Paire 6 DELINQUENT TAX LIST CLACKAMAS COUNTY. This advertised ltBt of delinquent taxes for the year Mil to in pursu ance of an act of the State Legisla te! whfch t. embodied in Chapter 266 of the General Laws of the 1917 session. The taxes on the following adver tised real property became de quent on the 6th day of October. 1917. and are subject to a penalty of S per cent after November 6. and Interest at the rate of 12 per ccni per auuuu. theoth day of October. WIT. until they shall have been paid. Any day after the expiration of six months after the Uxes charted against the following real property are delinquent, the sheriff Is author ized upon demand of any person matins- application to Issue to them a cer tificate of delinquency upon payment ot the Uxes. penalty and Interest and coats of advertising. Certificate of delinquency shall bear Interest from the date of issuance until redeemed at the rate ot II per cent per annum. Suburban Orchards Co. Ada Orch ards, blk 1 to 4; $5.66. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lots 1 to 4. bit 1; 13 - , . Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lot 11, blk. 1; $3 28- Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lots IS to 15, blk. 1: $9.84. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lot 16, blk. l; 1128. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres. Int. 2 and 4. blk. 2: $6.66. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lot 9, blk 2; $3.28. Emnire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lot. is to IS. blk. 2: 29 84. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, Int 5. blk. 2: 8328. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lots 1 and 2, blk. 3; 27.64. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lot 6. blk. 4; $3.77. . Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lot 7, blk. 4; $3.28. ; Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lot 8, blk. 4; $3.28. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lots 6 and 6, blk. 6; $7.38. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lots 16 to 20. blk. 5; $20.50- Emolre Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lots 21 and 22. blk 5: $6.56. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lots 1 to 9. blk. 6; $29.52. Empire Inv. Co. Alder Crest Acres, lot 1, blk. 7; $i.9T. F. P. Johnson, Arcadia blks. 1 to 4; $5.13. Edward M. Cousin, Arcadia blk. 5; $5.71. - Nina V. Rupert, Arcadia Blk. 10; $7.81. M. T. Duffy. Arcadia Blk. 12: $o.94 Martin T. Duffy, Arcadia All of 13 and 14 and Stt of 15; $12.58. F. F. Johnson, Arcadia N hi ot 15 and all of 16: $6.28. F. A- Knapp, Ardenwald Lot l, blk. 3; $3.86. F. A. Knapp,, Ardenwald Lots and 3. blk. 3: 5.16. Oregon Surety ft Casualty Co., Ar denwald Lot 4. blk. 3; $3.87. Ellen R-f Arden M John A. Rock- wood, Ardenwald Ex. W. 30 ft of 1 to 4, blk- 4 ; $5.16. - Oregon Surety ft Casualty Co. Ar denwald West 30 feet oi 1 to 4, oik 4: $3.6L Mary G. Mackey, Ardenwald Ex W. 30 ft 5 to 8, blk. 4; $5.16. Oregon Surety ft Casualty Co. Ar denwald West 30 ft of 5 to 8, blk. 4; $5.91. Ellen R.: Arden M., John A. Rock wood, Ardenwald Lots 5 and 6, blk. 5; $5.4L F. A. Knapp & Mary Mackey Ar denwald Lots 9 to 13, blk. 5; $12.90. F. A. Knapp & Mary Mackey Ar denwald Lots 14 and 15, blk. 5; $5.16. F. A. Knapp ft Mary Mackey Ar denwald Lot 19. blk. 6; $3.22. Ellen R.; Arden M., John A- Rock wood, Ardenwald Lot 25, blk. 5; $3.23 Ellen R.; Arden M., John A- Rock wood. Ardenwald Lot 26, blk. 5; $3.22 Esther E. Nordberg Ardenwald, lot 10, blk. 8; $2.58. K. W. Goodale Ardenwald, lot 16, blk. 10; $2.58. Oregon Surety ft Casualty Co Ar .denwal, lot 16. blk. 12; $2.58. , ML Hood Hotel Co. Arrah Wanna Park, lots 2 to 5, blk. 1; $1.22. Martha J. Wilson Atkix- on, blks. 3 and 4; $23.80. Thos. J. Jones Atkinson, blks. and 7; $36.65. A. S. Thompson Barlow, lot 1, blk. 1: $2.14. J. W. ft Anna B. Hays Barlow, all ex. 256 ft off E. end of blk. 10; $12.00. H. F. W. Gortlar 1st add to Barlow, Sly of lot 1. blk. 14; $1.31. H. M. Courtright ft Co. 1st add to Barlow, lots 3 and 4, blk. lo; $6.10. H. F. W. Gortler Slmms Sub. Dlv. of Barlow, lot 16, blk. C; $2.40. H. F. W. Gortler Simms Sub. Div, of Barlow, lots 6 to 11, blk. D; $1.31. Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell Park, blks. 1 and 2; $2.77. Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell Park, blk. 3; $2.48. Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell Park. blks. 13 and 14; $10.39. Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell Park, blk. 23; $2.77. Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell PaTk, blks. 24 and 25; $7.43. Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell Park, blk. 33; $6.44. Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell Park. blk. 34; $2.47. Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell Park. blk. 36; $3.47. N. F. Mlkkalo Barwell Park, blk. 37: $2.47. Northwestern Trust Co. Barwell Park. blks. 43 and 44; $4.96. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell Hgta, lots 1 and 2, blk. 1; $1.33. