Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 12, 1918, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Briefs From
All Over the
le Creek
EAGLE CREEK, April 11. The Up
per Eagle Creek Red Crow unit was
very busy last week, making hospital
shirts having a rush order of IS
shirts which had to be returned to the
Oregon City chapter by the 10th, so
the Utiles were kept Quite busy, but
they tinished them and they were pack
ed and ready to shin by the end of the
Mrs. A. N. Orke, after visiting with
relative for a couple of weeks, re
turned home from Portland last Thurs
day. accompanied by her Bister, Mrs.
R. U Horvon, who is to be her guest
tor a few days,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Benson,
of Logan, Sunday.
The Eagle Creek Red Cross auxll
iary has changed it headquarters
day evening. After an Interesting de-
bate, a staff of officers was elected for i
the publishing of a club paper, which j
will be read at the next meeting. The i
staff Is as follows:
STAFFORD, April IS. The Stafford
Editor-in-chief, Red Cross met at de Neul's hall both
Lucille Duncan; associate editor, Dave April 5th and 6th and made hospital
Long; literary editor, Mary Puym- ghlrts. Mrs. Seedling took said shirts
broeck; social editors, Christine Elite ( to the Red Cross headquarters. April 9.
sen and Marion Eastman; advertising; Mls Ardonnah Pavla visited her
manager, Vernon Davidson; and Joke .g(er Mss Maude Davis, a teacher of
editor, Herbert Duncan. Stafford school during the spring holt-
Miss Marion Eastman spent !unaay day V(fI
with Miss Nellie Nelson of Oswego.
The Bible day program at the Gor
mr.n Baptist church was well attended,
Sunday. Miss Mabel Helms conducted
a well attended meeting at the Church
of God, Sunday.
Doraj Saturday. April 6th, C. L. Thomas
Mrs. spent making the drive tor Stafford's
for a share In the Third Liberty Loan. l)
iwas assisted by Messrs. Carl and
from Mrs. E. N. Foster's to Ales Bak-J Mr. and' Mrs. Fred Josi moved
er's house, which he has kindly dona- Oregon tuy iasi ween.
ted for the carrying on of the work.
Guy Wllco and family are moving
to the H. S. Gibson place In order to
help Mr. Gibson with hia work.
Miss Viola DeShaier and Charley
Updegrave spent Sunday afternoon at
the home of Will Douglass.
Onite a number of the relatives and
trimAa of James Gibson met at thelited his parents. Mr. and Mrs
home of H. F. Gibson to celebrate the Schlewe and family, over Sunday,
CLARKES. April 11. Mjgs
Marquardt visited her sister,
August Fischer, of Oregon City,
Mrs. D. F. Moehnke came home from ' Harry Elllgsen and Mr. B. F. Weddle
i ,. u.t winMaT Und autos. The four took In between
BARLOW, April H.-R. E. Irwin
was called to Oregon City to serve on
the Jury again this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Louise Larson ami lit
tle daughter, of Washington, visited
Mr. '.arson's parents several days last
week, Mr. Larson returning home Sat
urday and Mrs. tarson remaining
here. Mr. Larson accompanied hli
son home for a pleasure trip.
Walter Smith and Alva and James
Andrua returned home from California
last week.
Misses Pearl Hayes, Maebelle
Young and Mrs. Hattle Crowley spent
the day In Portland Saturday.
The city of Darlow bought three
$100 Liberty bonds, pnylug In full for
same. Not many cities In Oregon are
free from all Indebtedness, and have
$600 loaned out. as we have, $301
loaned elsewhere, and a nest egg be
sides. We are also buying liberally
In the Third Liberty bond drive, hav
ing gone considerably over our quota,
but the committee Is anxious and will
ing to sell all the bonds possible and
anyone wanting bonds will please call
on one of the following: J. J. Wurfol,
chairman; C. N. Olddlngs. Roy Par
menter, Geo. Berg, Joe King. Mr. Han
son and Mrs. Irwin, chairman and Mrs
hold Its next meeting st the home of
Mrs. O. M. Baldwin on Saturday, April
Mr. and Mrs. Will Dnmou, of Port
laud are visiting relatives here.
Pete Ktstor, who Injured his ankle
last week Is improving.
J. Gibson, who lias b:en In Port
land for an oculist's care of her little
duughter, Annie, has returned. The
operation hits been perfectly success
ful, and Annie's eyesight Is com
pletely restored.
