Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 08, 1918, Page Page 8, Image 8

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0.8. WILL
WASHINGTON, March 4 A vigor
ous policy for the suppression ot an
archists and all who advocate sabotage
and other forms ot lawlessness was
announced today by Secretary Wilson
ia orders to Immigration officials la
the northwest to proceed Immediately
to arrest aliens guilty ot spreading
such doctrines.
Even though they may sot commit
any overt act, they will he detained
and deported.
The secretary's action was la an
swer to requests from employers and
civic organisations of Seattle and
other cities that the department un
dertake the wholesale Interment of
Industrial Workers of the World, who
were blamed for industrial anrest
particularly In the logging camps.
NEW YORK, March 4. James A.
Beck, ex assistant United States Attorney-General,
in a speech before the
I Republican Club Saturday, charged
that President Wilson, in laying down
tour principles as a basis for peace
in his address to Congress, February
11, had "mystified the mind and par
alysed the will ot the American peo-
, ''Nothing more unfortunate has hap
pened,' said Mr. Beck, "since we en
tered the war "
-If the President," said Mr. Beck
will ellminste from his councils the
Intriguers, the pacifists, the doctrin
aires and Intellectual Bolshivlkt, he
WASHINGTON. March 4. Passen
ger train service In the west will be re
duced one-third or more by a rear
will confirm the confidence which hlsranKeroent of schedules to be announc-
countrymen have so fully and un
grudgingly given him.
"If the war Is to be compromised
by diplomatic finesse; it it Is to be
settled on the basis of four Innocuous
and almost meaningless principles,
then all the dead will have died In
"If tomorrow a peace were arranged
on a concrete Interpretation ot these
four proposals, millions of soldiers
would leave the trenches, and. backed
up by millions of clvllans, they would
say to .Germany:
" 'You've defied the world with your
lust tor power; you have mocked hu
manity; you have violated our wo
men, ruined our lands, we will not
treat with yon; we will not trade with
ed shortly by Director-General Mo-
Scores ot trains on competing lines
leaving and arriving at terminals
about the same time will be eliminat
ed. Unnecessary trains on many west
ern lines are to be taken off and the
locomotives and crews used for essen
tial freight service.
There is no thought, however ,ot
making a tew western lines the prin
cipal passenger carrier as contem
plated In the east Officials also stat
ed that the reduction In schedules will
not result In any serious Inconven
iences to passengers.
The curtailment, which has been
under consideration tor several weeks
SEATTLE!, Wash., March 4. For
mally calling off the strike tor thi
elRht-hour day that they declared
nearly sven months ago, and Join
ing forces to orgnnlre all workers -In
the Umber industry under the banner
of the American Federation of tabor,
the International Vnlou of Shingle
Weavers and the International Union
ot Timber Workers formed a merger
Linn's Mill, a little corner ot Clack-
at a convention held in Seattle to- amas county, ami wiunn a lew muos
day. Del gtes from Oregon, Wash- from Oregon City, Is on the map when
Ington and Idaho wore present l comes to raising funds from the sale
The convention adopted a declare of v," certificates This Is the
tlon ot principles, including a vigor alleat school district In Clackamas
ous indorsement of the country's war con,y. nw 'fr .
alms and an intention to back the 59 Inhabitants, Including men, women
government In every way. On ot the children, and although but a few
principles adopted was that although People making their homes there
the right to strike will not be yielded, 13S5.26 was raised In two afternoons
the members will not cesse their B- H. Stewart and B. U Evanaon,
work in the future until "every other farmers of that place.
Thomas Anderson (LOS acres, Sec,
IS, T I It ft K; $0.34.
George II, Waits 1 acre In Sec. 18,
T J, R 5 1C; $3.88.
Urona O. mid L. D, Klddur NH
of NWH of Bee, 83. T S, K 5 K;
Harry Warren SEH of 8KH and
WH of 8EH and KVt of 8W'H, Bee
S3, T I, It 5 E; $00.14.
Howard WBtklns-NW'H of NWH
See, 24, T I, R 6 K; $18,97.
W. R. ft phoebe AIWn8WH Sec
21, T 2, It 5 K; 11173.
Austin V. Flesel Jr. 9X0 acres In
Sim. 85. T I. It R; $5,23.
