OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1918. Clackamas Speeds On In Loan Drive; Crown Willamette Men . Add Large Sum to Total J. Morali, 1 I). Forbes, 3. 3. Daw ion, It. V. Orofton, Andrew Hlmpaon, II. Cary, J. II. Hurtman, Duvltl Anderson, W. lloebe, K. B. II uniton, L. Harry, F. M. Thompson, J, 8, Anderson, IC. J. Novotney, Ooo. Rlnsberger, Jr., J. H. Straight, Raymond Callfr, W, J, Mc Kllllcan, J. Hurry, Ceo. Callft, K. N. Buckle, Webb Thomas. J. K. Cluutt, Karl T. Walker, John Hedlund, C. A, AlldrdK, Jon Kenler, II. A. Miller, lliwy A. Lundem, Kenneth Lolgh- ton, A. H. Uuln, J, M. Marks, Mike Zarembo, Clyde Hughes, Ihuiic Cblnn, William Schwart. K. Schooley, C. Bchwartx, Frank Feeley, A. Thomp son, Viirn Swift, C. F. Llbby, Jacob Gondtxk, C. T. Jon el, V. W. Foray the, Elizabeth Oliver. II. W. Heuth, V. Q. Oliver, J. Mc Lennan, T. F. O'Noll. Chas. Hurry, C. V. Grave, C. II. Welamandell, N. Mc KlliU'im, J, Curley, J. A. Hhobo, F. Fllitko, C. ('Imrlt'n, F, Hollo. 8. E. Baullsbury, Geary Drown, J. Hutdorf, Ralph Baker, J. H. White, J. MeOee. huti, P. Hiillmnn, Lontor I'. Evon, J It. Hany, H. T. Lundeen, M. T. Muck, H. a. t'lHHinun, I Mauls, W. InKr nutiiHon, Htunley Itoiittkl, O. Albright, K. V. Lundeen, . (1akamas county mill luck $I2V 000 of doubling It quota In tlx aula of Third Liberty Loan bond. Cluilrmiu) M. I, Latourtitte announced tonight that the tola! mile reported amount ed to $;l92.2r.O, ilUrlbutml a follow! among the seven bankltiK district of the county: Oregon City, 1231,150; Canby, I8,. 2T.0; Bandy, f 27,200; Mllwnukle, $2li, 100; Kalneada, I24.KOO; Molulln, f 19. 000; WIlNonvlllo, f 1S.H50. The First National bunk reported the following aubacrlbor Tuesday; M. I Illakealee, Mrs. J. A. Tufts, Mra, Cora Hpraguo, Mra. P. 8. Hutch lua, I-ouUe Kohl, Henry W. Kohl, Mra. (1. K. Stuart, J. George Nagl, John Berg, , The Dunk of Oregon City, with total tnlna of 1135,100 report the fol lowing subscription Tuemlay; Mlule K. Albright. Walter It. Bailey, ltfta L, Harry, Fred Bos, Jno, Bo, Jr., Alma Bo, Mary L, Hradltiy, Mra. Dorothy Chrlatenaen. Theo. II. Daven port, Mutthuw James Donovan, Win. Foraburg, Fred Oerln'r, Eurl tlorber, K. C. Qorber, Hamiiol Gerbrr, Wm. Ileordt, Mra. Kmlly Hultenberg, Curl Koellernieler, Sr., Floyd D. Kirchem, Mabel U Klrrhum, Elaine K. Klrclu'm, Froda II, Klnhem. Norval L. Klrchem, Fred Minder. Mra. Wm. M. Moenkn, Wm. M. Mooiike, o. 1). Bobbins, llitrmun Hchrador. 1 Tarry C. Bladen, W. It. Hnook. Sidney Htanlfer, Clifford C, Tuft, Peter Wilson. ,The following employee of the Crown Willamette Paper Co,, huve subscribed to the Third Liberty Loan: Conrad Vlerhua. A, O. Vol pp. J. II. Hhupn, Milton Woodford, C. Koeller. melnr. C. II. Slmdle. I Clapp, Jiiuu a I'utterion, It. Foraythe. Albert Bhunk, William Pter. F. Albright, J. O. We ton. Maud Wllllama. 8. Mosler. K. J William. 0. K. Tabcr, Joslah Martin, J. II. Cary. John Krltwo. G. C. Hoff man, W. K. Young, II. Mutheson. K. Nelaon, J. A. lUylo, Curl Johnson. F. A. Moore. Geo. It. I'otta, (1. 8. MiitheHon, I,, Kdwnrda. I,. Hunt. C. It. Wlllotigbby, T. IL Gleason, J. I. Tare, C, F. Moore, Geo llolHrhu. C, F. Richard, L. Wlever sleh. F. Hall, A. Wleveralch. W. W. Smith, It. A. (Jay. J. I), Rcuncr, Wll- Hum It.N'knmn, Frwl Slerim, Fr?d JokI, Jr., l'aul W. Nuuinunn, K. K Dunn, Orval Cook. II. 11. llulbert I,iIh Colo, A. I,. Whltemun, C. K Hnxter, C. K. Bmlth. Ira I.ytHolI. G. 1 Thompion, J. 10. Hhiart-r, D. W. Ull lett, F. J. Morria, Jnniea DnwNon. J. Drown. E. A. Mallett. F. A. Hur- don, Denton Kly, H. A. Jordun, 8, Hnyer. Frank Miller, Sr. Z. O. Srhenck. F. Hammerleo, K. J. Flt lnr, C.uy I'nlteraun, I Thuuoa, Alex I'attoraon, Ira Cutler, Tom Patter aon, Frunk Woelk, John WrlithtHon, Sum Ptty, W. Morgan, D. Deauuielt rer, Flavel Wade. K. Kavauimgh, W. Jordan. P. Cutler. G. M. Mu n. h, F. Wlena, J. O. Miller, Kd. Johnaon Kd. IlHmimHn, C. P. Poland, K. Perklna, P. YoutiK, J. Drainer, CIiuh. Dotlllnt. It. C. DiiHhow, Kd. Frederlrka. F. llopp, F. A. Hnmba.iKli. E. M. Wheeled W. O. ZoltUHkl, I). I j. Curry, ' II. ). Walker. V. Hotter, J. D. Duker, C. H. Shipolton, A. Demoy, Dcrt WUIh, S. R. ItnniHoy, Sum