Charles Truscott, formerly a resi dent of Oregon City, unit Nun of Mri. Edith TruMdott, who resides at Jen nings Lodge, who wan fourml to have been on the lUditnr Tuscanl. him been hoard (ruin, and Is safe. Mr. Truscott bad not lakan passage on tha ettsamer at supposed to have bean, but ntld for Franco at a later date. John Welsmsndol, who has been connected with tha Mitchell, Lewli It Hlftvor company (or tha pant 14 years, has rnturnod to thli city to taka up bla duties with tha company. Ha la re aiding at tha borna of bla parent, Mr. and Mra. Caspor Walsmandol, of Twelfth and John Ad mm streets. Mra. 0. A. Dlmlck, of Hubbard, ac Mjrlo nimlck, a tearher In tha Milton Kreowatnr, Oregon, achoola, were In OOrogon City on Tunaduy, whure they vUltsd with Judge uud Mra. Grant H. Dlmlck. They returned to Hubbard on Tuesday afternoon, but Miaa Dim b it capocta to return to thta city on Friday, whore aha will remain until Sunday evening, and from thla city bard a few dayt ago by the death of will ro to Mllton-Froewater to reauma her dutlaa. She waa called to Hub her grandfather, the late L. Tbonua, wbo died In tbat city. Mra, Daniel Olson, one of the well known p Ion eon of Newport, Orogon, haa arrived tn Oregon City, where aba la th gjt of Mra. Illcbard 8chon- bora and Mra. Henry Bchoenborn. She wtll nlao vlalt Mra. Ernest Croa. of Ureonpolnt aoi week, and with a nephew at Jennings Lodge and rela' t!va la Portland before returning home. Bh la one of the moat prom Inent residents of tha "little city by tha sea," OUonvllle having bean naned front hta Olson family. Jack Draper, eldeat eon of Mr. and Mra. J. W. Draper, of Wait Una, left on Friday evening for tha naval train Ing atalloa near Baa Francisco, and a large number of bla frlenda were at tha train to bid aim farewell. Jack la aniloui to aea active aervtca, and baa made application for tha aubmarlne chaaer dlvlalon, and haa beea prom Ised tha place be dealrea. Leon Dra per, aecond aon of Mr. and Mra. Draper la now lo Franca with Company C, 30 ih englnaera. Paul Dunn, one of tbe prominent realdonla of Clackamaa county, waa In Oregon City on bualneaa Thursday. Mr. Dunn haa been a raaldent of the 8andy country for tha paat 46 yeara, and la wall known throughout that aectton. He ha been In Portland at KruMt Ma, eldsot eon of Mr, and Mr, tfl. T, Mom, of thla city, who b been In thl city visiting with hi par ents loft for California on Monday eventnK to resume hla duties In the navy, He la stationed tit Ban Dlugo. Mr. and Mra.' II. K. Hendry and ion, Eugene, who have been at I'endloton, where they have been the Rtieata of Mra, Hnndry'e parents, Mr. nnd Mra. K. T, Avlson, have returned to thnlr home In thla city. School district No. 21 la planning to give a banket social. The proceeda of the affair will go towarda purchaalng war aavlng atamp. Tba atampa will be purchased; In tbe name of the school. Mr. Robert Hi hm bi;!, of Mullno,uc companlcd by her aNtcr, Mr. Dolbert Trulllnger, of Union Mllla, were Ore gon. City vlHltor Frlduy. While bore they vUllod frliind. There ha been a steady demand for tha thrift atampa at tba poatofflce In thla city. On Saturday the aalo amounted tor tha day In atampa 13400, Henry Kohler, a candidate for the Democratic nomination of iherlff of Clackamaa county, waa In thla city on Wedneaday. Hla home la at Oawego, D. Si Moehnk, of Hoff, wa In Ore gon City on bulnna Monday. Mr, Hoff, la one of tba well known sawmill men of Clackamaa county. Mra. Henry Tboeny, of Bedland, waa In thta city on bualneaa on Tues day. While In Oregon City aha alao visited with friend. Longstreet Vaughan, of Molalla, a prominent realdent of that place, wai transacting bualneaa at tha county teat Wedneiday. 