Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 01, 1918, Image 7

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(Continued from Page 6)
Add to Oregon City, lot 1. blk. 3: $3.26.
Jame Bennett- Plea.nnt Place Ada
to Oregon City, lot 8, blk, B; :i.2.
Mary I Bradley PleBanl I'lac
Add to Oregon City, lot 11, blk. 8;
Mary ' L. Bradley-Pleasant Place
Add to Oregon City, lot 11. blk, 6;
Herman Bdiaffor Blinw'. 1st Add
to Oregon.Ctty, lot 1, blk. 8; 11.01.
Herman Bdiaffer Hhaw'. 1st Add
to Oregon City, lot.p and 12, blk. 7;
Frank llullkBtoku.' Add to Oregon
City -Imp on loin 1 and 2, on ft blk.
Oak (Irovo, loU 11 to 14, blk. 99;
HO bll.
li.it.l Worthlngton2nd Bub. Dlv.
ot Oak Urova, lot tl, blk. 100; $5.83.
Helma UilloKpln 2nt ub. dlv of
Oiik Grove, lota 11 and 12, blk. 100;
"fiJtt to, ldr-Hl). Ulv. of Tr. S
ft Eft of Tr. 2 of Oak Grove, lot 11,
I.IK. U ... Ai 16.70
I'lttra U Duly urovo ! ,,...., a u,, v.,rrr T. Tooze
clii'Valb'lionioak Grove Park, Adj. to Oregon City, lot 17, blk. 1;
lot 6, blk. 2; 12 71. j, w. 8. Owen O. T. Tooze Add
M"rUm. .Ak.?,JTh City. lot. 8 nnd.lt, blk. 2;
lota 1 uiid 2, blk. 4; M.Na. .,. '
llonry Nchueflor Ouk Grove rrk, '0wlylam armmwBt Bld(, ,, ,0
lot 1, 2, 8. blk. 8; Oregon City, lot 8, blk. 1; $3.08.
E. H. Moorho.i.-Oak Orov. 1 ark. o arm,nyvNt 8de Aod t0
loi a ana u, ,
drove Park
Pearl C.
. . ... m . a hi
tol . AJ."--n..i, nr.'... Park, lot- 4, B
narvcy ---
, . )ZZ 'ml Uwylaiu OrenVV'Nt Side Add to
bJ. .,' 'i iwirinhWIik Orflgon City, lot 11, blk. 1; $1.56.
J?? L t- ti n C Tlford-8o. Oregon City No.
g, lot 26. blk. 9, , , t 8 ,)Ik 2 M
i 0,.n.l?rU"k " dm AndrewaUo Oregon City No. 1
blk. 6; $3.12.
Pleasant Com. Club-
So. Oregon
lot I, blk. 1; . . (.- N 1 lot in. blk. 6; $5.71.
Win. C. 'axson-uua ureve ..... K Andrew-S. Ore. City, No,
lot 3. blk. 14; $1.94. ,...,..... 1. Iota 11. 12. 13. blk. 6: $7.21.
Bnmuel cwia '.rown-.v..-.- Hmlth-Bo. Oregon City, No.
. C. Alietl-Orchurd Homo., blk. 12; KbJn-Ho
Empire Inv. Co.-Orchard Homo..
t.u. .ir. ... Ill- II'J M.
Fred A. Mmnm Tbomni Orcliara
UotuM. blka. 39 and 40; $2.13.
Mlchal jilk Orcbard Hom,blka.
41 and 43; $t 43.
Hxrbort Oordoji Orrgon ltoutea,
K'A of blk. 8; $&.!
2, ll. MoFmrland Oregon Home.
blka. 4 and 6; $ll..
Carl Moo Oregon Homea, blk. 28,
J. K. Annatroug Oregon City, Inl
osi lot 1. blk. 7; l".
PobynaHo Oregon City
No. 1; lot B, blk. 8; $1,3.
O. K. Olbba-Bo. Oregon City, No,
1. lot 10. blk. 8: 11.3(1.
O, V. Olbba 8o, Oregorf City No. 1,
lot 12. blk. 8: $1.U.
C. II. Dye Ho. Oregon City No. 1.
lota 1 to 4, blk. 18;
W. flattie llowkr Bo. Ori'gon
City No. 1, lota 1 to 8, blk. 20; $16.32.
O. K. Forbt Ho. Oreiton City No. 1,
lota , 10, 11, blk. 20; $3.68.
Mlfhlel Mlmarlk-Bo. Oregon City
No. 3, lota 18 to 21, blk. 78; $4.35.
Uutna Morroll O. I. & 8. Co. 'a let
add to Oawego, Iota 1 and 2, blk, 2;
J. T. Bhorl Tto Add to Soil wood,
lota B to 14, blk. ; $23.22.
J. P. Bhort Itona Add to Bollwood,
lota 1 to 7, blk. 10; $17.42.
Newton McCoy ft II. H. Nlchola
II own Add to Bollwood, lot 8, blk. 10;
J. V, Bliort lloaa Add to tjeuwoon
lot 9, blk. 10; $3.22.
Carrie Bchaii Boll wood uaroena,
B'4 of 10, all of 17, blk. 25; $12.90.
Clina. II. Moore Bollwood Oardena
lot 27, blk. 25; 15.16.
Mury H, Wood Boll wood uuraona,
lot 28, blk. 25; $5.16.
Joanph B. Bchwartas Bellwood Oar
(1mm. lot 29. blk. 25: $9.03.
ArtWrf Nendlmm Bxllwood Ourdena
lot 38. blk. 25: tl 52
Clio. H. Moore Bollwood Garden,
lot 41. blk. 25; $7.10.
Arthur Needlmin Btdlwood Garden
No. B ft. of lot 6, blk. 25; $5.80
Arthur Neeilham lto ft Wa1kr
Add to Bt-llwood Oardona, blk 74;
Geo. K. Wulker A W. It. Hons Boll
wood (iiirden. blk. 82; $6.45.
Goo. K. Walkr and W. It. Ito
Bellwood Garden. 87-88 ft Kx. Bo 6 ft.
of 89 and 90; $12.90.
Cbu. K. Will llo ft Walker'
Add to Bellwood Gurdun, Kx No. 5
ft. of 96 and K. 6 ft. of 97; $1.00.
Win. 8. Turner Shannon Acre
Tract. 1 to 18, $61.04.
Win. B. Turner Bbnnuoii Acre
Tracts 19 to 34: $84.84.
Win. H. Turner Shannon Acre
Trad 35; $3.81.
Kdwln ft Klla Heckwlth Silver
Spring Add w 60 ft ot lot 4, blk. 1;
Alma Ixwdi'ii, Silver Bprlug Add,
lot 1 und 2. blk. 4; $3.65.
Wallace K. ft Ida M. Miller Stan
ley, lot 1 and 2. blk. 1 ; $3 43.
Wallaca K. Miller Stanley, lota 3
io 6. 1,1k. l: $4.21.
Wallace V. Miliar 8tantey, lot 11
to 20. hlk. 1: f 10.39.
Wallace F. Miller Stanley, lot 12,
blk. 2; $5.26.
A. M. Hlcka. Sunact City, lot 1, blk.
5; $13.09
Hoy I'. Sunderland Sonnet City,
lot 2, blk. 05; I11.B5.
. Adnlla Hulilvnn Sunaet City, lot 9,
blk. 11; $3.08.
Cltlxen Hank of Portland 8iin
Hhlne Valley Orcbard Tract 15V;
Citizen llutik of Portland Sun-
Rhino Valley Orchurd Tracta 27; $5.28
Citizen Hank of Portland Sun
Kmlly A. Dmvla-O. I. ft 8. Co.'a 1t xblne Valley Orchard Tract. NV4 of
Btei)henon Terrace Aa-
. blk. 5: $1.43.
