Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 15, 1918, Page Page 7, Image 7

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County Court Appoints
mty Roadmasters and
Patrolmen for Year, 1918
The eomtjr court Saturday mad Oregon City Route 8.
imbik) tie deputy roadmaalor and pa-1 Disk 10-21. W, 8. Gorbett, deputy,
trolmeii. who replace the old road dt-, Cotton.
trlct apervlaora. Under the 1917 lawi
the official worn abolished begin
n ln January 1, 1018. and Instead of
Ixty Iv din trlct supervisors the coun
ty will tali year have nineteen deputy
roadmuatora and twenty-nine patrol
men, who will work under direction of
County Roadmnalcir Tom Itoota,
The court haa appointed a deputy
(or each town in the county, with the
exception of Oregon City. Many of the
appolnteea are former supervisors of;mnn, Molalla.
Dint. No. 30, John C. Miller, patrol
man, Itarton.
Diet Noa. 22 60. Harry J. Raatall,
deputy, Molatla, tlouto 2.
Diet. Noa. 23-24 54 68. It. W. Zlm
inorman, deputy, Aurora.
Diet. No, 28. W. J, tick, patrolman,
Dint. Noa. 27-63. I. D. Larklns, pa
trolman, Marquam.
Diet. No. 28. E, L. Palfry, patrol-
FIELD DEPUTIES NAMED, Ipany to Geo. H. Allen, on April 15,
1304, and recorded in Book 90 at page
County "Assessor W, W. Bverbart 125 oi toe recora oi aeoas lor laid
hn dint annotated the followln ad- Clackamas county, Oregon, thence
dltlonal field deputies, who will start north 45 degree 13 minutes east 12.80
upon tholr work March 15, to be com- chalna to a nasaii stone iixtx& inches
ploted on or about July li Wichita, marked "J. B. H." at the moat south-
Dr. F, LiVFevre; Oswego, P. It. Jar- eriy corner oi a w, acre tract con
rUch; Viola, W. II. Mattoon, former veyed by James McNary to John Pack
county commisloner.
er by deed recorded In Book "C," rec
ord of deeda for stild Clackarrla coun-
. ty, at page 465; thence north 45 le
CARPKNTEIlS.... $4.50 NINE HOURS on tne .ulhwe,tern boun.
the county who have made good In
tholr various dlatrluta.
The Hat, together with the districts
where the men will aerve, la aa fol
io wi:
Wat No. 1 61, M. K. Oaffney, deputy,
Clackamaa, Route 1,
Dlat No. 8. II. Selbert, patrolman,
Boring, Route 3.
Dint. No. 4,' J. C Kltchlng, patrol
man, Hfetacada.
Dial No. 6. M. II. Wheeler, patrol
man, Boring.
Dint No. I. R. K. Jart, patrolman,
Mat. No, 7. Jamea Feglea, patrol
man, Bandy. ' ,
Diet No. I. C. W, Miller, patrolman,
Dial. No. f. Fred Line, patrolman,
Diet. No. 10 4ft. Lewta J. Palme-
ter, patrolman, Ratacada
Diet No. It. Charlea R. Llvesay,
patrolman, Oregon City, Rout 6.
Dlst No. 12. Edwin C. Qerber, dep
uty, Oregon City, Route 2.
Diet. NO. IS. J. Fullam, patrolman,
Oregon City, Rout 3
Diet. Noe. 14 39, Herman Flaher,
deputy. Oregon City, Route 3.
DUt No. IB 16 44. H. Engle, deputy Boring. Route 3.
Oregon City. Route No. 1. IiL No. S3. W. A. UJrich. patrol-
Dtat Noa. 17 15 69. D. R. Dlrolck, man. Portland, Route 8.
deopty, Canby. 't. No. 56. W. B. Rambo, patrol-
Diet No. 18. F. Kamralb, patrolman man, Oregon City, Rout 4.
Plat. No. 80-31-84. Wm. Kalaer, dep
uty, Oregon City, Route 7.
Diet No. 29. Qeorge Gray, patrol
man, Aurora, Route 8.
Dtat. 32. Harry Joit, patrolman,
Sherwood, 2.