Helaetl, W. W. Porter, Wllllum Rail, Honjunilu Swalea.Amoa J. Plummer, Chna. Huynen, W. A. Hedges, I.. Mny, J. M. KavlnuUKh, V. Morria, Dnnlel (Sunt her, J. Monger, Fred lllmler, A. Wablrop, II. Folckey. K. H. Uarnea, W. Herron, Troy Ver. non, John Moohnko, Hay Wlllson, E. II. YodT, J. Kckerson, ltulph (iiinge, A, llltchinan. J. C. Hrewlnnton, lo Roberta, J. Kline, T. Dombnrde, T. Mortorla, Martin Julgor, A. Krlat Obif Larann, C. Trotakl, Fred Pier aon, 10. Parker, Joo Remington, S. Kukoroua, T. J. McDowell, 8. Starfs, A. Fromong. G;'0. RlHHburger, O. Noravn, A. J. Hrady, C. Coffey, O. 1.. Durrell. J. Doraey, (). Erlckaon, Henry N. Nealey, W. M. Taylor, John Campbell, R. Smith, C. FurReaon. W. Pluke, E. L. Mervtlle, II, A. Shady, J. K. Slmpnon, H. Huntl y, A. Scnrson, H. Johnson, It. Nixon. Paul J. Tr.iett. Chaa. Ilidy, Fred Robertson, 11. Zollnakl, F. Fora berg, M. L. Streun, Robert Sartln, L W. Nolnn, Junpor White, J. P. Watts, Ed. Wilson, F. Walker. C. H. Wilson, W. 8. Eoff, M. I). Phillips. Ed. Vlck, C. F. Gotburg, J. A. AnhetirelUr, O. F. MlRhella, Ike Wllllumg, Chna. l.uwler, T. J. Hayea, B. K. Duvls, II. O. Cushmun, Marian l.ewthwalto, A. L. Tiixmbort, 0. H. James, G. D. McDowell, J. C. Polamso, G. M. McDowell. A. M Whlto, hod SchwnrtJ!, W. R. Red dick, Phillip Schoerr, Chns. Fred Murray, Edgar G. Rothe, G. M. Tnr berry, W. E. Nlles, J, A. Ream, J. Nichols, C. H. Dill, A. M. Slnnott, G 10. Roddick, G. W, A. Miller, Goo. W. Shophord, C. White, W. Rowln, O. A Vonhoy, Hurry Jones, John Drumm, Fred Kronhnr, W. E. Rutich, Rny. mond Ware. , , II. D. Ford, R. 0. Meier, R. K. Wood ward, C. H. Rains, F. Johnson, J. A. Ronch, Francis M. Shllts, W. A. Smith, Jim Neok, Alfred Krocher, Geo. Jnrenak, E. E. Hansen, Joo DubIoux, E. K. Roberts, F, Gawllsta, V. Pooler, R. Klson, C. L. Llnbashe, Carl Klohe, R. L. Greaves, J. Kerney, K. R. Thompson, W. C. Godfrey, C. C Qulmby, Newoll Nlles, John nolle Fred K. Rurdon, L. Forsythe, ChrU tlna Mlchols, 8. Herman, J. 13. I.ewth waits, R. Cochran, Merle Keck, E. J Slmpklns, M. E. Clancey, E. 0. Ray, R.. Austin, A. O. Ingram, Jullun Re haul, Tom Vlahos, James P. Lovott, Z. 8. Drown, II. Doll, A. h. Trueblood N. C. Mlchols, Chna, FromonB. D. T. Mcllaln, Henry Weokley, C. h, StClalr, C. Quyens, Mrs. C. L. St. Clair, II. Stohl, Gortruda Iiewthwalte, M, Rlasberger, M. Fleming, Fay Crume, Mrs. Dell Flamming, M. LIndle, Geo. F. Johnson, C. Ryser, A. O. Hoi llngworth, W. M, Parker, Geo. Mor- arity, Sr., J. R. C. Thomas, M. Mason R. Forsythe, J. Itissenbergor, Ed Dollo, William Nash, J. N. Garmlre, O. Maletic, W. H. Llghtowler, Geo, Jennlson, R. J. Hodgson, I. RItten house, C. K. Hruner, G. W. Morurlty.i Tha Hank of Commerce reported Jr., II. Nelaon, Mllo Tldd, A. W.Bhlef, the following iubscrlbera Thursday: Ethel Dollok, Jamea McNeil, h. I) Martin, Dertha M. McAnnlty, C. A. vVltham, Joa, Bchuhmacber, Tom, T. I'ulmer, Conrad Zimmerman, Mrs. James Clilnn, T. II. Ford, Donald Mc- Duln, J. J. Parberry, Sayde Evelyn Ford, C. L. Thoma. Helen L. Ely. John J, Dunnon, J. It. Hurgan, Vern Curl, Moe Fautnul, Farr Droa., Ray mond L. Doollttlo, A. N. Durger, B. O. Dlllman, 8. dinger, U G. Ice, John Guffney, Jr., Clair A. Miller, John Wanker, Dr. L. L. Plckcna, G. Kellor, C. II. h. Chandler, Albert Bcheer, V, Harris, G. W. Kahl, Hurt Morgan, JuhkIo Cook, Walter Hornshuh, H. M Chamborluln, M. T. WllUuma, T. J. Chamberlain, W. F. Hurrl. Edith Jcanette McHaln, Mr. W. W. HurrlD, Clyde G. Huntley, II. Henrlcl, Lloyd E. Anderson, Fred IL Henrlcl, J. E. Haur, Grlflth Roberts, Geo. E. 