Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 19, 1918, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Eagle Creek
Briefs From
All Over the
EAQLB CREEK. April 17. Last
week Mr. and Mm. 0r Wllooi moTed
over to H. 8. Gibson'.
Clackamas County Pomona met with
Eagle Creek grange laat Wednesday.
There was an attendance numbering
near the 200 mark. A very pleasant
and profitable time via spent by those
present and an excellent dinner and
supper was enjoyed by all those par
taking. . T. A. Burke, ot Portland, accompan
ied by Sergeant S tikes, was present
and both talked on Liberty Bonds.
The new county agriculture agent,
Ralph W. Arens, was among the yIbU
'ors and made a short address. J. J.
Johnson, Master ot the Kraal ng Star
Grange and Master ot Multnomah
County Pomona, also risked the Po
mona Grange last Wednesday and
made an Interesting talk on Liberty
Bonds and Grange matters.
There were several candldaates who
were Initiated In the tlfth degree.
Mrs. R. 6. Horton. who was visiting
with her sister, Mrs. A. If. Orke, tor a
few days returned to her home last
Friday. ,
Mrs. C, H. Paddlson epent two or
three days In Portland recently.
' Logan
LOGAN, Or, April 17. That sun
burned look folks In Dist No. 4 havo
bad, the past few weeks Is not due to
March winds but Just plain measles.
Wo all had them.
Miss Joyce and Prof. Maris of O. A.
C. gate an Interesting illsstrated lec
ture on the School Industrial club
work at the lower Logan school hall
Thursday evening. The steropUcon
views were much enjoyed many being
from far away Europe. Geo. C Brown
ell made a short address on the Liberty
loan preceding the lecture.
Several Logsnites attended the Po
mona Grange at Eagle Creek Wednes
day, April 10. A congenial crowd, fine
time, tine dinner. But oh! that road!
or part ot It near Barton bridge. Mr.
Burke from Portland made an eloquent
plea for Liberty Bonds and Sergeant
SMtes ot Vancouver explained what It
cost to feed a soldier etc. The Non
partisan League was handled with care
as some have an idea its a "dangerous
reptile" to be at large
A Red Cross benefit dance will be
given by some ot the local young men
of Logan, next Saturday evening Apr.
20. Lunch will be served by the ladies
ot the auxiliary. Music by Fletchnere
Bud Newkirk is home on a furlough.
He is in the U. S. marine service at
Mare Island, California.
In the bond and W. S. S. drive for
Dist 4 (lower Logan) the grand total
for all Is near $3600.00. The Dist qnota
being $2200.00. The above Including
all Thrift stamps, Liberty bonds and ,
w. a a j
John Boss, Jr, Is assisting Henry j
Swales In tearing down the old Oregon j
City hospital bulding.
WISONVILLE, April IS. Wilson
ville doubled Its Liberty Bond early In
the week. Mr. Guniel, and his corps
ot workers are to be congratulated on
this splendid showing ot patriotism.
Sherman Seely, accompanied by his
mother, went to Newberg, on Wedaee-
CEDARDALE, April 17. Mr. and day by auto, to attend a sals given by
Mrs. B. F. Bonney took the stage Frl- Archie Seely at that place, and were
day morning to Mulino to eaten the ' unfortunate In having a blow-out or
early train for Oregon City. Mr. Bon- two, on the return trip from Newberg
ney returned the next day while his to Sherwood.
wife remained over Sunday visiting Arthur Jaeger's name appeared ree
relativea. 'ently In the class 1 men, to be exam-
Leonard Oretn had the misfortune to tned soon,
take a spill from his motorcycle break- j A special school meeting ot this dia
log a rib. jtrlct was held on Tuesday eventng.
J. H. Come has purchased a Ford. -April 9. at which time it was voted to
Mrs. J. Fellows returned home from discontinue the ninth grade.
Nebraska last Tuesday. j Malcolm Say is clerking tor H. D.
Richard Orem accompanied by his Aden, and his family will move to
friend B. Benson spent Saturday even
ing with his parents.
Wilson vUle.
In the account of the Liberty Loan
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cooper and son ; concert given here on ednesday
Donald ot Portland spent the week end evening. April 10th, by talented musl
at Claude Thlnslows. j clans from Oregon City, the name of
Cedardale school held its monthly j Marie Frledrlck was accldently omit
Literary program on the 6th. After an ted from the program by the corres
interestlng program they raffled a j pendent, although Miss Frledrlck's
quilt and sold eats from which they, nolo was a much appreciated number.
realised $30.03 tor the benefit ot hte
Red Cross.
