.ill BOYS IN SIBERIA Decorated by Clemenceau BEHEADED OR IHEFT LONDON. March IS. A dispatch to the Daily Mail from Petroprad tolls of tortures that are being inflicted by the Polshevild. lu Voronezh the death penalty has boon revived for burglarly, and In Kazan four peasants, who had b?en adjudged guilty of crime, were condemned to be burned to death. The entire populace of the illa.ee witnessed the execution In Baranopol, Siberia, of four boys who bad been condemned for theft. Three of the boys were beheaded, whili the other was tortured and finally his head was crushed. In Zralcro the mer chants were ordered to hand over 100,000 rubles. Those who failed to do so were thrown into the river af ter stones had been tied about their necks. trwrn v""" """"" . rj" 'l ft - 3 i I ' J If" . ' : i " S 1 1- ; . . .. , How the Germans Are Carving Up Russia Lieutenant Joseph I Canby, whose j home is in Chicago, was one of six j ! Americans decorated by Premier Cle- nienceau of France for bravery during j a fight of the Americans with Ger-; mans north of Toul. He went overj the top in daylight and took a Ger-; man prisoner while exposed to Boche j fire. RE IN GOQUILLE DE COQCILLE, Or., March IS. Seven business buildings were destroyed, ten bady damaged and numerous oth er structures were slightly damaged by a fire which swept the business section here early Sunday. The loss is estimated at $75,000, with approximately $13,000 insurance. The flre.'which started in the Scen ic Theatre, supposedly from defective wiring, spread with great rapidity and for several hours threatened the de struction of the entire town. For a block on both sides of Front street all buildings were wiped out. A special train brought firemen from Powers, Marshfield and Myrtle Foint to aid in quelling the flames. Three lodging houses were burned and the occupants fled to the Btreet in their night clothes. Many persons had narrow escapes from death in the flames. BAKER'S VISIT j IS INSPIRATION TO U. S. TROOPS i WITH SECRETARY OF WAR BA KER IN FRANCE, March 18. Secre tary Baker's visit to France is a per sonal inspiration to every officer and man in the American forces. General Pershing declared tonight 'T have long urged Secretary Baker to come to France,' said Pershing. "Now that he's here, we are delight ed. He plans to take time to master all details of the situation. As our chief, who carries all the military effort at home and abroad in his mind he is seeing what wj are doing on this side, and his visit is a personal inspiration to every officer and man.'' r - k 1 vn 1 ' ysi i i - y j V fT'vrtfTcvv-piri i RUSSIA BsroRS PlAcs A IJ) Qy VS Pi ?t j 4.XMC0PA '60.000.000 V - ' j " ? 900 000 ?j x . ' , r j. ?iv.y ' 1 IFOLAND jr.$c.V XV I N 0 . r ' . , ! -S. . f ' S?0 Sf . I 1 S'A.TATO t " - jy-J ox I AUSTRIA ! T V HUNGARY ' N t A ) I r-i.-V j flj -x s i . y!S-" V "f C " ' BLACK SEA " c -i , , , V Ex-Naval Secretary Dead SI'P-VV: CUSTODY OF ERNES I DAWLER AWARDED TO The German fcovernment has already arranged for the severauee In some form of Russian territory of 524,600 square miles with a population of 6S.100.000. Various excuses and explanations or this work are given. Some provinces are to "self-determine" their form of government. Others arae to be given outright to the "Ukraine People's Republic," and Roumanla has been notified that In consideration of signing a peace treaty she may give up the mouth of the Danube to Bulgaria and take Bressarabla from Russia. About one-fourth the total area of Russia, containing more than one-third the population, Is thus taken from her. Should Ger many succeed in her project these states In some form or other will, of course, be suieralntles of the Fatherland. MAIM FARMERS UNTIL THEIR WORK, j CLOSES IS ALL E BOLSHEV i HEADWARN8U spuvr.nn n in T-uvh n I Men engaged in planting or cultivat j ing acrop are to be allowed by ex j emption boards to continue their work nntil finished, although thair j draft numbers are reached, orders re- ceived by Adjutant" Ceueral Dickson j from the war department today di rected. WASHINGTON, March 15. Amend ment of the draft law to authorize the President to increase the Army to 5, 009,000 men or more was advocated by former