'Sullivan, William Roberta, Matt Bkoff, Isabel V. Scott, Jane Moffutt, M. A. Park, J. Dean Hutlor, Price Harris, Alfred L. IJeatle, Margaret C. 8mlth, William Gadke, L. A. Smith, Gilbert L. ILedgea, Ward D. Lawton, Helen W. Lawton, Cbaa. E. Wllllamaon, Willamette Valley 8 Ry. Employes, John A. Confer, Mra. D. E. Mcllahon, D. E. McIIahon, Ro land J. WlUon. Richard Griffiths, John L. Card, John A. Coulter, Cacll M. Hooper, Earl G. Smith, Hugo Hansen, Otto Llman, Maude P. Spencer, Chaa. C, Spencer, Eva L. Moulton, Mra. Har vey E. Croas, William C. Durkee, Carl Wlevoslok, M. M. Hadscll Lillian II. Hedges, Martha Stokes Mrs. Harry H. Cartlldgo, II. li. Cart- lldge, I H. Mum power, W. E. Mum power, H. L. Scheer, The First National Dank announc ed the following subscribers Friday: John W. Moen. John J. Hall, Llvy Stlpp, Thomas Peoples, Otto Melndl, A. J. Knightly. Geo. Morley. Chaa, Bladen, Mrs. Nellie Sladen, A. S Dabcock, A. E. Iatourette, Trustee, D. C. Latourette. A. I Williams. The Hunk of Orefixm City an nounced the following subscribers 'Friday; Edith Ashenf 'lter, Nettle Shannon William E. Httker, Fred A. Shannon The First National Hank reported the following auhncrlbcrs Thursday: J. E. 8urfu. It. M. Herglund, A. J. Marri, Rolland L, Peaks, N. W. Bow- land, Albert Durst, Albert Ouster, John A. Crader, II. H. Crcaon. Geo. Reddaway, J. O. Mumpower, Mra. N. A. Francis, Mr. Roba Dock atader, Mr. W. 8. Dennett, Geo. B. Guluhan, Edgar O. Thompson, John Christ. C. J. Martin, W. F. Schooley. E. A. Brady, Ernest Conrad, Lloyd niche, Mark Sturgla, E. E. Gabriel. Mr. C. D. Latourette, Edna M. Lat ourette, John It. Hall, Anna K, Meyer, Allen F. Jack. C. J. Martin, Robert I Cox. Sidney Hamilton, Alice F. Moore. The bunk of Oregon City reported the following subscribers Thursday with a tola! to dute of IU0.100 In Liberty Bond sales through that bank: Anna Erlckson, August Erlckaon, Robert Kruger, Tom D. Mantes. E. W. Randolph, W. PueU, P. Chrlstianson, Christ Rltes.Murka Ritus, Jim M. Shin- Geo. E. Hatdorf, L. C. Shearer, Her Dan Knowlan, E. Gucnther, Harold Forahmer, Carl Rlemann, Louise C. Klinler, D. M. Spatai. D, B, Ilawley, R. Marx, Albert Rob inson, Meads Kennedy, Frank Der nier, Frank Hruner, 0o. McKelg, Wm. Guldenzofr. John Mather, Nath an Piatt, Geo. Grlep, Walter Relnke, V. Green, F. Hopp, Joe Robinson, L. J. Roger, I Comer Fischer, Guy D. Davis, Geo. Woodward, E. L. Shaw, John B. Btauffer, Ous Fisher, Frank Shipley, C. loiter, Carl Kahle, Adam EndersJ. T. Doll Mary I. Bwope, W. Alldrldgo, A. II. Paddock, Geo. Mc- Klnley, Ed Hjchhol, W, C, Moore, W. O. Wltham, Frank Burch. D. Montgomery, Willard P. Hawley, Jr., H. R. Saunders, lloyt Wilson, G. Ramback, Willis G. Young, Wayne Kayser, E. L. Moore, James Shannon, C. Ackley, It. Ward, Olive Burkhaltcr, F, V. Monger, Annie Burkhalter, R. L. Monger, R. E. Hansen, Sadie M. Logus, R. Brown, John Schcrzlnger, A. Lennon, Elmer IL Harris, R. M. McOetchle, W. Wyttenburg, F. Mark us, H. E. Woodward, Kathryn Sln nott, A,.C. Jlosenburg, Irving T. Rau, Jas. P. Foley, T. 0mund, A. W, Kraxburger, Q. A. Schneider, M. P. Chapman, "Ml F. Haun, J. W. Rogers, J. E. Rodger, Cha. Schokley, F. E. Johnson, L. O. Baker, C. Guenther. Geo. Allen, Geo. Roberts, John T. Dickens, Q. Durd, Jas. E. Smith, II. F. Pusey, Alex Tomcouszkl, T. P. Randall, Grace Kruger, Cal Eddle- mann, lYank Miranda, E. H. Harris, John T. Chapln, 8. P. Ballard, W. H. Dempster, L. J. Dunocon, A. Demacon, F. P. Murphy, F. J. Baker, L. Erlck- on, L, Ferguson. The following employes of the Ore gon City woolen mill have purchased Third Liberty Loan bonds: 1,716,000,000 Pounds of .Flour Saved if each of our 22,000,000 families use this recipe instead of white bread. One loaf saves 11,000,000 pounds; three loaves a week for a year means 1,715,000,000 pounds saved I Enough to Feed the Entire Allied Army Cora Bread with Rye Flour 1 cop cera meal 1 cop rye flow 2 tablespoon tug ar S teatpeoiu Royal Baking Powder 1 teapooaJt 1 capaailk lg 2 Ublotpeon ibertoniaf Barley floor or oat flour may be asad Instead of ry floor with equally good results. Sift dry ingredient into bowl; add milk, beaten egg end malted shortening. Stir welt. Put into greased pan, allow to atand in warm place 20 to 25 minuu and bake In moderate oven 40 to 43 minute. Our new Red, White and Blue booklet, "Bett War Time Recipes," containing many other recipe tor mazing aeiiaout ana wnoieeome wheat saving tooas, mailed freeaaareu ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO, Dept. H, (35 WUlUm St, New York FOOD WILL WIN THE WAR Parrish, Wm. A, Rivers, Edwin G. Roberta, Mrs. L. E. Senn, Hans 8?y del, Wm. B. Smith, Roma G. Stafford, Martie Stevens, Cbas. Thompson, Margaret H. Thompson John Marion