Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 15, 1918, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    rrrmxr TmiwrTnTciTii mm a v m a oru I ( . into
War Widows Get Jobs
New Teachers Chosen
Hushands In Service
Two war widows secured Jobs in the
" Oregon CItly schools Thursday night
Mra. Margaret Watenpaugh McDon
Id, whose husband Simon McDonald
ii in the aero aerrice, waa elected
teacher of the primary grade in the
Easthara school, succeeding Mra. Ber
tha Dalllnger Shaver, who left last Fri
day for Idaho.
Mrs. Gladys Hargreaves, of Molalla,
was elected teacher in the grades at
the Barclay school, succeeding Miss
Nora M. Wilson, whose resignation it
effective March 22. Mrs. Hargreaves
husband Is in the army.
Both women have wide experience
in school work.
The rarent-Teachers' local, of Mo
lalla will hold its last meeting of the
year at that place on Saturday, March
9, and one of the most Interesting pro
grams of the year is in store for the
patrons, according to Superintendent
Calavan. The meeting will convene
both morning and afternoon.
10:00 State Parent-Teachers" Work,
Mrs. Arlstlne Felts.
10:45 How to Substitute Food, Lor
ene Parker.
1:00 Music, Molalla school
1:15 Teachers' Part in Club Work,
H. C Seymour.
1:00 Reading Circle Work, Alfred
Oliver Babcock is what you might
call a designing "cuss". If his wife's
divorce complaint, filed Friday in the
circuit court, is correct. Elsie Bab
cock charges that her husband
schemed and- "carried out a stupid
plan calculated to annoy, worry and
harass the plaintiff: and that he
worried, scolded, reproached, nagged,
and otherwise 'abused her to such an
extent that happy domestic life at the
Babcock home became an Impossibil
ity. The climax came, the wif a char
ges, when he finally fired her out of
the home, and told her to be gone,
once and for all.
Molalla, Or., March 8. The Molalla
community held Its regular lunch and
business meeting at the Molalla hotel
Monday night T. A. Root, county
road engineer, gave a talk on road
conditions in Clackamas county and
indicated what the county court would
do to help solve the questions in this
section. He says labor conditions will
be a great handicap to road building
this summer, as the state is paying
$3.50 tor common labor and the coun
ty would be required to pay the same,
and even then help would be Inade
quate. Wright's bridge, left high and
dry when the river changed Its course,
has been repaired and plans are Be
ing made to change the river back
into the old channel. Between 25 and
SO loads of lumber are hauled into
Molalla daily and this will be doubled
this summer, requiring improvement
to roads.
The first three candidates to file for
county offices apoeared Monday. They
were H. W. Koehler, democratic can
didate tor sheriff; Fred A. Miller, re
publican candidate for county clerk;
and Dudley Boyles, candidate on the
JohnD. Rockefeller will hand
over I3S.400.000 to the United
$ States as his Income tax, it was
$ stated here today by financial
Salem, March It (Special). Her
man A. Lewis of Portland again de
stres to be Joint Senator from Clack
amas, Columbia and Multnomah
counties, having filed hla declaration
with Secretary Olcott.
In hla declaration he ays:
FLATFORM Give my unqualified
support to the Government and- all
its branches In carylng on the war to
a victorious entt. I win use my oesi
efforts to promote and encourage the
development of the industries and re-
sources of the State. I will work for
the better and more efficient produc
tion and management of our farms
and the farm products and the market
ing thereof, among other things, fav
oring the establishment of the Flax
industry on a permanent and paying
basis. I favor strict economy of ad
ministration. SLOGAN Progreslve Republi
can. Unqualified Americanism. De
velop State's industries and farm production.
Helps Director General
Run American Railroads
b- - n
? J 1
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of
Oregon, for Clackamas county.
La Nora Sterns, Plaintiff,
Tracy Starns, Defendant.
To Tracy Starns, above-named de-
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you, are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
arainst vou in the above entitled suit.
nn nr hofm-n th 2fifh da nf Anril. 191S.! Molalla, Or., March 8 The Melalla
said date being the expiration of six Red Cross auxiliary has been very ac
weeks from the first publication of tive In the military relief work, hav
this summons, and if you fail to ap-'ing sent to headquarters 1956 articles
pear or answer said complaint for 'since organization was perfected sev
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply eral months ago. The local workers
to the court for the relief prayed for have been complimented by the Port
In her "complaint to-wit: land chapter on the quality and
For a decree dissolving the mar- amount of work done. Mrs. O. W.
riage contract now existing- between Robbins, who has two sons in the ser-
plaintiff and defendant and tor the res- vice, nas cnarge or tnis department,
toratlon of her former name La Nora The auxiliary since December has fin-
McDanieL This ecmmona is published ished 69 knitted sweaters, SI pairs
by order of Hon. J. U .Campbell, judge knitted socks, 47 pairs knitted wrlst-
of the Circuit Court which order was lets, 6 knitted helmets, ISO hospital
made on the 13th day of March. 1918, shirts, IS suits of pajamas. 39 pairs
and the time prescribed for publishing of bed socks, 348 napkins, 192 hand-
thereof is six weeks, beginning with i kerchiefs, 8 dozen tray clotns, & dozen
the issue dated Friday, March 15, 1918,
and continuing each week thereafter
to and including Friday, April 26, 1918.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Resident Attorney; of Oregon City, Or.