Ted and Grace Vaitorinan NEH of
8KH Hoc S9, T J, It I K; $8.45.
J. W. IMxnon 10 acres 8c. 30. T S.
It ft K; 13.77. v
Geo. K. A ICthel M. Williams NH
of NWH of NKH Sec 33, T 3, It 5 l;
12 1.
The people ot Gladstone are advised
to boll the water they use for family
means has been used to bring about
you so long as you stand, cynical and by Gerril Fort, passenger traffic dl-
CAMAS. Wash, March 4. Suit for
J500O damages has been brought
against B. M. Fsler, chief ot police ot
Camas, and Special Police Officers
Alex Jones and Frank Howes, by
George Beetsch as a result of the
strike o fthe paper mill workers.
Beetsch, who was working In the mill,
was reported to be carrying a gun. and
was arrested November 15. In mak
ing the arrest the complaint states,
Beetsch was severely beaten. He was
acquitted of the charge of carrying a
concealed weapon. The two special
officers were strikers, who were ap
pointed by the mayor at the beginning
of the strike.
The officers say Beetsch resisted
when arrested.
leering at the civilized
WASHINGTON, March 4. Tempor
ary suspension ot the meatless meal
and of the special restrictions against
the use of pork on Saturday was an
nounced by the Food Administration
last night as a readjustment of its
food conservation program. Increas
ed meat production and the necessity
for still greater saving In wheat it
was declared, make the change ad
visable. The suspension Is made effective for
an indefinite period, and It probably
will last for three months or longer.
Since all restrictions on consump
tion of mutton and lamb had been
lifted previouely, the Food Adminis
tration now asks the public for the
rector tor the railroad administration,
will be effective from the Mississippi
river to the Pacific coast
These men traveled from house to
house selling stamps and their wives
attended to the farms. Other farmers'
wives at this little settlement art help-
NO SIBERIA DEAL WITH mg their husbands as well, la the way
JAPAN SAYS SEN. LEWIS ot Plowing. milking the cows, Mrs.
mewart, wnoae nusnana operates a
dairy farm with 14 cows, finished the
WASHINGTON, March S-The Unit- task of milking nine before the break
ed States la In agreement with Japan, fast hour. Many of the women of the
Great Britain and the other co-belllger- little settlement retire early and arise
ents on the principle of action In 81- at 4 o'clock.
berla, but the details remain to be The women of Clackamas county
worked out are certainly doing their "bit" a!
This became known today, aa the though many have never been required
cabinet met with President Wilson to do much heavy wort oa the farm.
discuss the subject.
Frank II. Bpcars SWH of 8KH ot m.iimi in a rem.it made to the
NlVfItnn"stIn-wi of BKH of UMalon. council Tuesday night by
Sec. , T 3. 11 & K; $13.08. Dr. Orel A. Welsh, who says that a
R. H, Hannaford NH of 8 WW and ,.,, ... ,.,. , ,.
SWH of SWH Sec. 18, T 3, II 6 E; " , , ' ,
124,87, Clackamas river Indicates that the
Eastern Inv. Co. WH of EH ot water la not fit for human eonsurap-
8EH 7. WU of SEH See .33, T 3, (i,m n. w.i.h . it... hu Ib.i
J. C. Nolll NEVii Sec. 24, T 3, R B oe,n cnocaoa up lurcmr, ana uuwi
Continued from peg T
WASHINGTON. March B.-Senator
J. Hamilton Lewis ot Illinois, the Dem
ocrat wnip. informed the senate tntsi uA M. Dundas NEH of NKH and
afternoon that no compact or under-1 W'H of EH of SEH Sec. 33, T 4, R
standing ot any nature has been en-1 4 E; 113.39
tered into by the United Ststes with da M. Dundas SEH of NWH of
jr.nn r.rtin. siwi. See. 31. T 4, R 4 E; 15.90.
.. I . D.I H L 1 .1. Ulll Af V i
(is ueninu win eiupuaaii iui nri gwi4. 8ec 33. T 4. R 4 E: 13.95.
ports thst negotiations were pending H. u. Northrup EH 8ec, 35, T 4
R 4 E: 135.68.
to allow Japan a free hand In the Phil
ippines snd a naval base on the Mexl-
II. I). Northrup WH Sec. 36, T 4
PORTLAND, March 6. Operations
ot two extensive bootlegging rings In
this state were disclosed yesterday In
the arrest under two secret federal in
dictments of 19 men In San Francisco
and Portland.