Itualtv Co. Terrace Add!
79. i.wa. a in i.ii in- tr. ?r. tlon. lot 16. blk. 6: $128.
Geo. Hecrent t lieir ciroiun viw, I Di. r T.-,.n HHI.
uiT r i... a kill ri- tin 38 I'earcy uswego iioikui r..M. ,ii;
& a UAhi.iZtJreon City Wly 1-3 1 Intereet In blk. 15; $5 25. tlon, lot u. dik. d; i.Z.
.Af-e'.Tto. .'nd BVi of J. N. Pearcy-Onweiro Height.- Wtat.rW.Bt.phen.oDT.rr.ce A
iv.nk and Annie Iliuclt Oregon U8.33,
it a blk. 10-. 124.48. Ales C. Chrlntle O. I. ft 8. Co.'a add
J K ft H- K. Uwler Oregon City, to Oawego, lota 2, 3, 4, blk. 12; $12.49.
Kly V4." of lot 6. blk. 36; $12.24. Geo. M. Whittler O. I. ft 8. Co.'
K. r. Croaa-Oregon City, lot 4. blk dd to Oawego, lota 10, 11. 12, blk. 15;
59- 14 01 $22.48.
Mary D. Huntley Oregon City, Ethel I Thompson O. I. ft 8. Co.'a
Noly Vi of 5 "d all lot 6, blk- 67; lit add to 0wego, lot 3 and 4. blk.
$14 28. '"
I) W Jamea Oregon City Kly V4 Arabrone Tapfer Itelr0. I. ft S.
of lot 1, blk. 68; $33.64. Co.'. let add to 0wego, lot 9, 10. 11.
John W. Lodor-Oregou City, lot 1 blk. 44; $23 31.
a Kik ih: 114.48. Kmlly A. Davla O. I. ft 8. Co.'a 1t
. ' " M . XUce c Parmley-Ore- dd to Oawego, lot B. blk. 47; $15.W. '.': $2.06
.1 r, Inte l and 2 blk 71 IU. J. M. Pearcy-O.wego llHlghta- Walter W.
" lea imtnerioMgon City, lot 4. blk. All of lot 8 and of 4 ; $14.66. dltlon, lot 12
J- N. I'earcy-0wego Height- Kttu-ada It
I dltlon, lot 19. blk. B; $1.28.
L..I...U Ilnnllu gn. To 1
l A1-.. ?" ... r'fi'ni ,V."- a...h n... t,' E.Ucada Realty Co.-Terrace Addl-
. vv . n . 1 ... 1 1 . ' . - 1 ww - - 't - -
. . .... - . ma t.,t. Ud. IK Ik . m .a Aft
Of lot 7 .0(1 Wly S- 01 9, ui. , f mnii , m. in 1
Frank . Ford OreKon City, Kly. J. N. Peercy South Oawego, lot
35x66 fi. ot lot 4. blk. 98; $2.04. 1 to 8. blk. 21 : $7.46. v
CAlv. HI V.I 1.ftwrfifa Pt hlw.Rfitit l OliWPfflJ
1 tlon. lot 20. buk 6; $4.13.
EaUcada Realty Co. Terrace aooi
Hon. lot 21. blk. 6; $1.28,
Etacada Realty Co. Terrace Addl-
i.i . . ..a ..... r . 1 or
. " . 1 ul ..... 1. a. ui ir.. tan lion. 101 it. Bin. o ..n
.mi 1 1.11, iai- 118 73. r.rl H Wlmlnr South Daweeo. lol Katacao. Realty Co. terrace aooh
K, r. aDd , e. iioyer Oregon uuy. t to 7. dik. a;
lot 2, 14k 103; $37.74.
J. O. BUaU-Orcgon City, pi of lot. 8 nd 9. Ik J6; II 86.
1 and i, blk. 105; $16.32. N. J,ry-Bout
Otto Erlckon-Orcgon City. lot. 1 to 18 blk. 38. $16.78.
U A. Capliall South Oawego, lot.
South Oiiwego, lot.
nnA 1 hlk 10a: 1211.58.
C.rae K. lxider t)regon City, lot 7
nd R. hlk. 114: 128.56.
E. ft 8. A. Charleaon Oregon City.
Inla h and 6. blk. 121; $H 2H
John ft Cora Van Weel Oregon
i'li Il. 3 and 4. hlk. 132: $9.18.
- -- ...... tn.
T. F. Kyan uregon uiiy, 101 i, ui.
J. N. IVarcy South Oawego
4 to 15. blk. 44; $8.39.
J. N. Poarcy South Onwego, lota
lota 1 to B, blk. 45; $2.33.
J. N. Pearcy South O.wego, lota
14 to 18. blk. 45; $2.33.
II. M. Courtrlght Co. South Oswego
lota 1 to 18, blk. 47; $14.67.
II. M. CourtrlRht Co. South Oawego
lota 1 to 4, blk. 48; 13.80.
H. M. CourtrlKht Co. South Oawego
Wm. Bchunk Oregon City, Frl lot 1
1... i.iu it., ti&r.n
..r;. !;. Oedon-6re.on lot. 13 and 14..blk. 48; 13.73.
City. lot. 1 and 2. blk. 149; $11.22. ' M. 1 0.-South Onwego
II K. Noble Oregon City. Iota 3 and ''. . 18. blk 48. $- 10
.1 iv .4. igii M. J. McDonald South O.wego, lot.
Henry ft Leona Guedon-Oregon B and 6. blk. 48; $1.40.
CI y, lot 8. blk. 149; $12.24. J- V?" '
11 T ..4 Ann. Unwell OroKon t to 18, blk. 06; $14.68.
O. T. and Anna Howell urogon
City, lot 4. blk. 150; $16.32.
John A Gwennle Green Oregon
City. KMi of lot 1. blk. 157; $6.12.
Oregon City Oregon City, lot. 7
and 8. blk. 163; $5.10.
Harry M. Courtrlght Oregon City,
lot 6- blk. 173; $7.15.
Itoy P. Clark Oregon City, all ex.
It of W, blk. 177; $0.12.
Edgar 8. ft Grace V. Ingram 1'
J. N. Pearcy South O.wego. lot.
1 to 6. blk. 57; $4.89.
J. N. Pearcy South O.wego, lot.
9 to 18, blk, 57; $9.14.
J. N. Pearcy Sduth O.wego, lot.
1 to 18. blk. 68; $14.68.
J. N. Pearcy South O.wego, lot
1 to 18. blk. 59; $8.39.
J. N. Penrcy South O.wego, lot.
1 to 18, blk. 60: $14.68
J. N. Pearcy South O.wego, lots
tlo'a Add to Oregon City, Iota 1 to 4. j5.,-e , t ,0 JR blkM c5. j13 n
dik. s; i-su.ttu.
Sarah A. Ware Central Add to Ore
gon City, lot B. blk. 36; $5.10.
J. W. ft Sarah M. O'Donnell Ore
gon City, lota I to 7. blk. 48; $3.16.
Frank K. Andrew. County Add to
Oregon City, lota 3 to 7, blk. 33; $17.33.
Nuncy W. McCoy County Add to
Oregon City, lota 3 to 6, blk. 47; $24.48
Martin mining a aim 10
Vinton K. Palaley Outlook, blk. 5;
Edward C. Schwartx Outlook, E'4
ot, blk. 45; $3.90.
L. N. & C. A. Davenport PurK
Place, lot. 1 and 2. blk. 2; 17.60.
K. It. Ca.e-1'ark pluce, lot. 5 and 6
blk. 3; $10.48.