8. J. Howe, of Mllwaukl. well known realdent of that place, waa one of tha coanty aeat vlaltora Monday. Mrs. Harry B. Cartlidge Is Named to Head Women's Campaign For Liberty Bonds Mr. Harry 13. Cartlidge hn been honored with the appointment of chairman for Clackamaa county of the women's contingent for the coming campaign Incident for the third Lib erty Ijoan Bond lue. She wa aeluctod by Mr. Buruh A. Evan, data manager tor Oregon, working under the direction of tha Na tional Woman' Liberty Bond committee. Mr. Cartlidge waa In conference Friday with M. D. Latourette, general chairman In charge of tbe Liberty Loan Bond drive In thla county, and with Mr. Roslna Fout Evan, head of the woman' dlvla lon of the Clackamaa coun ty council of defense. Vice-chairmen will be named by Mra. Cartlidge In each of the aeven bank ing dlatrlcta of tbe county and aha will cloaely co-op erate with tha men'a dl- vlwlon that haa already been appolnte d U J Paul Tynik, I. W. W. , A r rested Near Wilsonville Charged With Evading the Federal Draft Law Paul Tynlk, an Austrian I. W, W. of the Wilaonvllle light plant genera- waa arrested by Sheriff Wilaon while tor a week or ao ago, a job which bean at work on the Oregon electric about the earmarks of I. W. W. aabotage. mile below Wilaonvllle Wednesday Tynlk haa been living In a railroad afternoon and placed in jail to answer aectlon house within a couple of hun- charge of evading the draft, to be dred feet of the light plant, and sev- brought by federal authorities. eral blta of ateel, broken saw and Tynlk claims to have registered at bolts, tha possession of which Tynlk Herring, New York, on- June 6, but could not explain, lead the offlcera to admitted to the sheriff. Deputy District believe that the man la a disciple of Attorney Burke and Assistant U. 8. the aabotage system although they Attorney Latourette that he had not have nothing to connect him up with filled out hla questionnaire. As he haa the destruction of tba generator, undoubtedly been posted, aa a draft which amounted to several hundred deserter be will be turned over to tbe dollar damage to the owner, W. F. federal authorities at once. I Young. The sheriff spotted Tynlck In efforts When the officials raided Tynlk'a to run down the malicious destruction cabin they found a anpply of L W. W. tba bedalda of hi wife, who under-("baskets, and the men tha money. went a critical operation at tba Good Samaritan hospital for chronic ap peadlcltla and gall atone. Mr. Dunn la Improving from tbe effect a of the operation. John Rayl, one of Oregon City boya, who haa been stationed at Fort Stev ens, Oregon, waa among the boya pass ing through thl city early In tha week for "Somewhere In tha United Btatea." IN SOCIETY CHICLES King Salmon Is Here Fish Worth 25 Cents Good Catches Made Miss Lee Scores Young Portland Singer Soloist at Honor Ouard Concert. A patriotic pagent'Oar Stainless Flag," will ba given under tha aua plcee of the Damaacua Orange No. 260, at tha Damaacua hall on Saturday evening, March II. Tha affair la for tha benefit of tha Red Cross aale. Among the faaturea of tha evening will music during the evening. The women are to furnish the Tha committee In charge of tha af fair aspects to make a neat sum for tha Red Croae. Tha Red Cross auxiliary of Cams la preparing for. an entertainment to be given at tbat place on Friday evening. Tba proceeda of tha entertainment will go towarda tha Red Cross work. Among the featurea of the entertain ment will bo aelecttona by the Tberoux Mr. Ravi la the aon of Mr. and Mrs'0''chtr P'cea from thla city. Tbls la one of tbe patriotic mus ical organizations of thla city, and la to donate their aervlca free of charge. Mr. Tberoux aaya "I am unable to go to the front myself and fight for my country, and will do my bit In furnish ing my service free of charge for en tertainment for our boys In France or for the Red Cross society. The entertainment given at Mullno taut week for the benefit of the Red Cross, waa largely attended. Rayl, of thta city, and he la a member of the 65th division, supply company. He haa been stationed at Fort Stevens since enlisting last aummer. Mr. Charles Stnnloy, of Seattle, WaHh., arrived torn that city on Tuea day aftcrnon, having been summoned here by the dnth of her little nephew, Jack Gregory, Infant child of Mr. and Mra. Charles