OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1918. 'ape 1 J 1 Newsy Briefs From All Over the County Macksburg MACKSBURG. March 58. The Red Cross auxiliary held Its regular week ly meeting In the Lutherland building. Wednesday, March 20. The request to take the time for Bel gian relief work through promptly acted upon did not wholly suspend the hospital supply Industry, for while tak ing mental Inventory of the home wardrobe and linen press to see what might be spared therefrom. All were busy cutting and arranging surgical linen for our wounded soldiers in France. Not In van was the bo-tsehold rum mage carried on. Many a housewife who at first thought she had noth ing to spare mustered large and val uable package of clothing before reaching the week's end and gave an interesting talk upon the , Stflf fonl conservation of food, the war saving, stamp and Thrift stamp questions.) ' mUin his remarks with the serious I STAFFORD. March 28-The Ladies' side of the war and kept all chee'rful Sewing circle met Thursday at Mrs. and smiling. The program was mostly ; Nemec's where they enjoyed a pleas patriotic and enjoved by all. Mr. For-'nt afternoon. A fine luncheon, and a good entertained the audience with! Job at trying a comforter for Miss several selections on the phonograph ! Beckman were among the feautres. Miss Irene Wurfel returned homei La grippe and pneumonia are the from Newport Saturday, looking and ' fashion here. Joe Rablc Is very 111 feeling Improved in health. 'with the latter. Harry Elligsen Is suf- Mrs. King Is very .ill again and the fering from the grippe or apendicitis. children have all been sent for. j The Red Cross meeting was held as Harold Sage has employment in the; uaUal in de Neui's hall, where the paper mills ' in Oregon City. Harold j workers collected a goodly amount of is learning the machinists trade. 1 0l.i clothes Tor tte Belgians. In spare Robert Trenmagne's cousin of Ore,tme thev made hospital shirts. Mr. gon City, visited him Saturday and Thomas took said contributions to the Sunday and attended thebasket social jjed Cross rooms in Oregon City. Miss Lulu Larson came up from Stafford school sent the superintend- Portland to attend the basket social. ent a bundle of dish towels for the More Interest is being manifested In ' -boys" via Red Cross. The children Have responded reaayne war saving stamps, mere Being j A bunch of staffortUte8 atwi,.iwt the fly to this call, their sympathies being eighty. three stamps or $34112 worth ; HaleIla Tjterary society program Sat easily arroused by recital of the of the war saving stamps sold at theju . n, h, gm, reports nn Merest wrongs done the little Belgians in tak- postoffice Tuesday. Mr. Wurfel andj. ,tm. . - ...... !-- . W ....... ,.ri. i. ,.v 1 k,nl ing away luetr Hinvra iuu urauuj hir i uib I'uiuuii't; arc uoiu tailzies uc( their homes. stamps also thrift staihps and both! self, Reside-- continuous and sever earache on both aides. Eagle Creek KAGLK CREEK. March 2S.Wal ter Douglass made a successful W. S. 8. and thrift stamp drive in District No. 60, the latter part of last week getting 1150.15. The garments gathered In this neighborhood for the eltlglaus were taken to the Eagle Creek church last Thursday afternoon by Mr. Rosa Baker and Mrs. R, B. Gibson. Mr. anad Mr. Uay Woodle were Ea tacada visitors Thursday. Clarkes Ing a few day Tlsltlng frleuda In CLARKES. March 2S.-Tho second quarterly meeting of the Viola charge will be held at Clarkes, Sunday. March 31, in the English church. There will be meeting forenoon and afternoon with a basket dinner at noon. Dr. Ford, district superintendent, will have charge of the service. 