Turner, Jacob Widner, Walter Wll- Tntt Ttni-f tinlnmow W P tlluanm Harold Hrady. Dollle DItter. Herman ITJ0""8;. ' Ekerson, J. A. Fauley, Fred Hoots, I . ' " . ..a Paul B. Huettl Harry Kennedy, T. R the following subscribers to the Third Moore, Arthur Rothe, John Satera. L,rt n 8,aturda (h pnvo, Alex Schroetlln, Edgar Smith. Mrsl L J1,8, ' h "p ? E. R. Thurter. AlU Curtis, Frances M- A' L" "'T"', " l Ekerson. Ell. Karlik, Julia Kldwell Jvohn Nh. Pearl Bernier, Frank James Melllen. J. A. Patton, Elsie ! Kugelman, Walter V. Monger Law Sanetel, Burn. Warner Britten. T. E. I e Hd B.!?Jf' ? :arrlco, Lorene Flagler, Claud Mont-!" r"' r H, i r r n Z ' I Rivers Joe Schleger, J. J. Mallett, C gomery. Joseph Brunner, Chris si hVon Mr- and Mrs- Wnltney. Chas. White, Frank Phillips, Anna M. Conklin. W. T JC', n ' 7' m A7, E. Hoerner. C. E. Boone, N. M. Brad.;011", 3'". ley, Herman Buse, Mr. and Mrs. . H. Ix,u!BeT 01 ' "L11- J Chrlstensen. Myrtle Donovan, Harvey !!! Rf an.M v u.. w h. Mrs. A. Nelson, Rev. S. L. and Mrs. IKum, 4.uiU l l r,t nuunico, 1'homas McLarty thai, Louis DISTRICT OVER TOP FORMER MERCHANT ENISLE ON Long Walter' Marin, Matthew X.' R'eway H J. Bn,eing E G. , Mrs. II. J. Pace. Mr. Rln- J ohorltln, Chaa. F. Hunter. Floyd Babior ltalpb V. Hmlth, Roslna Fo.its Evans, Itauland Dwtght Johnston, Geo. D. Itakil. Ctlena Fields Ganong, Clyde Sydney Stokes, Charlotte E. Qulnn, Walter Davidson, Arley Davidson, Mrs nVan Bnthke, Crosby Smith. Geo. A. S. Brown, Franklin Splllmnn, Herbert A. Carothrs. C. G. Stone, The Car. penters & Joiners of America, Mick Story. Charlotte Clyde, Mra. C. I. Stafford, Grant Crlteaer, Hirara E. R. Sanetel, John T. Searle, Daisy A Wolf, Mrs. Jessie Allen, Leta Alldredgs. Mabel Allen, Grace Bailey, Vlda Bancke, Mabel Barlow, Gertrude Blossom, Maris Bluhm, Mrs. Dora Bottomley, Anne Boyle, Margaret Buck, Farrie Cald well, Ida Cannon, Mathilda Carlson, Rose Champion, Marie Clark, Agnes Cook, Mary Crabtree, Edith Cunning- Samuel L. Stevens. Ada B. Bedwell, Mraignt, nertnicg uiud, HODert Griffith Griffiths, W. M. Martin, Stroup, Harry Colson, E. E. Teepl?, W. I'. Martin. Fred Aldenstadt. Annie iJ- R- Dallas. P. Vcnke, John M. Davis. Aldentitadt. Mary Ellen Qulnn, Herman C. Itukel, I). T. Arohood, Mrs. D. T. Arohood, Rebecca J. Blanchard, Henry Elmer Jones, Ada Ixhik, Oliver Front, Crown Wlllaamelte Paper Co., Flor ence G. Moore, Henry Taggart, Ralph C. Parker, Ivy B. Crawford, L. H. Klr chem, Fred W. Vohs, Ella E. Howell, MargurP.'ta Hall Dowling. Gilbert II. Kaandrlck, Chas. Tobin, Samuel L. Stevens, Helena M. Rasmus sen, David Saamson, Jennie Nlles, J. W. Hlatt, Arthur M. Osburn, Lenore M. Confer, N. Blorsteker, Edward Thos. Mcliityrc, Thos Henry Pack. G. Mar- quardt, Cicero NolBon Iarklns, Edward Back, Joo Adaamosky, Mrs. W. A. Bar- num. Frank It. Andrews, Geo. M. Mc Dowell. David II. Thomas, Geo. A. Vexley, Gladys K. McDowell, Edgar G. Roth, John C. Egglmann, Jewell Hooker. Alfred Jaggl. Christ Naegoli, Jane Thomas, Webb I. Thomas, Thos. C. Thomas and wife, Alexander R. Daue, Job. Stmlomnan, Laura Francis Brown, Everot Blackburn, C. T. Bckburn, Owen Parry, i futile LhuHdey. W. H. ERglinunn, G. O. Shocklcy, Imogenc Ilnnnum, F. C. Ilannuin, S. Bnsliford, Chrlstlaan Rlchter, Geo. E. Strong, J. T. Walls, Sheridan Llllle, Alfred I.illlo. Edward Lelchtwels, Clyde E. Ringo, James Theo. Marshall George Rogers, A. E. Oades, Peter Huber, Chas. Muel ler. John Mueller, Henry Muellor. F. E. Muellor, Chas. Rutherford Mar shall, Fred Marshall. Welfr;d Mar shall, F. II. Oldenburg, Geo. C. Clark, W. I. Carko, Henry Nolson, Clarence Leo E. D. Mclntyre, Peter II. Snger Fredrick Wm. Marshall, Lizzie N. Rlngo, Otto Jake Buol, Edward Chaa Buol, Ellis Graves, Oliver Sydney Marshall.. ' Albert David Lee John C. Nelson, Walter Elsworth, Lee, Samuel Elmer, Edwin C. Dottemlller, W. II. Botte- miller, Eugene Klolnsmith, H. C. Kloln smith, Elbert G. Larkins, Philip Stein- or, Theodore Nel'.ison (Nellissen), Walter Walchklrch, J. H. Hugll, R. J. France, L. T." Duffy, Robort Moehnke, John Moehnke, Raymond Qlnther, Chris Moehnke Jr., Clayton A. White, Frank Grossmlller, Carl A. Moehnke. Albert