L. M- Cnee Park Pluce, lot. 7 and
v.linn. c. w"ii ...... ... . .
r - r.n.inn f. lWli.,.f MVVU'I , OIK. i, lll.ii.
ml a- iiiib Lllllo U. Cnae-Park Place. Nly 57.7
oonlCttb1kTE,0ng',, Ald r, J,Olt10Ca.Ap8on'. Sub. D.v.
MrVg0M Jbohn.Boni:ELwood'. of Park Place, lot. 1 to 4. b.k,6: M.U.
..i nr..onn fiiv tr.t 17 hlk 6 J' inpieB Apporson. suo. mt.
Add to Oregon City, lol 17, blk. , . " .
Mr.. O. U Adam. Edgewood'a Add 811
to Oregon City, lot. 3 and 4. blk. 7;
Gladstone R. K. A.a'n. Wgewood'
Add to Oregon City, lot. 12 and .13;
Henry and noBtille Loney Ely's 94 3-96-
Add to Oreiton City, lot 2 to 9. blk. Minnie M
l; $3.26.
Haael Too.e Ely' Add to Oregon
City, lot 1 to 4, blk. 3; $6.63.
John W. Ixider Faiia view Ada to
H. ft S. Charlotte Clyde Clyde'.
Add to Park Place, blk.-11; $1.35.
Stella H. Molendy Peach Cove, blk.
75; $5.15.
Stella H. Melendy Peach Cove, blk.
Ie & J. P. Hottmun
Pench Cove, blk. 95; $2.57.
Daniel Harvey People's Tran. Cos
lota, blk. l; $1.15.
The Ross Co. Plnehurst, Eft of
Oreiton Cltv. lota 1. 2. 3. blk. 12: $3.87. blk. 14; $13.12
D. K. Jackaon Fulls View Add to Geo. ,T. Kelly, Pleasant Little Homo.
Oreeon City, lot 12. blk. B: $3.04. No. 1, 37 to 41; $2 47
John W. Lodor Fall. View Add to T. H. Smith PlenBant Little Homes
Orecnn Cltv: lot 12. blk. 6. 12.04. No. 1, 61 to 66; $3.47.
Helen L. Btratton Falls View Add Andrea Olson Pleo.ant Little
to Oregon City, lot 13, blk. B; $4 08. Homes No. 3, lota 11 to 16, blk. B;
Manraret N. McDonald Falls View $4.36.
Add to OreKon City, lots 11 and 12, John W. Cook Rhododendron, that
blk. 25; $11.23. Part N & E of Cow Creek, blk A;
Marnnret WatoiiDaiiKh Falls View $1.53
Add to Oregon City. lot. 4 to 9, blk. Edith M. Gilbert Robertson, lot 2
26: $18.35. blk. 2; $4.56.
Win. M. Ladd Ludd'a Sub. Dlv of I Francis W. Dwyer Robertson, lot
HodKoa Add to Oregon City, lot 1. blk. 12. blk. 3; $5.47
6; $7.89. v Muriel J. Roher Robertson, lot 10,
Wm. M. Ladd Lndd'a Sub Dlv. of blk. 6; $1.46.
Hedges Add to Oregon City, W of Muriel J. Roher Robertson, lot 12
lot 1. blk. 14; $4.09
Mlnnlo Ross Lewis Mt. Hood View
Add to Oregon City, lot 2, blk. 4;
C. H. Dye Mt. Hood View Add to
Oregon City, lot 13, blk. 7; $2.04.
Wiley W. May Mt. Vlow Add to
Oregon City, lots 5 to 12, blk. 4; $19.39
Wiley W. May Mt. View Add to
Oregon City, lots 1 to 12. blk. B; $9.79.
Wiley W. May Mt. View Add to
Oregon City, blk. 6; $2.45.
Wiley W. May Mt. View Add to
Orogori City, Sly 100x1084 ft. blk 7;
Mlnnlo Albright Mt. View Add to
Oregon City, lots 7 and 8, blk. 11;
John M. Ohl Parker Hill Add to
OreKon City. blk. 1: $1.20
Augusta May-flensant Hill Add to
Oregon City, lots 8 and 9, blk. 8; $17.33
C. I Illakesloe Pleasant Hill Add
to Oregon City, all lot 9 Nft of lot 10,
blk 8: $5.71
C. L. Blnkeslee Pleasant Hill Add
to Oregon City, Nly H of lot 11, blk,
8: $1.63.
O. W. Hendershott Pleag.nt Place
blk. 6; $1.83.
Eliza ,J. Alexander Robertson, lots
1 and 2, blk. 18: $15.51.
Martin T. Duffy Rosewood. N. of
H. & W. R. R. Co.. blk. 1; $7.92.
Salem TniBt Co, Rozella, lots 1, 2
3, blk. l; $1.45.
Salem Trust Co. Rozella. lots 1. 2
3, 4, blk. 2; $2.97.
Salem Trust Co. Rozella. lots 1. 2,
blk 3; $1.34.
Wm. Robbing, Sandy, lot 3, blk. 7
C. W. Cassedy Sandy, lot 5. blk,
8; $6.63.
Mary E. Kehres Sandy, Junker':
aaa, lot 3 dik. i; $10.74.
Henry MIUb Junkers' Add, lots'
and G, blk. 2: $10.28.
Otto Melnlgs sold to Eckleson
Otto Melnlg. Add, lot 1, blk. 1; $1.60,
a. sempert Sandy, Otto Melnig'i
sra Aaa, lot. 1, z, 3. blk. 1; $4.10,
M. E. Lauderback Sandy, Sandy
Lana co. 1st add, lot 8. blk. 11; $13.:
Frank Besrs Sandy, Sandy Land
Co. 2nd add, lot 12, blk. 17; $2.97.
Frank Beers Sandy, Sandy Land
Co. 2nd add, 638x270 (t, not No. $9.59,
tlon. lot 23. blk. 6: $1.14.
Kataeada Realty Co. Terrace Addl
tlon. lot 26. blk. i $3.99.
Miss J. U Ixtnon Terrace Addi
tion, lota 32-33: blk. B; $1.43.
Sarah O. Duncan Terrace Addition
lot 9. blk. 7: $1.22
Multnomah Central Ry. Co. The
Blnfr. 100 ft. of R of W. aero., blk
A B C; $1.73.
Carrie J. Miller The Bluff., lot
lots 2 and 3. all ex KW of L 4. blk. J;
Carrie J. Miller The Bluff, lot
lot 1 to 8. blk. K: $5.20.
Carrie J. Miller-iTbe Bluff., lot
1 to 9, blk. L; $4.45
Carrie J. Miller The Bluff., lot
10. 11. 12. blk. L; $1.05.
Carrie J. Miller The Bluff., lots
1 to 12. tilkt M: $3 56.
Carrie J. Miller The Bluff., lots
O P Q; $1.78.
Carrie J. Miller The Bluffs, lot.
all ex. R. of W. of 8.; $1.05
J. E. Nelson Shaver Sub. Div. ot
the Shaver place, No. 150 ft of lot 8,
blk. 5; $2.51
Inez Hunt Shaver Sub, Dlv of the
Shaver Place, lot 4, blk- 12; $5.02
Northwestern Trust Co View Acres
lot. 1 and 2, blk. C; $33.46
Northwestern Trust Co View Acres
lot. 4, 5. 6. blk l; $9.84
Northwestern Trust Co View Acre.
lot. 7 and 8, blk. D; $6.56.
Northwestern Trust Co View Acres
lot 1, blk. E; $3.28.
Northwestern Trust Co View Acres
lot. 15 and 16. blk E; $4.59.
Northwestern Trust Co View Acre.
lot 1, blk. F; $5.90
Northwestern Trust Co View Acres
lot 2, blk. F; $3 28
Northwestern Trust Co View Acres
lot 15. blk. F; $2.95.
