Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 15, 1918, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Briefs From
All Over the
Ed Grace last Saturday night ana l,nrfrr
HAZELIA, Or, March IS. Mrs.
Alfred Thomas and little son. Loring.
of Oswego, were entertained by Mrs.
F. W. Lehman, Thursday evening.
Word has been received from Har
old and Wtnfleld Baker, who enlisted
last fall, that they are now both sta
tioned at Long Island. Their canton
ments are about free mites apart, and
It is possible tor the boyt to spend
.hir Kundava together. This is the
first time the boys have been able to
see each other since they were aepar
ated nt Kelly Field, Texas.
Miss Nellie Nelson, whose home Is
In Oswego, spent Saturday and Sun
day with her friend, Miss Marlon East
man. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Duncan and
children, Laurence, Genevieve and
Grace, visited Saturday with relatives
ia Portland.
The literary society met Saturday
night with most of the members pres
ent After a abort program, the elec
tion of officers was held which result
ed as follows: President, Mlsa Blanche
Duncan; vice-president, Sydney Seedl
ing; secretary. Miss Leona Pnym
broeck; treasurer, Vernon Davidson;
eergeant-at-arma. Wallace Papoun. The
program committee consist of: Chair
man. Mlaa Marlon Eastman; uavia
Long and Vernon Davidson. These of
fleers will serve for a term of three
The Puymbroeck girl entertained
Mlsa Rose Cline and other friends
from Portland, Saturday evening and
Sunday. x
Mrs. O. H. Dell, and daughter, And
rev, spent aeveral days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eastman. .
The Hatelia Sewing circle met last
week with Mrs. John Raicy. Not much
Red Cross knitting wag done, however,
owing to the lack of materials.
Several Haielian attended the clos
ing revival meeting at Stafford. Sun
day evening.
a large number were present.
body had a good time.
Henry Hettman and family and Mrs,
Hettman, from ShubeL visited D. P,
Moehnke and family last Sunday,
GEORGE, March 11 The George
Social Government club held ita regu
lar meeting Saturday night, March 9.
Mr and Mrs. Clyde Ringo visited , The supper was served by Gladys, Roy
the latter' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. .and Raymond Miller.
L. Card and family, last Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. H. Joyner, Mr. and
David Moehnke . and family and i Mrs. H. Klinker. Mr. and Mrs. H.
Arthur Hornschuh and family, and Johnson and Chrlss Klinker were din
E. W. Hornschuh from Liberal, have ner guests at the home of Mr. and
moved to Clarkes where they are go-Mrs. W. Held last Sunday.
ing to put up the sawmill. j A birthday dinner waa given at me
Henry Nelson sawed wood for uuol aome 01 Mr. ana mr. r. nuui i
brothers last week. (Sunday, being Mrs. Kunts oiriaaay.
Christ Zwahlen is on the sick list (Those attending were airs, ttaru
J. Keffer and family from Mullno, Urs, and son; Mr. and Mrs. Mart Dary-
moved up to Clarkes to help Mr. land and two children. ,
Moehnke put his sawmill up. Mr. .naney ana Koy maiweu. 01
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Josl visilted Mr. j Portland, visited waiter terwuuger
c. Zwahlen and family last Sunday. Saturday nigni ana eunany.
D. F. Moehnke bought some hay, Fred, Willie and tan uns are con-
lilO hilJ IVJ Kl'dvlll IVCtl
recently bought a new Ford.
Robert Jonsrud brought home a
Bulck Six last Monday.
Gilbert Ert, who Is renting . his
father's place, has been Improving it
this winter, slashing tor pasture and
Do you want to help your country
In Its struggle for the right? Then
buy a war savings stamp tor RU. In
five years It will he worth $5.00. You
could not Invent so small an amount
In a more profitable way. Buy as
many war stamps as you can and en
courage the children to save their
pennies to buy thrift stamps at 25
cents each. R. E. Jarl has them for
sale. "Many little rivulets make a
great stream."
from Ed Grace last week.
Carl Buche came home from eastern
Oregon the other week.
Alrtn Hornschuh and family visited
Mr. D. F. Moehnke and family laat
C. Stromgreen waa at Oregon City
last week.
John Puta bought some straw from
Sam Elmer last week.