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell Hgts lots 3 and 4, blk. 1; $1.32. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell Hgts lots 37 and 38, blk. 2; $1.32. Northwestern Trust Co. Boll View, lots 9 to 12, blk. 1; $2.64. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View, lots 7 and 8, blk 2; $1.33. Johanna Sverdrup Bell View, lots 21 and 22, blk. 2; $1.32. Mary M. Hoist Bell View, lots 33 and 34, blk. 2; $1.31. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View, lots 1 and 2, blk. 4; $1.31. Peter A. Tamaras Bell View, lots 7, 8, 9, blk. 4; $1.98. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View, lots 10, 11, 12, blk. 4; $1.97. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View, lots 15 to 18, blk. 4; $2.63. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View, lot 27, blk. 4; $5.26. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View, lot 30. blk. 4; $5 26. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View, lots 1, 2, 3, blk. 5; $1.98. Northwestern Trust Co. Bell View, lots 11 and 12, blk. 6; $7.89. Nettle F. Balsiger Uoberg, blk. 7 $7.92. A. J. Hnlback Bolton, lots 3 and 4 blk. 10; $3.09. Arnold and Lena Kohler Bolton, lots 3 to 6, blk. 29; $1817. Meadows blk. 13; $3.96. U RItser Boring Junction, 60xTO ft of blk. 4; $12.52. Effle C. Ewen Boring Junction. SVi of blk. 7; $15.99. Thos. M. Allison Boring Junction. NE o' blk, 11; $8.34. J. W. Strucken Boring Junction, W4 of SWK of 16; $180. Robt S. ft Vera Smith Boring Junction. NWH of 15; $4.87. Mary A. ft Susie Strucken Boring Junction, EH of SWU of blk. 15; $1.40 Mansfield ft Ines Sonnichsen Bor ing Junction E4' lot 3. blk. 20; $2 09. EmmeU F. Donahue Boring Junc tion, rt of 20 known as lot 4, dir. su. tL ...... Geo. E. ft Jotin K. ivnox uotiub Junction, part of 22; $9.04. Kmmett F. Donahue uoring junc tion, N. 100x119 ft of blk. 22; $3.82. O- A. ft L. S. Palmer Palmer's add to Boring Junction, blk. 1; $3.48. W. O. Frank- Uoring junction, . 150 ft, of blk. 1; $1.39. Anna Glehn. Boring junction, . ou ft of blk. 2; $4.18. J. W. ft Marv E. Mauiding. uoring Junction, Tr. 9 ft all Cedar St. btwn. lots 8 and 9. blk. 9; $4.18. Isaac ft Mary. R Zeigler Boring Junction, NH of blk. 10; $2.09. Henry A. ft Maggie M, Beck Roots add to Boring Junction,, blk. B; $7.65, Thos. ft Mary G. Bennett koois so add to Boring Junction, blk. F; $8.34. Northwestern Trust Co Bncmey Tracts, lot 3, blk. 1 ; $3.94. Northwestern Trust Co tmcKiey Tracts, lot . blk. 2; $1.31. Northwestern Trust Co Brtckiey Tracts, lot 3. blk. 3; $1.32. Northwestern Trust Co. uncxiey Tracts, lot 9. blk. 3: $1.32. Northwestern Trust Co BrtcKiey Tracts, lot 11. blk. 3; $1.31. Northwestern Trust Co. Brickley Tracts, lot 15. blk. 3: $1.31. Northwestern Trust Co- HncKiey Tracts, lots 1 and 2; blk. 6; $5.26. Northwestern Trust Co- BrtcKiey Tracts, lot 7. blk- 6: $3.94. Northwestern Trust Co- Brtckiey Tracts 9 to 16. blk. 6: $15.7S. Northwestern Trust Co- BrtcKiey Tracts, lots 1 to 4, blk. 8; $4.21 Northwestern Trust Co Brlckiey Tracts. lot 1. blk. 9: $1.03. Northwestern Trust Co- Brtckiey Tracts, lot 3. blk. 9: $1.05. Northwestern Trust Co- BrtcKiey Tracts, lot 4. blk. 9; $1.05 Northwestern Trust Co unciuey Tracts, lot 5. blk. 9: $L05. Northwestern Trust Co Brickley Tracts, lots 7 and 8, blk- 9; $2.11. Northwestern Trust Co Brickley Tracts, lot 3. blk. 10: $2.63, Northwestern Trust Co- Brickley Tracts, lot 5. blk. 10: $2.62. Mary Nelachell Bright wood, lots B and 6. blk. 4: $1.38. R. H. Warfield Bryant Acres, blk. 26: $13.86. Anna S. Warren Buena Ista, half interest G. H.; $1.63- J. W. McDonald ft August Peterson Cable Acres, blk. 5; $11.65. John Sims Canby, lots 3 and 4, blk. 9: $12.42. C. N. Wait Canby, lot 4, blk. 14; $1.73. C. N. Wait Canby, lots 7 to 12, blk. 14; $10.87. j Bertha E. Lee Canby, lots 1,2,3, blk. 16; $21.05. . Bertha E. Lee Canby, lot 10. blk. 16; $4.42. Elizabeth Webb Canby, lot 4, blk. 18; $6.90. Wilhelmfna Wait Ctnby, lots 3 and 4, blk. 24; $1.72. - John Sims Canby, lots 7, 8, 9, blk 24; $15.52. Florence C. Young Ded man's Add to Canby, lot 1. blk. 4; $10.35. John Sims Heman A. Lees Add to Canby, lots 7, 8, 9, blk. 2; $13.80. Albert H. Lee A. H. Lee's 2nd Add to Canby. lots 1 and 2: $4.43. Albert H. Lee A. H. Lee's 2nd Add to Canby, lot 6; $3.11 Albert H. Lee A. H. Lee's 2nd Add to Canby. lot 7; $3.45. Albert H. Lee A. H. Lee's 2nd Add to Canby. lot 10; $3.10. Albert H. Lee A. H. Lee's 2nd Add to Canby, lots 13 and 14; $7.93. Chas. N. Walt Roth"s Add to Can by. lots 1 and 2. blk. 1; $1.72. P. L & Carrie Coleman Roth's Add to Canby, lots 1 and 2, blk. 2, $12.33. Clarence A. Miller Canby Gardens, pt. of blk. 68; $4 73. Sarah E. Miller Canemah, lots 1 and 2; blk. 1; $6.27. Sarah E. Miller Canemah, lot 8, blk. 1; $5.12. Sophia M. Schooley Canemah, lot blk. 11; $3.93. II. J. Fisher Tr Canemah, lot 2, blk. C; $1.14. Christian Trachsel Canemah, lot blk. C; $1.14. E. L. Swank Canemah. lots 3 to 6, blk. D; $4.56. H. M. Courtright