OKFfiON OTTY KNTKKPU18K, FK1DAY, MAKcTnrT9TbT I 't I if ? i -, E if 4,1 - 1 -f i 1 a" I Sunday M the home of Mr and Mr, lull of the obu v e" prosnnt nti'l Newsy Briefs From All Over the County Willamette Military training has again been tak en up at the Willamette school. Both the high school board and the gram mar school board secured the services of Terry Barnes, who gives three weekly drills, not only to the boys, but also to the girls of the school. Sever al of the older boys intend to enlist this coming summer and they hope that these drills may give them the same advantage that those last year gave those who had had them, for both Arthur Rogers and Linn Van Cleve. who are now in service In France, re port advancement on account of the knowledge of military tactics, received through the Willamette school. The Willamette school board met Friday evening, March 16th and re- the benefit comes in setting clocks one , "ret," the family drlving.and riding hour ahead? How about the farmers .pony or tne irwin s uiea iasi w-ut uhn airendv nut in sixteenhour days i Mrs. Albert Uriome, oi aiacasourg, n,i ih ntti tots who attend the ! Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. emmtrv schools many of them as it is ; Jesse. Mrs. Lena Bond Young loft for cannot eat breakfast enough to sus- Spokane, Wash. tain them, then walk 14 or 3 miles so early in the morning in order to be on j Twil i tli t Mrs. O. W. Hutchlns has gone to Mc Minnvllle. Her son, Allan, sustained some fractured ribs recently. TWILIGHT, March SI Mrs. Wtlhel miua Scheer, of Portland, is visiting Mrs. Henry Babler and son, Richard, ! her sou, Henry Scheer, of this place. are home now from the Oregon City, Albert Mead, who is with the army hospital. The little fellow is improv- m France, ts in the hospital. tng fast i Ester Collins, of Mt. Pleasant, has F. W. Rlckhoff recently took a loairthe measles, of "porkers" to the stock yards In his John Scheer spent Saturday and truck. i Sunday with his cousin In Portland. Monday March IS, was the regular j l, A. Dullard, of Ouk Grove, former annual stockholders meeting of the iy 0f Twilight, has been visiting his a new ripnr Crock Creamery company. The 'daughter. Mrs. Thomas Kelland. elected the following teachers tor thejnew board for the ensuing year are Miss Blackerly is visiting -her sis ensulnjr year: Chas. F. Romlg. prln- Henry Babler, John Boss, Auguesi ter, Mrs. uenuey. ciple; Mrs. Etta Halley, Miss Elsie Burgoyne, Mrs. Augusta E. Romlg. Miss Wirt, Miss Gleason and Robt. Rogers. All of the teachers, that taught during this past year were re elected and Mr. Shipley was chosen Janitor for the coming year. U. U badger. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hughes and the twins, Lillian and Vivian, made a trl) to Portland Wednesday. Mrs. Ilarrte Morehouse Is confined to her bed with h badly sprained ankle, resulting from a fall. Mrs. Edwards was in Oregon City Wednesday, on business. RED CROSS TO MEET. The Beaver Creek Red Cross met last Thursday afternoon, 17 womeu and girls In attendance, besides a num ber of children. The meeting this coming Thursday, will work for the Belgians instead of doing Rod Cross sewing, as usual. Anyone having cast off clothing that can be repaired, or made over for men, women or children, will please bring it to the mooting.. Mrs. Elisabeth Hayhurst of Port land, will be present and will talk on the use of the substitute flours, and the use of vegetable oils. Bring note books and pencils. Staehley, Fred Riebhoff and John Hat- Mr. Holmes has purchased tan; secretary, Thomas E, Anderson; wood saw. treasurer, Sam Stevens of the Oregon Mr. Parker made a business trip to City band. ; Oregon City last week. J. C. Kirchem has been breaking in Mrs. Filings called on Mrs. Bentley his new Ford truck hauling his hay to last week. market. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scheer and , . I daughter, Pearl were visit ing friends jy i iin Oregon City Saturday afternoon. JDarlOW j Herman Nuhott was a guest at Mr. jand Mrs. Von Jenlson's Saturday. MAPLE LINE, Or.. Mar. 13. Albert BARLOW. March 20. Mr. and Mrs. The new lence mai air. ocueer u Mautx, of Mountain View. Lyman Der-: Eroding have moved into Mr. Games sons have made for Mr. wisenoeea is rick and Wallace Lewis, of Maple house. loutte an Improvement to the place. Lane, are installing a sawmill on the j Mr. Wilson who purchased Mr. I Ethel and Elsie Nash were visiting land of Judge J. U. Campbell, where ! Brudvig's farm, recently has taken jat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scheer Maple Lane they are to saw a large lot of timber. The Maple Lane grange met In reg- Sunday. i 'Walter Smith and James and Alva There Is Sunday school every Sun- ular session on March 9th and con-jAndrus have gone to Hercules Calif.,; day morning and preaching once a f erred the third and fourth degrees on to work. j month. Everybody welcome. hi-oA i-nnr1Mntps Dinner was served! tiip win h an entertainment and ! ikon a momher Hafenod to remarks wtot ! 1 nt tha school house Sat-1 TWILIGHT. March. 20. The nick on -Thrift SUmps" by Judge J. W.urdav night, the proceeds to go to- crusher started running Monday. They Loder and Judge G. B. Dimlck. which ward a new organ. Everybody invit- are repairing the main road. lutpnert to with Interest Fred Li a inrh will he served to those who ; Mr. Scheer and sons have been Miller, candidate for county clerk, was , Aa' not buv a basket. ! building fences for Mr. Weisonbech Macksburg MACKSBURO. March 2Q.-Fimoral services for the little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dwarschak were conducted at their home by Rev. F. Lucas on Sun day, March 10th. The Macksburg chapter of the Amer ican Red Cross held its second session on Wednesday, March 5th. in the Sutherland building. Mrs. John Hepler who was appointed chairman, called the assembly to order. Election of offi cers being the first duty. Mrs. John Hopler was chosen president; Mrs. George Scheer, treasurer; Mrs. Q. M, Baldwin, secretary. More than the re quired number of charter members subscribed their names and paid the entrance fee. This report being re ceived and approved at the headquar ters of the Clackamas County branch of the Red Cross situated In Oregon City, we were ' authorized to obtain material for work at the next meeting. The chapter is to meet every Wednes day morning at the Sutherland Build ing. Lunch provided by the members, will be served at noon. Food eonserva- ahss Parker also was present ami spoke on the, conservation of food. At present there are fifty members of the Red Cross unit bore. At the next mooting garments will be gotten ready for the HelKlans and Armenian suit ertrs, Those who have giirmciits to spare are asked to contribute them. A request Is made for lodge folks to go through their nttlcs before this meeting on Thursday, March 2lst. Mrs, Nteson, of Chicago, III,, arrived this week for an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Tucker. Maldu Elolso, tho Utile daughter of W. I. miiistone, Is suffering from nu attack of bronchitis, Much disappointment and roaro) was felt among the church people when on Wednesday word whs re ceived from Rev. A. 11. Hotchklss, re signing his' call to the Grace church, owing to the serious Illness or his wife. The H. S. Dill family Is moving to Portland, locating on Union Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson have deckled to try ranching nud will leave on April 1st for Hood River. Mrs. Clara LnCuro Is agutti return ing to our community, the family teas ing the Bourdinuu cottage. Walter Ueeknor Is visiting the A. C, MiFiirlano family in Oakland, his destination being Soutebrn California where h goes for tils health. Mrs. Adeline Ingalla has returned to her home utter spending the winter In Nebraska. She was .accompanied west by Miss Edith. Itignlls. who bus taken up her school work here, being enrolled In the Sth grade. Edd T. Webb has uceeptod u posi tion with the paper mills and will make his homo In Oregon City. Vancouver hfirrnr-k. vlsltr.l his uncle Aubrey Wood, on Sunday, March 9. Corral Creek Mother's club will give a basket social at their school house on Saturday evening. March 80, at 8 o'clock. There will bo a good program after which baskets of lunch will be sold to the highest bidder. Grubs at 10 cents a piece will nlso bo on stile. Everybody Is cordially Invited to at tend. The proceeds will bo divided with the Red Cross, to buy materials. Miss Scollurd principal of the local school, gnvo a delightful St. Patrick's Day party, to her pupils of the eighth and ninth grades, Thursday evening, March Hth, at the residence of Dr. Brown. Games were played and de licious refreshments were served by this popular teacher, who proved her self a splendid hostess. wli'cli enlMVi hop t) Itu Indiinue lunch set consisting of a cloth and six napkins, Little. David Kuchnt- Niiitt figured quite cotispleloiiMly la the presenting of toll present. The re ceipts of the evening were 135.00. 