11. A. Bris tol, pastor. Mrs. John Hepln assumed the task parties will gladly sell the stamps to Miss Vera Tiedman and brother, visited their sister, Mrs, Otto Pamper- of getting hte Belgian supplies to their j whoever will purchase and please destination on Saturday Red Cross work is to be resumed at its accustomed time and place on Wed nesday, March 27. The Mother's club is to meet at the home of its secretary, Mrs. G. M. Baldwin, In the present week. Children are planning their war eardens with an avidity that promises well not only for the home supply of j garden vegetables, but also for the wherewith to purchase thrift stamps, the desire for which is taking posses sion of the rising generation more and more every day. The measles which have been caus ing something of a panic in e Macksburg school district are o fan unusually mild type, and seem to have subsided, now as most of the children afficted with the aallment are con sidered ready for school again. Mrs. Maude Spencer, of Tacoma, with her two small children, is visiting her father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nebo. Mrs. Rex BisselL of Portland, came in her auto, last week for a visit to her former hme in our place. Mrs. J. Gibson Is In Portland visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Ed Burgin and Mrs. Nettie Vogel. I in. Sunday. unwver win purcuase anu pieust buy your stamps at home so that Bar-! Sunday. March 54, Charles Freniel low will get credit for some. Lets 1 Kv a splendid dinner in honor of his make a good howing. ' brother, Adolph Freniel. The entire Mone yis being raised for the erec- Freniel family of Stafford was well tion of a service flag for our boys who : represented. Adolph Freniel is called have gone from here. The boys are! to service and after 2 p. m. Thursday, serving us let us honor them wee bit"! March 2S, he will be Uncle Sam's man. All who wish to contribute can leave) The Stafford club will greatly miss their mite at the postoffice. (Mr. Freniel. At their last program he j favored all with a pleasing trombone ' " I solo. GeOTffe I Miss Adolina Freniel left Stafford jfor Portland Tuesday, where she will work. j Miss Davis spent the weekend In ! Oregon City. Some one else spent the ! week-end in tears. Guess who he Is? I A most successful charivari was Twilight TWILIGHT. March 2S.Mrs. Swlck has returned home from Portland where tdie has been staying with her daughter. Mr. anad Mrs. KUIon Swiuk were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scheer Monday evening. Pearl. John and Mr Scheer were vis iting relatives In St. Johns and Port land Tuesday. Herman Scheer and famlftvand Mrs. Minnie Scheer departed for Wyoming Tuesday night. Hazelia Barlow BARLOW. March 28. The basket social and entertainment given by Miss Perce and her school Saturdey evening was a decided success and $47.10 was received from the sale of the baskets and lunch. Mr. Wurfel kindly donated his services as auc tioneer and kept the boys intesested In the bidding, running the baskets to a good price. Mr. Vedder was .present GEORGE. March 2S. The George Sewing club met at the home of Mrs. Joyners Thursday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. M. Doryland, March 15, a son. jneld ;,iarcjj jg, around and in the Mr. and Mrs. H. Klinker and Mr. home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. (Newly) and Mrs. C. Johnson, were Sunday '-, Weddle. dinner guests at the home of Mr. andj Mr. Gould who has been at the Mrs. H. Johnson. Woodman sanitorium in Colorado, has Irene Paulsen, who has been work-j returned and Is now at Mr. Thomas', ing In Portland, spent the week-end; we are sorry to hear that his daughter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Paul- j in Portland Is very low. sen of George. j Miss Libby Rablc Is now home aid- Peter Ruhl and Ed Harders motored ine her mother In the care of her to Portland Monday. The dance given by the George In- brother, Joe Rabia. Mrs. Gage Is in St. Helens, Oregon, dustrial club at the George club hall , visiting her son and family. last Friday evening was a complete; Mr. and Mrs. B. Wilke attended the success. ' party Sunday, given In honor of John Mr. and Mrs. W. Held transacted ; Kaiser, of Mountain Road, business in Estacada last Saturday. Miss Florence Knight, daughter of minister of Woodburn. visited 1 maay uiue riiib ui .jiauv.vi uu...,q ! week-end. She spent the night with 'Lena and Ruth Elligsen. i Notice! Don't be an April Phule! (Turn your clock ahead one hour next ' Sunday night and get up in time Mon- iday morning. April 1. This means jyou. Get it? Well, keep it. j George Oldenstadt has been hearing , an manner oi nne mings auuui mm Auctioneer E. H. WRIGHT laity, etaoln trolJmgissa akin Farm and stock sales a special ty. See Enterprise for dates or wire or phone tne at my expense Vancouver, Wash. Office phone 120. Res. 496-Y. Plant Your Seeds With These Machines KEYSTONE PATATO PLANTER This is a machine which does the work right and at the same time sell at a price so reasonable that every potato grower can afford it. opens the furrow to the proper depth, drops the pota toes and covers them uniformly. Does not bruise the potatoes, is easy to operate and above all is reliable. mmwMw - i wm. j m The KEYSTONE HAZELIA. March 2S.