Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 05, 1918, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Briefs From
All Over the
Upper Garfield.
Carl A. Davis place tu recently told
to Dr. Haynes, now living near Oregon
City, who will soon wore hU family
here. Mr, Davis and family have
moved to Portland, where Mr. Davis
la employed In the shipyard.
Mrs. Julius Markwart received the
nad newa of her mother's death, and
haa just returned home from attending
the funeral In Portland.
Mrs. A. O. Whitcomb haa been home
for a few weeks, and baa rented her
borne to Arthur Davis. She will Join
ber husband in Palo Alto, California,
sometime this week. Mr. Davis Is
leader of the Garfield band.
Miss Myrtle Schuman went to Port
land for the week-end to enjoy the
Boston Grand Opera.
Farmers in this district have beeni
taking advantage of the good weather
for the past few days by putting in
their grain and doing other necessary
work this time of the year.
Tom R. Carter, 'of Log L Barm
having successfully pased an examin
ation and received an appointment as
district forest ranger, haa returned
from Portland, and is now in active
service In that capacity.
Miss Ida Menzes, a school teacher
from Lents, was a week-end visitor
with her friends, Mr. Edward Shearer
and family.
Otto Hoptetter made a business trip Stlf foril
to Oregon City Monday. j Uittuuiu
Several from here joined the home j
guards at Molalla Monday nifiht. STAFFORD, April S.-At de Neul's
J. M. Larkins of Oregon City, vis- hall, Saturday night a group of Jolly
Ued at bla brother'a, A. L. Larkins, young people enjoyed themselves at a
Friday and Saturday. farewell party given to Miss Bernette
There will be literary at Union Mill Johnson.
school house, Saturday , April IS. Miss Davis, of Stafford school, spent
The Warren Baty children are out of j the week-end at her home in Oregon
school on account of the whoopiug ( City, where her mother has been very
cough. Hi
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holman attend-1 Miss Ronde took Easter dinner with
ed Easter services at Molalla, Sunday, the Adolph Delker family, Sunday.
morning. I Mss Christine Elllgsen spent part of
Mr. and Mrs. Peeola and family, of Easter Sunday at naseiia.
Portland, are visiting friends here. The 111 persons of Stafford are slow
P. 0. Chlndgren and family were en-, ly regaining their health. Among said
i few hour looking after his place at
Stafford, on Monday. The Aernl place
here Is for sale, Mr. Aernl's only
"working" son being in class one and
Mr. Aernl being advanced In age so
(hat he can no longer care for the
farm. But who will buy? Others are
also In class one. (Sour looks at this
Juncture to be directed at the Kaiser.)
The following pupils of Stafford
school were neither absent nor tardy
during the past report month: Lena
Elllgsen, Cynthia Mursbaum, Sabla
Murabaum, Weava Mursbaum, Era-
annet Keller, Ruth Elllgsen, Mildred
tertained at Mr. Hull's of Colton, Sunday.
KELSO, April 4. The Kelso Red
Cross auxiliary will meet on Wednes
day Instead of Thursday after this, be
ginning this week.
Mrs. C. A. Slndall recently pur
chased a new Buick Four from R.
convalescents are the Tledeman boys,
Joe Rablc and JUrry and George Elllg
! 8611.
The- local Red Cross chapter will
'meet two days this week Instead of
one; there a an extra amount 01 worn
on hand, In the way of a doien night
The S. S. S. club met at Miss Moser'
where each one, present took part In
a short program. Those present were
Miss Moser, Miss Elllngsen. Miss
Nemec Miss Oldenstadt. Miss Seedl-
Eagle Creek
EAGLE CREEK, April S.-Mr. and
Mrs. Hill are preparing to move near
Eugene, where one of their sons re
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmelster, their
daughter. Miss Myrtle Hoffmelster and
their man, Victor, and Mr. and Mrs.
R. B. Gibson, motored to Oregon City
last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass spent
Easter Sunday at the home of the li
ter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. G.
Mr. and Mra. Walter Douglass made
a trip to Troutdale Saturday after
smelt, securing tour sacks full.
A. N. Orke has rented the Bow place
and bought most of Mr. Hill's stock.
week's work, the auxiliary adjourned
to meet at the same time and place on
Wednesday, April S.
University extension has been
adopted at the Macksburg school.