12. J. II) or and family are now oecti- pylngtlio Delsp residence, havlsg ar rival from Iowa a few days ago. In the Shanklund vs Barvor saso one day last week before J.isiloe Do- voro, the Jury disagreed. The case was ti led ii mil ii TiiOHduy and this time brought In a verdict for Mrs. Shutik Itiiid for $25, Eagle Creek EAGLE CREEK, March 20. The faintly of Lewis Rivers, who have been III and under quarantine, are again nble to be out The Upper Eagle Rod Cross unit met as usual last Wednesday, twelve ladles being present Eagle Crock grange met at the Grange hall last Saturday mid spent a pleuHimt day together, 45, including children, being In attendance. An In foresting program was rendered. A committee was nppolted to make prop aratlons to entertain Pomona grange, which meets with the Eagle Creek grange April 10. Several from this neighborhood at tended the auction sale on the Peter Do Pnope place last Saturday F. P. Allen, missionary of the Amerl Miss Francis Wolcott passed ewnyicn Sunday School union, was visiting Sunday at her lionu In Portland. She was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wolcott, of East llth st.. Portland, mid was IT years old. Miss Frond, visited here ou many occa sions, ho being a grand daughter of the late Major liurkson. Mr. and Mrs. Madden have returned to Jennings Lodge again this season and will enjoy camp life at the same little camp at Spooiur'slniidlng where In this neighborhood Saturday and Sunday. And on Sunday afternoon he held services at the school house and nlso reorganised the Sunday school Officers elected wor: Superintendent Mrs. R. B. Gibson; assistant superln tendent, Mrs. R. M. Brush; secretary and treasurer, Miss Mildred Douglass organists, the Misses Naomi Paddtson and Alta Brash; Bible class teacher. Mrs, R. B. Gibson. Sunday school will Canby tlon and war cooking will be features i they were so pleasantly local d last! meet every Sunday morning at 10:30 Every one is present and made some remarks.- Logan Mr. and Mrs. Jesse, who have been ; A surprise party was given .miss iill for some time, are improving. i Minnie Miller last Tnursuay evening Mrs. Lepa Bond Young went to in honor of tier tweiuy-nrsi oinnuuy. Portland Sunday. (Those present were Mr. and Mrs. E. Mrs. J. J. Wurfcl and Mrs. L Irwin iSweck and son. Misses Ethel and Elsie - . . . . . - T-... 1 1 nlmrham . . . t , w r..i l.i 'i.n hnmn from NewDort saiur- rtasn. eumer .sq. e.iui "f"""-' UUUAiN, martu u. mra. rami ouiu . i vu. , , . j out her grocery business to J. Hadder day where they spent a most enjoyable ; Lydon Bingham Clarence and Agnes from Portland week's ouUng. Miss Irene Wurfel ac-j Scheer, Charlie Thompson Florence Mrs. John Bwss, Mrs. Schlappl. Mrs. companled them to the coast, for her ; Bentley Mr. and Mrs R. E. Criteser. Scnopp and Mrs. John Shutt d attend- health, but remained for another! Albert. John na;lStch"rn . ed the funeral of Thos. Gallagher, of week, a. she was rapidly regaining Mrs. Anna Miller of St John, lalt Portland h,.,t week. He was nm over'her health. Mrs. Hattle L Crowley ed her daughter. Minnie Tuesday. She by an auto truck several months ago, but lingered until the past week. His widow is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Shuttel. This is a kind of general collecting week hereabout. The tor man says "cough up" and some one else says yon are at "the parting of the ways" with some of your second best things. Then heres the Thrift Btamp collection following in the wake of the others before their tracks are cold so me thinks picking for the next In line looks slim. Will someone kindly explain where left Monday for Newport where she j took her home on account of her be will remain two weeks with Irene. jing sick. Miss Raxter, of Oregon City, Elmer Irwin is learning the ma-high school. Is teacntng tn