Will Gibson has been at home from
rnmp on furlough.
Mayor John tavelace hns purchas
ed new Chevrolet car.
Ray Wilcox of Ksttu-adA, has none
to Toledo, Oregon, to take charge of
one of tho spruce camps.
The High School will present their
play on the evening of April 19.
Miss Atle Joyce, of Portland, a
leader In the women's Industrial club
work, gave a lecture at the Family
Theatre Monday evening, Illustrating
her remarks with slide pictures.
The Social and Commerlcal club
at George hns decided to dispense
with the annual George Comumnlty
Fair this year and to expend that
to $1500 and iisuu ana expeci to ouia-u
more when all of the people have been
Fred Zwahlen went to Portland to; visited.
work last Monday. j Next Saturday night. April IS, the
Edwin Botterulller and Walter Lee J Stafford Community club will meet at
and Henry Nelson went to Sandy river i the school house for the election of
snd got some smelt last Saturday. ! new officers tor the next three months.
C H. Bergman went to Oregon City j After the business meeting a short
last week. ' : musscal program will be furnished by
Albert Schleve, from Portland, vis-! the school and club members. All
P-! come.
Misses Iva Borland. Chrlstins Elllg-
Tull on the Women's committee. Those energy for war work during the com-
who have not the ready rash can make
arrangements at tho First National
Bank at Canby for easy terms, where
by they can buy a bond now.
9Snd birthday of Mr. Gibson. An ex-j Miss Elliahetn Marshall, rrom "re-,,, Veva Tedman and Ida Scott clalt-
cellent dinner was served in honor of;gon City, visited her parents. Mr. and ;ed gchool WednM(laVf Aprll 3.
the occasion and all spent a pleasant ; Mrs F. Marshall and family on Easter. of B f. Bnd M-
lime. Those present were: James.Sunday. nt tnnk In the hii-h school nrogram.
Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gibson. William Moehnke. from Oregon City j
Harvey Gibson, H. S. Gibson, Mr. and is helping his brother. David Moehnke. Thursday evening. April.
Mrs. I B. Gibson. Sam Wilson. Lucile j erect the sawmlU. Anumber of Stafford! es at ended
Cooley. Alma Cooley. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mueller, from 'the program at edne-
H. Udell Mrs Nora Reld. Mr. and Mrs.! Aurora, moved on the Kleinsmith place j day night; also the Haxelia program
Guy Wilcox Mrs. Clyde McMurry. snd! last week, which he rented for two received a representation from Staf-
children, Mrs. Mary Gordon. Mr. and j years. (ford. Saturday night.
Mr. ruinor. rva. Ames. Alice and David Moehnke and family, Mr.; Mr. and Mrs. Alsley (nee Susie
Herbert UdelJ. Chester Reid, Raymond ! Arthur Hornschuh and family. Edd;Schatz) visited the Sehats family Sun-
and Alice Wilcox.
The farmers are busy seeding grain
and planting potatoes these days.
Mr. J. Klrchem and Mr. and Mrs.
I Hornschuh, Alvin Hornschuh and fam-; aay.
Ily took a trip to the Sandy river last j Mr3 R w Oldenstadt visited the
! Louis Schaber family Sunday.
GEORGE. Aprll U.-The people of
George gav a Rod Cross dance at
the George club house last Saturday
night, which was largely attended and
everybody had a fine time.
Mr. Chalne, of Portland, visited W.
Lerwllllger over Sunday.
Mrs. Henry Johnson was on the sick
list last week.
Joe Wclderhold has a alek horse.
Ing year,
The Junior Red Cross has lately
received a supply of yarn and other
materials to work with and the mem
bers are very busy now.
One of the C. I. C. committees of
which Mrs. Carrie U Adlx Is chair
man. Is arranging for an old tauten
ed basket soctul to take plaea April
16. at Hotel Kstactulu. Proceeds for
the benefit of the public library.
There will bs all kluds of entertain
ment. James Alva Linn, member of tho
37th Engineers corps of Fort Myers,
Virginia, died from scarlet fever on
March 29. Ills remains arrived here
Saturday and funeral services were
pntrlotisui, services being held nt the
Mithodlst church In the first part of
the day and at five ocloek school
children, bonded by the Hoy Scouts,
had a pnrado on the inutn streets of
our little city. At 7 o'clock, the
Moose bund of Oregon City and sever
at auto limits of people arrived and
after a concert by the band, a line
was formed and nil marched to the
high school auditorium where an ex
cellent proKram was carried out. II.