The boy are to receive instruction
In scientific horticulture from the
prnclpal of the school. Mr, II. Sher
wood. Mrs. Sherwood Is teaching do
mestic science for the girls, sewing
and fruit preserving are tnkng the at
tention of the girls at present. All
Instruction In these branches of ex
tension are given under direction of
the Oregon Agricultural college, and Is
drawn entirely from this source.
Oak Grove
Jonsrud. -
J. F. Thlelcke has bought an Over mg Ml8ses unie and Ruth Moser,
!Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Meeks, Mrs. ram-
HAZELIA. April 3. Little Robert
Eastman is seriously ill with pneu
monia. Mrs. Frank Chllds visited hertister,
Mrs. Fred Lehman, Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Christiansen
and two children, spent Easter with
relatives in Portland.
The Easter services of the Haiella
M. E. Sunday school, were well at
tended. The Sunday school penant,
which, for the past quarter, bas been
held by the banner class, will be
awarded next Sunday to the class win
ning (be greatest number of point The
contest will be held for the coming
quarter, also.
Miss Christine Elllgsen, of Staf
ford, and Miss Marion Eastman and
Dave Long, took dinner Sunday even
ing at the Duncan home.
Frank Whltten. who has been very
ill with pneumonia, is rapidly improv
ing. Thos. McManus, of Oswego, spent
Saturday on his ranch.
land car.
a v It a T mIIi 1 Kihto1 1 .... u .
a uueny iu ,uj to permei and Masters rTanKie aieeitwo weeKs'
planned to ee nem at tne scnooi nuuojgnd Kennetn pamperlne.
soon. Watch for further announce- Bib,e jy wlK De 0D,erved at the
ments. German Baptist church at 2:30 p. m.
Next Saturday the Third Liberty A ghort program be given. All
Loan Drive will begin. Be ready to I lnvlteij
do your share and help this commun
ity go over the top. Every one will be
given a chance to do their bit, and re
member our country comes first now.
Ruth Chlndgren and friend, 'Opal
Haverson, of Monmouth, spent the
week-end with the former's parents,
returning to school Monday.
Lillian Tledeman who is studying In
Portland, spent the week-end with her
mi., Mahol Holms conducted ser-
What will anything else avail us u wejducted 8erTices at the church of God
do nott gain freedom? Sunday.
Mrs. W. A. Barnum. of Mt. Pleasant, i ApHl" tooVa day was wen remem
was a Kelso visitor Saturday. j bpred at stafforj. All ochool children
A number of Kelso people attended were prompUy at gcnooi an hour be
the teacher's institute at Sandy J ore the 9Ual time. In the evening a
report a splendid meeting. j mimber oI pupii8 "fooled" Miss Ronde,
-' I their teacher, In her home. After a
T inn' Olcl Mill !tafry-pull the merry party broke up.
xuiim a viu iixm. Mlgg Llbbla Rablc nas retunied t0
, 1 Portland after a visit to her mother
LINK'S OLD MILL, April 3.-Mrs.jat Stafford
Walton Battlson visited ber parents i B p weddle gave a splendid
in Oregon City during the week. !d,nner Sunday, March 31. In honor of
Mrs. Schneider was called to the,... hIr,h.,. nf her mother. Mrs
home of ber son, Alfred, Tuesday, onjJogepQ Aern of jgan, and formerly
account of the severe illness of their jQ Stafford- After a Monday visit to
aDT- I their olil friends. Mr. and Mrs. Aernl
Mrs. E. L. Evanson leaves Saturday
went home.
morning for Haines, Oregon, to visit MM Edna Aernl of Logan, visited
her daughter, Mrs. rowers. j ner old gchooI mateg at staff0rd school
William sprague, oi roruana. vis-j Monday
BARLOW, April 1 Miss Pearl
Hayes arrived home Sunday from
Bremerton, where she will make a
visit. Miss Maebelle
Young of Portland, is visiting Miss
Miss Theollne Larsen, who Is In poor
health, has resigned .her position In
Portland and will reman at home tor
tho summer.
Carl Brudvlg spent Easter with his
Mrs. Chas. Andrews, of Oregon City,
i . : . . , II T-, , i . u . - t , .. I
visut-u .Ufa. luufswill upmTit.i. j
Mrs, Hattle Crowley returned home
from Newport Saturday where she en
joyed two weeks outing.
Miss Malla Grlndeland, who la stay
ing In Portland came home for Easter.