ft Co. Canemah, 1st Add to, lots 6,7.8, blk. "I"; $2.74. Ed Linden Carlsborg Tracts, blk 15; $7.92. Chas- Schmid Clackamas Heights, blk. 9; $5.12. W. C. Repass Clackamas Heights, blk. 11; $18.75. Andrew Griesshaber Clackamas Heights, 100 ft E & W x 115 N & S on Wly side of, 50 ft. N&SxlOO ft EftW in SW cor, blk. 16; $7.61. John W. Loder Clackamas Heights blk- 53; $6.76. Antionette Stout Clackamas Hghts, Nly of blk 69; $4.23. Ed Bittner Clackamas Heights lots 1 to 4, blk. 19.1; $4.05. Inez A. Freeland Clackamas Highlands, blk. 2; $12.84. I. G. Davidson Clackamas River side, W. 7 acres blk. B; $14.88. Ida May Davidson Clackamas Riv erside, blk. D & E; $39.68. L G. Davidson Clackamas River side, blk. F; $26.67. I. G. Davidson Clackamas River side, blk. G; $23.76. Ida May Davidson Clackamas Riv erside, lots N & O; $39.68. Ida May Davidson Clackamas Riv erside, blk. Q; $13.63. Colin & Jane Mclver Clairmont Acreage Tracts No. 3, blk 4: $3.84. Elmer Coleman Coleman Park, blks. 1 to 8; $6.57. Elmer Coleman Coleman Park, blk 9 to 23; $12.28. Elmer Coleman Coleman Park, blk 24 to 43; 115.63. Frank & Dolly Hehberg Coolrldge Home Tracts, So. 3 acres of blk. 14; $11.39. Suburban Orchards Co. Cora Orch ards, blks 1 to 16; $28.27. Estacada Orchards Co. Cora Orch ards, blks- 17 to 32; $29.76. R. H. & Laura A. Todd Deer Park lot 1, blk 7; $1.68. E. T. WatsonDeer Park, lot 4, blk, 18; $1.22. James T. Pollack Dover Park, lots 6 and 7, blk. 1; $1.38. Blanche Lleser Dover Park, lot 17, blk. 2; $1.98. LeBter L- & Frank H. Schwartz Elida, blk. 8; $8.87. C. D. Latourette Elida, blk. 22; $9.04. Wallis Nash Elrod Acres, lots to 11; $36.29. Wallis Nash Elrod Acres, blks. 1 Mary A. Bales Bonlta to 16; $16.49. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. MARCH 8, Wallis Nash 'Elrod Acres, blks. 17 to 25; $29 67. Wallis Nash Elrod Acres, blks. 26 to 35; $32.99. J. O. Elrod Klrod Acres, blk. 37; $3.29. Wallis Nash Elrod Acres, blks 3b and 39; $6.60. J. O. Elrod Elrod Acres, lot 41; $7.37. Wallis Nash Elrod Acres, blks. 43 and 44; $13.59. Geo, E. Prltchelt Erie Crest lot I, blk. 3; $3.30. John P.. Wm. H. ft Chas. K. Dubois Estacada, lot 2. blk. 1; $6.07. Henry ft M. Ella Dubois Estacada, lot 8, blk. 1; $6 07. E. CHunt Estacada, lota 3,4,5, blk. $4S.60. K. J. Boneifc-Estacada, lot 7, blk. 2; $26.33. E. U. Hunt Estacada, lots 8 ana 9. blk. 2; $33.40. Wm. Dale Estacada, lota 13 and 14, blk. 2; $7.09. A. Morrow Estacada, lot 15, blk. 3; $15.19. I. M. ft C. S. Pat k Estacada, lot s, blk. 4; $36.45. Chas. E, Hicks Estacada. lot 1, blk. 6; $8.10. J. R. Edward Estacada, lot 6. blk. 6; $5.06. J. R. Edwards Estacada, lot 7. blk. 6; $5.06. J. H. Nash Estacada, lota 11 and 13. blk. 6; $11.14. A. E. Sparks Estacada. lot 14, blk. 6: $11.13. Frederick Jorg Estacada, lot 20, blk. 6: $19.23. A. E. Sparks Estacada, lot 2, blk. 7: 828.35, Samuel L. Beary Estacada, lot 3, blk. 7: $16.20. J. II. Nash Estacada, lots 16 and 17, blk. 7: $12 15. Estacada State Bank Estacada, lots 19,201. blk 7; $10.63 C. E. Dubois Estacada, lot S, blk. 8; $7.10. J. R. ft Sarah F. Townsend Esta cada. lot 6. blk. 8; $17.21. J. H- Nash Estacada, lota 7, 8, 9, blk. 8; $21.26. Estacada State Bank Estacada, lots 4 to 9. blk. 9: $6.07. Ida V. Scott Estacada, lots 13 and 14, blk. 9; $14.17. Richard Kultsch Estacada, lot 1, blk. 10; $8.10. Estacada State Bank Estacada lots 13 to 17, blk. 10; $810 Estacada State Bank Estacada, lots 4 to 9, blk. 13; $6.08. Estacada State Bank Estacada, lots 3 to 6, blk. 14; $3.85. Ida M. Corthell Estacada, lot 10, blk. 14; $2.03. R. A. Corthell Estacada. lots 11 A 12. blk. 14; $4.86. W. D. Henthorn Estacada, lots 11 and 12. blk. 17; $7.09. O. W. Messelhlser Estacada, lot 4, blk. 18; $2.03. Estacada State Bunk Estacada, lots 5 to 8. blk. 20; $4.05. John A- ft Maude Arquette Esta cada. lot 10. blk. 20; $6.07. A. Morrow Estacada, 1st Add to, lots 1 to 4, blk. 27; $22.27 O. E. Smith Estacada , 1st Add to, lot 1. blk. 28: $12.77 Estacada State Bank 1st Add to Estacada, lot 5, blk. 28; $1.01. W. T.. Kaake 1st Add to Estacada, lots 3 to 6. blk. 29; $13.46. Estacada State Bank 1st Add to Estacada. lot 9, blk. 29; $1.32. Chas. E. Dubois 1st Add to Esta cada. lot 7, blk. 32; $52.65 Mrs. F. u Heylman 1st Add to Estacada. lots 8 and 9, blk. 32; $32 40 E. J. Boner Estacada, lot 12, blk. 32; $3.05. W. W. Boner Estacada, lot 13, blk. 32: $15.18. Jennie E. Bonner Estacada, lot 14, blk, 32; $3.05. Fannie L Heylman 1st Add to Es tacada, lota 23, 21. 