President Taft in a speech today before the National Geographic Society. Mr. Taft said the draft law had vin dicated itself in every way. BELFAST SCENE OF RIOTING BY SINN FEINERS ARRIVE HOME ON AN EXTENDED FURLOUGH A CANADIAN ATLANTIC PORT, March IS. Three thousand Canadian veterans of the war disembarked here today from three ocean liners. Four hundred of these men sailed from Canada with the first contingent in 1914 and many of them have been nearly three years on the battle front. All are married and have been giv en three months' furlouRli. ! BELFAST, March 17. Severe riot ; ing occured last night in the Nationa list quarter of B:lfast between a mob jof Sinn Feiners and the polite. Many I victim of rr.s'Kiki were sent to the hospital, including a number of policemen. The roiling lasted four hours, and the military was called out this morn ing to take charae of the district. San JOSE, Costa Rica, March 17 j After 10 years of existance, the Cen-. tral American court of arbitration, the j only ample tribunal for this purpose j in the world, has closed its doors be cause its life term, fixed by th Wash- j lngton convention, signed by five American republics, under the aus pices of the Uuitad States and Mexico expired Friday. During its life the court has averted two wars in Central America, interfer ed effectively in domestic conflicts, demonstrated the possibility of arbi tration to settle controversies between the countries and had done much to promote Central American unity. Just as the court goes out of exist ence the beautiful building intended for its palace, the gift of Andrew Car negie, is receiving its finishing touches. .8. OFNEWCOMPACT BE ID UP AS RESULT j HUN'S ORGANIZE OWN PRISONERS i TOKIO, via Shanghai. March 14. It is reported that the Germans are trying to organize two army corps of German war prisoners in Russia. One corps, it is said, is being secretly or ganized at Irkutsk, Siberia. Two cav alry corps are also being formed. CI mu a ft 1 w jH -V V.( V 1 f fc .r S- ' I if n ilT SHIPMENT FROM EAST THE HAGUE, March IS. The1., Netherlands government has accepted I., the allies' condition for employment in transportation j PETROGRAD. March 13. Leon ! Trotsky, Bolshevik war minister, de clared M. Martotf. chief of the M.'n j agreement exists today between (1 T i many and Japan to ''divide Russia on the basis of mutual Interests. Trotsky further declared that the allies' greatest error has been, in "assisting Japan's plans for occupa tion of Siberia." "America will be the first to re gret the allies' policy," he said. "We are facing dissolution, not from Germany, li.it from Japan," de clared M. Mar'off, !iie fof thj Men shevlk faction, in wiiriug a protect against ratifying the treaty Germany has imposed on Russia. - - " o-i II ill i J Georso von l.. Meyer, poHtmusler gcnoral under President Koonnvolt, and secretary of th navy under Pros Ident Tntt, died In hln home In Bos ton, Mr. Meyer wna Uty yours of sue. He wan well known In Mtiiu'hutU and uattonal politics tor many years. GERMAN TO HE DEAD Th custody of Kruust Dawlcr, 4-yi'iir-old sou of Oticur Dnwlnr, was uwurded to tlio father lit Judge Gun tonbola's court at porllitnd Monday, Tho boy's inoiher, Mrs. fcthtd Daw lor, took tho boy oust lo Birch Trm Mo., Rtid tltu rthtr imidu u trip back to Missouri ud iM'urd ptmHimrtlon of tho lad and brouKht bin) to Oregon t'liy. The boy ut lh Midtn'JtM homo tn Miiplo liiiic, wtun Hboriff Wilson was illrwlod by the Circuit Court of Muliuoiuiih eoiinly to Rot tho child, but tho Kheiirt found the hid had manales und doclhmd to I'M forco thD court s oiMnr, . At a htuirlnj Monday, Mr, Iwlor proved, to tbo siitlsructloii of ih court, that ho wan legally ontltl.nl to possession of Ills soil. Mrs. Ditwler Imd hor liuslmnd iir h'Hied u f'W woi'ks k on charKo of kldtmpliiK mid lion support. B It,- Army of contro- PORTLAND. March 15. German WASiriNUTtl.V, March draft U'cislution, nuicwiil vnrsy over Government reorganization and tho AdiiiliilMtriitlon bill for war flnuiioi coriorutloii, will occupy most of this week at the cupltul. Bills affecting opnrutloti of thJ so 11 W M ra tilt I rt i ntir will be a dead langungo as far as the ,,, Solmto m cb Portland high schools are concerned ,,. for mwiMe n(.tUm. after Juno this year. TllB Smittle l)It fhBB,llf th9 Unb Tho commutes on education affair. of tJHIltu(l from ,,,,,,, lw Ul of the School Board, consisting of O, n,lntt,r of men In Class Ono Is on ih M. Plunimer, Francis Drake and N. O. Houso calendar, with lis opponents in- Pike, will recommend to the board at iSng upon a subMtllute which would the next regular meeting that formal i,aB ,motu llpoll ,olal r,.KiMratlun nod action be taken cutting off tho Ten- Hbullty to strvlce. 