Ed Buol waa "to Oregon City last
CLARKES. Or., March Uj-Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Kleinsmith. fom Ashwood
came back last -week to stay tor a
short time.
Mr. Albert Schlewe, from Portland,
visited his parents. Mr. P. Schlewe
and family, over Sunday.
Mr. Edward Buol and family visited
Christ Zwahlen and family laat Sun
day. G. Fredrick, from Molalla, Is helping
D. F. Moehnke put his Bam mill np.
Elmer Kleinsmith . ia working at
Larklns mllil now.
Mr. -and Mrs. BaBteman, from New
berg, moved to Clarkes. where he is
going to help D. Moehnke put his saw
mill up.
. A party was given at the home of
fined to their home with the mumps.
Ray Miller waa confined to his
home with an attack of tonsllltla last
Mrs. H. Duncan visited Ruth Ter-
wllllger last Saturday.
Julius Paulsen has been ploughing
for Mr. Harkenrider, of Estacada, last
Mr. and Mrs. T. Harders visited Mr.
and Mrs. Christ Johnson last Sunday
Eagle Creek
EAGLE CREEK. March 11. Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Douglass made a return
trip to Portland one day last week.
J. P. Woodle left last Wednesday
for the Troutdale country, where he
'jias secured work on a large building,
which is built down near Troutdale.
The Upper Eagle Creek Red Cross
nnit met as usual last Wednesday at
headquarters. 12 ladles being present
and busy at Red Cross work.
The Upper Eagle Creek Red Cross
sub-unit met at the home of Mrs.
Viola Dougless, six ladles being pre
ent. They made five pairs of bed-aox
and 19 wash rags.
Everett Beckett who has been out
on the farm for the past week, re
turneato Portland on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Dhulst Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baker were the
dinner-guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Murphy Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass and
Mildred and Florlce Douglass, spent
Sunday at the home of Roy Doug
lass. Mr. Hill was an Estacada vlsiiter
one day last week.
Mrs. L. A. Woodle spent Sunday af
ternoon with Mrs. R. B. Gibson.
Young Mr. Eaden, of Viola, made a
business call on H. a Gibson last
Mrs. T. M. Clester is on the sick list
C. H. Paddison sawed some wood tor
R. M. Brash last week.
In' i' youngest sou, Frank, In iu the
navy on the U. 8, 8. Pueblo.
Wiliua Brueehert, of Portland, was
a week-end visitor with Best Roberta,
and on Sunday visited at the S. F.
Scripture homotn Oregon City,
A. r. Russell was injured at one of
the shipyards In Portlaud on Monday
A physician waa called and attended
Mrs, M. A. Shaver, of Portland. Is
spending the week with her1 daughter,
Mrs, Jacobs.
Wm. Jacobs has purchased what Is
known as the John Jennings place and
after some Improvements, will make
it their home, taking possession April
Linn's Old Mill.
LINN'S OLD MILL. Or,. March 13.-
E. L. Evanson is suffering from rheumatism.
Wm. Sprague, of Portland, visited
his daughter, Mrs. George Clossner,
this week.
Mlsa Reta Reese, teacher of district
No. 21, attended the school convention
at Mullno, Saturday, March 9.
Mr.. Berreth, of Porttland, bought
seven fresh cows In this neighborhood
last week.
The Farmer's union gave an oyster
supper at Beaver Creek Saturday
night March 9.
Frank Sprague bought a fine team of
horses at Portland last week.
Mr. and Mra. A. Anierlne, of Oregon
City, visited with B. H. Stewart and
family over Sunday.
District No. 21 will give a basket
social at the Old Linn schoolhouae,
April 20. The proceeds to buy war
savings stamps. Everybody come,
KELSO. March H. (Speclal)VThe
Kelso Parent-Teacher association will
have a tln-pall social at the school
house on Saturday evening, March 23.
All ladles, married or single are re
quested to bring tin-palls containing
lunch of "Hoover" variety so far as
practicable. A patriotic program will
be rendered. The proceeds will go to
the Red Cross.
School reopened Monday, as no new
cases of scarlet fever have developed.
The Llnd family is. under Quarantine
and the three girls in the family, who
are sick, are getting along as well as
can be expected.
C. Piatt was Injured Tuesday last
week, while at his work in tho Divler
camp by a block breaking and a cable
striking him across the hip. The in
Jury, -however, is not serious and from
last reports he is recovering.