Security Savings & Trust Co., Wav
erly Hgts. blk 4; $79.50
Clementine L. Hall Waverly Hgts
Nly 2.351 acres of 10; $49.02.
Wm. u Brewstei" Waverly Hgts
all ex. Ely 2 acres or 12; $67.57.
Wallts Nash Webster Acres, 3
$14.64. I
Wallls Nash Webster Acres, blks. 1
14, 15, 16; $14.88.
Pearl ft R. C. Foster Webster
Acres, blk. 19; $8.68.
Wnllle Nash Webster Acres, blka.
30 to 33; $48.99.
Wallle Nash Webster Acres, blk.
36; $10.64.
Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co
Weslyn, lot 1, blk. 1: $1.99.
T. L. Chnrman Weslyn, lot 1, blk.
6; $2.31.
Falls Land Co. West Over Acres,
lots 1 to 4, blk. A;- $17.84.
Falls Land Co. West Over Acres,
lots 6 tc-25. blk. A; $55.97.
Falls Land Co, west Over Acres,
lots 1 to 11, blk. B; $46.16.
Falls Land Co. West Over Acres,
lots 1, 2, 3, blk. C; $7.36.
Eunice G. Sargent White City Park
lots 23 and 24, blk. 1; $2.10.
Geo. A. Harding Willamette Falls,
lot 6, blk. 9; $2.71.
A. W. Adamson Willamette Falls,
lots 7 to 10, blk. l; $6.51
Antoinette Stout Willamette Falls,
lots 1 to 4, blk. 16; $28.23.
Amos & Mary Wise Willamette
Falls Acrerfge Tracts, 76.7 ft. x 100 ft
In N E cornor of blk. L; $2.28.
Daisy Ream 1st Add to Willamette
Falls Acreage Tracts, lot 1, blk. F;
John W. Loder fx 1st add to Wil
lamette Falls Acreage Tracts. all"ot
No, ot Co. road, lot 2, blk. I; $1.21.
Bertha Kanney 1st Add to Wlllam
ette Falls Acreage Tracts, blk. Q;
John W. Loder, Tr 1st Add to Wll
lamette Falls Acreage Tracts 1 and 2
blk. R; $9.60.
Addle J. Brltton Brltton's Sub. Div,
of pt. of Willamette Falls acreage
Tracts, lots 1 and 2, blk 2; $2.25,
Hazel Tooze Willamette Tracts,
lnt A hllr 18f 16.00.
Noah H. Herren Willamette Tract.
mVt or blk. 61; $3.87.
Effle Junken Willamette Tract.
lot D, blk. 64; $8.52
P. R. L. & P. Co. Willamette and
Tunlatin Trs., frl. B. blk. 2; $1.24
H. M. Courtrlght & Co. Willamette
4 Tualatin Tr. C, D, R, blk. 2; $7.44.
Martha E. Beven Wlllamat'e ft
Tualatin Tr Kx 932 acre., blk. 34;
V R, L, ft P. Co Willamette ft
Tualatin Tr., all ex. N. 280 ft, blk 45;
Ruby Anderson Wll.onville, lot 7,
blk. F; $1 25.
GtiBtav Schnoerr Willamette and
Tuulatin Tract, all Ex Nly 75 ft of 41;
Gutav Bcbnoerr Willamette and
Tualtitin Tracta all Ex. Nly. 75c ft
of 44; $4.18.
C. A. Bheppard Windsor, lot 6, blk.
! 11.64.
O. T. ft B. A. Hlx.on, Wlnd.or, lot
, blk. 1; $1.64.
Clio. Winter Windsor, lot 1, blk
1; $1.64.
KshIo Franklin Windsor, lot 3, blk.
2; $1.64. k
Es.le Franklin WiiKlBor, lot 4, blk.
2: $1.64.
Iaura B. Swank Windsor, lot 6,
blk. 2: 81.64.
Andrew Ker.haw Windsor, lot 10,
11, 12) blk. 9; $4.63.
O. W. Kennedy Windsor, lot 1, blk
11; $1.23.
H. M. Courtrlght ft Co. Windsor
lot 5 and 6, blk- 11; $2.40,
H. ,M. Courtrlght ft Co. Wlnd.or,
lot 10. blk. 11; $1-23.
Ell. C. Sabln Wlnilnor, lot 6 and
7. blk. 14: $3 08.
Elam Shaw Windsor, lot 1, blk. 15;
J. S. McKlnney ft A. W. Davl.
Wlndor, lot 2, blk. 15; $1.64.
H. Nord Windsor, lot 3, blk. 15;
W. M. Hiowes Vliidor, lot. 6, 7,
8. blk 15: $4 61.
Gu.'ave Hoffman Windsor, lot. 9,
10. blk. 15: $3.08.
IL M. Courtrlght ft Co. Windsor, j
lot 4. blk. 19; $1.23.
H. M, Courtrigbt ft Co. Windsor,
lot 5 to 9, blk. 19; $6.00. ,
Jame Sargent W Indsor, lot 9, blk.
20; f 1.07-
Cella BJackweji Windsor, lot. 1
and 2, blk. 21; $2.46.
Anna Bresterfieidt Windsor, lot 3,
blk. 21; $1.23. ;
Andrew Kershaw Windsor, lots 4.
5, 6,' blk. 21; $4.62.
Henry ft Matilda Russell 1st Add
to Woodmont, loU 8 to 12, blk. 3;
Halem Trust uo. wooouurn orcn
grd Tract, lot 20; $10.40.
C. Ii. Rusaell ana r. P. Drinker-
Wilson Acre, EH of blk. 19; $4.34.
Reynold. Su.an ft John B. 54.60
acre des bk. 132, pg. 268. Sec. 4. T 3,
R 1 W; $22.07.
Hawley, W- IL 10 acre de bk 132
pg. 368, Sec. 4, T 3, R 1 W; $4.96.
Krueger. Fred'k ft F. 1 acre on
end of F. Krueger". land, Sec. 4, T 3,
R 1 W; $1.25.
Llce.ter B. Atkin. 15 acre de. in
bk. 127, pk. 68, T 3,1(1 W; $50.83.
W'arner, 4x)ul--20 acre, des In bk.
121, pg. 359. T 3, R 1 W; $11.15-
Seely, R. I. 10 acre. de. In bk. 136,
pg 159, Sec. 23, T 3.R Rl W; $1.68.
Vaklns, Viola 19 acre, de in bk.
138, pg. 372. Sec 27, T T3. R 1 W;
Mifler, Peter 3.75 acre as des in
Jesse Boone D L C; $12.37.
Prahl. F. W. ft D. C. Grenwalt
1.05 acre, as des In Jesse Boone D l
C; $1.49.
Dick, John 10 acre, as des. In Jeff
Shaw D I, C; $10.37.-
Epler, Fred J. 48.10 acre, as des In
Jeff Shaw D L C; $76.16.
Dean, J. C. (Estate) 1.50 acres in
Tho. Bailey D L C ; $5.46.
Seely, J. B.; S. V.; R. I.; and J. L.
1 acre in Thos. Bailey D L ('.; $.1.73.
Paetsch, Edward 35x100 ft. at one
end; 50x100 ft .t'other end in Lot
Whltcomb D L C; $7.99.
Cornutt S. (Heirs) 1 acre In Lot
Whltcomb D L C; $14.20.
Carpenter, Margaret J. 1-3 Int. in
8 acres In Lot Whltcomb D L C.
Alexander. John W, 2-3 int in 8 acres
In Lot W hltcomb D L C; $81.09.
Campbell, Ixmls H. and Claire B.
43 100 acres in Wm. Meek D L C:
Gallop. Ritchie 4.20 acres in Wm
Meeks DI.C; $62.12.