8 -nato uiUllary ton tongue from the curriculum of the oommltteo members plan to seek tmrly Portland educational system. It Ik understood that tho sugitestlon meets with the approval of all members of tho board. According to Information In the hands of tho board, nearly all studotrts who have been taking the Herman course are children of parent who are German or of German descent. connidcratton of the War Department's bill subjecting to r't(tittralloii ymmlbs reaching II years of mk slum Juno fi, UM7. GOVERNOR ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY TO PEOPLE (Continued from paga 1) WASHINGTON, March 11 Pur chasing officers of the allied govern ments at Washington today Informed shiDbullderg from the Pacific. Cimx! that they will not place contracts for ! "'""omy. ment of productiveness In all lines of endeavor; for the careful. Intelligent handling of the several state instltu tlons and their wards, observing as fur as possible the best lines of mod ern treatment while at tho same time securtng for these and for every de partment of stato buxlness the closest SQUAD ships in American yards as long as the Shipping Board Insists upon re serving tho right to commandeer ships built on foreign account. This refusal of the foreign repre sentative to contract under conditions now Imposed means that shipyards which have been unable to get Gov eminent contracts cannot build others. Shipbuilders this afternoon laid the 'Domestic tranquility and huslnens confidence are Intimately related to the public welfare. I shall do all In my power to promote them. I note with pleasure the growing disposition of employers and employes to consider ench other's rights and to adjust dif ferences by discussion In a spirit of jor i fairness and equity. , "The routlno duties of tho office will not be neglected by mo, but every of BOSTON, March 17.Piuiler Clemenceau, of Franco, has ordered that any pro-German found In the country shall bo taken out and shot, according to M. Marcel Kuecht, u member of tho French IiIkIi commiss ion, who addressed an assemblage of prominent Jewish business moil at the City Club luat iiIkIH. Franco was determined to rid the country of pro-German imitators, he said. $ of Dutch shipping of war munitions. WASHINGTON, March 18, Near lyl, 000,000 tons of freight for the al lies is lying on the piers at the At lantic ports, from Boston to Norfolk, according to reports made to the di rector general of railroads. Accumu lations are growing so fast that some steps may be necessary to retard them -jntil enough sniping is gathered to move the supplies Great measure of relief is looked f( In the taking of the Dutch ships, but is said by the officials that there are approximately 100 shiploads now piled up with other material moving to the coast. ? HUN TREATY RATIFIED PETROGRAD, Thursday, Mar. v 18. Ahe All-Russian Congress of 8 Soviets, meeting at Moscow, to- 3 ' day, by a vote of 153 to 30, de- cided to ratify the peace treaty Q with the central powers. situation before the Shipping Board f(,rt wl" ha n,lt for,h l brlnK "ft'h and urged a waiver of Its right to j t,ra"(,n of the stnto service to n condl commandeer or nome modification of of maximum usifiilneM. The rf Its form of permits which would en-! 1,;le"T the service must never bo able American yards to take contracts ! Bacrrinre.l for the rake of political ad- from allied governments or from pri vate citizens of the United States. Without this modification tho ship builders argue that their Industry will be crippled. vantage. "I shall bo mindful of the fact thr-t I am the representative of tho whole E WASHINGTON, March IS. Am bassador Francis today notified the people and shall welcome suggcf tlons H,u, department hy cahlo that tho from any cltl7.cn to the end that tho!'