Gregory, who recently ar rived here from Spokane, Wash, and aro at the home of Mra. Gregory's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Hlatt, of Mount Pleasant. Howard Dawson, son of Mr. and Mra. James Dawson, who enlisted with Company a., 162 Infantry, 1 among tho Oregon City boya who hava landed "over there." Howard la one of tho patriotic follows, who la glad that he la "thero" to help hla country. Ho aaya that he Is In tho bear of health, and now ready to do hla "bit' George A. Wolfe, one of the promi nent resident of Clackamaa county, owner of the Sandy hotel and also of a sawmill near Mulino, waa in Oregon City Monday. He waa accompanied by his son, Edward, also ot Sandy. The trln was made by automobile. Mr. Wolfe reported a anowtall In that see tlon before leaving tor Oregon City. Edmond Pollack, grandson of Mra. A. Goldsmith ot thla city, and aon of Mr. and Mr. M. Bollack, of Portland but formoly of Oregon City, who en listed In tha navy at Goat Island, has aont word to bla parents of his safe arrival In France. The young man baa many friends here. Mrs. Mark Coloman. ot Aurora, but who haa been In thla city on many oc casions, where ahe has visited with her alstor, Mrs. Grant-B. Dlmlck, and operation at tho hospital In Portland, haa boon able to be removed to her homo. Mra. Mark Is Improving from her oporatlon. Lloyd 8chram, so.j of Mr. and Mra. Schram, well known residents of High land, was In Oregon City Sunday, whore ha visited the Mr. and Mra, O. A. Schuebel. Mr. Schram la a member of the i vlatlon corpa, and la stationed at Vancouver barracks. EAST OREGON RANCH Tha Honor Guar concert, 8unday John and Henry Hoaey, after a "ternoon wa uuscn nail, proved to niahfa Ashing with neta In tbe Will- e"7 eucceasful and well attended mmta near tha mouth of tha Clicks- affair, maa river Thuraday morning, brought The entertainment waa under tha ia aevaa fin Chinook salmon, several Poreonal direction of Prof. OuataT weighing 35 pound. Tha flah are ro- Flechtner, a prominent local musician tailing at 2J centa per pound, and wera "ranged a meat delightful pro- imom tha finest that hava been gram, o.nrht thl. .. I The orcheatral numbera by tha ., ... .m..i- , necntner orcoesira, assisted oy mem Salmon are commencing to run In . , 0,,, c v ' tha Willamette and aa aoon a tha water clean there will be plenty of Chinook In the river. L. Fl p. Oregon City Lodge, No. 1189, B, O. Elk, following year: Ben L. Beard, exalted ruler; Thomas A. Burke, esteemed leading knight; ben of tha Portland Symphony orches tra wera aplendidly executed and re flected great credit on their director, All tha selections met with tha ap plause of tha audience but perhaps the moat popular number were "Ameri can Patrol" and "Overture ot National Airs Miss Lorraine Lee, ot Portland, waa the soloist of the afternoon and acored a big hit Miss Lee, la an attractive young girl, and haa remarkable voice, wonderful In quality and range. Her rendering of "Un bel dl Vedrimn" from Madam Butterfly waa particularly de lightful. Mia Lee was accompanied Frtrtii nlrht pWffirt tha . UJ omujv ft.eiju r uru. offlcen for the ensuing The Flechtner Junior quintette ren dered several delightful numbera, in truly profesaional manner.' The Boy Scout appearing In nni- Doa Jamea. esteemed loyal knight; 'or" ushers, and lent a mill- Emery J. Noble, esteemed lecturing i aspecv to ids ocvbsiou. knight; George E. Swafford, secre-J tary; E. A. Chapman, treasurer; M. P. Chapman, trustee for three yean; H. F. Tachlrgl, representative to grand lodge; Dr. Clyde Mount, alternate. IS DEVISED 10 SIX Letters of administration in the es tate ot the late Ole Varnson, deceased, are asked in the petition of William literature and war songs, which he ha been quietly passing around among fellow-employees of the section gang. Just what action the government will take la not known at this time. There is a atlff penalty for draft evad era who tall to notify their local board of address chaagee, and atatementa made before tha