Sylvester and Lewis Hall and Jer
ome Brooks have each finished a sev
en-weeks' course in a Portland auto
mobile school. Mr. Brooks Is now era
ployed in a garage In Portland and
Sylvester Hall at the Sandy garage.
Mrs. Paul Dunn, who recently un
derwent an operation, is reported as
recovering and convalescing at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Dixon in
Henry Erl recently purchased a
Kimball piano.
Mrs. Louise Nelson had her piano
shipped here from her former home.
Maple Lane
MAPLE LANE. Or. May 13. Albert
Mauti, of Mountain View, Lyman Der
rick and Wallace Lewis, of Maple
Lane, are installing a sawmill on the
land of Judge J. U. Campbell, where
they are to saw a large lot of timber.
The Maple Lane grange met In reg
ular session on March 9th and con
ferred the third and fourth degree on
three candidates. Dinner was served
then the members listened to remarks
on -Thrift SUmps" by Judge J. W.
Loder and Judge G. B. Dlmlck, which
was listened to with interest. Fred
Miller, candidate for county clerk, was
present and made some remarks.
Plant Your Seeds With These Machines
This is a machine which does the
work right and at the same time
sell at a price so reasonable that
every potato grower can afford it.
opens the furrow to the proper depth, drops the pota
toes and covers them uniformly. Does not bruise the
potatoes, is easy to operate and above all is reliable.
STAFFORD. March 13.-Saturday
night, March 16, the club will meet at
Stafford school. A program and de
bate will be the features of the even
ing. Miss Rande of Stafford school, was
shopping in town Saturday.
In the recent county contest in
arithmetic the following grades made
the required grades In Stafford school:
Fourth grade and eighth grade.
Mrs. Seldon Snell, of Astoria, and
Miss Lois Sweek, of Monmouth. hae
been visiting Mrs.' Gage.
Everyone Is laid up with "colds,"
even Frankle Meeks.
On Friday night, March 8, a surprise
party was tendered to Miss Iva Bau-
lard, the occasion being her birthday.
On Saturday night, March 9, a Red
Cross dance was given In de Ncula
hall. A good crowd was present and
about $36 were taken In.
j Services were held three times at
the Stafford church of God Sunday,
i March 10. The protracted meets are
now over but services will be held
each Sunday In said church.
Entertainment Given
The Jennings Lodge schoolhouse
waa filled with patrons and parents
on Friday evening, March 8th, when
an evening's entertainment was given
under the anusplcea of the Parent
Teachers association. The funds will
be divided for the Junior Red Cross
work and the library. The rooms were
gaily decorated with national colors
and terns and Oregon prape were
artistically arranged about the rooms
A quartet of young men from Ore
gon City gave several splendid selec
tions, which delighted the audience.
Jack Loder'a violin number were
greatly applauded, and the readings of
Mlsa Cook, of Oregon City, were well
received. Six ot the pupils of the
first and second grades, brought forth
much applause as they appeared as
old tolka. Halmor Roberts. Clayton
Card and Wilbur Traut as boys ot
1S61 and Flora Alice Morse, Janet
Booth, Helen Yolta. were charming
In their old fashioned gowns and capa
with powdered puffs, all singing their
parts exceptionally well. A aong by
the third and fourth grade pupils, rep
resenting the Red Cross nurses and
the soldiers was dellghtully given by
Sarah Elisabeth Holloway. Elaine
Bechtel. Velma Boardman. Helen
Ports. Junior Hole, Calvin Morse,
Gerald Haynes, George Card, and John
Bellinger. The school room visitors
being a parade ot books, the members
ot Mrs. Attman's classes taking their
parts so splendidly. The following
are the cast ot character! : "Spirit of
the School Room." Myrtle Berry;
"Clocks." Earnest Roetllc; "Mouse."
Merle Caldwell; "Waste Paper Bask
et." Otis Grant; "Dream Fairy." Ruby
Traut i "Big National Dictionary,'
Robert Russell; "Pocket Dictionary,'
Moffat Downing; "Old Fashioned Song
Book." Mable Hoppe; "History." Am
old Langely: "Fashion Book." Ger
trude Kennedy; "Cook Book." Meryl
Deter; "Poetry." Louisa Ramage;
"Music Book." Dorothy Jacobs; TPld
Fashioned 8tory Book," Grace Traut;
"Poems and Prose," Gladys Caldwell;
"Story Book." Lester Russell.