ner piace chinists trade at the Crown paper mills In Oregon City. Norman Crowley was home from Oregon City, where he has employ ment in the Hawley paper mills, Sat urday night, returning Sunday. He has a bad carbuncle on his neck. Mr. and Mrs. Wurfel drove down to Portland Sunday to see Miss Loretta Bruen, who has been very ill again. Miss Thelnla Andrews is clerking for Mr. Turner. Mrs. Minnie Scheer who has been vlsitins her sons of Twlight. has re turned to her home In Portland. Mrs. Schreinjr visited Mrs. John Burgoyne of New Era Sunday. Beaver Creek of this lunch. We feel Justified in say Ing that all connected with this branch of the Red Cross are exhibiting the earnestness of purpose requisite to Its success. Hazel ia BEAVER CREEK. March 20 Mr. KVontr irlurman nf thn Slenal corns. I Vancouver barracks, was a guest on I. HAZELIA. March 20 Miss Ethel Thompson, of Oswego, spent Saturday evening and Sunday with her couslu, Miss Ethel Baker, of Hazclla Misses Mary, Elizabeth and Leona Puymbroeck, Lulu Wanker. Ethel Baker. Marlon Eastman, Lucille, Irene and Blanche Duncan, and Will Cook. Dave Long, Herbert Duncan and Vern on Davidson attended the regular meet ing of the Stafford Community club. at the school house of that place. They spent a very enjoyable as well as profitable evening with the club. The little Hultberg twins are very 111. Dr. Mount Is attending. The Hazella Sewing circle meets next Thursday March 21, with Mrs. John Wanker. Miss Wanda Wanker was entertain ed by Miss Marlon Eastman, Saturday summer. Two letters buv been received from Captain l-angdou Spooner since his arrival "soin.where In France," Ills wUe and baby are at present with Mrs. Ella Spooner ut the old family homo. Captain l.l.iyd Spooner Is at Camp LcwIb and his wife" mid little Genevieve aro also near the camp. Captain Clyde Spooner passed thru Portland on Sunday of Inst week from California to take command of troops also ut American l-ko. at the school house. welcome. Linn's Old Mill. LINN'S OLD MILL, March 20. This district was represented March 14th, at the meeting of the Council of De fense, which was held at the court house by B. It Stewart president of the club at this place. E. L. Evanson Is still suffering from rheumatism. Macksburg MACKSBURG, March 20, Never was sunshine more welcome than now when everything Is anxious to begin working fur the greatest crop he ever had. The thought of the world feed ing devolving so largely upon, the United States Is stimulating to the last degree. The Red Cross auxiliary held Its third session in the Sutherland build ing on Wednesday, March 13. Sixteen members were present. The meeting was called to order by the presldont. Plant Your Seeds With These Machines KEYSTONE PATATO PLANTER . This is a machine which does the work right and at the same time sell at a price so reasonable that every potato grower can afford it. opens the furrow to the proper depth, drops the pota toes and covers them uniformly. Does not bruise the potatoes, is easy to operate and above all is reliable. t'JL 4f The KEYSTONE t . ..' . . ... 0, iThe need of a vice president was men The Literary society will meet Sat- .. . ... urday evening at the Hazella school house. The main feature of the even ing wll lbe a question box. Everyone Is Invited to attend. Mrs. Frank Puymbroeck entertained relatives from California, last week. George tloiied. Mrs. Ferdinand Kraxberger was nominated for this office and was unanimously elected. Mrs. George Scheer tendered her resignation as treasurer and Mrs. Kate Surard was Estacada ESTACADO, March 21. Miss Grace lHiui' has gone to I'ortlund, where she went Into training for a nurse ut the Good Samarium hospital. Miss Ruth Dillon Is very 111 with an attack of pleurisy. MIbs Ruth Welsh, of I'ortlund. was a guest at tha W. If. llcytmun homo Sbturdny night and Sunday. Dr. W. M, Dalo of the 4Sth Co.. American Lake, Wash , visited bis par cuts and other relatives ut this place over the Sabbath. Attorney Cluude Devore bud to come down to ltts office on crutches Monday on the account of a bad attack of rheumatism in bis feet. j Mrs, Fred Jorg mid children, Edna chosen. The board of officers nowi'" Tommy, went to Portland Sat- GEORGE. March 20 Mrs. H. Joyner spent a few days In Portland last week