Wills, W. W. ft M. M. 4 acres ex
50-100 A for road in Geo. Wills D L C;
Richmond, Lena G. 4.65 acres in
Geo. Wills DI,C; $32.25.
Gowan, M. Y. 1 acre in Geo. Will.
D L C; $5.80.
Rilea. Robert J and Mary L.
acres in Hector Campbell D L C; $8.54
Uruno, P. John 13.680 sq. ft. In
Dan'l, Hathaway D L C; $4.61.
Atwood, Mrs. F. A. 10- acres in
Daniel Hathaway D L C; $31.56,
Pechln, E S. 1 acre in Daniel Hath
away D L C; $9.20.
Stampher, J. T. and Gus Anderson
Undtvided V Interest each in 10 acres
In S. H. Tryon D L C; $86.21.-
Nelson, J. Siegefrled 16.66 acres In '
Joslah Franklin. D L C; 22.48.
Davidson. I. G. 27.97 acres in F. A.
ColIardDLC.; $57.07.
Sterling, Edward B. and Fannie
23 01 acres in Jesse Bullock D L C;
Perry. Caleb 33 acres in Jesse Bul
lock D L.C.; $61.05.
Morey, Clara E.; 41.54 acres in Bab
riel Walling D L C; $107.18.
The Glenmorrie Co. 446.68 acres in
Gabriel Walling D L C; $637.91.
Hardman. H- C 14 acres in R, C.
Crawford D L C; $28.61,
Yunker, John & Catherine 10 acres
in Julia Aim Lewis D L C: $11.18.
turner, wuiiam s. 44.48 acres in
Samuel Shannon D L C: $157.84.
DUffy. M. T. 2.20 acres in Jacob
Rlsley D L C; $28.86.
Stoehr, Emily S. 10 acres In Steoh
en Walker DLC; $S8.66.
Schramm, Minnie 1 acre in Steph
en Walker DLC; $8.21.
Chas. H. & Eliza W. Hart 6 acres
In Geo. Crow, D. L. C; $43.80.
Harrison. Ezra B.-W(4 of SWi
01 sec. 4, 1 , 11 1 k; $36-54.
Schunk, August and Minnie 10
acres as des bk. 128, pg. 446, in Sec.
4, T 3, R 1 E; $4.46.
Baker, B. F. 47,41 acres as des In
bk. 138, ng 234, in Sec, 16. T3.. R 1 E:
Spencer, Thos. No. 26 23 acres in
Sec. 18, T 3, R 1 E; $34.11.
Arnold, Maude So. 26.23 acres In
Sec. 18, T 3, R 1 E; $34.10.
Eilers, Herd s,ii acres in Sec. 19
T. 3, R 1 E; $51.87.
Scott, Ida E. McCormlck 49.52
acres In Sec. 21, T 3, R 1 E; $43.32.
Heaii, Jonn s. 10s acres in Sec. 21, 1
T 3, R 1 E; $80.32.
Perrine, H. B. 44.85 acres in Sec.1
21, T 3, R 1 E; $42.52.
Stefan! A. 37,24 acres in Sec 27.
T 3, R 1 E; $49.77.
Perrine, H. B. 122.30 acres in Sec.
27 and 22, T 3. R 1 E; $138.60.
Perrine, H. B. 121.60 acres Sec. 28.
T 3, R 1 E; $97.65.
Urfer C. L. and H. H., sold to Geo.
A. Brodle N14 of N of NE of.N
E of Sec 29, T 3, R 1 E; $9.45. '
Mulloy, Patrick H. 3.95 acres in
Sec. 32, T 3, R 1 E; $2.62.
Francesca Roth 92-100 acre, in
Philander Lee D L C; $3.11. n
A Stephoni 40-100 acres in Philan
der Lee D L C; $8.97.
J. E. Ellsworth 57-100 "acres in
Philander Lee DLC; $10.35,
A fltifanl 100 by 120 ft. in Philan
der Lee V L C; $17.25.
Canby Canal Co. 30-100 acre In
Phlbmder Lee D L C: $15.87.
Carl J. and Ada Bchmitt 87.50 by
116 60 ft. In Philander Lee D L C;
Frank E. and Belle 8. Dodge 6.Z5
acre In Chrtnplng Pendleton DLC;
C. C. and Julia Clausen-5 acre in
Champing Pendleton DLC; $12.93,
Inga M. Robertson 5 acre In
Champing Pendleton DLC; $9.45.
Inga M. Robertson 8.67 A. In Cham
ping Pendleton DLC; $8 82.
Oregon ft California R R Co. New
Era Park Tract In Elizabeth Alprey
D L C. In Sec. 22 and 23, T 3, R 1 E;
I. W. ft Agne M. Noble 6 acre in
Sec. 1, T 4, R 1 E; $2.85.
Joseph M. and Nellie M. Beatty
1.60 acre Sec. 4, T 4, R 1 E; $27.60.
Joseph John. ton 3 acre, Sec. 4, T
4, R 1 E: $9 42.
C. U. Barlow 20.24 acre, in Sec 6,
T 4, R 1 E; $8.94.
Leatha B. Ram.ey SE4 of NE
ft NE',4 of SE!4 of Bee. 10; T 4, It 1
E; $17.17.
Stewart ft Ro.e Y. McClare 10
acre In Sec. 10, T 4, R 1 E; $5.15.
James Adkln 27.92 acre in Sec.
12, T 4, R 1 E; $42.16. .
Joseph Gibson EV4 of NE'4 or NE
of Sec. 15, T 4, R 1 E; $12-37.
W. F. Macky 15 acre in Sec. 1.
T, 6, R 1 E: $4.51.
A. J. ft Katherlne Lais 10 acre.
Sec. 6, T 6, R 1 E; $4.95.
A. Jacob Sold to K. Orugeraon
9.96 acre in Sec. 8, T 5. R 1 E; $4.06.
J. E. Payne, B acre In see, 16, T 5,
R 1 E; $2.55.
T. D. 8ymmonds 82 acre, ex 3 A
for creek In Sec. 17, T 5, R 1 E; $31.15
Iaura U Wilson 10 acres in Sec.
28, T 5, R 1 E; $9.90.
G. D. Ixng 45.50 acre, in Sec. 81,
T 5. R 1 E; $13.86.
Kate Haugh ft D. E. Sklrvln Un
divided Int. each in 50 acre in Sec.
10. T ;. R 1 E; $24.09.
Jame Barlow 6 ache. In Sec. 25,
T 1, R 2 E; $9.24.
Emmltt O'dell 8E4 of SE, Sec.
25, T 1, R 2 E; $42.81.
Mabel Palethrope 15 acres, 8ec. 27,
T 1. R 2 E; $17.88.
Effle M. Bodwell 9.96 acre in 80c.
27, T 1. R 2 E; $11.92.
Slathax A Clark 2.30 acre. In Sec.
34. T 1. R 2 E; $11.40.
Clarence W. J. Crookshanke 55
ceres In Sec. 1, T 2, R 2 E: $91.76.
Altha Smith 8.28 acre in Sec. 2.
It. 2 E; $5.64. -
Cor. V. I-aJoie sold to Le1 Keiser
10 icres in Sec. 2, T 2; R 2 L; $10.26.
Slatba A- Clarke 47.70 AOit in Sec.
3, T 2, R 2 E; $36.94.
J0.1 CfcFtagnetto 10 acroa In Stc.
t. 1 2. h 2 E: $20.22.
T. J Anthony 9 acres Li Sec. 5,
T :, I! 2 C; $27.38.
Wm. r. Gardner (Est) :fi.08 acre.
In Sec 10. T 2. R 2 E; $17.32.