The men under arrest Include whole
sale liquor dealers In San Francisco
and a number of bootleggers, together
with expressmen and railroad em
ployes whose services were necessary
to the success of the conspiracy, which
consisted ot Importing large quantities
ot lqluor from San Francisco into this ;
Included in the two indictments are
34 men, but since five are mentioned
in each Indictment the actual number
i weal miit In ulnrn tnr har aais R 4 K; 138.31
it. w. r oroee in vy 4; 01 rtr.H. o!
38, T 4, R 4 K; 3.58.
Julia and II. 8. Gllnet W ot NE
vices in Russia.
"Whatever Japan is doing in regard
to the war is In pursuit ot her com
pact with Great Britain,
Senator Lewis said he had received
numerous telegrams today, largely
from the Pacific coast, regarding the
far eastern situation.
time being to deny itself in maats implicated in the two conspiracies was
only beef and pork on one day a week 29. Those named in one ot the indlct-
ST. PAUL, Minn,. Mar.
Townley, president ot the
Nonpartisan league, and Joseph Gil
bert, manager ot that farmers' organ
ization, were arrested at league head
quarters here today. A warrant was
sworn out by Albert R. Allen, prosecut
ing attorney of Martin county, charg
ing the two men with "combining to
conspire seditiously to teach men not
to enlist In the United States army to
fight Germany." 1
Tuesday. ,
Increased meat consumption. Food
Administration officials believe, will
of itself curtail the use ot whaat, and
for the present there is no intention
to add to the restrictions already In
4A C. force against the use of flour.
National! In a statement seetlng forth the
reasons for the change, Food Admin
istrator Hoover said the allies have
made further increased demands for
breadstuffs, these enlarged demands
being'caused to some degree by short
age In arrivals from the Argentine-
SALEM, Or, March 4. Roy W. Rlt
ner, of Pendleton, today filed with
Secretary of State Olcott his declara
tion of intention to run tor state
Benator from the 20th senatorial dis
trict He is a Republican, and has
served two terms in the lower honse.
SPOKANE. Wash., March 4. Spo
kane County ranch owners and seeds
men who put out 30,000 acres of peas
last year, have arranged to seed 50,
000 acres this year.
This will mean a revenue of $3,000,-
000,000 if crop conditions are favor-
GENEVA, Swltserland, March 4.
By the closing of her frontiers at mid'
night Switzerland again finds herself
completely isolated in Europe. Mean
while the food question, especially as
it relates to bread, is becoming more
serious dally.
The reserve stocks of wheat, even it
the present small ration is still fur
ther reduced, will be exhausted within
the next six or seven weeks.
? COPENHAGEN, March 8.
$ Peace between Roumanla and the t
central powers was signed in h
Bucharest at 7 o'clock Tuesday
able, acordlng to County Farm Expert night 4
J. R. Shinn. ? Q fc &t Q $
Cozy, cheerful warmth
instantly. Portable. Eco
nomical. Fuel consumed
only when heat is needed
no waste. No smoke or
( caufohmia)
1 1
1 1 1 Ull
ments were:
H. R. Edmunds, known as the "Tilla
mook Kid."
J. Davidson, owner and proprietor ot
the Blue Ribbon Beer company, San
J. Whltehurst, salesman for the Blue
Ribbon Beer company, San Francisco.
Frank J. Lepsic, owner of the Bohe
mian Liquor company, San Francisco.
Joe Cressens, porter of the Occident
al hotel, San Francisco.
John J. McKenna, night baggageman
ot the Southern Pacific company, San
Gus Temps, Conrad Temps and Ell
Schumacher, operating express known
as the City Transfer company, San
Thomas Cook, Charles Sorensen, Joe
Sagala, A. Clark, Harry Blackburn, F.
Tibbetts, Fred McKenna, George Ford
and Donald W. Nix, bootleggers, oper
ating between San Francisco and Portland.
H. N. Wyslnger, negro porter on
Southern Pacific.
Earl Thompson and George Smith,
taxicab drivers, Salem, Oregon.