R. L. Orem and family ot Union
Mills spent last Sunday with his broth
er L. O. Orem at Cedardale.
The village school will close a very
successful school year about the 17th
of May.
A contest by the various schools of
this district, will be held In the school
house on Thursday afternoon, April 25.
The Choral club concert given at
Sherwood, on Saturday evening, was
largely attended, and was Indeed a
splendid entertainment, and one of the
Barlow. April 17. The pupils who venr best solos rendered was that of
have won the honor ot being in the j Sherman Seely, of Wilsonville,. Those
Rainbow Division for selling 60 dollars j attending from this vicinity included
worth ot War Saving : Stamps are , H. D. Aden, Sherman Seely, Mr. and
Lucille and Lloyd Ziegler, Gladys Tre j Mrs. Geo. Stangel, Martha Jaeger,
mayne, Dorothy Krulger, Wm. Zeizler j Paul Jaeger, G. refers. W. Stangel,
The raising of the community Ser-j Misses Teters. Elmer Jones and tam
vice Flag for our boys who are serving ' Hy, Mr. snd Mrs. N. O. Say, James and
our country wll take place next Sun- John Say.
day at 1:30 P. M. A program will he!
rendered and the flag will be raised
near the drinking fountain.
j We are still selling Liberty Bonds
i having sold more than twice our quota
! which was $2000. We are nearing the
I ISOtM) mark.
Mr. Berg left Saturday for Pleasant
Valley where he will remain some
time with his daughter Mrs. Con
Johnson. Mrs. Berg, the Misses. Em
ma and Stella and Elmer Berg accom
panied Mr. Berg to Portland.
Miss Pearl Hayes rsturned to Brem
erton Saturday after a two weeks' vis
it with her parents and friends here.
Miss Maebelle Young returned to Port
land with Pearl. I
Mr. and Mrs. Daumlng, uncle and
aunt of Mrs. Emery visited at the '.
Emery home Tuesday on their way j
home to Woodburn from' ripokane.
i KELSO. April 18. Another of our
j young men has enlisted In his coun
try's service Leo Canning, youngest
j son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Canning,
j He left Friday evening for San Fran
cisco where he will enter the training
camp for service In the navy. An old
er brother, Joe Canning, has been In
active service for some time, being
employed on a sub marine chaser.
Roseburg Express company
ing offices at depot.
Farm and stock sales a special
ty. See Enterprise tor dates or
wire or phone me at my expense
Vancouver, Wash.
Office phone 120. Res. 496-Y.
Plant Your Seeds With These Machines
This is a machine which does the
work right and at the same time
sell at a price so reasonable that
every potato grower can afford it.
opens the furrow to the proper depth, drops the pota
toes and covers them uniformly. Does not bruise the
potatoes, is easy to operate and above all is reliable.
The Drill with tho
Feed that CAN'T
Sow Wrong
The Feed that eliminates chance that
sows uniformly under all conditions, guar
anteeing an even stand of grain The
HooBier Feed can't eow wrong because it is
A Positive Force Feed
The ONLY Feed that sows evenly and con
tinuously as long as there Is grain in the
hopper, other conditions making absolute
ly no difference.
Not only have a Perfect Feed but they are perfect In even the smallest details of construction. Heavy
trussed steel frame insures proper relation of all moving parts. Special heavy wood wheels made for
Pacific Coast Both wheels drive the feed. Balance spring lifts are used on Hoosler Drills larger than
eight disc which make lifting the disc an easy matter.
Ketso has now $3000 subscribed to
the Third Liberty Loan, Let those
who have not rallied to the call speed
up. It la absolutely our duty to do all
we can to aid our country In her time
ot need. Picture our splendid men at
the front, giving their all. How little
even our best Is In comparison. Loan
your money now or pay heavy Indem
nity afterwards.
From a financial point ot view we
cannot afford to lose and what Is tar
more Important we cannot afford to
tose In the cause ot fight and human
Ity. Therefore buy Liberty Bonds
It impossible to do that buy War Sav
ings Stamps but do something, do
everything to co-operate with our gov
ernment. Liberty Bonds will mature
In ten years and draw H rot" cent In
terest. .
ESTACADA, April 18.-Tha local or
der of Eastern Star held a mooting
Teasday night and after tho business
session, enjoyed a short program. Mr.
and Mrs. Greenwood, of Hull Run, were
In nttendence. At theuext meeting
the Chapter will entertain the Worthy
Grand Matron.