Old Folks Saved
From Suffering
Miss Frances Hawthorne Brady of
Washington, D. C, was the first wom
an named on the staff of William G.
McAdoo, director general of American
railroads. Miss Brady has been prom
aent in society in Washington.
Mrs. Mary A. D-an, Taunton, JIas3..
in her 87th year, says: "I thought I
was beyond the rer.ch of medicine, tut
Foley Kidney Pills have proven most
beneficial in my case."
ilr. Sam A. Hoover, High Point,
N. C, writes: "My kidney trouble was
worse at night ar.d I had to get up
from five to seven times. Now I do
not have to get up at night, and con
fsider myself in a truly normal con
dition, which I attribute to Foley Kid
ney Pills, as I have taken nothing
Mrs. M. A. Bridges, Robinson, Mass.,
says: "I suffered from- kidney ail
mtnts for two years. I commenced
taking Foley Kidney Pills ten months
ago, and though I am 61 years of age,
1 feel like a 16-year-old girl.'"
Foley Kidney Pills are . tonic,
strengthening and up-building, and
rfstore normal action to the klanevs
and 'o a disordered and painful blad
der. Thev act quickly an contain
no dangerous or harmful drugs.
wash cloths, 3 fracture pillows, 202
comfort pillows, 30 bed coats, 27 gun
wipers (10-inch strips). Every adult
in the Molalla district is a member
of the Red Cross.
ROAD D1ST. NO. 7 C. W. Schuld
& Sons, $28.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 8 raul R.
Meinig, $13.98; Sandy Lumber Co.,
$34.06; L, W. Miller, $14.00; Dick Al
len, $3.75; Aug. Biedenstein, $2.60;
O. G. Mclntyre, $32.50; H. Larson,
$25.00; E. Peterson, $10.00; J. Mc
Intvre, $2.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 9-Frd Llni,
$17.50; Will Lins, $2.00; Edd Grafen
hain, $9.00; John Duus, $12.00; Her
man Duus, $7.00; J. English, $10.00;
William Johnson, $3.00; Walter Tar
williger, $2.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. ll-F. M. Rob.
ertson, $1.87; Chase & Linton Gravel
Co., $165.30; J. R. Llvcsay, $2.50; C.
Moak, $1.25; C. R. Llvesav, $1.75.
ROAD DIST. NO. 12 W. F. Hah
erlach, $36.78; Earl Gerber, $12.00;
J. Moser, $12.00; E. C- Gerber, $29..
60; O. Thompson, $5.50; F. .Moser,
$9.00; Henry Babler, $8.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 13 Frank
Swart, $543.34; George N. Gill, $33..
60; Walt Paterson, $11.85; E. Larson.
$5.30; A. Flanum, $1.55; Louis Nor.
man, $10.30; J. Marklund, $1.56; H.
P. Goss, $5.00; A. Johnson, $6.25; J.
F. Walsh, $6.25; E. W. Altig, $6.25;
W. II. Lewis, $5.00; Frank SwarU,
$2.50; J. Swarti, $1.25; G. N. Gill.
$35.00; Gotleib Amacher, $2.50; J. T.
Fullam, $8.75.
ROAD DIST. NO. 15 Frank Dow.
ling, $1.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 16 D. McAar
thur, $5.00; F. Huiraa, $8.60; W, Ran
dall, $17.25; II. Engel, $16.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 17 Canby
Hardware & Implement Co., $1.45;
Wm. Githens, $15.75; Herb Johnson
$17.75; Ernest Johnson, $12.00; A.
B. Johnson, $9.00; Almon Johnson,
$40.50; John Paveliti, $31.60; M.
Strejc, $10.60; Otto Striker, $47.25;
Henry Richter, $17.75; George Koeh
ler, $15.75; Roy Caveness, $2.63;
Adam Bany, $10.25; Fred Bany,
$5.65; Herman Pipka, $18.00; F. B.
Needham, $5.00; Shaker Miller, $5..
00; P. R. Pierce, $2.25; R. Strejc,
ROAD DIST. NO. 18 Martin
Bros.. $14.00; L, P. Duffy, $1.38;
Fred Kamrath, Jr., $2.75; Fred Kam
rath, $1.75.