Miss Kathrlna Johnson came with her.
The four eldest Mallatt children, of
Molalla, visited their grand parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Evans. Sunday. Mr.
Evans returned home with the chil
dren, i
Mrs. Lena Bond Young returned '
OAK GROVE. April S.-Mr. and Mrs.
George Harris are the proud parent
of a little daughter, born March 29.
Mother and baby doing nicely.
J. W. Kimball and family of I tills
boro have purchased the Kendall prop
erty on the river rond and taken pos
The Home Economic club, a depart
nomt of the Milwaukee Oak Grove
Social Service club, will hold a meet
ing at the school assembly room Satur
day at S o'clock. A prominent speak
er will be present.
W, Howltttul, brother of Mrs. J. L.
Vosburg. Is here visiting for a few
day from Wheeler. He is on hi way
to neltlngham, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. E .C. Warren and
daughter, Mr. C. A. Worthlnlgton, and
Mr. and Mr. Bob Mat toon and daugh
ter, Edith motored out to Troutdule
Tuesday afternoon and caught a large
amount of smelt.
A meeting was held at the school
house Monday evening, and a tempor
ary league was formed. Dr. Mllllken
and Superintendent Calavan spoke to
about 35 people. Next Monday night
an American Loyallty league will be
organlicd. All Interested are Invited.
This will bo a permanent branch.
A. G. Kjmlor's sister, Mrs. Walling,
of Sulem, motored to Washougal Sat
urday with her three daughter and
son-in-law. Mr. Creson. also C. How-
land. On the way they stopped hero
and spent the night with A. G. Kinder
and family. Mr. Walllng's brother
Captain Walling, of Washougal, Is
critically III. The party returned home
Mrs. A. G. Kinder and children spent
the forepart of the week at their old
home at Clackamas Height. While
there they cleaned and repaired tho
Mrs. A. 0. Klnder's brother-in-law J.
W. Thompson, Is Improving and has
Mr. and Mr, Fred ltamploii, Jr.,
of Portland, spent the week end with
Mr. and Mr. Haiipton.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kauplseh, of
Portland, spent Hmtdny with Mr. uml
Mrs, J. 0. KAuplsch.
Tho Thrift Stamp and Baby Bond
sale lit Canby are progressing very
The sale In the public schools are
about ItiO.OO per week, and many other
sales are being matb at the bunks
und at tho postofficti.
Mr. and Mr, L. A. Brandos. Mis
Marp.aret, Ray and Albert Brando, of
Portland, wore Canby visitors Sun
day. Robert West, of Woodburn, tin ac
cepted a position as mechanic at the
U. W. White urge.
Mis Catherine Evan, of the Uni
versity of Washington, spnt Easter
vacation with her parent, Mr. and
Mr. Harry B. Evans.
John Eckerson, of Molalla. wus a
Sunday Ktiotit of Mr. and Mr. J. lee
Mr, and Mrs. E. 0. Rolilnson enter
talned at their home Friday evening.
Those present wwr Mrl and Mrs,
Chas, N. Walt, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Kauplseh. Mr. and trs. H, A. Berk-
man. Mr, and Mr. II, n, Kcclos, Mr,
Green and Mr, Green of Aurora. Af
ter .pi-Hiaani evening st card a
sjersnnt luncheon wa served by tht
Mr. und Mr, I.. 0. IUkrn, of Adkln
Mills, wero Canhy visitor Tuesday,
8. J. Vaughn wns an Oregon City
visitor Vedhdy,
Mr. ami Mrs. lirnni wnilo were
lven a pleasant eurorlso imrty on
Tuosdny evening, It bMng their 19th
weddlnf nnnivrsary. Those present
were. Mr. ond Mra. W. It, Biilr. Mr
nd Mrs, II, A. Berkmnn. Mr. and Mr
K. K. llradtl. Mr. and Mm. U. A. DhI
man. Mr. and Mrs, J. 0. Knnplsrh, Mr.
and Mr. I., It. Wang. Mr. and Mr,
It. H. Recle. Mr. and Mr. Cliarle N,
Wall. Mr. Adam It. Knlfht. Mr. 11. B,
Evan and Mr, and Mr. Grant White
After a pleasant evening at card
dainty luncheon was served by the
The Five Hundred Club wa en
tertained Wednesday ewulng at the
honu of Mr. and Mr. H. 11, F.ccle
After an evenng at card a dainty
lunch wa served by the hastes.