25. blk. 32; $10.12. Wm. Dale 1st Add to Estacada, lot 5, blk. 34; $2.02. ' Geo. E. Dale 1st Add to Estacada, lot 6. blk. 34; $6.48. W. A- Jones, 1st Add to Estacada, lots 1 to 4, blk. 35; $13.82. W. A. Jones 1st Add to Estacada. lot 4, blk. 36; $2.02. Earnest N. Moak Zobrlst's Add to Estacada, lot 3, blk. 6; $1.82. Estacada State Bank Zobrlst's Add to Estacada, lots 3 to 6. blk. 8; $3.64. J- R. Edwards Zobrist's Add to Es tacada, lot 6, blk. 9; $1.62. Mix S week Zobrlst's Add to Esta cada, lot 7, blk. 10; $1.82. Estacada State Bank Zobrlst's Add to Estacada, lots 4 to 6, blk. 13; $2.74. Estacada State Bank Zobrist's Add to Estacada, lots 4 to 6, blk. 14; $2.74. J. R. Edwards Zobrlst's Add to Es tacada, lot 1, blk. 15; $1.82. Frank Z. Abe Zobrlst's Add to Es tacada, lot 6, blk. 15; $1.82. Jennie J. Eitelman Zobrisf's Add to Estacada, lots 1 and 2, blk. 22; $3.65. C. D. Christensen--Zobrisf's Add to Estacada, lots 3 and 4, blk. 22; $3.64. J. R. Edwards Zobrist's Add to Es tacada, lot 7, blk. 22; $1.82 Geo. Abraham ft E. Otey Zobrist' s Add to Estacada, lot 8, blk. 22; $1.83. J. B. Honey Zobrlst's Add to Es tacada, lots 2 and 3, blk. 23; $3.65. J. R. Edwards Zobrlst's Add to Es tacada, lot 4, blk. 23; $1.82. Estacada State Bank Zobrist's Add to Estacada all of lot 5 and SVi of lot 6, blk. 23; $138. J. B. Honey Zobrist's Add to Esta cada, lot 9, blk. 23; $1.81. ' A. W. Wlthrow Zobrist's Add to Es tacada, lots 11 and 12, blk. 23; $3.65. E. 8. Womer Estacada Heights, lots 10 and 11, blk. 1; $3.25. Suburban Orchards Co. Estelle Or chards, blks- 1 to 7; $8.62. Suburban Orchards Co. Estelle Or chards, all of 13 and 14 and E of 15; $2.22. Suburban Orchards Co. Estelle Or chards, blk. 16; $1.53. Suburban Orchards Co. Estelle Or chards, blks. 17 to 20; $5.70. S. D. Smalley Fairfield, blk. 18; $3.96. , S. D. Smalley and F. H. Freund Fairfield, blk. 19; $2.98. Minnie B. Locke Fairmont Orch ards, blk. 2 $6.96. Emll Lovegren Fairmont Orchards, blk. 9; $7.64. Bessie Sims Brown Fairmont Orch ards, blk. 18; $13.90. Laura Hanson Fairmont Orchards, blk. 19: $9.17 John M. Johnson Flnavon, blk. 5, $5.26. John M. Johnson Flnavon, blk. 8; $5.26. Anna L. Nelson Flnavon, blks. 14 and 15; $24.07. Mrs." L. L. Cox Finavon, blk. 47; $3.28. Northwestern Trust Co. Flnavon, EVi of blk. 60; $1.31. J. H- Broetje Fir Grove, W. 99 ft. of lot 4, blk. 1; $5.83, Amos S. Benson Foster Acres, blks. 10, 11, 12; $33.76. Amos S. Benson Foster Acres, blk. 21; $6.18. Asa R. Hawkins E. L. Fraley's Sub Dlv. of Tr. of land, Sec. 28, T 3, 4 E; E 70x100 ft. blk 2; $2.02. AdolphSagner E. L. Fraley"s Sub. Dlv. of Tr. of land Sec. 28, T. 3, 4. E; VfM of blk. 8; $12.15. E. L. Fraley E. L. Fraley's Sub Dlv. of Tr- of land Sec 28, T. 3. 4 E. 11 ex V 84 rt. and Ex. E. 16 ft of blk 11; $3.04. Chas, II. Plggott Gales Park, blk. Hi $4.16. Security Savings ft Trust Co. Gar thick, A DC; $2.65. Victor A. Johnson Garthlck, lot 10, blk. 4; $S6.13. Security Savlnga & Trust Co. Oar thtck. lot 13. blk. 4: $139 12. Richard Wilder Garthlck. lot 18, blk. 4; $111.30. J Mrs. Sarah Un-Gladstone, lot 10, blk. IS; $6.88. Mary O. Gillett Gladstone, lot 10, blk. 17; $3.96. Grace K. Loder Gladstone, lots 18 and 19, blk. 17; $16.40. Harry Gray Gladstone, lot 20, blk. 17; $3.2S. Cornelia McCown Glndstone, lot IS, blk. 18; $2.62. Henry C. ft Mary Gllg Gladstone, lota S and 4, blk. 88; $7 23. Henry c. ft Mary Gllg Gladstone, lota 13 and 14, blk. S3; $16.43. Elsie & Hugh Hall Gladstone, lots 3 and 4. blk. 33; $3.61. Ktcitard Hall Jr Gladstone, lots B and 6, blk. S3: $3.93. Gladstone R. E. ABsoclatlon Glad stone, lots S, 10, 11, blk. S3; $5.90. Frank and Pearl MoAnulty Glad stone, lot 13, blk. 34; $3.94. w. 11. v. Miller Gladstone. lot I, blk. 8; $3.28. Geo. II. Miller Gladstone, lot 3, blk. 36; $3.28. Geo. H. Miller Gladstone, lot 14, blk. 36; $3.28. W. II. V. MlUerGladstone. lot 15. blk. 36; $3.28. Gustaf Cartson Gladstone, lota 3 and 4. blk. 49; $19.63. Merton and Emma Bell Gladstone, lots 15 and 16, blk. 4; $19.63. Gladstone R. E Association Glad stone, lot 16, blk. 65; $2.63. Gladstone R. E. Association Glad stone, lots 9 and 10, blk. 60; $5.26. Mary Ann Ranch Gladstone, lots 11 to 16. blk. 75; $10.66. Maggie M. Da via Gladstone, lots 15 and 16, blk. 76; $5 90. Maggie M. Davis Gladstone, lots and 2, blk. 77; $1.(4. Henry Krebs Gladstone, Pt lots 4 and 6. blk. 98; $7.22. Henry Krebs Gladstone, all lot 10 and part lot 11, blk. 98; $1.71 ' Jauies J. Tyrell Gladstone, N. 60 ft ot 166. all of 117-118; $7.38. Gladstone R. E. Association Glad stone, NH of blk. 129; $3.28. Geo. H. ft Mary Iwls Apperson's Add to Gladstone, blks. 10 and 11; $5.90. John W. Loder Apperson's Add to Gladstone, blks. 22 and 23; $2.62- Wm. L. Stack well Apperson's Add to Gladstone, blk. 28: $1.31. John W. Loder, Schooley's Add to Gladstone, lots 15 and 16. blk. 1; $1.97. John W. Loder Schooley's Add to Gladstone, lot 6. blk. 2; $4.27. A. Conover St hoolcy's Add to Gladstone, lot 8, blk. 2; $7 54. Win. 1L Miller, Schooley s Add to Gladstone, lot 19, blk. 2; $1.31 Henry & Rosalie Lon?y Wpst Glad stone, lots 1 and 2. blk. 4: $3.90. Lilian M. Hackleman West Glad stone, lots 3, 4. 6. blk. 10; $4.92. Lilian M. Hackleman West Glad stone, lots 10. 11. 12. blk. 10; $3.90- John W. Loder WeBt Gladstone, lot 8. blk. 11, $7.23. John W. Loder Tr. WeBt Gladstone lot 17. blk. 11; $2.30. Jennie B. Yale Glen Echo, pt of blks. A ft B; $62.86. R. M- Eccles Glenmorrie, blk. 3; $.; Robt. H. Strong Glenmorrte, blk. 6; $10.19. Cora M. Rea Glenmorrle, blk. 7; $20.39. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrte Park, blks. 15 and 15A; $16.54. The Glenmorrlo Co. Glenmorrlt Park, blk. 26; $13.03. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 27; $8.63. The Glenmorrte Co. . Glenmorrle Park. blk. 29 A; $9.09. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park. blk. 30; $17.47. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrte Park. blk. 31; $17.48. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park. blk. 32; $17 01 The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park. blk. 33; $15.84 The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park. blk. 34; $10.50. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, 38 and Wly i of blk. 39; $28.31. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrte Park, blk. 40; $13.63. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk 41; 8.97. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 42; $13.51. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 43; $11 42. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 44; $13.05. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 45; $10.13. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 46; $10.01. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 47; $14.33. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 48; $12.81. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 49; $13.98. The Glenmorrle Co, Glenmorrle Park. blk. 50; $13.86. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. El; $9.79. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 52; $10.49- The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park. blk. 63; $5.83. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 54; $8.74. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 56; $5.94. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 57; $6.99. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. D8; $7.46. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrie Park, blk. 59; $5.83. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk 60: $9.32. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 61; $7.57. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 62; $6.41. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 63; $6.17. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 64; $6.29. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 65; $7.57. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 66; $8.39. .The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 67; $7.22. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 68; $9.56. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 69; $7.92. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 70; $7.22. The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 71; $7.11. , The Glenmorrie Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 72; $13.16. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 73: 812.68. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Fark, blk. 74: $12.23. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Far, blk. 75: $9.55, The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrlo rarK, blk. 76: $9.67. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. A; $20.39. 1918. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. B; $25.63. The Glenmorrte Co. Qlenmorrlu rrk blk. 77; $13.98. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park. blk. 78; $6.94. The Glenmorrle Co, Glenmorrlo Par. blk. 79; $8.17. The GlouniorrUs Co. Glenmorrle Park. blk. SO; $6 99. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 81; $5.8. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk 83; $6.99. The Glenmorrie Co. Qlenmorrle Park. blk. 83; $6.83. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 8$; $5.69. The Glenmorrlo Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 89; $4.31. The Glenmorrlo Co. Glenmorrte Park. blk. 90; $8.74. The aienmorrlo Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 91; $5.24. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrte Park. blk. 93; $5.69. ine uicnmorne co. Glenmorrle 1 (urn, un. j; o.o. The Glenmorrle Co. Qlenmorrle Park, blk. 94; $3 73. The Glenmorrle Co, Glenmorrle Park. blk. 95; $4 31. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrle Park, blk. 96; $6.41. The Glenmorrte Co. Glenmorrte Park, blk. 97; $3.14. The Glenmorrte Co. Qlenmorrle Park, blk. 98; $6.99. The Glenmorrle Co. Glenmorrte Park, blk. 99; $6.99. The Glenmorrle Co, Qtenmome rark, blk. 100; $6.99. B. Wood Gordon Glen Home Tracts, blk. 7; $7.14. mitan H. Runyard-Oreta Park, blk l; $13.76. Elgtva Mullen Hollywood rark, lot 10, blk. ; $1.18. Joseph Fletcher Hyde Park, lot 18 to IS, blk. 3; $1.73. E. W. Ileeman Hyde Park, lots 83 to 29, blk. 3; $3.03. C- II. Clement Hyde Park, lota 1 and 2, blk. 9; $1.16. R. L. Herrlck Hyde Park, lots 3 and 9, blk. 9; $1.15. Conrad Peterson Hyde Park, lots 13 to 16. blk. 9; $2.30. Louise Bell Hyde Park, lots 9 to 13. blk. 11; $1.15. Isabella Johnston Hyde Park, lota 29 to 33, blk 12; $1.16. Thos. C. Clarke Hyde Park, lots 1 to 32, btk. 13; $9.23. 