ROAD DIST. NO! 19 L. J. Elliott,
$150.84; Clark Bros., $65.80; J. C.
Nelson, $4.69; Charles Nelson, $3..
75; Walter Zwahlen, $6.25; Robert
Zwahlen, $6.25; Fred Zwahlen, $5.94;
Claude Bottermiller, $6.23; W. H.
Bottermiller, $7.19; Walter Lee, $5.
00; A. F. Buxhe, $7.90; L. P. Elliott,
$4.12; John Puts, $6.19; Ed. Buol,
$4.6? ; John Buol, $3.75; Chas. Gasser
$2.19; Alex Nelson, $1.25; H. Chind
gren, $2.50; Glen Larkins, $5.00;
Elmer Erickson, $11.25; A. Woodside,
$5.00; W. Miller, $5.00; P. Berdine,
$2.50; Albert Erickson, $2.50; Fred
Bruner, $10.50; William Wallace,
$5.00; Frank Jones, $10.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 20 G. .Vagary,
$3.70; J. C. Miller, $73.50; II. Gib
son, $4.50; J.Willock, $6.00; M. John
ston, $57.00; C. Rankin, $13.50; S.
Miller, $81.00; A. ClifT, $12.00; G.
Dallas, $3.75; M. W. Johnston, $43.
50; W. Benton, $4.50; W. Brown,
ROAD DIST. NO. 21-Stefani
Lumber Co., $144.00; Hult Bros.,
$196.00; W. S. Gorbett, $55.50; Aur.
Almquist, $11.25; W. E. Bonney, $3.
75; Chas. Johnson, $3.00; A. E. Nel
son, $2.50; G. Murphy, $15.00; Phil
Nordlinp, $5.00; Axel Johnson, $12.-
50; L. P. Elliott, $12.00; Au. Wcck
burg", $1.88 Herm Chindgren, $7.50;
Claud Winslow, $7.50.
Rathke, $!7.87j Wm. Booth, $14.00;
Fred Wagner, $3.75; W. Haworth,
$55.00; Thos. Dunn, $12.50; V. E.
Schuld & Sons, $35.00; Vernle Rad
ford, $7.50; Joo Cuhlo, $10,30; Fred
Henirstler, $10.00; Wagner, $3.75; W.
Haworth, $55.00; Thoa. Dunn, $12.
50; V. E. Hengstlor, $10.00; A.
Baumbnck, $10.00; J. Harnett, $45,
00; D. Hiatt, $40.54; A. Hengstler,
$10.30; Paul Dunn, $2.75; J. Burnett,
$5.25; D. Hiatt, $4.80; W. Haworth,
ROAD DIST. NO. 38 II. E. Shar
row, $1.00; R. Richardson, $7.60.
ROAD DIST. NO. 41 R. S. Smith,
$2.10; Paul R. Melnig, $3.70; Firwood
Dover Telephone Co., $15.00; II. It.
Udell, $5.25; A. Koennaman, $1.25.
ROAD DIST. N. 44 Frank Dow
ling, $2.00; C. W. Frlodrkh, $1.80;
C. R, Livesay, $24.25; Hogg Bros.,
$0.50; A. S. Newton, $52.60; R.
Braker, $12.50; A. Osburn, $40.50; J.
Shocklcy, $2.60; J. Barlow, $22.50;
Osborn, $31.25; H. Jones, $12.00; E.
FN Bancroft, $7.50; J. Harry, $20.00;
C. Gregory, $10.00; II. Engel, $8.00.
Schuld & Sons, $7.00; E. C. Warren,
$394.35; Portland Railway, Light &
Power Co., $8.34; O. P. Roethe, $103..
00; D. J. Bass, $43.50; Ira Hart, $8..
25; John Risley, $8.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 49 A. N. Wills,
ROAD DIST. NO. 60 A. Mather,
ROAD DIST. NO. 62 Laurelwood
Filling Station, $8.20; Frank Ott,
$60.25; Frank Ott, $12.20; Gents Ga
rage, $12.25; W. A. Ulrich, $38.50;
Joe Spady, $15.00; Louis Spady, $21..
25; L. C. Becker, $20.00; Narmer
Peterson, $27.50; Chas. Henderson,
$21.25; Aug. Geppert, $23.75; John
Bower, $21.25; Arthur Deardorff,
$22.50; Otto Brookman, $12050;
Frank Krause, $10.00; Alfred Adam,
$14.35; Elmer Zlnser, $13.10; Earl
IVardorff, $12.00v
ROAD DIST. NO. 64 Amos Vo
der, $1.00; BenJ. SUnton, $6.12; Sam
Miller, $4.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 55 Horner Mil
lard Lbr. Co., $259.83; Frank Mil
lard, $18.00; A. W. Lee, $2.25; S. W.