Those present were. Mr, and Mr. W.
II. Blair, Mr. and Mr. II, A. llerk
man. Mr. and Mr. Grant Whlt Mr.
and Mr. H. B. Evans, Mr. and Mr.
E. G. Robinson and Mr. and Mr. II.
II. Eodcs.
VirtmA f mm RivtlfnnA WttilnPtiilnv Mlrtft
Myrtle Loreni. who has been Btaying returned home from the Hlllsboro ho.
with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse In Mrs. Bond's P""1- M'- Thompson broke hi. leg
absence returned to her home atl1101 whl18 operating a donkey en-
ited his daughter. Mrs. George Cioss
ner, the first of the week.
Farm and stock sales a special
ty. See Enterprise for dates or
wire or phone me at my expense
Vancouver, Wash.
Office phone 120. Res. 496-Y.
Carl Elllgsen went to Wllsonvllle to
'receive Instructions as to the Third
Liberty Loan. He Is a member of the
committee on the rating board of this
1 district.
Reverend Lucas and family attend
I ed Easter services In Portland Sunday
; evening.
! Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brucke (nee El
' l'en Oldenstadt) vlstled at Dick Olden
stadt's Sunday.
I Mr. Joseph Aernl of Logan, spent a
Walter Vlgles returned home from
Wheeeler Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Spauldlng. of San
Diego, California, are visiting here for
a few days and looking after their
property. They are on their way to
Macksburg Wednesday.
Hjalmer Ertcksonhas enlisted and
will go to Vancouver for a ehort time.
He will then go to Maryland. He will
be in the chemical department and re
ceive a commission.
Cavaru 1 t th aelinnl slt HjI mtl a I A
working hard to get Into the Rainbow ! Sampler to look after their Interest.
division for selling War Saving i10""
Crtmria T1 na asm Anenure va lha ft II. I ll1
zircon a toT; ip Tred
,h. v.i.. the Third Liberty Loan drive In this
ElmeY Irwin took"hls canoe to Ore
gon City Sunday. His father going
1 ..... ttm TKas An.
UUWU IUQ llfCI n HU UIU1. t!j S j - . . t m
joyed the trip. Mr. Irwin returning T,' 7 Tf,, . h , where
L ,v White left this week for Idaho, where
Mr. and Mrs. Bruen and daughter,
Loretta Bpent Easter with Mr. and
C. N. White spent the weekend at
i the home of L. A. Bullard. While here
Plant Your Seeds With These Machines
This is a machine which does the
work right and at the same time
sell at a price so reasonable that
every potato grower can afford it.
opens the furrow to the proper depth, drops the pota
toes and covers them uniformly. Does not bruise the
potatoes, is easy to operate and above all is reliable.
Mrs. Wurfe and daughter, Irene, who
left Monday, for Mount Angel where
she will resume her studies.
CEDARDALE. April 3. Miss Moore
spent Saturday evening at P. O. Chin
gren's visiting Miss Ruth, who is home
for Easter vacaton.
Mrs. J. Fellows Is expected home
this week from Nebraska, where she
was called by the Illness of her mother
who is improvnlg.
Mr. Countryman had the misfortune
to break a wheel of his wagon on Fri
day. His wife was injured at the time
of the accident.
A. M. Cooper's father residing In
Portland died last week.
All have moved their clocks ahead
an hour and will try to hustle a little
I. O. Orem transacted business In
Portland and Oregon City Monday. ,
George Williams and family and
John Comer and wife were In Oregon
City Saturday.
Hugh Comer Is working for Hull
Lumber company at Colton.
his son, Guy, lives.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Allen spent hast-
er Sunday with relative here.
Mr. and Mr. Bill Ccdarson will
spend the week end at Seaside, return
ing home Sunday.
Miss Amanda Oatfleld was married
to Mr. Hart,' of Clifton, at the Benson
hotel In Portand Saturday.
Mrs. Mary McClaln, of Portland,
spent Tuesday with Mrs. Etta Wines.
Church Notes.
Oak Grove Community church. Rev.
Young, pastor. Preaching Sunday
morning by the pastor. II: 15 o'clock.
Epworth league Sunday evening 7:00
o'clock. Ladles Aid, Wednesday af
ternoons. Praymeetlng Wednesday
evening 7:30. The Illustrated lecture
by Mr. Steel, a returned missionary
from Slam, was well attended and ap
preciated by all present.