8arah K. Palmer, Hyde Park, lots 9 to 24, blk 14; $4.61. J. E. Maher Hyde Park, lots I to 6. blk. 15; $1.73. Edith Butcher Hyde rark, lots 23 to 26, blk. 17; $1.15. C. W. Kern Idlewllde. lota 1 to to 9. blk. 1; $1.38. C. W. Kern Idlswllde. lots 10 to 18. blk. 1; $1.37. C W. Kern Idlewllde, lots 1 to 8. blk. 2: $1.23. C. W. Kern Idlewllde, lots 1 to 5, D1K. 3; $1.54. K. Kern Idlewllde lots 5 to 11. blk 4; $2.14. Lonson ft Sylvia Wilcox Jennlugs limine, Ni Ex. N 70 ft. of blk. 36; $n.25. IL M. CourtrlKht and J. W. Johnston Jennings Lodge, 4 Int each In S4 Of blks. 73-74: $46.56. J. E. A. Boyce -Jennings Lodge, blks. 77 and 78; $77.60. W m. W. Smith sold to Downey Jen- nlnss Lodge 71.50 x 294 39 ft. blk 80; $4.66. Anna Donahue JcnnliiKS IxhIko. 71.5 x 274.69 ft. blk. 80: $4.66. Win. Berry Jennings Lodse. 71.6 x 283.41 tt, blk. 80; $9.71. David II. Miller 1st Add to. Jen nlngs LodKe, blk. 15; $9.70. R. F. Deter 1st Add io Jennings MHIKO, blk. it; $23.28. Herbert H. McOovern 1st Add to Jennings Lodge, all 36 and WH of 37; $17.46. Fred B. Madison 1st Add to Jen nings Lodne, all 60 and No. 6 ft. Ex. E. 19 ft. of No. 6 ft. of 61; $25.61. Grace L BronaURh Boardmnn's Add to Jennings Lodge, blk. 2; $213.40. Earl C. Hronatigh Boardman's Add to Jennings Ixxlge, blk. 6; $21.34. Earl C. Hronatigh Boardman's Add to Jennings Lodge, blk. 8; $17.46. Earl C. Bronuugh Boardman's Add to Jennys Lodge, blk. 11; $17.46. Earl C. Bronaugh Boardman's Add Jennings Lodge, blk. 14; $19 40. The Shaw Fear Co. Boardman's add to Jennings Lodge, blk. 23; $9.31. H. J. Hewett Boardman's Add to Jennings Ixxlge, E of blk. 24: $10.47. J. E. A. Boyce Boardman's Add to Jennings Lodge, blk 25; $13.58. IL J- Hewett Boardman's Add to Jennings Lodge, blk 26; $31.04. . Ralph C. ft Margnrette M. Brown Hulls Add to Jennings lxdge, half blk. 6; $11.25. Julius Reichle ft wife Morris Sub. Dlv. of 1st Add to JennlngB Lodge, lots 2 and 3, blk' 2; $3.11. Julius Reichle and wife Morris Sub Dlv. of 1st Add to Jennings Lodge, lot 6, blk. 2; $1.95. Wiley H. ft Bello C. Crawford Morris 8ub. Dlv of 1st Add to Jen nings Lodge, lot 7, blk. 2; $2.71. Wiley H. ft Belle C. Crawford Morris Sub. Dlv, of 1st Add to Jen nings Lodge, lot 10, blk 2; $1.56. Wiley Trout Morris Bub. Dlv. of 1st Add to Jennings Lodge, lot 15, blk. 2; l.5S. Wiley Trout Morris Sub. Dlv. of 1st Add to Jennings Lodgo, lots 18 and 19, blk. 2; $5.04. Wiley Trout Morris Sub. Div. of 1st Add to Jennings Lodge, lot 22, blk 2; $1.55. Harry. A. Hampton Shaws Sub Dlv of Jennings Lodge, blk. 6; $5.82. Alice K. Hampton Jennings Lodge, blk. 7; $27.16. James B. Welch Shaws 8ub. Dlv. of Jennings Lodge, blks. 10 and 11; $24.64. J.'E. & Beulah McCauley Kuehl's Acres, 50 ft. N ft 8x152.37 ft, E ft W. out of NE Cor of R;$3.10. Grace E. Loder Lawton Heights, blk. 14; $3.39. Wm. ft Olive Rivers Lawton Hghts blk. l; $4.77. Grace E. Loder Lawton Heights, blk. 16; $3.39. R. L Alger Leo. lot 11. blk. 1: $2.48 J. N. Alger Io, lot 12, blk. 1; $3.20 Mrs. e. V. Albee Leo, lot 13, blk, 1; $2.13. First Church of Evangelical Assn of Liberal Liberal, Sly of lot 10, blk. Z; $7 65. Rosalind Gibson Logus Tracts, Ely 177 ft of ex pt N of O. W. P. track blk. l; $17.11. Rosalind Gibson Logus Tracts, N 1.82 acres of blk. 2; $10.62. Hlbernla Savings Bank Logus Tracts, 6.06 acre blk. 4: $36.17. Lillian M. Plymale Gibson's Sub. of Logus Tracts, blk. 2: $7.89. H. L. Koats Ixgiifl Tracts, N. CO rt. ot 4 ana all of 5: 110.52. Ferrol Jackson Iogus Tracts, Vf of B of blk. 17: $2.63. John & Rosalind Gibson Logus iracis, 01 17 ft W of 18 and all ex w 114 ft of 19; $16.43. Theo. ft Lena 8nrlcks Logus Tract EV6 of blk. 24; $5.26. Pete McCarthy Logus Tracts, hlk. 80; $1184. . John H. ft Rosalind Gibson Logus Tracts-all ex. W Ui4 ft ot blk. 38; $6.26. John II. aim uosuiitm uinsnn i-o-gtis Tracts, blk. 39, and 40; $23.67, ML Hood Hy Development Co.-Ma-bery, lot 12. blk. 8; $3.56. Mt. Hood Ity Development co. bery. lot 11, blk. 4; $2.14. K. W. lhmioi Marcnlmuks, loll 33 and 34, blk. 77; $1.33. 10. W. Barnes MuiThbanks, lots 40 to 60, blk. 7; $7.29. C. A. Gove Mnrchbnnks, lot 1, lilK. ; L33. Harriett tee MftrcnoanKs, 101s to I. blk. 9; $3.31. G. Svarvcnd ft J. L Frailer. March banks, lots 13 to 16, blk. 9; $2.65. C. A. Cove MarchuanKH, 101 10, uih. I. O. O. r. No. no Marsnneiu, 101 34. blk. 10: $0.20. Rose 11. Imel Marshflold. Tutberts Add, Frl ot 1 and all ot 8. blk. 1 $2.48. Chas. 1 Koatlurmei Marsnnem Talbert'i Add, lots 1 and 3, blk, 17; 15.R4. Walter 0. Cox Maywood, tot 7, blk 8: 134.86. Walter G. Cox Maywood, 8LYH of lot 4. blk. 3: $12 23. Winn I Snow Maywood, lot 10, blk. 3: $26.20. Sarah J. Solomon Mllwaukle, lot 1 and 2. blk. 16; $36.50. Melchlor A ft Millie A. Lehman Mllwaukle. lots 3 to . blk. 16; $46.70. Jessie A. Keck. Tr. Mllwaukle, lots 1 and 3. blk. 28: $53.26. Anna M. Mullan Mllwaukle, 80. 35 ft of lot 8, blk. 29; $10.66. . Ash Canto No. 339 W. O. W. Mil waukle; 30x3Htt, lot 3, 60x62 Mitt, lot 4. blk. 29: $26.44. E. V. and Lou Albee Mllwaukle. 