--Mr. and Mrs. Christiansen, and two children Evan geline and Duncan, recently from North Dakota have movett onto the "Rock Bottom Farm," In Haielia. Herbert Duncan has begun work In the new McKarland garage in Oregon City. Frank E. Whltten is quite ill at the present date. The Haielia Literary and Debating society held its regular meeting at the school house, last Saturday evening. After the buslnesss meeting and a question box, the members spent a very enjoyable social evening. At the next meeting the question "Resolved that the Government should control and operate the railroads after the war" will be debated. Lucille Duncan and William Kroll are the opposing leaders, and a lively, interesting de bate is anticipated. The Hazella Methodist Episcopal Sunday school will hold the Easter services at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, after which Rev. Royston will deliver his Easter sermon. Miss Nellie Nelson spent Saturday and Sunday wrtfc-Mlss Marlon East man, at Maple Knoll farm. The Haiella-Scwlng circle met last Thursday with Mrs. John Wanker, of Tualatin Meadows. A motion was nassed that the- circle meet once a month instead of every two weeks. The next meeting- will be four weeks from last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Will Wanker, Lena Lehman,! Carton Eastman, Duncan Christlattson. and William Knoll were entertained Sunday after noon at the home of Henry Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Max McMahan and lit tle sons, Jack and Clarke, of Portland, spent the wiy k-end with relatives In this vicinity. i few daya with her parents near Bea ver Creek, M. K. Cavlmry, of Spokane, Wash ington,, A. W, Carbary, of Pasco Washington, brothers of Mrs, Chester A. Will, were In Cunby this week. Mrs. Arthur Knight, of M'olallii, was a guest of her sister, Mrs. lr, Dillurd Friday. Miss Catherine Evans, who is a student at University of Washington, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Evans. Mrs. K. II, Bowman has been spend- Portland. The following pupil of Canby Grammar schools have neither been absent nor tardy during month ending March 24ih. 1918: Seventh and jluUth grades, II, H Eccles principal: Dorma Haines, Marlon Porter, Violet Lodford, Klea uor Lent, Wilson Uuiner, Nornmn Lee, Lorena Horning, Queen Soott, JUd. Mort lines; I,ie, Cluirtes Hute Howard Heln, Ella Samuelson, Kpsle Catherine Heln, Champ vnughn, Leon ard llulras, Chris Kraft, Fifth und sixth grades, John H.iaton teacher: 1 1 nice Bullock, Judith Nel son, Leola Lee, KilllU Earls. Otto Schmtd, Albert IUh Ashel Mack, Uay Lee, (Vrwln Heln, Ernest Kraft. Ivuu Haines, Robert' McCliire, Wenloy Mitts, Verner Arneson, Dorothy Kv ansc. Third and fourth grades, Mrs. Eva Burns Hanseu teacher: Mildred tlutlies. Gladys Hosier. Ross Rider, Fred Earls, Leonard Newstrom, Ed ward McCture, Donald Stuuitn. Virgil Giger. Hay Hess, Neat Haines. Zethi Ui Blanche Kendull, Alelta Draper, Edwin Robinson. Hugo Schuebel, Mil ton McQuoNtion, Leonard Hoe. Mitch ell Slyter. Second and third grades. Nona Aus tin, teacher: Ella Leach, Ivan Ar nesou. (Sertrude Recce. Ralph Earls, Earl Fauver, George Ml kelson. Keith Mack. Liuinmee Tuft, Loreti Fauver. Mildred Lee, lioy Tuft, Una Stefunl. First grade. Francis Potter, teach er: Violet Fuuver, Beaufort Knight, Eur! McQuestlon, Loe Rider. Merrll Roth, Buckley Vaughn. John Htefunl Mr. lloduos has returned from a trip to Hood River. Bosslii Roberts Is spending a few days with Miss Doris Palutou, of Vancouver. Estacada Wilsonville Jennings Lodge Mulino Tho Drill with tho r iikm mttmsm Sow Wrong The Feed that eliminates chance that sows uniformly under