Tho Drill with tho
Feed that CAN'T
Sow Wrong
The Feed that eliminates chance that
sows uniformly under all conditions, guar
anteeing an even stand of grain The
Hoosler Feed can't bow wrong because It is
A Positive F orce F eeif
The ONLY Feed that sows evenly and con
tinuously as long as there Is grain in the
hopper, other conditions making absolute
ly no difference.
Not only have a Perfect Feed but they are perfect In even the smallest details of construction. Heavy
trussed steel frame insures proper relation of all moving partw Special heavy wood wheels made for
Pacific Coast. Both wheels drive the feed. Balance spring lifts are used on Hoosler Drills larger than
eight &m which make lifting the disc an easy matter.
Send me your illustrated
printed matter on the
Name ...
W. J. WILSON & CO., Oregon City, Oregon
MACKSBURG, April 3. Beautiful
and beatific as the sacred event we
celebrate on this day broke the morn
ing of Easter, 1018. Not one of the
places of worship In our community
wag neglected. Forenoon service was
conducted by Rev. Lucas in the Luth
eran church. The Lutheran Sunday
school was held In the Eby school
house at 8 a. m., leaving the later
house free for attendance elsewhere.
The Mlnnonite congregation went to
the Zion tabernacle for their Easter
The ranch housewives find more
than ever to occupy their time for,
added to the usual rush of spring
dutes is the Red Cross work, but they
are proving the truth of the time-honored
adage "Where there's a will
there's a way" by taking a day in each
week for this beneficent purpose with
out allowing any neglect to appear
In their homes.
The Red Cross auxiliary held Its
PAfrnlni waallv mnAMnir nn A7eln0a. '
day, March 27th, in the Lutheran build
ing. Thirteen members were present
The chief topic for the day was "Bel
gian Relief," though miich work was
done on surgical linen. The assembly
being called to order for the business
of the m day. A vote of thanks was
unanimously given to George Suther
land for giving the auxiliary the use
of his building. .
p A similar acknowledgment was tend
ered to Abe Hepler for supplying fuel
for the meetings.
Mrs. Augusta Rotheuberg was ad
mitted to membership.
After deputizing the secretary to ob-
CANI1Y, OH., April 4. Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph C. Knight, of Portland, were
week-end guests of MTh. Annie Knight
and of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hair.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant White, Mr. and
Miller, students of the Oregon State
Normal, spent tho 'Easter vacation
with their parents In Canby.
Mr. nad Mrs. Grant White, Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Eccles and Grace Bullock
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clcorgo
Bullock, of Obwcro Sunday evening.
Don't forget the big Liberty Loan
meeting at Canby Hand Hall Thurs
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bradtl ure mak
ing nady to move to their recently
purchased farm at Ilito between Hub
bard and Aurora, where Mr. llradtl
is extensively engaged In farmlngl
Their Canby home has been leased to
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A Beckman
George Bullock, of OBwego, was a
Sunday guest of his sister, Mrs. H. H
Eccles. While in Cunby Mr. Bullock
purchased a Saxon Six auto from lha
0. W, White Garage.
Mrs, Nora Gard Millor and daugh
ter, Miss Gladys, spent the woek end
at the Millor farm near Holt.
Miss Lorraine Leo, of Portland,
spent Easter vacation with relatives In
Mrs. Lolah Tucker, of Macksburg,
was a Canby visitor Saturday.
Wtllam Hulras of Or?gon City, spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr. und Mrs
Charles Hulras.
Oscar Sanncs, who recently moved
to Portland, and Is working In the
shipyards at that place, spent Sun
day In Canby.
Mra. J. W. Saddlar, of Aurora, was
a Canby visitor Thursday.
J. H. Brosig, of Scotts Mills, wus a
Canby business visitor this week, pur
chasing a new Ford.
Miss Stella Sandsness has return
ed from Hood River, where sho has
bean staying with Mr, and Mrs, Elroy
Mrs. Eva Burns Hanson spent Sun
day with her parents In Albany,
Miss Violette Evans, of Portland
was a guest at tho Balr home during
WILSOWILLR. . April i Fay
Seeley, 1 In the Rainbow regiment,
of the W. 8. 8.