80x37Hft lot 3, 37Hf X 60 lot 4, blk. 29: 830.00. Gusste Keck Mllwaukle, 60x9"H ft lot 6. 30x97tt ft lot 6, blk. 89; $41.30 Unknown Mllwaukle, blk 39; Mf 20 Albert Thomas Mllwaukle, Cog well's 1st Add. blk C; $66.39. John Strucky Mllwaukle, Duersts add. lot 3. blk. 1 : $6.33. John M ft M. J. Htucky Duerst't Add. tot 5. blk. 1; $17.75. John M ft M. J. Htucky Dtierst a Add. lots 1 and 2. blk. 2; $6.81. John M- ft M. J. fitucky Duerst's Add. tot 8. blk. 8; $3.65. James Oliver Duerat's Add, lot 3 blk. 3: $1 42. Harry ft Jennie A mete Mltwsukle, Kerr ft Shtndler'a Add, lot 85, blk. A; $1.77. W. D. ft Delta E- Ermey Mllwau kle, Kerr ft Hhlndl.-r' Add, lot 27, blk A: $3.55. Hurry & Jennlo Amelia Mllwaukle, Kerr ft Shtndlor'i Add, lot 28,411k. A $6.22. Jesse A. Keck Mllwaukle, Kerr ft Shindler's Add, lots 6 and 6, blk U $9.06. Lou Albee Mllwaukle, Kerr ft Bhln, dler i Add. lot 7. blk. B; $4.97. Lou AIbe Mllwaukle, Kerr ft Shin- dlers Add, lot 11, blk. B; $1.25. Theo. Flsch Mllwaukle, V, tot lot 23 and 24. btk. H: $11.54. Bernard ft M. Flsch Mllwaukle. M Int. in lots 23 and 24, blk. It; $11.55. Harold H Sellwood Mllwaukle, Qulncy Add, lot 3, blk. 4; $1.07. Portland ft O. C. Ity. Co. Mllwau kle, Qulncy Add, lot 21, blk. 6: $1.43. Portland ft O. C. Ky. Co. Mllwau. kle, Qulnry Add, lot 23, blk. 6; $1.42. Portland ft O. C. Ity. Co. Mllwau kle. qulncy Add, tut 26, blk. 6; $1.78. Harold E. Sellwood" Mllwaukle, Qulncy Add, lot 2, blk. 6; $1.42. Cora A. McCleod Qulncy Add to Mllwaukle, lot 11, blk. 8; $1.77. J. J. McKlnncy Qulncy Add to Mll waukle. lots 1 and 2, blk. 9; $6.76. Ivy O. Sellwood Qulncy Add to Mll waukle, lot 22, blk. 9; $3.90. J. W. Ray Qulncy Add to Mllwau kle. lots 8 and 9, blk 10; $21.66. Portland ft O. C. Ity Co.-Qiilncy Add to Mllwaukle, lots 1 and 2, blk. 14; $3.19. Thos. J, Clurk SHIwood's Add to Mllwaukle, lots 1 to 4, blk. 9; $15.09. John It. Griffith Kobrla lteplat of Sellwoods Add to Mllwaukle, lot 3, blk. 2; $3.55. Thos. Roberts Hobnrts Reulat or Sellwoods Add to Mllwaukle, lots 7 and 8, blk. 2; $7. 10. Elizabeth Mullan Btrellfs lat Add to Mllwaukle, lot 1, blk. 3; $3.65. HaUle Solomon Mllwaukle Heights lot 1, blk. 33; $1.46. I fat tie Solomon Mllwaukle Heights lot 3, blk. 33; $1.10. HaUie Solomon Mllwaukle Heights lot 6. blk. 33; $1.64. 1 tattle Solomon Mllwaukle Heights lots 6 to 11. blk. 33; $12.23. U II. ft May S. Morgan Mllwaukle Heights, lots 1 to 6, blk. 45; $13.14. Jas. P. ft Emllle C. Shaw Mllwau kle Heights, lots 1 to 14, blk 46; $23.00. James P. O'Noll Mllwaukle llgths, pt. of lots and blks and vacated Sta.; $29.93. Thos. J. Jones Mllwaukle Hlllcrest lots 2 and 3, blk. 11; $15.21. John Conway Mllwaukle Park, lot 6, blk. 1; $1.64. John Conway Mllwaukle Park, tot 11, blk. 1; $2.01. Albert Thomas Mllwaukle Park, lots 1 to 6, block 2; $8.76. Albert Thomas Mllwaukle Park, lots 12 to 16, blk. 2; $8.0.1. J. O. Lee, Mllwaukle Park, lots 9 and 10, blk. 4; $3.47. Anders G. Wimon Mllwaukle Park, lots 14, 15, 10, blk. 6; $6.39. Wesley ft B. A. Carter Mllwaukle Park, lots 2 to 6, blk. 17; $4.38. Wesloy ft B. A. Carter Mllwaukle Park, lots 13 to 18, blk. 17; $12.59. Florence C. Hanlon Mllwaukle Park, lots 3 and 4, blk 21 ; $8.94. Edith B. Morris Mllwaukle Purk, lot 4, blk. 24; $1.73. Mrs. T. B- Johnson Mllwaukhi Park lot 66, blk. 24; $1.4G. Wm. Hey Mllwaukle Purk, lots and C, blk. 27; $4.93. E. II. Wills Mllwaukle Park, lot 6, blk. C; $5.48. It W. Fisher Mllwaukle Purk, lots 10 and 11, blk. C; $12 77. Mattle M. Barnes Mlnthorn, lots 13 to 24, blk. 12; $7.95. Robt A. Miller Mlnthorn, lots 23 and 24, blk. 14; $1.42. A. E. Mathews ft T. I. IxxiKhlln Mlnthorn, lots 25 and 26, blk. 14; $1.60 C. M. Raber Mlnthorn, lots 13 and 14, blk. 15; $1.42. Delia R. Dale Mlnthorn, lots 28 and 29, blk. 15; $2.30. Mary Leanijan Mlnthorn, lots 29 and 30, blk. 16; $1.42. L. M. Lucky, 2-15; Willis McElroy, 2-15; A. A. McElroy, 9-15; L, G. Mc Elroy, 2-15 Int Mlnthorn, lots 1 to 23, blk 40; $15.24. L. M. Lucky, 2-15; Willis McElroy, 2-15; A. A. McElroy, 9-15; L. G, Mc Elroy, 2-15 Int. Mlnthorn, lots 89 to 48. blk. 40; $6.62. Wm. P. & Charity U. Jacks, Mln thorn, lots 43 and 44, blk. 41; $3.20. A. E. Mathews ft T. I. Loughlin, Mlnthorn, lots 9 and 10, blk. 42; $1.42. Carrie Nelson, Mlnthorn, lots 7 and 8, blk. 43; $1.42. Joe Penny, Mlnthorn, lots 19 and 20, blk. 43; $1.42.' C. L. Weaver, Mlnthorn, lots 29 to 32, blk. 44; $2.84. Chas. L ft Lizzie Weaver, Mlnthorn, lots 33 and 34, blk. 44; $1.42. 1 C. A. Hultt, Mlnthorn, lots 89 and 40, blk. 44; $1.42. ITrnucky71:lf.i VVlllts Mckliroy, 315; A. A. McKlroy, 915; L, u, mo Elroy, 215 Int. Mlnthorn, lots 8 to 24. blk. 45; $15.24. Carl Carlson, Mlntnoru, low a 10 14, blk. 68; $2 65. Alfred M. aud Ruby Jamison, Mill thorn, lots 11 to 14, blk 68; $2.65. J. J. Downing, Mlnthorn, 1011 id k 24, blk. 08; $.198. Harold E. ft iva u. Boiiwoou, nun-. thorn, lots 38 to 40, blk. 71; $2.13. L. to. Williams ft H. M. ltumiby, ' Mlnthorn. lots 2 to 4, blk. 72; $2.13. A. K. Mathews aud T. I. LouhIiIIii, Mliitliorn, lots 40-41, blk. 73; $1.42. A. K. Mathews ft T. 1. Uuthlln, Mln thorn, lots 3 and 4, blk 77, $1.06, Oii'uou Ijtnd Co. Mlnthorn, lots 16 and 17. blk. 78; $1.00. Margaret Stuckey Mlnthorn, lots 28 and 2!, btk.78; $2.39. J. 11. Ulack, Mlnthorn, lota 12 to 14, blk. 8; $1.19. A, N. Douthern Mlnthorn, lots 23 to 37, blk. 90; $6.36. Clius. 