visiting her three daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Miller and daughter, Gladys, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller and son, Harold, vlBlted Mr. Miller's parents at Viola last Sun day. Mrs. Marie Kllnker, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles Horger, of Portland, for the past three weeks, returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson spent the week-end In Portland. William Held is confined to his home with the mumps, Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnson, visited KlInkerB lust Sunday. Jennings Lodge stand: Mrs. John Heplor, Mrs. Ferfl nand Kraxburger, vice president; Mrs. Kate Suranrd treasurer and Mrs. O. M. Baldwin, secretary. Yarn for sweat ers was given out to members who re quested It. The others busied them selves in cutting und arranging hospi tal linen. After resolving that In the meetings. ' Conservation should not turn upon the war the auxiliary ad journed to meet In the same place March 20th. The Mother's club held Its regular semi-monthly session at the home of Mrs. Simon Miller on Thursday, March 14th. Mrs. Chris Chrlstner and Mrs. David Kauffman were present as vis itors and rendered valuable assistance In the work. At the request of Mrs. Miller In which all acqulsced an ap propriation for an orphanage was made from the present funds. Emll, the little son of Mr. and Mrs Fred Walch has returned from a hos pital in Portland where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. II The Drill wilh tho Food that CAN'T Sow Wrong The Feed that eliminates chance that sows uniformly under all conditions, guar anteeing an even etand of grain The HooslerFeed can't bow wrong because it is A Positive Force Feed The ONLY Feed that sows evenly and con tinuously as long as there Is grain in the hopper, other conditions making absolute ly no difference. HOOSIER DRILLS Not only have a Perfect Feed but they are perfect in even the smallest details of construction. Heavy trussed steel frame insures proper relation of all moving parts. Special heavy wood wheels made for Pacific Coast. Both wheels drive the feed. Balance spring lifts are used on Hoosler Drills larger than eight disc which make lifting the disc an easy matter. .MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CO., PORTLAND, OREGON Send me your illustrated printed matter on the Hooeler POSmVE FORCE FEED DRILL. Name . Address MAIL IT TODAY - THIS COUPON BRINGS YOU COMPLETE INFORMATION Implements Vehicles PQRTLAND, ORE. SPOKANE, WASH. W. J. WILSON & CO., Oregon City, Oregon JENNINGS LODGE, March 21. Eleven new pupils have been enrolled at the school sines January. Among them enrolled recently are Alvln and Ula Dietz; Alice Annamoy and Albert Oswald, VeVra and Louise Ranuigo, Edith Ingalls; Madeline Kinney, Richard Perkins and Vivian Spoonnr. Twelve new pupils came during this week and will probably take up their studies at our school during the com ing week. A special meeting was held at the school house on Monday evening, March 18th to discrass plans for an ad dition to the school house. L. Wilcox was present and presented plans for new rooms, assembly and balcony, at an estimate of $3700. A discussion followed, G. M. Caldwell and other prominent Meldrum people speaking against the plan. After voting It was found that 4 were against the im provement while but five votes were cast In favor of the proposition. A new plan was suggested of adding a new water and heating system and a soncrete basement, which could prob ably be bad for $1200. This Is to be voted on at a later meeting. E. Roe- the, chairman of the board, presided. The II. C. Palnton family, formerly residents of Jennings, are located at Vancouver now. Mr. Palnton Is working for the government In the spruce department. Mr. Grover has purchased the Near property and making many decided improvements, among them a large front porch. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tifcker en tertained the men's choir on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Blinstone, Mrs. Eadcs and Miss Elva 'being additional guests. At the all-day weekly meeting of the Red Cross on Thursday, an hour was given over to Miss Joyce" who spoke on gardening. The older pu- Stafford STAFFORD, March 20. At the White Temple in Portland Oregon, on Thursday, March 14, Mr. B, F. Woddle wedded Miss Dollle Fltchner of Port land. The couple visited a few days In Jefferson City. They are now domi ciled in the Weddle home in Stafford. Stafford club held an excellent pro- gram at the school house, Saturday March 16. The leading feature of it all was a debate between three "bach elor maids" and three "old bachelors' as to which were of most value to so ciety. The old maids did the far bet ter work of the two but the Judges having been bachelors, gave the prize to the "down and outers" the old bachelors. Wilsonville WILSONVILLE, March 21. Robert Butts who formerly worked on farms near Wilsonville visited A. A. Wood and family, on Sunday, Dorris and Norrls Young write quite often to their relatives hero, from "Somewhere In France." Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thornton are mak ing quite an extensive visit in the east ern states. Clyde Baker and little daughter, re turned to Portland on Wednesday af ter visiting relatives here. Audrey Wood and Rosetta Graham, of Corral creek school, are in the rain bow circle of W. S. S. The electric lighting system of Mo- lalla Electric company, of Canby, Is proving very satisfactory here. Mrs. J. Wood, left on Saturday for Portland, where she will visit relatives. Stanley Lamb, who ts stationed at urday to visit Mr. Jorg and rcmuined until Sunday evening J. V. Harr bus been elected chief of the Estttfiidu Volunteer Fire Depart ment, succeeding Fred Jorg who went to Portland to reside. Tho other officers are, presld ntAVurreti Mc Will; secretury, Charles Spurks; treasurer, James Smith. Quite a mini bor of now members have Joined dur Ing the past few days. F. C. McOraw, of Currtnsvllle, has purchased the cottage on the Corner of Main and Gth streets, which biiotig cd to Mrs. J. W. Reed Mrs. W. A. Wash and daughter, Eva will have charge of the lookout sta tion at Mt. Lowejis soon oa cchool closes. Miss Wash Is the primary teacher in the Estacada schools Miss IleBsle Wallace, sinter of Forest er Herman Wallace, will also be Ident ified In the forestry work and will be In charge of the Fish Creek Mt. sta tlon. Tho special Biirvloes ut the M. E church had resigned his pastorate, is monclng Wednesday evening and con ttnulng until Thursday evening, were well attended and at all services there were excellent sermons. At noon Thursday, a picnic dinner was served in the basement of the church und good social tlmo endulged in. The ministers present wore Supt. Ford, of the Salem district, Rev. lirown of Gresbam, Rev. Snyder und G. J., Tay lor of Mololla and Rov. Urfstal of Vio la. The report In this vicinity of Into that Rov. Spies of tho Methodist church hud resigned his pustdliute, is erroneous. Rov, Splos bus been plan ning on making a change of climate for a short time In hopes of benefit ing his heullh, but has no Intention of moving from Estacada. Miss Kittle Roagan, of the Estacada Telephone exchange Is visiting her friend Mrs. Mary Woodlo Pogun, at Nehalom, Oregon. Mm. Ted Ahlbury Is substituting In the telephone office. A "deal In dirt" was made this week through the S. E. Woostor Real Estate company, when Carl Peterson of Portland bought the I. Wolfe farm of 40 acres at Sprlngwater, Considera tion $3000. Dr, and Mrs. J. L, Hewitt returned to their Portland home Saturday aftor spending a few days on the farm at Garfield, The doctor planted five acrse more of prune trees while here and now has firteen acres In prunes. T. P. McAuley arrived from Van couver. Wunh a few days and has moved to tho Sprlngwater farm which he piirchusod of S. E, Wooster some time ago. He expects his family in a couple of weeks. The M. E. Ladles gave "soshul" Monday night at the church and ser ved a six o'clock dinner. There was a large attendance and everybody had a most enjoyable time, A "flBh pond" afforded amusement and Mrs. T. B. Wilson fished out the lucky number lini'Juiilor Class of the Cuuby High school Is preparing a school unseal. This will bo tho first book Issued by I lie Catiliy High school. Walter Lelsmiiiin, of Auiorlcait l.alui, was a guest of friends In Cuuby Saturday evening, John Jwkson, Otto Kruegur and Walter Kr.ieger, o( Vancouver bar racks, siient Sunday with relatives fn Canby, Mrs. Mary