At the close of the evening's pro
gram Ice cream was served. 0
Congratulations extended to Mrs
Altman and Miss White for the splen
did work of the pupils.
CAN11Y. March 13, Kd Graves, a
prominent farmer of the Macksburg
country, was a canny visitor name-
day. ,
Buss Huddllaon, of Portland, was a
Canity visitor Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs, Ivau Dlmlck left Mon
day for an extended business trip to
eastern Oregon.
Mrs, U Waldron, of Oregon City,
was a guest of her mother, Mra, L, T.
Batten, Monday.
James Smith, ot Maokslmig, wa
a Canby visitor Saturday.
Miss Stella Sandsness, of Hood
River, was a guest of Mis Kiln Hulras
. Mrs. John Leo, of Portland, was a
week end guest of Mrs, George Bend-
Mr, and Mr. Henry Beck, of Au
rora, spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Lee Kckerson.
Mrs, Chas. Thomas Is a visitor at
the home ot Mr. Emma Fryrear, ot
Oregon City.
Otto and Walter Kruegcr, of Van
couver barrack, spent Sunday with
their parent, Mr. and Mr. Emll
Leon Jackson, of Atlkln' mills wa
a Canby shopper Saturday.
Mr. and Mr. Laugence Hirrvey, oi
Sllverton, were week-end gueal of Mr.
and Mr. Charles Prouty.
H. White wm a Canby visitor
Mr. M. P. Sailor, ot Molalla, visited
friend in Canby this weok.
Mr. Ryle Garrett wa an Oregon
City visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Anna Knight visited relative
In Portland Sunday.
Mr. E. E. Bradtl. who has been a
guest ot her Bister, Mr. D, O. Clark, ot
Roseburg. tor the pst two-week, re
turned home Sunday.
Don't fall to attend the Red Cro
basket social at the band hall. Canby,
on Saturday, March 16th, at 8 p. m
rtov Courand. who Is working in
Oregon City, wa a Canby visitor Tues
Mr. N. Claude Hampton, of Port
land, t a guest at the home ot Mr. and
Mr. F. Hampton.
The churches ot Canby are haying
a union revival thl week at the Chris
tlan church.
The wind storm Monday caused
trouble for the Molalla Electrlo Light
company, but Mr. Robinson took the
matter In charge personally and soon
had the trouble adjusted.
Mrs. Helen Smith I seriously ill at
her home in thl city.
Mr. Grant White wa a Portland
visitor Tuesday.
The O. W. White garage have re
ceived a consignment of seven Ford.
Mr. White report a good butlne in
car sales.
A. A. Hopson. who h been on the
sick list tor many weeke Is somewhat
Cbac. Williams and family removed
to Portland this week. Miss Eunice ham prot)erty on the river road
Williams is convalescing now ai mo
M, 0. Young wa elected president of
the Woman' auxiliary of National De
fMiMt league-, for Cinerama ooanty,
at a moetliiiif M. recently at Oregon
Dr, Poley and Mr. Atseli, who rec
ently purchased the controlling Inter
ests, lit the Tiipimmlorff Lumber aoiu-
pany wore In Wllaonvllle on Sunday.
Harry Jont's many friend are glnd
to note that he wa reappointed patrol
man for, road district No. 81.
J. W. Graham nd N. O. Bay went
to Oregon City on Thursday, on tual
lies,' ,
Corral Creek Molher' club will give
a basket social on Saturday evening.
March 30. d the proceed will be di
vided with the Red Cross.
Nellie Angus arrived home on Sat
urday, after visiting In Newberg for a
Supervisor Brenton Vedder waa a
visitor at the village school on Friday.
Mr. Dorrl Young went to Portland
on Thursday.
Mr. and Mr. Elmer Jon are en
joying a visit with relative from east
ern Oregon.
Mr, and Mr. Harry Jot were In
Oregon City on Monday.
Mae Baker Snyder U visiting her
parent, Mr. and Mr. Kd Baker.
Mary Anna Brobst wa a rowanii
visitor., during the week-end.