11. Craven Mlnthorn, Iota 1 to 4, blk. 91; $1.69. Chas. It, Craven Mlnthorn, lots 34 to 40, blk. 91; $2.78. J. w. Grasle Mlnthorn. lots 87 aud 38, blk. 93; $1.19, Geo, A. llouok Mlnthorn. iota 3S to 32, lot 94; $3.18. u U Rowland Mlnthorn. lots 33 to 38, blk. 94; $2.62. U u Rowland Mlnthorn, lots 16 to 24, blk. 95; $3 68. - A. K. Mathsws and T. u Loughlle Mlnthorn, lots 10 to 16, blk. 85; $3.38. A. K. Mathews and T. L. tatiRhlln Mlnthorn, lots 26 to 31, blk. 95; $2.78. A. K. Mathews and T. L. Loughlin Mlnthorn, tots 14 to 19, blk- 97; $2.38. A. K. Mathews and T. L, Loughlin Mlnthorn, lots 1 to 9, blk. 98; $3.58. Joseph Neely Everharts 2nd Add to Molalla, lots 1 and 3, blk. 1; $20.10. John A. Dominique Everhart's 2nd Add to Molulla. lot 3, blk. 1 ; $3,35. Nettle A. Taylor Gregory's 1st Add to Molalla, W, 40 rt of 11 and 13, blk. 1; $25.13. Geo. H. Gregory Gregory's 1st Add to Molalla, E 90 ft or lots 11 and 12, blk. 3; $3.85. K C. Hubbard Gregory' 1st add to Molulla, WH of lota 11 and 18. blk. 6; $1.67. L C. Hubbard Gregory 1st add to Molalla, W of lot 12, blk. 6; $18.09 F, C. Morteuson Gregorys 1st add to Molalla, lot 10, blk. 7; $3 36. Oio. IL Gregory Gregory ' 1st Add to Molalla, all of 13 and N. 19 ft of 14. blk. 9; $2.68. ' Geo. IL Gregory Gregory's 1st Add to Molalla, 80. 50 ft. of 20 and WH of 21, blk. 9, $1.84. J. V. Maries J. V. liarlua Add to Molalla, lots 6 to 9, blk. 1; $151. J. V. llarlwss J. V. Harless Add to Molullu. lots 10 aud 11, blk. 1; $1.51. J. V. Ila'lesa J. V- Harless Add to Molulla. lots 1 aud 2, blk. 2; $2.01. J. V. liar limn J. V- Harlusa Add to Molalla, lots 3 to 9. blk. 8; $8.71. J. V. Harless J. V. Harless Add to Molallu. lot lo, blk. 2; $1.3i. J. V. Martens J. V. Harloas Add to Molitlla. lots 11 to 16, blk. 2; $19.68. P. C. Ferinan J. V. iiarltiss Add to Molalla. W. 42.14 tt. of lot 30, blk. 3; L C. HubbnrdKayltir's Add to Mo lalla, lot 3. blK. 1 ; $24.29. F. C. Mortenson Ksylor's Add tt Molalla. lot 6, blk. 2; $24.29. Fred Sohaffer Kaylers Add to Mo lulla, lot 6, blk. 2; $6 86. Hank or Mt. Ang.d MeUler's ft Harts Add to Molalla, lot 9, blk. 8; $4.19. E. A. and Vesta Malum L, W. Rob bins Add to Molalla, blks. $ and 9. $8.04. Frml Ri-lmfi,wVf nil.... I..,- - a M - ... . ukf RUU , blk. 8; $1.23. Edna Anderson Mullno, lots 1 to S blk. 13; $3.16. It C. McMahon Multnomah Acres, blk. 10; $9.41. Smith-Wagoner Co. Multnomah Acres No. 2, blk. 7; $11.88. Smith -Wanoner Co. Multnomah Acres No. 2, blk. 8; $11.88. John W, Ixmg Nob Hill, lots 1 to 8, blk. 18; $1.25. John W. Long Nob Hill, lots 17 to 24. blk. 6; $1.25. J. W. Coughlln-Nob Hill, lots 1 to 24, blk. 7; $3.76. J. W. CoiiKhlln Nob Hill, lots 1 to 10, blk. 8; $1.66. Edward ft Mary !'.irmnM,.rwi. Hill, lots 1 to 11. blk. 13; $1.73. D. L. McKinuey Nob Mill, lots 13 to 24, blk. 15; $3.76. blk ie- Tj,'wrrl"-Nob ,1U. PL of Oimtav ft Radio Flechtner Nob Hill, 2 acres, blk. 16; $3.13. Ale A. Morrison 4)ak Grove, blk. lj Uu,80, Alex A. Morrison Oak Qrove, blks. 13 and 14; $232.80. Alox A. Morrison Ouk Grove, blk 24; $131.92. Jr"?.11 Watts-Oak Grove, 170 x 265.90 ft. of hlk. 25; $38.65. F. M. Lockwood Ouk Grove, N. 170 ft. of E. 200 ft of blk. 35; $2135 John IL Watts Oak Grove, 300 x bfk."5;,5035 8C3"- ' 24fttf,tphotcb,kAd6sr$sk Grove nox bikJo . W5,B0-tk Orovo pt 01 b.kJ:66:$?meBtODKard-ak Grovc' 0. E. UVIgne Oak Qrove, NWly 1 acre of blk. 70; $7.76. Tlille Rehn sold to Kendall Oak Grove, So 2 acres of blk. 70: $15.62. Sarah A. Hluckman lBf sub. div. of Oak Grove, lot 1, blk. 7; $21.33 Simon P. und Addle C. lllgham iHt sub. dlv. of Ouk Grovo, E. 44 ft of lot 3 and all of lot 4, blk. 41; $33 7fi' MIbs Gladys llrown-lst sub dlv of Ouk Grove, lots 1. 2, 3, blk. 43; $41.13 mu.. o- Mooro ist sub dlv. of "n x,10!6' lot 4 1,lk- fi: io.8fl. D. N. Twomoy lt sub dlv. of Oak Grove, lot 3, blk. 61; $11.64. D. N. Twomey-lst sub dlv. of Oak Grove, lot 3, blk. 61; $11.04. ...L Ft' atldMtttt, Armstrong 1st $3.49 ak Grove ,ot lk- 87 : nf'n ar8tarkweutl,or Tr 1st sub dlv $5 R ' 1018 19 Bnd 20- b,k- 9; Mary C. Burton-lst sub. of Oak Grove, lots 15, 16, 19, 20, blk. 92; $9.31 Anna J. A. RInohart 1st sub. dlv $0 98ak GrVe' l0tB 7 Bnd 8' b,k- 03;' Anna J. A. RInehardt 1st sub. dlv i?a Grove' ,ot" 15 and 16' blk- 93; Nona May Emmons-2nd Stib. dlv of P Grove, lots 6 and 6, blk. 97; ! 12.42. Elizabeth Wetzler 1st sub. dlv. of iak 0rove' lots 18 to 20, blk. 97; Mary K. Btirton-2nd sub dlv. of Stik0 99;S5eX- K n 0t ,0t 2' Mary c. Burton 2nd sub. Dlv. of Oak Orove, lot 5, blk. 99; $2.72. Lucy Horn, 2nd sub. dlv of Oak Grove, lots 6 and 7, blk. 99; $11.64. Mary C. Burton 2nd sub. dlv of Oak Grove, lots 9 and 10, blk. 99: f 5.43. Mary K. Burton 2nd Sub. Dlv, of 1 1