The basket social at Hotel Estacada
Tuesday evenlug. was well attended
and all report a most pleasaut even
ing. Danctug, games and all sorts of
amusement furnished the guest a var
iety ot entertainment. The proceeds
will go to the library fund.
T. E. Wilson and wife and E. W.
Bartlett were Oregon City visitors lust
P. M. Wagoner is confined to his
home with a bad attack of mumps.
Miss Lorona Park T, of Salem. lll
attend the C. I. C. meeting next Tues
day, April 30, and give an address.
Miss Parker Is a pleasing speaker aud
all club members should bo present at
this meeting.
Louis Jones was horj this week vis.
iting home folks. Ho Is attending tho
Y. M. C. A. college in Portland.
Miss Mable Funning of Portland,
formerly ot Estacada, was a guest at
th. William Dulo home lust Sunday.
There will be services In the Christ
Ian church next Sunday, morning aud
evening. A minister from Portland
will fill the pulpit.
Th Walter Givens Co. store was vis
ited by a targe crowd of ladies last Sat
urday. A demonstrator from tho Ore
gon Agricultural College was present
and pave practical demonstrations forj0(
the use or substitutes, flour uud fats.
Ooftie and cookies wore served and
thelr.dies enjoyed a plasant day and re
ceived much benefit lu regard to tho
preparation of foods to comply with
the Food Administration.
Miss Iielle English returned la.it
w,?ek from a visit with her brother In
A. C. Davis, or Milwaukie, bus mov
ed to the Whltcomb 'arm at Garfield.
C. Corp, Sum Uarr uud wife arrived
from camp Louis, American Lake, Sat
urday to visit for a few days with Es
tacada, relatives aud friends.
Clyde T. Ecker. or Polk County Post,
visited his mother, Mrs. N. It. E ker
at Estacada and sister, Mrs. W. F.
Cary at Cazadoro, Saturday night and
Sunday. ,
Ed. Douglass, of-Currlnsvlllo, was
throw n from a horse Saturday and had
tha small bone in his leg broken.
GEORGE, April 18. Mra. A. Mo
Cltntock and son, Albert, of Portland,
Is visiting relatives and friends at
George tor a few weeks,
C. A. Johuson and Theodore Harder
were transacting business In Portland
last Friday.
Mrs. P. Rath visited Mra. N. Bcheol
last Thursday.
Mrs. T. Harriers, who has been car
ing tor her sick sister. Mra. R. Snyder,
ot Garfield, returned home laat Thurs
day. Henry KUnker lost a fine horse last
The following la a letter which Mrs.
R. Snyder received from her nephew,
Private Arthur Rice, written "Some-1
where in France:"
February 14, 19 18.
Dear Aunt Lis
Well I suppose yon know whore I
am by this time. I am a long ways
from you now.
"Well how la everything at Esta
cada T
"I would like to see the town again.
I wrote to mother yesterday.
"Well write me a letter so I can And
out how you are getting along. ! write
home often, I want letters so
"I have had no mall for some tlino.
Well Lis I will give you my address.
"Tell them hello for me.
"if you see Iella tell her hollo for
Co. D. 162nd Inf.
A. K, F. Franco.
Via New York.
Oak Grove
Meiaage of United State
Senator McNary to Peo
ple of Oregon
Meney Is ndd to support and
protect our soldiery new fighting In
foreign Isnd and the prompt pur.
onass by the Amsrloan people of
Liberty londe will supply the
funds. Much ef the money bore
tofore obtained by the government
through the sale ef Liberty Bonds
to Us eltlisns has boon enpendtd
In the preparation of war. Now
our resources and our savings must
b devoted to a considerable ox
tent In providing for the ssfsty,
comfort and assistance of our
heroes on luroposn battlefields.
Throe thoussnd miles of ooesn In
tervene and this long lane must be
made safe for our soldiers. Ships
we must have In avey Increeslng
number. Without tonnage th full
msur of our elaborate and mill
tary relief orgsnliatlona mutt re
main Inoperative. Without money
we cannot build th ships; without
th ahlp w cannot win th war,
With tidnsit w antlolpat th re
turn of thousand of cur soldier
wounded and erlpplsd who mutt b
rehabllltattd or mad capable
through vocational education for
a If support. Osnoral hospitals In
which physlesl reconstruction work
and vocational training can b un
dertaken must b constructed.