J. Kirkpatrick, expressman, Port
she expressed sn unfavorable opinion
of the section gang as a place for
She gave figures to show that worn'
en are being hired in Increasing nura
bers tor heavy work, her statement
contradicting in some instance the
testimony of railroad executives
Women were first employed In any
U of SE'4 and Ett of EH of NWU
said Senator of SE4. Sec. 38, T 4, R 4 E; 14.17.
J- H. Moody SEK of 8 W 54 Of SE
U. Sec. 36, T 4. R 4 B; 11.24.
Otto Bauchsples 14 acres in Sam 1
Hughes DIiC; $6.13.
Arthur Scott 134 acres In Ym
Stncklln I) L C; $43.54.
R. R. White SEU ot Sec. 4. T 5;
R 4 E: $2H 21.
E. K.I LeRord 8 ot $E and SE
R 4 E; $17.69.
Chas. W. Swan NE!4 of Sec. 8, T
5, R 4 E; $14.64.
Nina Joy NH of NV4 8ec. 10, T 6,
R. 4 E; $13.96.
Security Savings & Trust Co.
NW4 of Sec. 34. T 5. R 4 E; $14.64.
Security Savings A ATrust Co.
NV4 of NE4 and SE ot NK'4 and
NE ot SE. 8ec. 34, T 6, R 4 E;
Joseph E. Stauffer EH of NWU
and Lots 1 and 2, S c. IS, T 6, R 4 E;
Northwest Auto Co. 8E4 of SWA
32. T 6, R
WASHINGTON, Mar. 4. A special
session ot the railroad wage commla
ston wss held today to hear Miss Paul
Ine Goldmsrk, sister-in-law ot Asso
ciate Justice Brandels, tell ot the em
ployment ot women on railroads.
In the course of her Informal report and SW4i of 8K4, Sec,
Frank Btuch
C W. Friedrich
W. ELEttet
Hog Bros.
LONDON, March 4. The German
government's ''infamous war policy
was assailed in the Reichstag In the
course of Friday's debate by Herr
Bogtherr, an Independent Socialist
"The German ultimatum is not cal
culated to create conditions of peace
and friendship with Russia," Herr
Bogtherr declared. "In tha case of
Ukraine peace, Germany and Austria
already are quarreling over the booty.
The war we are now waging in de
fenseless Russia serves only the prop
ertied classes of the disputed terri
tory. "In Lithuania we have made no mor
al conquest The Llthunians long to
be back in Russia. We are not al
lowed to know the truth. The Fath
erland party ia pursuing a bloodthirsty
propaganda agalnstt foreign countries
we are sold, body and soul, to the
military caste. We are pursuing an
Infamous war policy."
4 E: $2.90.
Marthena Gosslln NW of N of
SH of NE4. 8ec 34, T 6, R 4 E;
W. T. Wade EV4 of SE4 and 8R'4
of NE4 and lots 1 and 2, Sec. 6, T 7
R 4 E; 18.98.
James P. GraliamWH of 8E4
and EH of 8V4 Sec. 6, T 7. R 4 E;
Charlpn W I-oron? RU nf NEIi
numoers oy ine rauroaas booui a year ftnd gw 0f yjj nn(j gjji of NW
ago, Miss Goldmark said, at me in-1 14, Bee. 14, T 7, R 4 E; $20.30.
W. O. Walter NEH Sec. 16. T
R 4 E; $9.28.
Morlts Uhllck 40 acres, Sec, 16. T
7. R 4 E; $3.48.
Victor E. Wenzel 20 acres. Sec
16. T 17, R 4 E: 1174.
C. W. Geary NH of NWU. WH of
SW of NWK t 8H of 8EV4 of NW
4, NE of 8 EH! of NWH of 16,-7-4
E; $8.70.
Myrtle O. Botsford SWH Sec.
T 8, R 4 E; $18.35.
Myrtle O. Hotsford 8EH Sec 2. T
S, K 4 E; 196.23.
John F. Klllorin EH of SWUk Sec
V, TI,K( E $40.34
Myrtle O. llotsford EH of 8ec. 10,
T 8, R 4 E- $151.88
Mvrtle ft nntnfnril WlX unit HF!1.
wBBieiui ass 01 muor ami w icuutoi tjefl. II, T!, It ( E: $77.62.
the turnover." she recommended, it Is Nettle Connett NH of NEH. Sec.