Moehnke, Adolph Klinger, Anna B. Beeson, Emma Bullard, Her man Moehnke, John O. Moehnke, Alvln E. Hornshuh, Fred Bohlandcr, Henry Hottman, Chas. Klinger, A. S. Babcock, Qus Bturzenegger, Harriet M. Roman, Gertrude M. Humphrey, Temperonce L. Swnfford. Mrs. L. Wright, Roy L. Schroder, Marlon K. Tope, Oao. E. Griffith. C. II. Dye, Geo. E. Robinson, A. B. Buckles. Goo. A. Greene, R. Kerr, Hazel Farr, Oao. E. Swafford, Ruth M. Can field, Jim Valahos, Walter C. Mooro, Mrs. A. Alice Milln, Mrs. Emma Mc Donald, Ralph B. Calkins, Fred Erlck sen, Edw. Young, Mrs. Minnie A. Lent, Pa-.illne Luclle Pace, Mrs. E. M. Rambo Walker. Mrs. G. E. LnSalle, Ed Traylor, Jorgon J. Berg, Clay C. Miller, Jesse Mayflold, Chester Gard, John Helm, Chas. O. Tiedeman, John Kerr, Gor don E. Wilson, Mrs. E. W. Hydo, Jennie E. Eby, Frank Mattoon, O. D. Eby, Jeanette F. Scott, Mrs. Bessie Osborne, Mory A. Scott, F. Milton Price, Mrs. R. D. Prica, Henry A. Brand, J. H. Mattley, Mrs. Clara Mil ler, E. C. Stlrewalt. Mi-8. N. P. Swanaon, O. II. Howell, Richard D. Howell, Jessie M. Bow- land, J. II. Dunn, L. G. Myers, Dick Hunter, A. A. Conklin, R. D. Roseman, W. H. Sum- ,ner, Nicholas Lecht Mr. and Mrs. D. j Mattoon, Wm. M. Ralnay, Frank L. Phares, Ida V. Heighton, Gottfred Bluhm, Sr., W. A. Carlson, Pearl S. iBrlgss D. C. Williams, A. L. Ross, Frank Ross, G. L. Snook, F. E. Al bright, Nelson Waldron, Walter .W. Kimmell, Sam D. Forsythe, W. A. Sarah J. TTbomson. Mary J. Dlcken, Marvin E. Turner, Ella Dlcken, Mrs. Helen C. Waldron, J. Everett Downey, Cbas. E. Waldron, Mrs. Ray Dunmire, John II Walker, Geo. O. Egglmann, Orvel Glenn Watts, Emma A. Fisher, Solomon Wheeler, Otto W. Fisher, Gertie Willson, An drew Flaherty, Mrs. Martin R. FUm Ing, Martin R. Fleming, Emeline E. Frank, Mrs. Fred Freeman, Mrs Bruno L. Friedrick, John McGetchie, Mrs. Alta Graves, Edward Gross, Jobn Cole Haines, Sr., Wm. Ham mond, Kosewell L. Holman. Chas. Hattan, A. J. Hobble, Ernest HugUl, Frank Koenlg, Sr., Frunk Koonig, Jr., Mr. Franz O. Kruscbke, Wm. Laldlaw, Samuel E. Lowe, Wm. Monner, Augntst C. B. Moehnke, Nich olas Monner. Colonel Montgomery, Andrew J. Naterlin, A. Naterlin, Her man Nelson, Hans Ilesen, Pacilic Tel. and Tel. Co., Arthur D. Paddock, Asa F. Parker, Carrie N. Parker, Alax Paterson, Guy Paterson, J. A. Ream, Sr., Cnrl Rooth, R. If. Rogers, Mrs. Henry Salisbury, Henry C. Salisbury, Gustav A. Schuebel, Louis Servas, Mrs. Maggia Servas, John Seedling. The Hawley Pulp & Paper Co., re ported Thursday the sale of bonds to its employes as follows: H. Nlnningsen, Albert Schmid, P. A. Bartses. E. G. Suphenson, W. W. Burtses, Fred Carlson, J. I. Straight, C. W. Strlchlln, Clarence Cannon, D. Earp, Wm. Yo;mgchlld, Fred Seho maker, A. E. YoungclUld, Lawrence Gardiner, M. F. Burley, W. C. Davis, B. Weber, M. J. Gleason, C. Helsby, Geo. E. Pu8ey,-G. H. Buchholz. Goo. E. Pusey, Jr., Blake Holbrook, L. H. Newman, S. Ely, J. A. Munch, Carl Troxel, E. R. Baker, Hugh Fruele, K. Buchholz, P. J. Ericksou, Thos. May, O, D. Blncgar, Geo. An derson, O. S. Cheney, Frank Selby, A. M. Dalrymple, L. Goodman, C. N. Tldd, Arnold Ponschock, Carrie Red daway, P. H. Smith, Lawrence Dra per, C. A. Troxel, P. O. Wade, Austin Nickels, G. D. Dlmick. A. W. Kruger, J. Entner. C. Ribbel, A. Schroeder, Martin Kordt, Stella Lelghton, H. Rodgers, Ularence Gardner, C. H. Dauchy, J. E. Glaaler, A. Rittenho-jse, Chaa. E. Murray, O. W. Strehl, R. D. Morris, K. U Kollermeler, Ed Boyer, O. E. Buchholz, C. T. Tull, J. G. Beaulieu, A. B. Kerrmann, R. E. Shea, John Moinrtch, John Petty, M. Gross, Edw. Dimgey, Troy Branson, Annie Mor. ton, E. L. Moore, L. H. Feaster, L. (Jeuglor, W. S. Holder, Joe Zemanr Martha Krugar, James Adams, Geo. Allen, P. J. Vernlg, Gus Kauas, Fred Ilerard. L. McCausland, Wm. C. Moore, Geo. Selby, F. Guenther, C. F. Beckman, Bernard Moore, Earnest Hodge, Ed- mond Surras, Ralph Robineee, Lloyd Anderson, G. F. Russell, Jake Endres, G. B. Phillips, Henry Endres, J. O. Pfalil, W. C. Smith, E. Kler, Arnold Dane, R. Wlldermann, II. Fitzpatrick, Glenn Dann, Frank Yost, J. E. Cook, S. welgel, Leonard T. Sinclair, A. T. Johnson, Ralph Johnston, O. .Minor. A. Hamblin, A. C. Robinson. Carl Gray, C. H. Skillman, G. J. Eberly, John Putman, Louis Rath, H. C. Wtckham, W. B. Wells, Asa A. Gardiner, F. D. Ellis, Vio Connoroe, Fred Rogers, J, K. Morris, W. G. Slnnes, Nell Marr, F. L. Fritz, W. C. Cannon, E. Schneider, Grant Olds, W, W. Davis, Walter C. Norton, M, 1 lA..lmn Ifee E T UnvUnn 1 Ci r '. tr r,.