Diet No. 83 55. Frank Millard, dep
uty, Ratacada.
Dint. No. 35. William Booth, patrol
man, Boring, Route 1.
Dial. Noa. 42 67. O. M. Chrlatlanaon
deputy, Molalla, Route 3.
DUt. Noa. 37 63. C. W. Kruae, pa
trolman, Oawego,
DUt. Noa. .88 8-47. John Rlaley, dep
uty, MllwaukJe, Rout 1.
Diet. No. 40. D. L. Krdman, patrol
man, Boring.
Diet No. 41. II. II. Udell, patrol
man. Eagle Creek.
Dint. No. 43. W. M. .Douglas, patrol- j
man, Barton, Route 1.
Diet. No. 45, L. P. Elliott, patrolman
Cotton, Rout 1.
Diet. No. 46, E. Nachand, patrol
man, Oregon City, Rout 6.
Dlat Noi. 48 64. Carl Alt, patrolman
Dtat No. 60. F. M. Townaend, pa
trolman, Clackamaa, Route 1.
Dlat 61. Jake De Young, patrolman.
decree, and order of aale iasued out of 'titled court, on the 16th day of Feb
ruary, 1918. ,
The date of first publication la Fri
day, February 22, 1918, and the date
of the last publication Is Friday, the
6th day of April, 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
the above entitled court In the above
entitled cause to me directed and
dated February 20th, 1918, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In said
court on the 18th day of February,
1918, In favor of plaintiff and against
the defendants above named for the
sum of Twenty-five hundred ($2500)
dollars, with Interest thereon from the
28th day of July, 1916, the rate of
eight per cent per annum, until paid,
and the further sum of one hundred
and fifty ($150) dollars, with Interest
at six per cent per annum, from Feb.
18th, 1918, until paid, and $50.88 taxea
paid, and the further sum of $44.75
costs and diabursementa and the costs
ltita tf at CI 1,1 Pf'lf.r trnpt i() fhaltia in
$3.25 NINE HOURS h UxlM , mark.
JONK8, CONTRA C- , T -n(j c c fin ,oll!h
faces and set In the northwest boun-
Jin r.r an III donation tsmrt clulin-
I?.VRn.BETJLiy.FPEi?Jwfthn!e south 45 tw t 0I ea'dlan dsxpense of this writ, command-
THAN THE AVERAGE CO.MKI . , mn(,.ry 17 an rtinlnii tn tha'l. ... .httf t ,h ll,l
LN. N JhrJL center line of said county road; thence described real property, to-wit:
$5.00 IF O. K. AFTER ONE WEEK'S a!on? sald center line 8. 44 degree. 49 Tne louth nall 0,tne ,othwegt
tlllAu. , miniiiM Mil 4.05 chalna; fhnnia ninth I , ... - .
. ...... , - -j quarter ana mo souiawesi quarter oi
51 degrees 45 minutes east 14.32 Una snuthaiinr ouarter of Reetlnn 22 In
FOR RENT 15 acres, walking dls chains to a basalt stone 189x8 Inches (Township 2 South, Range 7 East of
lance irom town, nouse ana oui- get 1 incnes in me ground marnea,h. willamefta MrWin. In th
buildings. $10 per acre. F. 8. care
WANTKDUrood eow with litter of
pigs. William and George Clark,
Hoff, Ore., R. D. 1.
C. C" on aouth and "D. M." on north
west and "X" on top, from which a bas
alt atone 15x8x5 Inches set 12 Inches
In the ground marked "X" on top bears
north 44 degrees 07 minutes east 45
links distant; thence south 52 degrees
FOR BALE 20 acres, 4 miles 8. E. of 47 minutes east 17.60 chalna to the
Bandy, Just off a county road, Vk place of beginning, containing 60.89
miles from school. Three acrea un- acres more or less.
der cultivation, three more easily Now, therefore by virtue of aald
prepared; good barn 80x36, sightly execution. Judgment order and decree,
building spot, some fruit, splendid and In compliance with the commands
well, quantities of cord wood. $1600, of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
terma. L, R. Mack. 652 N. Vermont 13th day of April, 1918; at the hour
Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. of 10 o'clock A. M at the front door of
the County Court bouse in the City of
Oregon City, in said County and State,
aell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder, for
U. 8. gold coin cash tn hand, all the
WANTED To hear from owner of
good ranch for aal. Stat cash!