offlcera Wedneaday Indicate that the Austrian had no in tention of letting tha board know of his whereabouts. Tynlk told the officials that ha would have ducked and gone south bad ha been given any intimation they were after him. Only a few daya ago he made the atatement he waa work Ing hla way down to Mexico. WOMEN OF CLACKAMAS ORGANIZE IN COUNTY IE MRS. C BULLARD DIES ON SUNDAY IN OREGON CITY The women of Clackamas county met Saturday In Oregon City with Mlaa Parker, the home demonstration agent, and Mlaa Turiey, the state lead er, and organized a home economic county committee. Tha plan ot organization waa ex plained ,and tha committee of women voted to follow tha federated organiza tion plan of forming a county commit tee of women and paaaed reaolutlona that would be presented to tha agri cultural council asking that they ex pand their organization and have thla committee ot women represented. With Mra. M. C. Young ot Wilaon vllle acting aa temporary chairman the following permanent offlcera wera AT ON SUNDAY 1 R Mrs. Charlotte Ballard, widow of! the lata Fred Bullard, died at her boma on May street 8unday morning,' Mra. Barbara Matthies, whose home following an illness of several days. Is at Clackamaa Heights, died on Sun- Mra. Bullard had been in poor health day morning at tha Oregon City hoe tor tha past year, and had greatly lm- pital proved from her illness until a few Mn. Matthias was a native of Oer days ago aha waa take (critically ill mny, and w M y6ar, of a. 8n, She was 77 years old February 1. resided at Clackamaa Heights tor over Mrs. Bullard waa a native ot Gar- 30 years, many. Her maiden name waa Char- Mn. Matthies la survived by her lotto Honuchuch, and waa tha last ot buibind, ot Clackamaa Heights; four her family living. She married Mr. unn, three daughtera and ona aon, Bullard In Germany, about fifty years Mrfc 8tolu VortUai; Mri. c. sgo, and later started for tha United r,, of Sjka Francisco; Mis Barbara States, residing in this country for tha M. Matthies and Fred W. Matthies. Jr., paat 40 years, and In Oregon City 25 wn0 reBldM tt tha family home, yeara. gon City; Robert Bullard, of Clark ea; Chris Bullard, of Oregon City. Bha is also survived by 1 grand children and 22 great grandchildren. PNEUlNTfAl TO PEARL IRE Mr. and Mr. Charles Gregory, who have been residing In Spokane, Wash., have arrived here, and are visiting the letter's parent, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hlatt, of Mount Pleasant. Their three months' old son, Jack, Is critically 111 at the Hlatt home. Robert Schuebel, one of the promi nent farmers ot Clackamas county, whose farm la located at Mullno, was among those to visit in Oregon City on Saturday. While here he vlalted with his brothers, G. A. Schuebel and C. Schuebel. Mra. Dnn O'NoIll, who has been con fined to her home at Rose Farm for several months, has Improved, and has been able to leave hir room dur ing tha past week. Mrs. O'Nellll Is one of the prominent early pioneers of Oregon. Edward Bolda formerly ot this city, waa in Oregon City Tuesday. He was tbe guest ot his stepbrothers, H. E. Cross and Frank Cross. Mr. Bolds has Just roturned from eastern Oregon with hla family, having disposed ot his farm, which consisted of 1800 acres, and considered one ot the best wheat farms in that section. He received 170,000 for the land, almost doubling the price when he purchased It. Mr. Bolda and family expect to make their home on their farm located near Tualatin. FOUR DIVORCES ARE GRANTED IN CIRCUIT COURT Four divorces were granted Monday by Judge Campbell. Ethel Clark, was, Varnson. a aon, filed with Clerk Har- granted a decree and the custody of rlngton Monday. The deceased left four minor children, and her husband, 10-acre farm near Canby, valued at Frank Clark, a Portland traveling 14000 together with personal property salesman, must pay the sum ot $10.00 worth $150.00. The estate la left to per month for the aupport ot the chll-islx sons and daughters, dren. " Eugene Cummlna Monday filed suit