Oregon Surety ft Casualty Co.
9.67 acre, in Sec. 13, T 2, R 2 E;
Oregon 8urety ft Casualty Co.
14.60 acres in Sees. 18 and 13, T 3,
2, R 2 and 3 E; $6.68.
Louis Keats 14.81 acre in Sec. 15,
T 2. R 2 E; $16.90.
City of Gladstone 5.50 acres in Sec.
21, T 2, R 2 E; $10.14.
H. I Keata 16.62 acres In Sec 22,
T 2, R 2 E; $15.21.
P. T. Hunt 20 acre. In Sec. 27, T 2,
R 2 E; $11.69.
Scandinavian American Bank of
Portland 22 acres in Sees. 28 and 28.
T 2, R 2 E; $16.44.
Maria C. Kraft 25 acres in Sec.
28, T 2, R 2 E; $16.12.
John Ben.on 63 acre in Sec. 3
T 2. R 2 E; $35.76.
Hazel Tooze 60 acres in A. B- Hoi-
comb D. U C; $23.76.
I. G. Davidson 20 acres in Isom
Cnnnfield DLC; $41.55.
I. (J. Davidson 12 acres in Iaom
Cranfield DLC: $32.85.
Phoebe A. Gilbert Heirs 20 acres
in A. P- Smith D L C: $54.74.
Elmer Coleman 10.40 acres in
Cyrus Wads worth D h C; $6.50.
I. G. Davidson 50 acres in James
McNary DLC; $167.28.
John F. Jennings 4 acres in B.
Jennings D L C; $15.52.
J. W. Bryant 9.50 acres in
Abernethy DLC; $19 84.
Matilda Bryant 2 acres in
Abarnethy DLC; $5.46.
A. S. Nichols 146.95 acres in Hiram
Straight DLC; $676.00.
Fred L. Hogg 20x200 fjt., In Hiram
Straight DLC; $5.07.
Roger O. Woodward Part of Hiram
Straight DLC; $5.07.
H. A- Bohn 2.73 acres In Peter
Rinearson DLC; $35.70.
Anna Vandermeer 9.629 acres In
Peter Rinearson D L, C; $74.69. ,
E. M. Howell 10x150 ft. in Oregon
City, Claim, lying between Bitter ft
Dsnzels Tracts on 16th St.: $1.01.
J. W. Hudgens 50x100 ft. in Ore
gon City Claim; $3.06.
r. a. Stevens 150x300 ft. In Ore
gon City Claim; $10.20.
C. W. & Emma S. Morean 150x
270 ft. in Oregon City Claim; $19.38.
MaDei I'aiethrope 55x270 it. in Ore
gon City Claim; $16.32.
John C. Alnsworth 270x304 ft. in
Oregon City Claim; $42.84.
Vincent ft Mary Jelence 52.50 s
130 ft In Oregon City Claim; $7.65.
jonn w. Loder 3.75 acres in Ore
gon City Claim; $14.29.
John G. KUlgreen 13 acres in Ore
gon City Claim; $93.54.
T. Charman Heirs 60-100 acres in
Ezra. Fisher DLC; $1.87.
G. O. Ireland 34-100 acres in Ezra
Fisher DLC; $3.13.
G. B. Dimlck. Tr. 50-100 acres In
Ezra Fisher DLC; $6.26.
John W. Loder 3 acres in Ezra
Fisher DLC; $4.70.
Peter Daletas 2.50 acres In Ezra
Fisher DLC; $10.95.
Unas. f. Terrlll 35-100 acres in
Ezra Fishtr DLC; $3.91.
western Imp. Co. .1793 acres in
Hugh Burns D 1 C; $3.08.
John Patterson SEVi of SE4 of
sec. 1, i 3, K 2 E; $23.66.
Grant E. Barney 73.70 acres in
Sec. 2; T. 3, R 2 E; $21.17.
Grant E. Barney NE4 of Sec. 11
T 3, R 2 E; $38.92. '
George S. Wolston SV of SW4
sec. 11, tjkje; $21.98.
Margaret Wood 7.46 acres in Sec.
16. T 3, R 2 E; $5.94.
M. & W. Jennings 7.05 acres in
sec. 16, T a, R 2 E: $4.26.
uarton W. & Mary W. SlmmonB
4.40 acres in Sec. 30. T 3. R 2 E: 81.49
twirton w. & Mary W. Simmons
NE ot NEK of Stc. 31, T 3, R 2 E
Emtl Nelson 1.67 acres in S.
White DLC: $9-51.
Jacob Paul 8 acres In S. S. White
DLC; $18.35.
AugiiBt & Minnie Schunk 15 acres
in S. S. White DLC; $4.95.
Annie W. King 30 Oacres In M. M
McCarver DLC; $68.00.
Henry Loney 15.20 acre, in An
drew Hood DLC: $10.93.
Susan A. Blackwood 78. 50 acres in
J. S. Howland DLC; $40.93
T. A. Snook 3fi nores in Robert
Caufield DLC; $10.79.
George T. Poteet 39.20 acre.
Robert, Caufield DLC; $59.27.
Rottlne Bail 5 acre lu Robert Cau
field U L C; $4.99.
8. J. Roger 6 acre In Washing
ton William. DLC; $3.61.
John W. Loder 11.60 acre in
Washington William. DLC; $11.68.
Louis M. Sederlin 2 acre in Wm.
Holme. DLC; $20.40. I in Sec. 34, T. 3, R 3 E; $30.21.
Lout. M, Sederlin 1 acre In Wm. Levi U Manlove 8 E& of
Ex. 6 A in Sec. 18, T 3 R 3 K; $6
Fred R. Wei 6 acre. In Mec. IS. T
3, R 3 E; $3.38.
Cn.per N. Braa.ch Lot. 4 and 6.
Sec, 27, T 3, R 3 E; $l,J.
Nelson Hackett 65 acre, in 80c.
27, T 3, R 3 E; $14.31,
O. W. and Nora B. Elliott 40 acre
Holme. DLC; $4.1
Hexter ft May 30100 acre In Wm.
Holme. DLC; $10.21.
Lester L. Schwartz 50x75 ft In
Wm. Holme. D L C; $3 06.
I). Callahan 1 acre in Wm. Holme
DLC: $10.21.
Geo. F. and Mary A. GIbb 21.30
acre In Wm. Holme DLC; $62.40.
jonn uanen.iein zo.ss acre in
Wm. Holme DLC; $15.61.
Jame. A. Kay 38-100 acre in Wm.
Holmes DLC; $306.
T. Cbarman ft Son 50-100 acre In
Wm. Holme D L C; $2.05.
Leone Buckner 30 acres In Sec. 2.
T 4, R 2 E; $5.71.
Mary A. Barron WV4 of WVi of
NW4 of Sec. 2, T. 4, R 2 E; $12.08.
George ant Emma Lowry 40-100
acres of Sec. 8, T 4, R 2 E; $1.12.
Alex F. Gifford 8V4 of SE ex.
NET4 of SE& of SE!4 Sec. 14, T 4,
R 2 E; $17.42.
E. P. and Ida E. Berdlne 40,000
q. ft. in Sec. 17, T 4, R 2 E; $4.07.
Jen. N. and Moran Jepson 18-100
acre In Sec. 17, T 4, R 2 E; $6.16.
E. A. Mallatt-Sft of NEK ot 8E14
Sec. 18, T 4. R2 E; $19.71.
W. E. Rosencrantz 72.62 acre in
Bee. 20, T 4, K 2 E; $30.94.
R. H. Snodgras and E. P. Berdine
8E of NWK. Sec. 21, T 4, R 2 E;
$7.39. '
Frank Klernan 4.50 acre Sec. 28,
T 4, It 2 E; $3.08.