Diica. full description. D. T. Bush
Minneapolis, Minn.
AGENTS Make bla profile selling our right, title and Interest which the with
extracts, perfumea, cold creams, In named determents or either of tnem,
face powders, spices, medicines, etc. had on the date of the mortgage here-
Beautiful high grade line. Exclusive In or since naa in or to tne aDove de-
territory. Sample aoap free. Lacas- scribed real property or any part
alan Co.. Dept 95., St. Louia, Mr. thereof, to aatiafy said execution, Judg
ment order, decree. Interest, costs and
DEAD HOR8E8 TAKEN Cash paid all accruing costs
for dead cows and down and out W. J. WILSON,
horses. Will call anywhere. Phone Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Edward Href to Caroline Dreta, a
tract or land In Sec. 30, T. 1 8., It 2
H., W. M.; $1.00.
Imaol Toote to T. R. Hlackerby, loU
3 to 7, block 2, trnct 3, and east half
tract 2, In Oak Grove; $1200-
Kttthor It. Mason to O. W. Priest,
lot 3, block V. and lot 9, block T, In
Mllwaukle Park replat; 41.
Jfl. 8. Ross and Mrs. J. 8. McRoss,
to Edward E. LoCluIre, lot 3, block
27, Oregon Iron & Steel company's
first addition to town of Oswego; $10.
Roy T. Porter and Leone Porter to
Esther A. Porter, 40 acres In Sec. 31,
T. 3 8 It 1 E . W. M.; $10.
Ctirolliie Drofs to Edward Drefs, 2
acr.-s, Bee. 30, T. 1 8., R. 2 K., W. M.;
Carolina Drefs to Myrtle 1-ena Drefs,
1.47 acres, Hoc. 30, T. 1 8., R. 2 B., V.
M ; $1.
Caroline Drofs to I.ydla Bckcrt, 1.47
acres. See. 30, T. 1 8.. R. 2 E., V. M.;
Caroline) Drofs to Oliia Gomes, 1 47
acres. Hoc. 30, T. 1 8., It. 2 E W. M.;
Caroline Drefs to Samuul Dr.fs,
1.47 acres, Sec. 30, T 1 8., R. 2 E.,
W. M.; $l.
Caroline Drofs to Amelia Frlrks,
1.47 acre, Sec 30. T. 1 S R. 2 K.,
W. M.; $1.
Paul C. Fisher to John N. Slevers
ami' Adah A. Slevers, southeast quar
ter section 12, township 2, south range
5, cast of Willumctte meridian; $10.
Ltllle A. La Port and Frank La
-Hurry," Cries Gen. Foch
to People of America
. i...ini ..... ji ,
17. A
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for the County of Clackamas, ex
ecutor of the estate of Fried rich
Bcnerrubie, deceased, ah persons
having claims agalnat said estate are
hereby required to present them to
me at the office of C. Schuebel, Ore-
hearing objections to said Dual ac
count and f.-.r ! fine! aottUniMtt r.f
said estate.
Dated Feb. 15, 1913.
Administrator Cum Testaments
gon City, Oregon, properly verified as
by law required, within six months verified to the undersigned at 394 Tay
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. In the matter of the estate of Amelia,
A. Crosby, (formerly Amelia A. Sum
ner), deceaaed.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned haa been appointed admin
istratrix of the above named estate.
All person having claims against aald
estat will present the same'properly
Mllwaukle 69-J.
In the County Court of the Bute of
By E. C. Hackett, Deputy
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, March
15, 1918.
ty of Clackamas, State of Oregon, con
taining 120 acres, more or less.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
Judgrqent, decree and order of aale
and in compliance with said writ of,
Execution, I will, on Monday, the 1st
day of April, 1918, at one o'clock of
said day at the front door of the Court
House, In Oregon City, Clackamas
County, Oregon, sell at public auction
(subject to redemption), to the high
est bidder for cash In hand on day of
sale, all the right title and interest
which the aald defendants, or either
or any of them have or had on the
28th day of April. 1911, the data of
the aald mortgage, or now have In
the mortgaged property herein fore
closed as above described, to satisfy
said Execution and order of sale of
aald property. Judgment decree, In
terest and costs and disbursements
and accruing costs and" expense of
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy.