Thl requlr money. A grtat
army la going forward to fac th
fir of battl and American dollar
will b forthcoming for their wtl
far If w all ptrform our duty and
buy liberally of thta Liberty
Unlttd Mat nator.
One Has Three Kids
And Polly Has Two
Mary Is Bottle ycd
llarrv Morehouse, formerly ot
Portland, but now engaged In stock.
jwlna and funning at leaver
Creek, Is the owner of a number of
Cotswold that are making a record
for themselves. There are two sheep,
Molly and Polly, which have young
owe. Willi "MOIiy Having mrn
healthy little kid and Polly having
two. Ono of Molly's that Is bolng rais
ed on a bottle, and webbing asveu
pound more than the other kid
ha been given th nam of
Mary Jane McAdoo, and her owner
Is somewhat pro .id or tho way In
which she Is gaining weight on her
bottle that she anxiously waits for at
each meal time, Mary Jano know
her bottle whn she sees It, and sets
up a bleating when ah aeea Mr.
Morehouse or his wlfo appearing with
her moriM'l.
OAK GROVE, April lS.-Charlea
William lllgham. age 68 yeara and 6
days passed away at his home on Oak
avenue Monday afternoon ot pueu
nionia. Funeral services was hold
Wednesday at 1 o'clock from tho resi
dence. Interment In Rlvervlew cem
etery. Besides his wife ho leaves a
daughter, ono grandson, and several
Mr. and Mrs. John Stein are being
congratulated ou the arrival or a son,
born April 4.
Mr .and Mrs. G. J. Nordllug of Mu-j
lino, are being felicitated on the birth' iC Vl. WmiJ
six pound girl, born April 8. ! V" I lailUSLU " U waia
Cornelius Stelu Is home on a fur
lough from Camp Lewis.
Theodore Worthlngton has been
called to join the army and will leave
the 25th for tho training camp.
T. R. Worthlngton went to Prlndlo,
Wash., Monday on business.
Albert (Rusty) Wines will leave the
29th tor Camp Lewis to go In training
for the navy. j
Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon snd
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wright were!
visitors at the Worthlngton home Sun-
Gave Country Three
Soldiers-One Lost i
With Torpedoed
twosonTsent TO
HAZICIA. April ll.-Mra. Morgan
aud her little son visited with her sis
tor, Mrs. Duncan Christiansen, Sunday.
Miss niancho Duncan spent Sunday
with Mis Marlon Knstman.
Word ha been received from Win
fluid and Harold llaker. who enlisted
lust fall, that they havo arrived safely
"over there." Henry Nagl, who has
been In the service ror a longer time,
has been In Franco for several months.
Mis Elisabeth Puymbroack enter
tained her ex high school chum, Miss
Frances Freund, Saturday and Sunday.
Ames Johnson, a native of llaxell.
has for some time been employed a a
watchmaker for a prominent Jewelry
shop In Portland. He has recently set
up an establtxtiment ot bis own In Oswego.
Tho Haxolta Literary and Debating
society will moot next Saturday even
ing at the llaxelia schnolhouto. An
interesting program and tho first pub
lication of the literary paper will be
the main reature of the evening.
Everyone I cordially Invited to attend
thl meeting.
There will be church services at 4
o'clock Sunday afternoon, aa well a
Sunday echool In the morning at 10
day. Mr. Louis Moor of 139 First v4
Mrs. Grace Robblnette end mother sue, San Francisco, knows the mean'
went to Lewlston, Idaho, last week. ; Cgg 0( wftr in the front window of
Mrs. Robblnette, Sr., remaining with j home a service flag shows three!
her daughter. I atara. Thr of her son answered the
Remember tho motion pictures Frl- j eJl to color.
day night at the school assembly j And wben th Tuscanla waa torpe
room. doed, with the loss of more than oi
Owen Barnette Is home for a few tjundred American lives, her eldi
a ow .,.. ,, , , " . days rrom Wat.co. eon, William Moore, mad the grea
- v. tKf Itif, I'll L II l I 4
irrioirt iLi.i,.h in in, .-a .. o- nn,.,. The I'arent-T
Garfield, which will have a 23,000 reet
per day capacity. The proprietors ar
Hillard and Welsh, of Pleasant Home.
The mill site is near tha W. R. Ruld
place in the heavy timber which is
owned by Gibson Brothers or Barton
and Garfield parties.
A dam on the Clackamas above
Cazadero, Is sure project, according to
rumor, work on the same w ill b com
menced soon.