F. W.-Prehn SE4 of SE4 Sec.
&b, T 4, K Z K; $17.16.
J. E. Short 3.60 acre, in Wm. Rus-
leii DLC; $18.48
Frank Klernan 10 acre in Harri
son Wright DLC; $7.78.
II. B. Perine 108.88 acre In See
2, T 5, R 2 E; $45.16.
H. B. Perine NE of NE'4 No
of Molalla River, Sec. 3, T 5, R 2 E:
IL B. Perine Lot 1 and 8E4 of
SW of NW Sec. 11, T B. R 2 E;
Fred 8chafer E of NE4 and
LoU 2. 3, 4. T 6, R 2 E; $28.38. .
Roea 8chafer 8E; of 8E4, Sec.
11, T 5, R 2 E; $25.80.
Rosa Schafer NWji ot SW4 Sec.
12, T B, R 2 E; $7.22.
Fred Schafer NWVfc of 8E and
NEVi of SW4'. Sec 12, T 6. R 2 E;
Rosa Schafer Lot 1, Sec. 14. T 6,
A 2 Hi,
FFred Schafer 7.60 acre in See.
14, T 9, K 2 E; $1.55.
Ida E. Parent 6.50 acre in Sec 17
T. 5, R 2 E; $2.39.
D. B. Eaatham 140 acre. 8ec 30,
T 5, it 2 E; $58.51.
Ftank S. L. Bagby 160 acres, Sec.
44, 1 t, K 2 E: ltil.81.
Clarence R. McAyral NE14 of NE
X ec. do, 1 b, K 2 E: 16.21
Mazle L. McCaully NE of SW
oec, uo. x o, k a JS; $10.52.
Maine well (Heir.) 15 acre. In
wm. isngie DLC; $35.17.
rea bchafer 6 acre, in Charles
gweigle DLC; $1.55.
Mabel Baty 50-100 acre, in Math-
las ssweigle DLC; $10.89.
Falls Land Co. 159.33 acre, in
I bos. Jackson DLC: $85.47-
Frank ft James Janov.ky Sft of
SE&; ex. l acre in Sec. 17, T 6, R 2
c; iza.&z,
M. A. M. Ashby NW4 and NEVI
ot SW4, Sec. 36. T 6. R 2 E: 28.&s
"W. and Martha Zidell. Ahrahnm
, Zidell Half interest'each in W ot
w fi oec. z, 1 t, u z l; $12.88.
John T. Buckner NE ot NW of
oec iv, 1 v, K Z E; $4.86,
Wm. and Sarah Justus Eft of Eft
oec. iu, 1 I, K 2 E; $18.24.
Hattie E. Wells N ft of Sft of SW
01 sec. z&, T 1. R 3 E: $5.22
Edwin Nelson Wft of Wft of NW
ot w sec. 28, T 1, R 3 E; $3.08.
i. unwrcuue a acres, sec. 28, T 1,
R 3 E; $3.08.
Edith Ramegbotham EA of e4
of NW?4 of NW4 Sec. 48, T 1. R 3
E; $6.16-
W. B. Mallies 8 acres, Sec. 30,
T 1, R 3 E; $15.40.
H. S. Mallies 10 acres in Sec. 30,
T 1, Ri 3 E; $18.48.
Lawyers Title ft Trust Co. 25
acres in Sec. 32, T 1, R 3 E; $27.55.
j. rrencis ana uaisy D. Teevin
SE4 of NW14J of nek and Rdway
in Sec. 34, T 1, R 3 E; $9 98.
H. M. Lake 8 acres Sec. 36. T 1.
R 3 E; $6.95.
Harold IL Fessenden 100x200 ft
Sec. 1, T 2, R 3 E; $4.51.
R. R. Poppleton 7 acres, Sec. 1.
T 2, R 3 E; $7.65.
Altman-Taylor Machy. Co. 30x60 ft
Sec. 1, T 2, R 3 E: $1.40.
C. Gordon Parkhurst 5 acres, in Sec.
1. 1 I, u 9 E: 14.18.
Kicnard Sleight. 5 acres In S 1
T 2, R 3 E; $4.17.
W. Frank.. 9.38 acres. In Sv 1
T 2. R 3 E; $4.17.
t. H. and Alice F. Whitfield lfi ko
acres, Sec. 4, T 2, R 3 E; $10.33.
lawyers Title ft -Trust Co. Nft of
NWK, Sec. 5, T 2, R 3 E; $159.07.
oew, u. u.; Ruth j, and Faith
Young 43.10 acreB, Sec. 6. T 2. R 3
E; $72.16. '
Mary A. Watts 10 acres Sw s
T 2, R 3 E; $13.05.
Mary A. Watts EU, of SWW. Sp
8, T 2, R 3 E; $66.12.
M. M. Lhase 6.50 acr. Sao
T 2, R 3 E; $16.54.
Fred ft Arthur Kindorf NWU nt
SWK and Lot 2, Sec. 13, T 2, R 3 E;
James A. Cobb 27 acres. Sao u
T 2, R 3 E; $12.28.
Barney A. Geslason 5 acrn in so
15. T 2, R 3 E; $1.98.
John . Loder 12 acres. So ik
T 2. R 3 E; $5.15.
W. H. Chatten 40 acres in Ren is
T 2 R 3 E; $18.31.
Oregon Surety & Casualty r-o
14.50 acres in Sec. 18. T 2. n 9
$9.72. '
W. Grennwell 1.33 acre. sp
T 2. R 3 E; $1.22.
Harriett S. Kinney Lots E and r
Sec. 26, T 2, R 3 E; $14.56.
Aivin uiark Lot 2 and v. 5n a
of Lot 3. Sec. 35. T 2. R 3 E: 14.18
aiviu warn i3b.eo acres, Sec. 36.
.ciizaoein urown 21.50 noroa in
kodi Arinur U Li C: $16.64.
J. T. Stampher 40 acres in Taann
iasweii u Li u; $10.40.
Lois Gsrlinger 100.10 acres in Na-
maniei L,amo DLC: $97.93.
Alvln Clark 100.41 acres in Sen
1, T 4, K 6 E; 122.67.
Amu LiarK is.yu acres in Sec. 1
1. 3, a i k; $2.60.
Alvin Clark Lot 1 and NEU of
rxcy oec. t, 1 3, K 3 K; $4.68.
W. M. Stone, Tr 5 acres, Sec,
T 3 R 3 E; $2.98.
B. R. Hannaford Lot 7, Sec. 16,
1 3, K 3 K; $25.44
Thomas W. Lane Sft of NWft of
vv v4 bx. o a in sec. 18, T 3, R 3 E
J. L. Bond Nft ot NWft of SWft
Sec. 34, T 3. R 3 E: $19.72.
Casper N. Bra. sch 698.37 acre. In
Nicholas Well D L C; $533.10.
Chas. E. and Anna M. Pyke 30
acre. In David Cutting D L C; $7.63.
Lora B. Catho 10 acre in Mathew
tticnaruson u L C; $11.13.
Agne Matlock 10 acre. In Mathew
Richardson D L C; $15.90.
Gertrude E. Hlcinbotham 1 acra
In Allen Mattoon D LC; $5.15.
Anwony Smolensky 31.08 acre In
Thoma. Waterbury D L C; $13.17.
n. a. iianoweii Z5 acres in W. II.
Foredyce DLC; $12.92.
Airred U I'arkhurst SW4 of SE
ft ot Sec. 5, T 4, R 3 E; $22.26.
W. G. Dwlarht NEU of HEU nr
Sec. 5, T 4, R 3 E; $28.14.
Airrea 1,. Parkhurst NE of NW
ft of Sec. 8, T 4, R 3 E; $14.30.