Dated March 1st, 1918.
First publication March 1, 1918.
Last publication March 29, 1918.
from the date hereof.
Date of first publication, February
22, 1918.
Executor of the Estate of Friedrich
Scherruble, deceased.
Attorney for executor.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed executor
of the estate of Andrew Olson, de
ceased, by the County Court of Clack
amas County, State of Oregon, and has
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent same, duly verified, aa by law re
quired, to the undersigned, at my farm
reaidenca near Boring in said county,
within six months from the date hereof.
Dated and first published February
22nd, 1918.
Executor of the Estate of Andrew
. Olson, deceased.
H. E. CROSS, Attorney for the Estate,
Beaver Building, Oregon City.
lor 8treet, Portland, Oregon, within
six month from the date of this no
Dated at Oregon City, this 11th day
of February, 1918.
Date of first publication Feb. 15,
Date of last publication, March 15.
Attorney for Administratrix,
1011 Yeon, Bldg., Portland, Ore,
, v,uu,.l7 . w. f Appolntment cf Admlnlatra-
Oregon, for the County of Clacka- u culm,nU.
In the matter of tba estate of Joaeph
Wilson, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed adminla-
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
In the matter of the estate of L. M.
Felts, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un-
tratrlx with the will annexed, ot the I, ! " "T"'n "",B7, V.
estate of Joseph Wilson, deceased by M admInlB.
the county court ot Clackamas county Fe d
Oregon. All person, h.v ng claim clam.
against said estate will please present
the same, duly verified as by law re
alised, at the office ot Thomas . A.
against the estate of said decedent
are hereby required to present the
same, with proper voucher, within six
Burke, court house within six month. date of
irom mo ubio ui mo umi puui.vuu
ot this notice.
Administratrix with the will an
nexed, ot the estate of Joseph Wilson,
Attorney for Administratrix.
to the undersigned administratrix at
the Rj. F. D. No. 2, Sherwood, Oregon.
Dated this 13th day ot March, A. V
First publication 15th day ot March,
Last publication 12th day ot April,
WHEREAS, The trout and other flan
Inhabiting the waters of Rock Creek
and Its tributaries, from Its source to
its Junction with the 'Tualatin river,
in i no nil i He ui mss statu v. wiv. - . -
ou are hereby required to appear and
mswer the complaint filed against you w . "ril
t I.
"We will stop thla uttack." said
General Foch, perhaps the greatest of
' Port to Blanch It. Pope and John W. ';the French gefieruls, speaking of the
In the Circuit Court ot the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
Harold Dewalde, Plaintiff,
Joseph J. Morris, Defendant.
To Joseph J. Morris, defendant
In the name ot the State of Oregon:
EHELs res.
this Summons; and if you fall to an
swer, for want thereof plantlff will
take a decree against you that a cer
tain contract made between you and
C. N. Wonacott dated July 8th, 1911,
for the aale to you of nineteen (19)
acres 01 mini iu mo suuuivnPb ,itu i.p
of slxtv-five acres of land In section H" 80urce. t0 3une A!
thlrty:flve in tow'nshlp 3 south, range
4 east in Clackamas county known as
the John P. Irwin tract, be cancelled
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
Lillian F. Marshall, Plaintiff,
Warren H. Marshall, Defendant
To Warren H. Marshall, above named
In the name of tba State of Oregon
yon are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you, In the above entitled suit on or
before the 12th day of April, 1918,
said date being the expiration of six
weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and It yon fall to ap
pear or answer said complaint for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
in her complaint to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the marri
age contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant This sum
mons is published by order of Hon.
J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court which order waa made on the
23d day of February, 1918, and the
time prescribed for publication thereof
is six weeks, beginning with the issue
dated March 1, 1918, and continuing
each week thereafter to and including
Friday, April 12, 1918.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
905 Northwestern Bank, Bldg., Port
land, Oregon.