all conditions, guar anteeing an even stand of grain The Hoosler Feed can't sow wrong because It la A Positive Force Feed The ONLY Feed that bows evenly and con tinuously as long as there Is grain in the hopper, other conditions making absolute ly no difference. ' HOOBIER DRILLS 1 T?m if 1 MULINO, March 28. Mrs. Stewart, of Macksbirg. was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Bert Wallace, last week. Miss Rose Klar, of Oak Grove, was the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Wallace-Dozler last week. Milton Williams, of Colton, Is vis iting his slater, Mrs. August Erlckson. August Erlckson is building a new garage. Mrs. Archie Davis spent last Thurs day with Miss Anna Jepson and her mother. Mrs. Howes called on Mrs. Sam Hol- stein last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Inez Larklhs was an Oregon City visitor Inst Thursday. Robert Snodgrass was an Oregon City visitor last tSaturday. Miss Anna Jepson and Mrs. Ed Berdlne were visitors at the Schuebel home last Monday. John Harding's1 and family, are go ing to move Into the Haines house. Measles are here in Mulino. School Is closed on account of them. Charles Haines' and family are go Ing to move to Portland. Torn Taylor and family will move to Oregon City. , Mr. and Mrs. Barney Freldrlch, of We have been requested to cored an error in last week's Items In re gard to voting on the new addition to our school. It should have read that fifty four were agrlnst the new addi tion, while five w.ro in favor of the Improvement, which is very much needed, as there are new p-.iplls ar riving, and there era no vacant souls. A very delightful affulr or Friday was a pretty shower tendered Mrs. C. R. Holloway, when a number of Port land mutrons surprised her, coming out by antes and bringing Hi lr lunch es. At 1:30 the visitors sat down to the prettily appointed luncheun table, where covers were laid for Mesdam.'S B. M. Satterflcld, R. K. Morse, W. B. Green, O. P. Blssell. O. -M. Btttner, H. M. Blsssll. W. B. Ward. E. A. Pear son. M. M. Reum and C. It. Holloway. The Joe Peterson family has decid ed to locate on an apple orchard and are leaving on Thursday for Hood River. Mr. Charles Grinwald of Souttle. Is visiting his niece, Mrs. John Jennings Miss Esther Campbell kindly donat ed the use of her auto to carry the clothing to Portland headquarter which was donated to the Belgian und Armenian Biiffcrers. Rev. Wlllard Rouse, who Is active In Y. M. C. A. work, spoke at the church on Sunday evening. Harry Holloway. of the 3C:i Ambu lance Corps, stationed at Camp Lewis tor the paHt six months, spent Sunday i with his brothf-r. C. R. Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tlbbctts, and Mrs. Bontrop spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. John Jennings. Mrs. M. A. Shaver, who has been confined to her home for some two wet-ks, Is Improving. Mr. Jack Johnson, and wife, have returned to Corvallls. The Johnson family is storing their household goods in Portland and are offering their property for sale. M1h Lnttin Johnson spent tho week in Oregon City, the g.icst of her schoolmates. The anti-liberty measles are quite prevalent In our community. Sixteen pupils are unabla to bo In school. Mrs. Albert Pierce and Teddy have spent several days In Vancouver, the guests of Mrs. Hugh Fleming. Mrs. J. E. Hutchinson, of Dayton, Ohio, Is enjoying a visit with her brother, Frank Tucker. Mrs. Hutch iriBou visited many places of interest In California before arriving at her brother s home. Carey Deter, DeWitt Campbell and Glen Rusiiell accompanied Portland frlneds on a trip up Larch mountain on Sunday Despite the Inclement weather a number of autos bringing fishermen came early Sunday morning. No re ports came of any of the Royal Chin ook being caught Thomas Ilayburn and wife cams down from the Intake Saturday B;:d went to Oregon City to visit friends until Monday, Mr. Ray burn has charge of the Oregon City pipe Ihie up the North Fork of the Clucknmas, N. S. Laury returned Saturday front a week's business visit In tho soul horn part of the state. Charles Dubolse w here over the Sabbath to visit his family, Mr. Du bolse has charge of n large saw mill