C. Stephens of Estacada acted as
chairman. The speakers were
George C. Itrownell, of Oregon City,
Sar. Brisk, of Vancouver, John W.
Loder, O. D. Kby and Chris Bchuebel,
all or Oregon City and M. A. Wlllnm
of Portland. The musical part of tho
program. Including the band, consist
ed of the IU bitty lawn Quartette,
and the Oregon City Grammar school
quartette, also vocal solos by Miss
Marie Fredericks, Tho muslo was
greatly enjoyed as wua evidenced by
th continuous applnuso and tho num
ber of t linen the slugers responded to
encores, The auditorium was crowded
to its capacity and when the larg
congregation Joined the band and
sang "America" and the "Slur (Spangl
ed Huiincr," there was patriotism In
the hearts and .voices of Mil. Much ap
preciation wua expressed by the peo
ple over hers for the splendid pro
gram Oregon City people furnished
for the patriotic meeting.
at which (line a hurried check up of
sales showed that Canby hanking
district luul "Gone over tho top,"
Since that time subscriber have
been coining In regularly and from .
present appearances Canity banking
district will double It quota,
All of the 80 solicitors of this dis
trict who were appointed by Chair
man W. Bulr, were instructed to
get busy at sunrise nud 'slay on the
oil" until the desired results were
accomplished. Their excellent work
In their various districts brought the
above gratifying results. Out of the
SO solicitors appointed, not one re-
ftmed to serve or offered an excuse,
All accepted, which showed tit true
American spirit.
iheht frmn tlia Mrtth.i.ltat l,itr,h Mtm.
Mrs Theo. Harder Is now taking )tiy uttvnoon , , oV.look Upv
care of her sister, Mrs. It. Snyder, of; Sl,ej(S offlclatlnK. Interment a
made at Mt. Zlon cemetery at Car-
field. The young man was 23 years
Garfield, who Is confined to her bed
with the mumps.
Among those attending the Red
Cross dance last Saturday were How
ard and Harvey Hunt, formerly of Gar
field, but now of Baker.
C. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kllnk-
Oak Grove
The Canity Red Cross Auxiliary
has completed the following list of
Rod Cross articles within the past two
weeks: Twenty four shirts, 13 suits
pajamas, 23 foot socks, 8 runs, 45
abdominal bandages, 5 arm slings, 3
sweaters, 53 handkerchief, 70 wash
rags. 6 tray clothes, 15 hospital caps.
pair socks.
The Canby Red Cross Auxiliary Is
working on a community service
flag, which will be presented In the
near future.
er. and Mrs. T. Harders. motored to ( Kne for work a week ago. and
Mrs. Christina Klelnsmlth and fam-i M of Cftnb m ere i Troutliale last Tuesday bringing near-"body was shipped to
Claude Sersanous motored out to the My rented a house from J. Coulter ana Llstmg thelr gon and family, during
and the only son of Mrs. Mary L.
Carter, at one time resident of Esta
cada but now of Fulrvlew.
Leamler H. McKluney died of lu-
grippe at Bend. Oregon, where ho had
home of E. Naylor Sunday.
Pearl Keffer bought a Ford car last ; last few day
HAZELIA, April 11. Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Shipley, of Oswego, spent Sun
day with their sister, Mrs. F. W. Leh
man. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Worthlngton
were Canby vistors last Thursday.
Miss Gladys Wanker, who Is doing
stenographic work in Portland, spent
the week-end with her parents.
Misses Marion Eastman. Blanche
T,. n no n n,t 17ji.-ho.-fr rtimsn AttoildoH
a minstrel show given by the WgD Sandj met last Snndny.
school of commerce, Friday evening.
- Several Hazelians attended the play
given at the Willamette high school
last Thursday evening.
The Hazelia Tlterary and Dancing
society held Its regular meetng Satur-
Mr Llewellyn, of Tigardville, re-
Mr. and Mrs Dan Bateman were to - pMs wU, k,nd,y noUce the
Oregon City last Saturday and Ttoited ' g o hour9 of duty.