Mary Anna Brolt. who I uttendlng
Reed College. pent the week-end. at
home, and helped materially with the
Easter music on Sunday, at the M. E.
Mrs, Snyder, of Portland, i visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mr. Ed.
Mtsse Christina and Mentis Biital-
glu spnt Easter time at the home
of their parents,
Mra. Ruby Huker Spencer I spend
lug a fow weeks with her parents, Mr
and Mrs. Alison Baker. -
The busket social und program at
Corral Creek school, on Saturday
evening wa a splendid success, and
JiS.35 wa realized from tho sale of
hakts and grab. The Washco
Lumber Co., located near hero, donut
ed a large ham to he cold at auction
to the highest bidder, which wa
greatly appreciated nud helped mater
ially to awell the funds, tho ham be
ing sold to our popular village nier
chant, It. I). Aden, at a good figure.
A delegation of memo t from the
M. K. church, of our village, attend
ea the conference, at Oregon City
this week.
An 'entertainment made up of the
county's best talent will he given in
Wllsonvllle, In tho Interest of tho
Liberty Bonds.
The Easter service held at the M.
E. church on last Sunday morning
wa a splendid one, and tho music
rendered by the choir wa excellent.
Sherman Seely sang sweetly, "The
Promise of Life," and Mary Anna
Brobst presided nt the organ.
A committee meeting n tho interost
or me Mbarty Loan drive was held
at the bank on Saturday afternoon,
March 30th. The ladles on the com
mittee are Mrs. M. C. Young, chair
man; Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Norrls nnd
Mrs. Reed Graham "und others.
Mr. Davidson, of Muldrum, i suffer
ing from a severe stroke of paralysis,
Her ootullllou Is considered critical.
A cablegram cams from Denmark
to A. Byron, our well known nursery
man, telling of the death of hi father,
who had reached the sue of 83 year.
Mr, itamaga and daughter, who
recently came hers from Nowlinrg,
have decided lo remove to Gladstone.
Mr. Ki'sumo and family of Portland,
have leasad Mr. Rice's collage eat
of car line, and came on April lit to
make their home for a year.
While Mr. nnd Mr, Ed Roetha and
family were attending church ser
vice In Portland on Sunday their auto
mobile wa stolen. Up to thl lime
no clew ha boon found.
Going More spent Sunday In Jef
ferson county.
Mr. and Mr. Bchwenk autoed up
tho Sandy, where the smelt were run
ning In large quantities and they
brought horns a large grain bag of the
flsh, which many of their friends
shared In enjoying them.
Mr. Marlon Dunwald, of Cashton.
Wisconsin arrive on Thursday to
spend the lummor with her uncle,
Hugh Robert.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Hayln, of Alrllo.
Oregon, spent tho Easter week-end
wth their brother, C. P, Moras, Other
guest at tho homo of Mr .and Mr,
Morse were Mr. Flora Thoma of Ho
stile, and Mr. and Mr, Dill of Portland,
W, I. llllnestone I chairman of thl
school district of tho Third Liberty
Loan drive. A each county ha It
quota to raise let tho reildenU buy In
this district and help Clackama coun
ty raise It full amount. Others sa
tiating Mr. Blnestone are to be chosen
during tho week.
Mcsdumn Bertha Hart, C. C. Hole,
Edith TrttNcott and Itchard mot at
Oak Gov an Mouday to receive In
duction In their part of tho drive.
Luncheon wa served at noon by Oak
Grove ladle.
The church committee and board of
trustee havo decided to discontinue
church service during ths ummr
month and on Setcmber 1, Rev.
Hotchkls of Buy Center, Wash , will
take up tho work.
Mr. and Mr. Bllnnstono and Mr.
Allen enjoyed an auto trip up tho
Sandy river, and report that largo
crowd were there, and all sort of net
were used and large number of fish
wore taken homo.
There wll be abaskct torlal at (ho
church on April 12th. Tho basket will
bo auctioned off at 7 p. in., and after
tho dinner hour a short program will
be given. Ice crenin will bo offered
for sale and ths proceed are for tho
benefit of the community church.
Wilbur, ton of Mr. and Mr. Goorgo
Gardner I tho latest victim of the
Miss Constance Nolta. of Portland.
enjoyed a few Easier holiday with
her parent at thl place.
Elk Prairie
tain material from ' Red Cross head
quarters in Oregon City for the next I tho Easter holidays.