Notice of Hearing Final Account
In the County Court ot the State of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
In the matter of the estate of Hester
L. Plnkley, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, administrator of the estate
of Hester L. Plnkley, deceased, haa
filed In the above entitled Court his
Final Account as such administrator,
and that said Court has set and fixed
Monday, the 25th day of March, 1918,
at the hour ot 10 o'clock In the fore
noon of said day, in the County Court
Room In the Court House ot Clacka
mas County, Oregon, as the time and
place for the hearing of said Final
Account together with any objec
tions there may be to the aame.
Administrator of the Estate of Hester
L. Plnkley, deceased.
First publication Feb. 22, 1918.
Last publication March 22, 1918.
J. J. JOHNSON, 314 Spalding Bldg,
Portland, Ore, Attorney tor Estate.
In the Circuit Court ot the State of
Oregon, tor Clackamas County.
Pearl L Austin, Plaintiff,
Victor A. Austin, Defendant
To Victor A. Austin, above named de
fendant: '
In the name of the Stat of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you, in the above entitled suit on er
before the 22nd day of March, 1918.
said date being the expiration of tlx
week from the first publication of
this summons, and If you fall to ap
pear or answer said complaint for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
In her complaint to-wit:
For .a decree dissolving the marri
age contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant and to be per
mitted to resume her maiden name ot
Pearl L Clarke. This summon 1 pub
lished by order ot Hon. J. U. Campbell,
Judge of the Circuit Court, which order
was made on the 7th day of February,
1918, and the time prescribed for pub
lication thereof Is six week, begin
ning with the issue dated February 8,
1918, and continuing each week there
after to and including Friday, March
22, 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Oregon City, Oregon.
extinction from excessive angling and
other causes, and
WHEREAS, The State Board of
Fish and Game Commissioners is de-
sirious of protecting the trout and
other flah inhabiting the waters of said
Rock Creek and its tributaries, from
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed ad
ministratrix of the estate of Alexander
King Wilson, deceased, by the County
Court ot Clackamas County, Oregon;
any and all persons having claims
against the said estate must present
them to the undersigned, duly verifi
ed as by law required, at the office ot
Ix)dor, 08 acres in section 21, town
ship ?, south rango 2, east Willamette
meridian: $1177.
AMan.ier Clirlnilo in w. A. Proc-! shipping mobilization, the construc
tor, tract of land In section 13. town-1 lo of airplanes, and munitions
shin 1. south miiKe 4. east of Willam- everything. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
expected spring drive by the Germans.
"Hut definitely to win the war we
must h a big American army, with
ette mcrUtan; $10.
S. K. SnulHbitry end N. O. Sauls
bury to F. W. Randolph, east half of
lot 3, block 30, In Bolton; $100.
Burton Brown et ux to William F.
Polchow et ux, 40 ncrei, hte north
west quarter of section. 20, towntthlp
3, south range 1, wost ot Willamette
meridian; $10.
Eunice G. Sargent to Thomas C.
Powell, lots 41 and 42 in block 4,
White City park; $10.
North Bond Joy theatre rebuilt
and comfortably seated.
Portland city laborers goting $3.25
a day will ask $3.50 tor eight hour.
'Don't loso even half a minute. If
you do your utmost you will make the
right kind ot victory sure, and you
will hnBten It."
William Claude Vanlloy of Oregon
City, was granted a license to wed
Elsie Brlda Chandler Thursday.
MOBILE, Ala,, March 11 Ex-United
States Senator Jonathan Bourne of
Oregon was married here Sunday to
Mrs. Carol B. Sporry. Mrs. Sperry has
been in charge of Senator Bourne's
plantation at Theodore, consisting of
several hundred acres, for a year.
The wedding was quiet, only a tew
Intimate friends being present. Rev.
J .W. Phillips, ot the First Baptist
church, performed the ceremony.
and held for naught (the plaintiff be
ing an assignee ot said C. N. Wonacott
in and of said contract) and that you
have now no right, title or Interest in
said nineteen acres..
