arthur Os born, $43.75; A. S. Newton, $52.50 Jacob Harry, $13.50; J. Barlow, $15. 00; Joe Hoffman, $1.12; Chas. Greg ory, $27.00; Murry Newton, $24.00 Brvan Newton. $9.00; Hugh Jones, $21.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 44 C. W. Fried- rich, $5.00; C. R. Livesay, $22.00; Howard Osborn, $18.75; Arthur Os born, $43.75; A. S. Newton, $52.50; Jacob Harry, $13.50; J. Barlow, $15.- 00; Joe Hoffman, $1.12; Chas. Greg ory, $27.00; Murry Newton, $24.00; Bryan Newton, $9.00; Hugh Jones, $21.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 45-L. P. El liott, $175.50; A. F. Buche, $5.00; L P. Elliott, $140.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 46 Edward Na chand, $14.00; Jack Rhines, $6.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 47 W. F. Hah erlach, $5.00; Blue Front Grocery, $0.60; E. C. Warren, $326.70; J. A. Fields, $12.80; Fred Harris, $0.50; O. P. Roethe, $191.88; D. J. Bass, er, $iON.;ii:; j. a. nepena, $ivi.u, n. Martin, $97.31; P. Huhn, $22.08; 1. F. Pullen, $17.00; W. E. Edwards, $55.56; O. Cantril, $148.53; L. Mat- toon, $40.13; A. Lind, $8.20; L. Wing, $17.45; J. Christenson, $31.41; R. E. Creitser, $61.15; Ross Hunter, $25. 61; F. Tcske, $20.94; C. Schrcck, $24- 43; L. A. Mathers, $3.49; ti. tuner, $17.45; J. Gorman, $3.49; H. E. Young, $50.00; H. E. Cowgill, $27 26: Falls Transfer Co.. $25.31; E. A. Hackett, $70.00; Hogg Bros., $l.i:o; Hawloy Pulp & Paper Co., $0.25; Marshall Wells, $37.19; B. J. Staats Hdwe. Co., $0.30; Oregon Engineer ing & Construction Co., 10 commis sion on miscellaneous bills, $18.16; Workmen's Insurance, $8.16; State Insurance, $86.31; Oregonian Junk Co., $10.00; Pacific Telephone & Tclc gruph Co., $3.55; Joe Madock, $64.56; A. Mead, $23.98; C. Warren, $19.l'.J; 1). M. Maxfleld, $30.32; C. F, Stutz, $50.60; F. Quinn, $74.58; (',: Rakel, $70.01; J. J. Confer, $38.39; R. Al drich, $69.35; N. Wallace, $117.56; II. T. Sears, $67.60; G. D. Baker, $57 14; C. H. Bohm, $15.70; G. R. Rich ards, $102.97; M. II. Long, $106.34; E. A. Osborn, $51.90; N. Cevela, $50- 16; G. W. Percifull, $82.66; A. Kletn scn, $3.49; Wm. Billings, $105.50; M. G. Christenson, $78.08; W. A. Rakel,; $67.18; G. Gcrkman, $64.56; II. Hill, $43.62; J. T. McKinney, $52.35; A. Scott, $46.02; E. A. Lamphier, $20 07; M. D. Telford, $31.41; F. M. Bennett, $75.08; II. N. Kern, $72.19; F. Freese, $59.32; W. R. Dann, $72 19; C. Balcom, $17.45; W. Hnitt, $6 98; C. Blakley, $12.87; T. O. Mont gomery, $108.19; W. J. Aldrich, $0 98; E. L. Faulkner, $56.05; Edw. El ligson, $62.16; M. Martin, $24.43; M. R. Snidow, $3.49; II. Simpson, $9 60; C. A. Frost, $18.10; P. II. Lake, $50.60; S. Lowe, $05.21; R. Griffith, $91.25; E. Fortune, $77.20; L. S. Al drich, $78.72; W. Gadke, $57.58; II. W. Miller, $32.48; J. F. Mooro, $58 88; J. Lowery, $86.52; N. G. Sher man, $3.49; O. Cantril, $13.98; II. E. Young, $50.00; Pope & Co., $27.60; Canby Hardware & Implemont Co., $1.60; Wm. II. Bonney, $25.86; A. J. Lias, $29.39; E. R. Kilgallon, $30.00; Frank Busch, $10.10; D. L. Trullinger $57.00; Pete Arena, $56.00; Toney ' $185.05; Oregon City Foundry, $39 T ' t AO . r AVM .1a r. ai ami nr Bullio, $56.00; Henry Marello, $56- 00; Louie Albino, $10.00; Frank Ro mano, $66.00; John Drumhler, $28. 