Mrs. Bateman s aunt. Mrs. Thomas $ tQ n.J0 fc m lstoS:30
whole 80 years of age I Sundays, 6 to 11 a. m. 6 to 9
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bottemiller and , . ' . nulnr ,
son. Edwin. .were in Oregon City lastly be on duty ejcept a the above
week. i
Henry Nelson Is sawing wood for
Clarke Bros.
D. F. Moehnke was In Oregon City
last Monday.
J. Keffer and family and Mr. P. B.
Keffer and family took a trip to the
Quite a tew young people from
Clarkes, attended the dance at Beacon
Heights last Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis
week end at Hillsboro.
spent the
Astoria Spring opens
building activity.
with much
Farm and stock sales a special
ty. See Enterprise for dates or
wire or phone me at my expense
Vancouver, Wash.
Office phone 120. Res. 496-Y.
them, which nearly every family in
George got a meal from them.
Plant Your Seeds With These Machines
This is a machine which does the
work right and at the same time
seil at a price so reasonable that
every potato grower can afford it.
opens the furrow to the proper depth, drops the pota
toes and covers them uniformly. Does not bruise the
potatoes, is easy to operate and above all is reliable.
ly 300 pounds of smelt home with home. Tuesday. The funeral services
were h 'ld Wednesday, afternoon at
the family home. Rev. Sploss official
Inc. Mr. McKlnuey left a widow snd
five children.
Miss Leila C. How and a young
Indy friend from Aurora. Oregon,
visited Miss Howe's parents over the
The plumbing establishment of C.
C. Miller Is closed temporarily as Mr.
Miller has taken a position with the
Cascade Lumber Co., of Doilgo. He
Is at home nights, however,, and will
open th shop for business ut that
Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Wells autoed to
Portland Saturday to meet Mrs.
Well s mother, Mrs. l.Illmrn. of Rose
burg. She was their guest for several
Mrs. W. A. Helyman received word
Tuesday evening that her brother,
Robert L. Lea, had been made a
major In the army at Washington, I).
Mrs. J. W. Farrell, of Portland. wan
a week-end guest at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Bert II. Finch.
At a meeting of the school board
Monday night, thro teachers were
elected for the grade schools. They
are. Mrs..W, A. Itoswell. Miss Leila
WILSONVILLE, April 11. Wilson
ville over-subscribed on the first day
of the Liberty Bond campaign, and Is
still subscribing.
Sherman Seely went to Portland on
Monday, to take part In the cono
given there on Monday evening, by the
Orpheus club.
Chas. Rldder, clerk at H. D. Aden's
store, has accepted a position with the
Pacific Coast Syrup company, of Port
land, and will begin hia new duties on
Monday. .
Mrs. Batalgla went to Portland on
Tuesday to take treatment from her
physician there.
Clifford Murray and family, moved
to Portland on Monday, where Mr.
Murray Is working In the shipyards.
Mr. Chase Is having a well drilled
on hia property, at the corner by J.
Morback ,of Sherwood.
Clyde Baker visited his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Alison Baker, on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graham and
aaugmer neien. ana r-ieanor Hay, n. irwa n,i ... i,.ul ,. ....
went to Sherwood, on Saturday, by of Elitaca,,a. MlM Howe is at present
aU t,Uendt,heCe!ratl0n- v ,, teadlln ncar A""' 'we she has
uc niifluuiiiio ?u v.udo uuiv tic. u ( flh on. d uiu--..uu Vff-u
a silver tea at Its rooms, in the I. OO.
F. building, on Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. M. C. Young and her corps of
women workers helped a great deal
towards sending Wilsonville over the
top, in the Liberty Bond campaign.
Harold Say's parents received a
card on Tuesday, informing them of
his safe arrival over-seas.
Quite a number from this village,
will attend the choral concert to bo
given at Sherwood, on Saturday even
ing, April 13, if the weather is good.
Some of Wllsonvllle's best singers are
taking part In the concert.
Tho Drill with tho
Foot! that CAN'T
Sow Wrong
The Feed that eliminates chance that
sows uniformly under all conditions, guar
anteeing an even stand of grain The
Hoosler Feed can't bow wrong because It is
A Positive Force Feed
The ONLY Feed that sows evenly and con
tinuously as long as there Is grain In the
hopper, other conditions making absolute
ly no difference.