E. F. and F. B. RILEY,
First publication, March 15, 1918.
Last publication, April 26, 1918.
Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Port
land, Oregon.
Painless Dental Work " . -:
Better Work Lower Prices
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Whale Bono. Plates $15 00
Flesh Colored Plates 10.00
Porcelain Crowns B OO
Gold Fillings 100
22-k. Gold Crowns 5.00
22-k. Gold Bridge 5,00
Guaranteed 15 Years Why Pay More
Over Harding' Drug Store.
Oregon City, Oregon
in the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for -the County ot Clacka
mas. B. F. Linn, Plaintiff,
Mercantile Trust and Investment com
pany, a corporation; I. G. Davidson
and Ida May Davidson, his wife, and
F. W. Goldapp, Defendants.
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, 88 :
By virtue ot a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
tha 12th day of March, 1918, upon a
spld court on the 12th day of March,
1918, In favor of B. F. Linn, plantlff,
and against Mercantile Trust and In
vestment company; I. G, Davidson and
Ida May Davidson, his wife, and F. W.
Goldapp, defendants, for the sum of
$5000.00, with intorest thereon at the
rate ot six per cent per annum from
the 18th day ot November, 1916, and
the further sum of $146.94 with Inter
est thereon at 6 per cent from the 2d
day of February, 1918, and the further
sum ot $400.00, as attorney's foe, and
the further sum of $22.25 costs and
disbursements, and the costs of an up
on this writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following described real
I property, situate in the county of
Clackamas, Stato ot Oregon, to-wlt:
Beginning af a stone 16x12x10 In-
iches in the center ot the Oregon City
land Mllwaukle road, which is Bouth
43 degrees 45 minutes east 86.33
chains and north 45 degrees eaBt
1 24.58 chains from the most westerly
corner of the James McNary and wife
donation land claim No. 38 in town
I ship 2 south ot range 2 east of the
Willamette Meridian, and running
.thence north 45 degrees east 45-100
chains to a stake; thence south 54 de
grees SO minutes east 3.94 chains to a
basalt stone 14x11x5 Inches marked
"X" on top at the most southerly cor
ner of a five acre tract conveyed by
1 Clackamaa Abstract and Trust com-
Tualitan river, situate in township 2
south, range 1 west. Willamette Mer
idian, in Washington and Clackamas
counties, Ctate of Oregon, -NOW.
THEREFORE, By authority
of law vested In the said State Board
ot Fish and Game Commissioners, no
tice is hereby given that said Rock
Creek and its tributaries,, from us
source to its junction with the Tuala
tin river, situate In'township 2 south,
range 1 west, Willamette Meridian, in
Washington and Clackamas counties,
State of Oregon, are hereby closed to j
fishing of any kind or in any manner,
for trout or other fish, from and after
the 1st day of April. 191S, until the 1st
day ot April. 1920.
And it shall be unlawful for any per
son to take or fish for trout or other
fish by any means whatever after the
date above specified.
Any and all' persons whomsoever so
fishing In vlolatJbn of this order will
be prosecuted as by statute provided.
Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 23d
day of January, 1918. I
By James Wlthycombe,
By I. N. Floischner,
By F. M. Warren,
By C. F. Stone,
In the Circuit Court ot the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
L. J. Barber, Plaintiff,
Ella O. Williams, the sole and only
known heir ot George Williams, de
ceased, and all the unknown heirs
of said George Williams, deceased,
To Ella D. Williams, the sole and only
In the Circuit Court ot the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County. '
Mary Peterson, Plaintiff.
John A. Peterson, Defendant
To John A. Peterson above named de
fendant) In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint tiled against
you, in the above entitled suit, on or
before the 22nd day ot March, 1918,
said date being the expiration of six
weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and if you fail to ap
pear or answer said complaint, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
O. A. Neal. 631 Chamber of Commerce
Bldg., Portland, Oregon, within six tne court for the relief prayed for
months from the date of this notice.
Administratrix of the estate of Alex
ander King Wilson, deceased.
First publication February 22, 1918.
Last publication, March 22, 1913.-
in her complaint, to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the marri
age, contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant and for the
care, custody and control of the minor
child. Opal Peterson. - This summons
is published .by order of Hon. J. TJ.