-t ,1 P1 i Day, P. J. Larsen, Laura Purcell C. Tom II. Darlotis Florence Daw.l ' . Grace Ely. Grace Erlckson, Iva Fair- j F. B1"1 a' AmJ ,fI" r,nnA, child. Mrs. Christina Foraberg. Rose lfc Applications for Liberty Bonds ... ' ' ,r , ' ,' ' , nlngs Lodge whose names nave not Urn. Maack, Homer Hamilton, Lena; J, w Hunter, Irene Ingalls, Hannah Jons- cbnlg, Vera Jensen, Lottie Jeter, Ad dis Jordan, Theresa Jordan, Francis Kehrhofer, Janey Lacey, Clara La Cure, Dorothy Lloyd, Ada Loney, DPBsie Martin, Edna Mason Emma are !Emma J. Robinson, Charles Heinz, ;c. C. Holloway, II. C. Palmer, E. B. 'Brigham, Dr. Samuel Grovcr, C. S Dodge, Charles Starker and L. L Vermilya. 111 LIBERTY LOAN DRII McCarrlty. Mrs. Lena McMillan,! , 'e ,ual K " ? w . Emma Morns. Eathor Mroalk. An.,Ue following Liberty Bond subscrib- nle O. Myers, L. Mab3l Myers. Mary ie Monday. Newblll, Muriel Newblll, Edith New- Mrs- John Baxter, Ben Baxter, Jo, ton, Lizde Newton. .Crawford. John Egger, Oregon City Mrs. Rose Oglesby, Effie Ott. Len-' MuaDUfct"lnS to - Jn h nle Ott Laura F. Porter. Laura Ram. !Cha9- XN fv v age, Ida M. Russell. Pearl Schellig, m"' art"' X' Sophia Schooley. Gertie Schwoch. ad Catharine Davis Mr. and Mrs. Mr 1 Rpm.in Mr. v o sin. I m- Davis, John E. Jones, Frank R. ,i,m vinint si,r ni. ! Mount, I. C. Nealaigh, Carmen Sch- Finv Rtpwnr. itcrtha Rfi,i J 1 midlf. A- C and Olive Warner, F. W, Taber, Rose Tomczewskic. ' Hattie !Volwrt C" nelden,rGanon- W-B- Wcissborn, Bernlce Welsh, Henry r '' Wetzl?r. Cecil Wickham, Edna A, i , Yf.cman' T . ', Wnifo ri,riHt!nn Wvriv nin. I T1'e tollowlng Liberty Bond sub' som. Eva Califr. John Collie Ger- 8crib"8 f.re an,nouncid amonS e trude Hamilton. Marie Harvey. A. R.ina:,ey "l u sP'w "onnay: Jacobs, Elva Linton H. B. Miller, E. Schwab, Amy Toban, Mildred Tsclilrgi. Harry Woolrlch II. F. Tschirgi, W. R. Clark, L. A. Mathers, A. D. McLarty, Anton Sanetel, Theo dore Strohmeyer, L, Wing. Howard Hill, Chas. Legler, Julius i H. Myers, Fred S. Perrine W. F. Silv I Gus Qulnn, O. A. Troxel, M. R. iHudgens, G. C. Etchinson, E. NorrlS: Geo. Hamlin, Jack Dillon, K. A. Rolund. L. G. Critesir, B. G. Board iman, Harlie Brower, Ray Youngchild, I Paul Kopp, L. W. Smith, Geo. Fritz, J. P. Kuni, Aug. Lowry, P. M. Mur ray, E. Ormiston, E. B. Powell. Otto The districts that have gone oveT the top within the Oregon City dis trict proper are as follows: District No. 115, Chambers Howell, Gladstone. District No. 48, E. L. Pope, Park Place. District No. 114, W. I. Blinstone, Jennings Lodge. District No. 30, R. L. Peake, Carver. "District No. 64, A. Mather, Clacka mas. District No. 77, F. P. Coulter, Damascus. District No. 61, E. R. Leek, Cres- nt Distrct No. 116, Geo. C.'Armstrong, Fir Grove. District No. 43, G. M. McDowell, ML Pleasant. District No. 120, D. Sherruble, Clairmont. District No. 83, W. F. Harris, Hen- rici. District No. 15, Gao. Havell, Beaver Creek. District No. 32, J. A. Coulter, Clarkes. District No. 29, A. A. Spangler, Cams. District No. 63, Mrs. Lena Young, Brown School House. District No. 8, Louis Funk, Upper Logan. School District No. 8 was overlook ed In making up the quotas, but Louis Funk, the Live Wire ot the district in his energetic way raised $1050 in the district and reported it together Ith cash and applications at Liberty Temple Wednesday. The above districts together with Yoder has gone over the top, has the names of chairmen, quotas and doubled its Armenian quota, and In mounts raised was turned into every other call has shown itself one er. Maria Vonderahe, W. T.For- T'tl' Willlnm3. H- M- Yoder. ward, J. R. Gilmore, F. B. Hayward, Earl Loney, Mrs. Myra Keebaugh, E. E. Rayburn, David Reddaway, J. W. Turner L. D. Yoder, Valentine Baron, Rex Brltton, A. Caretansen, Mary Carothers, Ella Chlnn, F. F. Curran, John Ditter, Anton Fritzko, H. C. Gates, Mrs. Annie Helsby, Beatrice Helcby, Charles Kidwell Opal Nich ols, Ruby Nichols, Catherine Robin, son, Evelyn Robinson, Peter Sum mers, Henry Unbedacht, P. G. Var ney, Mary Wickham, Ernest Wing, Mrs. Alice Allen Nellie Ashsnfelter, Joe Bancke, Mrs. F. Billings, Elmer Bowles, Mary Calverley, Mrs. C. F. Christian, Mr. C. F. Christian. Marie Christian, L. G. Clayton, Nettla Crab tree, Elsie Crlteser, ' Elsie Davidson. R. K. 