Not only have a Perfect Feed but they are perfect in even the smallest details of construction. Heavy
trussed steel frame insures proper relation of all moving parts. Special heavy wood wheels 'made for
Pacific Coast. Both wheels drive the feed. Balance spring lifts are used on Hoosler Drills larger than
eight disc which make lifting the disc an easy matter.
Send me your Illustrated
printed matter on the
Name ...
The gardens are for the time bo
ins occupying the mind of the ris
ing generation. The fou.r sunshlning
days of the past fortnight have b:;en
improved to the utmost in preparing
the soil for seed.
Much competitive pride Is shown
in thess plots of ground, as the ap
pearance of the patches evidence to
a marked degree. Kven now whan the
ground la simply put in order, the ef
fect is most pleasing.
No more efficient check can be
given to that bane of the rural home
the passion of the children for
town life than Is furnished in the
love of cultivating the soil, and when
united as it now Is with a desire
to aid In the great world strife for
justice and truth, by feeding the
countless bouts who are fighting for
us, a decree of patritolsm must bo
cultivated in the young that will re
main with them through life. No fu
ture Influence will be likely to make
traitors or. even slackers of people
whose childhood has been busied as
that of our boys und girls.
The Red Cross Auxiliary held Its
regular meeting in the Sutherland
building Wednesday, April 3. Two
new members, Mrs. J. Gibson and
Mrs. Ang-.ise fiothenberg, entered
their names and paid their fees, mak
ing the membership number twenty.
The society is planning to give an
ice cream festival on May 11th, ' the
proceeds of which are to be used in
procuring material for making army
and hospital supplies, a considerable
amount of which Is necessary to keep
so many pairs of hands at work.
The Mother's Club is to meet on
Thursday, April 11th, at the home of
its president, Mrs. Jno. Ilepler. The
V. J. WILSON & CO., Oregon City, Oregon
whose parents reside h-;re, is now
attending the California Stute Nor
mal school. Mrs. Hoswell resido at
Estacada and has been substituting
In the Estacada schools for several
months. The high school teachers,
with Supt. Wilson, will nil be re
tained it is understood.
Mrs. Sam Dunlop, of Seattle and
sister, Miss Margaret Standlsh, of
Portland, wera guests at tho R. M.
Standlsh home Saturday night und
Sunday. Mr. Dunlop wag also here
Monday calling on old friends.
Frank Somers of the Y. M. C. A.
at Portland, visited his parents at
Estacada for two or three days last
The local Masonic lodge at this
place enjoyed a pleasant meeting
ihursday night. A special train from
Portland brought out about 90 visit
ing brothers and a candidate was
taken through the third degree. After
the meeting a lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wells of
Portland, were guests ut the Morgan
home at Hotel Estacada, Sunday.
The Tennis Club at this placo has
become active again. At an annual
meeting recently hold nnw officers
were elected as follows: President, A.
L. Lasswll; vice-president, Theodore
Ahlberg; Mrs. E. W. Bartlett was re
elected secretary and It. M. Standlsh
was elected to have charge of the
Mrs. A. K. Morton arrived from
t'oruana 'luesday evening to visit
menus ror a row days. She is the
guest of ths Misses Schrepol.
Anotner old settler of this city
answered to tho last roil call and
passed ot of this life Tuesday even
nlg Clifton II. Sarver of Currlnsvllle,
alter an extended Illness covering
several months, died nt the family
home Tuesday night, surroundt'd by
his faithful wife and children and
otner relatives. Mr. Sarver was first
stricken with paralysis and other
complications hastened his death. He
was 58 years of age, being born In
Virginia. Was a resident of this vicin
ity for over thirty years and was well
and favorably known. A wife and
three children and other relatives
survive. Funeral services were held
from the Christian church in Estacada,
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, in
terment bfilng made In tho Odd Fel
lows cemetery at this place. Walter
Glvens preached the funeral sermon
Estacada went "over the top" the
first day of the Third Liberty Loan
drive. Eastern Clackamas always does
OAK liHOVK, April 10 The Needle
Craft and Domestic science club met
Friday at the home of Mrs. K. C. War
ren. A large number was prenent.