Moore, $2.25; Ben Baker, $2.25.
ROAD DIST. NO. 66 Martin Bros
$14.00; Mt Tabor Garage, $3.80; W.
F. Haberlach, $80.00; Coast Steel &
Machinery Co., $94.00; Miller-Park-er
Co., $23.40; Hodson-Fecnaughty
Co., $36.32; Willamette Valley South
ern Railwny Co., $20.60; Good Roads
man, $3.49; H. Hill, $3.49; N. Crow
ley, $12.00; II. E. Young, $33.83; E.
R. Kilgnilon, $30.00; Horner Millard
Lbr. Co., $52.41; Scripture & May,
$4.65; Wm. Dutcher, $133.25; H. H.
Hartley, $71.75; S. W. Hare, $60.00;
W. Henderson, $55.50; D. Hare, $01..
50; F. A. Vnllet, $12.00; J. D. Frem-h
$3.00; E. D. Still, $8.00; W. F. Hub
erlnch, $310.32.
BOUNTY Edward Schmidt, $4..
00; Wade Cribble, $1.60; Wm. M.
Kirchem, $3.00.
ELECTION I. M. Harrington,
$6.00; Boss Ross, $40.00.
SHERIFF H. II. Hughes, $35.60;
W. F. Stangel, $4.60; Jones Drug
Co., $2.40; L, C. Hubbard, $2.91; Ore
gon City Enterprise, $10.00; Wm. J.
Wilson, $9.20; A. E. Joyner, $28,50;
It. E. Meads, $140.00.
CLERK The Adding Mach. Co.,
$0.75; Jones Drug Co., $7.40; F. A.
Miller, $10.50; I. M. Harrington, $7..
50; Oregon City Enterprise, $11.30.
RECOUDKR Jones Drug Co., $1..
25; Huntley Drug Co., $2.60; R. L.
Davis, $75.00; D. C. Boyles, $9.00;
Glass & Prudhommo Co., $73.00.
TREASURER Oregon City En
terprise, $10.95.
ASSESSOR Oregon City Enter
prise, $12.25; Huntley Drug Co.,
$0.75;Frankel Ribbon Co., $3.60;
Bushong A Co., $16.50; W. W. Ever
hart, $9.28.
tor, $42.00; A. H. Knight, $64.60;
Oregon City Enterprise, $0.65; It. 8.
Anderson, $3.00.
COURT HOUSE -Pacific Tele
phone & Telegraph Co., $43.55;
Home Telephone Co., $15.35; Pope &
Co., $1.75; T. M. Miller, $1.75; Bord
of Water Commissioners, $21.00;
Coast Chemical Co., $2.75; Hogg
Bros., $2.70.
Hughes, $5.00; D. E. Frost, $23.20.
CORONER Dr. Orel A. Welsh,
SURVEYOR II. H. Johnson, $11..
95; C. A. Miller, $6.00; C. Simmons,
$9.00; Huntley Drug Co., $1.00.
INSANE M. C. Strickland. $5.00.
Co., $31.05; D. E. Frost, $7.75; Hunt
ley Drug Co., $43.80; Brenton Ved
der, $150.00; J. E. Calavan, $25.78;
Mil lor-Parker Co., $7.60.
City Enterprise, $3.66; Jones Drug
Co., $9.00; Dr. O. A. Welsh, $00.30.
lonhofr, $18.75; Williard Bosholm,
COUNTY POOR Wm. Danforth,
Dead British Ambauador.
and the New Ambassador
ffi iSy J
i I ' ' 1 ' 1 . 1' . IT a
M' '''If- v .
V; -v1 '''" i
L,v . v-j J
A month after Sir Cecil A. Spring
Ulca was relieved of his place a
British ambassador to tho United
States he died lu Ottawa, where be
had gone on a visit While is waa
on his deathbed tho new amkasaador
Lord Reading, arrived In the Untied
Rtntni. Lord Reading U well known
In the United States.
Mach. Co., $53.83; Jarl & Eri, $4.55; ! $10.00; Boys' & Girls' Aid Soc, $10..
Port Ry. L. & P. Co., $41.70; Fred i 00; Hoff Bros. (Tom Jones), $19.00;
Lins, $11.00; H. Engel, $19.25; E. A.Mrs. Bradtl (J. McNamara), $10.00;
Hackett, $6.60; W. Randall, $24.00; i Sam Booher, $16.00; Dock Mosier,
A. Thompson. $32.00: D. R. Dimick. $f4.00: Mary Buol (Robert Trimblel.l
$26.00; Wm. Rider, $17.50; A. R.