near Cunby. Mr. and Mr. R. J. Doming returned from Seattle for a couple of weeks. Mrs. M. T, O'Counell and little son. Jamto, of WlnliM'k, Wash., were guest at the homo of W. A. Heylman for two or three days lust week. S. P. Waterbury, formerly of Kstn enda, but now of HootPRIver, hus been In KHtucmhi, this week, visiting old friends mid relatives. Sunday whs Miss Bertha lllllmun' birthday snd to properly celebrate tho event she had a house party. Those present were Misses and Mildred Jonee, of Amity, Oregon, Alila Nash of Salem and Alice Wright, of Port land. The young ladles were nil school friends of Miss Htllman. nml they mad the occasion a happy one, Mm. 8. J. Sturgeon returned Mon day from n week' visit with relative at Tillamook. Miss Mary Burdan, of Portland, was a guest t the Dr. Morse home lust Sunday. Mrs. A. L. I.uhbwoII left on Wednes day morning for The Dallas, where she will visit relatives and friends for about ten days. At a regular meeting of the C, I. C. Tuesday afternoon, a motion was made and carried for the purchase of an electric vacuum cleaner which will be rented out for f 1 a day to all who cure Mr. Charles Reschen, of Salem. Is to use It. a guest at the home of her brother, J. C. llllliimn. The Tuwnsend family Is quarantined for measles, the patient being Mrs. lua Woods' little boy. Charlie Sparks, who hn been head clerk at the East Clackamas Supply company store for two or three years, will leave Wednesday for Portland where he has accepted a lucrative po sition In a retail grocery store. The family will follow oou. The best wishes of a host of friend go with them. The railroad company ha built a pier on Zobrlst street, south of the Estacada Lumber yard, for the accom modation of the lumber men. Miss Dora Currln I home thl week from the stale university at Eugene. Walter Given Is now the regular pastor of the Christian church at Kent. Oregon, going over on Saturday and returning Monduy. Everybody enjoyed the "Tom Thumb" wedding Tuesday night. Miss Myrtle Clark, of Iis Angeles, directed the play and furnished the costumes while Mr. A. J. Lnsswcll looked after tho musical part of tho program There were about forty children who took part and with the few rehearsal which they had, did remarkably well. LltLle Edna Helple was the ' bride"; Floyd Marchbank, "bridegroom." Wil lie Mi-Wllll best man, while "Taddie' Dubolse was the officii)! bridesmaid Howard (livens was the minister, who ncrformed the ceremony and If he keeps on having practice will soon do velop as great a talent a his father to officiate In this capacity. The grand parents of both "bride" and ' bride groom took quite active parts ana sang some songs which added to the entertainment. Miss Johannuh Llch thorn, aunt of the bride, also contrl buted some musical numbers. Howard Given and Ival Kirk were ushers and very gallant. Taking It all together the entertainment was excellent and appreciated. Proceeds amounted to narly $50, a per cent of which goes to the C. I. C. for the benefit of the library. WILRONVILLR, Mart 2H.-J1 P. Hurtles has purchased yarn and will knit tor the Red Cross. Mr, S. J, France of Baker, 1 visit ing relatives in thl vicinity. There was a committee meeting of the Liberty Loan member, on Mon day afternoon at the local bank, at which t.mo nearly all of the member were In attendance, and are prepar ing to "go over the top," with thl pint of tho county' share. Mr, Gun- lei, iif the Farmer' Bunk I In charge, and I upported by a willing band of men nnd women, who will make a house (o bouse canvass lu the nterest of the bond, Corral Creek Mother' club will give a basket social on Saturday evening, March loth, at R o'clock, at their school house, at which time baskets of lunch will be sold to the hlghet bidder, ami, the proceed divided with the Red Cross. A splendid program I being prepared, and Wllsonvllln resi dents him urged to attend, bring a bas ket and help out a Rood cause. Grab at Wo each will bn sold and the money from grab given to the Junior Red Cross. The Wfllsonvtlle Commercial club hu Installed six electric light along the Main Ktreel of the village, and will maintain (hi system of service at the expense of the club, which