-'1"11'-111 I,lllt ousted tba Kereusky House of Commons Speaker 1$ Mentioned for Premier 1 -'a"j. Real Gmrl Instant warmth. Less furnace heat needed fewer grate and coal stove fires. Portable. Economical.' No v smoke r odor. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALIFORNIA) 1 I in PERFECTION OIL HEATER FOR SALE BY Prank Butch W. E. Estes Hof g Bro. L ELECTS MANAGER OE TS BASEBALL TEAM The Athletic association of tha high school met Thursday noon and elect ed Kenneth T. Hutchinson manager of the baseball team. The associa tion meets again in a few days to elect captains. The first tarn out for baseball prac tice was large, and there are bright prospects for a fast team the coming season. Many games are to bo scheduled and a number of successors to Ty Cobb will be brought to light. 4 3 HAVE YOU TWO-BIT8? 4 This la not a two-bit war by a J heluvalot, but every little two- bits helps. War Thrift Stamps. I h f , 1 is! ' , J 1 U i- - " I i ' , I 'A " . ' I j r, - 1 U U , V j f J) if" r v'& 1 1 , ' 1 i t" ' 'uA '"' j 'I El 1L BE IN FRANCE collective wisdom may bo brought to boar on all problems. "If honored by a reelection I shall contlnuo to give the best that Is In me to every branch of tho public service." " VOLUNTEERS IN SHIP WASHINGTON, March 18. Amerl-can-bullt battle planes will be In France by July in sufficient quantity to insure adequate air protection of the sectors then held by the American troops. TW3 statement rests on the highest authority and was mada to night with full recognition of all fail ures and disappointments that have hampered the development of tho air programme. Gold Hill Two on Sardine creek. sawmills to start ING WILL NOT WASHINGTON, March IS. Mem who volunteered for shipbuilding will not bo called in any large numbers for some time, tho department of Labor announced today. The men called will be chiefly from tho unemployed, unless they aro skill ed mechanics, and those now holding Jobs are advised to Btlck to them. Tho public service reserve now has 200,000 men enrolled. - government In Russia has abandoned tho namo BulMhovlkl und announced that In tha future they would stylo themselves "Tho Communliits." Boon Trotsky, rormer foreign min ister of tho Bolshevik government, tho culdo snld, Is still in Potrograd, acting as commissionaire of tho rov. olutlonnry commune. METHODI3T3 FAVOR DEATH. PIIILADELPIA, March 18. Death for Gorman propagandists and Amer ican traitors was advocated today by the Philadelphia conference, Metho dist Episcopal church, In resolutions unanimously adopted. $$$g$$$3$fr$ $ STRIKE IN AUSTRIA.' J $ f, COPENHAGEN, March 18. j The men In tho workshops of the $ Austrian railways have Htrnok ? and refused to return to work. 4 t Tho strike Is spreading to othw 4 it factories. : i Q G 4 Q $ 4, $, 1 ''J!4( HON. J.W.IOWTHER Hoi. J. W, Lowther, for many years speaker of the house of com mons in England, has been among those mentioned for premier In case Lloyd George should be forced out. The positllon of speaker of the com mons el not an Important j?lace, be cause he has very little power. Who !s 6o2it3 to Umn . Real GRAVELY CLzwl Pica Heal Gravcfy Plug h lle IoLrcco to send the Coy -not ordinary plus loaded up with sweetening, but condensed quality -with tho good Gravely taste that satisfies and comfort and lasts si long while. UH you Mai', th. kind lo ..nd. S.nd th. b..tl Ord.iry plug U f.Uo oconomr. It co.U l.u p.r wo.k to Chr R..I Gr.lr, b.cu.. . .m.ll ch.w of It lute Ion, j, mok pipe, iKc Gnvoly wltdfvi dd littlo to your tmoliinf tobacco. It Jill lire flavor u tmoko pipe, tKco Crav.ly wltlifvour knife and impror your mok. SEND YOUR FRIEND IN THE It. S. SERVICE A POUCH OF GRAVELY Daalan all around hara carry it In 10c. pouchai. A Sc. tamp will put It into hia banda in any Training Camp or Sea. port of th. U. S. A. Et thm a Sc. .t.mp . d,,lr "' snyalops and atra yon offUOul diatliou bow to addriu it. P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO CO., DvUIe,Vs. Th Pmt.ntP.mtk ktmpt U Pnth ana Clean mnJ W la aol Ktml Urmvly ullhmut thit Prmtmctimn W 0i Eatabllahad 1SS1 Ws. 5 if