The Parent-Teacher Association had
a very interesting program at their
meeting last Friday evening, at the
high school auditorium. Pupils or the
Estacada school furnished tho even
ings entertainment. Vedis Relsland
opened the program with a violin
solo, being assisted on tho piano by
Miss Virginia Scott. A pantomini rol
lowed by high school girls and then
the primary grade t.irnlshed a num
ber. Florence June and Mary Alice
Ried and Leta Possom next gave a
piano trio and this was followed by a
"Story" by Miss Wash. The next
musical number waa a nolo bv itfix
Mable Keller and Mrs. Frank Ewing
closed the program with a talk ou
"Food Conservation." Tha evening's
pleasures were rounded out with re
freshments and a general good time.
Mr. and Mra. Lovjoy have moved
to Estacada from Garfield and are
occupying the house formerly ussdas
the school domestic science building,
un jjiper Mam street.
M .-sdamcs A. E. Hammonr and L.
II. Wells of Portland, were guests at
the Dr. Wells home this week.
Tho Estacada Grange has been im
proved again by a largo window and
door on the west ulda to give more
light in tho mechanical department.
Teachers association ! aacrlflc for his country. On the rocl
met Friday at the school house and : coast of Ireland ha Ilea burled In thai
olected the following officers for the Igrave which enfolds others of bis ooraJ
ensuing year: Mrs. Claud Hale, pres-. rades In arras.
ident; Mrs. V. G. Benvle, vlce-presl-j ' The other two sons of Mrs. Moorej
dent; Mrs. Flora Wheeler, recording ho were also on th Tuscanla, arj
secretary; Mrs. C. N. Perkins, corres-j listed among those saved. The Joy)
ponding secretary; Miss Strong, treas- toer their safety has been tempered!
urer. After the business session, Mrs.'nly by the grief which followed the
Jones, Sr., of Courtney, read a paper (word of William's passing. j
which was appreciated by those pros- ; "1 told tUose boys I was sorry thah
goer waa occasion 10 go u? r, iu
Moore, smiling through the n-(
school grou
planting roses and flowers. He also
Is putting In crushed rock on the play
Mi. and Mrs. Henry Spauldlng Is
here visiting, from San Diego, Califor
nia. Mrs. George Richardson, of Trout
dale spent a part or last weep with
her daughter, Mrs. J .B. Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. Gurthle were Portlund
visitors Friday evening.
John Oiler and rcmlly were visiting
their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rll-
UUIU1 IO la WRtttii; j ..... . . . - J
nds and the parking by ' n '1
JUilUWIUlf inw 1 u". nine uin..iavc,, -w
told them also," she added with a
(triumphant smile, "that lr our country
waa worth living In and enjoying when
(things were going along smoothly, Itj
was certainly worth fighting for wheni
It waa In trouble."
j That Is the spirit of American
(motherhood in these days of trial and
aacriflce. "Our country haa not asked
much of Its young people In the way
tf sacrifice," said Mrs. Moore. "Things
iave been fairly easy for most ot the!
boys and girl or this generation. Now
ley, Wednesday evening. i jt j, tnl(r tro to show how they hav
Mr. and Mrs . C.Ionn Allyn have 1 Mpreciftted all that has been given to,
roturncd to Oak Grove and are occupy- ju,m."
Ing their home on Oak avenuo. I jjr,, Moore baa two other sons, one
Rev. C. G. Lewis ot Washington, D. ef araft age, and the other old enough
C, Is vlHlting his sister-in-law, Mrs. E. i jto enlist but not old enough to be
Reynolds, and will leave for his home crafted.
Thursday morning. "Now they're crazy to go," said the
Bernard Renyolds was home Sunday brave little mother whose service flag
from McMlnnvllle where he visited bis Jready has one haloed star.
Darents. His brother Forest returned "Do you know the last thing the
with him. I three boys did before they leftr' he
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross are tho asked with motherly pride. "They all
proud parents of a son born April 10th. t tought Liberty Bonds, and said they
Mrs. Iva Rauw of Gresham, Is visit-1 would leave tne rest or mat worn to
Ing her sister, Francis Wiley and their! OS. Now we know what we can do."
nunc. Mr K. Renvolds. Private William Moore ana nis
rail for "000 medical men for
the army and navy lias ben Is-
surd throigh the Council od Na-
tlnnnl Iiefcnse. Surgeon lienor-
p al Gorgaa asked for D0O0 doctor.