Earls, $15.75; Charles Thomas, $3.50;
C. O. Thomas, $8.75; Paul Bany,
$21.00; Sam Hess, $18.00; Charles
Bradle, $9.00; Ralph Koehler, $12.-
00; S. Bany, $12.00; O. F. Frentress,
$6.00; Thomas Simpson, $6.00; Mike
Hurris, $12.00; A. E. Wait, $6.00;
Electric Store, $2.20; W. F. Haber
lach, $84.50; J. I White, $12.50; P.
B. Gray, $2.50; Huntley Drug Co.,
$5.00; Sarah Gibbons .$20.00; Mrs.
Jessie Chalk, $16.00; Mrs. Galbratth,
$15.00; Mrs. G. W. Thompson, $10..
00; A. C. Sleight, $15.00; Ada Le
Lellaw, $8.00; Katio Pluurd, $8.00;
Ella Tracy, (Eunice Horner), $10.
00; Been Landcs, $12.00; S. E. Curd
(Michael Boyl), $8.00; C. II. Dybduhl,
$20.00; Gustav Grcble, $20.00; Mrs.
N. E. Taylor (Booher), $14.00; Wm.
Dukclman, $14.00; John & Wm.
NEW YORK, March 11. Tho United
Hebrew Trades came to the rescue of
Thomas Mooney, sentenced to deuth at
Sun Francisco, as a result of the Pre
paredness luy bomb explosion In July.
1916, at a mass meeting here Sunday.
Socialist orators made fiery speeches
In his behalf, but denounced with al-
Four divorce decrees were, entered
of record In the circuit court Wed
nesday. Edith A. Sheldon was grant
ed a divorce from her husband, Kirk
Sheldon, and the court ordered the
restoration of her maiden name,
Edith A. Bishop. Emma B.. James
was granted a decree from Robert G.
James; Etta McCoy was given a de
cree from Virgil McCoy; and Lena
Baumgarten obtained a divorce from
her husband, John Baumgarten, the
plaintiff obtaining her maiden name,
Lena Schram.
Important Announcement
Announces the opening of his New Store,
Seventh Street, near the Elevator,
Oregon City
We are prepared to secure for you the
highest cash price for your produce. We
can supply your Grocery Needs at Lowest
Prices. We huy for Cash and Sell for Cash.
We have no bad acounts for the Cash Cus
tomer to pay. If you live in the country
you don t pay the delivery charges of City
Low Expenses, Cash Buying and Selling
Makes this the Bargain Center
VANCOUVER, Wash., March 7.-
Licenses to wed were issued here to
day to the following Clackamas county
Oscar James Harper, legal, of Mil
waukle, Or., and Mrs. Katie Dodge,
legal ,of Oregon City, Oregon.
Samuel Linton, 41, of Oregon City,
Oregon, and Margarette A. Vineyard,
1 51 nf rtrfiffnn Pit Hrocrnn
The County Court
Haberlach, $1.20; J. W. Hugill, $0.75;
A. N. Wills, $32.40; Clay Colson,
$93.50; Robert Rosenau, $66.00; Joe
Mlady, $28.87; James Kepcha, $4.00;
M. E. Gaffney, $72.00; A. Martin,
$8.00; Herman Timmer, $13.75; Dan
Gaffney, $77410; C. E. Battin, $37..
12; Jerome Avery, $38.50; J. A. Da.
vis, $38.50; A. N. Wills, $30.25; Ottis
Welch, $22.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 3 Mat Green
slade, $4.50; H. Seibert, $19.00; Joe
Papsch, $9.00; J. E. Cline, $3.00; Ra
mon Cline, $3.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 4 C. W. Schuld
& Sons, $21.00; Portland Railway,
Light & Power Company, $25.03; Es
tacada Telephone & Telegraph Co.,
$0.90; J. D. Closner Tie Co., $91.40;
Irvy Millard, $5.00; H. A. Githens,
$4.00; L. Hale, $6.00; H. C. Heiple,
$10.00; J. A. KitchinK, $12.00; C. W
Fuller, $9.00; E. E. Erkkson, $2.00;
J. A. Hitching, $4.15; J. C. Kitching,
$8.80; J. B. Linn, $2.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 22 A. N. Wills, Co.,
$28.00; Robt. Elkins, $7.50; E. II .
Metzler, $2.50; Homer Trullingcr,
$3.12; Lee Looncy, $2.50; Loui Gi
anini, $5.00; W. II. Engle, $3.75; Oren
Cutting, $7.50; Hershel Wilson, $7.