After routine of buslne, Mrs. UtHirgu
Hull gave several pluno selections;
Miss Kstellu Il.iblmrd fuoiod tln club
with two solos by her sweet soprtinu
voice. A very pleasant afternoon wus
spent: by the club. Mm. Hull will en
tertuln the Third of May
The Red Cross Auxiliary meets Men
day and Thurxdny afternoons In Von
burg hall. All Indies are In v It -d.
The Parents-Teacher Association
will meet Friday ut 3; o'clock at the
school hhh inbly room. The annual
election of officers will take phu-e mi
delcKUtes will be elected to tho Annual
Cun;rc8 of Mothers whU b wilt meet lu
Mcdford this coming October. Mrs.
Jon, of Courtney, will read a paper.
The patriotic meeting Monday night
was well attended. W. Cedersou pre
sided. Short itiicuchce was mud i by
K, I). Olds, Mrs. Iilucktnun and other.
The Pledge of Uiyulty league Is bo-
Ui4 circulated, and ev-yone Is asked
to sign thfl snuie.
Oar school has Invent. -u iioQ(0 in
war stamps and liberty bonds.
The play grounds are being Improv
ed und are quit? nn attraction to all
the children In the community.
Remember th motion pictures Fri
day night "Ainasnns" by Marguerite
Mrs. Hurry Hulyntlno and children
of .Volutin, are visiting at the home of
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Allen
W. R. Allen has been on the sick list
for several days, but is now Improving
and able to be out.
Helen lilgbam, daughter of Mrs.
jeorge lUghum, bus te;'ti quite nick
Edith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
.Norberg was operated on in Portlund
Saturday at Dr. Slerberg s office for
adnolds and removal of h r tons..
Although In a weuk condition kIio I
resting easily.
Beatrice , duuehter of Mr, and Mrs.
Robert Cabin, of Silver Springs, Is
seriously ill. Dr. Mount is attending
ineo. worthlngton. Jr.. was home
lust week from I'rlndle. Wash., fur a
rew days.
Miss Inez Hulley, one of the Concord
school teachers, was contlned to her
home with measles for a week. Mrs.
George D Try taught her class. ,
George OkIohIiUi Is home for a few
days with his family.
Evert Worthlngton spent Saturday
night at the homo of his grandmother
Mrs. 0'Hrlon, In Oswego.
Oak Grove community church with
Rev. Young, Pustor. Regular services
Sunday morning by the pastor; Hun
day school at 10 o'clock C. U. Smith,
Sept.; Prayermeetlrig Wednesday
evening; Ladles Aid Wednesday after
noons; .p worth League Sunday even
ing nt 7:.!0 oclock; Cumpflre girls
moist every Friday at the homo of Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Vosburg uve an
evening at home in their nuw homo at
uoier last uiursdny in honor of
leutenant Irish and wife and Mm
cerr or Portland. About forty fv
were presont and a pleasant evonlng
Mr, 8. R, Pott rati, of Macltsburg,
was a Cunby visitor Saturday making
a heavy Investment In Liberty Bonds.
A, D. Grlbble, of Macksburg. chair
man of school district No. 49 In the
Liberty Loan Bond sales, was s Can
by visitor Tuesday,
David Yoder of Needy, who was
prominent In bond sale In that com
munity was In Canby on business Mon
day, Air, nud Mrs. David Dltlard, and
Mr. and Mrs. Blake tempted the
funny feuturo Sunday It Is r 'ported
that they secured a large catch of
''big ones,"
Mr. und Mrs. W, II. Hair. Mrs.
Knight and Mr. and Mrs. II II Ec
cles were Molalla visitors Sunday.
Prof. ('. L. Strong, chairman of the
New Era achmd district, was a Canby
visitor Tu -sday.
Mrs, W. H, Hair was a Portland
ilsitor Wednesday.
Mr. (J. W. White Is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Dun llimnrd. of Portland,
this week.
Canby rltUens are planting their
war gardens." All the vacant lots
will b i put to a practical use. Anyone
who wishes to secure a vacant lot
will apply to Prof. F. M. Roth, who
bus this tuntter In charge.
Dr. Henry A. Dedmnn ha announc
ed himself a a candidate for ro-ol-c.
tlon for state representative. This Is
pleasing news to hi many frl nd In
Canby, a Dr. Dedman la one of our
most prominent rltUena and stands
for the best possible law and gov.
Mr. and Mr. H. H. Kccle
Portland visitors Saturday.