00; E. E. Roethe, $22.00; John Rob erta, $17.25; Hugh Roberts, $10.50; Ed Holding, $3.00; John F. Risley, $12.00. 42; Glenmorrie Quarry Co., $63.75; Frank Busch, $2.55; W. Dutcher, $144.90; II H. Hartley, $61.25; 8. W. Hare, $55.25; D. Hare, $49.50; A. B. Zweifle, $57.00; Alaska Junk Co., $5 64; Portland Brazing & Machine Works, $7.60; E. T. Elmer, $5.70; J. Mrs. Fred Hinder (Mtilheson), $-0- 00; Miller Obst (I Zachury), $5.25; Parkplnce Store (Mrs. linker), $5.00; Electric Hotel (J. J. Tobin), $20.85; E. A. Hackett (Mrs. Pie.o), $7.00; Huntley Drug Co. (Mrs. L. C. Da vis), $3.20; Larsen & Company (Mrs. Beers), $20.00; Multnomah County (G. Avery), $30.00; Bannnn & Co., (C. Jones & Mrs. Schwind), $26.04; Huntley Drug Co. (Neff, Gould & Ragan), $13.00; Mrs. Ragan, $10.00; Mrs. W. E. Boerncr (E. C. Desbron), $20.00; Batdorf Bros. (Mrs. Brum dridge), $2.75; W. W. Pollock (Chas. McKinnis), $12.00; Mrs. J. N. Dub tin (J. G. Wake), $5.00; II. S. Clyde & Co. (C. Moldenhaucr), $3.00; K. Koellermeier (C. Dickclmnn), $12.80; Tho C. C. Store (Dunlup girls), $19 96; The C. C. Store (It. H. Monckton) $11.39; Tho C. C. Store (Moldenhaucr boys), $5.46; Mrs. Guge, $15.00; Board of Water Commissioners (Mrs. A. Pcrizl), $1.75; Geo. A. Harding (Co. P. Drugs), $12.70; Jones Drug Co. (Co. P. Drugs), $9.60; Huntley Drug Co. (Co. P. Drugs), $3.65; Mrs. C. Stribling (Mrs. Allen), $11.50; Richard Petzold (Carl Moldonhnuer), $2.00; V. Hurr'iH (Mrs, Brundridge) , $10.00; F. Bluhm (Chns. McKinnis), $3.00; Denis Donovan (Jerome Ham ilton), $14.00; F. M. Robertson (Mrs. 'Beers), $12.00; Jerry Hemingway (Katie Pluurd), $6.50; Mrs. Jane M. Brown (Neff), $10.00; Mrs. George Avery (G. Avery) ,"$25.00; Farr Bros. (Mrs. l'inzo), $12.00; Drs. Todd & llumo (Mrs. 1)avis), $45.50; Mrs. Duvis, $10.00. JAIL Mrs. W. J. Wilson, $35.68. JUVENILE COURT H. S. -An-derson, $1.50; Minda E. Church, $30.35; L. M. Gilbert, $1.50; H. II. Hughes, $21.50; A. E. Joyner, $22 35; D. E. Frost, $52.94. TAX REBATE Pacific Coast In vestment Co., $11.25. PRINTING & ADVERTISING The Courier Press, $59.50; Oregon City Enterprise, $23.30. SEALER J. F. Jones, $33.40. TAX DEPARTMENT Oregon City Enterprise, $165.00; E. Harding, $95.00; Onu Renncr, $99.70; Flo Hew itt, $88.12; Edith Alldredgo, $95.00; Jessie Paddock, $39.30; Jess W. Hy att, $100.31; I. D. Taylor, $50.25; W. J. Wilson, $105.00. PROHIBITION A. E. Joyner, $11.50; Wm. J. Wilson, $4.75. DAMAGES Harry Calvert, $6.00. AGRICULTURAL AGENT Ore gon Stat Agricultural College, $750.00. WIDOWS PENSION-Delia Oa burn, $20.00.