'Qurlinder. The Bank or Oregon City reports the following Liberty Bond sales Monday, with a total to date ot $132,- 950: Mrs. Lucy A. Allen, William Staeh- ley, Robert Barnett, George Stewart, John M. Becker, L. L. Vermilya, James C. Becker, Mabel Wallace, T, W. Blanchard, P. G. Wamblad, A, Byron, Willamette Rebekah Lodge Edith Ellen Blinstone, Mary A. Ap. person, William I. Blinstone, Albert Bernert, George W. Card, Joe Bern- ert, Alice Caseday, Chas. H. Caufleld, Nathan Caseday, L. M. Davies. Yllllam Chriatner, Orlando Fellows, Neils Chrlstensen, Walter Fisher, H state headquarters and Uncle Sam will torward service flags to the several districts. Each district not yet reported should turn in their amounts raised to their chairmen im mediately so the Government will know just who raised their quotas and who can be placed on the Roll of Honor. The First National Bank reported the following subscribers Wednesday: Caspar Weismandel, Henry W. C. Thun, Wm. M. Kirchem, Henry Unoedorht, W. M. Christiansen. S Plvrin tfrih Ei3hnr nonrio C. rvil. Louis Eby Clarence Erickson, Elsie I, . iwt mm- w nv L. Freelaml, Helen Qruba, Agnes Fox Ei;a Ead8f AIJen Ed! wards, Lyda L. Davis, Ernest Pine Hadsall, Olive Hall, Kittle Harris, Dudley Henderson, Albert Hopp, Mary Hrovat, Tearl B. Johnston, C. Klnzg, Edith Kohler Crace Marlborough, Mrs. Minnie A. McCord, Julia Metz. ner, Clara A. Nirschl, Ellen Rayl, Mary Remkus, Sarah A. Roberts, Ella Rogers, Mrs. Geo. C. Ruh, L. Shearer, Eva Stone Blanche Townsend, Harry Tuor, Edith Verweyst, Dixie Walker, Mrs. Edith Wambauge, Hazel White, Stella White, William H. Freeman, J. A. Moore, C. B. Wilson. The Bank of Oregon City reports the following subscribers on Satur day: A. V. Achilles, S. G. Bailey, Oscar Benson, Andrew Blam, Jobn R. Brown, Thos. L. Carleton, James An derson Charles, Carl Chrlstlonson, C H. Brown, Carl Elligsen, G. W. Ferry, E. J. Foust, Aunle M. Draper, Mrs. J, T. Fullam, J. T. Fullain, Clara B. Fullam, Elizabeth G. Geary, Jamea M. Hamilton, Claudlne Clifton and Velma Hart, Frank Hopp, Helen Heighton, Mrs. E T. Howell, P. Jacobsen. May Kelly Gertrude E. King, Al fred E. King, Mrs. Augusta Kirchem Arthur Lindsley, Hal Lindsley, Sarah McMillan, Charles E. Meldrum, Georg ia P. Meldrjm, Harry C. Mooden baugh, Wm. Hmry Nelson, Howard Osburn, A. J. Meyers, Rosa Rablch, Elliott, Mrs. Ida Monroe Gibson, Chas A. Elwell, Thos. Hage, Wm. Etters, F. G. Helms, A. F. Fisher, A. J. Hodge Geo. R. Gardner, Alfred Jaggar, Carl G. Green, Felix A. Jones, Alexander Gill, Janetts Jaggar. Ebon B. Grant, Fred Josi, Lllean Heathman, August Johnson, Geo. E, Heathmun, John Kaiser, Susan E Hoss, Carl M. Kroll, Fred Hess, Eliza beth Lewis, Mrs. Emma Hlmler, J. R. Lewis, Henry Himler, T. J. Lewis Rita Marie Holmes, Elbon H. Long, RoBwell Morris, Holman Mariona Mudgett, Edward W. Hornshuh, Law rence Mudgett, N. Isa Hoskins, W. A, Piper, Ross A. Hunter, Hugh RobertB, Charles A. Hunt, Carl Fred Sch melser, S. J. Jones, M. Marie School helmer, J. N. Jepson, August Rakel W. E. Jones, Chas. A. Rosecrans. John Kent, W. M. Schlittenhart, Evan Lewis, Theo. Steinhilber, E. J, Maple, E. T. Webb, D. Thompson Meldrum, George H. Wobster, John Nagley, T. H. White, J. A. Nelson, Gust Schnoerr, Frank B. Schoenbom, Ruth Alice Smith, Chas. Spangler, A. A. Spangler, W. H. Nichols, Fred E, Reiling, M. Rivers, Mrs. M. Rivers, J. P. Serres, Andy J. Smith. Gengler, J. T. Gleason, E. C. Selby, Ora S. Porter, W. S. Rider, R, L, The First National Bank of Oregon City reports the following Liberty Mr. and Mrs. L. Adams, who have been spending the past week at More bouse Manor, Beaver Creek, have re. turned to Oregon City, Mr. Adams returned to Oregon