Claire C. O'Harria was given a de-! In the circuit court, to foreclose a con cree from her husband, George O'Har- tract between himself and Clifford ris. The wife waa given her maiden Earl Spence. on a 60-acre tract of land name, Claire C. Howard. John William In sections 17 and 18, township 4 south. Stafford received a decree from Delia range 3 east. The complaint charges C. Stafford. Lulu Plattenburk obtain- default in the payments by the defend- Mrs. Bullard Is survived by the fol- ttwfnev l!1tan aVfaM a elected. Mrs. M C. Young, president; 8ch(mborn nd M B,kr rf . . t. ' fTT , Oregon City; Frank Bullard, ot Ore- Molalla, secretary -treasurer. A committee of Mra. John Clark. Oregon City; Mra. Gartner Thayer, Oa wego, and Mra. J. Dean Butler, of Oak Grove, were appointed to draw reaolu tlona, asking that the officers of this organization be accepted on the execu tive committee ot the agricultural council The following women were present: Mrs. Roaina-Fouts Evans, Mrs. M. CJ Toung, Mra. Charlea Wagoner, Wilson ville; Mra. G. E. Thayer, Mra. Jamea Centers, Oswego; Mra. Wallace Miller. Wichita; Mrs. Arthur B. Smith, Jen nings Laage; miss Margaret Tnomp- Mlaa Pearl Toder, daughter of Mr. son, ml neaaani; . aire, ahk, Mrs. and Mrs. D. C. Yoder, ot Hubbard, died caiao, Boring; Mrs. jonn uanney, the family home at Huhbard on Mra. M. Foumal Mra. Southerland, Monday after a brief Alness from Nanna Wenbtrom .Clalrmont; Mrs. 1 nneumnnla. nd th funeral airv1a Rivera. Parkplace; Mrs. Minnie Gib-1 were conducted at Hubbard Thuraday. aon, narion; mra. uocareu, Moiaua; Miss Yoder was one ot the moat Mra. Frank Ewlng. Estacada; Mra.;popUiar youn(, women of that .ection John Clark, Oiegon City; Mra. J. Dean;of the county. She was engaged tn Butler, Mra. J. Gross, Mra. John Ria- i teaching achool at Hubbard when she ley, Concord; Mra. Robblns, Molalla; wg8 taken 11L and was also well known Mra. E. Shearer, Estacada; Mra. A. J. J here, having attended many meetinga Johnson, Logan; Mra. Celia Landen-held by the teachers, berg, Clackamaa, and Mra. W. W. Ir-j The deceased ia survived by her par vin. of Aur ira. j ent8, Mr. and Mra. D. G. Yoder, of Hub- Slmllar organizations of thla sort bard; six sisters and three brothers, aro being formed in the eighteen jail of whom reside in the vicinity ot counties in Oregon where there are What place, home demDnstration agenta, allowing 7 that tha women are herlnnlnr tn bp! the need ot such an organization and DIES AT DAUGHTER'S RESIDENCE AT HOmE Mra. Mary Louise Dallas, wife ot W. R. Dallas, of Damascus, died sud denly at the home ot her daughter, Mra. Owen Hattan, near Stone Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Dallas waa known resident ot that place. Mrs. Dallas waa a native of Green wood, Ind., and had lived in Clackamaa county 14 years. The deceased ia survived by her hus band and two adopted daughtera. Mra. Owen Hattan, la one of the atepdaugh- ters, whose home Is near Stone. A aon, Leslie Dallas, ia now serving in the aviation corpa In France. are taking hold ot the work with a zest that Is most gratifying. T IS ELECTED AS OF Wlnfred L. principal of Arant, for two years the Oregon City high achool, haa been elected superintend ent ot the MUton-Freewater schools, at a yearly salary ot $1600, his duties to begin next September. Previous to coming to Oregon City, Principal Arant waa tor five years principal of tbe Newberg high school. CHINDGREN VISITS FRIENDS HERE M. D. Chlndgren, of Mullno, was in Oregon City Wednesday, and visited friends. Mr. Chlndgren is the brother of A. B. and Reuben Chlndgren, well known young men of Mullno, who wore on the ill-fated Tuscanla. Mr. Chlnd gren aaya that hla parents received word from these boys on Tuesday, but nothing was said about their experi ence. PROBATE SUTHERLAND WILL. Mrs. Carrie I. Seaton haa petitioned tor probate of the will of the late John H. Sutherland, ot Canby, who died in that city on February 20. The de ceased left an estate consisting of sev eral Canby homea and acreage tracts ed a decree from Irving Plattenburg, and waa awarded the custody of two minor children. The divorce suit pending between Bertha Jenaon and Bert Jenson, was ordered dismissed by the court Mon day. ant on the .contract. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 GETS 1 JUDGMENT Judgment for (500 00 waa awarded, A. G. Thompson, a Portland attorney, for legal services performed for Jessie E. Crira, in the circuit court today. Property In Orchard Homes, undar attachment pending the suit, was ordered to be sold under the decree to satUfy the Judgment. Thompson represented Mrs. Crlm In the circuit court here and later carried her suit through the supreme court, advancing nearly $100 to take care of his client's interests during the original litigation. LEISMAN'S MEMORY IN Ewald Lelsman of Willamette, for got to place his 1913 license tags on his automobile and was arrested by Officer Meads Wednesday, He ap peared before Judge Sievers with a plea of guilty, and was given a Una ot $2.50, with an admonition to get the tags on at once. Lelsman was arrested on a city amounting to the sum ot $5750 accord' Ing to the estimates made In tha peti-1 charge also Wednesday for failure to tion, wnicn was nied Tnursday in the observe a corner and waa given a $5 probate court I Una by Recorder Loder. Captain Dudrlck C. Oldenburg of the U. 8. army and Miss Malsle MacMas ter, prominent society girl of Portland, were granted a license to wed Monday evening by County Clerk Harrington. Miss MacMaster formerly resided with her parents at Ardgour near the golf links. Wilfred Brown ot Clackamas was granted a license to wed Viola Lan deed Tuesday. SEVENTY-RVE MEN ARE EMPLOYED ON AT E I CAUSES THE DEATH OF COURT ACTIONS- The estate of W. H. Card, a former resident of the Boring country, was filed for probate in the county court today. The deceaBed left an estate consisting of real property worth $1, 000. A brother S. E. Card, has filed for letters of administration. An order of the circuit court entered today authorized John Macho to ex ecute a mortgage for his wife, Lena Macho, an inmate of the Btate hospital at Salem. Husband Love Faded Wed Last December a Wife Wants Divorce Ella Tats Helnrich filed a suit for divorce from Adam Heinrich Wednes day. The Heinrlchs were married in December, 1917, and the wife charges the warmth ot her husband's love soon faded into a neglible quantity, and that on numerous occasions he would greatly humiliate her by coldly stat ing he did not love her and was sorry he had ever married. She also charges the husband with making falsa accusa tions against her character, which with other sins ot commission made Ufa unbearable and burdensome In the extreme. M. E. DeWitt, resident engineer oni the Pacific Highway, in charge of con struction work near New Era, waa in Oregon City Wednesday. Mr. DeWitt has three crews at work on tbe road, one near Canby, one near New Era, and the third near Canemah. There are 75 men altogether working on this road. Mr. DeWitt was formerly em at Coqullle, Coos county, where he had charge ot road building. The state highway commission has taken over the Warren Construction company-crusher at New Era, and this will be in operation to assist in the work. Mrs. Christina Yung, widow of the late Rev. George Yung, and a former resident of Jennings Lodge and ot this city, died at the home of her daughter, Mra. Edward Bucholz, of this city on Wednesday evening. Death waa due to cancer of the stomach. Mra. Yung waa born in Prairie coun ty, Ohio, and waa 75 years of age. She came to Oregon with her husband from Kansas to Oregon City in 1902, Rev. Yung taking up his work of the Lutheran church. He died two years ago. Mra. Yung la survived by the follow ing children: Mra. Buchols, of this city, and a son, Oliver O. Yung, ot Boise, Idaho. LICENSE TO MARRY VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 28. The following marriage licenses were issued here today to Clackamas coun ty residents: Joaquin S. Miller, 22, ot