Frank Dodge, who Is employed at
the Portland ahlp yard, spent Sun
day with his family In Canby.
Miss Lillian Wang, of Portland,
who has been a f.iost at the home
of her parents. Mr. and Mr. I If.
Wang, for the past week returned.
Saturday to her homo In Portland.
She was accompanied to her home by
her niece. Miss Kiln Samuclson, who
spent the weekend with her aunt,
Mrs. Conrad Sauncs.
club Is at presrmt working upon art
icles to be sold, eventually, i&r the
benefit of the Red Cross in which ,"8 share and a little more in obllga-
more and more of our people are be-jtiong of this kind. The war saving
coming interested very day,
The Little Girl's 8ewing Circle
met on Saturday, April 6th, and will
and thrift stamp sale went over
$5,000 mark some time ago.
Last Sunday was given over
spent. Mr. and Mrs. Vosbure have
beautiful new home in Wheeler, nlso
uieir piace nere on llallroud ave.
inoy are well Known und Wheeler
can bo proud of them as residents of
ineir city.
A number from th j place attemlivi
the funeral of the lato A. F. Stokes of
uregon city held Tuesday, afternoon
CANDY, April 10 There will ho an
Interesting mentlng at the Canbv
Hand Auditorium Saturday evenlnir.
April Kith, at 8:.'!0 1. M. to listen to
tho Canadian- soldiers, who hnve re
turned from tho buttle flnldu nt
Europe. Sergeant-Major Christy en
listed in the Canadian Volunteers in
l!U4, and -who has soon continuous
active service since that time. He
was wounded eight times. Private
Hurte has also seen active service
and was captured bv the fWm,..,
but escaped to his own lines.
incse vetorans will toll nf ti,
horrors of warfaro from a personal
iMiuwitjuue or tne same.
Everybody Is Invited. Arlmlilual.tn
The Fife and Drum Corps of the
Meadu Post No. 2, G. A. It., pluyod
all yesterday afternoon at tho Lib
erty Temple and added much to the
patriotic spirit of the people of this
city today. The old soldiers played a
number of stirring war tunes, which
brought back to memory tho days of
the Civil Wur. Iirge crowds gathered
about the temple and listen 'd to tho
strains of the old soldiers' fifes and
Decorated with handsomo palms
and flowering plants loaned by the
Oregon City grcen houao, and with
flags waving In the breezes, tho Lib
erty Temple attracts much uttcntlon.
The interior Is prettily furnished, and
a telephone system has boon estab
lished. Among those offorlng their services
for disposing of liberty loan bonds on
Main Street and In tho postonieo
Wednesday were Mrs. Guy Roddick,
Miss Marlon Pickens, Mrs. Cecil
Robey, Miss Dolman and MIhh Loulso
Walker. Each one of these were sue-
cessful In disposing a numb t. While
Miss Pickens was on her way homo
to her lunch at 12 o'clock she sold
$'150 worth of bonds.
Mrs. H. It. Cartlldgo and Mrs. L. L.
Pickens, who are in chargo of the
Liberty Temple, wero assisted Tucb-
day and Wednesday by Mrs. Hugh
rosier ana Mrs. w. .1. Wilson. Those
women, too, have sold many bonds,
will continue their work dally.
The Third Liberty. Loan Tint.,!
sales opened Saturday morning,
April 6th at 9 A. M. with patriotic
spirit. At exactly 9 o'clock's charce
of ten pounds of dynamite was set off
in tne gravel pit, followed by the
ringing of the fire bell accompanied
by the ringing of the bells of the six
euurcnes or uanby and the public
The bank doors were thrown open
we waiting line of bond Durchas-
ers was admitted and the four bond
salesmen were kopt busy until noon
lhe doors of the tctnplo nre oncn at
Wusco county Farmers Union op
pose Non-Partlsan League Mooting
well attondud and resolutions favor
presont form of state government.
American, April 10. American
reinforcements have appeared In
tho British battle zone, says a
dispatch from lirltlsh headquar- 4
tors In France to Renter's Llm-
lted. j
A Bmlnsu rttrtor of earK City
Town snd VUlu , Ottwon &
Wwhlngtua, Riving Umerlptlti
milpplmf FnclUtlfs and s ClnuU
I-a JiL7,c,?rj' wl Buslowa
B. L. rqi-K p co las,
fleaMo, Wa.li.