Elk Prairie
ELK PRAIRIE. April 18. Thw
spring flowers and wild feed, vetch
and peaa have been covered by the
recent anow.
Fred Davl plowed some land for
Messra. Kruger.
C. K. Thomaa went to Scott Mill
Ted Gray took a veal to the Molalla
market a few day ago.
I). W. Badger mad a buclnos trip
to Scotts Mill.
Colnagi of lC-cent pieces to
faclllnto tho handling ot crowds '
at moving picture theatres on
account of the war tax 1 pro-
posed In a bill Introduced today.
America's Great Soldier
Send me your illustrated
printed matter on the
MACKSBURG, April 18. The Moth
er's club had a very busy and enjoy
able session Thursday last at the home
of Its preHldent, Mrs. John Heplu. The
next meeting will be with Mrs. Ben
Tho Red Cross auxiliary is to hold
its regular meeting in the Sutherland
building Wednesday, April 17.
The little girls' sewing club will
meet at the home of Mrs. O. W. Bald
win, Saturday, April 20.
A little daughter was born last week
to Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hepler.
Miss Ruby Wolfer, who has been In
I San Jose, California, for some time
; has returned to her home.
I Mrs. Harry Sherwood has so far, re
covered from a recent Illness that all
are hoping for her return to the Red
Cross meeting, this week.
Church Notes.
-brothers have loft a message for the
Preaching by the pastor Rev. Voung tay-at-home In Arrrerlca to heed.
Sunday morning. Sunday school 10
o'clock C. D. Smith, superin
tendent. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening. Ladles Aid Wednesday af
ternoon. Epworth League Sunday
evening 7:30 o'clock.
Mrs. V. G. Benvle has gone to Al
bany to make arrangements for the
convention of G. A. R., to bo held there
In May.
W. J. WILSON & CO., Oregon City, Oregon
A riasliwm rtlraetorr e eah CItn
Town and illa-o La Oregon and
Wafililngtoa, giving a fencrlptiva
ftketch ot eah i,lacr, Ixpmlioii,
f htppln FacUitlea and :IbhI.
ri'd Dlrertory fit Caca Bttetacn
aaa rrofeuloa.
BMttie, Wub.
BARLOW, April 18. Barlow has far
exceeded her quota In the Liberty
Loan, having sold $4000 worth of
The children are also showing their
thrift and patriotism In having entered
the Rainbow division, while several
others are expecting to enter soon.
Mrs. Lareon is home with her par
ents on a vacation.
Mrs, Katherina King who has been
quite severely 111 is renovering. Her
daughter,. Mrs. Mary Clark who was
carlnif for her has returned to her
home In Portland.
Mr. Cash Tull was vlsltlm? bis sister
In this place during the past week.
The following girls were delightfully
, entertained at the home of Mrs, Vlck
era Sunday afternoon: Luclle Ziegler,
j Gladys Tremayne, Cora Ausne, Lena
ISandsness, Celena Tremayne, Nellie
' Berg and Aletha Porter.
"The rest of you buy LIborty Bonds
that can be your work."
I Have you planned to buy your next
one, now that the Third Liberty Loan
'is called for?
I .
Feeding 42,500 troops at Camp
iLewIs, Seattle, three meals a day will
cost the Government $14,000, and In
Itbe preparation of the meals 131 tons
cf food will be used. Money Is needed
to buy the food. That's why the
Government will ask you soon to buy
Liberty Bonds of the Third Liberty
? San Francisco, April 16 "Gov- 3
3 ernment control of rallronds Ik n a
4 Godsend" said Louis W. HUL
chairman ot the board of tnu
Great Northern ''both for the $
S country and the railroads. It
was the only loglcul thing that
could be done under the clrcum-
- f
'I . Vw t A
f i
J ' kt: i 1 ' I
" x - 'I
y --.$ 1 ' ... .:v:y. I - . f
i I v'r Aft
ft ,rt -
Thousands of Americans want Gen
eral Leonard Wood to go to France.
Many thousands wondered why he
was not appointed commandor-ln
chief of the American forces when
they first went. Now, however, It is
stated trom Washington he will have
command of a division en the battle
Enterprise telephone system has
been rebuilt and service Improved.
$ SAN FRANCISCO, April 13.
$ GGorRO-Bell nrrlvod from Shnng- $
hal, China, with $8200 in his
pocket. Today ho bought $7200
worth of Liberty bonds and en.
listed in the army.