50; A. T. Buxton, $5.00; Ben Stein
injrer, $5.00; H. W. Summerville,
$5.00 J. V. Harless, $6.25; II. J. Ras
tall, $28.00; S. A. D. Hungate, $39.-
50; Sam Jane, $13.75; Graham Hun
gate, $16.25; Walter Painter, $16.-
25; Clay Hungate, $6.87; Cosby Dick-
erson, $U.75; Browning, $3.75; Mer-
ril Eldred, $7.50; Henry Fick, $6.25;
Robert Elkins, $3.75; Milton Trul
linger, $2.50; H. C. Bonaker, $5.62;
Herman Chindgren, $32.00; A. E. Ad-
kins, $3.00; Sam Bhenke, $3.00; Mil
ton Chindgren, $11,25.
ROAD DIST. NO. 23 R. W. Zim
merman, $9.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 24 W. W. Ir
vin, $6.00; C. R. Nobblett, $2.50; C.
E. Miller, $7.00; F. Keiling, $2.50;
P. H. Miller, $2.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 25 Tice Broth
ers, $6.20; Rudolph Klaus, $8.00; P.
J. Scheer, $6.25; Chester Smith, $5.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 26 Concrete
Pipe Works, $18.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 27 Frank
Jeorg, $8.00; Olaf Olson, $6.00; J. L.
Jones, $4.00; F. Hubbard. $2.00; A.
Barth, $2.00; Jay Bentley, $2.00; I.
D. Larkins, $7.00; T. D. Clap, $2.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 28 Hodson.
Feenaughty Co., $2.29; W. G. Mas
terton, $33.25; Robbins Bros., $8.15;
D. B. Gray, $25.00; Howard-Cooper
Corporation, $26.33; Zeb Bowman,
$24.00; N. B. Wade, $22.50; Robert
Bagby, $19.50; L. D. Shank, $29.75;
W. M. Bird, $18.00; Ed. Russell, $12.
00; Leslie Shank, $61.50; E. L". Pal
frey, $7.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 29 Canby
Hardware & Implement Co., $15.20;
G. II. Gray, $20.00; Arlo Gray, $15.
00; Edward White, $7.50; Will Flick,
ROAD DIST. NO. 30 Oswego
Lumber Co., $9.45.
ROAD DIST. NO. 31 A. F. Del
ker, $6.75; L. J. Francis, $5.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 32 Harry Jost,
$11.75; J. C. Snyder, $2.00; Henry
Wilhelm, $2.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 33 Horner Mil
lard Lbr. Co., $5.37; Frank Millard,
$8.00; Marion Millard, $1.25; W.
Tucker, $0.60; E. Closner, $0.60; Jas.
Closner, $2.25.
ROAD DIST. NO. 34 Nelson &
Davis, $7.00; Frank Busch, $5.15; F.
Moser, $37.50; G. OldenstadUt22.50;
W. Oldenstadt, $21.25; S. Seedling,
$22.50; E. Oldenstadt, $16.87; W. Jas
ter, $2.50; A. Oldenstadt, $16.25; R.
Oldenstadt, $13.75; N. Bellmore,
$15.00; G. Moser, $15.00; J. Seed
ling, $3.12; S. Moser, $11.25; W.
Kaiser, $56.00.
Beers, -$20.00; Mrs. Elizabeth Saun
nnin TMnrtntrcwtvxkrrp i i. f rlir 45 nn M aru T t 1 A flit. A
t i n...' m ..or. . .MfKnrtvi tin no. xir T!..t,, r J the American federation ot Labor.
QO.VV t tl. 1, 14.1,17 1. iU. V-U., fl.i; . , wcvvi,
C. Buchcl, $50.00; Honeyman Hard-100; M.iud Williams, $10.00; J. B. Sal
ware Co., $31.77; Howard-Cooper ,oe (W. T. Tinsley, D. R. Davicg,
Corp., $2.09; Mt. Tabor Fuel Co.,,Wm- Kuhn), $60.00; Geo. H. New
$3.91; Doernbecher Mfg. Co., $1.05; "ome $'0.00; Mr. Annie Lungsford,
PniKini, l.'..ii!nn,i.n, Pn i Hi . i n J7.00 '. CK'ilu droi'crv t Mnlili.nhinforl
rt,iii...i ii,.... vi-.L m r. 'IlO.O.'l; Wm. Kiilinn tT V,n,I. ' dared r rank
Vllllivy 1UW ,,V1 IVB, P'J A. i U. 1 UUB Oil ' - - v. w t n- i
0.52; Hci-man Fisher, $188.00: ha). W Mary I. Wilson (E. Mil-
H. W. Meier. $31.89: N. T. Andros. i ler). $30.00; Mrs. Fred Himler
$52.34; L. Rycynski, $55.39; G. Gross I
$54.09; E. Gross, $54.09; J. Turner,
$54.09; W. Larson, $43.62; F. Ross,
$13.96; J. Johnson, $22.68; E. Zim
mer, $47.11; R. O. Britton, $50.60;
J. Nowak, $33.15; J. Pauline, $13.62;
W. M. Rainey, $55.83; W. Fromong,
$15.70; W. B. Miller, $47.11; Herman
Fisher, $93.76; C. Kelnhofer, $14.39;
W. M. Stone, $3.83; C. J. Quickley,
$45.72; G. Taylor, $33.25; J. W. Gil
bert, $21.00; Robert Switzer, $16.55;
Ruben Bernard, $41.55; T. C. Sher
wood, $105.57; J. Joncll, $12.68; C.