The local I. O. O. F. entertained the
8ymara lodge of Portland, on Saturday
evening. March 9th, at which time the
visiting team gave the work of Initia
tion, while two candidate were re
ceived Into the order. A umptoou
banquet in keeping with war time.
was served at the ctoM of the Initia
tory work. The visiting team left on
the early morning train tor Portland.
Oak Grove
ChMid Young of Clackamas Height,
has rented the Adams place and mov
ed bla family In. Several ot the child
ren will attend our chool.
Fred Metenbcrger and fumlly, of
Oregon City ha moved Into the Hlng-
Jennings Lodge
John Jennings Is very seriously 111 at
the home of her niece, Miss Brooks,
of Portland, where she was taken for
special treatment some time ago
word was rece ived that her recovery
is doubtful. She will be removed
to her home on Tuesday.
Good Samaritan hospital.
Mrs. Crawford of Vancouver, Is vis
iting at the home of Mra. EdCutihlng.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fleming, of Van
couver, Wash., were week-end visitor
with Mrs. Mable Pierce. Mr. Fleming
Is Instructor In aviation In Vancouver.
Mrs. William Wood, of Oakland, Cal
ifornia, has beon a recent visitor at the
W. H. Kelly home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peterson have
lesaed the James Welch cottage tor
another year, so as to be able to en
joy fishing another season.
Mrs. S. II. Dill has returned from
Seattle. She spent one day with the
Robinson family at their pretty home
or nthe Lake Shore Drive.
Miss Lena Costley, of Willamette
who has recently accepted a position
with the First National Bank of Ore
gon City, visited at the Hugh, Roberts
home on Sunday.
Mr. Ben I-oaey has accepted a posi
tion at one ot the paper mills at Ore
gon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kinney-who came
Inuuiries for houses for rent are
being made each day at this place i here a few months ago from Seattle
and the few nmntv ones are being tak-lhave decided to move to Portland
The Drill with the
Feed that CAN'T
Sow Wrong
The Feed that ellminatea chance that
tows uniformly under all conditions, guar
anteeing an even stand of grain The
Hoosier Feed can't bow wrong because it is
A Positive Force Feed
The ONLY Feed that sows evenly and con
tinuously as long as there is grain in the
hopper, other conditions making absolute
ly no difference.
Not only have i Perfect Feed, but they are perfect in even the smallest details of construction. Heavy
trussed steel frame insures proper relation of all moving parts. Special heavy wood wheels made for
Pacific Coast. Both wheels drive the feed. Balance spring lifts are used on Hoosier Drills larger than
eight disc which make lifting the disc an easy matter. ' .
en. The Rev. A, B. Hotcjklss and
; family will occupy the Bess Bruee
hert cottage. The pretty little sum
mer houses of the Emmons have been
j leased by a prominent Portland fam
ily, who will take possession on April
'1st and enjoy the summer months on
.the river.
j 'George Morse attended the meeting
I of the Iowa society at the Multnomah
hotel on Wednesday evening.
A card has been received announc
ing the safe arrival of Frank Thomas
in France. Mrs. Thomas, formerly
Flora Dill, has accepted a position
with the Armour company, of Seattle,
and while in the sound city will make
her home with the H. J. Robinson
family, former residents of this place.
W. H. Kelly will act as representa-1
tlve for the Oregon Journal.
Mesdames D. J. Sanders, J. Ryan
and M. Gregory, of Portland, were
luncheon guests of the E. A. Sanders
family last week.
Mrs. Brown, and son, removed to
Sellwood on Monday, they having oc
cupied the Barnes cottage during the
Mrs. Ella Spooner and granddaugh
ter, Miss Vivian, are being welcomed
back to their home here by tholr host
of friends.
John Risley has been appointed by
the county court as road supervisor of
road district No. 47, for the ensuing
year. A special 10-mlll levy was voted
at the annual meeting In November
Mrs. Satterfleld, of Portland, was a
luncheon guest of Mrs. Holloway on
Thursday, and Mr. and Mrs. Ward and
three children autoed out on 8undajr
afternoon for a visit with Prof. Hollo
way and family.
Mrs. Arthur Smith and Miss Vera
Glass are enjoying a visit from their
father, who arrived last week from
his home in Colorado.
The Climbers held a delightful soc
ial evening on Friday, March 1, at the
The Red Cross unit of this place is i home of the teacher, Mrs. Smith
MrrcirsxL, lewis &
Send me your illustrated
printed matter on the
Name .................................