28, T 1, R 5 E; $16.93,
stance of the railroad war board. They
were pit on the clerical positions ex
perimentally, but their nse has been
extended until now they are in the
freight yards, section gangs, shops and
While much of the work is suitable
to them, many occupations Involve
heavy physical strain and other has
ards. Miss Goldmark doubted the ad
visability of employing women on sec
tion gangs for work out ot doors In all
conditions ot weather and without
proper attention to their physical wel
"In order that there shall be no
important to make an Investigation
and standardize the work tor which
women may be employed before their
numbers Increase. One railroad em
ploys 40$ on one division and another
has a total of 1517 women workers."
Miss Goldmark declared white wom
en were lifting weights as much as 50
pounds in work as drill press opera
She told of Investigating conditions
E; $1250.
Wm. H. Patterson NH ot SEH A
SRH of SEV4 Sec. 36, T S, R fi E;
Sherman Gels 20 acres. Sec. H. T
3, H 5 E; $1.98.
Thomas A. leonnrd 18 seres 7;
800. 16. T 3, R 6 K; 11.49.
such has btea completed, II Is bis opin
ion that tha users should boll what
they use.
For some time the council has had
before It lbs matter of secualng a wa
ter supply from Oregon City, connect-
Klwood A listtle' lu'naon-wu of P with the South Fork ot the
BH of 8WH of NWH and EH of W Clackamas system, but up to the pres
H of 8WH of NWH. See. 26, T 3. R ent time the committee has been un
S K; $1.98. .Ma to let anywhere with Its confer
John U WIWrIs NWU 0f 8WH mau with lh Orairiin Cit water eom-
80. 26, T 3, R 6 E; $3 98. ml.ilnn nr WnUh'a mtinrt waa re-
F. M. GUI-8H of SH 8cc 28. T I. 7"" .Zl . ' '.ll ' 1,.. '
R 6 E $24 80 lorrcti 10 in uro aim waior tuuiumim
8. L A A. L. McKensI. Geo. B. Ol wnicn iirenu.n vouo.r w enmrmau.
Qulglle H Interest In 35 acres oft The council elected O. F. Nlckerson
SEH of NV4 Ex EH of EH of SK as councilman to succeed F. B. Good-
H of nwh or Bee. 28, T 3, R 0 K; man, recently resigned on account of
12 . . Mil health.
F, M. Gill 8H of 8H ot Bee. 23, 1 . .1.11,,. nn
T 3. R 5 E; 134 80. Z. 1 ". "J 1 : " ... . . ,-Ll
Veronica A. Iirewer NTCH of NW " ' ' '
H ot Sec. 28. T 3. II 6 E: $8.07,
James M and Francis M. Wholean
NWH Sec. 30. T 3. It S B; $34.23.
Minnie U. La Barre SEH ot 8WU.
Sec. 31. T 3. R 6 E; $4.98.
Kglnald T. and Alllce K. Carter
NWH of SEH. Sec. 31. T 3, R ft E;
Stephen 4 Mary Peaxnecker SWH
of 8WH Sec. 32. T 3. R ft E; $3 42.
Harry A. and Minnie B. Ia Harre
20 acres In Sec. 2. T 4, R ft E: $1.19.
George Hathaway S 30.12 acres of
NEH Ot SEH Sec. 3, T 4, R ft E;
Ella Royce 10 acres. Sec 4. T 4.
R ft E: $1.24.
Charity M. Rawlins SEH of NEH
and NH of SEH and E 30 acres ot
NEH of SWH of Sec. 4. T 4. R ft K;
B. T. Rawlins W 10 acres of NEH
of SWH of 8c. 4, T 4, R ft K; $1.24.
Lydla A. Wood EH of SWH of
Sec. 6, T 4, R ft E; $9.92.
Carl A. Davie V U ot SWH ot
Sec. 6, T 4, R ft E: $16.00.
U Ileylman NEH of NWH Bee.
11. T 4. R ft E; $3.96.
Albert KrelKor NEH of Sec. 14.
T 4, R ft E; $5.94.
Fubrtcus Toy & Notion Co. NH of
SEH of Hec. 14, T 4, R n E; 19.50.
Mrs. Mao E. Mayrer SWH of Sec.
14, T 4 R ft E; $15 84.
t. E. Reiner NEH of NEH of
NWH Sec. 30. T 4, It ft E; $3.98.