Canby, and Pheobe H. Dneeszen, 19, ot Banks. Lester G. Wyant, 25, of Portland, and Avellva F. Fuller, 17, of Oregon City. Or. ANNA HOLLENBECK SUES. Anna Hollenbeck brought suit for a divorce against Earl C. Hollenbeck in the circuit court Tuesday. The couple were married in Sioux Falls, S. D., in August, 1912. EX-MAYOR PRESENTS CITY WITH BRONZE DRINK ING FOUNTAINS. $ C. D. Latourette, ex-mayor of $ $ Oregon City, at the council meet- ing Wednesday night, offered to present to the city six bronze drinking fountains to be placed $ $ on Main street from Third street $ north. ' Mr. Latourette Indicated $ his love for his home town and $ his appreciation of many court- $ esles extended to him by the city, $ in a subs?anBlal way. His gift was accepted and the fountains $ will soon be installed, they will 4 $ be similar to the Benson fount- ains in the business district of Portland. AND EARLY PIONEER IS DEAD AT Little Francea Thespo Jefferies, only daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jeffer ies, of St Helens, died at St Vincent's hospital Monday morning, after a two months' illness. The cause ot death was spinal meningitis. The little one was unusually bright for her age, 14 months. She waa born in Oregon City, and was ' the grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Greaves, of this city, niece of Harry Greaves of Willamette, and ot Mrs. May Holcomb, ot Portland. U. S. BLACKWOOD IS DEAD FROM HEART FAILURE U. S. Blackwood died at the Oregon City hospital on Sunday afternoon from heart failure. Mr. Blackwood had been ill several months. Mr. Blackwood was 78 yeara of age, and a native of Ohio. He had resided near Oregon City for. a number of years, and was engaged tn farming. The deceased Is survived by two sons, Leslie, of Tacoma, Wash., and Harold who arrived home Monday. There is alao a daughter in Salem. His wife died a number of years ago. L. S. Thomas, one ot the early Ore gon pioneers, died at his home at Hubbard, Wednesday, after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Thomas came across the plains in the year ot 1847 with the Dlmick and Caufield tamlles, and settled at Hubbard, where he resided most of his life. He was a veteran and mem ber of Meade Post No. 2; G. A. R. He wa8 familiarly known as "Uncla Dick," and had a host ot frlenda in many sections ot the state. The deceased is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Mannis Schrock, wife of County Agriculturist Shrock , of Umatilla county, and Mrs. George A. Dlmlck, of Hubbard. He leaves a sister, Mrs. C. W. Bagby, of Seven teenth and Main streets, Oregon City. His wife died ,30 years ago. . 8UIT ON PROMISSORY NOTE. T. J. Newblll brought suit against W. W. Sporalsky Wednesday to re cover a balance ot $393.60 alleged due on a promissory note, formerly given to Ada F. Alexander who later . as signed her Interest to the plaintiff. Interest and $40 attorney's tees are asked. WIFE DESERTS : HUSBAND AFTER WEDDING DAY Albert E. Sanderson and Agnes San derson were married at Niagara Falls on the 6th day of August, 1910. Im mediately after the wedding, the hus band charges In his divorce suit, the wife deserted him and has since con tinued to live apart from the plaintiff. The plaintiff has been a resident of Clackamas county for several years. $100 Reward, $100 Tha readers ot this paper win ba pleased to learn that titer li at least one dreaded disease that aclenca has (Men able to cur tn all ita stage and that la catarrh. Catarrh being greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment Hall' Catarrh Medicine I taken Internally and acta thru th Blood on the Mucou Sur face ot tha System thereby destroying th foundation ot the dieease, alvlnf tb patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature In dolnv It work. Th proprietor hav o much faith In the curative power of HU' Catarrh Medtcln that they offer On Hundred Dollar for any rae that It fail to our. SVind for Hat of testimonial. Ad4r P. t. CHKNET CO., Teied Ohio, gold by all Druggist, no.