Schmeiscr, $25.84; J, A. Kepcha, $60
64; A. Martin, $51.11; O. Martin, $9..
65; Burns Britton, $15.75; J. Feltz,
$27.00; A. Solberry, $6.20; Sam Ross,
$11.20; W. E. Edwards, $7.47; E. Ed
wards, $7.47; C. Colson, $26.17; W.
Kaiser, $17.88; E. Stauber, $27.95;
M. Stauber, $27.95; Geo. Schwint,
$15.47; P. Hahn, $29.65; Albert Fish
er, $5.99; T. F. Pullcn, $12.21; O.
Cantrall, $6.49; H. E. Young, $33.33;
Oregon City Foundry, $66.75; Fran
cis Welsh, $27.68; Pope & Co., $12..
80; Oregon Iron & Steel Co., $1.00;
Coast Culvert-& Flume Co., $110.47;
Standard Oil Co., $2.00; The Heirs
of Fred Rakel Estate, $300.00; Ore
gon hng. & Cons. Co., $421.49; Mar
shal Wells Co., $43.29; J. J. Burke,
$30.20; II. E. Cowgill, $66.25; Falls
Transfer Co., $55.02; F. C. Gadke,
$65.73; Hogg Bros., $2.60; Huntley
Bros., $4.10; Oregon Engineering
Co., $1.65; Robertson Hardware &
Steel Co.," $25.25; B. J. Staats, Hdwe,
Co., $22.40; Francis Welsh, $10.50;
II. E. Yeung, $4.10; II. Brightbill,
$0.75; W. F. Haberlaxih, $412.69; Joe
Medock, $62.37; A. W. Mead, $51.23;
R. R. Roberts, $33.15; J. A. Roachs,
$48.85; C. F. Stutz, $58.88; F. Qulnn,
?69.35; G. Rake, $69.34; J. J. Con
fer, $49.06; R. Aldrich, $67.60; N.
Wallace, $105.71; II. T. Sears, $56.
26; G. D. Baker, $62.37; C. H. Bohm,
$65.42; G. R. Richards, $89.21; M. H.
Long, $82.49; E. A. Osborn, $58.88;
G. H. Crothers, $61.07; G. W. Perci
full, $64.11; A. Sanetell, $47.33; W.
M. Billings, $84.17; M. G. Christen
son, $67.82; W. A. Rakcl, $43.61; J.
A. Acord, $25.73; R. S. Filler, $10.02;
J. Joseph, $15.32; J. M. Webb, $11.78;
W. M. Harvey, $15.32; Chas. Swift,
$14.18; F. M. Bennett, $41.88; II. N.
Kern, $41.88; F. Freese, $43.62; W.
R. Dann, $34.90; W. M. Pulley, $28..
42; W. Haitt, $27.92; C. Blakley,
$27.92; T. O. Montgomery, $31.41; J.
W. Aldrich, $27.92; E. L. Faulkner,
$27.92; E .Elligsen, $16.17; C. E. Dol
lar, $20.94; M. R. Snidow, $24.43; H.
Simpson, $20.94; C. A. Frost, $20.
94; A. Klemsen, $3.49; F. Testra,
$15.70; R. W. Griffith, $15.96; E.
Fortune, $13.96; S. L. Aldrich, $13.
96; II. U. Miller, $10.47; J. F. Moore,
$10.47; J. Toweroy, $13.96; J. Gerk-
(Matheson), $20.00; J. C, Penney
Co. (Mrs. Gcist), $5.48; A. A. Pease
(Mrs. Ida Mobra), $20.00; Dunning
& McEntee (Joseph Laurence), $25.
00; Parkpluce Store (Mrs. Baker),
$5.00; Parkpluce Store (Mrs. Zack
ery), $10.00; J. J. Tobin (Dick Mey
era), $20.00; St. Vincent's hospital
(Joseph Ijwrence), $6.25; E. A.
Hackett (A. C. Straight), $7.07; E.
A. Hackett (Piezo), $7.05; Lursen &
Co. (Mrs. Lamp), $5.00; Larsen &
Co. (Beers), $10.00; II. D. Ader (J.
Lawrence), $3.25; Multnomah Coun
ty (G. Avery), $30.00; Miller & Obst
(Zachary), $5.25; Fred Schwartz
(Mrs. Trullinger), $10.00; Robbins
Bros. (J. Russell). $11.70: Oroeon
City Hospital Co. (Ida Gould), $100..