C. W. lladden NWH of NEH of
SEH nd NEH of NWH of SEH of
Soc. 14, T 2. R 6 E; $2.98.
E. S. J. McAllister NEH of 8ec.
16, T 2, It 6 E; $26.91.
J. W. M. A. Strucken 80. 30
acres of NEH of SWH Sec. 19. T 2.
It 6 E; 19.48.
Ilex Caploa-NWH of NWH Sec.
21. T. 2, R 6 E: $4.96.
Francis M. Win. A. Stone SH of
SWH and NWH. of SWH Ex. Nwly
6 acres, 8ec. 22, T 2. R 6 E; $38.19.
Edward- II. and Alice King SWH
of SEH and SEH of SWH and IS
acres of Sec. 23, T 2. R 6 E; $14.64.
Francis R. Saunders of SEH of
SEH of Sec. 24, T 2, R 6 E; $3.90.
Mury Alice Wittenberg, L U. Wick
ersham Half Int. each In EH of SW
H Bee. 24, T 2, R 6 E; $7.32.
Edward H. and Alice King 210
acres In Sec. 26, T 2. R 6 E; $110.88.
John W. Mlnto Tr SEH Sec. 28,
T 2, R 6 E; $30.18.
Harry L. Ksats Ntf of NH Sec.
28, T 2. R 6 E; $29.67.
Power company at Fern Rldgo sta
tion was rsferred to the committee on
public property with Instructions to re
quest the company to erect the sta
' Clinton A. Ambrose SWH of 8
W H of Bee. 29. T 2. It 7 E; $4 65.
Clmton A. Ambrose NH of SW'4
Bee. 29. T 2, It 7 E; $10.4&.
A. E. Ilorthwlck W 60 A, of NH
ot 8KH and SEH r NWH and NEH
of 8WH of Sec. 30. T 2, R 7 E; 124 60.
Clinton A. AmbrossSEH of SEH
Sec. 30. T 2, It 7 K; $6 15.
Clinton A. Ambrose 26.50 acre
Sec. 33. T 2. R 7 E; $6.13.
Went Hoow Co. 40 acres In Bee. 3$
T 2. It 7 E; $4 90.
West Hood Co. 26.50 acres In 800.
33. T 2. R 7 E; $3 21.
Charles W. Mackrow-EH of KW
H of NEH of NWH Bee. 32, T 2. It
7 E; $1.48.
lxmls Nelschel 7.50 acres, Sec 33.
T 2. R 7 E; $1.90. .
Julia Kennler-.t6.il acres, Sec. 33.
T 2. It 7 E; $7.80.
lllunche V. Hulbert 10 acres, Sec.
34. T 2, R 7 E; $2.30.
netsie A. llooth-SH of SEH of
NW4. Sec. 36. T 2. R 7 E; $1.22.
Madge Montgomery 30 acres, Sec.
36. T 2, R 7 E: $1.84.
" W. R, GlendlnlnR-NH of NWH
and WH of NEH 8o 8, T J, R 7 E;
Claude V. Chapman NH of SEH
and NWH or SEH of SEH and N'H
of SWH or 8EH and NEH of SWH
Sec. 12. T 3 It 7 E; $18.36.
H C. Hunt H int. In 8H of NWH.
and 8WH nf NEH and lot 2, Soc.
30. T 6, R 7 E: $4.94.
R. W. A W. F. Cnry H Int. In SH
og NWH an) SWH of NEH and lxt
2. Bee 30, T 8. R 7 K; $6.94.
Elijah Coalman 81.70 acroa 8er.
23, T 3, R 8H E; $9.90.
Geo. A. Gerry 11 acres In 8ec. 28
T 1, R 5 E; $1.96.
M. & C. Phillips. F. Illas and L. T.
Trepcow N 25 acres of NH of SW
H, Bee. 28, T 1, R ft E; $4.50.
Louis Hanlberg 20 acres In Sec. 5.
T 2, R 5 E; $8.52.
Wm. H. and Lulu Winters 18.25
acres, Sec. 9, T 2, R 5 E; $5.43.
Nettle B. Valle 7acres in Sec 10,
T 2, R 6 E; $126.