Jennings Lodge
JENNINGS LODGE, April 3.-Beau-
tlful and Impressive were the Easter
exercses at tho Grace church on Sun
day morning. The Plaster lilies com
bined with jonquils and daffodils lent
their fragrance and mingled with the
green made the decorations very at
tractive. The following Is the pro
gram: The school singing "All Hall
the Power of Jesus Name," followed
by prayer by Frarfk Tucker. The Boy
Scouts giving Luke 24 as a Bible
reading. Bosslo Traut gave a solo
the members of the Subbath school
joining the chorus. Botty Hole gave
her first recitation. A song, "Gathor
the Llllles" by Dorothy Jacobs. Grace
Traut and Merle Deter; dialogue, East
er morning, Elaine Bechtel and George
Card; exercises by Infant class; reci
tation, Halmor Roberta.; duet and
chorus, Gertrude Konnedy, Gladys
Caldwell, Edith Caldwell and Bessie
Traut; exorcises by Helen Wolta,
Joanotte Roberts, Flora Alice Mowe,
Audry Tillman and Virginia Card;
jong, "Joyful Morning" Mary Belling
er, Rex Bechtel, Merle Caldwell,
Claudlne Fox and Elaine Bechtel:
recitation, "Eastqr Eggs," Mary Rob
ertson; song, "Praise His Name,"
Oudia Deter, Ruth Cook, Ruth Trus-
cott, Elva Eades, Vera Glass and Mrs.
A. B. Smith; exercises by five boys,
"Who Arose On Easter Daay," Junior
Hole, Wilbur Traut, Clayton Card,
Theodore Bechtel, Charles Holloway;
duet, Mrs. Smith and W. J. Bllne
stone; recitation, Mary Bellinger;
"prayer song," Sarah Holloway, Janet
Booth and Flora Alice Morse. Clos
lng remarks by Mr. Woodham,
Doxology, school.
In tho evening Rev. WHHard Rouse,
of Portland, delivered' a Bormon with
special music by the choir.
ELK, PRAIRIE, April 3.-Thl, tho
western edgo of Clackama county ha
been granted a very much needed
school. It is reported that a land
owner ha written that If the spot de
sired for a school site, prove to be on
hi property, he will donate the land
for that purpose. It I not known yet,
whether tho peoplo In Marlon county,
who wanted to Join 'this district, have
been grantod that privilege, a there
was a protest. While tho new district
can bo formed without them, the coun
ty 1 so mountainous thaat It I tho
only Just method of schooling for ther
"Dreamer" feel that they have not
dreamed In vain concerning tho future
of thl part of the country. It I now
reported, that if the privilege of float
ing log down Bulto creek la granted,
that a new aw mill will be built at
Scotts Mills. Thl will makes one more
Industry, and a large one, to attract a
railroad to Scott Mill.
Spring weather ha reached tho top
of the hill. Mr. Thoma I planting
h early potatoes. Mr. Hilton nt the
foot of the hill planted his several
day ago.
Recently those at the Badger home
stead enjoyed the novelty of looking
down on tho tops of three rain bow
in one day.
The Hilton boy caught a J'bob" cat
a few day ago. It I expected that
tho bear will soon be with us again.
Henry Kruger ha returned from tho
valley where he spent several day In
a hospital. Mr. Kruger cut his leg on
a snag, last rail and ho suffered with
the wound ever since.
Ora Thqmaa, of Scotts Mill .recent
ly purchased the Comer place. He ex
pects to raise goats.
Mr, Zooler is preparing to build a
large modern residence acros the
road from the Maple Grove school
house. He has cleared fifteen acres
of wood land for agricultural purposes.
Elmer Swope has recently remod
eled his saw, and has contracted to
furnish all tho material that ho can for
the government ooroplano.
Washington, April 3. For the 8
'? present nt lsnst, the pnss will
? not bo furnished with lists of S
S amialtles among the American $
troops In France. 4
3 .
Washington, Aphll 1. Dlroc- 4
S tor McAdoo will fix, a limit for
salaries of railroad officials and $
require the railroads which wltih 4
J to exceed It to make up the d If- $
ference out of tholr own pockets. 3
S WASHINGTON, April . .1.
Six great German-owned New
Jersey woolen mills, with a to- 3
tal valuation of more than 870,-
4 000,000, havo boen taken over
by. the enemy alien property