In a commeiiduble action nnd will be much appreciated by nil residents and those who travel our way. There will be a special Easter ser vlce held In the M. K. church, at 11 o'clock on Sunday morning, March .11. at which time everyone I cordially Invited to attend. There will be ap propriate music by the church choir. Clark CLARKES, March 28. Mr, David Moehnko I visiting her grandmother, of Salem, for a short time. Arthur llornschuh bought a Dodge cor last week. Pearl Keffer and family moved lo Clake where he I employed by D. F, Moehnko in the sawmill, Mr. W, I!. Wettlaufer wn called to Everett, Washington, lust week on ac count of the hoaltth of her father. J. and Pearl Keffer and John Bun) hauled the engine and boiler from Ore gon City for D. Moehnko Inst Sun day. Kuicne Klelnsmlth bought a Ford roadster lust week. Grover Fredrleh from Molalla vis ited hi parent over Sunday. Born, to Mr. and Mr. J. Nelson, Sat urday evening, March Kith, a twelve pound boy. Mr. Fred Wahlen took a load of po tatoes to town last Monday. Harry Nelson who ws, sick for about a month Is Improving rapidly. VTi nn.l KK ki. It 1 1 1 . t,..i.n Liberal, were the guests of Mr. and "Y: ' ucinni, , . . . . Michigan, have eased the Perce cot tage, one of the prettiest locations on Not only have a Perfect Feed but they are perfect in even the smallest details of construction. Heavy trussed Bteel frame Insures proper relation of all moving parts. Special heavy wood wheels made for Pacific Coast, Both wheels drive the feed. Balance spring lifts are used on Hoosler Drills larger than eight disc which make lifting the disc an easy matter. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO., PORTLAND, OREGON Send me your illustrated printed matter on the Hoosler POSITIVE FORCE FEED DRILL. MAIL IT TODAY Name Address THIS COUPON BRINGS YOU COMPLETE INFORMATION Implements Vehicles PORTLAND, ORE. SPOKANE, WASH. W. J. WILSON & CO., Oregon City, Oregon Mrs. Joe Daniels last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frlcdrick leave next Monday for an extended sta1n California. Mrs. Ella Dodge made a business trip to Molalla last Monday. Mrs. John Burns, of Canby, ijrislt tag her daughter, Mrs. Joe Daniels. Rube Wright waa Mulino visitor last Tuesday., j Canby CANDY, March 28 Mr. adn Mrs. Os car Sannes, of Portland, were week end visitors In Canby. John Jackson, j of Vancouver Bar racks, visited relatives In Canby Sun day. ' Mrs. P. h. Coleman and daughter, Emma, of Newport, were Canby vis itors this week. Messrs. J. Lee Eckerson, W. S. Ma pie, T. B. Hamilton, George Bates, and John Eld, were visitors at Champeog Lodge No. 24, A.; F. & A. M., of Au rora, Saturday evening. Miss Ava Miller was a guest of her sister, Mrsi Spauldlng, of Salem, Fri day and Saturday. Mrs. George Bendshadler spent the week-end with friends in Portland. Mrs. W. H. Lucke Is spending a the Willamte river. The two little sons of Mr. and Mrs Olln l'ord, of Portland, are visiting at their grandparents, Mr. und Mrs. P. D. Newell. Mr. and Mrs. ,F. W. Brehert and four sons of Portland, came out on Sunday to visit frineds. Mr. Bruech ort is visiting his family for a short time, but 1b soon to return to Omaha, where his headquarters have been for the past year, Miss Katherlns Langdon, of Sell wood, visited Miss Russell on Sunday MIbb Langdon has made application for comptouroter for the government and if she passes the physical exam! nation will do her bit for Uncle Sam Mrs. Ella Spooner hasa hastened to the bedside of Mrs. Addle Hodgklns, of Vancouver, who was taken sudden ly HI, suffering from a severe stroke Miss Fern Hart has accepted a po sition with the telegraph company and leaves on Thursday for 8pokane, The best wishes go with this popular young woman as she takes up her work. Miss Hart was a graduate of the Oregon City High school last June, Mrs, Temperance Rice is returning to her home at Newberg, after a pleas ant visit with the A. F. Russell family Oak Grove Kelso KELSO, March 28. The tln-pall so cial given Saturday evening by the Kelso Parent-Teacher association was splendid success. The proceeds amounted to $25, which will be given to the Red Cross. A patriotic program was rendered