Address ..... ...... ..... ...
V. J. WILSON & CO., Oregon City, Oregon
holding all day meetings at the
church. Much sewing la being ac
complished, two dozen garments be
ing completed last Thursday. Mrs. W.
H. Kelly is supervising the sewing and
being able to give so much ot her time
and sent each month to headquarters.
and very efficient in the work much
credit is due to her for the amount of
sewing which is being accomplished
The school children are doing their
bit to help to win the war, during the
past month f 82 worth of Thrift Stamps
were purchased.
i Rev. Day of Sheridan, Oregon,
preached at the church on Sunday
evening, March 10. As March 7th will
be known as Thrift Sunday some
speaker will be obtained to carry out
the official plans of Governor Withy-
: combe.
! Walter Beckner departed on Thurs
day for California, where he goes for
the benefit of his health.
Mrs. Jennie Jones, of Portland, vis
ited with Lodge friends on Sunday.
Her oldest son and family, Ray Moore,
have recently arrived from 8traw,
Montana, and will locate in Oregon.
Light refreshments were served
O. P. Roethe, road supervisor, fell
from his wagon last week on the hard
surfaced road. While he sustained no
serious lnljurles, he was badly
scratched and cut about the face.
The yearly canvas for the church
budget will soon bo made. It 1b hoped
all residents will be able to pledge
some amount to help the community
church work.
Mrs. J. A. Soesbe, while visiting with
her son Arthur in Oregon City, stopped
off and made calls on. a number of
old friends at this place. She reports
heir little grandson, Arthur, Jr.,-is
recovering from the pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Hlnman have been
called unon to mourn the death of an
Infant grandson, who passed away at
thn rjnnd Samaritan hospital last
Heppner to spend $19,000 on street
Motion picture Friday nlnht "Son
of his futher," by Charles Ray.
MU Anna Collmrn passed away
Friday evening at her homo on Third
aven.ie after a long ami serious 111
essn. The fun-rat services were held
Monday at 3 p.m. under the direction
of llolmun funeral company of Port
land, interment at River View cem
etery In the family plot. Two sisters.
Misses Kate and Mary survive.
Mrs. 0111,'r and daughter, Dot, and
baby arrived Tuesday morning from
CuHtlo Rock, Wash., and surprised her
mother, Mra. Henry Riley.
D. O. WorthliiRton came from
Wheeler Monday night on nfew days1
visit with relatives end friends.
Bernoent Clulr llurpola will leave
tho 1(1, for Newport News, Virginia,
to Join bis company.
Ralph (Red) Carson left lust Thurs
day for San Antonio, Texas, to join
the truck drivers corps.
Robert Matoon, of Oregon City, Is
driving the Warren tr ick. Ills fumlly
Is living at the fnmlly home.
Mrs. K. C. Warren is on the sick
Hut and has a slli'ht attack of pneu
monia. Dr. Hugh Mount Is attending
Louis Kperlet received the sad news
of the death of his sister, Miss Marie
in Geneva Switzerland. Miss ICp:?rlet
visited her brother a few years ago,
but was not improsscd with Oregon
weather bo returned to her native
Mr. and Mrs. Chester WrlRht, of
I'ortlund, wero over-night guests of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Worthlngton.
The 500 party, given by the Needle
Craft Chib last Thursday night In the
Armstrong house with MrB. Jlobklrk
hostesB, was a grand sucess. Honors
fell to Mrs. Lnmroa, of Portland, Mrs,
Donvle, George Hall, nnd tho. conso
lation prizes to Mr. nnd. Mrs. Charles
Worthlngton. Mrs. Hclmu Gllllsplo
will entertain theclub Friday after
noon with a St. Patrick's party. Tho
club will send a small chock to tha
Federation for tk.e President's fund.
The Parents and Teachers circle
held an interesting mooting last Fri
day nt ths school house. Two songs
wero given by the pupils, Miss Par
ker spoke on "Food Conservation,"
Jwenty ladies were present. Tea was
servea ana a nonai nour spent.
Church notes.
Community church Rev. Young pas
tor. Services at 11.15 A. M.
Epworth League nt 7- !j0 p, rn
Sunday school at 10. o'clock C. D.