Garrett. Ben Lulu Pickens, Genette
at a factory in Zanesville, Ohio, where nl Myrtle Pickens 26.60 acres Sec.
CHICAGO, March 4. The Chicago
Federation of Labor today defeated a
resolution favoring a general strike
ot union men in the event of the death
sentence over Thomas Mooney, San
Francisco labor man, convicted of
murder by bomb throwing,, be carried
Instead, a telegram protesting
against the execution, was sent to the
American Federation of Labor,
many women are employed.
"The majority of women at this
plant," she said, "are engaged at hard
labor, such as loading scraplron, sort
ing scraplron, wheeling Iron castings
in wheelbarrows ,etc.
"The women loading scrap and sort
ing same work out in the yards, with
no protection from intense rays of sun
or weather. The women wear overalls
and large-brim hats. They hand iron
up from the ground to others in the
cars, who pile It.
"The hours an nine hours a day, 64
hours a week, with one-half hour for
Innch; wages 20 cents an hour and
$1.60 deducted each month for relief
purposes. Men are given 21 cents an
hour for labor ot tha same class.
18, T 2, R 6 B: $5.57,
James T. Ogdcn NH of 8EH of
Sec. 10, T 2, R ft E; $35.42.
Elizabeth F. C. Brewster NWH of
8EH and NEH of SWH, Sec. 11, T 2,
It 5 e; 17.08.
Minnie A. Wolf acn 8.71 acres In
Sec 14. T 2, R 6 E; $1.88.
E. ft Elvlna E. Coalman 20.60
acres, Sec. 17, T 2, R 5 E; $6.61.
WASHINGTON, March 1. On April
8, the anniversary ot the United
States' entry Into tha wsr ,ths third
I liberty loan will open. There will be a
Fank SI vols NEH of Sec, 32. T 2. 'campaign of three or tour weeks.
R 6 E; $26.97. m ., .
I. D. and Hattle Turner SEH Sec
32, T 2, R 6 E; $13.57.
Carrie C. Copple NWH Sec 34,
T 2. R 6 E; $24.64.
Lillian B. Fisher NEH Sec. 34. T
2 R 8 E; $33.26.
Marjorle T. Noble WH of 8WH
and SEH of SWH, Sec. 36, T 2, R
6 E; $43.12.
Jacob II. Cook WH of 8WH Sec.
8, T 3, R 8 E; $89.65.
SllKh Funrnlture Co. SEH and SH
et NEH and NWH of NWH Sec. 16,
T 3, R 6 E; $45.90.
R. W. and W. F. Cary H Int. in
SEH of NEH Sec. 25, T 6, R 8 E;
E. C. Hunt H Int. in SEH of NE
H See 25, T 6, R 6 Er $3.96.
Carrie E. Dufur WH Sec. 22, T 2.
R 7 E; $20.24.
W. R. McGarry EH of EH Ex-
25-100 A In NW cor Sec 22, T 2, R 7
E; 115.81.
Percy F. & R. Shelly NH of NW
H Sec. 28, T 2, R 7 E; $5.58.
Carrie E. Dufur NWH Sec 27, T 2
R 7 E; $26.94,
John C. Ixigan, James E. Merrlman,
Mock Stanfteld, Alfred J. Franklin
25 acres In Sec. 27, T 2, R 7 E; $3.16
H. P. Bush ft A. E. Borthwlck
26.10 acres, Sec. 27, T 2, R 7 E; $3.29,
MISSOULA, Mont, March 4. Wo
men will be employed as "smoke
chasers" In .the National forests
throughout the Northwest this year,
R. II. Riitelege, district United States
forester, announced yesterday upon
his return from an Inspection trip over
the state.
SEATTLE, March 4. Hasen J.
Titus, superintendent of the dining
car service of the Northern Pacific
Railway, has resigned and will trans
for his activity to the business of a
restaurant company In Seattle.
The nitrate fleldN south and east of
Vale hnv8 been busy placos the past
week, as crews have been working to
mine and ship cars of fertilizer grade
NOT? f
WASHINGTON. Mar 4. Four A-
merlcan soldiers of the expeditionary
forces have been sentenced to be shot
two for being found asleep while on
duty In the "front Una trenches and
two for refusing to obey orders of
superior officers. . The men were
tried by a general court martial,, the
findings of which, and the sentence
have been approved by General persu
m 1 "I