00; Oregon City Hospital Co. (Anna
Ragan), $42.00; Huntley Drug Co..
$11.85; Mrs. E. Jackson, $15.00;
Francis Welsh, $5.00; C. E. Cross (S.
Gibbons), $5.00; II. S. Anderson
(Mrs. G. G. Brown), $6.00; R. L.
Holman (George R. Gray), $60.00;
Doctors Mount (Mary Maroy), $5.00;
F. M. Robertson (Mrs. Beers), $6.00;
Jones Drug Co., $2.80; George A.
Harding, $14.45; Huntley Drug Co.,
$4.01; Maud Williams (Care of
child), $5.00; Mrs. E. V. Phelps (V.
Neff), $10.00; Denis Donovan (Jcc
rome Hamilton), $14.00; A. B.
Buckles (Geist), $10.00; Farr Bros.
(Piezo), $12.00; Bannon & Co. (Mar
tin, Davies, Williams, Meyer), $15.
40; Mrs. W. E. Boerncr (E. .C Dos
brow), $20.00; Mrs. M. Durgun (M.
Foster), $25.00; E. H. Cooper (Mrs.
Piezo), $5.00; L. II. Doolittlo (Dick
elman), $10.40; Morgan Co. (Mrs.
Carlis el. J 10.00; Mm. 7. Mnmhv I
$15.00; W. W. Pollock (Chas. McKin
nis), $24.00; Hugh Knipe (M. Wil
liams), $5.00; Clyde Grocery (Mol-
denhauer), $5.00; Mrs. Gage, $15.00;
Mrs. J. N. Dustin (J. G. Wake), $10..
00; Otto E. Mcindl (J. C. Seahorn),
JAIL W. J. Wilson, $29.20.
$12.00; D. E. Frost, $40.56; Minda E.
Church, $35.30.
Oregon City Enterprise, $28.48; The
Courier Press, $28.48.
Carbon & Ribbon Mfg. Co., $10.00;
I. D. Taylor, $12.75; Jess W. Hyatt,
$38.99; Evelyn Harding, $37.94; Ona
Renner, $67.46; Flo Hewitt, $10.84;
Edith Alldredge, $59.02; Huntley
Drug Co., $0.75; W. J. Wilson, $50.
00; Oregon City Enterprise, $449.90;
The Courier Press, $529.62.
$5.00; Huntley Drug Co., $1.55.
FOREST FIRES State Treasur
er, $262.79.
,son, $15.00.
There were no Indications that the
breach between the two labor organ
isations has been healed.
"We stand for something more than
tho mere organization of lubor," de-
A. Slevertnan. "We stand
for social and political mutation in
this country and that's why they fear
us. We have met here today to de
mand that Tom Mooney shall have a
now trial. Don't worry, my friends.
Your Tom will never be handed. Why?
Simply because the Socialists, revolu
tionists of America, are behind him.
"Wo ask no aid from organized labor
from Bninuel Uompers down. -We ask
no publicity from the capitalist press.
We ask no favor from the Wilsons nor
the Judges ot the courts, nor the prose
cutlng attorneys. But Tom Mooney
will never be hanged. Their powers
are paralyzod when Socialism makes a
threat and Socialism and revolution
are behind Mooney,"
WASHINGTON, March ll.-Strlc-tures
on government price fixing and
the activities ot the food administra
tion monopolized today's session ot the
senate. Led by Senator Reed, ot Mis
souri, a Democrat, a group of senators
ot both parties made the attuck.
Charges that a general policy of fix
Jng prices for farm products, not au
thorized by the food control law, Is
being instituted were made by Sena
tors Reed and Borah, who said the li
censing power of the law was being so
used that Its actual result Is an un
authorized price-fixing progrnm.
In a four-hour speech Jcomlng with
bitter criticism Senator Reed also de
nounced the fuel administration, as
sorting that Administrator Garflold
had not told the truth regarding re
sults of the coalloss days order, which
he described as a "lockout" on eastern
"Wo would not have had so many
meatless days If there had not been so
many brainless days," Senator Reed
declared. "A few more acts ot the
food administration and we shall have
bread tickets. I believe the efficiency
of tho United States has been reduced
20 per cent by Ignorant Interference
with business methods."
Turning to what he called ineffi
ency in the war department, the Mis
souri senator said General Pershing
had notified the department not to
send any more shoddy uniforms for
American soldiers in France.
Lou D. Evans was awarded a decree
of divorce, together with the custody
of three minor chlldron, from I. C.
Evans Thursday,
On motion of tho plaintiff tho suit
of W. B. Stokes against Atlantis N.
Wllklns, was dismissed from the cir
cuit court records, by order ot Judge
Campbell Thursday.