and talks were made urging the people to buy war savings and thrift stamps by J. H. Revenue, R. B. Jarl and Mrs. R. Jonsrud who con stitute the committee for the war sav ings drive. To date war and thrift stamps to the amount of $731.75 have been sold In this district. A good size box of clothes was packed and sent to the Belgian relief Thursday, by the Red Cross auxiliary of Kelso. Besides finishing two dozen pajama suits, our auxiliary has fin Ished five sweaters and 15 pairs of socks, Blnce February 7. Meadowbrook MEADOWBROOK, March 28. Sev eral are out of school thlo week on account of sickness. P. O. and Hermann Chlndgren sold five head of horses to a man from Mon tana last week. Mrs. Will Kerns and children form erly of Meadowbrook, but now of Placer, Oregon, are visiting friends and relatives here and at Union Mills. Mrs. Jake Schlewe and daughter, Arlene, of Portland, are visiting at P. O. Schlewe. Mrs. Chas. Holman, returned, home Friday, after spending two weeks In Portland visiting her folks and friends. Adelle Lovell, of Old Colton, and Laura Moore of Cedardale, spent the week-end with Ruth Hudson at IIol man'i. The program given by the Junior Red Cross was well attended, a fine program was rendered and $40.15 was made after all expenses were paid. OAK GROVE, March 27,-Bchool opened Monday after week's vaca tion. Twelve new pupil were enrolled. Remember the movie Friday night at the assembly loom of the school. The regular Easter services will he held Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. A special program has been prepared with a short talk by the pastor. Rev. Young, and several selections by the vested choir; Sunday school at 10 o'clock. C. I). Smith, supt.; prayermoet Ing, Wednesday evening; Ladle' Aid Wednesday afternoon. Sunday even ing at 7:30 an Illustrated lecture will be given by Mr. Sloel, a returned mis sionary, from Slam, under the aus pice of the Epworth league. Monduy night In the church parlors a poverty social will be glvon by the Epworth league. , The sale of thrift stamps will go over the $500 mark for the month of March. These stamps are on sale at the postoffice. The Red Cross auxiliary meet every Monday afternoon In the Vosburg hall. All ladles welcome Georgo Blgham and Walter VI lies loft last week for Wheeler to work for the Du Dot Lumber company. Harry Worthlngton and wife return ed from the logging caaip Saturday. Henry Hardisty has finished his log contract and is home for a few days. William Rlgglns is In a sanitarium on East Hawthorne street, taking spe cial treatments. Bill Cedcrson will go to Seaside Sat urday night with the Doxle team of the Knights of Pythias, to exemplify the ' work of the order, Mr. and Mrs. Sutcllft and daughter, of Marshflold, hove rented the Me Arthur house, Mr. and Mrs. Bushonblll and daugh ter, Mrs, Bresoe, and children of Will amette, have moved Into the Stokes house. Mrs. Jessie Gleason has returned home, after a visit to her daughter In Idaho. L. E. Armstrong, formerly of Oak Grove, but now residing at Wheeler, has been confined to his home with ' the grippe. E, A. Harder and family, of Portland, formerly of Oak Grove have rented the ' Roblnette house on Third avenue, and taken posHesslon. The committee on the Bolglnn relief, composed fo Mrs. Lindsay and Mrs. Oglosblo, secured two large, loads of clothing which were taken to Port land headquarters. Mr. and Mrs. Fields and family from the east have rented the Wetalor prop erty on the river road and moved In. George Taylor returned home from the hospital in Portland, and Is now able to work again after a long Illness. Tyra Warren, who Is In the hospital In Oregon City, underwent an opera tion. He Is gradually Improving. The department of home economics of the Mllwaukle Oak Grove social service club will meet at the school house Thursday at 2 p. m. Miss Park er will speak. Louis Kronbrodt, of Merlin, la visit ing his mother and sister afew days on his way to Seaside. The school board has re elected all of the teachers for the next year of school. North Powder Farmers of vicinity co-operate In construction of $15,000 elevator. Detroit 470 acres burned over land near here to be reclaimed this spring.