A. B. Baker ft W. E. Jaberg NWft,
of NEft and NEft of NWft Sec. 9,
T 4, R 3 E; $54.24.
J. C. and Mary E. Nel.on Nft of
NWft of NWft of Sec. 17, T 4, R 3
E; $7.93
J. C. and Mary E. Nelson NEft
of NEft ot NEft of Sec. 18, T 4, R 3
E; $3.62.
Lucile P. Keeny NWft of SWft
Of Sec. 27, T 4, R 3 E; $12.64.
Robbln Eft ot Eft of SWft ot
NWft' (Eft of Lot 2) of Sec. 30, T 4.
R 3 E; $4.45.
E. F. Riley Wft of NWft and SE
ft ot NWft. Ex. Wft of Eft of 8Wft
of SWft of Sec. 30, T 4, R 3 E; $31.13.
C. E. Trecott Wft of Eft of 8 Wft
of SWft(Lot 2); $3.06.
W. 8. Gorbett NWft of NWft Ex.
1 Acre In NW Cor, Sec. 2, T 5, R 3
E; $1U5.
Sarah E. Miller Sft of SWft. Sec.
, T 5, R 3 JS; $12.66-
Matt Nelson Eft of NWJ4 of NW
ft, Sec 9, T B, R J E; $10.67.
rrang Hendricks Eft of 8Eft. Sec.
12, T 6 R; R 3 E; $6.10.
Simon Callahan NEft of NWU ft
W 30 acre of NWft of NEft 8ec. 19,
1 o, tl in; IZ4.99.
Frank A. Plerson SEtt of Sec. 8.
T 6, R 3 E; $19.04. .
Malcolm M. Jameson NEU. of See.
8; T 6, R 3 E; $7 61.
Perry O. Stacey NWft of Sec 28.
T 6, R 3 E; $11.42.
John C. ' Weill Eft ot NE' Sec.
34, T 6, R 3 E; $14.28.
Johan A. W. Olson SWft of Sec.
4, T 7, R 3 E; $5.13.
Percy G. McArthur Nft of Nft
Sec 26, T 7, R 3 E; $24 30.
Robert E. Andrew Eft of SEft ot
SEft of Sec. 26, T 1, R 4 E; $4.32. ,
Stlllman Andrew 78.50 acre. Sec.
26. T 1, R 4 E; $39.67.
Ambert Andre w--E ft ot NEft of
SEft and Roadway, Sec 26, T 1, R 4
E; $9.50.
Gertrude Andrew Wft of NW ft
of 8Eft Sec. 26, T 1, R 4 E; $2.88.
stlllman Andrew. 4 acre. Sec 27.
T 1, R 4 E; $4 32.
Han. Nelaon 5 acre. Sec 28. T 1.
R 4 E; $2.87.
Han Nelson Sft of Sft ot NEft
ot NEft. Sec 29, T 1, R 4 E; $5.90.
U. L. and Ida R. William. SWft
of NEft Sec. 29, T 1, R 4 E; $28.64.
uitner IS. Swanstrom NEft of NE
ft Sec 30, T 1, R 4 E; $25.02.
E. E Miller Tr. Eft of SWft and
NWft ot SWft Sec 30. T 1, R 4 E;
George W. Beers Eft ot SWft of
NEft Sec 3, T 2. R 4 Er $t2.47.
T. B. Bowan NEft ot NEft of SB
ft of Sec 3, T 2, R 4 E; $6.29.
Mary A. Strucken Sft ot NWft,
Ex. Wft of SWft of NWft Ex. 2 A.
Sec. 10. T 2. R 4 E; $29.06.
Eliza J. Root 49.31 acres, Sec 6,
T 2, R 4 E; $34.75. f -
William J. Hickey. William B. Hick
ey Heirs ft int in Wft of SEft ot
Sec. 6, T 2, R 4 E; $28.43.
J. M. Deardortf (Heirs) SEft of
NEft Sec. 8, T 2, R 4 E; $16.45.
C. J. Miller 33.94 acre, in Sec J3,
T 2, R 4 E; $11.59.
James H. McElroy 6 acres in Sec.
13, T 2, R 4 E; $24.45.
C. J. Miller Sft of NWft of SWft
Ex 2 A in NWft Ex 1.50 A Sold and
Ex 6.06 Acres in Plat of the Bluff.,
Sec. 12, T 2. R 4 E; $68.17.
Uerald, Roy and Guy Wilcox 76
acre, in Sec. 28, T 2, R 4 E; $30.24.
Emma W. Trullinger sold to S. C.
Brovindar 66 acres in Sec. 33, T 2.
R 4 E; $17.25.
Brien Barclay NEft ot SEft Sec.
35, T 2, R 4 E; $18.52.
B. Gobbl 80 acres in John Glover"
DLC; $48.23.
Mary I. Preston 1 acre In Phillip
Foster DLC; $5.32.
John M. Henkle 130x130 ft and
luoxioo it. in Phillip Foster DLC:
$13.85. '
P. F. Davis 10 acres in Sec. 21,
T 3, R 4 E; $4.88.
Lee Wells 38.50 acre, in Sec. 26.
T 3, R 4 E; $11.70.
John W. Hoare 19.75 acres in Sec.
27, T 3, R 4 E; $12.08.
Joseph M. Relg 6 acres In Sec. 28.
T 3, R 4 E; $3.64.
Fred Jorg 8.93 acres in Sec- 29. T
3 R 4 E; $5.34.
C. E. Dubois 20 acre, in Sec 29
T 3, R 4 E; $6.10.
Max Von Newmcn 4 acres in Sec
29, T 3, R 4 E; $3.05.
Chas. E. and Geo. E. Dubois 62.65
acres in Sec. 29. T 3, R 4 E; $19.07.
Poter T. Gannon 20 acre, in Sec.
30, T 3, R 4 E; $29.87.
A D. & Caroline Schmidt KWU
of NWft! and Lot 7, Sec 32, T 3, R
4 E; $9.28.
Chas. E. & Geo. E. Dubois Lnt fi
Sec. 32, T 3 S, R 4 E; $4.37.
uarrieid Country Club 5 acres in
Sec 36, T 3, R 4 E; $2-85.
Eleanor M. Boone 2.52 nnnaa In
Franklin Pierce D. L. C; $3.25.
uuio. i.oa uurea in r TanK
lln Pierce DLC; $15.18,
inos. ft Esther J. MacCorkindnl
17.22 acres In Thos. Lee D L C; $1158
mrs. u. u. Heipie 1.14 acres in Geo.
Currin D L C; $4.10.
Mary C. Callwell SEU of kv.u a
Eft of SEft Sec. 1. T 4, R 4 E;
Alton Rogers 10 acre In Ron '.
T 4, R 4 E; $1.93.
Matilda Neal 6.40 acres in Sec 4,
T. 4, R 4 E; $3.69. ,
H. E. Noble NWW nf SWU In
Sec. 7, T. 4. R 4 E; $10.30.
J. D. Gordon Lot 1, Sec. 11, T 4.
R 4 E; $5.56. .
John Jost Jr., 5 acres in Sec 1.
T 4, R 4 E; $2 08.
W. N. Jones Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
Sec. 16. T 4, R 4 E; $69.08.
Douglas Boylan (hairs) LoLt 8,
Sec. 16, T 4, R 4 E; $6.96.
W. A. Jones 20 acres in Sec 20.
T 4, R 4 E; $7.37.
Fred Oversen 15 acre, in Sec 21,
T 44, R 4 E; $2.78.
Douglas M. Boylen Wft of NEft
Sec 21, T 4, R 4 E; $35.92.
Security Savings ft Trust Co. Wft
Of NWft Sec. 31, T4 R 4 E; $13.28.
(Continued on Page 8)