Campbell,' Judge of the Circuit Court,
which order was made on the 7th day
of February. 1918, and the time pre-
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned. Administrator ot the estate'
of Christian J. Sindall, deceased, has ; scribed for publication thereof is six
filed his final account herein with the
County Clerk, of Clackamas County,
Oregon, and the County Judge has set
Monday, March 18th, 1918, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m., at the County Court
known heir of George Williams, de- room in Oregon City, Clackamaa Conn
Notice of Annual Stockholders Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the regu
lar annual, meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Clear Creek Creamery
company, will be held at the cream
ery plant, March 18, 1918, at 1 p. m.
The purpose ot the meeting is the
election of a board ot five directors,
a secretary and treasurer for the
ensuing year. There Is also other
business of Importance that may
TOrad before the meeting. All stock
holders are requested to be present
or otherwise represent their power
as a stockholder.
Dated this 20th day ot February,
" No. 15320. -
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, tor the County of Clacka
mas. Levi W. Myers, Plaintiff,
0. W. Kern, Lucena Kern, Pluess Ru-
.dolph, and Saratoga Investment
Company, a corporation, Defendants.
By virtue of an execution, Judgment,
ceased, and all the unknown heirs
of said George Williams, deceased,!
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You and each of you, whether known
or unknown, and whether designated
by your true name or as the unSnown
heirs of said George Williams, deceas
ed, claiming some right, title, estate,
lien or interest in the real property
described in the complaint of plain
tiff on file herein, and each and all of
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
and each of you In the above entitled
suit, pending In the above entitled
court, on or before Saturday, the 6th
day ot April, 1918, which said date is
more than six consecutive weeks af
ter the date of first publication of this
summons, and If you, or either of you,
fail to so appear and answer, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded In his
complaint on file -herein, namely, for
a decree ot the above entitled court
forever quieting the title of plaintiff
in and to the following described real
property, situated in Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon, to-wit:
The S. E. of the N. E. and the
N. E of the S. E. ' of Section 10
in Township 4, South of Range 1 East
of the Willamette Meridian, containing
80 acres of land, more or less, which
tract of land has been heretofore
sometimes described and" referred to
as the John Allen Place.
And for a decree forever quieting, bar
ring, and cancelling all right, claims
estate, Hens or interests ot whatso
ever nature, which you or either of you
have or claim in said real property or
any portlpn thereof, and for a further
decree that plaintiff be declared and
decreed to have and hold and possess
a fee simple estate in and to said real
property, and every part thereof free
from al! claims of any nature of any
or all of the above named defendants
whether known or unknown, and for
all other equitable relief demanded In
the complaint ot plaintiff, or which to
the court may seem equitable.
The undersigned attorney Is a resi
dent attorney of the State of Oregon,
and resides in Portland, Oregon. His
post office address Is 631 Chamber of
Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
This summons is published by and
pursuant to an order made by the Hon,
J. TJ. Campbell, Judge ot the above en-
ty, Oregon, as the time and place for
weeks, beginning with the issue dated
February 8. 1918, and continuing each
week thereafter to and including Fri
day, March 22, 1913.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Oregon City. Oregon.
D. C Latourettk, President " F. T. Mkv. rash,Vr
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
Phones Pacific 52
Horn A ll)
All legal business promptly attended tt
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice in First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Office Phones Pacific Main 405;
Home A-270.
Beaver Bldg., Room 6
Money loaned, abstracts furnish-,
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Deutscher Advokat
Will practice in all courts, make cot
lections and settlements.
Office in Enterprise Building,
Oregon City. Oregon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of Sur
gery of Chicago, is established
at Fashion Stable, between
Fourth and Fifth on Main Street.
Both Telephones
Office Pacific 65; Home A-95
Res. Pacific 184; Home B-80
William Hammond
Philip L. Hammond
Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur
ance. t
Pacific Phone 81 Home Phone A-S7S
8 and 15 Beaver Bldg. Oregon City, Oregen.
Turn your old account and note into eash.
Special correspondents and attorney In all cltie and towns in the United
Bute ind Canada. .