City several days ago, and was among those working in the Interest of the liberty bonds, and Mrs. Aadms returned Wednesday morning, having shortened her stay owing to illness, now being afflicted with "Liberty measles." Mr. More house says that Mr. Adams was a great assistant to him while on his farm, especially In caring for his lambs, and before leaving the farm was well posted on the sheep Industry. After being confined to bis store for so many years, Mr. Adams thor oughly enjoyed the outing at the Morehouse farm, and says that he be lieves that he has gained twelve pounds in weight. He expects to make a similar visit at this farm during the harvest season, and to assist Mr. Morehouse in putting in the crops. having already been engaged for the job by the Beaver Creek farmer. If thera is a scarcity of men on the farm at harvesting time, Mrs. Adams has offered her services, says Mr. Morehouse, and says that she will surely fill the bill when It comes Jo working on the farm. MR. AND MRS. DYE On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dye addressed an enthusiastic patriotic meeting at Yoder, a prosper ous farming community beyond Mol alla on the Willametta Valley South, ern. By buggy and auto, on foot and horseback the people thronged until the Congregational church was filled, to capacity. Local singirs furnished patriotic music. In the Liberty Loan hundred per cent. American. Other speakers will be welcomed. Yoder is wide awake. Many families have sonsi and brothers at the front. Mr. and Mrs. Dye wera entertained overnight returning Wednesday morning. The Bank of Oregon City, with a total of $137,800, reported the follow- Ing subscribers Wednesday: Rosina C. Babcock, Fred M. Bailey, Harry liabter, Victor C. Barney, B. A. Bengston, Ernest F. Boechman, Nar cissa A. Bowers, Everett Catto, David Caufleld, Gustav Fischer, Iva Fouts, Mary D. Fouts, Darius C. Fouts, Her bert A. Fouts, Mary D. Fouts, Minnie M. Fonts, Walter C. Funk, Louis Funk, Missoura Ann Gage, Henry E. Gill, Benj. C. Kimbley, Bernlce Mudgett, B. E. Nelson, Walter Nuasbaum. A. S. Pattulo, Morris Riley, W. C. Schultze, Clarence L. Skeel, Rebecca B. SUeel, Gertrude W. Smith, Roy Smith, Frank Trembath. NEW DRAFT PILL IS AGREED UPON IN U.S. SENATE WASHINGTON, April 17. Another important step was taken today to wards the final disposition of the bill to draft men who have reached the age of 21 years since June 5, last. After much delay, ths Jiouse military affairs committee made a favorable report on the measure, recommend ing that it be acted upon finally at the earliest possible dats. A special rule will be asked to facillate its con sideration, r bond sales Monday: Geo. W. Purcifull, Dorothy Schwoch, Marjorie Schwoch, Anna B. Kunzman, A. L. Rose, Wm. Rothery, J. C. Petit, J. E. Bryant, E. B. Munaon, James F. Nelson, Mrs. J. F. Nelson, Geo. A Moulton, Jessie. Moulton, Chas. Mo Carver, Lewis Vogan, M. M. Mum- power, Edward W. Fowler, Frank H. McAnulty. W. D. Andrews, Mrs. Rosa J. Doo. little, Wm. H. Congdon, II. A. Vernet Jos. E. Kiewicz. H. W. TERWILLIGER DIES PORTLAND, April 17. A life that was marked with all the trials of Oregon's earliest pioneer days, closed with the death this morning of Hiram W. Terwllliger, most of whose 78 years ot life were spent In Portland, Death occurred at the old family home, 1126 Macadam street, at 1:30 Wednesday morning, from causes at tendant to advanced age. ROMIG ELECTED HEAD OF WEST LINN SCHOOLS Election of teachers in West Linn high school was held Wednesday night with the following results: C. F. Romig, principal; Robert D. Rogers, manual training; Miss Alvana Howard, English and history; Miss Vesta Lamb, Latin, French and busi ness course. UNFAIRNESS TO JEWS IN ARMY IS NEW CHARGE WASHINGTON, April 17. A pro test agairst alleged "continuous un just, unfair and discriminatory treat ment ot Jews in the army," was filed with Secretary Baker yesterday by Louis Marshall, of New York, head of the American Jewish committee. One of the chief complaints Is that not a single Jew among the large number with the expeditionary forces in France Las been commissioned from the ranks.