Smith, superintendent,
Prayermettlng Wednesday evenings,
Ladles' Aid Wednesday afternoons,
Campfire Girls meet every Friday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Hurt
the president.
Jack Frost, candidate for the nom
ination of Sherrif, was a visitor here
last week.
Arnold Dane, of Oregon City, was
here Tuesday onbuslnosg.
Mr. and Mrs. Dmrnhcller have turn
ed tholr house around and added a
frotn porch. They have also built an
additioln on the rear greatly improv
ing their property.
MULINO, March IS Earl Berdlne
enlisted In the navy and left tor hi
dutle last Thursday.
Mr. Tom Fish wa a Molalla vial
tor last Wednesday.
Mr. Ornt Ashby returned home
from Salem last week, where he had ,
been visiting for everal week. .
Mr. and Mr. Chrl Miller were Port
land visitor last 8turdy.
Mr. Robert 8chuebel and her sister,
Mr. Dell Trulllnger. wera Oregon
City visitor laat Saturday.
J. J. Mallet w an Oregon City vis
itor last Monday.
Mr. and Mr. Fred Wallace, ot Ore
gon City. vUlted relative In Mallno,
Mr. and Mr. Ed Berdlne vUlted the
former' parent, Mr. and Mr. Pete
Berdlne last Saturday evening.
Mr. Ctherlne Goucher h gone to
Needy to visit with her daughter, Mr.
Charles Noblltt.
Mr. French w a Mullno vlltor
last Thursday.
Mr. and Mr. August Brlckeson
made a buslnes trip to Oregon City
last Tuesday.
Mr. Rose Poller w an Oregon
City visitor last Saturday.
Mr. Benjamin Howe, who na wwm
visiting friend In Portland for ev
eral week, has returned home.
Mr. and Mr. Grant Ashby were the
guests nt Miss Rose Mulvaney, of
Meadowbrook, Sunday.
Marlnu Jepson. one of our oldlor
boys. Is visiting hi parent. Mr. and
Mr. J. Jepson.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniel and chil
dren, went to Huntley station, to visit
Mr. and Mr. Barney Frledrlch. Mrs.
Daniels Is a niece of the Frledrlch.
Mrs. Dell Trulllngor was visiting
her sister. Mr. R, Bchuobel, last Sun-day.
A service flag was unveiled last Sun
day night In the church at Mullno In
honor of the boys, who have gone to
fight for tholr country.
Stirring patriotic addresses were
made by Mr. Taylor, editor of tho Mo
lalla Pioneer, and Rov. Snyder of Mo
Mr. Masterson gave a delightful
The Liberal choir sang several pa
triotic selections,
Mrs. Fred Burns rendered a solo,
A- rending was given by Miss Mil
dred Maplo. The rending was "A Man
Without A Country"; duet, "My Own
United States," wa rendered In a
pleasing manner by two young men
from Liberal. Althen Macdonnld,
Mary Snodgras and Esther Rugg,
sang the first verse of America, and
also tho new verse sung to the tune
of "America," "God Save Our Men"
and just as these word were repeated,
Althea Macdonald pulled the white
ribbons which released the service
flag which was now revealed and ten
stars shone on the white surface. The
men which these ten stars represent
are Leslie F. Holllday, Walter Jepson,
Marinus Jepson, Earl Berdlne, Codrlo
Macdonald, Dalvln Macdonald, Alfred
Dodge, Teter Walker, Walter Sidney
Smith, Jesse Cantrlll,
Mullno Is proud ot hor soldlor boys
and did full honor to them Sunday
night. f
Toledo Railroad surveys on to SI
letz and Waldport spruce- belt.
Molalla, Or., March 8, John A.
Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs, O. F.
Johnson, of Unain Mills, and Julia V.
Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Peterson, of Millca, Minn., were
married at the home of the groom'
parents, three miles north of Medulla,
on March 2, Rev. Mr. Hill, of Colton,
Or., performed the ceremony and his
daughter, Dorothy, played the wed
ding march, The newlyweds will make
their future home in Portlund.
Milton box factory Installing ma
chinery to oporate on a large scale.
A nntlnen nirentory ef each Clly
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WMhlngtoa, Klvlna a, Deaorlntlve
fluq Dlnwtory . of each
B. Ik JPfltK ro.. ha
& wain.