Uuicaster, prestdost of the Rebekuli Assembly of Orogoii, was the guest of honor ut Kirk He beksh Lodge No. 121 Tuesday even ing. She was welcomed by a large aileudanco of member. After tint regular lodge work a hniiqttut wus served by the ladies of Uio lodge. A drive for clothing for tho stirrer lug men, wom ui and children of Hel KUtit Is being conducted in Cuuby and vicinity this weuk. The building formerly octipled by, the "Ulg Six' Department Store hits been made the receiving sUUou. Contributions are especially urged to be delivered Thursday mid Frlduy, The Five Hundred Cl.ib met at the homo of Mr. nud Mrs, Grant White Wednesday evening. Those prus'iit wore Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hair, Mr. ami Mrs. Adam Kulglit, Dr, und Mrs. 11. A. Dedniati, Mr. and Mrs, K. U, Robinson, Mr. nud Mrs, It. II. Eudos, I Mrs. M. J. Leo, Mrs, Arthur Gruliuin, Mr. and Mis. If. A. llorkiimii, ami Mr. nd Mrs, Uraut White. After uu evo- lug of cardN, a dainty luiicheou was scrvdd by tiiu hostess, The 'Plsli ( loth Drive" Inaugurated by Supt. Culavan cloned Fililuy and the Canity schools took a leading part In the contest. The pupils donated 150 towels. Dasket Social Given. A very successful basket social was given by the Canby Red Cross tax- tllaiy Saturday evening. Th pro- giuiii arranged by Mrs. II. A. Berk man and consisted of the following numbers: Chorus, Canby Glee Club: sung, Oregon City grammar school quartet; War Stamp address, John W. Loder; solo, "Keep the Home lres lluriillig," Avon Jesso usslsted by tho Glee Cl.ib Girls; song. Boys' grammar school quartet; address, James Carey; solo, "Star Spangled Banner, Loulao Gastrock; Tableau. 'Liberty" Eva lloatty. Aftor the program Asetlon eer William Ileitis sold the bankets, A cake was raffled off, refreshments were sehved by tho Rod Cross com mittee and a general good time was enjoy id by all. The affair was a complete success. The receipts were t I7H.S0. without any expenses, as ev erything was donated. Tho Hoys' Quartette of Oregon City was encored many times. liio service flag, honoring tho ex- pupils of tho Canby High school, was unfurled at the Canity band auditor ium Friday afternoon. Tho address were niudo by Superintendent J. E. Calavan and Rv. Curios, of tho M. E, church. Tho musical exercises were supervised by Mrs. Herbert A. Ilorkmiiii. Tho service Hag was unfurled by by Mrs. Otto Sehuubol, who bus three sons In tho military service of tho United States. Tho flag contains 27 stars throo being gold stars which represented liurion Brown, Clifford Brown, und Us Harding, who died while In the service of thlor country. Tho flug haiiRs unfurled lu the halls of the Canby High school The Canby school have orgunlud a Junior Red Cross und have entered Into the wark with much Interest. There will be a regular porlod al lowed for the work and Instructors to direct and oversee It. Tho school gymnasium has been sot apart for the work room and will b fitted for the work. Meadowbrook The junior Red Cross Is giving a program Sut.irduy night at tho school housfl, March 23, consisting of plays, dialogues, songB, recitations and Instr- mental solos. Aftor the program eats will be sold. There will be things to rafl'lo, and tho "Kaiser stand". . Come and have a good tlmo. Mr, Bofto Is building a stuain bath house on his place. Warren Baty Is laid up with a game leg. A horse kicked him. Severul from here attended the so clul at Union Mills Friday night, A good program was rendered und about twenty-six dollars were made from the sulii of baskets and calco. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Faust and son, Ray Jr., of Portland, Mrs. Jim White and son, Harold, of Canby, Mrs. Chas. Wolfer und son, Samuel, of Mllwaukle, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Warren Duty's Thursday und Friday. L Dr. Clyde Mount, prominent Oregon City dentist, was elected a member of the board of school dlerctors at a special meeting of the board Wednes day, .succeeding O. D. feby, vho re signed last week, giving as his reason that he felt out of harmony with a majority of the board. Dr. Mount's election was unanimous. The new director has long been prom inent in the civic and professional life of the city. , He Is a graduate of the University of Oregon. ,